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Seven people - Ram, Rohit, Ronny, Raj, Ravi, Rakesh, and Raman were born in different

years - 1982, 1986, 1992, 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2009, but not necessarily in the same
order. The ages of the people are calculated with respect to the year 2023. Only one
person was born between Ram and Ravi. The difference between the ages of Ravi and
Raj is four years. The number of people born between Rohit and Raj is the same as the
number of people born between Ram and Raman. Rakesh was elder than Ronny but
not the eldest person. Rohit was born in 1982. Only three people were born between
Rohit and Ram. Raj was elder than Ram.

सात लोग - राम, रोहित, रोनी, राज, रवि, राकेश और रमन का जन्म अलग-अलग िर्षों - 1982, 1986,
1992, 1996, 2001, 2005 और 2009 में हुआ था, ले वकन जरूरी निीं वक इसी क्रम में िों। लोगों की उम्र की
गणना िर्षष 2023 के आधार पर की गई िै। राम और रवि के बीच केिल एक व्यक्ति का जन्म हुआ था। रवि और
राज की उम्र के बीच चार साल का अंतर िै। रोहित और राज के बीच पैदा हुए लोगों की संख्या राम और रमन के
बीच पैदा हुए लोगों की संख्या के समान िै। राकेश रोनी से बडा था ले वकन सबसे बडा व्यक्ति निीं था। रोहित
का जन्म 1982 में हुआ था। रोहित और राम के बीच केिल तीन लोगों का जन्म हुआ था। राज, राम से बडा था।
Seven people - Ram, Rohit, Ronny,
Raj, Ravi, Rakesh, and Raman were
born in different years - 1982, 1986,
1992, 1996, 2001, 2005 and 2009, but
not necessarily in the same order.
The ages of the people are
calculated with respect to the year
2023. Only one person was born
between Ram and Ravi. The
difference between the ages of
Ravi and Raj is four years. The
number of people born between
Rohit and Raj is the same as the
number of people born between
Ram and Raman. Rakesh was elder
than Ronny but not the eldest
person. Rohit was born in 1982. Only
three people were born between
Rohit and Ram. Raj was elder than
Ravi was born in which of the following year?
a) 1986
b) 1992
c) 1982
d) 1996
e) 2005
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are sitting around a circular table which has 8 seats and
one seat is vacant. They all like different colours among the following viz. Black, Blue,
Green, Grey, Pink, Purple and Red. All of them are facing inside the table. The information
given above is not necessarily in the same order.
V sits third to the left of the one who likes Pink colour which is not liked by U. P sits on the
immediate right of the vacant seat. V likes Green colour. R sits third to the right of U and
likes Blue colour. T likes Purple colour and sits to the immediate left of Q. S is not an
immediate neighbor of R and U. S likes Grey colour and sits to the immediate right of the
one who likes Red colour. The one who likes Green colour sits second to the left of the one
who likes Purple colour.

सात व्यक्तत P, Q, R, S, T, U और V एक गोलाकार मेज के चारों ओर बैठे हैं क्जसमें 8 सीटें हैं और एक सीट खाली है । वे
सभी निम्िललखखत में से अलग-अलग रं ग पसंद करते हैं। काला, िीला, हरा, ग्रे, गुलाबी, बैंगिी और लाल। वे सभी मेज़ के
अंदर की ओर सम्मख ु हैं। ऊपर दी गई जािकारी आवश्यक िहीं कक इसी क्रम में हो।
V उस व्यक्तत के बाएं से तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है क्जसे गुलाबी रं ग पसंद है जो कक U को पसंद िहीं है । P खाली सीट के ठीक
दाहहिी ओर बैठा है । V को हरा रं ग पसंद है . R, U के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है और उसे िीला रं ग पसंद है । T को बैंगिी
रं ग पसंद है और वह Q के ठीक बाईं ओर बैठा है । S, R और U का निकटतम पडोसी िहीं है । S को ग्रे रं ग पसंद है और वह
उस व्यक्तत के ठीक दाईं ओर बैठा है क्जसे लाल रं ग पसंद है । वह व्यक्तत क्जसे हरा रं ग पसंद है वह बैंगिी रं ग पसंद करिे
वाले व्यक्तत के बाएं से दस
ू रे स्थाि पर बैठा है ।
Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are
sitting around a circular table which has 8
seats and one seat is vacant. They all like
different colours among the following viz.
Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple and
Red. All of them are facing inside the table.
The information given above is not
necessarily in the same order.
V sits third to the left of the one who likes
Pink colour which is not liked by U. P sits
on the immediate right of the vacant seat. V
likes Green colour. R sits third to the right
of U and likes Blue colour. T likes Purple
colour and sits to the immediate left of Q.
S is not an immediate neighbor of R and U.
S likes Grey colour and sits to the
immediate right of the one who likes Red
colour. The one who likes Green colour sits
second to the left of the one who likes
Purple colour.
5) How many persons sit between U and
the one who likes Red colour from the left
of U?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4
E. No one

