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Hampt Hampt

Herald Herald
Vol. 12, No. 6 www.ossekeag.ca October 18, 2011
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 2 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Marsh
Taken from Judys Bench
Viewpoint on
River Road
Photo by Keith Morgan
Published Bi-Weekly
Next Issue: November 1
Deadline: October 25
Hearing Aids: Why Are You Waiting?
Many people with hearing loss think that hearing
aids will make them look older or aect others
perception of them. They put o getting hearing
aids because they think that they can get by just
ne; however, getting by is stressful and hard work.
It often leads to isolation and social withdrawal. Be
honest with yourself. Wearing hearing aids is much
less noticeable than constantly asking people to
repeat themselves or responding to a question with
an unrelated answer.
The truth is that a well-tted hearing aid can greatly
enhance your ability to interact with others. Hearing
aids can minimize many problems that go along
with hearing loss, such as diculty understanding
conversations, hearing environmental noise as well
as location and direction of sound. And they can
help ght feelings of social isolation.
If your hearing loss aects your ability to
communicate with others or makes you feel
self-conscious, it may be time to consider hearing
aids. Though it may be awkward at rst, over time
you'll adjust to the device and enjoy your enhanced
ability to hear and communicate in a variety of
situations. By wearing your hearing aids regularly,
you will begin to notice signicant improvements in
your quality of life.
Hearing Loss is much more noticeable than Hearing
Aids. The rst step is to have your hearing tested.
Call for your appointment today with our Clinical
Kennebecasis Valley Hearing Centre
281 Hampton Rd. Quispamsis, NB
visit us online at
Te missus and I have been very conscious about the
environment for quite a few years now. We recycle even tiny
bits of plastic, cardboard and paper. We hate wasting electricity,
food and most of our clothing comes from second hand shops.
So it is very bothersome to fnd that we may be harbouring an
environmental disaster. Having just celebrated Tanksgiving
and having received a few mornings of frost, I am reminded that
this is the time of year that both humans and animals try and
fatten up for the winter. So far my progress is going fne, but I
am concerned about how the animals are making out. It appears
that a big black (bear???) is cleaning out every apple tree within
miles. Te deer are starting to line up and march in protest to
the devastation of their food supply.
Working on my woods road a few days ago, I had to move the
tractor back a little further and as I am climbing back up on
the backhoe I look across into the woods and there are two doe
staring at me. It was clear from the look that they were giving
me that they were holding me responsible for the apple shortage.
Tey described the monster that was devastating their food
supply and it sounded like a bear to me, but when they told me
that his name was Te Jet, I almost fell of my seat. Instantly, the
possibility of mistaking Te Jet for a bear was obvious.
But, what was I going to do?? Te vision of starving Bambis
just didnt seem right. If I were to truck in loads of apples for the
deer, Te Bear would probably get at least half of them and the
cost would be two years of salary!!!
Tere has to be a solution to this problem!! I cant starve Te
Bear and I cant starve the poor deer!!! So the deal Ive come
up with is that I am giving permission to all of the deer to
wander throughout all of Nauwigewauk, and eat their fll from
every garden they can fnd. Unprotected
cedar hedges, shrubs, fowers, vegetables,
whatever they can fnd is theirs. Oh Wait!!
I think that they have been doing that
Many thanks to all the local gardeners
who are sacrifcing a share of your labour
to help sustain the deer population. Te
Jet will be able to munch and crunch for
at least a few more weeks without having a
guilty conscience. 800
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 3 www.ossekeag.ca
, 23 Western St, Sussex
October 22nd 10am - 2 pm
See in store for details
Te Grad Class of 2012 parent meeting was
held on October 4
. It was good to see a great
turn-out because it is important that everyone
is on the same page and knows what will be
going on throughout the course of the year.
Afer the meeting, parents were encouraged to
sign up to help run and chaperone Grad Class
events, particularly the events in June. If you
were unable to attend this meeting and you
would like to help out with the events, simply contact one of
the members of the Grad Class Executive or one of the Faculty
Advisors, and we will add you to the list. As well, all potential
Grads received a letter in homeroom class outlining procedures
for Grad Fees as well as important dates for the year. If you have
not seen this letter, please ask your child for this letter. Also,
keep checking the school website for updates.
Te yearbook for 2011-2012 is going to be a great one, but frst,
the yearbook committee has some information that they would
like to share, so here we go. If your grad photos have not been
taken yet, dont panic. Oak Tree Photography will be taking
pictures at the school. Te last date to sign up for these pictures
is Tursday, October 20
. If students are interested in having
Friends Forever photos taken, talk to Jenny Fowler to make
arrangements. If you missed the Sibling Photo opportunity,
see Chris Donovan. Grad photos and write-ups are due to Mrs.
Southard before December 1
. It is advised that there is no text
talk in the write-ups-everything should be written out.
Te year is fying by; it is hard to believe that it is already mid-
October! Our major fundraiser of the year, Scare Fest, is coming
up on Tursday, October 27
. Tank you to those who sent in
candy to help defray the costs associated with Scare Fest. Keep
reading the Grad Class column in the Hampton Herald to stay
updated on Grad Class activities! On behalf of the Grad Class
Executive, have a safe and fun Halloween!
Submitted by Johnny Cullen. 103
Kingston Peninsula Heritage will be holding its regular monthly
meeting on Tursday, October 20
at the John Fisher Memorial
Museum, located in the basement of Macdonald Consolidated
School, Kingston. Te business meeting commences at 7:30pm
followed by a guest speaker, which is to be announced. Social
time and refreshments will wrap up the evening.
Te public is invited to attend. 134
In loving memory of Al
who passed away on
October 9th, 2010
Wife, Alida; the kids;
kids-in-law and grand-kids
Nutter, Alan
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 4 www.ossekeag.ca
1356 Rte 845, Clifon Royal NB, E5S 2B9,
Phone 763-2009
Sundays 7:30pm, Cribbage. For more
information, contact Joe Stack at 763-2959.
Mondays General Legion meeting is
held the frst Monday of each month (from
September to June) at 7:00pm. New members
always welcomed (anyone may become a
member). Membership is not a requirement
to be a volunteer.
Monday, December 5
7:00pm, Election of Ofcers will be
held to vote in the new slate of ofcers for the 2012 year.
Peninsula Pearls meet the 2
& 4
Monday of each month at
12:00noon for lunch. New members welcomed. If interested in
joining please call Claudia Small at 763-2587.
In recognition of the Royal Canadian Peninsula Branch #62s
Anniversary, we are inviting everyone (member or not) to
help us celebrate this milestone on Saturday, October 22
2:00-4:00pm. Refreshments will be served.
We thank all the people of Kingston and surrounding areas
for supporting our monthly breakfasts. Te next breakfast
scheduled will be on Sunday, October 23
from 10:00am-
1:00pm. Cost is $7.00/adult and $3/children under 6. Te menu
includes: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, home
baked beans, toast, tea/cofee, juice. We hope to see you there!
Membership: Membership is available to any Veteran and
RCMP who has served (or is currently servicng) during war,
peacetime and in the reserves as well as the spouse/partner,
parent, children, grandchildren of a veteran. Membership is also
available to any citizen that does not have a military relative but
who believes in what the legion stands for. If you have a few
extra hours each month and would like to volunteer your time
and skills in one of the many programs the Legion has to ofer,
we would welcome your participation.
Youth ages 12-19 are welcome to join the Cadets. Not only do
Cadets have regular training sessions on Wednesday evenings;
but Biathlon Training, Orienteering and marksmanship are
ofered on Tursday evenings on October 20
& 27
. Teses
sessions take place at the Legion at 6:30pm. For further
information on joining the Cadet Corps, please call Bob Beyea
at 763-2277.
To reserve the Hall please call Doreen
Stack at 763-2959 and/or Meaghan
Hickey at 763-2665, or e-mail Meaghan at
rclpeninsulabr62@bellaliant.net. 406
Each Friday from 6:00-9:00am Midland
Baptist Church (Rte.124 & Upper Midland
Road) invites you to get a great cup of
cofee while making a donation toward
alleviating world hunger.
Watch for the MAD@poverty Cofee
Drive Tru signs. 115
Te Annual General Meeting
for the Hampton Seniors
Resource Center will be held
on Tursday, November 3
2011 at 1:00pm. Please plan to attend. 125
Evening of cards at the Norton Shore
Community Centre - Cribbage on
Tuesdays 7:30pm, and Auction 45s -
Tursdays at 7:30pm. Refreshments
Served. 112
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 5 www.ossekeag.ca
Connect with the NBSC
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Congratulations to the Rupert F.C. ladies, Southern NB Senior B
Champions, on a successful summer soccer season. Rupert F.C.,
members of the Hampton Soccer Club, had a strong season, with
16 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. Tey maintained a frst place seat
in the 13 team league for the entire season and were victorious
in both the semi-fnal and championship game, for the third
consecutive year.
Te Championship game was held on their home feld, in
Hampton, against Kings County Women; goals were scored by
Robyn Moore and Nicole MacDonald. Te ladies would like to
extend a huge thank you to Billy Rupert, of Ruperts Trucking,
for sponsoring the team by buying a full set of jerseys. 128
L-r, back: Erin Duncan, Kathleen Johnston, Julie MacDonald,
Robyn Moore, Jocelyn Morrell, Nicole MacDonald, Laura
Morrell, Ashley Mabee, Kate Nicolle.
Middle: Alex Richard, Carolyn MacKenzie, Vasu Sivapalan,
Jackie Mabee.
Front: Katelyn Denton.
Missing from photo: Julia OBrien, Kelsey Castro.
Te winners of the door prizes at the Quilt Show held at the
Seniors Resource Center on October 1
were Carol Earle and
Myrtle Goddard. 810
Belleisle Creek Seniors will be holding Card Parties at the
Belleisle Creek Hall on Saturday afernoons starting at 1:30pm.
All welcome. 513
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 6 www.ossekeag.ca
Tis chapter of ca-r-ma.org was
established here in Saint John
two years ago this month and has
been successful. In our frst year we were able to spay/neuter 61
cats and so far this year we were able to spay/neuter 208, and
counting! Of course, none of this would be possible without the
hard work and dedication of our amazing volunteers and those
who have supported our fundraisers in various ways.
Tank you all so much, Director, Angela Hopkins. 806
Te annual Hip of Beef Dinner will be held on Saturday,
October 29
from 4:00-6:30pm at the Hampton United Church.
