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Bài viết của Bharat Thakur Artistic

$ Yoga # !

Bharat Thakur Artistic Yoga "

27 thg 9, 2018!!

Hi friends...
I have penned down my first blog .. on KayaKalpa ..
Pl do hear it .. or read it ..
I write long blogs bec.. research findings are not
written in points or in few words.


KayaKalpa .. A Celebration Of Life

Dear Friends..

Around twenty years back we started the company

called Bharat Thakur Artistic Yoga to spread the
science of Yoga .. a mission given to us by our
beloved master .. it has always been more than a
business .. it’s a passion .. a way of life ..

For a science that is so evolved .. so advanced .. and

supremely relevant to every human being and
indeed to the well being of the earth itself .. we felt
that it needs the best minds .. the most committed
individuals .. a cheerful setting .. the best backend
support and infrastructure to do justice to it .. so we
thought that a knowledge driven .. professional ..
values-based company would be a great vehicle to
attract such talent .. where we could give them the
kind of training that the great luminaries of the Yoga
world had envisaged .. in the master-disciple
method .. what is called the ‘guru-shishya
parampara’ or the ‘silslila’ of the sufis .. we would
then be in a position to conduct the best classes ..
and play our part as a healing .. unifying and
enlightening enterprise of Yoga .. this would be the
best way to spread this precious .. universal
knowledge .. that is beyond dogma .. religion .. and
faith ..

Our own training for this mission included a formal

education in exercise physiology .. bio mechanics
and sports medicine .. which culminated in a
doctorate degree .. only after this did we set off on
the Yoga journey ..

Around twenty years back we began this movement

by teaching solo .. the beginning was tough .. few
understood it’s depth .. scope and benefits .. but one
thing made it easy for us .. Yoga worked .. on
multiple sclerosis patients .. on people with a cardio
vascular profile .. on those with psycho somatic
conditions .. hormonal imbalance .. when across the
board people started noticing that the changes were
without any side effects .. and were lasting .. and in
the process .. they became cheerful .. and it seemed
to awaken an interest in themselves .. renewed their
interest in life .. they had to sit up and notice Yoga ..

In the hands of a knowledgeable .. trained

professional and committed teacher .. Yoga looked
really potent .. powerful .. to the lay practitioner as
well as to cardiologists .. neurologists ..
orthopaedics .. gynaecologists and trauma
specialists ..

We are happy to report .. that today .. many parents

call our company to enquire about opportunities for
their children to become yoga teachers .. many
professionals write to us wanting to shift to
teaching Yoga .. the youth are realising more and
more that it feels good to have in our hands the
power to heal people and put a smile on their faces .
. it’s a beautiful vocation and a way of life to help
people regain their zest for life .. and is highly
relevant in these challenging and stressful times ..

Over the years many have joined Artistic Yoga

company as teachers .. we also have a team that
looks after marketing and communication .. we
have a dedicated call centre .. a data analytics team
and HR .. Artistic Yoga also develops its own
proprietary software and applications to help
connect better .. and there are many who work as
researchers for the yoga movement .. publishing
research papers .. we have our dedicated training
centre where our trainers learn .. train .. and develop
.. these are some of the many faces of a
comprehensive .. complete and contemporary
application of the ancient knowledge stream of
Yoga ..

Two decades back .. in India .. fitness was not even

a priority .. and Yoga was for long a victim of
neglect and misconception in the very same land
which had preserved this knowledge for thousands
of years ..

The oldest university in the world is said to have

been founded in 859 AD in Morocco .. older ones are
now gone .. but the many millennia old knowledge
stream of yoga surpasses what you can find in the
libraries of any university .. it has been kept alive not
by scholars or teachers .. but by mystics who having
mastered aspects of the science .. and pass on the
precise and powerful knowledge of body-mind-spirit-
cosmos that yoga is .. to ardent aspiring adepts ..

We have also been blessed with a dedicated core

team of young professionals who joined this extra-
ordinary movement to spread this beautiful science
.. they come from different countries .. from diverse
backgrounds of arts .. finance .. management ..
eduction .. and science ..

