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Percentile Classes

Profit and Loss

Table of Content

Exercise 01 : Profit Loss…………..…..13
Exercise 02 : SA/TITA……………….….29
Exercise 03 : Past Year Papers……..34


Cost Price: The amount paid to purchase an article or the price at which an article
is made, is known as its cost price.
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The cost price is abbreviated as C.P..

Selling Price: The price at which an article is sold, is known as its selling price.
The selling price is abbreviated as S.P..

Profit : If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is greater than the cost price (C.P.),
then the difference between the selling price and cost price is called profit.
Thus, If S.P.C.P., then
Profit S.P.-C.P.
S.P=C.P.+ Profit

Loss : If the selling price (S.P.) of an article is less than the cost price (C.P.), then
the difference between the cost price (C.P.) and the selling price (S.P.) is called
loss. Thus, if S.P.<C.P., then
Loss – C.P.-S.P. → C.P.-S.P. + Loss > S.P. - C.P. - Loss
Loss = C.P-S.P.
C.P=S.P +Loss

Example 1:
An article was bought for Rs 2000 and sold for Rs 2200. Find the gain or loss.

C.P. of the article=Rs 2000
S.P. of the article =Rs 2200
Since S.P. > C.P. So there is gain.
Gain (profit) - S.P.-C.P.
= Rs 2200 - Rs 2000 = Rs 200

Profit and Loss percentage

The profit per cent is the profit that would be obtained for a C.P. of Rs 100.
Similarly, the loss per cent is the loss that would be made for a C.P. of Rs 100.

Profit Percent = × 100
C. P.
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Loss Percent = × 100
C. P.

C. P.× Profit%
Profit =
C. P.× Profit%
Loss =
100 + Profit%
S. P. = ( ) × C. P.
100 − loss%
S. P. = ( ) × C. P.
100 × S. P.
C. P. =
100 + Profit%
100 × S. P.
C. P. =
100 − Loss%

Example 2:
A cycle was purchased for Rs 1600 and sold for Rs 1400.
Find the loss and loss %.

Solution :
C.P. of the cycle = Rs 1600
S.P. of the cycle = Rs 1400
Since S.P < C.P, so there is a loss.
Loss = C.P. - S.P.
- Rs 1600 - Rs 1400 - Rs 200.
Loss 200 1
Loss% = × 180 = × 100 = 12 %
C. P. 1600 2

Example 3:
By selling a table for Rs 330, a trader gains 10%. Find the
cost price of the table.

S.P.= Rs 330, Gain=10%
C. P. = ( ) × S. P.
100 + Gain%
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= Rs × 330
100 + 10
= × 330 = Rs 300.

Example 4;
A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at A profit of 25%. If C
pays Rs 225 for it, what did A pay for it

Solution :
100 100
C. P. of A = 225 × ×
100 + 20 100 + 25
100 100
= 225 × × = Rs 150.
120 125

Example 5:
A mobile phone is sold for Rs 5060 at a gain of 10%. What
would have been the gain or loss percent if it had been sold
for Rs 4370?

S. P. = Rs 5060, gain = 10%
5060 × 100
C. P. = = Rs 4600.
100 + 10
2nd S. P. = Rs 4370
Since, S. P. < C. P. , so there is loss
(4600 − 4370) × 100
Loss% = = 5%

Real Profit/Loss percentage:

If the profit or loss is calculated on S.P., then it is not actual profit or loss.
Real profit (loss)% is the profit (loss)% on G.P.
%profit on S. P.
Real Profit % = × 100
100 − %profit on S. P.
Dishonest dealing
Gain % = × 100
True value − Error

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True Scale 100 + gain%
= =
False Scale 100 − loss%

Example 6 ;
A cloth merchant says that due to slump in the market, he sells the cloth at 10%
loss, but he uses a false metre-scale and actually gain 15%. Find the actual length
of the scale,
(a) 78 cm (b) 78.25 cm (c) 78.5cm (d) 78.75cm

Solution :
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 100+𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛%
(b) =
𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 100−𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠%
100 100 + 15
= =
False scale 100 − 10
100 × 90
False scale = = 78.26 cm

Example 7:
A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price, but he uses a weight
of 960 g for the kg weight. Find his gain per cent.

Solution :
Error = 1 kg - 960 g
= 1000g - 960g = 40g .
Gain % = × 100
40 1
= × 100 = 4 %
960 6

Goods passing through successive hands ;

When there are two successive profits of a% and b%, then
the resultant profit per cent is given by
= (𝑎 + 𝑏 + )%
When there is a profit of a% and loss by b% in a transaction,
then the resultant profit or loss per cent is given by
(𝑎 − 𝑏 − 100) %, according to the + ve or - ve sign respectively.
When cost price and selling price are reduced by the same
amount (A) and profit increases then cost price (C.P.)
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[Initial profit% + Increase in profit] × A
Increase in profit%

Example 8:
A table is sold at a profit of 20%. If the cost price and selling
price are Rs 200 less, the profit would be 8% more. Find the
cost price.

By direct method,
(20 + 8) × 200
C. P. = Rs. = RS 28 × 25 = Rs 700.
If cost price of c articles is equal to the selling price of y
Articles, then profit/loss percentage = × 100%
According to +ve or – ve sing respectively.

Example 9:
If the C.P. of 15 tables be equal to the S.P. of 20 tables, find
the loss per cent

Solution :
By direct method,
Profit/Loss% = × 100 = 25%𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠, 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑠 − 𝑣𝑒

Example 10:
If the C.P. of 6 articles is equal to the S.P. of 4 articles. Find
the gain per cent

Solution :
Let C.P. of an article be Rs x; then,
C.P. of 6 articles = Rs 6x
C.P. of 4 articles= Rs 4x
But S.P. of 4 articles = C.P. of 6 articles
S.P. of 4 articles = 6x
Thus, gain = S.P - C.P.= Rs (6x - 4x) = Rs 2x
Gain % = × 100 = 50
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Thus, gain in the transaction = 50%

Example 11:
By selling 33 metres of cloth, a man gains the sale price of
11 metres. The gain% is
(a) 50% (b) 25% (c) 33 % (d)

(a) Gain = S.P. of 33 meters – C.P. of 33 metres
= S.P. of 11 meters
➔ S.P. of 22 metres = C.P. of 33 metres
➔ %gain = × 100
C.P.of metres
S.P.of 11 metres
➔ × 100
C.P.of 33 metres
S.P.of 11 metres 1
➔ × 100 = × 100 = 50%
C.P.of 22 metres 2
➔ When no discount is given,′ selling price′ is the same as ′sarked price′ .
➔ Discount = Market price × Rate of discount.
➔ S. P. = M. P. −Discount.
➔ Buy x get y free i.e., if x + y articles are sold at cost price of x
Articles, then the percentage discount = × 100.

Example 12:
How much % must be added to the cost price of goods so that a profit of 20%
must be made after throwing off a discount of 10% from the marked price?
(a) 20% (b) 30% (c) 33 % (d)

Solution :
(c) Let C.P. = Rs 100, then S.P. = Rs 120
Also, Let marked price be Rs x. Then
120×100 1
90% of x = 120 => x - = 133
90 3
M.P. should be Rs 133
or M.P. = 33% above C.P.

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Example 13:
At a clearance sale, all goods are on sale at 45% discount. If I buy a skint marked
Rs 600, how much would I need to pay?

