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Bible 7

Exodus; Life of Christ

Video Manual

Bible 7
Exodus; Life of Christ
Video Manual
Two Semesters
Course Materials

Student Materials
100056 • Exodus Tests
98329 • Life of Christ Tests
Other Materials
13269 • Bible (Authorized King James Version)
109061 • Sing His Praise hymnal

Teacher Materials
Teacher Keys
100005 • Exodus Test Key
179035 • Life of Christ Teacher Test Key

Homeschool Bible 7 Video Manual

© mmxii, mmix, mmiv, mcmxcv, mcmlxxxvi
Pensacola Christian College, Inc. © mmxv Educational Ventures, Inc.
© mmxix, mmxviii, as to new material only, Pensacola Christian College, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
This manual and the videos that are part of the course are protected by copyright law.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information
storage and retrieval system, or by license from any collective or licensing body, without
permission in writing from the publisher.  The curriculum (lesson manual) is leased only
and remains the property of Pensacola Christian College. The agreement with Pensacola
Christian College is that you will not sell, lend, share, or give away the curriculum since
the right to use the curriculum is not transferable.  The curriculum must be destroyed
upon completion of the course.
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T4
General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T4
Equipment and Supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T5
Leading Students to Christ.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T5
Subject Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T6
Responsibilities of the
Home Teacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T6
Class Schedule.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T6
Giving / Grading Quizzes,
Tests, and Exams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T8
Averaging Grades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T10

Daily Guides (Lessons 1–170). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Appendix A .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Bible Memory Verse List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3
Bible Memory Verse Passages. . . . . . . . . . . . A4
Appendix B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1
Home Teacher Materials Overview.. . . B3
Contact Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B6
Progress Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7

Video Teacher

Mr. Bobby Crockett

• M.A., Bible Exposition
• M.S., Educational Administration
• B.S., History

Bible 7 T3

The purpose of Bible class is to introduce each and now, helps us pattern our lives after our Savior.
student to God, who created him and loves him, and to Christ’s teaching and miracles show us what He valued
God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who took the punishment for and help us understand His earthly ministry in a more
our sins. Once the student knows Christ as his personal complete way.
Savior, the Bible class should help him better know The Bible 7 video course consists of 170 lessons,
God, love Him, and obey His Word. Daily Bible teaching providing Bible video instruction for four lessons each
reinforces the teaching of character and daily Christian week and allowing one lesson for Bible-related discus-
living. The Bible is “the most effective character- sion, activity, or local chapel class. Each video lesson
forming power known to men” (Halley). As Christians is about 40 minutes in length and will best fit into a
know what they believe and why they believe it, they 50-minute class period. Ten minutes is allotted for stu-
can be built up in their faith and equipped to present dents to study weekly Bible memorization.
their beliefs intelligently and effectively to others. This Lessons have been recorded for only 170 days although most
practical, personal study of the Bible is designed to school years are longer. The extra days are allotted for the
reach both the heart and the mind of the student. scheduling of field trips or other special events. Time could
The Bible 7 video course consists of two parts: also be allotted for standardized testing available through
Abeka Testing (1-877-223-5226).
Exodus and the Life of Christ. The first semester course,
Exodus, is designed to give students a basic overview Icons have been used throughout this manual to
of the way God miraculously delivered His people out highlight key items. A check mark ( ) indicates when
of captivity and led them into the Promised Land. an item (quiz, test, or exam) needs to be graded. The
note symbol ( ) is used when additional information is
Understanding many of the struggles that the
given, and hand symbol (r  ) indicates a daily reminder.
people of Israel had and how they often turned away
from God’s leading can give us very clear reminders of Establish accountability on the part of your stu-
how God deals with us when we stray from trusting dent. Let him know that you expect him to listen, to
in His perfect plan. God’s patience and mercy with learn, and to participate every day as if he were in the
His people are also clearly seen as He shows His long- same classroom as the video students. When the video
suffering. students stand and sing, he should stand and sing.
He should recite the verses with the video class each
The leaders presented in the course, such as day and participate in the reviews. Your student will
Moses, Joshua, Aaron, and Caleb, are not perfect, but receive the most benefit from these videos when he is
on many occasions shine as heroes of the faith and as involved in the class instead of simply watching it.
examples for our young people to follow.
Students are responsible for memorizing verses
The second semester course, Life of Christ, focuses each week and preparing for Nine-Weeks (Quarter)
on the many narratives in the gospels. This course Verses Exams and Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content
covers Christ’s life from birth through His ascension. Exams. Students should be able to quote the assigned
The example that Christ gave to believers, both then memory verses each week as a quiz.

General Information
The course materials have been carefully outlined procedures will let him know you are determined to
so that you, as the home teacher, can easily supervise help him succeed.
your student’s learning. Your main responsibilities are See Appendix B for additional information about grading and
to ensure that the lessons are completed daily, and recording grades.
to administer and supervise all quizzes, tests, and Plan a definite time and an environment conducive
exams. In many ways, you are the key to your student’s to learning for your student to complete his work each
progress in his courses. Your concern and diligence in day. The video lessons are most beneficial when he
helping him complete his work according to proper participates with the class in all oral work.

T4 Bible 7
Equipment and Supplies
Before the first day of class, you should have the 5. student materials
following items: 6. teacher materials
1. computer or DVD player
7. DVDs (if applicable)
2. computer monitor or television
8. other materials listed on p. T2
3. desk and chair
4. video manual

Leading Students to Christ

It is a humbling privilege to introduce our students Our sin deserves punishment which Jesus took
to God who created them, loves them, and desires to for us. Jesus (God the Son) who was perfect took the
have a personal relationship with them. Teaching our eternal punishment we deserve by dying on the cross,
students about their need for God comes in the form making God’s forgiveness available to us. His resur-
of Bible lessons, as well as in day-to-day interactions. rection demonstrated His power over sin and death,
Because the decision to trust God for forgiveness is the making eternal life available to us.
most important decision of a lifetime, we must make For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
this instruction a priority and prayerfully rely on the —Romans 3:23
Holy Spirit to do His work in the heart of the student. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we
God’s Word clearly explains our need for a per- were yet sinners, Christ died for us. —Romans 5:8
sonal relationship with Him. Following these biblical For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten
truths gives us a framework for communicating effec- Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life. —John 3:16
tively with our students.
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he
God is holy, but we are sinful. The loving God that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he
Who created us is perfect and just. A spirit of humility live. —John 11:25
allows us to see that our sin (anything we do or think Trusting God’s forgiveness begins a relation-
that dishonors God) keeps us from having a personal ship with Him that will last forever. With an under-
relationship with Him. standing of the need for forgiveness and God’s plan for
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith providing it, each person faces the personal decision to
he loved us…. —Ephesians 2:4 trust God’s plan.
There is none holy as the LORD. —1 Samuel 2:2 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. —Acts 16:31
—Romans 3:10

Bible 7 T5
Subject Description

Responsibilities of the Home Teacher

1. Check Equipment—Check the equipment each quizzes, tests, and exams as they occur in the les-
day to make sure it is running properly. Be ready sons. Bible memory verses for oral verse quizzes
to start on the right lesson. and written verses exams are listed on pp. A3–A6
2. Follow the Daily Guides—Check the Daily of Appendix A in the back of this manual. Content
Guides each day to determine specific responsi- tests are located in Life of Christ Tests and the test
bilities for that day. key is found in Life of Christ Teacher Test Key. The
content and verses exams are located in Exodus
3. Say the Pledge of Allegiance—Lead your stu- and Life of Christ Tests, and the test keys are found
dent in the Pledge each day (if your class begins in Exodus Test Key and Life of Christ Teacher Test
the school day). Key. Plan to remain in the room during any quiz,
4. Have Prayer Time—Conduct your own prayer test, or exam. Further quizzing and exam informa-
time with your student when indicated on the tion is provided in the Giving / Grading Quizzes,
video. Discuss special prayer requests together Tests, and Exams section on p. T8 of this manual.
and take turns praying. Prayer time is included in 6. Provide Additional Help As Needed—Consis-
the first video lesson. You may wish to watch this tent participation with the video class in all oral
portion of the lesson in preparation. work is essential to your student’s success. To
5. Give Quizzes, Tests, and Exams—Four types of prepare for oral verse quizzes and written verses
assessments are used to evaluate your student’s exams, he can practice passages aloud with you
learning: oral verse quizzes, content tests (second or practice writing them. To prepare for content
semester), verses exams, and content exams. tests, he will need to carefully listen to the video
Oral verse quizzes occur weekly to check your class lesson reviews. To prepare for content exams,
student’s memorization of selected passages. Con- encourage your student to use the video class re-
tent tests over Life of Christ are given four times. view, and his Nine-Weeks and Final Review sheets.
Verses and content exams are given at the end of Do not use exam questions or paraphrasing of
a nine-week period (quarter) and are cumulative exam questions to guide his test preparation.
as indicated in the Daily Guides. You will be giving