Artistic Yoga has so far conducted yoga modules

based on the research of the effects of Yoga on
cardio vascular endurance .. strength .. obesity ..
and lifestyle issues .. Artistic Yoga evolved products
to address the different needs of today .. we made
the classes motivational to get people to be regular
for the yoga to be effective .. we have been
committed to the science of it .. data .. case study ..
evaluation of methodologies .. evolution of products
.. results ..

Now it is time for the next step .. which at once is a

small pioneering step forward and at the same time
.. a huge dip into a timeless golden stream of
knowledge .. to introduce certain deeper aspects of
Yoga .. called ‘antarang yog’ .. in our recent blogs on
Vayu we began exploring this yoga of the inner
world ..

We have also been intensely researching a new

methodology that goes much deeper than fitness ..
and penetrates deeply into the health and the overall
wellness of a human being .. and one of the
offerings to emerge from this research is called
KayaKalpa .. to be sure .. KayaKalpa is not our
invention .. we are presenting a very ancient and
powerful science of age reversal .. Artistic Yoga will
soon introduce these classes .. but to understand
the fascinating science behind KayaKalpa .. please
listen carefully to this and the coming blogs .. you
will surely be amazed .. inspired .. and even healed
just listening to the possibilities that exist for us to
get happy .. to feel lasting peace .. to look younger ..
to get revitalised and actually push the clock back
by ten or more years .. not just superficially .. but at
the cellular level ..

Age is not just about how many years one has lived
after the date of birth .. it is also about how much
each vital organ has aged .. at what rate are new
cells replacing the old ones .. these are areas that
science is intensely researching .. but we will also
touch upon the more spectacular objectives of
ayurveda the ancient system of wellness .. rasayana
or alchemy and their baby .. the techniques of
KayaKalpa ..

We would invite you to not just soak in the

information but enjoy this blog .. because
knowledge is an alchemy of the soul .. and the soul
is all about sublime beauty and joy .. Yoga talks
about the ‘anandamaya kosh’ .. a layer of our being
that is itself pure bliss .. and when we get genuinely
happy and peaceful .. meditative or prayerful .. it is
this kosha that we experience .. the theory is that
this bliss is our innate nature .. it is always with us
whatever the circumstances of our lives are .. the art
.. is to be able to access it .. and that art has some
amazingly simple techniques and some insanely
sophisticated processes too .. we will look at both ..
the simplest of course is .. the smile .. what is called
anandamaya chitta .. let’s get happy at embarking
on this fantastic journey which is towards youth ..
beauty .. zest for life .. let it be the dawn of a golden
age of our life .. whatever the age might be .. for that
is the promise of KayaKalpa ..

We live at a time when things are changing really

fast .. ten years back Whatsapp was not around ..
twenty years back there were no smart phones .. just
thirty years back there was no world wide web .. the
post man was part of our lives .. now he is gone ..
extinct .. society is changing at a rapid pace .. we
have entered a phase of humanity where we teach
some basic skills to our young children only to
quickly have them in a year or so .. teach us the
latest in technology ..

All this fast pace means .. uncertainty .. anxiety ..

and it also means that every five years .. the way we
live seems to totally change .. and only one thing
that never seems to change .. is that life is getting
faster and faster ..

Oh .. another thing which has never changed from

the very beginning .. our desire to look better ..
younger .. and the desire to live for ever .. this one
desire has not changed since the dawn of humanity
.. our forefathers believed that they would live for
ever in their youth .. searched desperately for age
reversing pills in their middle age .. and wistfully
thought of how they could have lived better in their
last years .. and after thousands of years we are still
doing the same .. what is evermore incredible is that
this knowledge has actually been available all the
time ..

KayaKalpa is about loving yourself .. loving yourself

so that you are drawn to your own being .. you are
curious .. excited .. grateful for the experiences you
get .. you are accepting and welcoming .. when you
value your own body in this way .. you develop an
appetite to involve with it .. engage with it .. explore
it .. observe it .. be alert to its calls and all its ways ..
this is a kind of an awakening .. slowly you begin to
spontaneously observe .. first hand .. you begin to
have experiences you will not find mentioned in any
book or course .. when this begins to happen .. you
will understand when someone says ‘subtle body ‘
or ‘sookshma sharir’ .. KayaKalpa is about gaining
youth .. it is also about unravelling the secret of
beauty .. but above all .. it’s a celebration .. of
awareness ..

