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SEX” refers to the biological characteristics that people are born with.

“GENDER” refers to the socially constructed roles and behaviours of girls, boys, men, and women.
Gender plays a role in influencing how people perceive themselves and one another, as well as how
they interact with each other. It also influences power dynamics within society. Though deeply
rooted, gender roles can change over time, and differ across societies and cultures

GENDER EQUALITY- The state or condition that affords women and men equal enjoyment of human
rights, socially valued goods, opportunities and resources, allowing both sexes the same
opportunities and potential to contribute to, and benefit from, all spheres of society (economic,
political, social, and cultural).

GENDER EQUITY - Justice and fairness in the treatment of women and men in order to eventually
achieve gender equality, often requesting differential treatment of women and men (or specific
measures) in order to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages that prevent women
and men from sharing a level playing field.

Gender analysis- centres on understanding how gender systems (in general patriarchies) work and
the values, beliefs and gender relations that sustain them. It examines the gender norms, including
appropriate gender roles and behaviours, acceptable sexualities and established hierarchies and the
distribution of power and access to resources in a specific context transmitted, reinforced and
reproduced through social, political and economic systems. It identifies and makes efforts to
understand the causes and consequences of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual
orientation and sex characteristics based discrimination and violence and the unequal power
relations between different genders, sexualities and people with different sex characteristics.

Gender relations: are the social interactions and distribution of power among genders and
sexualities established in a gender system (for example, in patriarchy) in given contexts. Gender
relations are influenced by other social relationships including but not limited to social class,
ethnicity, age, race and ability. The way gender intersects and interacts with these
characteristics impacts an individual’s level of privilege, their access and control of resources
and their ability to participate in and influence the decisions that affect their lives

Patriarchy - a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the
family and descent is reckoned through the male line.

Gender roles are the social and cultural expectations for how people should behave
according to their assigned gender. These roles shape the behaviors, attitudes and
responsibilities considered appropriate for men and women. Gender roles evolve
over time but still trend toward traditional and stereotypical notions of masculinity
and femininity. Gender roles can limit and restrict people’s choices and prospects
based on their gender, perpetuating gender inequality.

Gender stereotypes- are beliefs or assumptions about characteristics, traits,

behaviors and roles of people based on their gender. These stereotypes are created
and reinforced by gender norms and can lead to biased judgments and
discrimination against individuals who do not conform to them. Gender stereotypes
can be positive and negative, but they tend to fit rigid ideas of masculinity and

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