Solution :
M.P. = Rs 600, Discount 45%
𝑀.𝑃.×𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡% 600×45
Discount = = = 𝑅𝑠 270.
100 100
S.P.= M.P.- Discount
= Rs 600 – Rs 270 = Rs 330.
Hence, the amount I need to pay is Rs 330.

➔ A man purchases a certain number of articles at x a rupee and the same number
at y a rupee. He mixes them together and sells them at z a rupee. Then his gain or
loss %
=[ − 1] × 100 according as the sign is + ve or – ve.

➔ If two items are sold, each at Rs. x, one at again of p% and the other at a loss of
p%, there is an overall loss given by %.The absolute value of the loss is given
2𝑝2 𝑥
1002 −𝑝2 .

➔ If CP of two items is the same and % Loss and % Gain on the two items are equal,
then net loss or net profit is zero.

Example 14:
A shopkeeper sold two radio sets for Rs 792 each, gaining 10% on one, and losing
10% on the other. Then he
(a) neither gains nor loses
(b) gains 1%
(c) loses 1%
(d) gains 5%

Solution :
(b) When selling price of two articles is same and % gain = % loss
then there will be always loss.
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and overall % loss = % = 1%

Example 15:
A man bought two housing apartments for Rs 2 lakhs each.
He sold one at 20% loss and the other at 20% pin. Find his gain or loss.
(a) 4% loss (b) 4% gain
(c) No loss, no gain (d) 10% loss

Solution :
(c) When C.R of two articles is same and % gain = % loss
Then, on net, there is no loss, no gain when two different articles sold at same
S.P. and x1, and x2 are % gain (or loss) on them. Then, overall % gain or
100−2(100±𝑥1 )+(100±𝑥2 )
=[ (100±𝑥1 )+(100±𝑥2 )
(Taking + or - according 10 gain or loss)

Example 16:
A man sold two watches for Rs 1000 each. On one he gains 25% and on the other
20% loss. Find how much % does he pin or lose in the whole transaction?
100 100
(a) % loss (b) % gain
41 41
(c) No gain, no loss (d) Cannot be determined

(c) When S1 = S2, then
Overall % gain or % loss
2(100+x1 )+(100−x2 )
= [100 − (100+x1 )+(100+x2 )
2(125)(80) 2 × 125 × 80
= (100 − ) % = (100 − )%
(125) + (80) 205
= % gain (∵ it is + ve)

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Example 17:
After allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price of an article, it is sold for Rs
880. Find its marked price.

S.P. = Rs 880 and Discount% = 12
Let M.P. = x
𝑀.𝑃.×𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡% 𝑥×12 3
Discount = = = 𝑥
100 100 25
Now M.P. = S.P. + Discount
x = 880 + 𝑥
3 22𝑥
➔x - 𝑥 = 880 => = 880
25 25
➔x = =40 x 25 = Rs 1000
Marked price of the article is Rs 1000.

A shopkeeper offers his customers 10% discount and still makes a profit of 26%.
What is the actual cost to him of an article marked Rs 280?

M.P. = Rs 280 and Discount % = 10
M.P.×Discount% 280×10
Discount = = = Rs. 28
100 100
S. P. = M. P. − Discount − Rs 280 − Rs 28 − Rs. 252
Now. S. P. = Rs. 252 and profit = 26%
C. P. = × S. P.
100 + gain%
= × 252 = Rs200
100 + 26
Hence, the actual cost of the article is Rs. 200.

Successive Discounts
In successive discounts, first discount is subtracted from the marked price to get
net price after the first discount. Taking this price as the new marked price, the
second discount is calculated and it is subtracted from it to get net price after the
second discount. Continuing in this manner, we finally obtain the net selling price.
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In case of successive discounts a% and b%, the effective discount
is (𝑎 + 𝑏 − )%

Example 19:
Find the single discount equivalent to successive discounts of 15% and 20%,

Solution :
By direct formula,
Single discount = (𝑎 + 𝑏 − )%
= (15 + 20 − ) % = 32%

If the list price of an item is given and discount d1 and d2 are given succesively on
it then,
𝑑1 2𝑑
Final price = list price (1 − ) (1 − 100 )

Example 20:
An article is listed at Rs 65. A customer bought this article for Rs 56.16 and got
two successive discounts of which the first one is. 10%. The other rate of discount
of this scheme that was allowed by the shopkeeper was:
(a) 3% (b) 4% (c) 6% (d) 2%

(b) Price of the article after first discount
65 – 6.5 = Rs 58.5
Therefore, the second discount
= × 100 = 4%

Example 21:
A shopkeeper offers 5% discount on all his goods to alt his customers. He offers a
further discount of 2% on the reduced price to those customers who pay cash.
What will you actually have to pay for an article in cash if its M.P. is Rs 4800?

M.P. = Rs 4800
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First discount = 5% of M.P.
= × 4800 = 𝑅𝑆 240
Net price after discount = Rs 4800 – Rs 240
= Rs 4560
Second discount = 2% of Rs 4560
= × 4560 = 𝑅𝑠 91.20
Net price after discount = Rs 4560 – Rs 91.20
= Rs 4468.80
By Direct Method:
5 2
S.P. = 4800 (1 − ) (1 − 100) = 𝑅𝑠. 4468.80

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Profit and Loss

Q.1) If the cost price is 96% of the selling price, then what is the profit
(a) 4.5% (b) 42% (c) 4% (d) 3.8%

Q.2) If the manufacturer gains 10%, the wholesale dealer 15% and the
retailer 25%, then find the cost of production of a table, the retail price of
which is Rs 1265?
(a) Rs800 (b) Rs 1000 (c) Rs900 (d) Rs600

Q.3) The price of a jewel, passing through three hands, rises on the whole
by 65%. If the first and the second sellers earned 20% and 25% profit
respectively, find the percentage profit earned by the third seller
(a) 20% (b) 10% (c) 25% (d) No gain or loss

Q.4) A man sold his book for Rs. 891, thereby gaining of its cost price.
Find his cost price.
(a) Rs 850 (b) Rs 810
(c) Rs 851 (d) Rs 840

Q.5) A man buys 50 pencils for Rs 100 and sells 45 pencils for Rs 90. Find
his gain or loss %.
(a) 20% (b) 35%
(c) 25% (d) No gain or loss

Q.6) A dealer sold a mixer for Rs 420 at loss of 12.5%. At what price
should he have sold it to gain 12,5%.
(a) Rs620 (b) Rs540 (c) Rs650 (d) Rs750

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Q.7) Kaberi buys a radio three-fourths of its value and sells it for 20% more
than its value. What will be its profit percentage?
(a) 50% (b) 40% (c) 60% (d) 70%

Q.8) By selling an article for Rs 45, a shopkeeper loses 20%. For how
much should he sell it to gain 20% on it?
(a) Rs150 (b) Rs67.50 (c) Rs60,50 (d) Rs65

Q.9) If 11 litchis are bought for 10 paise and 10 litchis are sold for 11
paise, the gain % us,
(a) 10% (b) 11%
(c) 20% (d) 21%

Q.10) A man sold 10 eggs for 5 rupees and gained 20%. How many eggs
did he buy for 5 rupees?
(a) 10 eggs (b) 12 eggs
(c) 14 eggs (d) 16 eggs

Q.11) A person sells 36 oranges per rupee and suffers a loss of 4%. Find
how many oranges per rupee to be sold to have a gain of 8%?
(a) 30 (b) 31 (c) 32 (d) 33