And you will understand through this blog .. the first

in this series .. that KayaKalpa is a huge science ..
into it has gone some of the most spectacular
researches ever .. some of the most brilliant minds
have contributed to this profound science .. and they
have come from practically all the continents of the
Earth .. China .. Egypt .. South America .. Africa ..
and yet .. it is all about you and me .. our daily life ..
our daily concerns ..

Sure .. this knowledge has been preserved and

evolved to a highly sophisticated level in India and
to some extent in China .. but we have drawn from
different sources .. drank from different rivers .. we
travel quite often and quiet extensively through out
the world .. to different countries .. and we make it a
point to observe the local practices .. the foods .. the
medicines .. specially in the county sides .. and rural
areas .. and so much knowledge is available every
where and all it requires is a keen eye .. and
assimilation .. so we have assimilated .. digested
different knowledge streams and they have only
joined the ancient stream from which we come from
.. that’s how rivers are .. aren’t they .. the way of
knowledge .. it is seamless and ever flowing through
anyone who is open to receive it .. knowledge is
never stagnant .. every text .. is just a starting point
from which each researcher evolves the knowledge
further .. based on his own genius .. experiences ..
and the need of the times ..

My dear friends who know us .. will definitely say

that we love to enter their kitchen .. love to exchange
their recipes .. of food .. and beauty secrets .. this is
KayaKalpa in action .. it is the science of humanity
that wants to celebrate the daily life .. the seasons ..
the passage of rights .. the occasions from
weddings to childbirth .. KayaKalp is an embrace of
the cycle of life .. its has always been about creating
a culture of sharing and an intimate network of
sharing between human beings .. its a rapturous art
and science of life ..

At this point .. let us begin with an understanding of

what is ageing .. because then we will clearly know
what we are really searching for when we say .. “I
want an anti-ageing formula” .. “I want to look
younger” .. “I want to enjoy a physical life in my
sixties through my nineties” .. when we have this
desire .. firstly lets say cheers to it .. let us loudly
affirm life .. for what it is constantly giving us .. lets
participate in it as fellow revellers ..

Let us understand what exactly does this mean for

the body .. for my whole being .. so a good place to
begin our exploration is to understand properly ..
with all that science knows today .. what is ageing ..
because .. let’s not forget .. KayaKalp is a science
that was initiated many thousand years back ..
people knew how to live up to a thousand years with
the same body .. the siddhas .. the alchemists who
once roamed the earth knew how to preserve their
bodies for even longer periods in an induced
hibernation .. in an animated suspension of the
processes of time .. this even before the exploits of
the legendary original beauty queen Cleopatra .. it is
said that Cleopatra bathed daily in donkey’s milk ..
sure fermented milk has Alpha Hydroxy Acids ..
which is used in anti-ageing treatments of today ..
but it must have been more than just that .. because
when we are talking about beating time itself .. we
are talking something big .. the science behind it
must be something very fundamental ..

There is a story .. in ancient India .. there was a king

who had a daughter who frustrated him as she did
not find any man in the whole kingdom good
enough to marry .. the king was worried that he
would be without an heir .. angry and frustrated ..
the king one day blindfolded his daughter and made
her sit in the palace courtyard and decreed in his
durbar .. that the first man who touched her would
be wedded to her .. he was so angry .. that he was
ok with any youth of any rank and station in his
ministry to wed her .. it would also teach her a
lesson .. he thought .. the royal courtiers were left
wondering .. which youth amongst them would have
the courage to do this .. till noontime .. there was no
response to the King’s announcement .. the poor
princess sat alone on a bench under the shade of a
tree .. blindfolded .. not knowing what turn her life
would take .. she had placed her maids at strategic
points to discourage anyone who either was not in
her good books or looked unsuitable .. after a
sumptuous lunch .. the maids had dozed off at their
vantage points .. there was a change of guard .. and
as the afternoon breeze blew across the courtyard ..
the leaves of the peepal tree under which she sat
shimmered .. making a gentle cooing sound ..

