8-ICSE-X Biology 2020 Paper

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SECTION I (40 Marks)
(Attempt all questions from this Section)
Question 1.
(A) Name the following:
(i) The process of transformation of several glucose molecules into one
molecule of starch.
(ii) The point of attachement of two chromatids.
(iii) The iron containing pigment in erythrocytes.
(iv) The duct which transports urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
(v) The part of the brain which is concerned with memory. [5]
(B) Explain the following terms:
(i) Allele
(ii) Diffusion
(iii) Photolysis
(iv) Phenotype
(v) Population density [5]
(C) Given below are certain groups of terms. In each group the first indicates a
relationship between the two terms. Rewrite and complete the second pair
on a similar basis.
Example: Cytoplasm : Cytokinesis : : Nucleus: Karyokinesis.
(i) Widening of hips : Oestrogen : : Deepening of voice in males: ............... .
(ii) Brain: Meninges:: Hear: ............... .
(iii) Insulin: Beta-cells : : Glucagon: ............... .
(iv) Kidney: Renal artery : : Liver: ............... .
(v) Uterus: Implanation:: Fallopian tube: ............... . [5]
(D) Given below are sets of five terms each. Rewrite the terms in correct order in
a logical sequence beginning with the first word that is underlined:
(i) Stimulus, Response, Receptor, Effector, Spinal cord.
(ii) Root hair, Endodermis, Epidermis, Xylem, Cortex.
(iii) Conjunctiva, Yellow spot, Pupil, Vitreous Humour, Aqueous Humour.
(iv) Australopithecus, Cro-Magnon Man, Homo erectus, Neanderthal Man,
Homo sapiens.
(v) Artery, Capillaries, Venule, Vein, Arteriole.
(E) Choose the correct answer from the four options given below:
(i) The fusion of the sperm and ovum is termed as:
(a) Reproduction
(b) Development

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(c) Fertilization
(d) Embryo
(ii) Agranulocytes are:
(a) Lymphocytes, Monocytes
(b) Lymphocytes, Basophils
(c) Eosinophils, Basophils
(d) Eosinophils, Monocytes
(iii) Which of the following is not a natural reflex action?
(a) Knee-jerk
(b) Blinking of eyes due to strong light
(c) Salivation at the sight of food
(d) Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose
(iv)The structural and functional units of excretion in the human kidney is
(a) Ureter
(b) Bowman‘s capsule
(c) Renal pelvis
(d) Nephron
(v) In a human female, ovum consists of:
(a) 23 pairs of autosomes
(b) 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
(c) 22 autosomes and 1 Y-chromosome
(d) 22 autosomes and 1 X-chromosome
(F) Identify the ODD term in each set and name the CATEGORY to which the
remaining three belong:
(i) Auxin, Ethylene, Adrenaline, Cytokinin
(ii) Tympanum, Ear ossicles, Auditory canal, Pinna
(iii) Syringes, Soiled dressings, Discarded needles, Household detergents
(iv) Exophthalmic Goitre, Simple Goitre, Cretinism, Myxoedema
(v) Adenine, Guanine, Creatinine, Cytosine [5]
(G) Match the items given in column A with the most appropriate ones in Column
B and REWRITE the correct matching pairs:
Column A Column B
(i) Biston betularia Calcium
(ii) Testes Balance of the body
(iii) Clotting of blood Light independent reaction
(iv) Stroma Diffusion of gases
(v) Stomata gonad
Peppered moth

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Light dependent reaction
(H) The diagram given below represents a plant movement. Answer the following

(i) Name the tropic movement shown in the diagram.

(ii) Explain the tropic movement mentioned in (i).
(iii) Label the part marked ‘A‘.
(iv) What is part A attracted to?
(v) Give an example of a plant which shows Thigmotropism. [5]
Answer 1.
(A) (i)Glycolysis
(iii) Haemoglobin
(iv) Ureter
(B) (i) Allele is a pair of genes that appear at a particular location on a particular
chromosome and control the same characteristic. It may occur in pairs or there
may be multiple alleles affecting the phenotype of a particular trait.
(ii) Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration
to a region of lower concentration to equalise the concentration of the two
(iii) Photolysis is the process of splitting up of water molecules by sunlight in
presence of chlorophyll, during the light reaction of photosynthesis.
(iv) Phenotype refers to the observable physical properties of an organism, which
include the organism‘s appearance, development and behaviour. The phenotype
of an organism depends on which genes are dominant and on the interaction
between genes and environment.
(v) Population density is a measurement of population per unit of area. It is the
number of individuals per square kilometre at any given time.
(C) (i) Deeping of voice in males: Testosterone

