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of the Philippines

Department of Health

MAR 71 2023
No. 2023 - 0005

SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Implementation of the Routine Information and

Statistics for Enhancement of Public Health (RISE PH) Repository


The Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS) is a nationwide facility-

based recording and reporting system of the Department of Health (DOH) that generates
public health services data for decision-making relative to the implementation of public
health programs in the country. It has undergone various innovations to streamline the
initial DOH reporting system, but each had its own setbacks during operations. The data
generated were untimely and suboptimal in quality characterized by delayed and inaccurate
submission of reports.

In order to effectively address these issues, the statistical system itself has to
undergo redesign, hence the Routine Information and Statistics for Enhancement of
Public Health (RISE PH), to meet digitization demands of the Universal Health Care
(UHC). There shall be a standardized processing and electronic submission of health and
health-related data through validated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems (e.g,
Integrated Clinic Information System or iClinicSys) and improved data validation process
through the RISE PH repository system for timely and evidence-informed sectoral policy
and planning in support to the attainment of the UHC, consistent with CARE strategic thrust
of the Health Sector Strategy for 2023-2028 (or DOH AO No. 2022-0038) with focus on
health system design.

The RISE PH is guided by four technical principles: (1) Process Efficiency; (2)
Data Integrity; (3) Timeliness; and (4) Reliability. Institutionalization of the information
system-based mechanisms aims to increase the efficiency of processes and integrity of data
by promoting and establishing paperless transactions and automated data quality checks
across all levels which lead to a timely generation of reports; to increase the reliability of
information for sound decision-making as data being processed are patient- or individual-
based; and to increase the accessibility of patient records throughout the province/city-wide
health systems.


This Order aims to:

A. Define the standards, guidelines, and mechanisms in the implementation of the RISE
PH repository system;

B. Provide information on the processing of data; and

C. Specify the roles and responsibilities of the implementers and stakeholders.

Building1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila ® Trunk Line 651-7800 local 108, 1111t0 13

Direct Line: 711-9502 to 03 Fax: 743-1829 & URL: hutp:// e-mail:

This Order shall apply to DOH Central Office (DOH CO), Centers for Health
Development (CHDs), Provincial DOH Offices (PDOHOs); and the Local Government
Units’ (LGUs) Provincial Health Offices (PHOs), Municipal Health Offices (MHOs), City
Health Offices (CHOs), Primary Care Facilities (PCFs), and all concerned stakeholders
involved in the reporting and operations of RISE PH.

In the case of Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM),

the adoption of this Order shall be in accordance with Republic Act No. 11054
(Bangsamoro Organic Act) and the subsequent laws and issuances to be issued by the
Bangsamoro government.


For the purpose of this Order, the following terms are defined:

A. Application Programming Interface (API) - is a software intermediary which allows

information systems to communicate with each other and leverage each other’s data
and functionality through a documented interface.

B. Data Processing - refers to any operations performed upon RISE PH data whether
through manual or automated means. It includes, but is not limited to, collection,
recording, organization, storage, updating, sharing, retrieval, consultation, use,
consolidation, blocking, and destruction.

C. Data Steward - refers to the concerned organizational unit within the agency that is
responsible for the accuracy, integrity, and data protection of all health and health-
related dataitprocesses, including all primary data sources it manages. Likewise, they
shall be accountable for the standardization of these health and health-related data, the
determination of their data classification as to restricted, private, or public, approval
and disapproval of data access requests, and compliance with all legal, regulatory, and
policy requirements in relation to the processing of health and health-related data,
among others (DOH-PHIC Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-0001).

D. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) - refers to the medical background and history of
health service provider's patients and such other information in a standard electronic

E. Field Health Services Information System (FHSIS) to

- refers the official statistical
critical and essential statistics needed
activity of the DOH that identifies and generates
for planning and analysis based on approved criteria by administrators, planners, and
policymakers (DOH Department Circular No. 128 s. 1977).

F. Incident Report - refers to a report ofdetermined

issues encountered by a system user such as, but
the attending concerned offices.
not limited to, system difficulties, as by or

G. Integrated Clinic Information System (iClinicSys) - refers to a stand-alone or a web-

based application that can be installed in a PCF or reporting unit, wherein patients’ data
such as demographic profile, consultations, health profile or histories, medications,

Ly V
doctors, treatments, laboratory examinations, procedures, and data on public health
programs are entered into and generated by the system.