A very old assistant of the royal physician who was

almost blind was approaching the palace household
with some herbs .. and as the princess sat on the
edge of his path .. the old man who was toothless ..
with a pronounced hunch .. and was blind in one eye
and almost blind in the other .. he could not see her
so clearly .. as he clobbered past her slowly .. his
clothes brushed against her .. he startled .. and so
did the princess who had dozed off .. and as she
jerked her hand .. it flew across his the old
assistant’s shoulder .. and that was it .. they had
touched .. the guards rushed to the king to inform
him and get their reward .. and as per the King’s
decree .. brought him to the king .. as the groom
providence had chosen .. the princess couldn’t make
out who she had touched .. and before the maids
could approach her .. the poor old man was being
whisked away to the King ..

The king was aghast .. he had not foreseen this

possibility .. he had only visualised that some
courtier of his would be the lucky one .. his daughter
too was shocked .. and went into a depression ..
how to marry this geriatric old grand father .. yet it
was a royal decree .. it could not be revoked .. so the
king .. full of remorse .. sent for the royal astrologer
so that the marriage dates could be fixed ..

The astrologer was also the Royal Ayurvedic

physician .. the old man’s boss .. and when he got to
know of the situation .. he cheerfully addressed the
depressed king .. he said .. “My dear King .. Your
royal highness .. may it please his majesty to know
that this loyal servant knows a sadhu .. a mystic ..
who lives in the forests of this kingdom .. he is a
hundred and eighty years old and looks like he is
thirty .. and his teacher was said to be three hundred
years old when he shed his body .. he can make the
royal groom look like he is twenty years old .. and
ready to conquer the earth and the heavens .. and
we can assure his highness and the court to
absolute certainty that he really will have the body
of a twenty year old .. we would need around ninety
days for that to happen” ..

And so the mystic was summoned .. and he got the

preparations for this incredible transformation going
.. a special cell was constructed in a secluded area
of the royal lands .. with three layers of wall .. it was
a cell within a cell within a cell .. each of which were
dark and window less .. it had a small door and just
an oil lamp was placed in the innermost room with
just a comfortable mattress to lie upon .. as this
construction was taking place .. the old man was
put through a thorough cleansing of the whole body
including the digestive tract through an Ayurvedic
cleansing process called ‘pancha karma’ .. he was
also taught certain asana and pranayama to be
practiced during his confinement .. he was also
given certain mantras or incantations to chant ..
once the cell was ready .. the old man began to live
there ..

A designated person alone was allowed to enter the

cell to supply the old man with cow’s milk and a
herbal concoction daily .. which was the only food
he was allowed .. the special herbal concoction was
prepared daily .. it took around twelve hours to
prepare it in a special fireplace where the wood from
a specific tree was used .. many herbs that were
plucked from different forests at particular times
were used in making the concoction .. the old man
lived on this medicine and raw milk from a black
cow alone for those ninety days .. he was instructed
to sleep as much as he wanted and chant during his
free time .. he was also to perform a pranayama and
certain asanas daily .. no books were allowed .. no
other activity was allowed .. he was allowed no
contact with anyone for this period .. he lived in
complete isolation .. neither sunlight .. outside air ..
or even sound could penetrate the cell .. soon he lost
all sense of day and night ..

When he emerged from his cell after ninety days ..

he looked divine .. he had shed his old skin and a
new layer of youthful wrinkle free skin had grown ..
he had got a fresh set of teeth .. new nails .. his hair
was lush and black .. his body upright .. eyes
lustrous and bright .. his gait was upright and he
walked like a young adult would .. he was glowing
and full of vigour and brimming with enthusiasm ..
he was a worthy groom .. ready to plunge into the
pleasures of wedlock ..

The princess was overjoyed to wed this handsome

youth .. the King was wonderstruck .. grateful .. and
ecstatic at the turn of events ..

So we see in this story that it is a whole process ..

very precise .. but extremely demanding .. and it
includes a combination of many things .. herbs ..
minerals .. pranayama .. chanting .. meditation .. a
specific way of living in isolation .. absence of many
normal elements of daily life like the sun .. the wind .
. company .. activity ..

It was a deep science that combined the knowledge

streams of Ayurveda .. Alchemy or Rasayana .. and
Yoga .. and such practices were not known to the
Vaids or the Ayurvedic physicians but to the mystics
and adepts .. Ayurveda dealt with health ..
KayaKalpa was a technology that was based on the
principles of Ayurveda but was the research of the
alchemists .. who dealt with subjects like
agelessness .. timelessness .. transmutation of
material .. and were also deeply entrenched in the
purest and most universal spiritual values ..

