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The British College

Paseo del Genil s/n, Urb. Torremuelle

29630 Benalmádena Costa, Málaga
Tel: +00 34 952 44 22 15 Fax:+00 34 952 44 22 72

Summary of protocol in response to Covid-19.

This protocol has been written under the provisions of the Regulations
published 20th July 2020 from the Vice-Ministry of Education and Sport, in
relation to schools and educational centres for the academic year
2021/22, in response to the Covid-19 sanitary crisis.

The complete protocol is available to parents at the school office.

The current protocol will be adapted accordingly, in line with any possible
new measures received from the Vice-Ministry of Education and Sport.


General Measures:

 Thorough disinfection of all the indoor and outdoor facilities of the centre, including
furniture and sports materials. Installation of hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers at the
door of each classroom, in corridors, at the doors of the toilets, in the reception and
administration area; ultimately, on the whole school campus. Installation of
disinfectant mats at all entrances to the school building.
 Pupils in pre-school, primary and secondary (with the exception of the Year 12 and
13 students) will have all classes delivered in their classroom. Teachers will move
around the school to the different rooms to give classes.
 Meeting for the whole teaching body informing all teachers of foundation stage,
primary and secondary of the measures taken, and those that will be taken to
prevent the transmission of Covid 19. Measures for the entrances and exits of each
section of the school. Collection and dropping off of pupils. Up to Reception, only
one adult per pupil can accompany the child to class in the morning and collect them
in the afternoon. From Year 1 to Year 3, it will be their class teachers that take them
to their classrooms and when leaving school to the exit.
 Staggered arrival and exit of pupils: The entry and exit of pupils will be staggered
using 6 different entrance and exit points. Parents will be informed of the
aforementioned entrances and exits at the end of July and again on 1 st September.
Parents will also be sent a plan of the school explaining the entrances, so that it is
clear which door corresponds to their child/children.
 Online submission of protocol to parents, stressing that they must take their child’s
temperature every day before bringing them to school and, in the case that they
have a temperature or any other symptom related to Covid 19, they must keep their

child at home, consult a doctor and inform the school of the result.

Specific measures for pupils:

All of the school students will have their temperature taken every day.
All students from Reception upwards must wear a face mask.

Teachers of Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception will wash pupils’ hands regularly in
the toilets that can be found in each classroom. They will also use hydro-alcoholic gel
which can be found in each classroom.
The teachers in Year 1 will supervise and ensure that all pupils wash their hands
regularly in the wash basins in their classes especially before and after break in the
morning, before and after going to the toilet (both Year 1 classrooms have toilets
next to their classrooms for their use exclusively), before and after lunch and at the
end of the day before leaving school. They will also use the hydro-alcoholic gel in
their classrooms.
Teachers of Years 2 to 4 will ensure that the pupils use the hydro-alcoholic gel and
will accompany the pupils to the toilets to make sure that the pupils wash their
hands before and after break in the morning, before and after lunch as well as
making sure they wash their hands each time they go to the toilet.
Teachers of Years 5 and 6 will make sure that pupils use the hand gel in their
classrooms, as well as washing their hands in the specific toilets for these classes
before and after break in the morning, before and after lunch, as well as each time
they go to the toilet.
Teachers of Years 7 to 13 will insist on the importance of students regularly washing
their hands in the secondary toilets throughout the school day. Furthermore, before
entering and upon leaving the classroom, they will ensure that all students wash
their hands using the gel in the dispensers located at the doorway to each classroom.

Measures to limit contact:

All pupils from Pre-Nursery to Year 11 will remain in their classrooms, where all their
classes will be delivered. Students in Years 12 and 13 will have 8 classrooms for their
different option subjects, which will only be used by said pupils. The study room will
also be for the exclusive use of Year 12 and 13 pupils.
The safety distance between desks will be kept from Year 2 to Year 13.
The school has 7 different playgrounds. This will help to avoid contact between
pupils in the different sections of the school.