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(ii) Heart: Pericardium
(iii) Glucagon: Alpha cells
(iv) Liver: Hepatic artery
(v) Fallopian tube: Fertilization
(D) (i) Stimulus, Receptor, Effector, Spinal Cord, Response
(ii) Root hair, Epidermis, Cortex, Endodermis, Xylem.
(iii) Conjuctiva, Pupil, Aqueous humour, Vitreous humour, Yellow spot
(iv) Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Homo sapines, Neanderthal man, Cro-
Magnon man.
(E) (i) (c) Fertilization
 Explanation: Fertilization is the process in which an egg and sperm fuse to form
a zygote. It is the process of fusion of a sperm with an ovum. The union of sperm
and egg results in the formation of zygote or fertilized egg.
(ii) (a) Lmphocytes, Monocytes
Explanation: Agranulocytes are one of the two types of white blood cells,
also known as leukocytes. The other type of white blood cells are known as
gramulocytes. The two types of agranulocytes in the blood circulation are
lymphocytes and monocytes, and these make up about 35% of the haematologic
blood values.
(iii) (c) Salivation at the sight of food
Explanation: Natural reflex actions are the spontaneous responses to the
stimulus of a receptor. A conditioned reflex is a learned response in which
stimulus becomes associated with a consequence. Salvation at the sight of food
is a conditioned reflex while knee jerk, eye blinking and sneezing are the natural
reflex action.
(iv) (d) Nephron
Explanation: Nephron is thebasic structural and functional unit of the kidney.
Its main function is to regulate water and soluble substances by filtering the
blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine.
(v) (d) 22 autosomes and 1 X-chromosome
Explanation: In humans, there are 23 pairs i.e. 46 = 22 pairs of autosomes
+ 2 sex hormones of the chromosome. But ovum is produced by the meiosis
and hence have the half number of chromosome i.e. 22 autosomes and 1 sex
chromosome. Females egg cell contain X chromosomes. Hence, ovum consists of
22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome.
(F) (i) Odd term: Adrenaline
Category: Others are plant growth regulator
Explanation: Adrenaline is a hormone.
(ii) Odd term: Ear ossicles
Category: Others belong to outer ear
Explanation: Ear ossicles belong to middle ear
(iii) Odd term: Household detergents

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Category: Others are Healthcare wastes
Explanation: Household detergents are cause of water pollution.
(iv) Odd term: Exopthalmic goitre
Category: Others are disease caused due to under secretion of thyroid gland.
 Explanation: Exopthalmic goitre is a disease caused by over activity of
thyroid gland.
(v) Odd term: Creatinine
Category: Others are nitrogenous wastes Explanation: Creatinine is a waste
product that comes from the normal wear and tear on muscles of the body.
Column A Column B
(i) Biston beutleria Peppered moth
(ii) Testes gomad
(iii) Clotting of blood Calcium
(iv) Stroma Chlorophyll
(v) Stomata Diffusion of gases
(H) (i) Chemotropism
(ii) It is the growth of plant organs in response to chemicals or nutrients.
(iii) A—Pollen tube
(iv) Part A i.e. pollen tube is Attracted to the sugar etc. present in the style.
(v) E.g. tendrils of sweat peas, vines, cuscuta etc.
(Attempt any four questions from this Section.)
Question 2.
(A) The diagram given below represents an experiment to prove the importance
of a factor in photosynthesis. Answer the questions that follows:

KOH solution

(i) Which factor is being studied here?

(ii) What is the purpose of keeping KOH in the flask?
(iii) Explain the term Photosynthesis.
(iv) What will you observe when the leaf A is tested for starch?

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(v) Write a well balanced chemcial equatio for the process of
photosynthesis. [5]
(B) The diagram given below represents the simplified pathway of the circulation
of blood. Answer the questions that follows:

(i) Name the blood vessels labelled 1 to 4.