So now lets understand what is ageing as per the

science of today .. so that we can appreciate the
depth and complexity that is involved in creating
such a level of rejuvenation .. like we said .. let’s
enjoy this story .. just to know that such knowledge
exists .. that life has all these treasures made
available to us .. that such wonders do exist in and
around us ..

What we know of the advances in knowledge made

by humanity is not complete .. there have been
civilisations in the past which had very advanced
knowledge in metallurgy .. in bio medicine .. and the
particular combination of these two streams is
called Rasayana or alchemy .. they had the
knowledge to change molecular structures .. of
transmutation of substances form one element to
the other .. which is still not known to science .. in
India .. these alchemists were called ‘Siddha’ ..
siddha means ‘power’ .. but these were spiritual
masters which included Patanjali .. who is known as
the compiler of the Yoga Sutras .. and though the
Siddhas had that kind of powers .. they always
considered it as a distraction in the path of
awareness .. they used KayaKalpa .. in certain
situations as in the story we narrated .. they also
used to help adepts .. to achieve certain spiritual
goals for which their bodies would be too old to
cope ..

The very thought of reversing age .. it comes from a

longing of the human species for immortality .. not
just biological survival of species .. which is built
into the way we reproduce .. by transferring our
genes to the next generation .. but in the uniquely
human desire .. to extend his life time .. this desire is
unique to the most evolved consciousness called
the human being ..

In KayaKalpa .. the idea is not just age reversal .. but

revitalising the body and making it disease free .. so
that the years we live .. we do not live lives of
physical and cognitive debility or under the shadow
of disease .. not everybody is obsessed with
immortality .. but everybody would love to have a
disease free and healthy .. vital life .. so we are
exploring age reversal from this perspective ..


Have you ever asked this question .. why do we we

age .. if we look at it .. it seems to be in-built .. but
some of the ancients in India and China asked this
question .. they thought .. “it would be really nice if I
could live a hundred years more .. then I could finish
research on this particular science” .. and they
found the answer to be affirmative .. “yes .. it is
possible” .. and some of them did .. so let’s ask the
question first .. like they must have done .. “what is
ageing” ..

If we look at the current researches .. they pinpoint

the ageing process to what goes on in our DNA ..
when a baby is conceived .. it is first a single cell
that is formed by the union of the ovum and the
spermatozoan .. this single cell has the genetic
material from both its parents called DNA .. which is
the unique code each living organism carries .. it is
this code that says what features and
characteristics we get .. be it skin colour .. brain size
.. body weight .. congenital diseases .. every single
feature of our body is coded in the DNA .. the DNA
also has instructions for how the heart needs to
function .. how the cells of the brain needs to
function .. and so on .. and each person’s DNA is
unique and so each one of us has unique
characteristics .. how the baby grows in the womb ..
how it grows outside .. these too are triggered by the
genetic code in the DNA ..

The first cell divides to two and then to four .. eight

and so on .. and slowly the foetus becomes bigger
and bigger growing into trillions of cells .. and each
time a cell divides .. a copy of the DNA is made for
the new cell .. the DNA replicates itself .. so each and
every cell has the whole DNA in it .. the DNA is made
up of two spiral structures called the chromosomes .
. think of it as a shoe lace .. at the end of each
chromosome there is a cap .. like shoe laces have
that metal cap so the lace doesn’t fray at its edges ..
similarly .. the chromosomes also have a cap ..
called Telomeres at the ends .. now every time the
cell divides .. the telomere shortens a little bit .. so
over a period of our lifetime .. there comes a point
when the telomere length of a particular cell is
finished .. then the cell is not able to reproduce itself
again .. and when this happens .. the ageing process
sets in .. roughly after fifty times .. the cell stops
replicating itself ..

The speed at which this ageing happens depends

on an enzyme found in the every cell .. called
telomerase .. so those who remain youthful for
longer periods have a greater presence and activity
of telomerase compared to those who age
prematurely .. so the enzyme telomerase is the in-
built anti-ageing agent in our bodies .. in our cells ..
when researchers injected telomerase artificially in
the cells .. they found that age related deterioration
like Alzheimer’s disease reduced in those cells ..