Class Schedule
The following is a typical class schedule for Bible 7 2. Video Activities
with suggested times for students to participate.
a. Hymns and Choruses. Songs are taken from the
1. Pre-video Activities Sing His Praise hymnal. (They are familiar songs
a. Pledge of Allegiance. To help instill a sense of found in many hymnals.)
Holiday-themed songs are sung in the following
patriotism, begin each day with the Pledge lessons:
of Allegiance. Your student may need to be Thanksgiving lessons —58, 61, and 62
reminded occasionally about correct posture Christmas lessons —71–79
and respect while saying the Pledge. Easter lessons­—136–137
b. Verse Study Time. Your student is allotted the b. Prayer Time. Two minutes is allotted daily for you
first 10 minutes of each lesson to silently study to have a time of prayer with your student.
his verses. Once each week, give the oral verse c. Verses Introduction and Practice. Your student
quiz during this time as designated in the Daily will be memorizing Scripture passages with
Guides. the video students this year. The video teacher
c. Quizzes, Tests, and Exams. Quizzes and exams are introduces the new passage each week, and he
scheduled in the Daily Guides. Weekly oral verse should actively participate in reading / reciting
quizzes are given during the verse study time the verses with the video students daily. The
at the beginning of the lesson. Content tests weekly quizzes are oral; the Nine-Weeks (Quar-
(second semester) are given at the end of the ter) and Final Verses Exams are written. The
lesson as directed in the Daily Guides. Verses verses for the year are listed on p. A3 of Appen-
and content exams will take the entire class dix A in the back of this manual. This form may
period. be duplicated as needed.

T6 Bible 7
d. Lesson Review. Daily review is incorporated into e. Lesson. New material will be presented daily
each lesson. Comprehensive review days are to help student grow in his knowledge of the
scheduled periodically. Four written reviews Scriptures and apply biblical truths to his daily
(nine weeks [quarter], semester, and final) to life.
help your student prepare for content exams
are also included in Exodus and Life of Christ
Tests. These will be completed on video on the
review days leading up to the exams.

Bible 7 T7
Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests,
and Exams

The following procedures are used by the video teacher in the classroom. Adapt
these procedures to fit your situation while providing appropriate supervision in
the handling of graded items.

Procedure for Giving / Grading Oral Verse Quizzes

You will be responsible for giving and grading the 4. The following guidelines should be used
oral verse quizzes. The Daily Guides will indicate when when grading oral verses.
a weekly oral verse quiz is to be given and the refer- Student knows verse / passage.
ence of the verses to be quizzed. Listen to the student
No errors or hesitation……. . A+
recite the passage from memory during the 10 minutes
which is normally allotted for verse study. The verse Slight error or hesitation…… A
quizzes are averaged at the end of each nine weeks Student needs help.
(quarter). Count the average as two-thirds of the nine- Couple of small errors……… B
weeks (quarter) grade. See “Averaging Grades” section
for more information. Several errors or hesitation… C
Use the following procedures when giving verse Student is struggling.
quizzes. Not sufficiently prepared…… D
1. Students clear their desks. They are not per- Student doesn’t know verse / passage.
mitted to study during this time. Not prepared at all…………. F
2. Individual students say verses for a grade.
3. Use an Authorized King James Version Bible
to follow along as the passage is recited. Be
sure to hold it in such a way that the student
cannot read along while quoting the verses.

Procedure for Giving / Grading Written Verses Exams

Each nine weeks (quarter), a cumulative verses the verses in class. They should put away their
exam is given. These written exams take an entire pens and use pencils for grading. The num-
lesson. The Daily Guides for that lesson will give spe- ber of points to take off for each error varies
cific instructions about which verses students should with the exam. See Exodus Test Key or Life of
write and how to grade these exams. Christ Teacher Test Key for answers and point
1. Students clear their desks and take out two values. For easy reference when grading, the
pens, a pencil, and a cover sheet, if needed. Bible Memory Verse Passages are included in
2. Hand out the exam (from Exodus or Life of Appendix A.
Christ Tests) and have students write their 5. Subtract from 100 the total number of points
names at the top before beginning the exam. missed and place the score above the stu-
Indicate which verses they should write. (The dent’s name on the exam.
Daily Guides will have these references listed 6. Have the grader return the exam to the owner.
along with the starting words for each pas-
sage.) 7. Collect exams and go through them later,
checking them, and recording grades in your
3. Students take the exam in pen and grade it in grade book.
See Appendix B for additional information about
4. When students finish, either collect the pa- grading and recording grades.
pers to grade yourself or have students ex-
change papers and use their Bibles to grade

T8 Bible 7
Procedure for Giving / Grading Content Tests and Exams
1. Students clear their desks of everything except 5. Always provide adequate supervision until the
two pens and one clean sheet of paper for a test or exam is finished.
cover sheet, if needed. 6. Collect and grade tests / exams using answers
2. Hand out the test or exam and have students and point values given in Exodus Test Key or
write their names at the top before beginning Life of Christ Teacher Test Key. On graded con-
the test or exam. Content tests (second semes- tent tests / exams, subtract 1 point for each
ter) are located in Life of Christ Tests and exams misspelled answer; do not subtract more than
are located in Exodus or Life of Christ Tests. 5 total points. It is best not to record grades
3. Explain any special directions. Students should in your grade book until after going over the
finish during the time allotted. Also, tell stu- tests / exams with the students.
dents what is to be done when they finish the 7. Have all tests / exams graded and ready to
test or exam (e.g., what to study). return in the next lesson.
4. Students take the test or exam in pen, writing See Appendix B for additional information about
the answers directly on the test or exam. grading and recording grades.

Procedure for Going Over Graded Tests and Exams

1. Students clear their desks of everything except 4. If students find that a question has been
a pencil. Return graded tests / exams. graded incorrectly, they should write (in pencil)
2. To go over tests / exams, read the answers in the number of the incorrectly graded question
each section. Answer any questions your stu- with a question mark at the top of the first
dents may have about a particular test or exam page.
question. 5. Collect tests / exams, check any questions, and
3. Provide adequate supervision while you are record the grades in your grade book.
going over the test or exam. Students should
not have any pens out while they have graded
tests / exams.

Bible 7 T9
Averaging Grades

Grades are averaged at the end of the nine weeks (quarter) following these
1. The average of all verse quizzes and content tests (second semester) will
count as two-thirds of the quarter average.
2. The average of the two exam grades (verses and content) will count as
one-third of the quarter average.
3. The semester average is calculated by averaging the two quarter
averages. For a first semester average, the first and second quarter
averages are averaged; for a second semester average, the third and
fourth quarter averages are averaged.

First Quarter Average

2⁄3 Quiz average
¹⁄3 Exam average (verses and content)
Quiz average: 96 (counts twice because it is two-thirds of the average)
Exam average: + 90
Total: 282 ÷ 3 = 94

Second Quarter Average

2⁄3 Quiz average
¹⁄3 Exam average (verses and content)
Quiz average: 93 (counts twice because it is two-thirds of the average)
Exam average: + 90
Total: 276 ÷ 3 = 92

First Semester Average

First quarter average
Second quarter average
First quarter average: 94
Second quarter average:  + 92
Total: 186 ÷ 2 = 93 (Semester average)

T10 Bible 7
Third Quarter Average
2⁄3 Quiz average (including content tests)
¹⁄3 Exam average (verses and content)
Quiz / Test average: 90 (counts twice because it is two-thirds of the average)
Exam average: + 96
Total: 276 ÷ 3 = 92

Fourth Quarter Average

2⁄3 Quiz average (including content tests)
¹⁄3 Exam average (verses and content)
Quiz / Test average: 96 (counts twice because it is two-thirds of the average)
Exam average: + 90
Total: 282 ÷ 3 = 94

Second Semester Average

Third quarter average
Fourth quarter average
Third quarter average: 92
Fourth quarter average: + 94
Total: 186 ÷ 2 = 93 (Semester average)

Bible 7 T11
Daily Guides
Bible 7
Daily Guides
Before you
begin . . .

he introductory information of this manual along with the Daily Guides provides
the assistance needed for a successful school year. The following reminders will
help you get off to a great start:
Students’ daily supplies:
•• pens
•• pencils
•• notebook paper
•• Bible (Authorized King James Version)
Daily Guides information:
•• Lesson Taught — what material is covered daily
•• Materials Needed — what things to have ready daily
•• Teacher Instructions — what to do daily
Helpful tips:
•• Explain your daily class procedures.
•• Preview the first few lessons and other lessons as noted in the Daily
Guides to familiarize yourself with the video teacher’s procedures.
•• Remember that your own quiet, orderly routines will be an important
part of your learning environment.
•• If particular procedures or activities used in the video classroom are not
ideal for your unique situation, you should feel free to adjust to your
needs. These may or may not be specifically mentioned in the Daily
•• Mastery of key concepts as well as successful comprehension and
retention naturally result from training your students to mentally
participate and respond with the video class during reviews, drills, and