6) Who sits third to the left of the one

who likes Green colour?
A. Q
B. T
C. P
D. S
E. No one
Ten person A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are working in three different IT companies–
Tata Consultancy Service, Infosys and Cognizant (At least three friends in each
B is working neither in cognizant nor with G. A is working neither with H nor with C.
D is not with A. E is not working in Tata Consultancy Service. F is working in Tata
Consultancy Service. C working with only two person who is not with E and B. C is
not working in Tata Consultancy Service. One person out of two who work with C is
I. Tata consultancy Service has the highest person to work. H is working with G but
not in Tata Consultancy Service. D is not working in Infosys.

दस व्यक्ति A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I और J तीन अलग-अलग आईटी कंपननयों- टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस,

इं फोनसस और कॉग्निजेंट (प्रत्येक विभाग में कम से कम तीन दोस्त) में काम कर रिे िैं। B भी काम निीं कर
रिा िै न तो कॉग्निजेंट में और न िी G के साथ। A न तो H के साथ और न िी C के साथ काम कर रिा िै। D, A
के साथ निीं िै। E टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस में काम निीं कर रिा िै । F टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस में कायषरत िै । C
केिल दो व्यक्तियों के साथ काम करता िै जो E और B के साथ निीं िैं । C, टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस में काम निीं
कर रिा िै। C के साथ काम करने िाले दो में से एक व्यक्ति I िै । टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस में काम करने िाला
सबसे बडा व्यक्ति िै। H, G के साथ काम कर रिा िै ले वकन टाटा कंसल्टें सी सवििस में निीं। D इं फोनसस में
काम निीं करता िै .
Ten person A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
and J are working in three
different IT companies– Tata
Consultancy Service, Infosys and
Cognizant (At least three friends
in each department).
B is working neither in cognizant
nor with G. A is working neither
with H nor with C. D is not with A. E
is not working in Tata
Consultancy Service. F is working
in Tata Consultancy Service. C
working with only two person
who is not with E and B. C is not
working in Tata Consultancy
Service. One person out of two
who work with C is I. Tata
consultancy Service has the
highest person to work. H is
working with G but not in Tata
Consultancy Service. D is not
working in Infosys.
9) Who is not working in TCS from the
following options?
A. H
B. F
C. B
D. A
E. None of these

10) How many person works in

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. No one
E. 5
Certain number of persons sits in a circular table and all are facing outside
the center of the table. No one is sitting adjacent to B. C and D are not sitting
adjacent to each other. D is sitting third to the right of B. E and F are sitting
adjacent to A. G is sitting second to the right of A. No consecutive letters are
sitting together. H is sitting immediate left or right of D. A sits exactly
opposite to B. Two person seats between A and C. One person seats between
C and B.

