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N/B In Response to the Huge Costs Associated in Coming Up with Such/Similar

Resources Regularly, We inform us All, MARKING SCHEMES ARE NOT FREE OF
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FREE to Anybody/Everybody. Hence NOT FOR SALE
by Amobi Group of Examiners.
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 for Marking Schemes
1.i) Define the term Geography.
ii) Name two branches of Geography.
iii) List the main areas of study in Physical Geography.
iv) Apart from map work, list any other areas that need practical approach in Geograhy.

2i) Define the term environment.

ii) Name and describe two types of environment.
iii) Distinguish between ecology and ecosystem.
iv) Define the term habitat.

3i) Differentiate between Pedology and Geology as branches of Geomorphology.

ii) What is the relationship between Geography and Mathematics?
iii) Geography and History
iv) Geography and Biology
v) Geography and Agriculture
vi) Geography and Chemistry
vii) Geography and Meteorology
viii) Geography and Geology
ix) Physics and Geography
x) The diagram below shows the relationship between Geography and other disciplines.Name the
disciplines marked U, V, W and X.

4) State the reasons why it is important to study Geography.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1ai) What is the solar system?
ii) Name two theories that explain the origin of the solar system.
iii) Explain the origin of the earth according to Passing Star Theory.
iv) What are the weaknesses of passing star theory?

bi) Explain the origin of the solar system and the earth according to the Nebular Cloud Theory.
ii) What are the weaknesses of the theory?
ci) Explain the Supernova explosion Theory.
ii) What are the weaknesses of the theory?
di) State two reasons that make the earth different from the other planets in the solar system.
ii) State any two reasons why the interior of the earth is still very hot.
iii) State the factors that determine the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface.

2i) What is an orbit?

ii) What are planets?
iii) Differentiate between a planet and a comet.
iv) State the period within which each of the planets below complete a revolution round the earth.
b) The diagram below shows the composition of the solar system.

i) Name the planets marked F and G.

ii) Name any two planets without satellites.
iii) Give four characteristics of planet Jupiter.
3i) Define the term moon.
ii) Define a satellite.
iii) Name three heavenly bodies
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
4i) What are asteroids?
ii) Distinguish between meteoroid, meteors and meteorite.

5i) State the reasons why the earth is flattened at the poles and bulged at the equator.
ii) What is the shape of the earth?
iii) Describe the shape of the earth.
iv) Give four proofs that the earth is spherical.
v) Give two effects of the oval shape of the earth.

6i) Differentiate between aphelion and perihelion.

ii) Explain the effects of the following forces to the shape of the earth.
 Gravitational force –
 Centrifugal force-
 Centripetal force-
iii)What is Coriolis force?

7a) The diagram below represents the earth on its own axis. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

i) Name the latitude marked G and E.

ii) What is the angle of inclination of the earth’s axis from its orbit?
iii) What is latitude?
iv) What is a line of longitude?
v) State the differences between latitudes and longitudes.
vi) Differentiate between rotation and revolution of the earth.
vii) State the effects of the rotation of the earth.
viii) Give two effects of revolution of the earth.
b) Use the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
i) Identify the movement of the earth is represented by the diagram above.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
ii) The diagram below shows the revolution of the earth around the sun. Use it to answer the questions
that follow-

iii) If the earth takes 366 days to make one complete revolution during a leap year, how long will it
take to move from position 1 to 4?
iv) What season is experienced in the Southern Hemisphere when the sun is in position 1?
v) What is summer solistice?
vii) State the characteristics of summer solstice.
viii) Give three consequences of revolution of the earth on days and nights.
ix) What is winter solistice?

8ai) Define the term equinox.

ii) On which two days in the year does the earth experience equinox?
iii) Give the dates in the year when the sun is overhead at noon.

b) Study the diagram below and answer question that follows.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
i) The season marked X
ii) The date marked A
c) Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.

i) What season does the Northern Hemisphere experience at position 1?

