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16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

A Simple Mass Balance Model for Lettuce ± The Water Balance

Heather Maclean*. Denis Dochain*, Geoffrey Waters**, Michael Stasiak**,
Mike Dixon**, Dominique Van Der Straeten***

*CESAME, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (e-mail: denis.dochain@uclouvain.be).

**Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario Canada
*** Laboratory of Functional Plant Biology, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium

Abstract: A simple mass balance model has been developed and tested on lettuce data. A water balance
was included in order to predict important fluxes (transpiration, water uptake, etc.) and to consider
interactions between the water variables and the metabolism of the plant. A two-stage approach, in which a
unique set of yield constants were identified for each stage, was successful in predicting water uptake,
carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations, and final biomass dry weight.
Keywords: Dynamic modelling, parameter identification, biotechnology, identifiability, validation

the life support system. The water balance is also highly

Recent work on the subject of plant growth modelling has that the integration of the water balance and consideration of
largely been focused on making models more closely linked environmental factors, such as humidity, will improve
represent our current knowledge of physiology. This work is the overall model functioning.
very important for furthering our understanding of plant
Many models that consider the effect of water on plant
growth and development. However, this progress towards
growth focus on the effect of water limitation (Tardieu et al.,
more mechanistic descriptions has resulted in complicated
1993; Thornley, 1996) and the influence of humidity on plant
models with large numbers of parameters (Zhu et al., 2007;
metabolism through stomatal conductance (Tardieu et al.,
Laisk et al., 2000; Karlberg et al., 2006). There is also a need
1993; Leuning, 1995; Ball et al., 1987). Stomata are small
for simplified models which focus on model and parameter
pores on the surface of leaves through which most of the
reliability. This is particularly important when building
SODQW¶V JDV H[FKDQJH ZLWK Whe atmosphere occurs. Plants need
models for prediction and control, and when dealing with
to take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while
limited datasets, since very often the available data is
mitigating excessive water loss. This tradeoff is managed by
insufficient to identify a large number of parameters.
controlling the opening and closing of stomata. Stomatal
One application that requires this type of model is the functioning is influenced by environmental factors such as
production of plants in a closed environment system, as is humidity and carbon dioxide concentration, as well as plant
envisioned for regenerative life support systems in space. The CO2 requirements (Ball et al., 1987).
MELiSSA (Micro-Ecological Life Support System
In this work, a plant water balance is derived to extend and
Alternative) project, developed by the European Space
improve an existing mass balance model of plant growth. The
Agency, aims to develop technology for such a system
effect of humidity on growth is considered, assuming no
(Godia et al., 2002). The concept is to use microorganisms
water limitation. The approach stresses the importance of
and plants to regenerate the atmosphere, produce food for the
maintaining model identifiability, and therefore additions to
crew, and to contribute to the recycling of some wastes. As
the model will be evaluated based on the identifiability of
part of this work, a higher plant compartment has been
parameters and the added predictive value.
designed. Dynamic models of plant growth are required for
the monitoring and control of the chamber, and also to
facilitate the integration of this compartment into the larger
life support system. The control objective will be to ensure a
certain desired flow of high quality edible biomass, however 2.1 Experimental Set-Up
other fluxes, including carbon dioxide, oxygen, water and
nutrients, should also be predicted. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv. Lively) and red beet (Beta
vulgaris cv. Detroit Medium Red) experiments performed at
A simple mass balance model for plant growth has therefore the University of Guelph were used for model development.
previously been developed and validated on lettuce and beet Plants were germinated in a research plant growth room using
data from closed environment experiments (Maclean et al., Rockwool© cubes. The seedlings were moved to a sealed
2011a). The model is fairly successful at predicting carbon environment plant growth chamber when there was sufficient
dioxide, oxygen and biomass dry weight over the root exposure to facilitate transplanting to a deep water
experiments, but does not predict water fluxes, such as hydroponic system. The plants remained in the chamber for a
transpiration and water uptake, which will be important for growth period of 21 days (lettuce) or 40 days (beets).