Q.12) Coconuts were purchased at Rs 150 per hundred and sold at Rs 2

per coconut. If 2000 coconuts were sold, what was the total profit
(a) Rs 500 (b)Rs1000
(c) Rs1500 (d) Rs 2000

Q.13) A shopkeeper's price is 50% above the cost price. If he allows his
customer a discount of 30% what profit does he make?
(a) 5% (b) 10%
(c) 15% (d) 20%
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Q.14) A shopkeeper purchases 10 kg of rice at Rs 600 and sells at a loss as
much the selling price of 2 kg of rice. Find the sale rate of rice/kg.
(a) Rs 60 per kg (b) Rs 50 per kg
(c) Rs 80 per kg (d) Rs 70 per kg

Q.15) If 15 oranges are bought for a rupee, how many must be sold for a
rupee to gain 25%?
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 18

Q.16) A man buys milk at Rs 6 per litre and adds one third of water to it and
sells mixture at Rs 7.20 per litre. The gain is
(a) 40% (b) 80% (c) 60% (d) 25%

Q.17) A milk man makes a profit of 20% on the sale of milk. If he were to
add 10% water to the milk, by what % would his profit increase?
(a) 30 (b) (c) 22 (d) 10

Q.18) A grocer purchased 80 kg of sugar at-Rs 13.50 per kg and mixed it

with 120 kg sugar at Rs 16 per kg. At what rate should he sell the
mixture to gain 16%?
(a) Rs 17 per kg (b) Rs 17.40 per kg
(c) Rs 16.5 per kg (d) Rs 16 per kg

Q.19) A dishonest fruit seller professes to sell his goods at the cost price but
weighs 800 grams for a kg weight. Find his gain percent.
(a) 25% (b) 150%
(c) 50% (d) 200%

Q.20) A shopkeeper purchased 150 identical pieces of calculators at the

rate of Rs 250 each. He spent an amount of Rs 2500 on transport and
packing. He fixed the labelled price of each calculator at Rs 320.
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However, he decided to give a discount of 5% on the labelled price.
What is the percentage profit earned by him?
(a) 14% (b) 15%
(c) 16% (d) 20%

Q.21) A dishonest dealer sells his goods at the cost price but still earns a
profit of 25% by under weighing. What weight does he use for a kg?
(a) 750g (b) 800g (c) 825g (d) 850g

Q.22) A shopkeeper marks up his goods to gain 35%. But he allows 10%
discount for cash payment. His profit on
transaction therefore, in percentage, is
1 1 1
(a) 13 (b) 25 (c) 21 (d) 31
2 2 2

Q.23) A man sold two steel chairs for Rs 500 each. On one he gains 20%
and on other, he loses 12%. How much does he gain or lose in the
whole transaction?
(a) 1.5% gain (b) 2% gain
(c) 1.5% loss (d) 2% loss

Q.24) A firm of readymade garments makes both men's and women's shirts.
Its average profit is 6% of the sales. Its profit in men's shirts average 8%
of the sales and women's shirts comprise 60% of the output. The
average profit per sale rupee in women shirts is
(a) 0.0466 (b) 0.0666 (c) 0.0166 (d) None of these

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Q.25) A man purchases two watches at Rs 560. He sells one at 15% profit
and other at 10% loss. Then he neither gains nor loss. Find the cost
price of each watch.
(a) Rs224, Rs300 (b) Rs200, Rs300
(c) Rs224, Rs336 (d) Rs200, Rs336

Q.26) A man bought a horse and a carriage for Rs 3000. He sold the horse
at a gain of 20% and the carriage at a loss 10%, thereby gaining 2% on
the whole. Find The cost of the horse.
(a) Rs 1000 (b) Rs 1200
(c) Rs 1500 (d) Rs 1700

Q.27) Two electronic musical instruments were purchased for Rs 8000. The
first was sold at a profit of 40% and the second at loss of 40%. If the
sale price was the same in both the cases, what was the cost price of
two electronic musical instruments?
(a) Rs2000, Rs5000 (b) Rs2200, Rs5500
(c) Rs2400, Rs5000 (d) Rs2400, Rs5600

Q.28) A man sells an article at a gain 15%. If he had bought it at 10% less
and sold it for Rs.4 less, he would have gained 25%. Find the cost price
of the article.
(a) Rs.150 (b) Rs.160
(c) Rs.170 (d) Rs.180

Q.29) A man sells an article at 5% profit. If he had bought it at 5% less and

sold it for Re 1 less, he would have gained 10%. The cost price of the
article is:
(a) Rs.200 (b) Rs.150
(c) Rs.240 (d) Rs.280

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Q.30) Five kg of butter was bought by a shopkeeper for Rs 300. One kg
becomes unsaleable. He sells the remaining in such a way that on the
whole he incurs a loss of 10%. At what price per kg was the butter sold?
(a) Rs.67.50 (b) Rs.52.50
(c) Rs.60 (d) Rs.72.50

Q.31) A fruit seller sells 8 oranges at a cost price of 9. The profit per cent is
1 1 15 2
(a) 12 (b) 11 (c) 5 (d) 8
2 9 17 3

Q.32) The cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 25 articles.
The loss percent in the transaction is
(a) 5 (b) 20 (c) 25 (d) 30

Q.33) By selling 66 metres of cloth a person gains the cost price of 22

metres. Find the gain per cent.
1 1
(a) 22% (b) 22 % (c) 33% (d) 33 %
2 3

Q.34) By selling, 66 metres of cloth a man loses the selling price of 22

metres. Find the loss per cent
(a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 30% (d) 35%

Q.35) A single discount equal to a discount series of 10% and 20% is.
(a) 25% (b) 28% (c) 30% (d) 35%

Q.36) The list price of a watch is Rs.160 A retailer bought the same watch
Rs.122.40. He got two successive discounts one at 10% and the other
at a rate which was not legible. What is the second discount rate?
(a) 12% (b) 14% (c) 15% (d) 18%

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Q.37) A tradesman is marketing his goods 20% above the cost price of the
goods. He gives 10% discount on cash payment, find his gain percent.
(a) 12% (b) 8% (c) 15% (d) 18%

Q.38) For a certain article, if discount is 25%, the profit is 25%. If the
discount is 10%, then the profit is
(a) 10% (b) 20% (c) 35% (d) 50%

Q.39) A trader marks his goods at such a price that he. can deduct 15% for
cash and yet make 20% profit. Find the marked price of an item which
costs him Rs.90:
11 3 1 1
(a) Rs 135 (b) Rs 105 (c) Rs 127 (d) Rs 95
13 21 17 21

Q.40) A trader wants 10% profit on the selling price of a product whereas
his expenses amount to 15% on sales. What should be his rate of mark
up on an article costing Rs.9?
(a) 20% (b) 66 %
(c) 30% (d) %

Q.41) A wholesaler sells 30 pens at the price of 27 pens to a retailer. The

retailer sells the pens at their market price. The profit for the retailer is
(a) 11% (b) 10%
1 1
(c) 11 % (d) 9 %
9 11

Q.42) A discount of 16% on the marked price of a book enables a man to

buy a pen which costs Rs 80. How much did he pay for the book?
(a) Rs.420 (b) Rs.450
(c) Rs.480 (d) Rs.495

Q.43) A shopkeeper fixes the marked price' of an item 20% above the cost
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price. He allows his customers a discount and makes a profit of 8%.
Find the rate of discount
(a) 8% (b) 9%
(c) 10% (d) 11%

