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Flowcharts are written with program Pseudo code is a detailed yet readable An algorithm is a set of well-defined
flow from the top of a page to the description of what a computer instructions to solve a particular
bottom. Each command is placed in a program or algorithm must do, problem. It takes a set of input(s) and
box of the appropriate shape, and expressed in a formally-styled natural produces the desired output. For
arrows are used to direct program language rather than in a programming example, An algorithm to add two
flow. language. Pseudocode is sometimes numbers: Take two number inputs.
For example, software developers can used as a detailed step in the process
use them to work out how the of developing a program.
automated and manual parts of a
process join up. Inexperienced team
members might follow a flow chart to
help them to complete activities in the
right order. A manufacturer could
ensure that it keeps to its values by
applying a quality-control flow chart
that presents questions and decision
points. And an HR department might
combine a flow chart with an
organogram to show people who to
contact about issues and when.


1. Steps of preparing to play a game, First step is to plug in a computer and turn on the computer,
second step is open the software that want to play that install in the computer, third step is to
play and enjoy if done playing shut down the computer properly and unplug.
2. Steps of cleaning teeth. Step one grub toothbrush out of drawer then take a glass and fill it with
water then step two put toothpaste In your toothbrush and wet it down, step three brush your
teeth one side at a time back and forth – back and forth, switch side go back and forth and brush
your tough step four rinse your mouth out and place toothbrush back in its place.

Add 10 and 20 To solve this problem we will take a variable sum and set it to zero. Then we will take the
two numbers 10 and 20 as input. Next we will add both the numbers and save the result in the variable
sum i.e., sum = 10 + 20. Finally, we will print the value stored in the variable sum.

 Initialize sum = 0 (PROCESS)

 Enter the numbers (I/O)
 Add them and store the result in sum (PROCESS)
 Print sum (I/O)

Sum = 0

Enter 10, 20

Sum = 10 + 20

Print sum

Task #4
1. Which symbol indicates movement to the next operation?
 Flow Symbol
2. Which symbol represents any type of function or action?
 Process Symbol
3. Yes or No, A decision returns either True or False.
 Yes
4. True or False, Multiple flow lines can exit from a Start symbol.
 False
5. Which shape signifies the start or end of a process. Which shape shows instructions or actions.
 Oval Shape
6. Which shape highlights where you must make a decision.
 Diamond Shape
7. Which shape shows input and output. This can include materials, services or people.
 Parallelograms Shape
8. It describes how to do something, and your computer will do it exactly that way every time.
 Algorithm
9. A semi-programming language used to describe the steps in an algorithm.
 pseudocode

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