W e trust that these Daily Guides will be a great help as you begin an exciting new
school year!
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
God Calls Abram (Genesis 11:27–32; 12:1–20; 13:1–4) A Bride for Isaac (Genesis 24:1– 67)

Materials Needed Teacher Instructions

Bible (Authorized King James Version) (needed daily) 1. Students study Revelation 3:20 and
Sing His Praise hymnal (needed daily) John 1:10–12 for 10 minutes.
Bible 7 Bible Memory Verse List (from the 2. Turn on the video.
Appendix in the back of this manual)
3. Have prayer time with your students when
indicated on the video. Follow this procedure
Teacher Instructions throughout the year.
1. Explain your daily class procedures.
2. Check that each student has a Bible rrStudy Revelation 3:20 and John 1:10–12 for oral
(Authorized King James Version). verse quiz in the next lesson.
3. Provide Bible 7 Bible Memory Verse List.
4. Have Sing His Praise hymnal available each day.
5. Turn on the video. (You may wish to watch this
first video lesson to become familiar with class-
Lesson 4
room procedures. Especially watch the prayer
time, which you will be conducting with your
Lesson Taught
Twins—but Different (Genesis 25:19–34; 27:1– 41)
students each day.)
6. If time remains after each video lesson, allow
students to study their verses. Teacher Instructions
1. Students clear their desks.
rrStudy Revelation 3:20 and John 1:10–12 for oral 2. Turn on the video.
verse quiz in lesson (les.) 4. 3. Watch the sample oral verse quizzes to become
familiar with procedures. The sample grades
from the oral verse quizzes are given below:
Student 1 A+
Lesson 2 Student 2 B
Student 3 C
Lesson Taught 4. Turn off the video and give Oral Verse Quiz
Isaac and Ishmael (Genesis 16:1–17:8; 21:1–21) over Revelation 3:20 and John 1:10–12.
Individual students say their verses to you to
Teacher Instructions be graded. Ten minutes is allotted for verse
1. Have students study their Bible verses for quizzes. Refer to the Giving / Grading Quizzes
10 minutes each day before the video begins and Exams section in the front of this manual
(except for quiz days). For this lesson, students for detailed instructions for giving / grading oral
should study Revelation 3:20 and John 1:10–12. verse quizzes.
2. Turn on the video. 5. Turn the video back on.
3. Have prayer time with your students when
rrStudy Romans 10:9–11 for oral verse quiz in
indicated on the video. Refer to the Prayer Time
lesson (les.) 9.
information in the front of this manual for de-
tailed suggestions for conducting prayer time.

rrStudy Revelation 3:20 and John 1:10–12 for oral

verse quiz in lesson (les.) 4. Lesson 5
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Grading r Reminder Lessons 1 – 5 3

be graded. Ten minutes is allotted for verse
Lesson 6 quizzes. Refer to the Giving / Grading Quizzes
and Exams section in the front of this manual
Lesson Taught for detailed instructions for giving / grading oral
Twins—but Different (cont.) verse quizzes. Follow this procedure through-
out the year.
Teacher Instructions 3. Turn on the video.
1. Students study Romans 10:9–11 for 10 minutes.
2. Turn on the video. rrStudy Titus 2:11–14 for oral verse quiz in lesson
(les.) 14.
rrStudy Romans 10:9–11 for oral verse quiz in
lesson (les.) 9.
Lesson 10
Lesson 7 Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Lesson Taught Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 27:41–28:22)

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Romans 10:9–11 for 10 minutes.
Lesson 11
2. Turn on the video. Lesson Taught
Joseph, the Slave (Genesis 39:1– 40:23)
rrStudy Romans 10:9–11 for oral verse quiz in
lesson (les.) 9.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Titus 2:11–14 for 10 minutes. Con-
tinue to give students 10 minutes of study time
Lesson 8 at the beginning of each lesson unless other-
wise indicated.
Lesson Taught 2. Turn on the video.
Jacob Comes Back (Genesis 32:1–33:20; 35:28–29)
rrStudy Titus 2:11–14 for oral verse quiz in lesson
(les.) 14.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Romans 10:9–11 for 10 minutes.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Romans 10:9–11 for oral verse quiz in the

Lesson 12
next lesson. Lesson Taught
Joseph in Pharaoh’s Palace (Genesis 41:1–57)

Lesson 9 Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Titus 2:11–14.
Lesson Taught 2. Turn on the video.
Joseph’s Dreams (Genesis 37:1–35)
rrStudy Titus 2:11–14 for oral verse quiz in lesson
(les.) 14.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students clear their desks.
2. Give Oral Verse Quiz over Romans 10:9–11.
Individual students say their verses to you to

4 Bible 7 Grading r Reminder

Lesson 13 Lesson 17
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Joseph’s Brothers Visit Egypt (Genesis 42:1–45:8) The Baby in the River (cont.)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Titus 2:11–14. 1. Students study John 14:1–3.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Titus 2:11–14 for oral verse quiz in the rrStudy John 14:1–3 for oral verse quiz in les. 19.
next lesson.

Lesson 18
Lesson 14
Lesson Taught
Lesson Taught The Burning Bush (Exodus 2:11–4:18;
Review Acts 7:23–35; Hebrews 11:24–27)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over 1. Students study John 14:1–3.
Titus 2:11–14. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy John 14:1–3 for oral verse quiz in the next
rrStudy John 14:1–3 for oral verse quiz in lesson lesson.
(les.) 19.

Lesson 19
Lesson 15
Lesson Taught
Teacher Instructions The Burning Bush (cont.)
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
John 14:1–3.
Lesson 16 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy John 14:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 24.

Lesson Taught
The Baby in the River (Exodus 1:1–2:10;
Acts 7:17–22; Hebrews 11:23)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 20
1. Students study John 14:1–3. Teacher Instructions
2. Turn on the video. No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
rrStudy John 14:1–3 for oral verse quiz in lesson
(les.) 19.

Lessons 6 – 20 5
Lesson 21 Lesson 25
Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions
The Burning Bush (cont.) No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study John 14:4–6.
2. Turn on the video. Lesson 26
rrStudy John 14:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 24.
Lesson Taught
The First Nine Plagues (cont.)

Lesson 22 Teacher Instructions

1. Students study the Books of the Bible.
Lesson Taught 2. Turn on the video.
The Contest with Pharaoh (Exodus 4:27–7:13)
rrStudy the Books of the Bible for oral quiz in
Teacher Instructions les. 29.
1. Students study John 14:4–6.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy John 14:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 24.

Lesson 27
Lesson Taught
The Passover (Exodus 11:1–12:51)

Lesson 23 Teacher Instructions

Lesson Taught 1. Students study the Books of the Bible.
The Contest with Pharaoh (cont.) 2. Turn on the video.

Teacher Instructions rrStudy the Books of the Bible for oral quiz in
les. 29.
1. Students study John 14:4–6.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy John 14:4–6 for oral verse quiz in the next

Lesson 28
Lesson Taught
Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12:29–15:21)

Lesson 24 Teacher Instructions

Lesson Taught 1. Students study the Books of the Bible.
The First Nine Plagues (Exodus 7:14–10:29) 2. Turn on the video.

Teacher Instructions rrStudy the Books of the Bible for oral quiz in the
next lesson.
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
John 14:4–6.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy the Books of the Bible for oral quiz in

les. 29.

6 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

Lesson 29 Lesson 33
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Review Marah: God Heals the Bitter Waters
(Exodus 15:22–27)
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Quiz over Books of Teacher Instructions
the Bible. 1. Students review verses already learned in
2. Turn on the video. preparation for the exam.
2. Turn on the video.
rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
les. 43. for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43.

Lesson 30 Lesson 34
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Lesson Taught
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. God Gives Meat and Manna (Exodus 16:1–36)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 31 1. Students review verses already learned in
preparation for the exam.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught
Crossing the Red Sea (cont.) rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
Teacher Instructions les. 43.
1. Since no additional new verses will be learned
for the Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43, students should review verses already
learned for the next several lessons in prepara-
tion for the exam.
Lesson 35
See p. A3 for the list of verses for the first nine weeks.
nn Teacher Instructions
2. Turn on the video. No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43.
Lesson 36
Lesson Taught
Lesson 32 God Gives Meat and Manna (cont.)

Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions

Crossing the Red Sea (cont.)
1. Students review verses already learned in
preparation for the exam.
Teacher Instructions 2. Turn on the video.
1. Students review verses already learned in
preparation for the exam. rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
2. Turn on the video. for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43.
rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43.