9i) How is time calculated.

ii) What is the local time at Alexandria 300 E when the local time at Malindi 400 E is 12.00 Noon?
iii) What is the longitude of a place X whose local time is 8.00 am when the local time at Green Wish
meridian (00) is noon?
iv) What is the longitude of station X when it is 8.00 am, while in Nairobi at longitude370 East, the time
is 12.00 noon?
v) The time at station C on longitude 1450 east is 1 p.m. What is the time at station B 300 East?
vi) The time at Conakry (Guinea) 100 west is 10.00 am. What is the time at Mogadishu (Somalia) 370 E?
vii) If the local time in Nairobi on longitude 370 east is 10.00 p.m. What will the time be at Buchanan
Liberia on longitude 100 west?
viii) What is the difference between local time and standard time?
ix) State the effects of crossing the International Date Line. (I.D.L)
x) What is Great circle?

10ai) What is an eclipse?

ii) Differentiate between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse
b) Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
i) What type of eclipse is represented by the diagram?
ii) Name the features marked L and M.
c) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

i) State three characteristics of the above phenomena.

ii) Name parts marked. A & B
d) The diagram below shows the sun, the earth and the orbit of the moon round the sun. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.

i) At what position is the moon likely for a solar eclipse to occur?

ii) At what position is the moon likely for a moon eclipse to occur?
iii) Name part marked Q and I.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1ai) Describe the composition of crust.
ii) Name the dominant minerals in the continental crust.
iii) Name the two major types of earth’s movements that occur within the earth’s crust.

2i) The diagram below represents the internal structure of the earth. Use it to answer the questions below.

ii) Name the parts marked U and V.

iii) State two mineral of the outer core.
b) Use the diagram of the internal structure below to answer the questions that follow.
i) Name the parts marked P andQ on the structure of the earth.
ii) The Discontinuity marked R.
iii) State three characteristics of the mantle.

iv) Name the dominant minerals in the mantle.

c) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
i) Name the parts marked X and Y.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1a) What is weather?
b) Differentiate between weather and climate.
c) State three advantages of studying weather through field work.
d) Identify the methods that can be used to collect data in a weather station.
e) State the methods used to record data in a weather station.

2a) Define the term climate.

b) What is micro climate?
c) State the factors that influence climate
d) Describe four factors that influence climate.
. i) Latitude v) Ocean Currents
ii) Altitude vi)Wind / Air masses
iii) Continentality vii) Aspect
iv) Distance from the sea viii) Human activities

3a) What is climate change?

b) Give three natural causes of climate change.
c) State five effects of climatic change.
d) Explain two effects of climate change in the physical environment.

4a) Describe Maximum and Minimum thermometer is used.

b) Describe how a maximum thermometer works.
c) Describe how a minimum thermometer works.

5a) Identify the weather measuring instrument.

b) Name the parts marked, A, B, C, D & E

c) Explain how the instrument is used.
6a) Describe how humidity is measured.
b) What are the factors that influence relative humidity?
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
c) State three ways in which air pressure affects humidity.
d) Differentiate/distinguish between relative humidity and absolute humidity
e) State the significance of humidity in the atmosphere.
f) A mass of air at 30⁰c can hold 17.117gm/m3 of moisture. The same air temperature has 6.262gm/m.3
Calculate the relative humidity.
g) What is the relative humidity of a given mass of air if at 300C it has 45 g/m3 of vapour and yet it
can still hold a maximum of 55 g/m3 at the same temperature?

7i) Apart from latitude, state two other factors that influence the variation of humidity in the earth’s
ii) Explain the influence of latitude on humidity in the atmosphere.
iii) What weather instrument is represented by the two thermometers?

iv) Name the parts labeled P and Q.

v) How is a hygrometer used?

8i) State the factors that determine the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface.

9a) What is precipitation?

b) Name three types of precipitation.
c) Name the forms of precipitation that commonly occur in Kenya.

10) Explain how forests and water bodies influence rainfall.

i) Forests
ii) Water bodies
11) Study the map of Africa provided and answer the questions that follow below.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
i) Identify the climatic regions A, B, C and D.
ii) Describe the characteristics of the climate marked A.
iii) Describe the characteristics of the climate marked D.

