U3 - Tenses 2 Key For Students

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Small Steps Make Big Changes


Bài 1: Chia động từ theo chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số ít cho các động từ sau

1. go: went 11. choose: chose

2. come: came 12. break: broke
3. do: did 13. eat: ate
4. have: had 14. forget: forgot
5. say: said 15. give: gave
6. get: got 16. know: knew
7. make: made 17. swim: swam
8. see: saw 18. teach: taught
9. take: took 19. fly: flew
10. begin: began 20. drink: drank

Bài 2: Chia các động từ sau

1. I swam (swim) in the lake yesterday and it was very refreshing.
2. She drove (drive) to the beach last weekend and had a great time.
3. They ate (eat) sushi for the first time and loved it.
4. He drank (drink) too much coffee and couldn't sleep last night.
5. We wrote (write) a letter to our grandparents to thank them for their gifts.
6. The children rode (ride) their bikes around the neighborhood all day.
7. She sang (sing) a beautiful song at the talent show and won first prize.
8. I spoke (speak) to the manager and he agreed to give me a raise.
9. They ran (run) a marathon last month and raised money for charity.
10. He broke (break) his leg playing soccer and had to wear a cast for six weeks.
Bài 3: Chia thì các câu sau
1. I walked (walk) to the store yesterday to buy some groceries.
2. She was walking (walk) to the store when she saw (see) her friend.
3. They played (play) soccer in the park all afternoon.
4. He was playing (play) soccer when he sprained his ankle.
5. We watched (watch) a movie together on Saturday night.
6. While it was snowing (snow) in Lowa, the sun was shining (shine) in Florida.
7. She was studying (study) for her exam all night.
8. He was singing (sing) in the shower when his roommate walked (walk) in.
9. I visited (visit) my grandparents in the countryside last summer.
10. The sun was setting (set) as we walked (walk)along the beach.
Small Steps Make Big Changes

Bài 4: Chuyển các câu sau sang phủ định, nghi vấn (Quá khứ đơn)

1. Last night I played my violin loudly and the neighbors complained.

Last night I didn’t play my violin loudly and the neighbors didn’t complain.
Did you play your violin loudly and did the neighbors complain last night?
2. She kissed me on the cheek.
She didn’t kiss me on the cheek.
Did she kiss you on the cheek?
3. It rained at 5 pm yesterday.
It didn’t rain at 5 pm yesterday.
Did it rain at 5 pm yesterday?
4. John watched TV all night.
John didn’t watch TV all night.
Did John watch TV all night?
5. I ate a lemon.
I didn’t eat a lemon.
Did you eat a lemon?
Bài 5: Chuyển các câu sau sang phủ định, nghi vấn (Quá khứ tiếp diễn)

1. While I was studying, my friend called me.

While I wasn’t studying, my friend didn’t call me.
Did your friend call you, while you were studying?
2. They were playing basketball while it was raining.
They weren’t playing basketball while it wasn’t raining.
Were they playing basketball, while it was raining?
3. She was watching TV while her mom was cooking dinner.
She wasn’t watching TV while her mom wasn’t cooking dinner.
Was she watching TV while her mom was cooking dinner.
4. He was exercising at the gym when he hurt his ankle.
He wasn’t exercising at the gym when he didn’t hurt his ankle.
Was he exercising at the gym when he hurt his ankle?
5. They were waiting for the bus when it finally arrived.
They weren’t waiting for the bus when it finally didn’t arrive.
Were they waiting for the bus when it finally arrived?
Small Steps Make Big Changes

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng và dịch lại các câu đã hoàn thiện

1. Mr. Sokolov _____ a positive review of this stay at the Olana Hotel.
A. Write B. wrote C. writing D. was written
2. Arnby Cable_____$25 to all Internet subscribers after the weeklong service interruption.
A. refunded B. accepted C. divided D. deposited
3. Mr. Yamamoto's farewell party was ____ in the cafeteria on Tuesday.
A. meant B. held C. taken D. build
4. Ms. Tran ____ the clients fifteen different apartments in one afternoon
A. made B. opened C. passed D. showed
5. The latest sales figures ___ to the vice president that the company was doing well
A. reinforcing B. reinforcement C. reinforces D. reinforced
Bài 7: Sắp xếp lại các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh

1. was / studying / she / when / the phone / rang

=>She was studying when the phone rang.

2. to / last night / I / the / movies / went

=>I went to the movies last night.

3. the / party / enjoyed / we / last night

=> We enjoyed the party last night.

4. in / car / the / I / listening / was / to / music

=> I was listening to music in the car.

5. at / met / the / we / coffee shop

=> We met at the coffee shop.

Small Steps Make Big Changes

Bài 8: Chia động từ trong đoạn văn sau

Last summer, I took (take) a trip to Hawaii. I had always wanted to visit the islands, and it was (be) a dream
come true for me. When I arrived (arrive), the sun was shining (shine) and the breeze was blowing (blow).
I walked (walk) along the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and the salt water on my skin. I was
enjoying (enjoy) the beautiful scenery when I met (meet) a group of locals who were playing music. They
were singing (sing) and playing (play) guitars, and I joined (join) in and danced (dance) with them.
The next day, I went (go) on a hike in the mountains. I was walking (walk) along the trail when I heard
(hear) the sound of a waterfall. I followed (follow) the sound and discovered (discover) a beautiful waterfall
cascading down the rocks. I stood (stand) there for a while, mesmerized (mesmerize) by the beauty of
nature. I was taking (take) pictures when I realized (realize) I had forgotten to bring extra batteries for my
On the third day of my trip, I decided (decide) to go surfing. I had never tried it before, but I was determined
to give it a go. I rented (rent) a surfboard and wetsuit and went (go) out to the ocean. I was paddling (pad)
out when I saw a big wave coming. I paddled (paddle) as fast as I could and managed to catch the wave. I
was riding (ride) it for a few seconds before falling off the board. It was (be) an exhilarating experience, and
I couldn't (can not) wait to try it again.
Overall, my trip to Hawaii was amazing. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the friendly locals, and the fun
activities. I will definitely go back there again in the future.
Bài 9: Dịch đoạn văn trên










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