Te menu includes beef, potatoes, carrots, squash, Yorkshire
pudding, pickles, rolls and as always there are the great home
made pies. Price is $12/adult, $6/child 4-12, under 4 eat for free,
$30/immediate family tickets.
Tickets will be purchased at the door. Take-out will be available.
Te members of the Sussex Art Club will be holding the October
meeting at St. Pauls United Church Hall (4 Morrison Ave.,
Sussex), on Tuesday, October 25
at 7:00pm. Anyone interested
in art is more than welcome to join us. Hope to see you there.
On Friday, November 4
(7:00-9:00pm) and Saturday,
November 5
(l0:00am-4:00pm) at the Sussex Anglican
Church Hall (corner Main and Fowler Ave.) there will be on
display oil, acrylic, pastel and watercolour paintings by local
and surrounding area artists. Fred Harrison, one of the towns
muralists, will be there painting on site. Friday evening there
will be live music and light refreshments, while you look over
the creativity of our artists. Admission is free.
For more information contact Erma Macaulay at erma@nbnet.
nb.ca. 840
Te Saint Davids Mens Club presents its Annual Art Show &
Sale on Friday, October 28
from 7:30-9:30pm and Saturday,
October 29
from 10:00am-5:00pm. Featured for the two days
will be many local artists from Sussex to Grand Bay-Westfeld.
Admission is $2 and there will be a door prize of a 16x20 acrylic
entitled Peonies ($480 value). 820
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 7 www.ossekeag.ca
or visit us at 14 Industrial Drive, Sussex.
You are invited to an information session on CCSVI (Chronic
Cerebro-Spinal Venous Insufciency) treatment and Multiple
Sclerosis at the Lancaster Legion Branch #69 on Wilson Street
(West) in Saint John on Saturday, October 22
from 1:00-
4:00pm. Dr. Bill Code and Tim Donovan, who both have MS and
have had the CCSVI treatment will be sharing their experiences
with this treatment.
Tis seminar will be free, but donations will be accepted to
cover expenses. All are welcome. 843
Bursary applications are being accepted until
Friday, November 18
and will be awarded in
December 2011. Applicants must have lived on
the Peninsula when you graduated, and are now
furthering your education. Applications need
to include the name and Reg # of the Veteran of
whom you are applying.
Give a little information about yourself and what
you are going to be taking for your career. Please send your
name, address and phone number to: Constance Landry, 44
Henderson Road, Saint John, NB E2M 7B2. 120
Te Norton Baptist Church (41 Church Street) will host a
Christmas Craf Day for Women on Saturday, November
from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Te cost is $20, which includes
the craf, snacks and lunch. Tere are fve options available to
choose from; wooden primitive snowman, Swedish weaving
& ornament, Christmas cross stitch on hand towel, painted
snowman with patio paver, or a Christmas arrangement &
electric glass decoration.
Please call Bertha at 432-5643 to pre-register by Saturday,
October 22
. 522
Trinity Anglican Church, 853 Main Street Sussex, will be serving
a Roast Beef Supper on Saturday, November 12
from 3:30-
6:30pm. Te menu will include: roast beef and gravy, mashed
potatoes, peas, carrots, squash, pickles, rolls and apple/pumpkin
pie. Cost for the supper will be $10/adults and $5/children
under 12.
Take-outs will be available by calling 433-3444. 526
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 8 www.ossekeag.ca
Monday is a busy day at the
Resource Center: at 9:30am the
quilters are there doing some
lovely work and they can always
use more quilters; at 1:00pm the Swedish Weavers are doing
their really attractive work, why not join then and enjoy a cup
of tea or cofee and a snack afer; Monday evening at 8:00pm
the Hampton Hoedowners are there with their caller and are
swinging, swaying, and weaving in their squares, laughing and
enjoying the dancing, chatting with friends and having a snack
afer, and the number is growing - why dont you join them.
Tuesdays at 7:00pm Bridge players are there, and more players
are welcome.
Wednesdays at 7:30pm auction 45 players are there, enjoying
the game and enjoying a snack and chat afer the game is over; if
you play why not join them.
Tursdays at 10:00am musicians gather to play music & sing
until noon, some songs that you have not heard in years, and
some not so old. A good home cooked dinner is served at noon,
the price is $4/members, $5/non-members. First Tursday of
each month is pot luck so if you bring your favourite dish that
is your admission. Membership is only $10 for the year, again
this year.
Tursday 7:00pm is Open Mike and again you will hear
songs that have been around for years, performed by some of
your favourite singers. If you sing or play (or both) why not
join in. Sign your name in the book at the door. Te musicians
donate their time and the money raised goes to the upkeep of
the Resource Centre. Admission is only $2 and the crowd is
growing; there are 50/50 tickets and a canteen is available.
If you would like to rent the Center call 832-7871, leave a
message and your call will be returned.
Anyone having a birthday or anniversary this month - we
extend our best wishes, anyone ill or in hospital. We wish you a
speedy recovery and return to the center, your friends miss you.
Submitted by Mary Long. 113
Screenings of the documentary Be Without Water? by Rob
Turgeon will be held at the Kingston Parish Hall, Kingston
Peninsula on Friday, October 28
at 7:00 & 8:00pm.
Admission by free will ofering. 138
454 Main Street, Hampton
Part of the family of pharmacies.
Monday - Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-2
25% Off all regularly
priced Rexall
Flu Shots Available Here
Seniors Days
1st, 2nd & 3rd
day of the month
Flu shots are free for
Seniors (65 yrs and over)
And for children aged 5-18 years of age, as well as
certain individuals with chronic health problems.
Individuals who do not qualify for the free
vaccination, may still receive their vaccine for a
nominal charge. Our pharmacist is also qualified
to give other vaccines and injections.
Please call for more details and to book an
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 9 www.ossekeag.ca
Te school year has had a fantastic start, flled with
many successful activities that the community is
already talking about. Te students of Hampton
High are in full swing of their school work and are
all looking forward to upcoming events. Sports are
underway and continuing throughout the year. We
greatly appreciate the Huskie Spirit that the town of Hampton
is contributing to our school. Volunteer activities are always
occurring and we have eager students looking to help out.
Te Volunteer Expo proudly held at the Hampton High was
a great success. Te 25
Anniversary of Rick Hansens journey
across Canada was a tremendous honour to be presented at
Hampton High. While the Expo was occurring, students from
Hampton Highs P.E. Leadership class set up a barbeque to
feed those who were advertising the many opportunities for
volunteering throughout Hampton. Many thanks go out to Jamie
Alexander; owner of the Hampton Save Easy and Dave Wolpin;
owner of Kredls Corner Market, for generously donating food
items for the barbeque. Te Expo went very well, and we are
hoping that many people will openhandedly donate their time
to help out with activities in our community.
October presents some of the greatest events of the year, one
being; Scarefest!! Tis event is exciting for children, and we hope
to see everyone there, wearing creative costumes.
Te Hampton Huskies are proud to show of their athletic skills
to eager fans, so come out and support the Huskies at the next
upcoming games. Senior Girls Soccer, October 19
, 5:00pm
vs. Sussex at home. Mens Football, October 22
, 1:00pm vs.
lOdyssee at Rocky Stone. Come out and support your Hampton
Published by: Brittany Beyea. 116
Te Millstream Rec Council is sponsoring a Roast Pork Supper
on Sunday, November 6
from 3:30-6:30pm at the Millstream
Rec Centre in Berwick. Te menu includes: roast pork, potatoes,
carrots, turnip, peas, corn applesauce and pies. Cost for the
supper will be $9/adults; $4/children 6-12; $25/family and pre-
schoolers eat for free. All are welcome.
Te Millstream Rec Council is currently taking orders for 10
apple pies ($5 each) which will be made at the Rec Centre in
Berwick. To order pies call Chris at 433-1390 or Donna at 433-
1434. Pies will be available for pick up on Saturday, November
and volunteers are welcome to come that day to help peel
and slice apples. 530
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 10 www.ossekeag.ca
Te annual Harvest for the Hungry is being held on the Kingston
Peninsula on Sunday, October 23
. Volunteer canvassers will be
around on the afernoon of the 23
to collect a non-perishable
food items for the Deacons Cupboard Food Bank. We really
appreciate everyones donation as it helps us to get our clients
through the long winter. If you do not get a canvasser at your
place, please forgive us, we try to reach everyone ut there are
only so many people to drive and collect food.
If no canvasser comes to your place please drop any food
donations of at the Kingston Parish Hall any weekday morning.
Just leave it in the entryway or put it just inside the door.
Remember we can also use items like shampoo, dog food, toilet
paper and paper towels.
Tank you to all who support the Deacons Cupboard, it is
appreciated greatly. 136
St. Francis Xavier Church (1110 Church Avenue, Sussex) will
be holding a Fall Supper on Sunday, October 30
from 3:00-
6:30pm. Te menu includes: Canada #1 roast beef, mashed
potatoes, peas, carrots, coleslaw, pickles, rolls, assorted pies,
layer cake, tea/cofee and the best of local entertainment while
you wait.
Cost for the supper is $10/adults; $5/children 12 & under; $30/
family (parents & dependent children). Take-out service will
be available from 3:00-6:00pm in the lower hall by calling 433-
4911. 528
Kim & George Boone and the NB Fiddle Association will be
hosting a Fiddle-Do/Potluck event at the Hampton Resource
Center on Saturday, November 5
from 2:00-6:30pm. 139
Help us take a bite out of hunger!! Hampton
High School is having its 6
annual Trick or Eat
food drive with students canvassing for non-
perishable food items in your neighbourhood
from 6:00-8:00pm on Monday, October 31
All food collected will be given to our Hampton
Food Basket. 130
Community Breakfast at the Barnesville Presbyterian Church
(1257 Rte 820 Barnesville) the third Saturday of each month
(November 19
) from 8:00-11:30am. Te menu includes:
scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, bake beans, toast,
cofee & juice (or) French toast, bacon, sausage, fruit, yogurt,
mufn, cofee & juice. Cost for the breakfast - $5/adults; $3/
children, preschoolers eat for free.
Take-outs available by calling 832-7790. Everyone welcome.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 11 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 12 www.ossekeag.ca
October 26
& November 2
7:00-9:00pm, Kids
Have Stress Too (a NB Canadian Mental Health
Association Program), adults arent the only ones
who feel stressed, kids do too. Some stress is
normal, but too much stress is not good and can
afect your childs conduct as well as their ability to
learn. Te good news is that even young children
can learn to manage their own stress. Te younger they learn the
better! We will share information, tools and techniques to assist
you in helping your child to: recognize signs of stress; fnd ways to
allow them to efectively manage their stress; develop coping skills
that will last throughout their lifetime. What better gif to give to
your child. Pre registration is required. To register or for more
information call the HALL ofce at 832-5665.
