Safe Lifting Procedure 2

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This lifting procedure has been developed to ensure the safe and efficient execution of lifting
activities within our organization. The primary purpose of this procedure is to minimize risks
associated with lifting heavy objects or equipment, protect the safety of personnel involved, and
prevent damage to property and the environment.

Project Overview
The State Government of Sarawak intends to build a Second Trunk Road between Samarahan to
Roban with an exit link to Pan Borneo Highway vide Sebuyau to Sri Aman / Betong and Jalan
Kelupum/ Jalan Tg. Genting to Lanang Bridge, Sibu. Package B1a – from CH28+515 to CH29+635,
comprises of approximately 724.86m long proposed balanced cantilever bridge over Sungai Lingga a
total 325.14m long approach roads, and a 35m long Transition Zone at each approach road
connecting to Package B1 and Package B2.

Roles and Responsibilities

Site Engineer

 Ensuring that adequate inspection and maintenance of lifting equipment has been carried
 Ensuring that there is an effective procedure for reporting defects and incidents and taking
any necessary corrective action.
 Responsibility for the organization, control and safety of the lifting operation.

Site Supervisor

 To assist Site engineer to ensuring that adequate inspection and maintenance of lifting
equipment has been carried out.
 To assist ensuring that there is an effective procedure for reporting defects and incidents
and taking any necessary corrective action.

Lifting Supervisor

 coordinate all lifting activities in accordance with the Lifting Plan;

 brief all lifting team members on the Lifting Plan, safe lifting procedure and Risk Assessment;
 ensure that only registered crane operators, appointed riggers and appointed signalmen
participate in any lifting operation involving the use of mobile and tower cranes;
 ensure that the ground conditions are safe for any lifting operation to be performed;
 be present during all lifting operations to ensure that the lift is carried out in accordance
with the lifting plan;
 keep within his/her sight and view of all the lifting operations; and
 take suitable measures to rectify unsafe conditions so that the lifting operation can be
conducted safely.

Crane Operator

 Carry out the lifting operation in accordance with the Lifting Plan;
 Inspect the lifting equipment prior to use to check for abnormalities;
 Check that load radius indicator and other safety devices are functioning properly;
 Ensure that the ground is stable and the surrounding is free from any structures or materials
that may obstruct the lifting operation;
 Carry out lifting operation only when a lifting supervisor is present on site;
 Disengage from any manoeuvre that is dangerous;
 Monitor environmental effects such as thunderstorm and strong wind that will affect the
safe operations of the lift;
 Report any defects immediately to the lifting supervisor, and record such defects in
maintenance log records;
 Stop the lift whenever unsafe conditions occur; and
 Check the crane wire rope to ensure it is still within safe use.


 Communicates with the lifting operator using hand signals, radio, or other communication
 Provides clear and precise signals to guide the lifting operation.
 Ensures that the lifting area is clear of personnel and obstacles.
 Alerts the operator to any potential hazards or issues during the lift.


 Prepares the load for lifting, including attaching slings, chains, or other rigging gear.
 Ensures that the load is properly balanced and secured.
 Inspects rigging equipment for damage or wear.
 Works closely with the lifting operator to ensure a safe and controlled lift.

Safety Officer:

 Monitors the lifting operation for compliance with safety protocols and regulations.
 Conducts safety audits and inspections of lifting equipment.
 Addresses any safety concerns or violations immediately.
 Provides guidance and assistance in the event of an emergency.

Site Safety Supervisor

 To conduct safety briefing before start work

 To inspect the work area and address any safety concerns or violation during the lifting

Lifting activity Procedure

Lifting heavy objects using a crane requires strict adherence to safety procedures to prevent
accidents, injuries, and damage to property. Here is a general procedure for safe lifting using a

1. Preparation and Planning:

 Conduct a thorough assessment of the lifting operation, including the weight and
dimensions of the load, the crane's capacity, and environmental conditions (e.g.,
wind speed).
 Ensure the crane is in good working condition, with all safety devices and equipment
functioning properly.
 Determine the appropriate rigging equipment (slings, shackles, hooks) and verify
their condition.