978-3-902823-06-9/12/$20.00 © 2012 IFAC 1442 10.3182/20120711-3-BE-2027.00216

16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

Cultivation conditions were designed to be the same in both From this reaction scheme, a dynamic mass balance model
experiments. In each experiment 120 plants were grown was written ((4)-(8)) with mass balance equations for
inside the chambers. A 14/10 h light/dark photoperiod, biomass dry weight, carbon dioxide and oxygen (Maclean et
coupled to a 25/20 oC day/night temperature, was used. Light al., 2011a).
was provided by 9 high pressure sodium and 6 metal halide
dM d
lamps, which provided approximately 600 Pmol m-2 s-1 Y1 r (4)
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at stand height. dt
Atmospheric CO2 concentration was controlled at a minimum dC a r u1 (5)
value of 1000 ppm (it was allowed to increase at night). dt Vchamber Vchamber
Relative humidity was intended to be controlled at 70%, dOa Y2 r
however in one lettuce experiment a problem with the control (6)
led to lower values. Oxygen concentration in the chamber dt Vchamber
was not controlled. Therefore, initial O2 concentration was r v1C a I intercepted v 2 Oa I intercepted v3 ravg, ps pr
approximately 21 % (atmospheric) and increased throughout (8)
I intercepted I 0 1 exp k Aleaf Aground
the experiments. The nutrient solution for the hydroponic
system was replaced every 5 days, and had the following In the above equations, Md is biomass dry mass (g), Ca and Oa
composition: 1.5 mM PO43-, 3.62 mM Ca2+, 4 mM NH4+-N, are CO2 and O2 concentrations in the atmosphere of the
11.75 mM NO3-N, 5 mM K+, 2 mM SO42-, 1 mM Mg2+, 0.005 chamber (g m-3), r is the reaction rate equation (defined in (7)
mM Mn2+, 0.025 mM Fe3+, 0.0035 mM Zn2+, 0.02 mM B3+, with the three terms representing the rates of photosynthesis,
0.008 mM Na+, 0.0008 mM Cu2+, 0.0005 mM Mo6+. photorespiration, and mitochondrial respiration respectively),
Vchamber is the volume of the plant growth chamber (29 m3), u1
is the rate of CO2 addition to the chamber for control (g s-1),
2.2 Data Availability / Measurements
ravg,ps-pr is the average rate of photosynthesis less
photorespiration over the previous 1 day period (g s-1),
The following measurements were recorded automatically
Iintercepted and I0 are the intercepted and incident (at canopy
every 6 minutes in the chamber: CO2 concentration, the
amount of CO2 added to the chamber to maintain the control height) photon fluxes (Pmol PAR m-2 s-1), k is the extinction
set point, light measurements taken by PAR sensors at coefficient (0.66, as found in Tei et al. (1996)), Aleaf is the
canopy height, relative humidity, evapotranspiration leaf area (m2, estimated as proportional to Md in the model),
(condensate collected for control of relative humidity), and Aground is the planting area (5 m2), vi are the kinetic rate
temperature. O2 concentration was measured periodically constants and Yi are the yields (g g-1). The yields, which relate
(every 6 minutes with measurements alternating ON for 6 the rate terms for each of the state variables, should be
hours, OFF for 6 hours due to chamber set-up). Average constants over the full experiments. However, it was found in
concentrations were calculated for periods over which the previous work (Maclean et al., 2011b) that Y2 decreases with
data recording was off. time, and therefore the yields could not be considered
Water and nutrient uptake by the plants was estimated
approximately every 5 days (upon changing the nutrient Therefore, a two-stage approach was developed to represent
solution), by measuring the loss in volume of the solution the changing metabolism of the plant without adding
provided and the change in concentration of nutrients. Leaf unnecessary complexity. Two distinct growth stages, each
area and total biomass fresh and dry weights were measured stage having a unique set of constant yields, were detected
on 15 seedlings which were grown together with seedlings using the following condition for the transition between
transferred to the chamber. At the end of the study all plant stages:
material was harvested. Measurements of leaf area, total fresh Transition if
and dry weights, as well as fresh and dry weights by organ (9)
(leaves and roots) were taken for each plant. ' flux D for E hours and ' flux ! J
3. THE SIMPLE PHOTOSYNTHESIS MODEL WherH ûflux (mol) is the difference between the moles of
oxygen produced and carbon dioxide consumed, and D, E and
The model is intended to be used to control the production of J are constant parameters such that D=-6.603x10-6 mol s-1,
biomass in a closed chamber environment and should E=0.646 days, J=3.937 mol (Maclean et al., 2011b).
therefore be as simple and reliable as possible while still
capturing the main features of plant growth. With this 4. THE WATER BALANCE
objective in mind, photosynthesis (1), photorespiration (2)
and mitochondrial respiration (3) were selected as the most A water balance should be included in the model to predict
important reactions to consider for their influence on biomass important fluxes for the life support system and to improve
production. model predictions. Therefore, a mass balance on water (10)
CO2 H 2 O •• •o Biomass
O2 (1) was derived and added to the original model ((4)-(8)).
Biomass O2 ••
•o CO2
H 2O (2) dW p
Y3 r E U
Biomass O2 •
•o CO2 H 2O (3) dt