So the question was asked what makes telomerase

levels drop and how can we increase the levels
naturally .. it was found in a research conducted on
mothers who were caring for special needs children .
. where the stress levels were high .. and those who
got stressed by it .. aged faster .. and those who
took it as a challenge and were positive .. they did
not show signs of rapid ageing .. the telomeres of
the women with positive attitude had shortened less
and the their telomerase levels were higher than the
ones who got stressed by the situation ..

In chronic stress due to work .. wars .. or any

situation in life .. we age faster because the
telomerase levels drop due to stress .. where as if
any situation is met positively .. as a challenge .. it
seems to have the effect of stimulating the
production of telomerase and the shortening of the
telomeres during cell division is slowed down ..
ageing is slowed down .. so this research not only
showed that each cell has the secret anti ageing
ingredient in it .. it also showed that our attitude and
value system in life .. makes a huge impact on how
quickly we age ..

This reminds us of the famous couplet by Allama

Iqbal ..

ḳhudī ko kar buland itnā ki har taqdīr se pahle

ḳhudā bande se ḳhud pūchhe batā terī razā kyā hai

Set your sights so high .. that before passing any

the Lord himself asks you .. tell me what would your
wish be

There is another aspect of ageing connected with

our genes .. as the cells divide in the womb ..
different genes get activated in different cells .. that
is how some cells develop into bone .. some some
into the kidneys .. some the fingers .. some the eyes
.. this is because thought the genetic code in each
cell is the same .. the genes that get activated in the
cells of the fingers are different from the set of
genes that get activated to form the eyes .. to create
the different formations of the whole body ..

And as we age .. what happens is that all the genes

get activated randomly everywhere .. the genes of
the lungs might get activated in the liver for example
.. this also causes rapid ageing .. and in this
research .. it was fond that the there are around
seven anti ageing genes in our chromosomes .. if
these get activated .. they go about clipping and
cleaning the genes that are wrongly activated .. and
these age reversing genes are activated by certain
molecules that are released by certain foods we eat .
. for example red wine has a molecule called
resveretrol .. that activates the anti ageing genes ..

Another study was done at the John Hopkins

University .. where they found that fasting has the
effect of triggering the production of certain protiens
in the stem cells of the brain called neurotropic
factors .. this enhances the ability of the neurons to
cope with stress and resist ageing ..
it stimulates anti oxidant defences .. promotes
clearance of molecular garbage .. enhances DNA
repair and reduces inflammation .. this has the
effect of slowing down the ageing process of the
brain and protects the brain from succumbing to
age related diseases lie Alzheimer’s .. and it was
found that the same effect is produced by regular
exercise ..

So we have seen from all these researches that if we

can work on eliminating stress .. consume certain
beneficial foods .. cut down on many foods that are
not really needed by the body .. undergo cleansing
routines as the old man did before his KayaKalpa ..
he did Panchkarma which is part of Auurveda .. in
Yoga .. we have powerful cleansing techniques
called Kriya .. detox foods and drinks also work .. if
we did all this and if we change the pattern of our
eating which is mostly three meals a day plus many
snacks and drinks thrown in .. cut it down to sane
levels .. and also do regular exercise .. these can
combine to having a powerful effect on the ageing
process ..

To this we can also add the effects of sleep .. again

.. during a good night’s sleep .. a hormone called
melatonin is produced in the pineal gland of the
brain .. this is a powerful anti ageing hormone ..
melatonin is produced just by the complete absence
of light .. that is why it is important to sleep with not
even the light of the mobile phone to disturb .. when
we sleep in a complete dark room .. even irregular
periods in women and hormonal imbalances can be
brought to balance ..

So when we are talking about anti-ageing .. we are

not talking here about reversing it to live three
hundred years .. though as we have seen .. it is
possible .. we are here talking about improving the
healthy periods of our lives .. which means we can
address the health and age of every single organ of
the body and every single cell .. and we can do this
through very simple choices and actions that leave
a deep impact at the molecular level .. because only
if we can work at this level .. that we can
scientifically approach anti-ageing ..

We can slow down the ageing process .. this

approach is called gerontology .. we can attack
symptoms .. this is called geriatrics .. like a ninety
year old’s age related flu is treated like it a regular
flu .. or we can look at the approach of regeneration
.. this third approach is being talked about a lot
these days .. and KayaKalp has always been about
this approach ..

We look at all knowledge as belonging" # %

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