. Interoperability - refers to the ability of different information systems, devices, and

applications to access, exchange, integrate, and cooperatively use data in a coordinated
manner within and across organizational, regional, and national boundaries to provide
timely and seamless portability of information (DICT-DOH-DILG-FDA Joint
Administrative Order No. 2021-0001).

Other DOH Information Systems - refer to other DOH-developed and maintained

information systems collecting RISE PH-relevant data other than EMR systems.

Primary Care Facility (PCF) - refers to a type of health facility that provides
population and individual based-health services that are accessible, continuous,
comprehensive, and coordinated at the time of need, including a range of services for
all presenting conditions. It also serves as the initial point of contact for individual-
based services, through its ability to navigate and coordinate referrals to other
healthcare providers in the healthcare delivery system, when necessary. Examples of
PCFs are Urban Health Centers, Rural Health Units, and health stations (DOH AO No.

. Routine Information and Statistics for Enhancement of Public Health (RISE PH)
Repository System - refers to the web-based repository system where health service
coverage, and other health and health-related data being reported on a regular basis
through a validated EMR are stored.

. Standalone Application - refers to application software running on a desktop

computer/laptop in an offline environment.

. Standards Conformance and Interoperability Validation (SCIV) - refers to the

process of confirmation of conformance with national health data standards for
interoperability, and compliance with rules on processing and submission of health and
health-related data and reports both at the local and national levels of health information
systems (HIS) and/or any eHealth solution (DOH-PHIC JAO No. 2021-0001).

. System Developer - refers to an entity who executes the development, modification,

and maintenance of the system.

. System Owner - refers to an entity who oversees, advocates, and has authority on the
development, modification, maintenance, management, and implementation of the

. System User - refers to an encoder, validator, or viewer that has restricted access to the
information systems, as designated by the system owner.

. Third-party EMR System - refers to a privately-owned EMR system that is developed

and maintained by a third-party/external developer.

. Validated Electronic Medical Record - refers to an EMR that is validated and

certified by the DOH and other NGAs concerned, attributable to its conformity to the
defined reporting requirements, submission protocols, validation, interoperability,

security, and other performance criteria (DOH-PHIC-DOST-DICT JAO No. 2017-

S. Web-based Application - refers to an application software that runs on a web server

with an active network connection or internet.


A. The technical redesign of FHSIS to RISE PH as a statistical system shall be issued in

CY 2023 as a DOH Administrative Order on Health Statistical Program which will
include rebranding of the system and streamlined, but more responsive, indicators for
monitoring and evaluation purposes of the UHC Act and related reforms.

B. The RISE PH shall be the official repository of health service coverage, and other health
and health-related data generated by the validated EMR systems; and shall be the
official platform for consolidation, monitoring, and validation of these data.

C. The RISE PH repository system shall be interoperable with validated EMR systems,
and other existing or to-be-developed DOH information systems or public-facing
dashboards for data consolidation, generation, and use.

D. The data generated by the RISE PH shall comprise health service coverage indicators,
and other health- and health-related data based on the latest version of RISE PH Manual
of Operations (MOP). The release of the MOP shall be in the 3rd Quarter of 2024.
E. All indicatorsin the latest MOP shall be revisited, reviewed, and revised, as necessary,
in accordance with Section 31 of the RA No. 11223 or the UHC Act. The inclusion of
these indicators for the standardized reporting of data shall be one of the minimum
requirements in the Standards Conformance and Interoperability Validation (SCIV) of
third-party EMR systems and other information systems.

F. The revised or latest version of the MOP, succeeding policy issuances, memorandums,
and other relevant issuances shall cover health service coverage indicators and their
metadata, scope and limitations, updates, reporting forms, system use, data processing
and validation, concerns referral, incident reporting, frequency of report, schedule and
duration of data submission, roles and responsibilities of implementers, guidelines on
appropriate data security measures, monitoring and evaluation, among others.