16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

In the equation above, Wp is the water stored in the plants (g), they do not occur independently in the model. Y1 is also
E is the rate of transpiration (g s-1, to be defined), U is the unidentifiable since biomass dry weight measurements are
water uptake rate (g s-1, to be defined), Y3 is a new yield only available at the beginning and end of the experiment
parameter, and r is again the reaction rate term (7). (and are therefore not available with time). This shows that
even for a simple model, with relatively few parameters and
Several terms in the water balance require further definition. many measured variables, the identifiability of the model
The transpiration rate (E) can be considered a standard should not be taken for granted.
transfer term (11) and is driven by a vapour density gradient
(Uvl -Uva (g m-3) where Uvl is the vapour density inside the leaf We can improve the identifiability of the model by taking
and Uva is the density in the atmosphere of the chamber). into account the unique model structure, which allows us to
identify the yields separately from the other parameters. This
E g W Aleaf U vl U va (11) approach, demonstrated by Chen (1996) uses a state
transformation (Bastin et al., 1990) to transform the model
The constant gW is a conductance parameter which could into one which does not depend on the reaction kinetics. The
depend on environmental factors affecting the boundary layer resulting equations are shown below:
and also on stomatal conductance.
dM d § dC a · (14)
Water uptake is driven by the difference in the water Y1 ¨ u1 Vchamber ¸
dt © dt ¹
potential (\ potential energy of water per unit volume
dOa § u1 dC a ·
relative to pure water at reference conditions) between the Y2 ¨¨ ¸ (15)
roots or hydroponic solution and the leaves (Thornley et al., dt © Vchamber dt ¸¹
2000). Water potential is difficult to estimate accurately, and dW p § dC a ·
would require measurements that are not available for this Y3 ¨Vchamber u1 ¸ U E (16)
dataset. Therefore, the water balance was rearranged, so that
dt © dt ¹
uptake would be predicted by solving the equation (12). For each of these equations all of the data required to identify
the yields is available, however the frequency of
dW p measurement varies. For example, the measurements required
U Y3 r g W Aleaf U vl U va (12)
dt to solve for Y2 (15) were taken every 6 minutes, while Md and
Wp were only measured at the start of the experiment and at
With this modification, the water storage in plants (Wp) must harvest and therefore Y1 and Y3 can only be identified based
be modelled. The amount of water that a plant stores but does on two datapoints per experiment (where one is essentially a
not metabolise depends mainly on the water and nutrient zero point). However, the data was sufficient to perform a
availability. However other factors, such as the carbon least squared identification to identify the yields. It should be
assimilation rate and related environmental conditions, can noted that in the two-stage approach, a unique value of Y2 is
also have an effect (Seginer, 2003). Given that the identified for each stage by performing an identification
experiments were performed under non-limiting nutrient and which solves for values of the parameters associated with the
water conditions, it was assumed that the water in the plant transition condition (9) and Y2 together (described in detail in
could be correlated to biomass dry weight by a constant Z. Maclean et al., 2011b). Y1 and Y3 could not be identified by
Based on these assumptions and considerations, the water the same approach since limited data was available on
balance was rewritten in its final form as (13). biomass dry weight and water storage in the plant. Therefore,
Y1 was estimated assuming a constant yield of biomass on
U ZY1 Y3 r gW Aleaf U vl U va (13)
oxygen over the full experiment, while Y3 was estimated
assuming a constant yield of water on CO2 (assumptions were
5. MODEL IDENTIFIABILITY & YIELD made based on available data).
This approach greatly simplifies the structural identifiability
Now that the model equations have been fully defined, the analysis, as these constants can now be considered known.
next step is to identify model parameters, but first we must After this simplification, it is clear that all the parameters
test whether the model is structurally identifiable. Model should be structurally identifiable based on the data available.
identifiability is an important consideration in building a
reliable model, and an often overlooked issue in plant Another important consideration is practical identifiability,
modelling. Testing for structural identifiability asks whether, which considers whether the quality of the data is adequate to
based on the structure of the model, all parameters can be identify unique values of the parameters (Dochain, 2008). It
given unique values (Dochain, 2008). has been shown (work not included) that even with this
limited number of parameters, several are highly correlated.
The model elaborated in (4) ± (8) and (13) has 3 yield Therefore, to improve the confidence intervals, some
parameters (Yi), 3 kinetic parameters (vi), an extinction additional knowledge on the values of the parameters was
coefficient (k), and two new parameters from the water taken into account. Tei et al (1996) performed experiments
balance ( Z and gW). Three of the four states can be assumed on lettuce, red beet and onion and calculated the extinction
to be known (Ca, Oa and U), since these variables are coefficients directly from measured data. They found an
measured with time. In this case, an analysis of the terms extinction coefficient of 0.66 ± 0.22 for lettuce, which agrees
reveals that Z and Y3 cannot be identified uniquely, since well with ranges reported in the literature (Thornley et al.,