(ii) Which blood vessel supplies oxygenated blood to the muscles of the
(iii) What is the importance of blood vessel labelled 5?
(iv) What is the type of blood circulation that takes place between the heart
and the lungs?
(v) Draw a diagram of the different blood cells as seen in a smear of human
Answer 2.
(A) (i) The factor studied here is to prove that carbondioxide is necessary for
(ii) KOH is kept is the flask for the absorption of carbondioxide from the leaf
released during respiration.
(iii) Photosynthesis is the biochemical process by which green plants containing
chlorophyll prepare their own food, glucose and starch, from carbon dioxide and
water in the presence of sunlight, liberating oxygen as a by product.
(iv) The leaf that was outside the flask, changes colour and turns bluish black but
the one in the flask does not change colour. The leaf inside the flask did not show
positive results for starch test as it was not able to photosynthesise.
(v) 6CO2 + 12H2O Chlorophyll
+ 6H2O + 6O2
(B) (i) 1 – Anterior vena cava

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2 – Inferior vena cava
3 – Pulmonary artery
4 – Pulmonary veins
(ii) Coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the muscles of the heart.
(iii) The blood vessel labelled 5 is hepatic portal vein. The hepatic vein is a blood
vessel that carries blood from the gastro intestinal tract, gall bladder,
pancreas and spleen to the liver. This blood contains nutrients and toxins
extracted from digested contents which are filtered by the liver.
(iv) Pulmonary circulation moves blood between the heart and the lungs. It
transports the oxygenated blood to the lungs to absorb oxygen and release
carbondioxide. The oxygenated blood then flows back to the heart.

Question 3.
(A) The diagram given below depicts a defect of the human eye which has been
corrected by using a suitable lens.
Answer the following questions:

(i) Name the defect that has been corrected.

Which type of lens has been used for the correction?
(ii) Mention one cause for the above defect.
(iii) Where would the image have formed if the above lens was not used for
(iv)Name the three concentric layers of the eyeball.
(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a neuron.
(B) Give the biological reasons for the following statements:
(i) It is advisable to keep green plants in an aquarium.
(ii) Water pollution is a major cause of concern in our country.
(iii)We cannot distinguish colours in dim light.
(iv)Medical discoveries such as antibiotics and vaccinations have indirectly
contributed to the sharp rise in human population.

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(v) Homo sapiens sapiens is the most highly evolved form of man. [5]
Answer 3.
(A) (i) The defect that has been corrected is Myopia or short sightedness.
Bioconcave lens has been used to correct the defect
(ii) The cause of Myopia is:  (any one)
(1) Lens is too thick and convex
(2) The eyeball is too long because of dorsoventral flattening or both.
(iii) If the bioconcave lens is not used to correct myopia, the image of a distant
object is formed in front of the retina and not at the retina itself.
(iv) The three concentric layers of the eyeball are:
(1) The outer layer: The outer layer of eyeball consists of sclera and cornea.
Sclera gives eye most of its white colour. It consists of dense connective tissue
and protects the inner components of the eye and maintain its shape. In the
front, sclera forms the transparent cornea. Cornea admits light to the interior of
the eye.
(2) The middle layer: The middle layer is called choroid. It contains blood
vessels and gives the inner eye a dark colour. Behind cornea, choroid bends to
form a muscular ring called iris. There is a round hole called pupil in the centre of
(3) The inner layer: The inner layer is sensory and called retina. It contains
photosensitive cells called rods and cones and associated neurons. Rods are
sensitive to dim light while cones are sensitive to bright light.

(B) (i) Green plants produce oxygon (O2) and absorb the carbon dioxide (CO2) and
ammonia (NH3) that the fish generate in an aquarium. Green plants provide
shelter and security for the fish because they compete with algae for nutrients
and can help to reduce algae growth.
(ii) Water pollution can damage individual species and impact the natural
biological communities they are part of. It causes diseases like diarrhoea, cholera,
dysentry, typhoid that kill many people every year.
(iii) Rods are abundant in the retina and are sensitive to dim light. Rods cannot
distinguish colours while cones are insensitive in dim light and allow us to see
colours. Thus, we cannot distinguish colours in dim light.
(iv) Antiboitics and vaccinations have resulted in decrease of death rate resulting
in rise in growth rate whcih leads to an increase in population.
(v) Homo sapiens are the most abundant and wide spread species of primates,
characterised by bipedality and large complex brains enabling the development
of advanced tools, culture and language.
Question 4.
(A) The figure given below shows a part of a nephron.

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Answer the questions that follows:
1 2

(i) In which region of the kidney is the above structure present?