Lessons 21 – 36 7
Lesson 37 Lesson 40
Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions
Rephidim: God Gives Water from the Rock No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
(Exodus 17:1–7) Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Teacher Instructions
1. Students review verses already learned in
preparation for the exam. Lesson 41
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught
rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 43. Materials Needed
Nine-Weeks Review sheet (from Exodus Tests)
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Lesson 38 Teacher Instructions

1. Students study verses for Nine-Weeks (Quarter)
Lesson Taught Verses Exam.
God Saves the People from Amalek 2. Provide Nine-Weeks Review sheet.
(Exodus 17:8–16; Deuteronomy 25:17–19; During the video lesson, students will begin working
1 Samuel 15:2) on the Nine-Weeks Review sheet. It will be finished on
video in les. 42. These are not graded. Answers will be
discussed on video. For your reference, answers are
Teacher Instructions included in Exodus Test Key. Students should use this
1. Students review verses already learned in review sheet to study for Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter
preparation for the exam. Content Exam) in les. 44.
2. Turn on the video. 3. Turn on the video.

rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter rrStudy all verses from this nine-weeks period
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam
les. 43. in les. 43. Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content
Exam) will be in les. 44.

Lesson 39 Lesson 42
Lesson Taught
Sinai: God Speaks to the People Lesson Taught
(Exodus 19:1–25; 20:1–26) Review

Teacher Instructions Materials Needed

Nine-Weeks Review sheet (from les. 41)
1. Students review verses already learned in
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)
preparation for the exam.
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions
rrReview all verses memorized from first quarter 1. Students study completed first half of Nine-
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in Weeks Review sheet.
les. 43. See p. A3 for the list of verses for the first nine weeks.
2. Turn on the video.

8 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

3. Students will finish the Nine-Weeks Review Teacher Instructions
sheet while watching the video. 1. There is no video today.
The Nine-Weeks Review sheet is completed on video
in this lesson. Students study from this review sheet for 2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam) in les. 44. desks and taking out exam materials (two pens
and a cover sheet, if needed).
rrStudy all verses from this nine-weeks period 3. Give Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam Exam). You will be giving all exams. Refer to
in the next lesson. Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter the Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
Content Exam) will be in les. 44. section in the front of this manual for detailed
instructions for giving / grading exams.
4. Collect and grade exams. (See the Exodus Test
Key for answers and point values; subtract from
Lesson 43 100 the total number of points missed.)
Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not
Materials Needed subtract more than 5 total points.
Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam (from Exodus 5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 46.
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Teacher Instructions Lesson 45

1. There is no video today.
2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
desks and taking out exam materials (two pens,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
a pencil, and a cover sheet, if needed).
3. Give Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam.
The verses to test are given below. You will be
giving all exams. Refer to the Giving / Grading
Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in the front
Lesson 46
of this manual for detailed instructions for
giving / grading exams.
Lesson Taught
Sinai: God Speaks to the People (cont.)
John 1:10 –12
“He was in the . . .” 54
Titus 2:11–14 Materials Needed
“For the grace of God . . .” 74 Graded Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam and
John 14:1– 6 Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam)
“Let not your heart be . . .”   118 (return to students)
246 total words Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)
4. Collect and grade Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses
Exams. (See the Exodus Test Key for answers and Teacher Instructions
point values; subtract from 100 the total num- 1. Students study 1 Corinthians 3:1–3.
ber of points missed.) 2. Return and go over graded Nine-Weeks (Quar-
Do not take off points for punctuation or capitalization.
nn ter) Verses Exam and Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quar-
5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 46. ter Content Exam). Refer to the Giving / Grading
Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in the front of
rrStudy Nine-Weeks Review sheet for Test 1 this manual for detailed instructions for going
(Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam) in the over graded exams. Collect exams and record
next lesson. grades.
3. Turn on the video.

Lesson 44 rrStudy 1 Corinthians 3:1–3 for oral verse quiz in

les. 49.
Materials Needed
Test 1 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam)
from Exodus Tests
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Lessons 37 – 46 9
Lesson 47 Lesson 51
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
The Golden Calf (Exodus 24:12–18; 32:1–29) The Ten Commandments (cont.)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study 1 Corinthians 3:1–3. 1. Students study John 5:39–41.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy 1 Corinthians 3:1–3 for oral verse quiz in rrStudy John 5:39–41 for oral verse quiz in les. 54.
les. 49.

Lesson 52
Lesson 48
Lesson Taught
Lesson Taught The Ten Commandments (cont.)
The Golden Calf (cont.)
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Students study John 5:39–41.
1. Students study 1 Corinthians 3:1–3. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy John 5:39–41 for oral verse quiz in les. 54.
rrStudy 1 Corinthians 3:1–3 for oral verse quiz in
the next lesson.

Lesson 53
Lesson 49 Lesson Taught
The Outer Court (Exodus 25:1–9; 26:1–27:19;
Lesson Taught 35:1–36:38; 38)
The Ten Commandments (Exodus 34;
Deuteronomy 10:1–4; Exodus 20)
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study John 5:39–41.
Teacher Instructions 2. Turn on the video.
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
1 Corinthians 3:1–3. rrStudy John 5:39–41 for oral verse quiz in the
2. Turn on the video. next lesson.

rrStudy John 5:39–41 for oral verse quiz in les. 54.

Lesson 54
Lesson 50 Lesson Taught
The Outer Court (cont.)
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Teacher Instructions
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
John 5:39–41.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 for oral verse quiz

in les. 59.

10 Bible 7 Grading r Reminder

Lesson 55 Lesson 59
Teacher Instructions Lesson Taught
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Review
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Lesson 56 1 Corinthians 10:12–13.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught rrStudy Psalm 19:1–3 for oral verse quiz in les. 64.
The Holy Place (Exodus 25:23– 40; 37:10–38:20;
40:1–8, 17–38)

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study 1 Corinthians 10:12–13.
Lesson 60
2. Turn on the video. Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
rrStudy 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 for oral verse quiz Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
in les. 59.

Lesson 61
Lesson 57
Lesson Taught
Lesson Taught Journey to Kadesh-barnea (cont.)
The Holy of Holies (Exodus 25:10– 22; 37:1–9)
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Students study Psalm 19:1–3.
1. Students study 1 Corinthians 10:12–13. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy Psalm 19:1–3 for oral verse quiz in les. 64.
rrStudy 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 for oral verse quiz
in les. 59.

Lesson 62
Lesson 58 Lesson Taught
The Twelve Spies (Numbers 13–14; Deuteronomy 1:19–46;
Lesson Taught Hebrews 3:12–19)
Journey to Kadesh-barnea (Numbers 10:11–12:15)
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Students study Psalm 19:1–3.
1. Students study 1 Corinthians 10:12–13. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy Psalm 19:1–3 for oral verse quiz in les. 64.
rrStudy 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 for oral verse quiz
in the next lesson.

Lessons 47 – 62 11
Lesson 63 Lesson 67
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
The Twelve Spies (cont.) The Rebellion of Korah (cont.)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Psalm 19:1–3. 1. Students study Psalm 19:4–6.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Psalm 19:1–3 for oral verse quiz in the rrStudy Psalm 19:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 69.
next lesson.

Lesson 68
Lesson 64
Lesson Taught
Lesson Taught The Rebellion of Korah (cont.)
The Twelve Spies (cont.)
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Students study Psalm 19:4–6.
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over 2. Turn on the video.
Psalm 19:1–3.
2. Turn on the video. rrStudy Psalm 19:4–6 for oral verse quiz in the
next lesson.
rrStudy Psalm 19:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 69.

Lesson 69
Lesson 65
Lesson Taught
Teacher Instructions Moses Strikes the Rock (Numbers 20)
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Psalm 19:4–6.
Lesson 66 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Psalm 19:7–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 74.

Lesson Taught
The Rebellion of Korah (Numbers 16–17)

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Psalm 19:4–6.
Lesson 70
2. Turn on the video. Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
rrStudy Psalm 19:4–6 for oral verse quiz in les. 69. Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

12 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

Lesson 71 Lesson 75
Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions
Moses Strikes the Rock (cont.) No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Psalm 19:7–9.
2. Turn on the video. Lesson 76
rrStudy Psalm 19:7–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 74.
Lesson Taught
Balaam, the False Prophet (Numbers 21:21–33; 22:1–41;
23:1–30; 24:1–25)

Lesson 72 Teacher Instructions

Lesson Taught 1. Students study all verses memorized since the
The Serpent of Brass (Numbers 21:1–9; John 3:14–18) beginning of the year.
See p. A3 for the list of all verses.
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Psalm 19:7–9. rrStudy all verses memorized from first and sec-
2. Turn on the video. ond quarter for written Final Verses Exam in
les. 83.
rrStudy Psalm 19:7–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 74.

Lesson 73
Lesson 77
Lesson Taught
Lesson Taught Balaam, the False Prophet (cont.)
The Serpent of Brass (cont.)
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Students study all verses memorized since the
1. Students study Psalm 19:7–9. beginning of the year.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy Psalm 19:7–9 for oral verse quiz in the rrStudy all verses memorized from first and sec-
next lesson. ond quarter for written Final Verses Exam in
les. 83.