16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

2000). Therefore, the extinction coefficient will be treated as 90

a known constant in the model. Similarly, we can calculate an
approximate Z directly from harvest measurements taken in 80

Relative Humidity (%)

the experiments. Therefore, Z was taken to be a known
constant of 11.74 gWp gMd-1. 70


Water variables also have a direct impact on growth. The
current model only considers the effect of light, CO2 and O2 40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
concentrations on the metabolism of the plant (as shown in Days in Chamber
(7)). The water status of the plant and the relative humidity Fig. 1. Relative humidity for two lettuce experiments.
should also have an important effect. However, the inclusion
of the water status was considered unnecessary for modelling Table 1: Definitions of fC for several cases.
the available data at this time because water was provided Case fC Description
continually through a hydroponic system and is therefore 0 1 Original model - no
assumed to be non-limiting for growth. effect of humidity on r.
1 1 A'U va p1 EC a Assumes gc=p1gw
The main environmental difference between the two datasets
2 1 A C a Aleaf g c Ball-Berry-type model
was in the relative humidity (Figure 1). The effect of relative
for stomatal
humidity on transpiration has already been taken into account p 2 Ah a
where g c p1 conductance (Ball et al.,
in the water balance. However, relative humidity also impacts Ca 1987)
the growth of the plant through its effect on stomatal
conductance. The opening and closing of stomata (pores
3 1 'U va 'U va p 1
p2 'U va
method of managing the trade-off between their CO2 A is the net CO2 assimilation rate (g s-1), ha is the relative humidity in the
requirements and avoiding excess water loss and can atmosphere of the plant chamber (%), and p1 and p2 are new constant
parameters to be identified. All other variables are as defined previously.
therefore have a large impact on the concentrations of carbon
dioxide and oxygen available at the sites of photosynthesis ZKHQ ûUvaÆ0 and CiÆ ZKHQ ûUva Æ’ Only the two-
and respiration reactions. stage approach was tested with the modified rate equation
(17) since this amendment will have no impact on the yields.
It was hypothesized that by accounting for this seemingly The new parameters introduced will not affect the structural
important effect on plant growth, the model could be identifiability of the model, but may affect practical
improved. Several methods were tested. Theoretically, identifiability, as discussed below.
separate mass balance equations could be written for the
carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations inside the leaves 7. PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION AND MODEL
(in addition to the balances on CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere, VALIDATION
which are currently included). However, no data was
available to validate internal gas concentrations, and Parameters (v1, v2, v3, gW, and parameters associated with fC
therefore a simpler approach was taken. As a first test, it was where applicable) were identified by minimizing the
assumed that the most important effect of humidity was its weighted sum of squared errors (SSE) between measurements
influence on CO2 availability (effect on O2 availability was and model predictions on Ca, Oa and U, where TÖ are the
also considered, but results are not included here). Therefore, parameter estimates, Ni represents the number of
the rate equation was amended as shown in (17). measurements of each variable (required since uptake is
measured less frequently than CO2 and O2), and Pi are the
r v1C a f C I intercepted v 2 Oa I intercepted v3 ravg, ps pr
(17) mean values of the measured states:
In the above equation, fC is a factor which acts on Ca to give 1 NC

an approximation of the internal CO2 concentration (Ci). SSE

C a ,i C a ,i TÖ
Several different equations for fC were tested (see Table 1). C

The first two equations were derived by making some 1 NO

2 (18)
assumption about stomatal conductance. In the first case it
¦P j
Oa , j O a , j TÖ
was assumed that stomatal conductance for CO2 transport O
could be related to the conductance for water transport (gW) 1 NU
by a constant p1, and therefore the conductance could be NU
¦P k
Uk U k TÖ
approximated from the transpiration equation (Lambers et al.,
2008). In the second case a Ball-Berry-type model for For each case, the parameters were identified on one dataset,
stomatal conductance was assumed (Ball et al., 1987). The and then validated on another. This procedure was then
remaining two cases are simply empirical curves which were repeated, switching the identification and validation datasets,
derived based on the known boundary conditions (Ci=Ca for further validation of the model. Note that vapour density