1a) What is a weather station?
b) What are the factors to consider when sitting a weather station?
c) Name three types of records kept in weather station.
d) Explain why in a weather station:-
The rain gauge is sunk into the ground –
The top of the rain gauge is 30cm above the ground –
The Stevenson is raised 121cm above the surface –
e) What are the factors to consider when sitting a weather station?
f) State any reasons why the recording of data in a weather station may be inaccurate.
g) Name the instruments to match the elements of weather that can be measured in a school weather
Element Instrument
Atmospheric Pressure
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
Evaporation Rate
h) What is temperature?
Factors that determine amount of solar radiation
How is the atmosphere is heated:

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
A comparion:
i) Instrument: Temperature/ maximum thermometer amd minimum thermometer/sixs thermometer
Explain the factors influencing temperature.
Length of day
Distance from the sea/large water bodies
Ocean currents
Cloud cover
Measurement of weather elements
i) Element:
How does it work?

Maximum temperature
How does it work?

 The Sixs Thermometer

How does it work

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
NB: The lines joining places of equal temperature on a map are called ISOTHERMS.
ii) Element: …………………………………………………
Instrument: …………………………………………………

How it works:
Element ……………………………………………………
Factors influencing humidity:
Source of moisture:
Air pressure:
Air pressure:

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Significance of humidity:
Specific humidity
Relative humidity
How it works:
Interpretation of the readings:
Calculating humidity:
A wet bulb thermometer

Element: Wind Direction

How it works:

How it works:
Element: Sped of wind
Instrument: ………………………………………………………………

Factors influencing wind direction and speed

Distance between places of high and low pressure:
Rotation of the Earth

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Frictional force:
Centrifugal force:
Presence of relief barriers:
Wind direction: ……………………………………………………………..

Wind direction:

Cup Anemometer: ………………………………………………………………

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
How it works:
Element: …………………………………………………………………….
Instrument: …………………………………………………………………..

How it works:

Factors influencing atmospheric pressure

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Rotation of the earth:

Element: ……………………………………………………………………
Instrument: …………………………………………………………………

How it works:

How it works:

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Element: …………………………………………………..

How it works:
2a) Define the term weather forecasting.
b) What are the methods of weather forecasting?
c) What is the importance of weather fore casting?
d) State the problems facing weather forecasting.

1a) Identify the weather structure found in a weather station.

bi) Give reasons why a Stevenson screen is

Painted white –
Has louvered –
ii) State the characteristics of a Stevenson screen.
Painted white –.
Have metallic legs-
 Raised at least 121 centimeters above the ground
 Roof is made of double board –
c) State and explain four qualifications which make the Stevenson screen suitable for its work.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
d) State two weather recording instruments that are placed in a Stevenson screen.

1) Use the tables below to answer the questions that follow.
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp C 27 27 27 26 25 25 25 26 27 27 26 26
Rain mm 65 85 150 250 225 125 75 75 75 112 125 125
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp C 27 28 27 27 26 24 23 23 24 24 26 27
Rain mm 68 81 142 286 187 28 28 28 36 55 68 78

i) What is the annual range of temperature for the two stations?

ii) Calculate the annual rainfall for station A.
iii) Describe the characteristics of rainfall B.
2) The table below shows climatic figures for station Q. Use it to answer questions that follow.
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp⁰C 30 31 31 29 27 27 28 29 28 28 27 30
Rainmm 257 246 231 234 207 201 218 227 234 240 235 230

i) Give the annual range of temperature for station Q. 31⁰ c– 27⁰c = 4⁰c.
ii) Calculate the total annual rainfall for the station.
iii) Calculate the mean monthly rainfall.
iv) Outline the characteristics of climate in station Q.
3) The table below shows rainfall and temperature figures of a station in Africa.
TEMP ⁰C 23 24 23 22 19 17 18 19 19 20 22 23
RAIN MM 109 122 130 76 52 34 28 38 70 108 121 120
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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
i) On the graph paper provided draw combined a line and bar graph/polygraph to represent the figures.
(Use a vertical scale of 1cm reprent 10mm and 5⁰c).
ii) State the significance of humidity in the atmosphere.
iii) Describe the rainfall pattern for the station.
iv) Calculate the total annual rainfall.
v) What is the annual range of temperature?
vi) What is the mean monthly temperature for the station?
vii) Identify the climate represented in the table above.
Precipitation: Dew
Forms of moisture: How it’s formed
Snow: Rain:
Sleet: Causes of condensation:
Hail: How condensation takes place:
Factors influencing rainfall type and amounts:
Relief/ topography Air pressure:
Aspect: Air masses:
Forest and water bodies: Ocean currents:
4a) The diagram below shows the formation of some type of rainfall. Use it to answer the questions below.
i) Name the type of rainfall shown by the diagram.