Lesson 74
Lesson Taught
Lesson 78
Review Lesson Taught
Balaam, the False Prophet (cont.)
Teacher Instructions Moses Sees the Promised Land
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over (Numbers 27:12–23; Deuteronomy 34:1–12; Luke 9:28–36)
Psalm 19:7–9.
2. Turn on the video. Teacher Instructions
1. Students study all verses memorized since the
rrStudy all verses memorized from first and sec- beginning of the year.
ond quarter for written Final Verses Exam in 2. Turn on the video.
les. 83.
rrStudy all verses memorized from first and sec-
ond quarter for written Final Verses Exam in
les. 83.
Lessons 63 – 78 13
Lesson 79 Lesson 82
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Moses Sees the Promised Land (cont.) Review

Materials Needed Materials Needed

Final Review sheet Final Review sheet (from les. 81)
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study all verses memorized since the Teacher Instructions
beginning of the year. 1. Students study verses memorized the second
2. Provide Final Review sheet. nine weeks.
See p. A3 for the list of all verses.
3. Turn on the video.
Students will take the Final Verses Exam in les. 83 and
nn 2. Turn on the video.
the Final Content Exam in les. 84. Plan to allow 20–30 3. Students will finish the Final Review sheet
minutes extra for these exams. while watching the video.
The Final Review sheet is completed on video in this
rrBring Final Review sheet for les. 81. Although lesson. Students study from this review sheet for Test 2
not required, students may begin answering (Final Content Exam) in les. 84.
the questions. Study all verses memorized from
first and second quarter for written Final Verses rrStudy all verses memorized from first and sec-
Exam in les. 81. Test 2 (Final Content Exam) will ond quarter for written Final Verses Exam in the
be in les. 84. next lesson. Test 2 (Final Content Exam) will be
in les. 84.

Lesson 80 Lesson 83
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Materials Needed
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. Final Verses Exam (from Exodus Tests)
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 81 1. There is no video today.
2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
Lesson Taught desks and taking out exam materials (two pens,
Review a pencil, and a cover sheet, if needed).
3. Give Final Verses Exam. The verses to test are
Materials Needed given below. You will be giving all exams. Refer
Final Review sheet (from les. 79) to the Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Ex-
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key) ams section in the front of this manual for de-
tailed instructions for giving / grading exams.
Teacher Instructions Students will take the Final Verses Exam. Plan to allow
20–30 minutes extra for this exam.
1. Students study verses memorized the first nine Romans 10:9–11
weeks. “That if thou shalt confess . . .” 58
2. Turn on the video. 1 Corinthians 10:12–13
During the video lesson, students will begin working on
nn “Wherefore let him that
the Final Review sheet. It will be finished on video in the
next lesson. These are not graded. Answers will be dis-
thinketh . . .” 61
cussed on video. For your reference, answers are included Psalm 19:1–3
in Exodus Test Key. Students should use this review sheet “The heavens declare the . . .” 36
to study for Test 2 (Final Content Exam) in les. 84. Psalm 19:7–9
“The law of the Lord . . .” 61
rrStudy all verses memorized from first and second 216 total
quarter for written Final Verses Exam in les. 83.    words
Test 2 (Final Content Exam) will be in les. 84.

14 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

4. Collect and grade the exams. (See the Exodus Teacher Instructions
Test Key for answers and point values; subtract 1. Students study Matthew 6:31–33. Continue
from 100 the total number of points missed.) to give students 10 minutes of study time at
Do not take off points for punctuation or capitalization.
the beginning of each lesson unless otherwise
5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 86. indicated.
2. Return and go over graded Final Verses Exam
rrStudy Final Review sheet for Test 2 (Final Con-
and Test 2 (Final Content Exam). Refer to the
tent Exam) in the next lesson.
Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams sec-
tion in the front of this manual for detailed in-
structions for going over graded exams. Collect
Lesson 84 exams and record grades.
3. Turn on the video.
Materials Needed rrStudy Matthew 6:31–33 for oral verse quiz in
Test 2 (Final Content Exam) from Exodus Tests les. 89.
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Teacher Instructions
1. There is no video today. Lesson 87
2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
desks and taking out exam materials (two pens Lesson Taught
and a cover sheet, if needed). Promise of the Savior (cont.)
3. Give Test 2 (Final Content Exam). You will be Birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:18–25; Luke 2:1–7)
giving all exams. Refer to the Giving / Grading
Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in the front Teacher Instructions
of this manual for detailed instructions for 1. Students study Matthew 6:31–33.
giving / grading exams. 2. Turn on the video.
Students will take the Final Content Exam. Plan to allow
20–30 minutes extra for this exam.
4. Collect and grade the exams. (See the Exodus rrStudy Matthew 6:31–33 for oral verse quiz in
Test Key for answers and point values; subtract les. 89.
from 100 the total number of points missed.)
Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not
subtract more than 5 total points.
5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 86. Lesson 88
Lesson Taught
Birth of Jesus (cont.)
Lesson 85 Angels Bring the News to the Shepherds
(Luke 2:8–38)
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Teacher Instructions
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. 1. Students study Matthew 6:31–33.
2. Turn on the video.

Lesson 86 rrStudy Matthew 6:31–33 for oral verse quiz in

the next lesson.
Lesson Taught
Promise of the Savior (Luke 1)
This is the first time the study of Life of Christ is intro-

Materials Needed
Graded Final Verses Exam and Test 2 (Final Con-
tent Exam)(return to students)
Teacher Test Key (from Exodus Test Key)

Lessons 79 – 88 15
Lesson 89 Lesson 93
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Review The Boy Jesus (Luke 2:40–52)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students clear their desks. 1. Students study 1 Peter 5:5–7.
2. Give Oral Verse Quiz over Matthew 6:31–33. 2. Turn on the video.
Individual students continue to say their verses
to you to be graded. Ten minutes is allotted for rrStudy 1 Peter 5:5–7 for oral verse quiz in the
verse quizzes. (You will continue giving all oral next lesson.
verse quizzes. As needed, refer to the Giving /
Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in
the front of this manual for detailed instructions
for giving / grading oral verse quizzes. Follow
this procedure for the remainder of the year.)
Lesson 94
3. Turn on the video. Lesson Taught
rrStudy 1 Peter 5:5–7 for oral verse quiz in les. 94.
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Lesson 90 1 Peter 5:5–7.
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions rrStudy 1 Peter 5:8–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 99.
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Test 1 will be in les. 99.
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 91 Lesson 95
Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Wise Men Worship the King (Matthew 2:1–12)
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study 1 Peter 5:5–7.
2. Turn on the video. Lesson 96
rrStudy 1 Peter 5:5–7 for oral verse quiz in les. 94. Lesson Taught
Baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:1–17; Mark 1:2–11;
Luke 3:1–22; John 1:6–8, 15–36)

Lesson 92 Teacher Instructions

1. Students study 1 Peter 5:8–9.
Lesson Taught 2. Turn on the video.
Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:12–23)

rrStudy 1 Peter 5:8–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 99.

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study 1 Peter 5:5–7.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy 1 Peter 5:5–7 for oral verse quiz in les. 94.

16 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

6. Plan to return graded Test 1 in les. 101.
Lesson 97
rrStudy Luke 16:10 –13 for oral verse quiz in
Lesson Taught les. 104.
Temptation of Jesus (Isaiah 14:12–17; Matthew 4:1–11;
Mark 1:12–13; Luke 4:1–13)

Teacher Instructions Lesson 100

1. Students study 1 Peter 5:8–9.
2. Turn on the video. Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
rrStudy 1 Peter 5:8–9 for oral verse quiz in les. 99. Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 98 Lesson 101

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Review First Disciples (John 1:35–51)

Teacher Instructions Materials Needed

1. Students study 1 Peter 5:8–9. Graded Test 1 (return to students)
Life of Christ Teacher Test Key
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy 1 Peter 5:8–9 for oral verse quiz in the Teacher Instructions
next lesson. Test 1 will be in the next lesson. 1. Students study Luke 16:10–13.
2. Return and go over graded Test 1. Refer to the
Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
section in the front of this manual for detailed
Lesson 99 instructions for going over graded tests. Collect
tests and record grades. Follow this procedure
Materials Needed for the remainder of the year.
Life of Christ Tests 3. Turn on the video.
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher
Test Key) rrStudy Luke 16:10–13 for oral verse quiz in
les. 104.
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
1 Peter 5:8–9.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson 102
3. Students prepare for a test by clearing their Lesson Taught
desks and taking out test materials (two pens Calling the Fishermen and Matthew
and a cover sheet, if needed). (Matthew 4:18–22; Mark 1:16–20, 2:13–17; Luke 5:1–11, 27–32)
4. Give Test 1. You will be giving all tests. Refer to
the Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
section in the front of this manual for detailed
Teacher Instructions
instructions for giving / grading content tests. 1. Students study Luke 16:10–13.
Follow this procedure for the remainder of the 2. Turn on the video.
5. Collect and grade tests. (See Life of Christ rrStudy Luke 16:10–13 for oral verse quiz in
Teacher Test Key for answers and point values; les. 104.
subtract from 100 the total number of points
missed.) Follow this procedure for the remain-
der of the year.
Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not
subtract more than 5 total points. Follow this proce-
dure for the remainder of the year.