Q.44) A chair originally costs Rs50. It was offered for sale at 108% of its
cost. After a week, the price was 10% discounted and was sold. Find
the sale price,
(a) Rs46.80 (b) Rs48.60
(c) Rs50 (d) Rs52.40

Q.45) By selling an umbrella for Rs 30, a merchant gains 20%. During a

clearance sale, the merchant allows a discount of 10% off the marked
price (the price at which he used to sell). Find his gain percent,
(a) 6% (b) 7%
(c) 8% (d) 9%

Q.46) By what % must the cost of goods be marked up so that even after a
discount of 20% the same amount is realised as before the discount?
(a) 20 (b) 25
(c) 40 (d) 10

Q.47) If a merchant estimates his profit as 20% of the selling price, what is
his real profit per cent?
(a) 18% (b) 20%
(c) 25% (d) 28%

Q.48) Goods are sold so that when a discount of 4 percent is given on the
sale price, a profit of 20 percent is made. How much percent, is the sale
price higher than the cost price?
(a) 20% (b) 24%
(c) 25% (d) 27%
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Q.49) A man sells his car for Rs 5000 and loses something. Had he sold it
for Rs 5600, his gain would have been double the former loss. Find the
cost price,
(a) Rs5500 (b) Rs5100
(c) Rs5400 (d) Rs5200

Q.50) A manufacturer sells goods to an agent at a profit of 20%. The

agent's wholesale price to a shopkeeper is at a profit of 10% and the
shopkeeper retails his goods at a profit of 12%. Find the retailer's price
of an article which had cost the manufacturer Rs 25.
(a) Rs37 (b) Rs40 (c) Rs44 (d) Rs46

Q.51) A business man sells lot of shirts at a profit of 12 % and invests the
proceeds to buy lot of pants, which he sells at a profit of 20%. If he
makes a net profit of Rs2700, the cost of the shirts was
(a) Rs2450 (b) Rs2225
(c) Rs2000 (d) Rs1880

Q.52) John sold a fan at a loss of 7%. If he had sold it for Rs 48 more, he
would have gained 5%. Find the cost price of the fan.
(a) Rs350 (b) Rs480
(c) Rs240 (d) Rs400

Q.53) A sells a tube to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at profit of 25

%. If C pays Rs 225 for it, what did A pay for it?
(a) Rs100 (b) Rs125 (c) Rs150 (d) Rs175

Q.54) A sells, an article which costs him Rs,400 to B at a profit of 20%. B

then sells it to C, making a profit of 10% on the price he paid to A. How
much does C pay to. B?
(a) Rs472 (b) Rs476 (c) Rs528 (d) Rs532
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Q.55) A shopkeeper buys 50 dozen eggs at Rs 4 per dozen. Out of them,
40 eggs were found broken. At what rate should he sell the remaining
eggs per dozen so as to gain 5% on the whole?
(a) Rs4 (b) Rs4.25 (c) Rs4.50 (d) Rs5.25

Q.56) The difference between the selling price of a clock at a profit of 8%

and 10% is Rs 6. Find the cost price of the clock,
(a) Rs1200 (b) Rs600 (c) Rs400 (d) Rs300

Q.57) A shopkeeper purchased a table marked at Rs 200 at successive

discount of 10% ;and 15% respectively. He spent Rs 7 on transportation
and sold the table for Rs 200. Find his gain%?
(a) No loss or gain (b) 25% (c) 30% (d) 40%

Q.58) An uneducated retailer, marks all his goods at 50% above the cost
price and thinking that he will still make 25% profit, offers a discount of
25% on the marked price. What is his actual profit on the sales?
(a) 12% (b) 12.5% (c) 12.75% (d) 12.25%

Q.59) If goods are purchased for Rs.840, and one-fourth be sold at a loss of
20 percent, at what gain percent should the remaining goods be sold in
order to gain 20% on the whole transaction?
(a) No loss or gain (b) 25% (c) 30% (d) 33 %

Q.60) A manufacturer sells a pair of glasses to a wholesale dealer at a profit

of 18%. The wholesaler sells the same to a retailer at a profit of 20%.
The retailer sells them to a customer of 25%. Find the cost price of the
manufacture if the cost price for customer is Rs 30.09
(a) Rs15 (b) Rs16 (c) Rs17 (d) Rs18

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1. Solution: 6. Solution:
Let S. P = Rs 100. Then, C.P. = Rs 96; Profit (b) (100 − 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠): S1 ::(100 + gain) : S2
= Rs 4. (100 - 12.5) : 420 :: (100+12.5) : S2
4 25 87.5:420 :: 112.5 : S2
Profit% = (96 × 100) % = 6
= 4.17%. ≈ 4.2%
=> 87.5 x S2 = 420 x 112.5
2. Solution: => S2 = 875
= 540
(a) Let the cost of
production of the table be Rs x. 7. Solution:
Then, 125% of 115% of 110% of x = 1265 (c) Let the value of ratio be Rs x.
125 115 110 3 20 6
=> 100
× 100 × 100 × 𝑥 = 1265 Then C. P. = 𝑅𝑠 4 𝑥, 𝑆. 𝑃. = 𝑥 (1 + 100) = 5 𝑥
253 1265×160 6 3
=> × 1265 => 𝑥 = ( 253 ) = 𝑅𝑠. 800. 𝑥− 𝑥
5 4
160 % Profit = 3𝑥 × 100 = 60%

3. Solution:
(b) Let the original price of the jewel be Rs P 8. Solution:
and let the (b) (100 − 20): 45 ∷ (100 + 20)𝑆2
profit earned by the third seller be x%. ➔ 𝑆2 = = 𝑅𝑠. 67.50
The3n, (100 + x)% of 125% of 120% of P =
165% of P 9. Solution:
(100+𝑥) 125 120 165 10
➔ [ × × × 𝑃] = ( × 𝑃) (d) C.P. for 1 lichchu = 11 paise
100 100 100 100
165×100×100 11
➔ (100 + 𝑥) = ( ) = 110 => 𝑥= S.P. for 1 lichchu = 10 paise
11 10
10% −
10 11
gain % = 10 × 100 = 21%
4. Solution:
(b) Let C.P. = Rs x 10. Solution:
then profit = S. P. – C. P. (b) S.P. for 1 egg = Rs
= 𝑅𝑠
1 11𝑥 10 2
➔ × 𝑥 = 891 − 𝑥 => = 891 100 1 5
10 10 C. P. for 1 egg = (100+20) × 2 = 𝑅𝑠 12
➔ 𝑥= = 𝑅𝑠810
11 => He bought 12 eggs for 5 rupees.

5. Solution: 11. Solution:

(d) C.P. for 50 pencils = Rs 100 (c) Let he sells x oranges per rupee.
100 1
C. P. for 45 pencils = 50
× 45 = 𝑅𝑠. 90 = 36 : (100 − 4) ∷ 𝑥: (100 + 8)
= S.P. of 45 pencils 108 1
➔ x = 96×36 = 32
No gain , no less
➔ He sells 32 oranges per rupee.