G. For concerns relating to data, data validation, and submission, the reporting units, health
offices, CHDs/MOH, and DOH CO shall be involved in the pathway and shall follow
the sequential manner of notification and feedback based on the latest RISE PH MOP.
(see Annex A, Item 1.B.)


A. Pilot implementation and target milestones

1. The pilot implementation of the RISE PH repository system shall be conducted first
in areas with high reporting compliance and with validated EMR systems—with
consideration to organizational, technical, and operational feasibility.
2. The pilot shall begin in the 1st Quarter of 2023 to determine implementation issues
and rectify these prior to phased nationwide roll-out.

49 A
There shall be an initial and follow-up training, if necessary, on system access, data
generation, and system use.
There shall be at least one consultative meeting in a month, or when needed, on the
referral of concerns, incident reporting, updates on reporting tools, among others to
address implementation issues.

B. Full implementation of RISE PH

1. The full implementation of the RISE PH repository system shall begin in the 4th
Quarter of 2024.
2. The following core functionalities shall be fulfilled by the system prior to its full
implementation nationwide:
Display tabular-disaggregated data from EMRs and other information systems;
Detect erroneous data;
Incorporate built-in data validation gateways;
oo Generate tabular-disaggregated data (from municipal/city to national level); and
Secure interoperability with validated EMR systems and other information

C. Accessibility of system users

1. Each system user shall have an individual account and restricted access to
information systems based on the user role, and hierarchical level and catchment
area of their PCFs or offices.
The system owner shall grant the CHDs/Ministry of Health (MOH)-BARMM
system administrative privilege that is limited to providing access to
system users.
The users of the RISE PH repository system shall be:
a. Data validators from health offices, CHDs/MOH-BARMM, and DOH CO;
b. RISE PH Coordinators; and
c. Other stakeholders who will be given access to data upon approval of the lead
data steward.

D. Data entry and export

1. All patient or individual-based data entries shall be done through validated EMR
systems, or other information systems available in respective reporting units (see
Annex A, Item 1. A.).
Collected patient or individual-based data by the validated EMR systems and other
information systems shall be transmitted in an aggregated format to the RISE PH
repository system via Application Programming Interface (API).

E. Data monitoring and validation

1. Built-in data quality checks of EMR systems shall start from the data entry fields of
a patient/individual (i.e., demographic profile, transactions, elc.).
2. Systems users shall be able to do the first round of validation (i.e., duplicate entry
checking, etc.) of data through EMR systems and other information systems before
submitting/exporting them.
Collected data by EMR systems and other information systems, will be exported to
the RISE PH repository system in aggregated format for the reference, monitoring,
and further validation of RISE PH Coordinators/data validators.
Monitoring and validation of data shall be initiated as soon as data are consolidated
and projected by RISE PH dashboard at the next higher level.
Built-in data quality check of RISE PH shall be minimal, focusing only on the
logicality of data per indicator (i.e., the number of cases of a certain disease should

not be higher than the population in a certain area).
6. The RISE PH shall have algorithms for detecting and flagging erroneous data, and
instructions to be followed by the system users for correction.

F. Data updating and finalization for submission

1. There shall be a cut-off period to be followed by the PCFs and the next higher level
reporting units for the submission and updating of data. Submission of data from
EMRs to RISE PH shall be disabled or locked on the working day following the date
of the deadline. (see Annex B, Item I)
2. There shall be an allowable number of attempts, duration, and criteria for enabling
or unlocking data submission from EMRs to RISE PH as set by the EB. The
following are the criteria:
a. >50% of PCFs did not submit their data; and
b. >50% of indicators have erroneous data as per data validation.
3. The reporting units shall provide their feedback to the next higher level reporting
units on the submission or updating of data within the allowable response time.
4. The reporting units shall finalize their data within the allowable cut-off period as set
by the EB.

G. Frequency and manner of reporting

1. Frequency of report for official national reporting shall be guided by the latest RISE
2. Automated generation of consolidated data for national, regional, provincial, and
municipal/city reporting shall be from the RISE PH.