Children in Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception will share the same area which can
be accessed directly from their classrooms; however, both morning break and the
break time after lunch will take place at different times.
Children in Year 1 and 2 will have their own playground which will only be used by
them. Two different areas of this playground will be assigned, one for use by Year 1
and one by Year 2. Pupils from both Year 1 and Year 2 will go to the playground 5
minutes before the bell rings for the start of break, and likewise, will return 5

minutes before break time ends, at both morning and lunch break.
Pupils in Years 3 and 4 will use the basketball courts located on the upper floor for
their break times. Those in Years 5 and 6 will use the lower section of the main
playground for theirs.
For the morning break, children from Years 3 and 4 will go to their assigned
playground 5 minutes before the bell rings and return 5 minutes before the end of
break. This will also happen at lunchtime.
Pupils from Years 7 to 9 will use the middle section of the main playground for their
breaks and Years 10 to 13 will use the upper section.

In terms of entering the dining room, there will be three sittings: one for foundation
stage, one for primary and one for secondary. In the first two sittings, as is already
practice in school, teachers will accompany pupils to the dining room, will stay with
them until they finish eating and will then take them to their respective playgrounds.

Teachers will explain to all primary and secondary pupils how they must move
around the school, which must be only when necessary, wearing their face mask,
staying to the right and avoiding contact with pupils from other year groups and
classes if they happen to pass them on the corridors or on the stairs.


Staggered arrival and exit times of pupils.
Secondary: at 8.45am, all pupils must already be in their classrooms. Pupils in Year 7
to Year 10, as well as those in Years 12 and 13 will enter the school building using the
main entrance on Paseo del Genil which will take them directly to their classrooms.
Students in Year 11 will use the second entrance on Calle Guadalmedina. A
secondary teacher will be supervising this entrance. Pupils from Years 7 to 13 will
exit the school at 4.10pm using the same door as in the morning.

Primary: Pupils in Year 2 will enter the school at 8.45am using the second entrance
located to the left of the main entrance on Paseo del Genil and will leave at 4.05pm
using the same door. Pupils in Year 1 will enter at 8:55am using the second entrance
located to the left of the main entrance on Paseo del Genil and will leave using the
same door at 4pm. A member of the office staff will supervise this entrance. Pupils
from Years 3 and 4 will enter using the door on Avda. de la Torre at 8.45am and exit
using the same door at 4pm. A member of the office staff will supervise this door.
Pupils in Years 5 and 6 will enter the school building using the main entrance on Calle
Guadalmedina at 8.45am and will leave using the same door at 4.10pm. The staff on
bus duty will supervise this entrance. The pupils from secondary that take the school
bus will use the entrance to the park which can be accessed by the door next to the
kitchen. Primary pupils who take the bus will go directly to their classes.
At 8.55am pupils from Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception will be taken to their
classrooms by one adult only. They will be collected from their class at 4pm by only
one adult.
Every pupil and teacher will move around the school building, always keeping to the


 Leaving the building to access the playground and returning to classrooms.

Both the going to the playground and the return to the classrooms will also be
staggered, avoiding as much as possible contact with pupils who do not have the
same assigned play area.
With respect to this point, a detailed explanation is included in the section
“Measures to limit contact”.


Access measures for families and legal guardians of pupils belonging to the centre.

Only pupils from Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception can be accompanied by an

adult to their classes and collected from the class in the afternoon.

In the case that a pupil feels unwell and the school has called a parent to collect the
child, only one parent- whether it be the father, mother or authorised person- can
access the school building to do so and must wait in the reception area.
A member of the office staff will go to collect the pupil and will take them to
reception where the adult responsible for the child will be waiting.

If a pupil arrives late, and the doors are already closed, independent of the year
group they belong to, they will enter through the entrance on Paseo del Genil. Pupils
from Pre-Nursery to Year 3 will be accompanied by a member of staff from the office
to their classes. From Year 4 upwards, pupils who arrive late will go to their class by
themselves, after having signed their name on the list of late arrivals – which is
already policy- always following the assigned route for their year group.

Meetings between teachers and parents should take place, whenever possible, via
Skype. If this is not possible, then the meeting will take place in one of the meeting
rooms in the school.



Measures for groups in shared school environments.