Lessons 89 – 102 17
Lesson 103 Lesson 107
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
First Miracle (Luke 6:12–16; John 2:1–11) Through a Roof and Beside a Pool (cont.)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Luke 16:10–13. 1. Students study Matthew 11:28–30.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Luke 16:10–13 for oral verse quiz in the rrStudy Matthew 11:28–30 for oral verse quiz in
next lesson. les. 109.

Lesson 104 Lesson 108

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Review Cleansing the Temple and Visit of Nicodemus
(John 2:13–25; 3:1–21)
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over Teacher Instructions
Luke 16:10–13. 1. Students study Matthew 11:28–30.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Matthew 11:28–30 for oral verse quiz in rrStudy Matthew 11:28–30 for oral verse quiz in
les. 109. the next lesson.

Lesson 105 Lesson 109

Teacher Instructions Lesson Taught
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Review
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Lesson 106 Matthew 11:28–30.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught rrStudy Hebrews 12:1–2 for oral verse quiz in
Through a Roof and Beside a Pool (Matthew 9:2–8;
les. 114.
Mark 2:1–12; Luke 5:17–26; John 5:1–16)

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Matthew 11:28–30. Lesson 110
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions
rrStudy Matthew 11:28–30 for oral verse quiz in No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
les. 109. Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

18 Bible 7 Grading r Reminder

3. Students prepare for a test by clearing their
Lesson 111 desks and taking out test materials (two pens
and a cover sheet, if needed).
Lesson Taught 4. Give Test 2. Collect and grade tests.
Cleansing the Temple and Visit of Nicodemus
5. Plan to return graded Test 2 in les. 116.
rrStudy Jude 21–23 for oral verse quiz in les. 119.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Hebrews 12:1–2.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson 115
rrStudy Hebrews 12:1–2 for oral verse quiz in
les. 114. Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 112
Lesson Taught Lesson 116
Woman at the Well (John 4:1– 42)
Lesson Taught
Teacher Instructions Nobleman’s Son / Jesus in the Synagogue
(John 4:43–54; Luke 4:14–32)
1. Students study Hebrews 12:1–2.
2. Turn on the video.
Materials Needed
rrStudy Hebrews 12:1–2 for oral verse quiz in Graded Test 2 (return to students)
les. 114. Teacher Test Key

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Jude 21–23.
Lesson 113 2. Return and go over graded Test 2. Collect tests
and record grades.
Lesson Taught 3. Turn on the video.
rrStudy Jude 21–23 for oral verse quiz in les. 119.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Hebrews 12:1–2.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson 117
rrStudy Hebrews 12:1–2 for oral verse quiz in the
next lesson. Test 2 will be in the next lesson. Lesson Taught
Nobleman’s Son / Jesus in the Synagogue (cont.)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 114 1. Students study Jude 21–23.
2. Turn on the video.
Materials Needed
Life of Christ Tests rrStudy Jude 21–23 for oral verse quiz in les. 119.
Teacher Test Key

Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Hebrews 12:1–2.
2. Turn on the video.

Lessons 103 – 117 19

Lesson 118 Lesson 122
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43) Jesus and the Children / Lost Lamb
(Matthew 18:1–14; 19:13–15; Mark 9:36–37; 10:13–16; Luke 9:46–
Teacher Instructions 48; 15:3–7; 18:15–17; John 10:1–18; Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:11)

1. Students study Jude 21–23.

2. Turn on the video. Teacher Instructions
1. Students review verses already learned in
rrStudy Jude 21–23 for oral verse quiz in the next preparation for the exam.
lesson. 2. Turn on the video.

rrReview all verses memorized from third quarter

for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
Lesson 119 les. 128.

Lesson Taught
Lesson 123
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Lesson Taught
Feeding of the Five Thousand
Jude 21–23.
(Matthew 14:13–21; Mark 6:31– 44; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14)
2. Turn on the video.

rrReview all verses memorized from third quarter Teacher Instructions

for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in 1. Students review verses already learned in
les. 128. preparation for the exam.
2. Turn on the video.

rrReview all verses memorized from third quarter

Lesson 120 for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 128.
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Lesson 124
Lesson Taught
Lesson 121 Review

Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions

Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter 1. Students review verses already learned in
(Matthew 9:18–26; Mark 5:22–43; Luke 8:41–56) preparation for the exam.
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions
1. Since no additional new verses will be learned rrReview all verses memorized from third quarter
for the Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in
les. 128, students should review verses already les. 128.
learned for the next several lessons in prepara-
tion for the exam.
See p. A3 for the list of verses for the third nine weeks.
2. Turn on the video. Lesson 125
rrReview all verses memorized from third quarter Teacher Instructions
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
les. 128. Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

20 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 126 1. There is no video today.
Lesson Taught 2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:24–33; Mark 6:47–51; desks and taking out exam materials (two pens,
John 6:16–21)
a pencil, and a cover sheet, if needed).
3. Give Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam.
The verses to test are given below. You will be
Teacher Instructions giving all exams. Refer to the Giving / Grading
1. Students review verses already learned in Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in the front of
preparation for the exam. this manual for detailed instructions for giving /
2. Turn on the video. grading exams.
Matthew 6:31–33
rrStudy all verses from this nine-weeks period for “Therefore take no thought . . . ” 62
written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam in Hebrews 12:1–2
les. 128. Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content “Wherefore seeing we also . . . ” 80
Exam) will be in les. 129. Matthew 11:28–30
“Come unto me, all ye . . . ” 52
194 total
Lesson 127 4. Collect and grade the exams. (See Life of Christ
Teacher Test Key for answers and point values;
Lesson Taught subtract from 100 the total number of points
Review missed.)
Do not take off points for punctuation or capitalization.
Materials Needed 5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 131.
Nine-Weeks Review sheet (from Life of Christ
Tests) rrStudy Nine-Weeks Review sheet for Test 3
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam) in the
Test Key) next lesson.

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study verses memorized this nine
weeks for ten minutes.
Lesson 129
2. Provide Nine-Weeks Review sheet. Materials Needed
3. Turn on the video. Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam)
During the video lesson, students will complete the
nn from Life of Christ Tests
Nine-Weeks Review sheet. These are not graded.
Answers will be discussed on video. For your reference, Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher Test
answers are included in Life of Christ Teacher Test Key. Key)
Students should use this review sheet to study for
Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam) in les. 129.
Teacher Instructions
rrStudy all verses from this nine-weeks period 1. There is no video today.
for written Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam 2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
in the next lesson. Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter desks and taking out exam materials (two pens
Content Exam) will be in les. 129. and a cover sheet, if needed.)
3. Give Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content
Exam). You will be giving all exams. Refer to
the Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams
Lesson 128 section in the front of this manual for detailed
instructions for giving / grading exams.
Materials Needed 4. Collect and grade the exams. (See Life of Christ
Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam (from Teacher Test Key for answers and point values;
Life of Christ Tests) subtract from 100 the total number of points
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher missed.)
Test Key) Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not
subtract more than 5 total points.
5. Plan to return graded exams in les. 131.

Lessons 118 – 129 21

Lesson 130 Lesson 133
Teacher Instructions Lesson Taught
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Jesus and the Lepers (Matthew 8:2–4; Mark 1:40–45;
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. Luke 5:12–14; 17:11–19)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 131 1. Students study Philippians 2:5–7.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught rrStudy Philippians 2:5–7 for oral verse quiz in the
Jesus Stills the Storm (Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:36–41;
next lesson.
Luke 8:22–25)

Materials Needed
Graded Nine-Weeks (Quarter) Verses Exam and
Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quarter Content Exam)
Lesson 134
(return to students) Lesson Taught
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher Test Review
Teacher Instructions
Teacher Instructions 1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
1. Students study Philippians 2:5–7. Philippians 2:5–7.
2. Return and go over graded Nine-Weeks (Quar- 2. Turn on the video.
ter) Verses Exam and Test 3 (Nine-Weeks / Quar-
ter Content Exam). rrStudy Philippians 2:8–11 for oral verse quiz in
3. Turn on the video. les. 139.

rrStudy Philippians 2:5–7 for oral verse quiz in

les. 134.
Lesson 135
Teacher Instructions
Lesson 132 No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
Lesson Taught
Transfiguration (Matthew 16:13–23; 17:1–9; Mark 8:27–33;
9:2–10; Luke 9:18–20, 28–36)
Lesson 136
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Philippians 2:5–7. Lesson Taught
2. Turn on the video. Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19–31)

rrStudy Philippians 2:5–7 for oral verse quiz in Teacher Instructions

les. 134. 1. Students study Philippians 2:8–11.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Philippians 2:8–11 for oral verse quiz in

les. 139.

22 Bible 7 Grading Homework

Lesson 137 Lesson 141
Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16–30; Mark 10:17–31; Friends at Bethany (Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9;
Luke 18:18–30) Luke 10:38–42; John 11:1–46; 12:1–11)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Philippians 2:8–11. 1. Students study Proverbs 3:5–7.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Philippians 2:8–11 for oral verse quiz in rrStudy Proverbs 3:5–7 for oral verse quiz in
les. 139. les. 144.