H. Concern referral, incident reporting, and feedback on information systems

1. Concerned offices shall attend to queries, requests, complaints, and other concerns
from reporting units based on their level, scope, and capacity. The attending office
shall provide initial feedback within the allowable response time as set by the DOH.
2. Any concerns beyond the scope or capacity of the attending office shall be referred
to the next-higher level or directly to the office concerned for resolution depending
on their priority/severity level. The next attending office shall provide initial
feedback within the allowable response time.
3. All system concerns shall be referred or directed to the following DOH Offices/other
concerned entities:
a. CHDs, MOH-BARMM, and/or Knowledge Management and Information
Technology Service (KMITS) for iClinicSys concerns;
b. CHDs, MOH-BARMM, EB and/or KMITS for RISE PH repository system
concerns; and
¢. External developers for their EMR system concerns.
4. Referral of concerns and incident reporting shall follow the sequential flow from one
reporting unit to a higher level and the same shall be followed in providing feedback
from the attending office to the reporting unit in need of a resolution (see Annex A,
Item LC).

I. Scope of responsibility and accountability

1. The RISE PH shall report statistical data for public health programs, and shall not
include personal information from the patients.
2. In adherence to RA No. 10173 or Data Privacy Act 2012, all healthcare providers
shall implement and practice appropriate and reasonable organizational, physical,

and technical security measures in the collection, processing, and submission of
RISE PH data using their EMR systems.
3. For healthcare providers who are implementing a validated third-party EMR system
for the collection, processing, and submission of RISE PH data, the legal agreements
or their equivalent between the healthcare provider/system user and EMR system
provider shall be legal and binding only to the contracting parties. Hence, the DOH
shall not be responsible nor be held liable for any action of the EMR system provider
with regard to its engagement with the healthcare provider, or vice-versa, that may
result in any damage, loss, or injury to any or both parties.

J. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

1.The EB shall develop an M&E plan for RISE PH repository system implementation
and evaluation.
2. Monitoring of RISE PH repository system implementation shall commence with the
pilot implementation.
3. There shall be a quarterly consultative meeting on M&E during pilot and full
4. The results and findings of the M&E shall be the basis for formulating and
implementing appropriate policy, program, or information systems framework for
the attainment of the Objectives of this Order and the fulfiliment of the UHC.


A. The Epidemiology Bureau (EB) shall:

1. Act as the system owner of iClinicSys and RISE PH, and act as the lead data steward
in the processing of RISE PH data;
2. Collect, monitor, and generate tentative or finalized aggregated regional, provincial,
municipal/city, and/or barangay-level RISE PH data, as needed;
3. Provide technical support or training to CHDs and MOH-BARMM on data
processing and validation as necessary and appropriate;
4. Engage with non-government organizations and identified partner institutions for the
capacity-building of CHDs and MOH-BARMM,;
5. Allocate budget to RISE PH-related activities (i.e., training, monitoring, efc.), as
6. Ensure the quality and integrity of data submitted and collected through RISE PH
through validation with CHDs and MOH;
7. Ensure timely data submission and completion of CHDs and MOH-BARMM,;
8. Disseminate, through CHDs/MOH-BARMM and subsequent health offices, an
advisory on the cut-off period of reporting of the PCFs to ensure timeliness and
consistency of reporting;
9. Publish finalized annual RISE PH report on the DOH website, or on a dedicated
health statistical website;
10. Extract CHD-validated data through RISE PH for purposes of routine reporting and
data requests from a requesting party (i.e., decision-makers, researchers, and other
11. Conduct the M&E of RISE PH in relation to RISE PH reporting, in coordination and
in consultation with concerned DOH offices and stakeholders;
12. Formulate and implement appropriate policy, program, and/or information system
framework based on the results and findings of the M&E; and

7 <L
13. Respond to/act on queries, requests, complaints, and other concerns relating to RISE
PH and RISE PH data, in coordination with KMITS or Disease Prevention and
Control Bureau (DPCB), as needed.

B. The Disease Prevention and Control Bureau (DPCB) shall:

1. Act as a data steward in the processing of RISE PH-relevant data in terms of

indicators standardization and any other processes with respect to their
organizational roles and responsibilities;
Provide relevant health- and health-related indicators, and pertinent metadata,
through a common reference document, that shall be reported by the RISE PH; and
Furnish the EB with resources as needed, under provisional or exceptional
circumstances, for the timely delivery of relevant health and health-related data.