एक गोलाकार मेज पर कुछ नननित संख्या में व्यक्ति बैठे िैं और सभी का मुख मेज के केंद्र से बािर
की ओर िै। कोई भी B के बगल में निीं बैठा िै। C और D एक दस ू रे के बगल में निीं बैठे िैं। D, B के
दायें से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा िै। E और F, A के बगल में बैठे िैं। G, A के दायें से दस
ू रे स्थान पर बैठा
िै। कोई भी क्रमागत अक्षर एक साथ निीं बैठा िै। H, D के ठीक बाएँ या दाएँ बैठा िै। A, B के ठीक
विपरीत बैठा िै। A और C के बीच दो व्यक्ति बैठे िैं। C और B के बीच एक व्यक्ति बैठा िै।
Certain number of
persons sits in a circular
table and all are facing
outside the center of the
table. No one is sitting
adjacent to B. C and D are
not sitting adjacent to
each other. D is sitting
third to the right of B. E
and F are sitting adjacent
to A. G is sitting second to
the right of A. No
consecutive letters are
sitting together. H is
sitting immediate left or
right of D. A sits exactly
opposite to B. Two person
seats between A and C.
One person seats
between C and B.
17) How many persons are sitting between A and B?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 3
D. 5
E. None of these
There are nine person in a family – X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, P and Q and there are
three generation live in this family. Z is brother of father in law of D. B has
only one child who is male in gender . Y is sister in law of Z. A is brother of B. A
is married to C who is mother of P. P is male in gender .X is the grandfather of
P. A and B are brothers.

एक पहरिार में नौ व्यक्ति िैं - X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, P और Q और इस पहरिार में तीन पीढ़ियाँ

रिती िैं। Z, D के ससुर का भाई िै। B की केिल एक संतान िै जो नलिंग में पुरुर्ष िै। Y, Z की भाभी
िै। A, B का भाई िै। A का वििाि C से हुआ िै, जो P की मां िै। P नलिंग में पुरुर्ष िै। X, P का दादा
िै। A और B भाई िैं |
There are nine person in a
family – X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, P
and Q and there are three
generation live in this
family. Z is brother of
father in law of D. B has
only one child who is male
in gender . Y is sister in
law of Z. A is brother of B. A
is married to C who is
mother of P. P is male in
gender .X is the
grandfather of P.
7. How is X related to D?
X, D से वकस प्रकार संबंधधत िै ?
A) Daughter
B) Father in law
C) Daughter-in-law
D) Brother
E) None of these
8. How is A related to Q?
A, Q से वकस प्रकार संबंधधत िै ?
A) Sister
B) Uncle
C) Mother
D) Brother-in-law
E) None of these

9. If V is brother of Q. How V is related to Y ?

यढद V, Q का भाई िै तो V, Y से वकस प्रकार संबंधधत िै ?
A) Brother-in-law
B) Sister-in-law
C) Grandson
D) Niece
E) None of These
Some star is moon. कुछ स्टार मून िै .
Some moon is planet. कुछ चाँद ग्रि िैं ।
All planet is earth. सभी ग्रि पृथ्वी िैं ।

Conclusions: ननष्कर्षष:
I. कुछ तारे ग्रि िैं ।
I. Few star is planet.
I।. कुछ मून अथष िै .
II. Few moon is earth.

(a) If Only conclusion I follows.

(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.
Statements: कथन:
Some boy are good कुछ लडके अच्छे िैं
No boy is player कोई लडका खखलाडी निीं िै
Only sports are player केिल स्पोर्टसष प्ले यर िैं

I: कुछ स्पोर्टसष बॉय निीं िैं
I: Some sports are not boy II: कुछ गुड स्पोर्टसष निीं िैं ।
II: Some good are not sports.

(a) If Only conclusion I follows.

(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.
Statements: कथन:
Few red are green. कुछ लाल िरे िैं ।
No green is purple. कोई िरा बैंगनी निीं िै ।
All purple are white. सभी बैंगनी सफेद िैं ।

Conclusion: ननष्कर्षष:
I: कुछ ग्रीन िाइट निीं िै
I: Some green is not white
II: कुछ लाल बैंगनी िैं ।
II: Some red are purple.

(a) If Only conclusion I follows.

(b) If Only conclusion II follows.
(c) If Either conclusion I or II follows.
(d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
(e) If Both conclusions I and II follow.

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