ii) Using well labelled diagram,describe how the above type of rainfall forms.
iii) Why does the air cool as it rises?
iv) State three ways by which air condenses to form rainfall may be made to rise.
b) The diagram below shows the formation of some type of rainfall. Use it to answer the questions below.
i) Name the type of rainfall shown by the diagram.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
ii) Describe how conventional rainfall is formed.
iii) State the weather conditions associated with the above rainfall.
iv) State the reasons why convectional rainfall is common in Western Kenya region.
v) Explain two problems associated with conventional rainfall in the lake region of Kenya.
c) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, explain the formation of frontal/cyclonic rainfall.


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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1a) Define the term clouds.
b) Explain how cloud formed?
c) Name one method used to measure cloud cover.
d) State two factors that are considered when classifying clouds.
2a) Identify two types of high level clouds.
b) Descibe the high level clouds.
3a) Identify two middle level clouds.
b) Describe middle level clouds.
4a) Identify low level clouds.
b) Describe low level clouds.
5a) Identify clouds of great vertical extent.
b) Describe clouds of great vertical extent.
c) State the characteristics of cumulonimbus clouds.
d) Give two reasons why cloud concentration is higher in the troposphere
e) Name two types of clouds that give rise to rainfall in the tropical regions.

1a) What is an isothermal layer?
b) State the characteristics of the weather conditions in the troposphere.
c) Name the isothermal/ transitional zones of the atmosphere.
d) Name the constituents of the troposphere.
e) Outline two characteristics of troposphere.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
f) Why is cloud concentration higher in the tropopause?

2a) Name the gas that is found in the stratosphere and state its significance.
b) State three ways through which the atmosphere is heated.
c) What is temperature inversion?
d) Apart from water vapour, name two other substances that are suspended in the atmosphere.
e) Name two importances of water vapour in the atmosphere.

3a) Name two importances of water vapour in the atmosphere.

4) The diagram below represents the structure of the atmosphere. Use it to answer question below.

i) Name the parts marked. P & Q

ii) The layer of discontinuity marked. R
Discuss the atmosphere:

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1a) Define the term fog.
b) Name three types of fog.
Radiation fog: Hill /orographic/upslope fog:
Advection fog: Evaporation fog:
Steam fog: Steam fog:
Frontal fog Ice fog:
How fog forms:
c) State two conditions that are necessary for fog formation.
1a) What causes sea breeze.
b) State the effects of a sea breeze.
c) Give ways in which sea breezes influence the climate of the adjacent area.
d) Explain how the breeze develops.

2) The diagrams below represent the flow of air.

a) Identify the air currents below. A & B

3) The diagram below shows a local wind. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) Name the local wind.

b) Explain how the local wind occurs occurs?
4) The diagram below represents the flow of air current.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
a) Name the type of the local wind.
b) Define a sea breeze and explain how it occurs?
5a) Identify the characteristics of cold ocean currents.
b) State the effects of cold ocean current on the adjacent land.
c) What is the influence of the cold ocean current on the climate of the adjacent landmass?

6) The diagrams below show types of Local Mountain of winds. a) Identify the type two types of
mountain winds.

bi) List two characteristics katabatic winds.

ii) List down the characteristics of anabatic winds.
iii) What is the difference between the anabatic and katabatic wind?
iv) What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)?
High pressure zone:
The Temperate Low Pressure Zone:
v) What are planetary winds?
vi) What are Trade winds?
vii) What are prevailing winds?
Trade winds
The Westerlies:
The Polar Easterlies:
Monsoon Winds:
v) Describe the following winds
Chinook winds

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Fohn winds/Alps
The Harmattan winds
The Khamsin
What is a cyclone?
Tropical cyclones e.g Hurricanes, Typhoons and Willy willies

