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Effective Lesson Checklist Writing Brooke 1/8/23 BEFORE PLANNING THE LESSON © Planning ~ Linking to Vic Curriculum * Understanding how to teach the topic — consistent mathematical language (maths online). ¢ Knowing you students/Faces On Data, ADI Grid/diagnostic testing/Learning choices * Learning Intention and Success Criteria ¢ Assessment linked to planning * Materials and resources. Maths Companion/Maths Online etc. * — Familiarisation of Domains Overview — E-5 Practise Principles — Hits * Students have set goals from diagnostic test MINI LESSON WHOLE CLASS FOCUS. © Timing. Maximum 10 minutes — majority student voice Majority of s ard during time on the f with minima tudents qui kept the flowing 0 ** Time on the floor was more than 10 minutes. * Learning Intention and Success Criteria-introduce, clarify clarified the lan n and success criteria nouns, adjectives, s' © Make connections with prior learning/knowledge Conne d prior learning — what is an introduction? You also connected prior learning by discussing the LI and SC © — Questioning — higher order thinking/think, pair, share A think-pair-share after the video; students can talk about and embed what they have learnt from the video . eg Tell you partner one thing you learned about the African Elephant. © Explicit modelling, showing of skills & strategies African elephants:- watching the short video and recording key information (key words) from the video You can cut your time down on the floor by choosing to model only one part — for example; the introduction. Some students needed the next step modelled eg. Using those key words in a sentence. Clarification time. Language and task etc. Short, sharp practise time (explore stage) Described the appearance of the elephant with a partner. Teacher checks for understanding, adjusting instruction accordingly (student data) PRACTISE TIME — 20 minutes (maybe use a timer) Engaging/Purposeful differentiated tasks related to the focus (student choice) through concrete materials, games, digital tools, pon & paper - Key words on the board for students to use - Key words and pictures on the desk of students who needed extra scaffolding eg Shaylee, Blake and Jayden Individual, pair or group work ~ like ability or mixed ability - Allstudents were engaged in their writing - able to work independently. Independent work time to practise, explore and consolidate skills, behaviours and understandings - Lland SC at guided table - your students understood what they were practising with you. You gave explicit instructions on how they could use their FABBOYS to join their ideas together. You questioned your students and didn’t always give them the joining word. You had Kenz think about how to start her sentence so it was a sentence and not just a group of words. You praised her for being able to do this. Guided group — target teach from student data — step in, step out You were able to leave your guided group and check in with at least 2/3 students. You were able to see if they understood what they were learning and how they were being successful. You also recorded who you spoke to and if they understood what they were learning. * Teacher roving to check that independent workers are on task * Teachers checks for understanding, adjusting instruction accordingly Checked back in with your guided group — what are they learning and how were they successful. They highlighted the FABBOYS in their books to show you they were successful. * Teacher monitoring, assessing, collecting data and giving timely feedback , Did Kenz understand what FABBOYS is? Does Kenz know how to join two simple sentences together? Were you able to give timely feedback to those students you checked in with? (Were you able to verbally ask them to fix up or add something to build on their writing?) REFLECTION © Reflect on Learning Intention & Success Criteria ® Student Voice ~ Think, pair, share * Students articulate their understanding © Revisit individual goals and assess progress — can be informal think, pair, share © Note misconceptions for the next lesson

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