C. The Knowledge Management and Information Technology Service (KMITS) shall:

1. Act as the system developer of iClinicSys and RISE PH;

2. Act as a data steward in the processing of RISE PH data in terms of data protection,
execution of standards for accuracy and integrity of data, and any other processes
with respect to their organizational roles and responsibilities;
Use the RISE PH MOP in designing the RISE PH repository system;
Disseminate RISE PH data standards for interoperability to primary care providers
with third-party EMR systems, in coordination with EB and DPCB;
Develop an EMR system (iClinicSys) for PCFs with no capacity to implement an
EMR for submission of data to RISE PH;
Capacitate PCFs with no capacity to implement EMRs for data submission to RISE
Disseminate technical specifications and provide technical assistance to third-party
developers of EMR
Oversee and monitor
toensure interoperability of systems;
implementation of iClinicSys and RISE PH;
Provide recommendations and technical assistance to EB on M&E of RISE PH; and
10. Respond to/act on queries, requests and other concerns related to iClinicSys and
coordination with EB, as needed.

D. The Centers for Health Development (CHDs) and Ministry of Health-Bangsamoro

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (MOH-BARMM) through RISE PH
Coordinators, data validators, and information technology focal persons shall:
1. Monitor and generate tentative or finalized aggregated provincial, municipal/city,
and barangay-level RISE PH data, as needed;
2. Provide technical assistance to RISE PH Coordinators/data validators from
PHOs/PDOHOs/CHOs on data validation, as necessary;
w Capacitate PHOs/PDOHOs/CHOs on the conduct of training of trainers (e.g., data
entry and validation);
Validate provincial/city-level data with PHOs/PDOHOs/CHOs;
Ensure timely data submission and completion of PHOs/PDOHOs/CHOs;

Participate in the M&E of RISE PH, coordination with EB; and

Respond to/act on queries, requests, complaints, and other concerns relating to
information systems and RISE PH data and relay unresolved issues/concerns to the

8 Sv SL
E. The Provincial Health Offices/Provincial DOH Offices/City Health
Offices/Municipal Health Offices shall:

1. Monitor and generate tentative or finalized aggregated municipal/city/barangay-

level RISE PH data, as needed;
2. Capacitate CHOs/MHOs on the conduct of training of implementers (e.g., data entry
and validation);
Provide technical assistance or training to RISE PH Coordinators/data
validators/encoders from CHOs/MHOs/PCFs on data entry/validation, as necessary
whenever needed;
Validate city/municipal/barangay-level data with CHOs/MHOs/PCFs;
ane Ensure timely data submission and completion of CHOs/MHOs/PCFs; and
Respond to/act on queries, requests, complaints, and other concerns relating to RISE
PH data and relay unresolved issues/concerns to the next higher level.

F. The Primary Care Facilities (PCFs) using iClinicSys or other DOH-developed

information systems shall:

1. Collect, process, and submit RISE PH data using iClinicSys or other DOH-
developed information systems;
2. Check quality of encoded data;
3. Validate submitted barangay-level data with CHOs/MHOs;
Follow data submission and completion guidelines or instructions from
Practice organizational, physical, and technical security measures to protect all data
being processed through RISE PH in adherence to RA No. 10173;
6. Report to CHDs/MOH-BARMM the information system difficulties encountered;
7. Notify CHOs/MHOs any RISE PH data concerns.

. The Primary Care Facilities (PCFs) using validated third-party EMR Systems

— Comply with the standards of the DOH on RISE PH data and EMR systems;
Subject their EMR systems to SCIV;
Collect, process, and submit RISE PH data using their validated EMR system;
Check quality of encoded data;
Transmit RISE PH data collected by the EMR to RISE PH for national reporting;
Validate submitted barangay-level data with CHOs/MHOs;
Follow data submission and completion guidelines or instructions from
* Implement and practice appropriate and reasonable organizational, physical, and
technical security measuresin the collection, processing, and submission of RISE
PH data using their validated EMR system; and
Report issues/concerns on their EMR system to CHD/MOH-BARMM and external
developers for appropriate action.


If any of the provisions of this Order shall be declared unconstitutional by a

competent court of jurisdiction, the other provisions not affected shall remain valid, in
force, and in effect.