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12. Solution: 120×10 400
S.P. per liter = Rs 9
= 𝑅𝑠 3
150 3
(b) C.P. for one coconut = Rs 100 = 𝑅𝑠 2 400
=> Profit/liter = − 100 = 33.33
S. P. for one coconut = Rs.2
3 1
%by which profit increases = 33.33 - 20 =
Profit on one coconut = 2 - 2 = 𝑅𝑠 2 13.3
Profit on 2000 coconut = ½ × 2000 = 𝑅𝑠. 1000
18. Solution:
13. Solution: (b) C.P. of 200 kg of mixture = Rs(80 x 13.50
(a) Let C.P. = Rs 100, then M. P. = Rs 150 + 120 x 16)
S. P. = 70% 𝑜𝑓 150 = 𝑅𝑠105 = Rs 3000.
105−100 116
%𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 = × 100 = 5% S.P. = 116% of Rs 3000 = Rs. (100 × 3000) =
𝑅𝑠. 3480.
14. Solution: = Rate of S.P. of the mixture =
(b) Let S. P. = Rs x per kg 3480
Rs( ) 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑘𝑔
S. P. of 2 kg of rice = Rs 2x = Loss
= Rs 17.40 per kg.
Now, Loss =C.P. – S.P.
2x = 600 = 10x
19. Solution:
➔ x = Rs 50 per kg
(a) He given 800 grams but charges the price
of 1000 grams
15. Solution:
1 (1 kg)
(a) C.P. for one orange = Rs ➔ On every 800 grams, he gains (1000 -
(100+25) 1 125 1
Then S.P. = × 15 = = 12 800) grams i.e.
100 100×15
1 ➔ 200 grams.
Hence, S.P. for one orange = Rs 12 200
His gain % = 800 × 100% = 25%
= 12 orange must be sold for a rupee to gain 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟
25%. Short cut : Gain % = 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡−𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟
= 1000−200 × 100
16. Solution:
(b) C.P. of one liter = Rs 6
20. Solution:
After adding water to it
2 (a) C.P. of 150 calculators
One has to pay Rs 7.20 for 3 liter of milk. = 150 × 250 + 2500 = 37500 + 2500 =
So S.P. of 3 liter of milk = Rs 7.20 𝑅𝑠40000
7.20×3 Labelled price of 150 calculators
➔ S.P. of 1 liter of milk = Rs = 𝑅𝑠10.80
2 = 150 × 320 = 𝑅𝑠48000
➔ S.P. > C.P. Discount allowed = 5%
10,80−6 4.80
➔ Hence gain = × 100 = × 100 = S.P. of 150 calculators
6 6
➔ 0.80 x 100 = 80% = 48000 − 5%𝑜𝑓48000 = 𝑅𝑠45600
= Profit% = 40000 × 100 = 14
17. Solution:
(b) Let profit per liter = Rs 20 21. Solution:
So, C.P./liter = Rs 100 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 100+𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛%
(b) =
S.P./liter = Rs 120 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 100+𝑥
On adding 10% water to the milk Here S.P. = C.P. = x = 0
9 1000×100
C.P. per liter = Rs 100 ➔ False weight = 125
= 800𝑔𝑚
S.P. per 10
liter = Rs 120
22. Solution:
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(c) Let cost Price = Rs 100 2
➔ 𝐶𝑃1 =(2+3) × 560 = 𝑅𝑠224
= Marked price = Rs 135
and 𝐶𝑃2 = 560 − 224 = 𝑅𝑠336
After discount, selling price = 135 – 13.5 =
26. Solution:
= Profit% = 121.5 – 21.5%
(b) Let the C.P. of horse = Rs x
Then the C.P. of carriage = Rs (3000 – x)
23. Solution:
20% of x - 10% of (3000 - x) = 2% of 3000
(a) S.P. of the 1st chair = Rs 500 𝑥 (3000−𝑥)
Gain = 20% ➔ 5
− 10
= 60
500×100 500×100
C.P. of the 1st chair = 100+20 = ➔ 2𝑥 − 3000 + 𝑥 = 600
1250 ➔ 3x = 3600 => x = 1200
= 3
= S.P. of the 2nd chair = Rs 500 27. Solution:
= Loss = 12% (d) Here, SP1 = SP2
500×100 500×100 𝐶𝑃1 6 3
C.P. of the 2nd chair = 100−12
= 88 ➔ 140 CP1 = 60CP2 => = =
𝐶𝑃2 14 7
500×25 250×25 6250 3
= 22
= 11
= 11 ➔ CP1 = × 8000 = 𝑅𝑠. 2400
Now, S.P. of both the chairs = Rs 1000
➔ and CP2 = 8000 – 2400 = Rs 5600
C.P. of both the chairs
1250 6250 13750+18750 32500
= 3
+ 11 =33
= 33 28. Solution:
32500 500 (b) Let the C.P. be Rs100
= Net gain = 1000 – =
33 33
500/33 500 First S.P. = Rs 115
= Gain% = 32500/33 × 100 = 32500 × 100 Second C.P. = Rs 90
100 20 Second S.P. = 125% of Rs 90 = Rs 112.50
= 65
= 13 = 1.5% (To one place of decimal)
Difference of two selling prices is Rs 115 -
Rs 112.50
24. Solution:
=Rs 2.50 and C.P. of the article is Rs. 100
(a) Women's shirt comprise 60% of the
But actual difference is Rs 4.
output. 100
Men's shirts comprise (100 - 60) = 40% of C.P. = × 𝑅𝑠. 4 = 𝑅𝑠. 160.
the out put
Average profit from men's shin = 8% of 40 = 29. Solution:
3.2 out of 40 (a) Let the CP of the article be Rs x.
Overall average profit = 6 out of 100 150𝑥
Then, SP = Rs 100
Average profit from women's shirts = 2.8 out 95𝑥 105𝑥
Now, new CP = Rs 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑆𝑃 −1
of 60 100 100
i.e. 0,0466 out of each shirt. According to the question
105𝑥 95 10×95𝑥
−1− =
100 100 100×100
25. Solution: x = Rs 200
(c) Here, in whole transaction, there is
neither gains nor 30. Solution:
loss, therefore, (a) Let S.P. =Rs x per kg
Amount of loss in one watch S.P. of 4kg = kg = Rs 4x
= Amount of loss in other watch 100−10
4x = × 300
➔ 0.15 x CP1 = 0.10 x CP2 100

2 ➔ x = 4 = 𝑅𝑠 67.50
𝐶𝑃2 0.15 3
➔ Also 𝐶𝑃1 + 𝐶𝑃2 = 560
31. Solution:
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(a) Let C.P. of one oranges = Re 1 10 𝑑
=> 122.40 = 160(1 − ) (1 − 2 )
100 100
Then C.P. of 8 oranges = Rs 8 𝑑
2 122.40×100
S.P of 8 oranges = Rs 9 => 1 - 100 = 160×90
= 0.85
9−8 100 1 => d2 = (1-0.85) x 100 = 15%
Gain% = 8
× 100 = 8
= 12 2 %

37. Solution:
32. Solution:
(b) Let the C.P. of the goods be Rs 100
(b) Let C.P. of 1 article = Rs 1
=> Marked price of the goods = Rs 120
then C.P. of 25 articles = Rs 25
Discount 10% => S.P. is 90% of Rs 120 =
and S.P. of 25 articles = Rs 20
25−20 Rs 108
loss% = 25
× 100 = 20% Gain% = (108 - 100) = 8%.