1a) What is an air mass?
Effects of masses on weather
b) Name the major air masses of the world.
The Equatorial air mass.
c) State the conditions associated with a depression.
d) Differentiate between maritime and continental air masses.
e) Explain four effects of climate change on the physical environment.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1) Define the term field work.
2a) Define the term reconnaissance.
b) What is the importance of a reconnaissance study?
3) Give the disadvantages of data collection through direct observation in a field work.
4a) You are planning to carry out a field study. Give reasons why it is important to seek permission from
the school administration.
b) List the sources of information you are likely to use before the actual field study.
c) List some of the challenges a student is likely to encounter during field study.
5) You plan to carry out a field study, give the reasons why you need a route map for your study.
6a) Identify sampling techniques that can be used during a field study.
b) Give the advantages of sampling during a field study.
7) Identify characteristics of a good hypothesis.
8) State the advantages of using interview method to collect data during a field study.
9) State the advantages of having a working schedule when carrying out a field study.
10) State the ways in which students may prepare themselves for a filed study.
11) What are the advantages of studying Geography through field work.
12) Suppose you are to carry out a field study. Design a working schedule.
13) State follow up activities you may undertake after the field work.
14) What are the advantages of content analysis?
15) State the advantages of using observation to collect data during field work.
16) Name three types of field work.
17a) What is primary data?
b) Name the methods that can be used to collect primary data during field work.
18) State the reasons why it is necessary to take a pre visit to an area of study.
19) Give reasons why taking photographs is a good method of data collecting during field study.
20) Apart from reading from secondary sources, state other ways in which students prepare themselves
for the field study.
21) What are the advantages of studying landforms through field work?
22) What are the advantages of dividing a class into groups when carrying out a field study?
23) What are the advantages of carrying out a field study through oral interview?
24) State the importance of seeking for permission before conducting a field study.
25) What are the disadvantages of interview as a method of data collection in a field study?
26) Give reasons why you would require a route map when carrying out a field study.

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1a) You have planned to carry out a field work of a river in its youthful stage.State two ways in which
you would prepare for the study.
b) Name two features you are likely to study.
c) List two problems you are likely to experience during the study.

2a) Some students carried out a field work on coastal features found along the coast of Kenya.List three
features formed as a result of coastal emergence that they are likely to have studied.
b) Describe ways in which features resulting from coastal emergence are of significance to Kenya.

3a) Your class is planning to carry out a field work of a river in its old stage.State three reasons why it
would be necessary to undertake a pre-visit to the area of study.
b) You are supposed to carry out field work of an eroded area.What information would you collect
through observation that would indicate that the area is severely eroded?
c) Identify three methods you would use to record the observations.
d) State three recommendations you would give to control soil erosion.

4a) You are required to carry out a field study of the natural vegetation within your local
environment.Apart from identifying the different types of plants, state three other activities you
would carry out during the field study.
b) How would you identify the different types of plants?
c) State two ways in which the information collected during the field study would be useful to the local

5a) You are planning to carry out a field study in a forest.Give four reasons why it is important to seek
permission from the school administration.
b) List three sources of information you are likely to use before the actual field study.
c) Identify four challenges you are likely to encounter during the field study.
d) Name two sampling techniques you are likely to use during the field study.

6a) Suppose students were to carry out a field study on glaciation on Mt Kenya.Give two reasons why
they would need a route map.
b) State two problems they are likely to experience during the field study.

7a) Some students are planning to carry out a field study on rock weathering around their school. List
three secondary sources of information they are likely to use as they prepare for the field study.
b) Apart from using secondary sources, state four other ways in which the students would prepare for
field study.

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8a) Suppose you are to carry out a field study on the relationship between vegetation and altitude.
b) State three methods you would use to record the information collected during the field study.
c) Name two types of maps you would draw to present the findings.

9a) You are required to carry out a field study of the vegetation within the local environment.Apart from
identifying the different types of plants state three other activities you will carry out during the field
b) How will you identify the different types of plants?

10a) A Geography class has been divided into groups. Each group is to carry out a field study on the
suitability of starting a business in the nearby town.Give two preparations they would make before
carrying out the field study.
b) State two reasons why the groups will be necessary in carrying out a field study.
c) Name three follow up activities they would carry up after the field study.
d) Suggest two possible objectives for the study.
e) Name two methods they would use to collect data.
f) State two hypotheses for the study.
g) Give two problems they are likely to encounter.