Playtime Learners Preschool - a NB Licensed Childcare Program.
Its still not too late to register for 2011 2012. To be held at
the Hampton Elementary School: Monday Wednesday Class;
Tuesday Tursday class from 9:00-11:30am. Cost for the Pre-
school is $90month and space is limited.
Halloween Fundraiser: for families with kids age 0-6years on
Sunday, October 30
from 2:30-3:30pm at the Family Centre
(798 Main Street, Presbyterian Church Hall). Support Hall
and have fun: Sugar free; kid friendly happy pumpkin theme
atmosphere; fun activities for kids 6 & under (all are welcome);
make a pumpkin color & craf; pin the pumpkin on the pumpkin
patch; bean bag toss; Halloween tattoos; Halloween story time;
treat bags with stickers and a take away family craf - while they
last. Come and enter the Draw for a $10 Toys R Us gif card. A
donation to hall would be appreciated to cover cost of activities
& help raise money for hall. All proceeds will help hall continue
to delivery programs & events for families in Hampton and area.
For more information and registration for HALL events please
call the ofce at 832-5665 or visit the website at hamptonalliance.
ca. 126
It is Kiwanis Auction time again in Sussex and our 61
Auction will be taking place on Friday, October 28
& Saturday,
October 29
at the Golden Jubilee Hall, behind the Hussars Sports
Centre. Previews at 6:00pm and the Auction starting at 6:30pm.
Tere will be over 200 goods, products and services each night
sold by professional auctioneers. A canteen providing drinks and
light snacks will be provided by the Key Club.
Te Kiwanis Auction has been an annual event in our Community
since 1950. Tese auctions have been one of our major fundraisers
that make it possible for Kiwanis to support so many worthwhile
projects that beneft men, women and children in our extended
community. 518
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 13 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 14 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 15 www.ossekeag.ca
DONALDSON, Josephine L.
It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing
of Josephine Donaldson (nee Sherwood) of
Upham, NB, widow of John M. Donaldson,
passed away October 4
, 2011 at Embassy
Hall, Quispamsis. She was born in Upham, on
January 26
, 1920, daughter of the late Herbert
L. and Caroline (Steele) Sherwood. Josephine
retired from Hayward and Warwick China
Shop. She was a member of the A.C.W. and W.I.
for over ffy years. She belonged to St. Peters Anglican Church
and was a Sunday school teacher and sang with the choir. She
was an avid Toronto Blue Jays and Toronto Maple Leafs fan.
Josephine loved to dance and listen to Johnny Reid.
She is survived by two daughters, Joanne Campbell (Derek)
and Judy Price of Upham; three grandchildren, Tracy Price,
Upham, Carrie Campbell, Upham and Joel Campbell, Saint
John; two sisters, Beulah Rodgers, Upham and Gladys Howard,
Saint John; one sister-in-law, Joy Sherwood, Saint John; several
nieces and nephews. Josephine was predeceased by one sister,
Lena Bustin and four brothers, Leonard, Sterling, Arnold and
Frederick Sherwood.
Te funeral was held October 7
, 2011 from Reids Funeral
Home, Hampton to St. Peters Anglican Church, Upham. Bud
Belyea ofciated. Readings were by Barry Kilpatrick and Milton
Sherwood. Te eulogy was by Pam Devine. Te organist was
Heather Scott. Honourary Pallbearers were: Milton Sherwood,
Randy Sherwood, Bill Rodgers, Tracy Price, Carrie Campbell,
Joel Campbell, Harold Sherwood, Bruce Rodgers, Gail Rodgers,
Sharon Gregg, Beulah Rodgers, Gladys Howard, Christine
Howard and Derek Campbell. Interment was in the adjoining
Memorials to St. Peters Church Upham, the NB Heart and
Stroke Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, the Kidney
Foundation, Alzheimer Society or charity of the donors choice
would be appreciated. Online memorials and condolences may
be made at www.reidsf.com.
Te family would also like to extend a special thanks to all the
staf at Embassy Hall for making Josephine comfortable and at
peace in her fnal days.
DRUMMOND, Ruth Clarke
Ruth Drummond of Upperton, wife of the late
George H. Drummond, passed away September
, 2011 at Bayview Special Care Home, Kars.
She was born in Central Hampstead, daughter
of the late Fred and Bertha (Slipp) Palmer.
Ruth taught school for over 30 years, teaching
at Upperton, Upham, Hillsdale, Hampton and
Grandview Avenue. She was the organist at St.
Peters Church for many years, a member of St. Peters ACW,
Upham WI, Hammond River Valley Seniors and NB Retired
Teachers Association.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 16 www.ossekeag.ca
Looki ng f or t he
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Adver t i si ng?
Car ol Spence
Ossekeag Publ i shi ng
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Tel : 832.5613
car ol @ossekeag.ca
Cal l Car ol t o f i nd out how
Ossekeag Publ i shi ng can hel p!
Wel l l ook no f ur t her ...
She is survived by two sons, David Drummond (Martha) of
Upperton, Robert Drummond (Beverley) of Frederickton, NL,
six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and several nieces
and nephews. She was predeceased by her brother, Roy Palmer,
one grandson and one great-grandson.
Te funeral was held September 28
, 2011 from Reids Funeral
Home, Hampton to St. Peters Anglican Church, Upham. Te
Ven. David J. Barrett of ciated. Te organist was Barb Blakney.
Te pallbearers were: Albert Scott, Gary Drummond, Gerry
Teakles, John Teakles, Philip Allaby and Jason Drummond.
Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. Memorials to St.
Peters Church would be appreciated. Online memorials and
condolences may be made at www.reidsf.com.
We would like to express our sincere thank you to the
management and staf at Bayview Special Care Home for their
tender and compassionate care.
GANONG, Lulu Elmira
Te death of Lulu Elmira Ganong, wife of the late Harold Ganong
occurred on September 23
, 2011. Born in Passekeag, she was
the daughter of the late Judson and Annie (Farmer) Bettle. Lulu
was a life member of the Central Norton United Baptist Church
in Bloomfeld. She was the last surviving member of her family.
She was a loving and devoted mother and grandmother,
survived by her daughter Marilyn (David) Nice of Hampton, her
son, Harvey (Bonnie) of Bloomfeld, her grandchildren; Kelly
(Rob) Michaud, Pamela Ganong (Colin Rattray) of Alberta,
Jamie Ganong (Lindsay Trecartin) of Bloomfeld, Jonathan Nice
of Alberta, Michelle (Bradley) Cummings of Hampton, Natacha
(Martin) Skinner of Saint John and nine great-grandchildren as
well as several nieces and nephews. Diana, Philip and Lewis
Murphy, whom she cared for when they were children, will
fondly remember her.
Te funeral was held September 26, 2011 from Reids Funeral
Home, Hampton to Central Norton United Baptist Church,
Bloomfeld. Rev. John Tremblatt and Rev. Mark Leary of ciated.
Te pianist was David McCready. Te pallbearers were: Bradley
Cummings, Jamie Ganong, Donald Bettle, Louis Murphy,
Robert Bates and Richard Bates. Honourary pallbearers were:
Jonathan Nice, Robert Michaud, Martin Skinner, Colin Rattray
and Earl Hutchins.
Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. Memorials to the
NB Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Diabetes
Association, the Multiple Sclerosis Society or a charity of the
donors choice would be appreciated.
Online memorials and condolences may be made at www.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 17 www.ossekeag.ca
MACDONALD, Hazel Letitia
Hazel MacDonald of Upham, wife of the late
William B. MacDonald, passed away September
26, 2011 at the Saint John Regional Hospital. She
was born in Upham, daughter of the late George
and Eva (Boyne) Kilpatrick. Hazel was a member
of the Parish of Upham where she served as
treasurer for many years. She was a member of
St. Peters ACW, Upham Womens Institute and
Hammond River Valley Seniors.
She is survived by three sons, Stewart (Heather)
of Upham, Fred (Valerie) of Upham and Ronald
(Susan) of Rothesay; two brothers, Alexander
Sandy Kilpatrick of Toronto, Ralph Kilpatrick
(Audrey) of Moncton; six grandchildren,
fve great-grandchildren, several nieces and
nephews. She was predeceased by her daughter,
Ruth MacDonald; daughter-in-law, Melanie
MacDonald and brother, Leonard Kilpatrick.
Te funeral was held September 30
, 2011 from
Reids Funeral Home, Hampton to St. Peters
Anglican Church, Upham. Te Ven. David
J. Barrett of ciated. Readings were by Eileen
McAndrews and Donna Belyea. Te eulogy
was by Bud Belyea. Te organist was Heather
Scott. Te pallbearers were: Preston MacDonald,
Bradley MacDonald, Ron F. MacDonald,
Gary Kilpatrick, Sara MacDonald and Phillip
Kilpatrick. Te honourary pallbearers were:
Kevin MacDonald, Phyllis Jesso, Amanda
Johnson and Alex Kilpatrick.
Interment was in St. Barnabas Cemetery,
Barnesville. Memorials to St. Barnabas Church
would be appreciated. Online memorials and
condolences may be made at www.reidsf.com.
Ernestine Moore (nee Kelly) of
Hampton, wife of the late Henry
Moore, passed away September
, 2011 at Riverdale Manor
Seniors Home, Hampton. Born
in Grand Falls, NB, she was the
daughter of the late Harry and
Daisy (Hudson) (Kelly) Sloat and
Ernest Kelly. Ernestine worked for a number of
years at the Aroostook Valley Golf and Country
Club. She enjoyed her family and many friends
(the Skip-Bo gang, book and birthday clubs). She
was faithful to God and her Church. She touched
many lives and will be fondly remembered as a
beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt,
cousin and cherished friend.
Ernestine is survived by three children, Douglas
Moore (Myrtle) of Hampton, Tanya LeBlanc
(Normand) of Moncton and Kelly Moore (Gail)
of Hampton; fve precious grandchildren,
Timothy Moore, Alex and Andrew LeBlanc,
Natalie and Jennifer Moore; half-sisters, Laura
Pelkey (Floyd) of Carlingford, NB and Mary
Turner of Perth Andover, NB; several nieces and
nephews. She was predeceased by brothers Jack,
Kinley and Douglas Kelly, one sister Doris and
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 18 www.ossekeag.ca
For more information
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Saturday, October 22nd
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Guided Tours
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We are inviting you to join us for the
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Central Kings Rec Centre

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Cathy Hutch Concert
Cash bar,
tea & coffee.