The children in Pre-Nursery and Nursery will form a specific group of pupils, without
any contact with other pupils in the centre. Those in Reception will also form a
specific group without any contact with other pupils. Those in Years 1 to 4, in the
same way, will form another group.
All the furniture in each classroom will be disinfected daily, as will the toilets for
each year group. They will also be cleaned at regular intervals throughout the school

From Year 2 to Year 4, the desks will be separated respecting the safety distance.
Pupils in Years 5 and 6 will be separated into year groups for lessons, but will share a
playground. Each pupil will be assigned a desk for their use only.
The capacity for each classroom will be less than, or a maximum of, 20.

Measures for other groups.

From Year 7 to Year 13 all physical contact between pupils of different year groups,
and indeed within the same year group, will be avoided. The furniture in each
classroom will be disinfected daily and the toilets will be kept perfectly clean
throughout the school day. Each pupil will have their own desk, exclusively for their
use. Before entering the classrooms, pupils must wash their hands, one by one, using
the gel in the dispensers located at the doors to the classrooms.
The capacity of each class will be a maximum of 20 pupils.

Use of Shared Spaces.

IT classrooms:
Primary IT classroom: Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 have their own IT suite. School
maintenance staff will disinfect the keyboard and mouse of each computer after
each class.
Secondary IT classroom: As with primary, school maintenance staff will disinfect the
keyboard and mouse of each computer after each class.

Art classroom in the secondary section: As with the IT classrooms, school

maintenance staff will disinfect the work benches and the chairs between classes.

Science laboratories in the secondary section: The material in the laboratory will be
disinfected by the respective teachers each time it is used. The work benches, desks
and chairs will be disinfected between classes by school maintenance staff.

Dining Room: The company, Serunión, who cooks the food in our centre, has its own
safety protocol in response to Covid 19. Said protocol has been officially authorized
and the centre has a copy of this, at the parents’ disposal.

Other shared spaces.

School buses: The bus company “Leiva Bus” that runs our bus service has its own
protocol, officially authorised, in response to Covid 19. The school has a copy of this,
at the parents’ disposal.


Signage and notices

In all classrooms from Reception to Year 13, as in all the toilets, there are signs
reminding pupils to wash their hands and to use the hydro-alcoholic gel frequently,
throughout the school day. Likewise, there are signs in the corridors reminding pupils
of this as well as the use of face masks, the safety distance they should keep and the
way in which they should move along the corridors or go up or down stairs, always
keeping to the right.

In every class from Year 5 to Year 13, there are signs that include a summary of the
hygiene rules which must be respected.

Arrows on the floor will indicate the path that all pupils, teachers and non-teaching
staff should take when moving around the school building.


The school has been repeatedly cleaned and disinfected since the start of classes.

The centre has a cleaning and maintenance team of 15 people. Every day, before the
start of class, all the facilities – including the playgrounds- will be fumigated with
disinfectant. During the school day, the classrooms which are used for different
groups of pupils, will be cleaned and disinfected between each class, including the
desks, chairs and computers. The toilets will be kept clean and disinfected
throughout the school day. At the end of the school day, the whole school will be
cleaned and disinfected in depth.

The bins in the classrooms, playgrounds, toilets, corridors and dining room will be
emptied by the cleaning and maintenance staff several times a day. Waste will be
taken directly to the bins, outside the school grounds.


Identification of suspected cases and control of suspected symptoms

Tutors have temperature detectors at their disposal. Before starting classes, they will
check if any pupil has a fever and will immediately contact the school office, via the
internal school email system, if such is the case. In the same way, they will also
inform the office of any other suspected symptoms.

Action in the event of a suspected case

The tutor/teacher who detects a suspected case will immediately contact the school
office and the pupil will be momentarily isolated in the room for pupils who do not
feel well.
Parents will be called so that they can collect their child and can take them to a
doctor for a medical evaluation. The school will then contact the parents to see if the
pupil has tested positive or negative for Covid 19.

Action in the event of a confirmed case

In the event that a pupil tests positive for Covid 19, the pupil will not be able to
attend class until 10 days after. Furthermore, all parents of pupils who may have had
contact with the said pupil will be informed, as will the teaching and non-teaching
staff who have had contact with the pupil.
Naturally, we will also inform the local health centre who will inform us of any
further measures that need to be taken.
Once the pupil has overcome the illness, as well as the necessary quarantine period,
they will be able to return to school, providing the school with the corresponding
medical certificate, stating it is safe to do so.

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