33. Solution: 38. Solution:

(d) Let C.P. of one metre of cloth = Rs 1 100−𝑑 100+𝑔
(d) For same article, 100−𝑑1 = 100+𝑔1
Then C.P. of 66 metres of cloth = Ra 66 2 2
100−25 100+25 75 125
Gain = C.P. of 22 metres = Rs 22 ➔ 100−10
= 100+𝑔 => 90 = 100+𝑔
2 2
22 1 90×125
%gain = × 100 = 33 % ➔ 100 + 𝑔2 = = 150 => 𝑔2 = 50%
66 3 75
Shortcut method:
If on selling 'x’ articles, a man gains equal to 39. Solution:
the C.P. of (c) SP = 90 x 1.2 = Rs 108
‘y’ articles, then % gain = 𝑥 × 100 108
Market price = 0.85 = 𝑅𝑠 127.05
22 1
%gain = × 100 = 33 %
66 3
40. Solution:
34. Solution: (d) Let the SP of the article be Rs x
(b) Loss = C.P. of 66 metres - S.P. of 66 Expenses = 15% of x = Rs0.15x
metres Profit = 10% of x = Rs 0.10x
= S.P. of 22 metres CP = Rs 9 (given)
=> C.P. of 66 metres = S.P. of 88 metres Therefore, 9 + 15x + 0.1 x = x => x = 12
loss 12−9
%loss = × 100 % increase for market price = × 100
C.P.of 66 metres 9
S. P. of 22 metres = %
= × 100 3
C. P. of 66 metres
S. P. of 22 metres
= × 100
S. P. of 88 metres 41. Solution:
= × 100 = 25% (c) Retailer's S.P.= M.P.
= Try to solve by shortcut method Retailer's C.P. for 30 Pens = M.P. of 27
35. Solution: Retailer's S.P. for 30 pens = M.P of 30
10×20 pens
(b) Equivalent discount = 10 + 20 - 100 30−27 100 1
% gain = × 100 = = 11 9 %
= 30 – 2 = 28% 27 9

36. Solution: 42. Solution:

1 𝑑 (a) Let M.P. = Rs 100
(c) Retailer price = list price (1 − 100 ) (1 −
then discount = Rs 16
) when discount = Rs 80, then M.P = Rs x

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S.P. = Rs 120
Discount being 4%, S.P. is 96% of sale
96% of sale price = Rs 120
100 : x :: 16 : 80 ➔ sale price = Rs 120 x
= 𝑅𝑠. 125
➔ 16x = 100 x 80 => x = Rs 500 96
➔ Sale price is 25% higher than the C.P.
Now, since M. P. = Rs 500, therefore,
after 16% discount
16 49. Solution:
Man paid = 500 (1 − 100) = 𝑅𝑠 420 (d) Let his loss = Rs x. Then,
C.P. = 5000 + x = 5600 – 2x
43. Solution: => 3x = 600 => x = 200
(c) Let C.P. = Rs 100. Then M.P. = Rs 120 C.P. = 5000 + 200 = Rs 5200
and S.P. = Rs 108
% discount = ( × 100) % = 10% 50. Solution:
(a) Retailer’s price =
112% 𝑜𝑓 110% 𝑜𝑓 (120% 𝑜𝑓 25)
44. Solution: 112 110 120
50×108 = 100 × 100 × 100 × 25 = 𝑅𝑠 36.96 ≈ 𝑅𝑠 37
(b) offering price = = 𝑅𝑠 54
After 10% discount, S.P. = 90% of 54
90×54 51. Solution:
= = 𝑅𝑠 48.60
100 (c) Let C.P. = Rs x
120% of ( % 𝑜𝑓 𝑥) = 2700
45. Solution: 2
120 225
(c) (100+𝑔1 ): 𝑆1 :: (100+𝑔2 ): 𝑆2 ➔ × × 𝑥 = 2700
100 2×100
(100 + 20): 30 :: (100 + 𝑔2 ): 30 (1 − ) = 𝑥 = 2000
[10% discount is allowed on S.P.]
52. Solution:
120 : 30 :: (100 + 𝑔2 ): 27
120×27 (d) Let C.P. = Rs x. Then,
100 + 𝑔2 = = 108 (100−7) 93
30 S.P.= ×𝑥 = 𝑥
➔ 𝑔2 = 8% 100 100
93 100
Also, (100 𝑥 + 48) (100+5) =5
46. Solution: ➔ 93x + 4800 = 105x
(b) Let C.P. = Rs 100, Also, let M.P. = Rs x ➔ 12x = 4800 => x = Rs 400
Given. C.P. after 20% discount on M.P. =
C.P. 53. Solution:
➔ 80% of x = 100 (c) Let A paid = Rs x
➔ x= 𝑅𝑠 125 125% of 120% of x = 225
125 120
➔ M.P. = 25% above C.P. ➔ 100
× 100 × 𝑥 = 225
➔ 𝑥 = 125×120 = 𝑅𝑠 150
47. Solution:
(c) Real profit % is the profit % on C.P.
%𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑆.𝑃.
Real profit% = 100−%𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑆.𝑃. × 100
54. Solution:
20 120
= 100−20
× 100 = 25% (c) C.P. for B = 120% of Rs 400 = Rs.(100 ×
400) = 𝑅𝑠 480
48. Solution:
(c) Let the C.P. be Rs 100 C.P. for C = 110% OF Rs 480 = Rs.

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( × 480) = 𝑅𝑠. 528.
59. Solution:
1 1
55. Solution: C.P. of th. of goods = × 𝑅𝑠 840 = 𝑅𝑠 210
4 4
(c) C.P. = 50 x 4 = Rs 200 S.P. of these goods = 80% of Rs 210 = Rs
Remaining eggs = 600 – 40 = 560 168
Let S.P. of eggs = Rs x per dozen Remaining cost of the goods = Rs 840 – Rs
560 210 = Rs 630
Total S.P. = Rs 12
560 (100+5%)
Over all S.P. of the goods = 120% of Rs 840
𝑥 = 100 × 200 = Rs 1008
105 2400 Remaining goods must be sold for Rs 1008 -
= x = 100 × 560 = 𝑅𝑠. 4.5 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑜𝑧𝑒𝑛
Rs 168
= Rs 840
56. Solution: 210 1
(d) Let C.P. – Rs x. Then ➔ Gain% = 630 × 100 = 33 3 %
S.P1 – S. P2 = Rs 6
(100+10)𝑥 (100+8)𝑥
= 100
− 100
60. Solution:
➔ 110x – 108x = 600 => 2x = 600 => x = Rs
(c) Let the C.P. for the manufacturer be Rs
Then, C.P. for the wholesaler = Rs 118
57. Solution:
10 15 C.P. for the retailer = 118 + 20% of 118 =
(b) C.P. = 200(1 − 100) (1 − 100) + 7 Rs 141.60
= + 7 = 𝑅𝑠 153 + 7 = 𝑅𝑠 160 C.P. for the customer = 141.60 + 141.60 x
100×100 25
200−160 40
% gain = 160 × 100 = 160 × 100 = 25% 100
= Rs 177
If the C.P. for the customer is Rs 177,
58. Solution: then the C.P.
(b) Let C.P. = Rs 100. Then, market price = For the manufacturer Rs 100.
If the C.P. for the customer is Rs 30.09,
Rs 150.
then the C.P. for
S.P. = 75% 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑠 150 = 𝑅𝑠 112.50 100
Gain% = 12.50% Manufacturer is 177 × 30.09 = 𝑅𝑆 17

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Exercise – 02

1. A manufacturer estimates that on inspection 12% of the articles he

produces will be rejected. He accepts an order to supply 22,000 articles
at Rs. 7.50 each. He estimates the profit on his outlay including the
manufacturing of rejected articles, to be 20%. Find the cost of
manufacturing each article,

2. While returning from Dubai festival, Mr Sanjay Singh purchased a

number of articles, all at a discount of 33 % of the list price. However,
he is required to pay a duty of 20% on the his cost of goods. If he
realizes a profit of 25% on his outlay, what must he charge for an article
priced Rs.228 as the list price?