DOH DC No. 128 s. 1977, or the FHSIS as the official designated statistics in
accordance with Executive Order No. 352 and DOH AO No. 2011-0010, or the
Implementing Procedures and Guidelines in Reporting Field Health Services Data to DOH
Central Office, and all other Orders, Rules, Regulations and related issuances inconsistent
with or contrary to this Order are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.


This Order shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation and upon filing of three (3) certified copies to the
University of the Philippines Law Center.


Departm¢nt of Health

Annex A

1. Diagrams and flowcharts

A. Data collection, consolidation, validation, and submission

Gone Ci

Upload extracted
— [PVC data "|


Open software

nter Save
saveddata "| data in the area
with internet

Web-based iClinicSvs |



Log online Enter/ Savedata
— |—y| [|—»| |—»]
saved data iClinicSys Central
update :

;/” Other DOH Informafion Svstems ,

Open software Enter /

offline/log online |{— Savedata [pl ood data


"Other Validated EMR Systems

Enter /

Open software :

offline/log online [—>| update Save data |——————

i data

concerned for
Validate and
of datasets ¢
using RISE PH

' data updating


Are data sets

1 No valid and —_— Yes Release final RISE PH
: final? report


meme +-—--—=--—==<=-=---auco= End


bemmmmemmme (Next timeline of report)

B. Notification and feedback on data concerns, and level of validation and finalization

Reporting ¢— MHOs / PHOs / CHDs/
===> CHOs =---» PDOHOs MOH —-s DOHCO

C. Organizational flow for concerns referral on information systems

1. Referrals on EMR systems and other information systems


1 +

v 1

Concerning Other concerned DOH

—(OtherNo —» offices


No (Concerning DOH-maintained IS)

Focal persons/
developers of Concerning
validated EMR

PCFs / Reporting Units

o/ Ae
2. Concern Referrals on RISE PH


<«——| Other relevant

-——> stakeholders

1 4


D. Information systems interoperability for RISE PH reporting

iClinicSys RISE PH Other Validated EMR Systems

repository (Third party)

Other DOH Information



-_———- Feedback


q vt
Annex B

L Tabular Summary of RISE PH reporting tools, platforms, frequency of report, and schedule and duration of submitting data
by various levels
Facility/Office Encoding Platform Recipient and Reporting Tools used Frequency Schedule of Submission to Allowable duration to
Reporting Platform by Platforms higher level update and submit data to
RISE PH repository
BHS EMR/other IS
Monthly Forms
M1, M2
Monthly Monday of the
succeeding month
1st week of the Up

to 6 working days from
date of unlocking by
through RISE M/CHO
PH repository
Annual Form Annual Wednesday of the 1st week of
A-Barangay January of the succeeding year

M/CHO/RHU EMR/other IS C/PHO Monthly Form Monthly Friday of the 1st week of the Up to 6 working days from
through RISE M2 succeeding month the date of unlocking by
PH repository C/PHO

Quarterly Form Quarterly Wednesday of the 2nd week of

Q1 the [st month of the succeeding

Annual Form Annual Wednesday of the 2nd week of

Al January of the succeeding year


through RISE PH] Monthly Report Monthly Wednesday of the 2nd week of Up to 7 working days from
repository system M2 the succeeding month the date of unlocking by
Quarterly Report Quarterly Monday of the 3rd week of the
Ql of the succeeding quarter
1st month

Annual Form Annual Monday of the 3rd week of

Al January of the succeeding year

CHD/MOH (Not applicable) EB through RISE PH Monthiy Report Monthly Monday of the 3rd week of the Up to 8 working days from
repository system M2 succeeding month the date of unlocking by EB

Quarterly Report Quarterly Last working day of the 1st

Qi month of the succeeding quarter

Annual Report Annually Last working day of January of

Al the succeeding year

EB (Not applicable) {Data extraction from Monthly Report Monthly Wednesday of the 4th week of (Not applicable)
RISE PH repository M2 the succeeding month
and final report for
posting at DOH
Quarterly Report Quarterly Friday of the 2nd week of the
Ql 2nd month of the succeeding

Annual Report Annual Friday of the 2nd week of

Al February of the succeeding year

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