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Coterminal angles in a particular

We’ve been looking at finding the coterminal angle within the interval that
defines one positive full rotation, namely, [0∘,360∘) or [0,2π). But we can
actually look for coterminal angles in any interval.

Usually we’ll do this by setting up an inequality. To do that, we need to

first realize that, given an angle θ, an angle α will be coterminal with θ when
α = θ + n(360∘) for any n. In radians, we’d of course express this as
α = θ + n(2π).

Let’s do an example with an angle in degrees so that we can see how this
process works.


Find the angle in the interval (−900∘, − 540∘] that's coterminal with 247∘.

The interval (−900∘, − 540∘] is a full 360∘ rotation. Notice how, because we
have a parenthesis around the −900∘ and a bracket around the −540∘, it
means that the angle −900∘ exactly isn’t included in the interval, but the
angle −540∘ exactly is included.

We’ll let θ = 247∘, and then we’ll say that α is the coterminal angle that lies
within (−900∘, − 540∘]. Then we can say

−900∘ < α ≤ − 540∘

But since α is coterminal with θ, we substitute α = θ + n(360∘) into the

−900∘ < θ + n(360∘) ≤ − 540∘

−900∘ < 247∘ + n(360∘) ≤ − 540∘

−1,147∘ < n(360∘) ≤ − 787∘

−3.19 < n ≤ − 2.19

Remember, n has to be an integer, which means n = − 3. And therefore, to

find α, we'll substitute n = − 3 into α = θ + n(360∘).

α = 247∘ + (−3)(360∘)

α = 247∘ − 1,080∘

α = − 833∘

Let’s do another example, but this time with a radian angle.


Find the angle in the interval [−π, π) that's coterminal with 56π /3.

We’ll let θ = 56π /3 and α be the angle within [−π, π) that's coterminal with θ.
We'll use α = θ + n(2π) and solve for the value of n that makes α lie in that

−π ≤ α < π

−π ≤ θ + n(2π) < π

−π ≤ + n(2π) < π

59π 53π
− ≤ n(2π) < −
3 3

−9.83 ≤ n < − 8.83

Because n has to be an integer, we know n = − 9. To find α, we'll substitute

n = − 9 into θ + n(2π).

α= + (−9)(2π)

56π 54π
α= −
3 3



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