(ii) Label the parts numbered 1 to 4.
(iii) What is the technical term for the process that occurs in part 3?
(iv) Why is fluid X not called urine? Justify your answer.
(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the urinary system to man. [5]
(B) Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in
the brackets:
(i) Transpiration annd Guttation (place of occurrence)
(ii) Biodegradable waste and Non-biodegradable waste (One example)
(iii) Population control and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (One objective)
(iv) Osmosis and Active Transport (Substances undergoing movement)
(v) Metaphase and Anaphase (Position of chromosomes)
Answer 4.
(A) (i) Nephrons are located in the cortex of the kidney.
(ii) Part 1 – Afferent arteriole
Part 2 – Efferent arteriole
Part 3 – Glomerulus
Part 4 – Bowman‘s Capsule
(iii) The technical term for the process that occurs in part 3 i.e. glomerulus is renal
(iv) Fluid X is called filtrate and not urine. The liquid X entering the renal tubule
is extremely dilute and consists of useful materials namely glucose and some
salts like sodium. While the glomercular filtrate passes down the tubule, selective
reabsorption of water along with useful substances take place. The liquid that
passes into the collecting tubules is termed as final urine.

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(i) Transpiration Guttation occurs during
occurs during day time, the night or early morning
(ii) Example of biodegradable wastes Example of non bio
are dead plants and animals, fruits, degradable wastes
vegetables etc, are chemicals,
pesticides, plastic bags etc,
(iii) The objective of population control The objective of Swach
is to achieve a stable population at Bharat Abhiyan is to
a level consistent with the require- eliminate open defecation
ments of sustainable growth. and improve solid waste
(iv) Osomosis involves the transport of Active transport involve
water only. the movement of dissolved
solutes, such as sugar or
mineral ions.

(v) During metaphase, During anaphase, daughter

chromosomes are chromo-somes move
arranged in the towards the opposite poles
equatorial plane. of the spindle.
Question 5.
(A)The diagram below represents an experiment to demonstrate a certain
phenomenon in a gran plant:

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(i) Will the level of mercury in the glass tubing rise or fall?
Which conducting tissue of the plant does the glass-tubing represent?
(ii) Define Transpiration.
(iii) How will the rate of the above process differ if the environment of the
plant has:
(1) Less humidity
(2) High temperature?
(iv)State any two advantages of transpiration of the plant.
(v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a Plasmolysed cell. [5]
(B) Give appropriate biological/technical terms for the following:
(i) The sensory organ in Cochlea.
(ii) Number of live births per 1000 people per year.
(iii) The point of contact between two neurons.
(iv) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion neutralises the acid
in the vagina.
(v) Condition when blood sugar level is lowered in the blood.
(vi) Structure which helps in the adjustment of the size of the pupil.
(vii)A surgical method of fertility control in human males.
(viii) Process by which leucocytes migrate through the walls of capillaries.
(ix) A sudden inheritable change in one or more genes.
(x) A non-dividing phase of the cell cycle where more DNA is synthesised.[5]
Answer 5.
(A) (i) The level of mercury in the glass tubing rise. The rise of mercury within the
glass tube indicates the suction or the transpiration pull exerted on the water
in the Xylem vessels which is transmitted to the water column in the glass tube
and ultimately to the mercury level in the beaker causing the mercury to rise in
the tube.
Phloem is the conducting tissue represented by the glass tubing.

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(ii) Transpiration is the loss of water, by evaporation, from the aerial parts i.e.
leaves, stem of plants.
(iii) (1) In less humidity, the rate of transpiration increases.
(2) In high temperature, the rate of transpiration increases.
(iv) The advantages of transpiration of the plant are:  (any two)
(1) Temperature balance: Transpiration helps in cooling the plants during
hot days. It reduces the temperature of leaves and of the entire plant.
(2) Ascent of sap: Transpiration creates a suction force at the top of the plant.
This is helpful in the rise of sap and its concentration is the leaves. The osmotic
pressure in the leaves increases causing the water to be pulled up. This finally
leads to absorption of water from the soil by roots.
(3)  Mineral salts and water distribution: Transpiration is responsible for
absorption of water from the soils along with the water, essential numeral
salts are also absorbed. The water and absorbed numeral salts get
distributed throughout the plant by suction force.
(4) Climate control: Transpiration releases water to the atmosphere. This
cools down the environment.
(5) Removal of excess water: Roots of a plant often tend to absorb more
water than they require. This excess water is removed from the plant by way of
(6) Prevents dying up: Water evaporation from the leaf surface leaves
behind hygroscopic salts which have the ability to absorb moisture from the
environment and do not allow the plant to dry up.