Free Admission.
Continued from page 17.
half-brothers Robert and Gerald Sloat.
Visitation was held at Reids Funeral Home, Hampton. Te
funeral was held October 4
, 2011 at Aroostook Baptist Church,
Aroostook, NB with Pastor Lawrence Pardy of ciating. Te
organist was Dawn Bishop, Ernestines niece. A special music
selection was by Paul Hanscome. Memories of Ernestine were
shared by her son, Doug Moore. Te honorary pallbearers were:
Timothy Moore, Alex and Andrew LeBlanc, Natalie and Jennifer
Moore, David and Deborah Kelly. Interment took place in Larlee
Creek Cemetery, Perth Andover, NB. A reception followed at
Bairds Memorial Campground, a favorite family gathering
place. For those who wish, donations may be made to Larlee
Creek Cemetery, 80 Birchwood Street, Perth-Andover, NB E7H
1M9 or a charity of the donors choice. Online donations and
condolences may be made at www.reidsf.com.
Te family would like to express their sincere appreciation
to Riverdale Manor - Krissy, the staf and the residents. Also
to Dr. David Salgado for his professional and loving care and
REID, Mildred
Following a short illness, the death of Mildred Essie (Folkins)
Reid, age 81, wife of the late William Reid, of Searsville NB
occurred at the Saint John regional Hospital on Sunday,
August 28
, 2011. She was born on March 29
, 1930 in Lower
Millstream, NB the daughter of the late Harold and Annie
(Ward) Folkins. Mildred was involved with farming for her
entire life and she seldom ventured far from home. She was
committed to involvement in family activities and took pride in
their accomplishments.
She had an extremely strong sense of community and was
involved in many organizations, one of the earliest being 4-H,
both as a member and as a leader. Mildred was also active in the
many activities and projects associated with Kings Kirk United
Church, Kings County Historical Society, NB Agricultural
Museum, Antique Tractor Show and Womens Institute. Tese
and other activities brought her pleasure, especially the monthly
lunch dates with the graduates of Sussex Composite High School
class of 1947.
Mildred had few hobbies but certainly loved to knit. She quilted
on many community eforts as well as recent wedding quilts. In
earlier years she loved to square dance.
Mildred is survived by her daughters Jane and Arthur Keith of
Norton, Sharon and Larry Floyd of Apohaqui; son Murray and
Lisa Reid of Searsville; grandchildren Michael and Susan Keith
and her daughter Patrina, Stuart and Nicole Keith, Patrick Kelly
and Nicole Jaillet, Andrew Kelly and Pamela MacNeish,
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 19 www.ossekeag.ca
toward the purchase of this new Te TT chnology.
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your family?
proud sponsors of the
Lancaster Mall, Saint John West, 693-4056 - Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4pm
Main St., Hampton, 832-2367 - Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 9am - 4pm
Continued from page 18.
Anthony Kelly, Ashley Floyd and Jason Knight, Molly Reid and
Ian Reid; sister Florence and Allison Elliott; sister-in-law Annie
Reid; cousin Audrey Price; several nieces and nephews.
Arrangements were entrusted to the care of Sherwoods Funeral
Home and Life Tribute Centre, Norton NB from where visitation
was held. A celebration service of Mildreds life, conducted by
Rev. Tom Robinson, was held at Kings Kirk United Church,
Belleisle Creek NB, on Wednesday, August 31
Te musical selections were: How Great Tou Art and In the
Garden. Special music by Nancy French who sang Your Grace
Still Amazes Me. Scripture readings were by nephew Gordon
Elliott and niece Brenda Kelly. Interment was held in the Union
Cemetery, Belleisle Creek.
Pallbearers were: Daniel Folkins, Richard Folkins, Martin
Gillies, Gerald MacDonald, Malcolm MacDonald and Robert
Pearson. 102
You are invited to the
90th Birthday
Open House
Ranald Urquhart
Saturday, October 22
, 2011
from 2:00-5:00pm at
Tabernacle United Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall,
Haymarket Square, Saint John
Best Wishes only
1935 Rte 121, Norton NB
Mondays - 45s at 8:00pm.
Tuesdays - Double crib at 8:00pm.
Wednesdays House darts at 8:00pm.
Tursdays - Dabber Bingo, Jackpot $1,000 in
50#s or less & building. Jackpot starts at $350 in
51#s and/or consolation prize $100. Doors open
at 6:00pm, Bonanza game starts at 6:30pm sharp.
Bonanza - a building jackpot in 52#s and/or
consolation prize $100. We also have wild #s in some of regular
bingo games. 40+ people we have a second chance on fve of
our regular games. Come & support your charity event. Starts
at 7:00pm sharp.
Saturdays Singles Crib at 8:00pm.
Are you a veteran who does not receive a pension or health
care benefts? It does not matter how long you served. For more
information contact Gordon McKenzie, Service Of cer RCL
#76 at 432-0779.
To rent the Legion Hall please contact Dorothy Hutchinson at
433-2488 or Gordon at 432-0779/849-1601. 502
Auction 45s cards every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm at the Lower
Millstream Hall (Rte 880/875). Te cost to play is $4.00/person
and includes a 50/50 ticket and lunch. Come bring your friends
and have a fun evening. 505
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 20 www.ossekeag.ca
1032 Main Street
Please note the following activities that are
held at the Hampton Branch #28.
Mondays - the general meeting is held on the
second Monday of each month at 7:00pm.
Tuesdays Te Lions Club of Hampton hosts
their weekly Bingo, which begins at 5:30pm.
Wednesdays - Come join our Afernoon
Seniors. Bring along a friend and share an
afernoon of Bingo and have supper served to
Sundays Brunches are held every second week. Our next
Brunch will be held on October 30
. Te Brunches are now
served from 10:00am until l:00pm. A 50/50 draw is also ofered
and free breakfast draw is ofered.
Remembrance wreaths and crosses may be picked up at the
Branch now from 10:00am-4:00pm. Also, the 2012 Membership
Cards are also available.
Sunday, November 6
annual Remembrance Day
Church Service will be held
at St. Aphonsus Catholic
Church at 10:30am.
Friday, November 11

Remembrance Day, the
parade will form up at the
Hampton Middle School at
10:40am and march of at
10:45am. If the weather is not
favourable the service will be
held at the Hampton High
School Teatre at 10:45am.
For Hall Rentals, please
contact 832-4633 or 832-7886
and leave a message and your
call will be returned as soon
as possible.
If you are a veteran or a
spouse of a veteran and feel
you are entitled to assistance
from Veterans Afairs Canada,
please contact our Service
Ofcer, Bob Jones, at 832-
9899. 106
Reminder: CONCERT
Te Hampton Piggs Peak
Partnership is hosting a fund-
raising concert with Breeze &
Wilson on Monday, October
at the Vintage Bistro.
Tickets are $15 and half of
the proceeds go directly to
the Hampton Piggs Peak
Partnership. Tickets can be
purchased in advance or
will be available at the door
(advanced might be best). 135
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 21 www.ossekeag.ca
Te Hampton Sea Cadets will be
holding a bottle drive on Saturday,
October 22
within the Hampton
Town limits. Once again, the cadets
will be going door to door collecting
recyclables. Any donations can be dropped of at the lower
parking lot of the Hampton Middle School on the day of the
We would like to thank the community for their generous
donations during the last bottle drive and look forward to your
continued support. 124
A sale of nearly new fall and winter clothing will be held at
Saint Davids United Church (7 Gondola Point Road, Rothesay)
on Friday, October 21
from 4:00-8:00pm and Saturday,
October 22
from 9:00am-12:00noon. In addition to clothes
there will also be used toys and baby equipment for sale.
Proceeds from the sale will be used by the Outreach Committee
for local and international projects such as the KV Food Basket,
Romero House, Stephen Lewis Foundation and Doctors without
Borders. 409
In support of the Sussex Cancer Survivors Group a Music Show
will be held on Saturday, October 29
from 7:00-10:30pm at
the Sussex Regional High School. Entertainers for the evening
include: Terry Gale & Ehtan Paquette; Micah MacLennan; Haley
McMillian; Lloyd Meehan, Bryant Hayes & Mike MacLaughlin;
Brian & Kari Mallory; Murray Shiels; Leon Daigle; Austin
McGinnis; Justin Bannister; Ralph & Lynn Henderson with
the Band - Bob Burgess, drums; Maurice Fleming, piano; Steve
Sears, guitar; Mike Hanlon, bass; Scott Medford, guitar; Winston
Crawford, fddle. Host and emcee will be Chris Bell.
Tickets ($10 advance or
$12 door (assigned seats)
are available at Te Source,
Gateway Mall 433-3447.
Bingo on Wednesdays,
7:00pm at the WI/Seniors
Hall in Upham (2117 Rte
820)! Canteen is available
and everyone is welcome
come out for a fun evening.
Sponsored by the
Hammond River Valley
Seniors. 512
All are welcome to a Jam
Session to be held at the
Millstream Rec Centre
in Berwick on Saturday,
October 22
starting at
7:00pm. Come and enjoy
an evening of great music,
door prizes and 50/50 draw.
For more information
contact Leon Daigle at 434-
0113. 537
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 22 www.ossekeag.ca
Dads N Kids return Tuesday October
at the Sussex Elementary School
from 6:00-7:00pm. Tis is a fun hour to
spend with that special little one - show
them that the male infuence in their
lives can have fun, act silly and make
cool crafs as well!! Come on out to
enjoy this Halloween themed evening!!
Baby Signs will be starting in October for another six-week
course! Tis signing program will help you and your child
communicate before they learn to speak fuently. Tis is not
designed to hinder your childs speech development, but to ofer
a new and exciting way to bond and communicate with your
child! Te course will be held on Monday mornings from 10:00-
11:00am (October 24
, 31
; November 7
, 14
, 21
, 28
) at the
PACK ofce. Please register soon as space is limited.
Music N Me Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00am at the Fire
Hall in Norton see you there!! If there is no school there will
be no music.
Secrets of Discipline Parenting Workshop will be ofered again
on November 2
, 9
, 16
& 23
. PACK is pleased to ofer this
program in partnership with School District 6, HALL, KV3C
and SACF in our community. Te 6-week course will be held
on Wednesday mornings at the Agriculture and Aquaculture
Building of Magnolia Ave from 10:00am-12:00noon. One free
book (per family who attends) will be supplied at no charge.