16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

inside the leaves (Uvl) is estimated as the saturated vapour profile for each experiment, and therefore its inclusion is not
density at atmospheric temperature. The results from the necessary. However, using the same approach, a
analysis (prediction errors are shown in Table 2) do not show developmental variable based on the vapour density deficit
a clear overall improvement for any of the four cases in ûUva) and a ratio from Ball-%HUU\¶V Ball et al., 1987) model
comparison to the original model. The addition of new for stomatal conductance (Aha/Ca) can be derived which may
parameter(s) to the model also decreases practical be useful in determining whether humidity or stomatal
identifiability (increased confidence intervals and/or functioning influences development.
decreased sensitivity). Overall, it was concluded that
accounting for the effect of humidity on the metabolism of Figure 2 shows the results of this analysis. In this figure 'flux
the plant made no significant improvement to the two-stage (the difference between moles of O2 produced and CO2
model, and thus the factor fC was excluded. consumed) is plotted against time and the two potential
measures of development discussed above. This variable can
Table 2: Weighted sum of squared errors from parameter be used to detect the transition from the first to second stage
identification (SSEi) and validation (SSEv) for several of growth (9). Therefore, the more similar the curves from
definitions of fC (see Table 1). Trial 2 shows results when different experiments are, the more likely that the
identification and validation datasets in were exchanged. developmental variable being tested is a good measure for
Trial 1 Trial 2
Case 0 0
7.71E-03 1.01E-02 3.33E-02 3.62E-02
'flux (mol) -20
Case 1 7.71E-03 9.49E-03 3.33E-02 5.35E-02
Case 2 5.55E-03 5.06E-02 1.02E-02 3.02E-02
Case 3 6.83E-03 1.01E-02 4.34E-02 3.53E-02
Case 4 6.78E-03 1.01E-02 4.16E-02 3.61E-02 -60
0 10 20 30 0 250 500 750 0 0.5 1 1.5
Time (days) 'U sum g sum
va C
There are several potential explanations for these results. Fig. 2. ûflux variable (used to detect transition between stages)
Firstly, it is possible that the data available was not sufficient SORWWHG DJDLQVW WLPH DQG WZR GHYHORSPHQWDO YDULDEOHV ûUva
to identify an effect due to relative humidity. It is possible sum and gC sum) for two lettuce datasets (red and blue lines)
that with additional data an effect of relative humidity on the
rate equation would become important and practically When 'flux is plotted against time (Figure 2), the curves are
identifiable. quite different for the two datasets. Therefore the transition
between the two stages does not occur at the same time and
Another possibility is that the two-stage approach itself is
so time is not a good developmental variable. This is to be
capturing some of the effect of changes in environmental
expected since some environmental variables (most notably
parameters. For example, for the two lettuce datasets
humidity) are quite different between the two datasets. When
available, the yield of oxygen on carbon dioxide changed
humidity is taken into account through the vapour density
(signalling the transition to the second stage of growth) at
GHILFLW ûUva sum on the x-axis), the curves are more similar,
quite different times. This change was detected through
and finally, when the ratio employed in Ball-%HUU\¶V model
carbon dioxide and oxygen measurements (9) rather than
of stomatal conductance is used (gC sum), the curves match
being predicted. However, it is clear that environmental
very closely. This suggests that the changes in metabolism
factors should contribute to metabolic changes. From an
are somehow linked to stomatal conductance (possibly
examination of the lettuce data available, it was hypothesized
through internal CO2 concentration, which may affect
that higher relative humidity values might lead to an earlier
metabolism), however at this stage, this hypothesis is rather
transition to the second stage of growth (with higher CO 2
speculative and should be further tested with additional data.
consumption relative to O2 production). To investigate this
If this hypothesis holds, it would theoretically be possible to
further, we can compute a developmental variable, h (19),
predict the transition to the second stage of growth by
which represents the developmental progress in terms of
monitoring this ratio for stomatal conductance. However, for
some environmental variable (x) (Thornley et al., 2000).
our application, this prediction is unnecessary as we should
j have online data for CO2 and O2 that we can monitor directly.
h ¦> x
i 1
i x0 @ (19) Therefore, by monitoring these important metabolic outputs,
we can inherently account for some changes to metabolism
In this equation x0 is a base value, below which development due to environmental variables without explicitly taking these
is assumed to be zero. Typically, this method is used for interactions into account. This is an important benefit of the
two-stage approach.
calculating a temperature sum h ¦ j Ti T0 , since

temperature is usually the most important factor for Therefore, although relative humidity does seem to effect
development (especially under field conditions). However, in growth, through its influence on the yields, the two-stage
our case temperature is well controlled and follows the same approach inherently captures this effect. Figure 3 shows the
validation of the original model with the water balance.

16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification
Brussels, Belgium. July 11-13, 2012

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