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Brainstorming ideas


- Shopping behaviors
o Use online applications to make purchase
o Cashless payment
o Convenient

- Fashion trends

- Studying and working

o Online classes and working from home become more common
o Before COVID-19, online classes and work were not appropriate.
o After COVID, they have become a reliable and acceptable choice

- Economy
o People lost jobs
o Businesses shut down
o New careers

- Health awareness
o People are more aware of cleanliness
o Washing hands more often
o Always wear masks even though COVID-19 is not dangerous

- Lifestyles
o Have more free time to learn new skills
(Pick the three reasonable main points that you can elaborate best!)

There are three major changes that COVID-19 brought to life.

MAIN POINT 1: the way people buy and sell things

HOW: Online shopping has become more common and gained
more popularity.
WHY: It’s more convenient as customers don’t need to travel to
shops, which are not in their local areas.

MAIN POINT 2: the acceptance of online classes and working from home
HOW: Before COVID-19, online classes were not quite common
and considered inappropriate and invalid.
During COVID-19, everyone needed to stay at home and
online classes became necessary.
Even though most classes are conducted on-site, online
classes are occasionally conducted and become more acceptable.

MAIN POINT 3: Awareness of hygiene

HOW: Before COVID-19, many people didn’t seem to care about
hygienic issues such as washing hands before eating or using
masks when getting sick.
Though COVID-19 is not a deadly disease now, most people
are still concerned about health issues. They wash their hands
with alcohol gel or soap more often. Many of them still put masks
on while traveling to crowded places.


The three changes that came along with COVID-19 could be in terms of
shopping behaviors, the acceptance of online classes and working from home,
and people’s awareness of cleanliness.
The paragraph (which will be scored)

There are three major changes that COVID-19 has brought to life. The
first change is that people tend to make online purchases rather shopping at
shops. During COVID-19 pandemic, all shops and department stores needed to
be temporarily closed for the health safety. One way to fix this problem is to
shop online. However, even though the situation is getting better and COVID-
19 is not quite harmful now, online shopping is still gaining more popularity
due to its convenience. It can be seen that more online shopping apps have
been created to meet the need of customers. Secondly, online classes have
become a more acceptable choice. Before COVID-19, conducting class online
was considered inappropriate and invalid. However, during the serious
situation, students needed to attend online classes to stay safe from the virus.
Even though all students go back to school now, online classes are conducted
occasionally as a practical alternative. Last but not least, more people have
become aware of their hygiene. Before COVID-19, many people didn’t seem to
care about hygienic issues such as washing hands before eating or using masks
when getting sick. Now, even though the COVID-19 situation is not so serious,
those behaviors are still common. In conclusion, the three changes that came
along with COVID-19 could be in terms of shopping behaviors, the acceptance
of online classes and working from home, and people’s awareness of
cleanliness. (232 words)

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