Please call the PACK ofce for more information and to register.
Space is limited so please register soon.
PACK is pleased to be ofering once again the Healthy Babes
Cooking class (Monday, October 24
, 10:00-11:00am) and the
Toddler Time cooking class (Monday, November 7
, 10:00am-
11:00am). Both of these classes are in partnership with Sobeys
and will be held at the Community Room above the Sobeys
store. You will be transformed into a chef for the worlds most
important customer - your child. Both classes have limited
space, please call the PACK ofce or Sobeys to register.
All PACK programs are free. For more information about us
please call 432-2610, email packroe@nb.aibn.com. 506
All are welcome to a Jam Session to be held at the Millstream
Rec Centre in Berwick on Saturday, October 22
starting at
7:00pm. Come and enjoy an evening of great music, door prizes
and 50/50 draw.
For more information contact Leon Daigle at 434-0113. 537
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 23 www.ossekeag.ca
On Friday, October 21
at 10:30am, the Sussex Seniors Centre,
Jubilee Hall (50 Perry Street) and the Healthy Active Living
for the 50Plus Program will host a free Nordic Pole Walking
workshop. Keenft Pole Walking instructor Janet Robinson will
outline the many benefts of the sport and demonstrate various
techniques. Poles will be provided and participants will have the
opportunity to give it a try (those who have their own poles are
encouraged to bring them along).
Bring a friend and join us to discover the many health benefts
of this popular activity, including increased energy, better sleep,
weight loss and maintenance, core strengthening, and better
posture and balance all with less impact on joints than regular
walking. Learn how you can turn a simple walk around the
block into an efcient, efective, aerobic,
total body workout!
Tis event is open to members and non-
members of the Seniors Centre. For more
information, call Linda Goggin, Regional
Co-ordinator, Healthy Active Living for the
50Plus Program at 456-3965. 525
On Saturday, October 29
from 9:00am-
2:00pm, the Norton Baptist Church will be
hosting the Great Giveway, a free yard sale
open to the whole community. Tere will be
all kinds of great used items from clothing
to housewares. Te cofee and tea will be on
and we hope you will come and check it out.
Everything is free!
For those who dont like to take something
for nothing you can make a donation to
support drought relief eforts in East Africa.
Norton Baptist is located at 41 Church
Street, Norton. Parking at the church, Baxter
Street and Church Street. 521
Cinema Politica is a grassroots
network that distributes
and exhibits political
cinema at campuses and in
communities across Canada
and internationally. Our Fundy
Cinema Politica group has been showing a
flm the last Tursday of every month, at the
Fundy Model Forest building, at 7:00pm. We
also provide popcorn for a small donation.
Tese are the flms well be showing in the
next few months: October 27
- You Dont
Like Te Truth: 4 Days Inside Guantanamo;
November 24
- Garbage Warrior.
If you would like more information on
the documentaries please go to the website
www.cinemapolitica.org and go to up-
coming screenings and scroll down to our
group called Fundy. 520
In Support of the Sussex Vale
Transition House (our local
shelter for women and children
in crisis), a Wine and Food
Pairing Seminar led well-known
Sommelier - Craig Pinhey
will be held at the Broadway
Caf on Sunday, October 30

from 2:00-4:00pm. Tickets are
available ($50/person) at the
Broadway Caf and Marilyns
Chop Shop.
For more information call 433-
1649 or 432-6999. 516
Property Mortgages Family Law
Wills & Estates Litigation
Veniot Law
Veniot Law
Lawrence E. Veniot tel: 832-3418
71 Randall Drive Hampton, NB E2N 6A4
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 24 www.ossekeag.ca Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 25 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 26 www.ossekeag.ca
ORpHAnGe FunDRAiseR A success
A great big thank-you to Long Reach Paintball, for a very
successful fundraising event on September 25
. Tanks to those
who came and supported the Benin Orphanage Foundation.
Fun was had by all and the money raised will go toward this
years school fees for the children.
Tanks to all those who continue to support the orphanage,
together, were making a huge diference in the lives of the
children. For more information on the orphanage, please see
our website at www.beninorphanage.com. 133
sTuRGeOn HunT upDATe
October 2
was the date for the 24
Annual Great Quispamsis
Sturgeon Hunt and rain/wind was the forecast, but the fshers
kept on coming! Yes, this years fshing derby was a success once
again. Tis important fundraiser held by the Pickwauket Lions at
Meehans Cove in Quispamsis was attended by 147 participants.
We had over 40 Sturgeon caught and released. Te Mount
A University Biology students were out there on the water
measuring and weighing the fsh caught (a part of their studies
in marine biology). Te winning fsh was 47 long and weighed
in at just under 30lbs. Stephen Aiton caught the Sturgeon and
went home with a thousand dollar prize!
Afer the derby, all fshers gathered at the beach house at
Meehans Cove and we celebrated with numerous prizes donated
by local businesses. We served hot soup, sandwiches, tea and
cofee to all there. Te money raised goes into the Pickwauket
Lions general funds so we can help those in our community who
need support. Many thanks to all Lions who helped and to the
generous prize donors who help make this one of our biggest
fundraisers each Year. 412
King Lion Ron Pearson (lef) presents trophy to 2011 winner
Stephen Aiton.
Your Adventure Starts Here...
Business Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday
9am - 9pm
9am - 5pm
Kids Clothing
and Footwear
65 Broad Street
Downtown Sussex
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 27 www.ossekeag.ca
suppeR in ROAcHville
Tere will be a Roast Beef Supper at the Roachville Hall on
saturday, October 22
from 4:00-6:00pm. Cost for the supper
will be $12/adults and $6/children 6-12. Take-outs will be
available. 529
Crimestoppers Tip Line
Call 1-800-222-8477
Hello Everyone,
Since there will not be another publication prior to
Halloween, which falls on Monday this year, we
would like to remind parents to dress the little ones
in as light colored costumes as possible while not
interfering with the desired affect! In lieu of that it is
recommended that some type of reflective material
be attached to their costumes if at all possible.
Hoping everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween.
Also in regards to safety and our children, we have
received a number of complaints so far this school
season of motorists passing school buses while their
lights are flashing. While this is an obvious safety
concern it is also an offence and contrary to Section
188(1) of the New Brunswick Motor Vehicle Act and
carries a substantial fine.
Finally, and continuing with the pedestrian safety
theme, Kennebecasis River Road is one used by a
high number of Hamptonians for walking and
running. The posted speed limit along this road is 50
Km/h. While it is important to respect the posted
speed limit on all of our roads, please drive with
extra caution along this busy road way.
Thank you,
Sgt. Andy O'Connell
Operations NCO
Hampton RCMP
HAMpTOn-piGGs peAK neWs
For my 12
birthday I
want I want I want
a young girl like me to
be able to go to school
in Swaziland. Tats not
the typical wish list for
an 11-year old girl in
Hampton but it was for
Emma Pelham. For her 12
birthday this September,
instead of asking for
presents, Emma asked
for money that could be
used to sponsor a Starfsh
student in Piggs Peak. And
with the fulfllment of her
unselfsh request, Emma
has donated the $300
necessary to pay annual
school admission fees for
Nokwanda Masimula, a
14-year old girl who will be
going into Form 1 (Grade 8) next year.
Nokwanda wants to be an accountant. Tis is a dream that
could not be fulflled without an education. More specifcally, it
is a dream that could not be fulflled without Emmas generous
donation. Emma has made a small diference in our battle
against the impact of HIV/AIDS in Swaziland. But she has
made an enormous change in the life of Nokwanda. Tank you,
Emma, for joining us in our mission to provide help, hope, and
opportunity to our neighbours in Piggs Peak one person at a
In Piggs Peak high school admission fees vary according to
the school year but, on average, it works out to about $300
per year. Trough our Starfsh Program a sponsor like Emma
commits to making this payment and establishes a relationship
with a specifc student we will be supporting. Tis has been a
very important program to date and has been instrumental
in allowing us to continue to grow our student sponsorship.
Furthermore, committing to sponsoring someone now will
allow us to determine how many students we will be able to
support in the school year starting January 2012.
Te Starfsh Program is now two years old and we are continuing
to fne tune it to meet the objectives of the Partnership. Afer
discussions with some sponsors, we have decided to make a
change for next years program by implementing a two-tier
sponsorship. We are doing this because, although $300 covers
school admission fees for one year, additional costs for exam
fees and uniforms amount to an additional $150 per year. Te
Partnership now pays these costs out of general funds. In the
future a sponsor will have the option to pay $450 per year and
cover all education costs. We will be explaining this more fully
in the weeks ahead.
Transparency is very important to the Hampton-Piggs Peak
Partnership so I would be happy to share the specifc details
of all school fees with anyone who requests them. I am always
eager to answer any other questions you may have.
Please help by sponsoring a student in Piggs Peak by visiting
our website www.hamptonpiggspeak.ca or contacting me at 832-
0003 or our Starfsh Coordinator, Carl MacKenzie, at 832-2704.
If Emma can do so, so can you. Wouldnt it make a fantastic
birthday gif? 110
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 28 www.ossekeag.ca
GOspel Music eveninG
Everyone is invited to St. Johns United
Church (Sussex Corner) for an evening
of Gospel Music on sunday, October
from 6:30-9:00pm. Music for the
evening will be by: Debby Connell,
Stirling Nickerson, Edwin Hughes,
Rev Fisher and his daughter, Tryphina; Ellen & Dennis Molloy,
Joe Ness with host Gary Burgess giving comment and some
A light lunch will be served in the Hall following the music.
Proceeds from the free will ofering will help pay for the paving
in the yard. 527
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 29 www.ossekeag.ca
What a wonderful season we have had, a vase of Roses and
Anemones with Matricaria (Fever Few) in full bloom graced the
thanksgiving table and by the next morning the delicate aroma
of roses flled the room. How blessed we are to be living in New
Te Anemone family is an extensive one with perennial
varieties that range in size from eight inches to three feet,
coming in shades from white through scarlet to deepest purple.
It is possible to still fnd a few of these at cut rate prices in the
major garden centers and with care and constant watering they
will last for many years. With our increasingly warming climate
I am hopeful that the tuberous ones that we fnd alongside the
Spring Bulbs on sale now, will actually behave like the perennials
they truly are and last for many years. Tese chaps look like
withered, fattened, very miniature cow pats and its hard to tell
which way up to plant them as there is usually no evidence of
root ends, however they are well worth a try since the blossoms
are magnifcent with a complete range of color and last in the
garden or as cut fowers for an extended time.