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Prefer Calling Amobi Group of Examiners @ 0743 333 000 or 0706 851 439 Marking Schemes
1a) Define the term rock.
b) Differentiate between rocks and minerals.
c) Identify three characteristics of minerals.
d) Classify rocks according to the mode of formation.
e) List two characteristics of rocks.
f) How are rocks classified?
g) State four uses of rocks.
h) Explain two ways in which age of rocks can be estimated.

2i) Define the term minerals.

3) Differentiate between plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks.
4a) Describe three ways in which sedimentary rocks are formed.
Mechanically formed-
Chemically formed –
Organically formed –
b) State two characteristics of sedimentary rocks.
c) Give two reasons why sedimentary rocks are dominant along the Kenyan coast.
d) State two changes that occur in sedimentary rocks when they are subjected to intense heat and
e) Mention the characteristics of sedimentary rocks.
f) Describe two processes through which sedimentary rocks change into metamorphic rocks.
g) State two changes that occur in sedimentary rocks when they are subjected to intense heat and pressure.
h) Give two examples of chemically formed sedimentary rocks.
i) Name examples of organically formed sedimentary rocks.
j) Explain the process of formation of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks.
k) Give three types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks.
l) Mention areas where sedimentary rocks are found in Kenya.
j) Explain three ways in which sedimentary rocks are significance to the economy of kenya.
m) Describe the following types of rock.
i) Calcareous
ii) Ferruginous
iii) Siliceous
iv) Carbonaceous
n) Explain the processes through which sedimentary rocks changes into metamorphic rocks.

5a) Explain how igneous rocks are formed.

b) Give examples of the following types of igneous rocks.
i) Plutonic rocks:
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ii) Hypabyssal rocks:
iii) Volcanic rocks:
iv) Give two examples of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks.
v) Give two examples of igneous rocks.
ci) Describe how extrusive igneous rocks are formed.
ii) Differentiate between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.
iii) State the characteristics of igneous rocks.
d) Explain the importance of studying rocks.
6i) What is the use of coral rocks?
7i) Distinguish between porous and pervious rocks.
ii) Distinguish between permeable and impermeable rocks.
iii) Describe how organic rocks are formed.
8i) The table below shows some examples of metamorphic rocks. Complete the table.
Original rocks Metamorphic rocks
Limestone. Marble.
Augite. Hornblende.
Clay/ mudstone. Slate.
Granite. Gneiss.
Sandstone. Quartizite.
Shale. Schist.
ii) What is rock metamorphism?
iii) Apart from thermal metamorphism name two other types of metamorphism.
iv) For each of the following rocks name the resultant rock that forms after metamorphism.
Sandstone- …………………………………………………
 Limestone- ………………………………………………..
Granite- …………………………………………………….
9ai) Describe the distribution of rocks in Kenya.
ii) State three examples of rocks that is dominant at the coast of Kenya.
iii) Identify the dominant rocks in each of the following areas.
Coastal Kenya: ……………………………………………..
Eastern Kenya: …………………………………………….
Western Kenya: ……………………………………………
iv) List two types of rocks dominant in Kenya.
bi) Explain four ways in which rocks contribute to the economy of Kenya.
ii) Explain the significance of rocks.

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1ai) Define mining.
ii) What is a by -product in mining?
iii) Differentiate between a rock and a mineral.
bi) State the formations in which minerals occur.
ii) Differentiate between vein and a lode.
i) Give three processes which influence the occurrence of minerals;
ii) Explain how the following factors influence occurrence of minerals;
a) Vulcanicity: d) Metamorphism
b) Erosion: e) Leaching
c) Evaporation: f) Sedimentation

2a) Identify any four characteristics of minerals.

bi) State the factors influencing the exploitation of minerals in Kenya.
ii) Explain how the following factors influence mining.
a) Value of minerals
b) Quality of the ore
c) Mining method
e) Level of technology
f) Mode of occurrence of minerals
g) Explain four ways in which capital promotes the development of mining.

3i) Name three types of minerals.

4i) Describe panning as a method of mining.

5i) Name two types of underground mining apart from deep shaft mining.
ii) Apart from deep shaft mining/underground, name three other mining methods.