(B) (i) Organ of corti

(ii) Birth rate
(iii) Synapse
(iv) Prostate gland
(v) Hypoglycemia
(vi) Iris
(ix) Mutation
(x) Synthetic or S phase of interphase.
Question 6.

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(A) State two functions of:
(i) Ear
(ii) Ethylene
(iii) Tears
(v) Cerebellum
(B) Complete the table:
Name of the Endocrine Function
Hormone Gland
(i) (ii) Deposits
extra glucose
of blood as
Growth (iii) (iv)
(v) Thyroid (vi)
(vii) (viii) Prepare body for any

Oxytocin (ix) (x)

Answer 6.
(A) (i) The functions of ear are:
(1) To transmit and transduce sound to the brain through the parts of the ear:
the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear;
(2) To maintain balance and coordination of head and eye movements.
(ii) The functions of ethylene are:
(1) Ethylene acts as a plant growth regulator;
(2) It acclerates the development process in plants such as senesence,
ripening and abscission.
(iii) The functions of tears are:
(1) Tears prevent dryness by coating the surface of the eye.
(2) Foreign bodies that enter the eyes are washed out by tears.
(iv) The functions of testis are:
(1) To produce sperms;
(2) To produce and discharge hormones.
(v) The functions of cerebellum are:
(1) It coordinates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination
and speech resulting in smooth and balanced muscular activity.

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(2) It is important for learning motor behaviours.
(B) (i) Glucagon
(ii) Pancreas
(iii) Pituitary gland
(iv) It is vital for normal growth
(v) Thyroxine
(vi) It acts as body‘s thermostat
(viii)Adrenal glands
(ix) Posterior pituitary gland
(x) It causes contraction of uterine muscles.

Question 7.
(A) A homozygous dominant tall pea plant bearing red flowers (TTRR) is crossed
with a homozygous recessive dwarf pea plant bearing white flowers (ttrr).
(i) What is the phenotype and genotype of F1 individuals?
(ii) Write the possible combination of gametes that are obtained when two
F1 hybrid plants are crossed.
(iii) Mention the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation.
(iv)State Mendel‘s Law of Independet Assortment.
(v) Name two X-linked disorders found in humans. [5]
(B) The diagram given below is that of a developing human foetus.
Answer the questions that follow:

(i) Label the parts numbered 1 to 3 in the diagram.

(ii) Mention any two functions of the part labelled 2 in the diagram.
(iii)Explain the siginificane of the part numbered 3 in the diagram.
(iv) Define the term ‘Gestation‘.
What is the normal gestational period of the developing embryo?
(v) Mention the sex chromosomes in a male and female embryo. [5]
Answer 7.
(A) (i) Phenotype of F, generation is Tall and red coloured flowers.
(ii) Possible combination of gametes obtained by F, individuals are:

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TR Tr tR tr
Tr TTRr TTrr TtRr Ttrr
tR TtRR TtRr ttRR ttRr
tr TtRr Ttrr ttRr ttrr
(iii) The phenotypic ratio obtained in the F2 generation is 9: 3: 3: 1
(iv) Mendel‘s law of independent assortment states that when inheritance of
two or more genes occurs at the same time, their distribution in the gametes is
independent of each other.
(v) The X-linked disorders found in humans are:
(1) Haemophilia;
(2) Colour blindness
(B) (i) Part 1 – Umbilical cord
Part 2 – Placenta
Part 3 – Amniotic fluid
(ii) The functions of part labelled 2 i.e., placenta are:
(1) It allows the diffusion of oxygen, nutrients and immune products from the
mother to the foetus;
(2) It allows the diffusion of waste material generated by the foetus to the
mother to be excreted.
(iii) The significance of part numbered 3 i.e. Ammiotic fluid is as follows:
(1) The ammiotic fluid prevents the foctus from injury and shocks;
(2) It allows the foctus some amount of movement;
(3) It prevents the amnion from sticking to the foctus;
(4) It maintains an even pressure all around the foetus.
(iv) The time period required for the development of the foetus inside the uterus is
called gestation. It is the time from conception to birth.
The normal gestation period in humans is 280 days.
(v) Sex chromosomes in male: One ‘X‘ chromosome and one ‘Y‘ chromosome.
Sex chromosomes in female embryo: Two ‘X‘ chromosomes (XX).

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