Alongside these beauties in the Spring bulb collection is another
favorite family, the Fritillaries, the F. Meliagris, sometimes
known as the snakes head or checkered lily can be naturalized
in a grassy area or if Deer are
an issue, within the security
of a fenced area. Tey are
dainty, seemingly fragile and
come in shades of burgundy
and white; one of my fondest
childhood memories is of
seeing felds of these growing
wild and nodding in the
breeze, well worth a try at.
Te majestic Imperial Crown
which comes in either yellow
or orange is rather pricey, but
well worth a go; because of
its rather smelly bulb has the
advantage of repelling rodents
that are frequently responsible
for devouring many types of our Spring Bulbs.
Afer many attempts at growing the English Bluebell, I have
fnally achieved several years of wonderful blossoms and am
feeling confdent that all is well there; its critical to get the name
right since there are so many diferent hyacinthoides, one needs
the non-scripta type. Tis is one of the many occasions when
the Latin name is important as I found to my cost, having raised
pink and white jobs by mistake on my frst attempts!
You will fnd many other delightful fowering bulbs that can be
planted now, in good fertile soil at a depth three times the height
of the bulb. Water well and with any luck at all a beautiful home
grown bouquet may grace your Easter banquet.
My fathers favorite quote was, Never put of till tomorrow
what you can do today. Te very best advice for the potential
bulb grower, happy planting. 805
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 30 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 31 www.ossekeag.ca
Sea Belles Acappella Chorus and the Men of Fundy Chorus
proudly present a Barbershop Extravaganza Together in
Harmony on sunday, October 23
2:00pm at the Saint John
High School. Te afernoon will feature Nova Quattro, Friends
First, Te Fogstones and Rising tide. Come and enjoy an
afernoon of music in four-part harmony.
Tickets ($15/adult, $10/children 12 & under) are available
from Veronicas Music; Maureen 757-8376 or macdes1@rogers.
com; Grant 657-6579 or sixftwo05@yahoo.ca; Judy 832-3291. A
portion of the proceeds to support: Te Joshua Group; Romero
House; Community Autism Centre. 842
sinGles & FRienDs evenTs
Singles & Friends will be hosting a volleyball tournament,
potluck dinner and dance on saturday, October 22
. Te
volleyball tournament and potluck dinner take place at Belleisle
High Scholl from 1:00-6:00pm. Open to all. Please bring
refreshments for the potluck to follow. Te dance will be at
Branch #69 Legion, Wilson St West Saint John. Doors open at
8:30 with music by DJ starting at 9:00pm. Open to anyone over
age of 19.
Breakfast for Singles continue every Sunday 10:00am at Hollys
Restaurant in Hampton and weekly volleyball on Wednesday
evenings 8:00-10:00pm at Rothesay Park Middle School (cost
$4.00) open to all adults - married or single.
If you would like some more info about the purpose of our
group, membership or on any of the above please email
singles696-1914@live.ca or phone 696-1914 for recorded info
and feel free to leave a message to have someone call you. 819
Music FunDRAiseR in nORTOn
Tere will be a night of fun and music at the Norton Catholic
Hall on saturday, October 29
starting at 7:00pm. Included
in the evenings performers will be Heather & Richard Brown,
Debbie Connell, Gifon Arbeau, Ken Rossiter, Tessa Brame,
Wanda Moore and Tom & Angela of the group Just Us. Come
have an evening of fun. Water and sof drinks will be available
at the canteen. Tere will be a 50/50 draw. Ladies please bring
All proceeds will go to Chester Mercer who has recently had a
Kidney Transplant. Donations will be received at the door. 814
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 32 www.ossekeag.ca
cHeRRy BROOK zOO evenTs
Te new Haunted Zoo Kids
Tour, from 5:30-6:30pm each
night is a childrens tour and
costume parade. Tis event is
recommended for children eight
years old and younger and their
families. Te tour is fun and not
scary or dark. Children and parents are invited to wear their
costumes. Te Kids Tour ends with cool drinks, lollipops and
each child receives a zoo animal photo.
Haunted Zoo, from 7:00-8:30pm each night is the Haunted
Tours witch are scary and dark - defnitely not recommended
for children under eight. Witchs brew is served to those who
survive their tour.
Both of these events will be held Friday, October 28
, saturday,
October 29
& sunday, October 30
and regular admission
applies. Tis is a zoo fundraiser hosted by the zoo volunteers
and all proceeds go directly to the winter animal care budget.
For information call the zoo 634-1440. 812
BeneFiT FOR Kenny luTes
A beneft is being held on saturday, november 5
7:00pm at
the RCL #58 Hampton. Tere will be a silent auction and bake
table. Entertainment for the evening will be by the Tays Brothers
Cliford & Stewart and band.
Te proceeds from this event will go to assist Kenny with
medical costs related to cancer surgery and chemo/radiation
treatments. Donations will be greatfully accepted at the door.
Reduced until Nov. 28th
see www.kijiji.ca (key word- Hateld Point)
Te Church of the Ascension ACW are sponsoring their annual
Christmas Tea & Bazaar on saturday, november 5
from 1:00-
3:00pm at the Anglican Church Hall in Apohaqui. Admission to
the Tea is $7 and there will be Food and Craf tables.
Everyone welcome. 834
cRAFT sAle AT sT JOHns
Te Mens Group of St. Johns United Church (Sussex Corner)
are sponsoring a Craf Sale at the Church Centre on Friday,
December 2
from 1:00-7:00pm and saturday, December 3
from 9:00am-3:00pm. Tables are available for rental by calling
433-2344 or 433-1556. 536
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 33 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 34 www.ossekeag.ca
sJ ART cluB evenT
Te Saint John Art Club will be hosting an interactive Arts
& Culture event at the NB Museums Mary Oland Teatre on
Tursday, October 27
starting at 7:30pm. Te public is invited
to come and hear Saint John artist, Norman Jackson, talk about
marketing your art; he will also be sharing some amazing stories
from his years of experience as an artist. 826
cRAFT & BAKe sAle in nORTOn
In support of the Norton Elementary School Parents Association,
a Craf & Bake Sale will be held on saturday, november 5
from 9:00am-2:00pm at the Norton Legion. A canteen will be
Tables are available and can be booked by contacting Jodi
Totton by email at tottonjodi@hotmail.com or phone 433-3268.
Te proceeds from this event will help provide the little extras
to the children of Norton Elementary School. 127
Te recent Aid for Africa fundraiser recently held at Belleisle
Regional High School was a huge success with $3,503.70 taken
in at the door and $3,900 contributed by a local dairy farm
group for a total of $7,403.70. With 4:1 matching donation by
the Canadian International Development Agency of $29,614.80
bringing the total (to date) to $37,018.50 which will go to the
Canadian Foodgrain Bank.
Tank you to all who contributed to this event in any way
your participation helped make the event a total success for Aid
for Africa. 123
FAll FAiR AT MOss Glen
All Saints St. Pauls ACW will be holding their annual Fall
Fair at the Moss Glen Legion on saturday, november 5
10:00am-2:00pm. Chili and soup with rolls, tea/cofee will be
served for $6. A variety of homemade pies will be available for
$2. Tere will also be home baking, crafs, books and new-to-
you tables. 137
Adult Badminton will take place on Wednesday evenings at the
Hampton High School, 8:30pm. For more information contact
Ron Clark at 832-1972. 118
& Food
in Support of
Sussex Vale
Transition House
(Our local shelter for women
and children in crisis)
Fundraising Event
Seminar led well-known Sommelier
(from Wine Access, the Telegraph Journal and CBC):
Craig Pinhey
Come out and join us at
The Broadway Caf,
October 30th, 2011
From 2:00 to 4:00pm
Wine donated by Vincor Wines
Food donated by Sysco and
Broadway Caf
Tickets available ($50 per person)
At Broadway Caf and Marilyns Chop Shop.
For more information
call 433-1649 or 432-6999
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 35 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 36 www.ossekeag.ca
HAMpTOn MOsQuiTO inDiAns Win GOlD
photo: Front row - Ben Newton, Sam Kelter, Brandon Legere,
Liam Kelly, Austin Marks, Ben Mailman, Tylor Williams.
Back row - Greig Trask (coach), Ben Cummings, Gabbie Trask,
Austin Richard, Tyler McCrea, Colton Mahoney, Arron Ganong,
Meredith Harrison, Brad Cummings (coach).
Missing from picture - Dalton Dunn and Jonathon McGraw. 122
seniOR GOODWill
Jean Hartlen has been re-appointed for another two-year term
as Senior Goodwill Ambassador for the county of Kings. By
promoting New Brunswick and its benefts, Jean will be helping
to improve our image both at home and in places to which she
Congratulations, Jean on your appointment as the local Senior
Goodwill Ambassador. 131
U.S. Filing Requirements Information Session
Are you a U.S. citizen, have dual status or hold a green card?
Are you living in Canada and earning income? You may be
required to le your personal income taxes in the United
States. Do you know what your obligations are to the IRS? Are
you aware of the rules that pertain to RRSP and Canadian bank
Come to our free information session to learn all about the U.S.
personal income tax ling requirements. This session will cover
the rules and obligations of individuals residing in Canada.
Several scenarios will be discussed along with dierent options
available to the taxpayer.
Presenter: Jeanette Cosman
When: November 8, 2011 at 7PM
Where: Bethany Bible College, Stairs Hall Room 205
Cost: FREE!
To register please contact Gillian Hayes at 506-433-4202
or email ghayes@tkcga.com
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 37 www.ossekeag.ca
sHOReline cleAn-up DATe
Tank you to the volunteers, who spent a wonderful sunny day
on the banks of the Kennebecasis River September 25
; with
their help 456lbs of garbage, flling fve garbage bags and four
recycle bags, was collected. Tere is 15Km of river bank free of
debris including a TV, a 55 gal blue drum, a foor polisher, lawn
chairs, rugs and your regular boating and fshing waste.
Hope to see all of you next year, Captain Zelda. 132
Come one come all to the 4
annual Haunted House at Simonds
Fire Hall, 184 Range Road (of Route 111) on Friday, October
starting at 7:00pm, going until the Last Scare (Boohaahaa!)
and saturday, October 29
from 5:00pm til you Cant Scream
Monetary donations accepted in support of the Muscular
Dystrophy Association. 410
zippy AFTeR FiFTy!