Lesson 138 Lesson 142

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1–10) Friends at Bethany (cont.)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Students study Philippians 2:8–11. 1. Students study Proverbs 3:5–7.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy Philippians 2:8–11 for oral verse quiz in rrStudy Proverbs 3:5–7 for oral verse quiz in
les. 139. les. 144.

Lesson 139 Lesson 143

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Review Review

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over 1. Students study Proverbs 3:5–7.
Philippians 2:8–11. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
rrStudy Proverbs 3:5–7 for oral verse quiz in the
rrStudy Proverbs 3:5–7 for oral verse quiz in next lesson. Test 4 will be in the next lesson.
les. 144.

Lesson 140
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lessons 130 – 143 23

Lesson 144 Lesson 147
Materials Needed Lesson Taught
Life of Christ Tests Last Supper (Matthew 26:1–5, 14–35; Mark 14:12–31;
Teacher Test Key Luke 22:7–38; John 13:1–38; 14:1–6)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over 1. Students study Philippians 4:6–7.
Proverbs 3:5–7. 2. Turn on the video.
2. Turn on the video.
3. Students prepare for a test by clearing their rrStudy Philippians 4:6–7 for oral verse quiz in
desks and taking out test materials (two pens les. 149.
and a cover sheet, if needed).
4. Give Test 4. Collect and grade tests.
5. Plan to return graded Test 4 in les. 146.
Lesson 148
rrStudy Philippians 4:6–7 for oral verse quiz in
les. 149. Lesson Taught
Last Supper (cont.)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 145 1. Students study Philippians 4:6–7.
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, rrStudy Philippians 4:6–7 for oral verse quiz in
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. the next lesson.

Lesson 146 Lesson 149

Lesson Taught Lesson Taught
Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21:1–17; Mark 11:1–11, 15–19; Review
Luke 19:29–48; John 12:12–19)

Teacher Instructions
Materials Needed 1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Graded Test 4 (return to students) Philippians 4:6–7.
Teacher Test Key
2. Turn on the video.
Teacher Instructions rrStudy Philippians 4:8 for oral verse quiz in
1. Students study Philippians 4:6–7. les. 154.
2. Return and go over graded Test 4. Collect tests
and record grades.
3. Turn on the video.
Lesson 150
rrStudy Philippians 4:6–7 for oral verse quiz in
les. 149. Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

24 Bible 7 Grading r Reminder

Lesson 151 Lesson 155
Lesson Taught Teacher Instructions
Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36–56; 27:3–8; No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Mark 14:32–52; Luke 22:39–54; John 18:1–12) Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Philippians 4:8.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson 156
rrStudy Philippians 4:8 for oral verse quiz in
Lesson Taught
Crucifixion (Matthew 27:31–56; Mark 15:20–41; Luke 23:26–49;
les. 154.
John 19:17–37)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 152 1. Students study 1 Corinthians 15:1–4.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught
Judgment Hall (Matthew 26:57–75; 27:1–2, 11–30; rrStudy 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 for oral verse quiz in
Mark 14:53–15:19; Luke 22:54–23:25; John 18:12–19:16) les. 159.

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Philippians 4:8.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson 157
rrStudy Philippians 4:8 for oral verse quiz in
Lesson Taught
Resurrection (Matthew 27:57–28:15; Mark 15:42–16:11;
les. 154.
Luke 23:50–24:12; John 19:38–20:18)

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 153 1. Students study 1 Corinthians 15:1–4.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught
Judgment Hall (cont.) rrStudy 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 for oral verse quiz in
les. 159.
Teacher Instructions
1. Students study Philippians 4:8.
2. Turn on the video. Lesson 158
rrStudy Philippians 4:8 for oral verse quiz in
the next lesson.
Lesson Taught

Teacher Instructions
Lesson 154 1. Students study 1 Corinthians 15:1–4.
2. Turn on the video.
Lesson Taught
Review rrStudy 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 for oral verse quiz in
the next lesson. Test 5 will be in the next lesson.
Teacher Instructions
1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over
Philippians 4:8.
2. Turn on the video.

rrStudy 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 for oral verse quiz in

les. 159.
Lessons 144 – 158 25
Lesson 159 Lesson 162
Materials Needed Lesson Taught
Life of Christ Tests Emmaus and the Upper Room (Mark 16:12–14;
Teacher Test Key Luke 24:13–45; John 20:19–31)

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions

1. Give and record Oral Verse Quiz over 1. Students study all verses memorized from the
1 Corinthians 15:1–4. second semester.
2. Turn on the video. See p. A3 for the list of all verses.
3. Students prepare for a test by clearing their 2. Turn on the video.
desks and taking out test materials (two pens
and a cover sheet, if needed). rrStudy all verses memorized from the second se-
mester for written Final Verses Exam in les. 168.
4. Give Test 5. Collect and grade tests.
5. Plan to return graded Test 5 in les. 161.

rrStudy all verses memorized from third and

fourth quarter for written Final Verses Exam
Lesson 163
in les. 168.
Lesson Taught
Breakfast on the Shore with Jesus (John 21)

Lesson 160 Materials Needed

Final Review sheet
Teacher Instructions
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Teacher Instructions
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. 1. Students study all verses memorized from the
second semester.
2. Provide Final Review sheet.
Lesson 161 3. Turn on the video.

rrBring Final Review sheet for les. 164. Although

Lesson Taught not required, students may begin answering
Resurrection (cont.) the questions. Study all verses memorized from
third and fourth quarter for written Final Verses
Materials Needed Exam in les. 168. Test 6 (Final Content Exam) will
Graded Test 5 (return to students) be in les. 169.
Teacher Test Key

Teacher Instructions
1. Students study all verses memorized from the Lesson 164
second semester.
See p. A3 for the list of all verses.
nn Lesson Taught
2. Return and go over graded Test 5. Collect tests Review
and record grades.
3. Turn on the video. Materials Needed
Final Review sheet (from les. 163)
rrStudy all verses memorized from the second se- Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher Test
mester for written Final Verses Exam in les. 168. Key)

26 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading r Reminder

Teacher Instructions Teacher Instructions
1. Students study all verses memorized from 1. Students study all verses memorized from the
the second semester. second nine weeks of the second semester.
2. Turn on the video. 2. Turn on the video.
During the video lesson, students will begin working
nn 3. Students will finish the Final Review sheet
on the Final Review sheet. It will be finished on video
in les. 167. These are not graded. Answers will be dis-
while watching the video.
cussed on video. For your reference, answers are in- The Final Review sheet is completed on video in this
cluded in Life of Christ Teacher Test Key. Students should lesson. Students study from this review sheet for Test 6
use this review sheet to study for Test 6 (Final Content (Final Content Exam) in les. 169.
Exam) in les. 169.
Students will take the Final Verses Exam in les. 168 and rrStudy all verses memorized from the second
Test 6 (Final Content Exam) in les. 169. Plan to allow semester for written Final Verses Exam in the
20–30 minutes extra for these exams. next lesson. Test 6 (Final Content Exam) will be
in les. 169.
rrStudy all verses memorized from the second se-
mester for written Final Verses Exam in les. 168.
Test 6 (Final Content Exam) will be in les. 169.
Lesson 168
Materials Needed
Lesson 165 Final Verses Exam (from Life of Christ Tests)
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher
Teacher Instructions Test Key)
No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
Bible review, or other Bible-related activity. Teacher Instructions
1. There is no video today.
2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their
Lesson 166 desks and taking out exam materials (two pens,
a pencil, and a cover sheet, if needed).
Lesson Taught 3. Give Final Verses Exam. The verses to test
Breakfast on the Shore with Jesus (cont.) are given below. You will be giving all exams.
Ascension (Acts 1:1–8) Refer to the Giving / Grading Quizzes, Tests, and
Exams section in the front of this manual for
detailed instructions for giving / grading exams.
Teacher Instructions Students will take the Final Verses Exam. Plan to allow
1. Students study all verses memorized from the 20–30 minutes extra for this exam.
first nine weeks of the second semester. Luke 16:10–13
2. Turn on the video. “He that is faithful in . . . ” 104
1 Corinthians 15:1–4
rrStudy all verses memorized from the second se- “Moreover, brethren, I declare . . . ” 85
mester for written Final Verses Exam in les. 168. Proverbs 3:5–7
Test 6 (Final Content Exam) will be in les. 169. “Trust in the Lord . . . ” 41
Philippians 4:6–8
“Be careful for nothing . . . ” 83
313 total
Lesson 167 words
4. Collect and grade the exams. (See Life of Christ
Lesson Taught Teacher Test Key for answers and point values;
Review subtract from 100 the total number of points
Materials Needed Do not take points off for punctuation or capitalization.
Final Review sheet (from les. 164)
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher Test rrTest 6 (Final Content Exam) will be in the next
Key) lesson.