3. A towel is sold for Rs. 198 at a gain of 10 % what is the cost price of the
towel? At what price must it be sold to gain 25%?

4. A man sold a watch at Rs. 6000 at a loss of 33 %. Find the cost price?

5. By selling a shirt for Rs. 285 a shopkeeper loses 5%. At what price
should he sell the shirt so as to gain 15%?

6. What is percentage profit in selling an article at a discount of 20% which

was earlier being sold at a 40% profit?
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7. A dealer buys a product at Rs. 1920, He sells at a discount of 20% still he

gets the profit of 20%. What is the selling price of that product?

8. The profit percentage on the three articles A, B and C is 10% 20% and
25% and the ratio of the cost price is 1: 2: 4. Also the ratio of number of
articles sold of A, B and C is 2: 5: 2 then the overall profit percentage is :

9. A merchant marks his goods at Rs. 300 and allows a discount of 25%. If
he still gains 12.5%, then the cost price of article is:

10. When an article is sold for Rs. 703 loss incurred is 25% less than the
profit earned on selling it at Rs. 836. What is the selling price of the article
when it earns a profit of 20%?

11. Rahul went to purchase a Nokia mobile handset the shopkeeper told
him to pay 20% tax if he asked the bill, Rahul managers to get the
discount of 5% on the actual sale price of the mobile and he paid the
shopkeeper Rs. 3325 without tax. Beside he manages to avoid to pay
20% tax on the already discounted price, what is the amount of discount
that he has gotten?

12. A trader marks his goods such that he can make 32% profit after giving
12% discount. However a customer availed 20% discount instead of 12%
what is the new profit percentage of trader?
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13. Akram Miya has two types of grapes. One is the fresh grapes containing
80% water and dry grapes containing 25% water. He sells 20 kg dry
grapes, by adding water to the dry grapes, at cost price. What is the total
profit percentage when after adding water the weight of 20 kg dry grapes
increased in the proportion of water in fresh grapes?

14. Anupam sells a painting to Bhargava at 4/5th the rate of profit at which
Bhargava sells it to Chaudhary. Further Chaudhary sells it to Dara Singh
at half the rate of profit at which Anupam sold it to Bhargava. If
Chaudhary earns a profit of 10% by selling it to Dara Singh for Rs. 2805.
What is the cost price of painting for Bhargava?

15. A trader marks up his goods by 80% and gives discount of 25% besides
it he weighs 10% less amount while selling his goods. What is the net
profit of trader?

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Exercise – 02
Solutions TITA/SA
1. Ans. Rs. 5.50 8. Ans. 21%
Solution: In order to solve this problem, first Solution: CP of A+B+C = 2x × y + 5x × 2y + 2x ×
assume that the cost of manufacturing 1 article is 4y = 20 xy
Rs.1 then 100 articles would get manufactured for Profit of A = 0.2xy
Rs.100. For a 20% profit on this cost, he should be Profit of B = 2xy
able to sell the entire stock of Rs.120. However Profit of C = 2xy
since he would be able to sell only 88 articles Total profit = 4.2xy
(given that 12% of his manufactured articles would 4.2𝑥𝑦
% profit = 20𝑥𝑦 × 100 = 21 %
be rejected) he needs to recover Rs.120 from
selling 88 articles only. Thus, the profit he would
need would be given by the ratio 32/88. 9. Ans. Rs. 200
Now it is given to use that his selling price is Solution:
Rs.7.5. the same ratio of profitability i.e. 32/88 is CP SP MP
achieved if his cost per article is Rs.5.5. x 112.5x = 225 300

2. Ans. 228 X = 200 hence the cost price be Rs. 200.
Solution: List price = 228 Note: It can also be solved by using option, first of
CP (before duty) = Rs.152 all find the SP by decreasing MP by 25% then this
CP (after duty) = Rs.152x 1.2 = Rs.182.4 SP will be equal to 112.5% (12.5% is the profit) of
SP = Rs.152 x 1.2 x 1.25 = Rs.228 the cost price so the CP can be find as given
3. Ans. (Rs. 180 and Rs. 225)
10. Ans. 912
4. Ans. (Rs. 9000) Solution: CP + 4k = SP1 (gives profit)
CP – 3k = SP2 (gives loss)
5. Ans. (Rs. 345) Since loss (3k) is 25% less than profit (4k)
SP1 – SP2 = 7k=836-703=133
6. Ans. 12% k = 19
Solution: CP SP CP = SP1 – 4k = SP2 +3k = 760
MP Therefore required SP = 760 x 1.2 = 912
Initially : 100 140
x(since profit 40%) 11. Ans. 875
New prices : 100 112 140 Solution: CP = 100, SP (with tax) = 120
New SP = 100-5 = 95
Effective discount = 120 – 95 = 25
Profit discount So, as SP of 95→ discount = 25
= 12% = 20% And at SP of 3325 → discount = 95 𝑥 3325 = 875

7. Ans. Rs. 2304 12. Ans. 20%

Solution: CP SP 12
Solution: CP SP ↑ MP
MP 88
100 120 150 100 132 150

[from percentage change graphic]

Profit discount -12% (=100)↓
= 20% = 20%

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Note: in this case first of all find the SP, after Thus to make dry grapes similar to the fresh
adding profit percentage to CP then find the MP grapes, Akram requires 55kg water with 20kg of dry
through SP. grapes.
Now, 20% 55
So, the profit (%) = 20 𝑥 100 = 275%
100 132 150
14. Ans. 2040
Solution: Chaudhary’s profit = 10%
-20 %
Anupam’s profit = 20%
Here first of all we subtract discount from the MP
Bhargav’s profit = 25%
then the resultant value will be SP.
i.e. A 20% B 25% C 10% D
100 120 150 165
Now B D
13. Ans. 275%
120 165
Solution: Fresh Grapes
17 times
Water Pulp
17 times
80% 20%
2040 2805
4 1
Dry Grapes
15. Ans. 50%
Water Pulp
Solution: Consider actual price of 1 g goods = Re 1
25% 75%
1 3
He sells the product equals to Rs. 90 only
5kg 15 kg } out of 20 kg dry
(10% less weighing)
Again MP = Rs. 1.8 and SP = 1.35 for 1 g.
80% 20%
Thus he gives the goods worth Rs. 90 and
55kg 4 1
charges Rs. 135
required proportion of water and pulp
After 25% discount. Thus the profit %
60kg 15 kg 135−90
= 90 𝑥 100 = 50%

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OLD is GOLD 09
Percentage; Profit Loss; SI CI; Ratios
Exam IPM (I) IPM (I) 2020 IPM (I) 2021 IPM (I) JIPMAT JIPMAT Total
2019 2022 2021 2022
Number of 03 02 01 02 07 08 23

Important Note:
Before solving past year questions, complete your class
sheets and Super 300 Series (Part 22,23,24).
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Past Year Questions
(Percentage + Profit Loss + SI CI + Ratio)
1. A shopkeeper reduces the price of a pen by 25% as a result of which the
sales quantity increased by 20%. If the revenue made by the
shopkeeper decreases by x% then x is …(IPM Indore 2019) Percentage