Te Hampton Seniors Resource Centre (31 DeMille Court,
Hampton) and Go Ahead Seniors would like to invite you to
an afernoon of inspiration, fun and information for the 50Plus
on Friday, november 4
from 12:30-4:00pm. Presenters will
include David Lutz - Wills, Power of Attorney and Estate
Planning, Mary Ann Ketchum - Downsizing and Moving
On, Murray Carpenter - Laughter...Good for What Ails You!,
Yennah Hurley - Nordic Walking. Other demonstrations and
booths will include Zumba Gold and Benderball, Shannex,
Volunteer Bureau, We Care and Transition House. Tere will be
displays and activities as well as a door prize draw.
Admission by donation. Bring a friend or neighbour and join
us! For more information contact Diane OConnor at 849-1947.
Your Hometown Team
Offce 433-5227
1040 Main Street Sussex,
Cute & Cozy, 2 bdrs, 1 bath
Many updates, nice backyard.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ113731
23 Nelson St. Sussex
Stunning View! Townhouse on Knoll
2 bdrs, 2 baths, walkout basement.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ114390
Malone Way, Sussex
Private, Peaceful & Perfect
New 3 bdrs, 1.5 baths, 1.65 acres.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ114296
302 Pearsonville Rd.
Large acreage, pasture & woodland
Approx 325 acres, make an offer.
Faith 432-0077 MLS 095767
316 Lakefield Rd.
Cassidy Lake $195,900
Beautifully Renovated 1.5 story
Detached Garage, Nice lot.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ104929
41 River Rd. Elgin
Sundrenched kitchen, In-law Suite
Double garage & single garage.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ104878
20 Boyd Mt. Elgin
Various size lots 1.5-2 acres
Peaceful & Perfect setting.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ113647
Discovery Lane, Midland
Two lots for price of one
On muncipal services.
Faith 432-0077 MLS SJ113767
Queen St. Sussex
The family of
Enid MacDonald will be
hosting an Open House in
honour of her
80th Birthday on
October 22nd from 2-4pm,
at the Heritage Room of the
Kiwanis Nursing Home.
Everyone Welcome.
Best Wishes Only.
Happy 80th Birthday
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 38 www.ossekeag.ca
nAuWiGeWAuK DARlinGs seniORs
Te meeting was opened by President Les Scribner and
continued with the singing of O Canada and the Lords Prayer.
Judith Hill reported on the success of the groups quilt ticket
sales. She has sent letters of appreciation to the several venues
who hosted ticket sellers. A thank you will also go to Coles
Store in Nauwigewauk for their assistance in selling tickets. A
very surprised Vicki Trecartin was the fortunate quilt winner.
Monies raised were passed on to our sponsoring group, the
Nauwigewauk Community Club, who were quite pleased with
sale results.
Judith Hill will obtain copyright certifcation for the book she
is editing for our 25
anniversary in 2015, and will give it a
working title for now. She is enjoying working on this. Members
are asked to submit a 2x2 photo of themselves, if they have
one. If not, a photo no larger than 5x7 can be submitted and
reduced to size by the printer and be included.
One of our members, Anna Ketchum, has kept notes and articles
on the groups doings for several years, along with photos. Jane
Henderson presented the concept of inclusion of Annas material
in another book for the information of members and others who
might wish a copy.
A wreath from the Seniors will be placed at the Cenotaph in
Hampton on Remembrance Day.
Te next Dairy Zone meeting will be hosted by the St. Martins
seniors on Monday, november 7
Members are encouraged to bring puzzles and books to
be exchanged at the next meeting, scheduled for Monday,
november 14
Note: Te Annual General Meeting of the Nauwigewauk
Community Club is scheduled for Monday, november 14
beginning with a social gathering from 7:00-7:30pm. Te
meeting will start at 7:30pm.
Judith Moore, Publicity Convenor. 105
THe cOMMuniTy Gives BAcK
Join us for a dinner and social evening at the Belleisle
Community Centre on Friday, november 4
as we celebrate
the 25
anniversary of the Belleisle Rovers Rugby Club. Tickets
are $25 each to include dinner, silent & live auctions, the game
of Heads & Tails, 50/50 draw and door prizes. Full details in the
next edition of the Hampton Herald.
For information or tickets call Janice 485-2497, Christine 485-
2558 or Mary 839-2474. 140
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 39 www.ossekeag.ca
DAiRy zOne seniORs neWs
On October 3
, 2011 the Dairy Zone Seniors held their meeting
at the Norton Municipal Building. Vice-President Carl Fowler
called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Te
clubs represented and attendance are as follows: Nauwigewauk
Darling 11; Hammond River Valley 3; St. Martins 4;
Norton 7; Peninsula Pearls 1. All members sang O Canada
and repeated the Lords Prayer. Treasurer, Dolly Brennan, gave
the most recent Financial Report. St. Martins member, Eugene
Clayton, gave the membership an up-date on the Federation
meeting being held in Tracadie-Sheila.
Our President, Wendy McGee, will give a full report at the
next meeting, which will be held in St. Martins on Monday,
november 7
at 1:30pm.
St. Martins member, Bev Loughery, gave all in attendance a
complete report of their clubs activities and events that will be
taking place during the next few weeks. Norton senior, Fred
Hutchings, advised the group about their planned Christmas
dinner and other community events.
Te Norton seniors held a 50/50 draw, which was enjoyed by
all in attendance and the lucky winners were Shirley Teakles and
Irene Whitney.
Moved by Connie Kendall and seconded by Eugene Clayton
that the meeting be adjourned.
Te group enjoyed wonderful entertainment by Ora Buchanan
and Cliford & Mureen Birten. Ten an ample potluck lunch was
enjoyed by all in attendance.
Submitted by J. Hill. 532
Reminder: A BRusH OF HOpe GAlA
Te Kidney Foundation Saint John Chapters A
Brush of Hope Gala will be held on Tursday,
October 20
at Lily Lake Pavilion. Cocktails at
6:00pm and a fabulous meal will be served at
7:00pm. Te incredible celebrity paintings will
be on display along with a silent auction, live
auction and a patient testimonial. (Place your celebrity painting
bids online from October 20
at www.ebay.ca type in
kidney foundation in the search feld). Te paintings are now
on display on facebook: facebook.com/#!/pages/A-Brush-of-
Tickets $60 ($20 tax receipt). Tables of 8, 10 or individual
tickets can be purchased. For tickets please contact Te Kidney
Foundation 634-0519 or email judy.cannon@kidney.ca. 833
Thank You
To live in a community that pulls together when one of their
own is in need is a true blessing from God. To have family
and friends love and support you is a healing power like
no other.
A sincere thank you to all who, at this time, gave so openly
to myself and my family. The Coffee House was amazing
and the Kingston talent is something that is still being
talked about.
Bonnie Turner
Thank you to all
and many blessings sent your way,
Vernon V. Coleman
In loving memory of a husband, father & papa, who
unexpectedly left us on Oct. 27th, 2001.
Loved and remembered every day.
Wife Susan,
Children Lilli, Mary,
Tammie, Rob, Jennifer
& 10 grandchildren.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 40 www.ossekeag.ca
BeneFiT FOR pAuline THOMpsOn
A Beneft will be held for Pauline
Tompson at the Sussex Lions
Den on sunday, november
from 1:00-4:00pm. Music
will be by Gary Burgess &
Friends, Justin Banister, Junior
Tibodeau, Conerstone and
special guests Sherry & Justin
Lackie and Leon Daigle. Tere
will be a 50/50 draw, silent
auction and tickets for sale on a
gif basket.
Proceeds from this event will
go to help Pauline with medical
expenses associated with
cancer treatments. For more
information please contact
Peggy Tibodeau at 432-9184 or Janet Klassen at 433-6052. 523
Te Rotary Club of Hampton wishes to express
their sincere thanks to everyone who in any way
supported our fall fundraiser. Te Tane Dunn
& the Cadillac Kings concert, held on September
, was a great success. Our thanks go out to Te
Hampton High School Community Teatre and
those students who assisted.
A special vote of appreciation goes out to Tane Dunn
and his Cadillac Kings for stepping in to help out with this
important fundraiser. Tanes genuine sincerity and gifed talent
immediately captured the hearts of his audience.
With your participation, the Rotary Club of Hampton raised
$4,300 for numerous projects within the community. 841
suppeR & DAnce in MARKHAMville
Te annual Turkey Supper at the Markhamville Cookhouse will
be held on saturday, november 5
from 3:30-6:30pm. Cost for
the supper is $10/adults, $5/children 6-12, pre-schoolers eat for
At the Hall from 5:00-9:00pm warm apple cider will be served
while a traditional Music Session takes place. Please bring an
instrument and join in.
Finishing up the evening in the hall will be an Old Time New
Brunswick Square Dance from 9:00pm-12:00midnight with live
music. Admission $5.
Te Cookhouse and Hall are both located in Markhamville in
the hills south of Sussex of Rte 111. 845
BinGO & cARD pARTies in upHAM
Regular Wednesdays Bingo at the Hall in
Upham at 7:00pm. Te regular Monday
night card parties at the Upham WI Hall
begin at 7:30pm.
All are welcome. 514
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 41 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 42 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 43 www.ossekeag.ca
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 44 www.ossekeag.ca
ART cOnTesT DeADline exTenDeD
Te United Nations has declared 2011
as the International Year of Forests. To
celebrate New Brunswicks forests, Fundy
Model Forest and the Association of
Registered Professional Foresters of New
Brunswick are sponsoring a province-
wide art competition with total prizes
valued at approximately $2500.
Te deadline for entries has been
extended until 12:00noon on Tursday,
november 10
For youth of high-school age, one grand prize of an iPad 2 will
be awarded with cash prizes of $250 and $150 in each of the
visual and multi-media categories. Te New Brunswick Forest
Products Association is sponsoring an additional honourable
mention award of $150.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 entries will be further divided into
three age levels for judging purposes, with prizes to be awarded
in each. Te three frst place prizes are a Nintendo DSI, I-Tune/
I-Pod gif card and a digital camera. Second and third place in
all three levels will receive $100 and $50 gif cards each.