2. Site Safety:

 Establish a clearly marked exclusion zone around the crane to keep unauthorized
personnel away from the lifting operation.
 Ensure proper signage and barriers are in place to warn others of the lifting

3. Qualified Personnel:

 Ensure that only trained and qualified personnel operate the crane. Crane operators
should have the necessary certifications and experience.

4. Load Calculation:

 Calculate the weight and center of gravity of the load accurately. Consult load charts
for the specific crane being used.

5. Rigging and Attachment:

 Choose the appropriate rigging equipment and verify that it is in good condition.
 Attach the rigging equipment securely to the load, ensuring proper weight
 Use tag lines or guide ropes to control the load during lifting.

6. Communication:

 Establish clear communication protocols between the crane operator and the
ground personnel using radios or hand signals.
 Ensure that all personnel involved in the lifting operation understand and follow
these communication protocols.

7. Pre-Lift Check:

 Conduct a comprehensive pre-lift check of the crane, including inspecting cables,

hooks, and safety devices.
 Verify that the load is properly rigged and secure.

8. Lifting Operation:

 The crane operator should follow the load chart and slowly lift the load while
monitoring load stability.
 Use smooth and controlled movements throughout the lift.
 Avoid sudden stops or jerky motions.
 Maintain a safe distance from the load and any obstacles.
9. Load Positioning:

 Carefully position the load at the desired location using the crane's controls.
 Ensure the load is stable and secure before releasing it.

10. Post-Lift Inspection:

 After completing the lift, inspect the rigging equipment for damage or wear and
store it properly.
 Conduct a post-lift inspection of the crane to ensure it is ready for the next

11. Documentation:

 Keep records of the lifting operation, including load calculations, equipment

inspections, and any incidents or issues encountered.

12. Emergency Procedures:

 Establish emergency procedures in case of equipment failure, accidents, or adverse

weather conditions.
 Ensure all personnel know how to respond to emergencies.

13. Training and Continuous Improvement:

 Provide regular training to crane operators and other personnel involved in lifting
 Conduct post-operation reviews to identify areas for improvement and implement
necessary changes.
Emergency Response
Emergency response planning is crucial during lifting activities to ensure the safety of personnel and
property in case of accidents, equipment failures, or unexpected situations. Here is a general
guideline for emergency response during a lifting activity:

1. Emergency Communication:

- Establish a clear and efficient communication system before commencing the lifting operation.

- Ensure all team members have access to communication devices such as radios or phones.

- Designate a responsible person to call for help in case of emergencies.

2. Stop Lifting Operations:

- The Site Safety Supervisor or designated authority should have the authority to stop the lifting
operation immediately if safety concerns arise.

- All lifting equipment should be brought to a controlled stop and secured.

3. Ensure Personnel Safety:

- Ensure the safety of all personnel in the area by moving them to a safe distance from the lifting
operation and potential falling objects.

- Implement designated safe assembly points or evacuation routes as part of your lifting plan.

4. First Aid and Medical Assistance:

- Designate trained personnel to provide first aid if there are injuries. Ensure first aid kits are
readily available.

- Contact emergency medical services if injuries are serious or require professional medical

5. Fire Safety:

- If there is a risk of fire due to equipment failure or other reasons, activate fire suppression
systems and use fire extinguishers if safe to do so.

- Ensure that all personnel are aware of fire evacuation routes.

6. Evacuation:

- In the event of a severe emergency, such as a major equipment failure or hazardous material
release, initiate an evacuation of the entire site or specific areas as necessary.

- Ensure that personnel are accounted for at designated assembly points.

7. Equipment Shutdown:

- If the emergency involves equipment malfunction, immediately shut down and secure all
equipment involved in the lifting operation to prevent further hazards.

8. Report the Incident:

- Promptly report the emergency incident to the appropriate authorities, including local emergency
services, project management, and safety officers.

9. Investigation and Documentation:

- After the emergency is resolved, conduct a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of
the incident.

- Document the details of the emergency, including what happened, who was involved, and any
actions taken.

- Use this information to identify lessons learned and improve future lifting safety protocols.

10. Return to Normal Operations:

- Once the emergency has been addressed and it is safe to do so, plan for a controlled resumption
of normal lifting operations.

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