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iii) Describe deep shaft method of mining.
iv) State two problems associated with deep shaft mining.
6i) Describe open cast mining.

ii) Name two minerals mined in Kenya using open cast mining method.
iii) List three ways in which open cast mining affects the environment.
iv) State three environmental problems associated with open cast method of mining.
v) State the effects of open cast mining on the environment.
vi) Explain three advantages of open cast method of mining.

7) What is adit method of mining?

8) Describe the dredging method of mining.

9i) State where the following minerals are mined in Kenya;
ii) Name the methods used to mine diatomite in Kariandusi in Kenya.
Salt …………………………………………………….
Titanium ………………………………………………
Diatomite ……………………………………………….
iii) Name two minerals mined in Kenya.
iv) Name one area where each of the following minerals is mined in Tanzania.
Gold ………………………………………………

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v). Name the minerals mined in the following areas of East Africa
Kerio Valley ……………………………………….
Kariandusi ………………………………………….
Tororo ……………………………………………….
10). Use the map of Africa provided to answer questions below.

i) Name the main minerals mined in the shaded areas marked;

ii) The mining town marked P;

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11) Use the map of East Africa provided below to answer the questions that follow.

i). Identify the minerals mined in the areas marked;

ii). Name sea ports through which minerals are exported.
12ai). Describe how soda ash is extracted from Lake Magadi.
ii) Describe the processing of trona in Lake Magadi.
iii) State the problems facing soda ash exploitation in Lake Magadi.
iv) What are the problems facing Magadi Soda Company while exporting soda ash through the port
of Mombasa?
v) State the benefits of soda ash mining to the economy of Kenya.
b) A field study was conducted on mining of soda ash on Lake Magadi.
i) State three mining methods that the students would have observed.
ii) List three problems the students would have experienced during the study.

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iii) Identify three major minerals mined in Kenya.
13i) Name two provinces where gold is mined in South Africa.
ii) State areas where gold is mined in South Africa;
iii) Name places where gold is mined in Tanzania.
bi) State the reasons why gold mining has not been fully exploited in Kenya.
ii) Describe the processing of gold from the time the ore is lifted to the surface.
iii) Explain four contributions of gold to the economy of South Africa.
iv) State four problems facing gold mining in South Africa.
v) What are the uses of gold?
14i) Name two methods used in mining diamonds in South Africa.
ii) Name two fluids that are used in diamond processing in South Africa.
iii) Name two areas where diamond is mined in Tanzania.
15ai) Name areas where diamond is mined in South Africa.
ii) Name two methods used in mining diamonds in South Africa.
iii) Explain ways in which diamond occurs.
bi) Describe how diamond is processed in South Africa.
ii) Name two fluids that are used in diamond processing in South Africa.
iii) Give the uses of diamond.
iv) Identify the problems facing diamond mining in South Africa.
16a) The diagram below shows the occurrence of petroleum n the earths

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bi) Apart from oil name two other none renewable sources of energy.
ii) Give the by-products obtained when refining crude oil.

iii) Name three fossil fuels;

ci) Outline two conditions necessary for the formation of petroleum.
ii) Name four oil producing countries in Middle East.
iii) Name four oil producing countries in Africa.
iv) Name the countries to which Kenya exports petroleum products.
di) Explain four effects that the increase of oil prices has had on the economies of oil importing countries
in Africa.
ii) Explain the contribution of oil to the economies of the Middle East countries.
iii) Explain ways in which non - oil producing countries in Africa can reduce over dependence on oil as
a source of energy.
iv) State two reasons why the petroleum refinery is located at Mombasa.
v) What are the effects of liberalization of oil industry in Kenya?
vi) Why does Kenya import her oil in crude form?
vii) State four ways in which Kenya can reduce the use of petroleum as a source of energy.
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17i) Explain four problems facing the mining industry in Kenya.
ii) Explain the negative effects of mining on the environment.
iii) State three negative effects of mining on the environment.
iv) Explain four ways in which mining contributes to the economy of Kenya.
v) Explain five ways in which mining has promoted industries in Kenya.
vi) Explain ways in which mining promotes industrialization in Kenya.
vii) State the significance of mining.
viii) State five ways in which mining cause pollution.
ix) How does mining lead to the destruction of the land?
x) Explain the problems facing mining industry in Kenya.

18i) What is derelict land?

ii) Highlight three ways in which mining derelict land can be reclaimed.

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