Entries from Kindergarten to Grade 8 age youth should be
mailed to ARPFNB at 1350 Regent Street, Fredericton, NB E3C
2G6. Entries by high school age youth can be emailed to FMF at
info@fundymodelforest.net or mailed to Fundy Model Forest,
701 Main Street, Sussex, NB E4E 7H7.
Contest guidelines are available at www.fundymodelforest.
net and www.arpfnb.ca, or by contacting the event organizers:
Ed Czerwinski, Executive Director, Association of Registered
Professional Foresters of New Brunswick (ARPFNB) 452-6933,
arpf@nbnet.nb.ca or Barb Scott, Communications Coordinator
Fundy Model Forest, 432-7565, barb@fundymodelforest.net.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 45 www.ossekeag.ca
cRAFT sAles
TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES Festival Sale Saturday, October
29, 9am to 5pm at the Belleisle Community Centre, 1648 Route
124, ofers an opportunity for everyone to make a diference by
shopping fair trade. Te sale will showcase a beautiful assortment
of musical instruments, pottery, jewelry, baskets, toys and hand
loomed textiles from more than 30 countries.
ANNUAL CRAFT SALE, Hampton Seniors Resource Centre,
Demille Court, Oct. 22, 9:00am-3:00pm. for more information
call 943-0075.
9TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Craf Sale at the Bloomfeld Hall,
Saturday Oct. 22, 9:00am-4:00pm. A variety of local crafs,
fruitcakes, baked goods, jewellery, knitting, crocheting, sewing,
woodwoking and more. For more information call 433-5883.
cOMe TO THe 3rd Annual christmas crafers show
Saturday, November 12, 9:00am-3:00pm. Visit, pick up your
Christmas baking and fnd that unique, one-of-a-kind Christmas
gif. Over 25 vendors to choose from, free admission, Sussex Lions
Den, 58 Willow Court, Sussex. Table Rentals 506-433-5033 or
PART TIME, possibly leading to full time care giver needed for
senior gentleman in his home. Please call 832-2052.
MATURE, SINGLE LADY, seeking full time care giver position,
fexible with possibility of live-in care, many years experience,
complete personal care, light housekeeping, excellent cook, non-
smoker, own transportation, available immediately, references
available, please phone Mary at 216-1215.
BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Turn 5-10 hours/week into $1000+/
month. Operate a mini ofce outlet from your computer, FREE
evaluation. www.yourfreedomofce.com.
22nd, 7:00pm, Norton Catholic Hall, featuring Denny James
and Ralph Henderson, Te Men In Black in a special extended
performance, along with Herb Isbill, Donna Stephenson, Stirling
Nickerson, Tim Wallace, Lynn Henderson, Donna Chase and Don
Short, with special guest Allison Inch. Admission $10 at the door.
spRinGFielD FiReWOOD, quality hardwood, cut, split,
delivered. Call 485-2349.
TIRED OF GETTING THE WRONG size wood? Firewood cut to
specifcation. Call Doug 763-3486 or 333-5843.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE, good prices, good wood, call Ken.
ONE BEDROOM APT. suitable for single person. Stove, fridge,
washer, located in quiet area, central Hampton, private driveway
and entrance, non-smoking, no pets. $500 per month. Available
Oct. 1. Call 832-7658.
NEW OFFICE SPACE available in centre of Hampton, wireless
internet, boardroom, lunchroom, customer parking, separate
entrance. $500+HST per month. 832-9049.
I know Tanksgiving Day has already come and gone . . . so Im
a little slow. But as I sat at my table surrounded by family as we
enjoyed our Tanksgiving meal I could not help but think how
lucky I am. Both of our children live nearby and visit regularly.
We see our grand granddaughter most days, and have a new one
expected next month. One daughter is studying for a new career
while the other is working on house renovations in preparation
for said new grandchild. A son-in-law who went back to school
has now graduated and is starting a new career. Both of our
mothers still live independently and were able to join us for
the meal. Te weather that weekend was amazing, I still have
fowers in bloom and walking in the woods is a joy with the
beautiful colours all around.
Over the past weeks (months, in fact!) I have been endeavouring
to obtain from the government information on what my pension
will be from my 25 years of service that preceded Ossekeag
Publishing. Tis has proven to be an extremely taxing pursuit. I
am very thankful I no longer work in such an organization!
Michael commented recently on an interview he heard on CBC
with Kevin OLeary of Dragons Den fame, who said that of all
his business endeavours those in which he had a partner were
the most successful. A partner can shore up the areas in which
you are weak and give a diferent perspective on making tough
decisions. So this is my opportunity to acknowledge both my life
partner and my business partner. When I decided I wanted to
own a publishing company, Michael was right there saying what
do you need from me. He has given his time and his knowledge
(he ofen jokes he is the lowest paid MBA in New Brunswick)
and his energy and I know Ossekeag would not have enjoyed
the level of success it has achieved without him. Having him at
the table with me (whether the dinner table enjoying ham or the
boardroom table arguing strategy) is one of the great joys in my
life. I am thankful he has been shoring up my many weak spots
all these years!
Be thankful for problems. If they were less difcult, someone
with less ability might have your job. ~ James A. Lovell. 801
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 46 www.ossekeag.ca
COMMERCIAL SPACE for lease 1031 Main Street, Hampton.
Main level parking, lot maintenance included, utilities included,
lighted signage space available. Available Immediately, contact
Wayne at 653-1957.
3 BEDROOM APT. Kingston Peninsula, non-drinker, non-
smoker, $500/month, ALSO, 1 bedroom, large apt. $400/month.
ONE BEDROOM Mobile home, private setting in Bloomfeld,
3km from 4 lane exit, prefer quiet tenants. $450/month plus
hydro. 832-4450.
ONE BEDROOM basement apartment, partially furnished,
everything included except phone & internet, no smoking, no
pets, $700/month plus deposit. 832-4516.
TWO 2 BEDROOM adult suites at Hammond River, non-smokers
and no pets, appliances and 8x10 storage barns included, $675 for
upper suite and $625 for lower. Call 721-4112.
FOR sAle
USED APPLIANCES, 24 electric stoves in stock, exterior/
interior doors, tires (most sizes), new sky light, used windows,
and household items. 218 Main St. Norton. 839-2628.
COIN SHOW, Nov. 6, Howard Johnson Hotel, Saint John,
9:30am-3:30pm, coins bought and sold. Furthur info contact Tom
at ycart@nb.sympatico.ca or 650-0669. See you there!
WE JOSEPH L. KANE and spouse, citizens of Canada and
Kingston, Kings County, New Brunswick, by Registered Deed,
lot number 0159566 and heirs and successors to a Grant of Land
registered as number 9098, with charter by Her Royal Majesty
Queen Victoria, year 1871 and granted by the New Brunswick
Court of Chancery, registered at the New Brunswick Forestry
Building, Fredericton, have had our rights infringed upon,
contrary to the Queen, the Court and the Canadian Charter of
Human Rights and Freedoms of Canada.
ReAl esTATe
NEW PRICE, $249,000. Garden home, 5 Merritt Hill Road,
Quispamsis (end of Gondola Point Road), superlative views, John
Hart construction. See propertyguys.com, ID#118248 or call
RecyclinG Bin
CUPBOARD DOORS, solid plywood, many sizes, hinges and
knobs still attached. 847-8593.
seRvices OFFeReD
REGISTERED FOOT CARE NURSE is now accepting clients.
Ofering foot care in the comfort of your own home in Hampton
& surrounding areas. For professional foot care & details, call
Shirley at 832-2126. Covered with most insurance plans.
DANNY BOY TRUCKING, local driveway gravel and clear stone,
1/2, 1/4 minus, 15 tonne, $250 delivered. Topsoil $265. Daniel
line of traction chains, wire rope, chain, netting, H.D. tarps.
Authorized Action Truck & Car Accessories dealer. Call 832-
1198. Day/Evenings Mon-Sat.
BRIANS MAINTENANCE & Home Repair, carpentry, kitchens,
bath, painting, ceramic tile, electrical etc. Over 20 years
experience. Free estimates. Call Brian 839-2296.
HAul AWAy of junk cars, trucks, tractors, trailers, farm
equipment etc. Small fee for appliances and small scrap. Drop of
site 54 Backland Road, Kingston. 763-2933 or 333-9067.
HERITAGE UPHOLSTERY. Residential, commercial,
recreational, restyling and customization. Trust your furniture
to the professionals. Te most training and experience in the
Kennebecasis. Serving you for 30 years. Ofering project classes.
DAVES LIGHT TRUCKING & Cleaning Service, junk, garbage,
construction, demolition, brush, decks, small moving jobs. 7 days
a week. Also picking up unwanted vehicles. 832-3982 or 653-0026.
RITE WAY CLEANERS now has openings for residential and
commercial cleaning. We ofer de-cluttering, organizing and will
clean your house from top to bottom. For a free estimate call
Fallon, 832-3894.
MARTINS TRUCKING, yard, basement cleaning, light
carpentry, light painting, moving jobs etc, seniors discounts. 343-
5405 or 832-4233.
scRAp MeTAl DROp Of site. All car parts, car batteries, lawn
mowers, washers & dryers, pots & pans, scrap metal etc. Free
junk car and truck removal. Open 7 days/week, 187 French
Village Road. Phone 847-3569. God Bless you and thank you for
your support.
BuyinG JUNK CARS, trucks, travel trailers, motor homes, farm
machinery. I pay you cash. Call 721-4255.
KEN BROWN ELECTRICAL Inc. Your electrical service
company for all your home & business needs. For your solar
& wind power solutions, call or email Kim at (506)839-2877,
CASH FOR CARS, truck, vans, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers,
motorcycles, trailers, aluminum boats, copper wire, brass & more,
for scrap. 653-0026.
2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE GT, 4 brand new tires, tilt steering,
CD, sunroof, low kms, set of 4 winter wheels included, non-
smoker, one owner, $2,800. Call 485-2242 evenings afer 6:00pm.
1993 HONDA CIVIC DEL SOL, white hard-top convertible,
beautiful car, all new interior, molded body kit, good rubber,
beautiful rims, needs an engine, $1,500 frm. 832-5613 call
between 2:00pm & 5:00pm, Monday - Friday.
2000 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, dark green, 157,000kms, well
maintained, no rust, needs engine work, $1,200 frm. Call Carol
at 832-5613 between 2:00pm & 5:00pm Monday - Friday.
2004 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, 177,500kms, black with gray
interior, excellent condition. Please call or leave message afer
7:00pm 832-4460.
WANTED, LAWN TRACTORS, garden tillers and snow blowers,
any condition. Reconditioned snowblowers for sale. 832-4905.
Hampton Herald - October 18, 2011 47 www.ossekeag.ca

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