2. If the compound interest earned on a certain sum for 2 years is twice the
amount of simple interest for 2 years, then the rate of interest per annum
is _______ percent…..… (IPM Indore 2019) SI CI
(a) 200% (b) 2% (c) 4% (d) 400%
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3. Three friends divided some apples in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7 among
themselves. After consuming 16 apples they found that the remaining
number of apples with them was equal to largest number of apples
received by one of them at the beginning. Total number of apples these
friends initially had was (IPM Indore 2019) Ratio

4. Ashok purchased pens and pencils in the ratio 2:3 during his first visit
and paid Rs. 86 to the shopkeeper. During his second visit, he
purchased pens and pencils in the ratio 4:1 and paid Rs. 112. The cost
of a pen as well as a pencil in rupees is a positive integer. If Ashok
purchased four pens during his second visit, then the amount he paid in
rupees for the pens during the second visit is (IPM Indore 2020) Ratio

5. Ashok started a business with a certain investment. After few months,

Bharat joined him investing half amount of Ashok’s initial investment. At
the end of the first year, the total profit was divided between them in
ratio 3:1. Bharat joined Ashok after (IPM Indore 2020) Ratio
(a) 2 months (b) 3 months (c) 4 months (d) 6 months

6. The highest possible value of the ratio of a four digits number and the sum
of its four digits is: (IPM Indore 2021) Ratio
(a) 1000 (b) 277.75 (c) 900.1 (d) 999

7. Aruna purchases a certain number of apples for INR 20 each and a

certain number of mangoes for INR 25 each. If she sells all the apples at
10% profit and all the mangoes at 20% loss, overall she makes neither
profit nor loss. Instead, if she sells all the apples at 20% loss and all the
mangoes at 10% profit, overall she makes a loss of INR 150. Then the
number of apples purchased by Aruna is (IPM Indore 2022) Profit Loss

8. The cost of a piece of jewellery is proportional to the square of its weight.

A piece of jewellery weighing 10 grams is INR 3600. The cost of a piece
of jewellery of the same kind weighing 4 grams is (IPM Indore 2022) Ratio
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(a) INR 576 (b) INR 1220 (c) INR 1440 (d) INR 600

9. A candidate scoring 25% marks in an examination fails by 30 marks whil

e another candidate who score 50% marks gets 20 marks more than
those required to pass. The pass percentage is
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 30% (b) 33% (c) 35% (d) 40%

10. A mixture of alcohol and water contains 35% alcohol by weight. if 25

g water is added to such a mixture of 100g, then the percentage of
alcohol in the mixture is such a mixture of 100 g,
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 25% (b) 28% (c) 30% (d) 32%

11. A man pays 40 times the annual rent to purchase a building. The rate
% per annum he derives from his investment is
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 2.5% (b) 3.33% (c) 4.0% (d) 6.67%

12. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price. But he
uses a false weight and thus gain 6 %. For a kg, he uses a weight of
(JIPMAT 2021) Profit Loss
(a) 940 g (b) 947 g (c) 953 g (d) 960 g

13. A certain sum is lent at a certain rate of CI. It grows to 1.44 times its
value in 2 years. If the same sum is lent at simple interest at the same
rate, in how many years would it double itself? (JIPMAT 2021) SI CI
(a) 3 years (b) 4 years (c) 5 years (d) 6 years

14. Harish divides two sums of money among his four sons Naresh, Vipin,
Bhupesh and Yogesh. First sum is divided in the ratio 4:3:2:1 and
second in the ratio 5:6:7:8. If the second sum is twice the first, then the
largest total is received by (JIPMAT 2021) Ratio
(a) Bhupesh (b) Naresh (c) Vipin (d) Yogesh
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15. A is working, and B a sleeping partner in a business. A puts in Rs.
12000 and B Rs. 20000. A received 10% of the profit for managing, the
rest being divided in proportion to their capitals. Out of a total profit of
Rs.9600, the money received by A will be (JIPMAT 2021) Ratio
(a) Rs. 3240 (b) Rs. 3600 (c) Rs. 4200 (d) Rs. 4840

16. A sum becomes double 10 years, then annual rate of simple interest
is (JIPMAT 2022) SI CI
(a) 8% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 20%

17. P, Q and R invested Rs. 25,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 25,000
respectively to start a business. At the end of two years, they earned a
profit of Rs. 48,000. What will be Q’s share? (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 24,000 (b) 36,000 (c) 12,000 (d) 20,000

18. The father’s age is six times his son’s age. Four years hence, the age of
the father will be four times his son’s age. The present age (in years) of
the son and the father are, respectively (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 6 and 36 (b) 4 and 24 (c) 5 and 30 (d) 7 and 42

19. Three years ago, ratio of ages of Amisha and Namisha was 8:9. 3 years
from now the ratio will become 11:12 . What is the present age of Amisha.
(JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 2 years (b) 16 years (c) 19 years (d) 21 years

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
20. If = = = 𝑘 then value of k is (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
𝑏+𝑐 𝑐+𝑎 𝑎+𝑏
(a) ±
(b) 𝑜𝑟 − 1
(c) -1
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21. The population of a village is 5000. If in a year, the number of males

were to increase by 5% and that of females by 3% annually, the
population would grow to 5202 at the end of the year. If M is the number
of males and F is the number of females in the village, then (M,F) =
(JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) (3000, 2000) (b) (2800, 2200)
(c) (2600, 2200) (d) (2700, 2300)

22. If A earns 33 % more than B, then percentage B earns less than A
will be (JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) 66 %
(b) 25%
(c) 65%
(d) 33 %

23. The value of a flat worth 5,00,000 is depreciating at the rate of 10% p.a.
In how many years, will the value be reduced to 364500.
(JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) 2 Years
(b) 3 Years
(c) 3 Years six month
(d) 4 Years

1. 10 7. 50 13. c 19. c
2. a 8. a 14. b 20. d
3. 30 9. d 15. c 21. c
4. 100 10. b 16. c 22. b
5. c 11. a 17. a 23. b
6. a 12. a 18. a
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Super 300 Series
Important Questions for CAT | IPMAT| XAT |CMAT | IIFT | Du-JAT | All
BBA MBA exams

S. No. Topics
1 Logarithms
2 AP GP HP – 01
3 AP GP HP – 02
4 Special Series
5 SET Theory
6 Quadratic Equations
7 Inequalities
8 Maxima Minima
9 Functions
10 Number System 01
11 Number System 02
12 Number System 03
13 Number System 04
14 Combinations
15 Permutations
16 Probability
17 Geometry 01
18 Geometry 02
19 Coordinate Geometry/ Mensuration 03
20 Averages
21 Allegations
22 Profit Loss
23 SI CI
24 Ratio/Variations
25 Time Work
26 Time Distance Speed 01
27 Time Distance Speed 02
28 Binomial Trigonometry
29 Determinants
30 Matrices

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S. No. Topics
1 Quadratic Equations + Inequalities
2 AP GP HP + Special Series
3 Logarithms
4 Para Jumbles
5 Function Maxima Minima
6 Number System
7 Geometry
8 Grammar
9 Percentage + Profit Loss + SI CI + Ratio + Partnership
10 Averages + Alligations
11 Time and Work
12 Critical Reasoning
13 Time Distance Speed
14 SET Theory
15 Permutation Combination Probability
16 Vocab
17 Trigonometry
18 Data Interpretation
19 Matrices and Determinants
20 Reading Comprehensions
21 Miscellaneous (Conic + Binomial + Clocks etc)

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