Lessons 159 – 168 27

4. Collect and grade the exams. (See Life of Christ
Lesson 169 Teacher Test Key for answers and point values;
subtract from 100 the total number of points
Materials Needed missed.)
Test 6 (Final Content Exam) from Life of Christ Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not
Tests subtract more than 5 total points.
Teacher Test Key (from Life of Christ Teacher Test

Teacher Instructions Lesson 170

1. There is no video today.
Teacher Instructions
2. Students prepare for an exam by clearing their No video today. This day is set aside for chapel,
desks and taking out exam materials (two pens Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.
and a cover sheet, if needed).
3. Give Test 6 (Final Content Exam). You will be
giving all exams. Refer to the Giving / Grading
Quizzes, Tests, and Exams section in the front of
this manual for detailed instructions for giving /
grading exams.
Students will take the Final Content Exam. Plan to allow
20–30 minutes extra for this exam.


W e trust you had a successful and enjoyable school year. Please let us know
how we can serve your commitment to Christian education in the future.
the Abeka team

28 Bible 7 n Teacher Note Grading

Bible 7
Appendix A

Appendix A
Bible Memory Verse List
Bible Memory Verse Passages
Bible Memory Verse List for Bible 7
First Nine Weeks (Quarter) Third Nine Weeks (Quarter)
Revelation 3:20 Matthew 6:31–33
John 1:10–12 1 Peter 5:5–7
Romans 10:9–11 1 Peter 5:8–9
Titus 2:11–14 Luke 16:10–13
John 14:1–3 Matthew 11:28–30
John 14:4–6 Hebrews 12:1–2
Books of the Bible Jude 21–23

Second Nine Weeks (Quarter) Fourth Nine Weeks (Quarter)

1 Corinthians 3:1–3 Philippians 2:5–7
John 5:39–41 Philippians 2:8–11
1 Corinthians 10:12–13 Proverbs 3:5–7
Psalm 19:1–3 Philippians 4:6–7
Psalm 19:4–6 Philippians 4:8
Psalm 19:7–9 1 Corinthians 15:1–4

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced. Bible Memory Verse List A3
Bible Memory Verse Passages for Bible 7
Revelation 3:20 John 14:4–6
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to 5
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither
him, and will sup with him, and he with me. thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and
John 1:10–12 the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
He was in the world, and the world was made by
him, and the world knew him not. Books of the Bible
He came unto his own, and his own received him Students should write all the Books of the Bible in
not. the correct order.
But as many as received him, to them gave he
The Old Testament
power to become the sons of God, even to them
Genesis Ecclesiastes
that believe on his name.
Exodus Song of Solomon
Leviticus Isaiah
Romans 10:9–11 Numbers Jeremiah
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Deuteronomy Lamentations
Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath Joshua Ezekiel
raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Judges Daniel
Ruth Hosea
For with the heart man believeth unto righteous- 1 Samuel Joel
ness; and with the mouth confession is made unto 2 Samuel Amos
salvation. 1 Kings Obadiah
For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on 2 Kings Jonah
him shall not be ashamed. 1 Chronicles Micah
2 Chronicles Nahum
Titus 2:11–14 Ezra Habakkuk
Nehemiah Zephaniah
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath Esther Haggai
appeared to all men, Job Zechariah
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly Psalms Malachi
lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, Proverbs
in this present world;
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus The New Testament
Christ; Matthew 1 Timothy
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us Mark 2 Timothy
from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar Luke Titus
people, zealous of good works. John Philemon
Acts Hebrews
Romans James
John 14:1–3
1 Corinthians 1 Peter
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 2 Corinthians 2 Peter
believe also in me. Galatians 1 John
Ephesians 2 John
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were
Philippians 3 John
not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place
Colossians Jude
for you.
1 Thessalonians Revelation
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come 2 Thessalonians
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also.

A4 Appendix A
1 Corinthians 3:1–3 Psalm 19:7–9
And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the
spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making
Christ. wise the simple.
I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for 8
The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the
hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure,
now are ye able. enlightening the eyes.
For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among 9
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever:
you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous
carnal, and walk as men? altogether.

John 5:39–41 Matthew 6:31–33

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we
eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal
And ye will not come to me, that ye might have shall we be clothed?
life. 32
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:)
I receive not honour from men. for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
need of all these things.
1 Corinthians 10:12–13 33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness; and all these things shall be added
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take unto you.
heed lest he fall.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as 1 Peter 5:5–7
is common to man: but God is faithful, who will
not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the
able; but will with the temptation also make a elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another,
way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth
the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
Psalm 19:1–3 6
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty
hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the
firmament sheweth his handiwork.
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto
night sheweth knowledge.
1 Peter 5:8–9
There is no speech nor language, where their
voice is not heard. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the
devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking
Psalm 19:4–6 whom he may devour:
Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and the same afflictions are accomplished in your
their words to the end of the world. In them hath brethren that are in the world.
he set a tabernacle for the sun,
Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his
chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and
his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing
hid from the heat thereof.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced. Bible Memory Verse Passages A5
Luke 16:10–13 Philippians 2:8–11
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled
in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust himself, and became obedient unto death, even the
also in much. death of the cross.
If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrigh- 9
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and
teous mammon, who will commit to your trust the given him a name which is above every name:
true riches? 10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
And if ye have not been faithful in that which is of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things
another man’s, who shall give you that which is your under the earth;
own? 11
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold
to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve Proverbs 3:5–7
God and mammon.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
Matthew 11:28–30 unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy thy paths.
laden, and I will give you rest. 7
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am depart from evil.
meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto
your souls. Philippians 4:6–7
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer
Hebrews 12:1–2 and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known unto God.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about 7
And the peace of God, which passeth all under-
with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside standing, shall keep your hearts and minds through
every weight, and the sin which doth so easily be- Christ Jesus.
set us, and let us run with patience the race that is
set before us, Philippians 4:8
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our
faith; who for the joy that was set before him en- Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, what-
dured the cross, despising the shame, and is set soever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
down at the right hand of the throne of God. whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are
lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there
Jude 21–23 be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on
these things.
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the
mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. 1 Corinthians 15:1–4
And of some have compassion, making a differ-
ence: Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel
which I preached unto you, which also ye have
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the received, and wherein ye stand;
fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. 2
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory
what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed
Philippians 2:5–7
in vain.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ 3
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I
Jesus: also received, how that Christ died for our sins
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not rob- according to the scriptures;
bery to be equal with God: 4
And that he was buried, and that he rose again
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon the third day according to the scriptures.
him the form of a servant, and was made in the like-
ness of men.

A6 Appendix A
Bible 7
Appendix B

Appendix B
Home Teacher Materials Overview
Contact Information
Progress Reports
Home Teacher Materials

This section gives additional information about work in the accredited program. Please read all of the
Abeka Academy policies and procedures to help you following information.
with grading, recording, and submitting your student’s

General Information
Course Requirements thirty days of your assigned begin date for no
1. For academic credit to be granted, a student academic penalty. Courses dropped after
must complete all courses in which he is thirty days or without approval will receive
enrolled. a “withdrawn failing” grade.
2. Requests to change the enrollment (switch- 4. Because Abeka Academy’s primary objective
ing from Accredited to Independent Study) is to provide a distinctively Christian distance-
must be processed by our office. Please con- learning education, Bible is a required
tact us if you have any questions regarding course. Grades will not be issued in other
your student’s enrollment. courses unless Bible work is received for that
3. You must receive approval from Abeka grading period. The Authorized King James
Academy to drop a course (only available in Version is used for all Bible courses and verse
grades 9–12). Request must be made within memorization.

Getting Started
Responsibilities of the Home Teacher You may want to preview the first day’s video
For the school year to run smoothly, it is important lesson and watch the first two weeks of lessons with
that you read the introductory information in the front your student to become familiar with the procedures
of this manual and follow the instructions in the Daily the video teachers use and to ensure that your student
Guides. At the end of each quarter, you will need to is developing correct study habits.
organize and mail your student’s Progress Reports. Remember that your student must watch all
(See Academic Calendar at the video lessons for each course and that he may
not complete a grade in less than six months.
Student Schedule Abeka Academy will not issue credit if these guide-
You and your student may arrange the order of lines are not followed.
classes as you prefer. We have found the order listed
below to be best for most students. Written Assignments
1. Bible 4. Science Require neat, legible work from your student. Do
2. Math 5. History not accept messy work. Have him recopy any work that
is poorly written or has too many corrections. Have
3. English 6. Physical Education your student write in ink. When a mistake is made,
have him neatly draw a line through it and rewrite the
word. Be sure he does not write over a mistake to cor-
rect it.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. Not to be reproduced. Home Teacher Materials Overview B3
Grading Policies
This section begins with general grading infor- needs any assistance at all, it should be only
mation and ends with specific information regarding to explain the directions if he does not under-
digital assessments. stand them. His work must be his own.
Administering Quizzes, Tests, and Exams • Quizzes, tests, and exams cannot be ­retaken.
You are responsible for giving and grading the oral If you think your student is not prepared, give
verse quizzes. Listen to the student recite the selected extra help before the assessment is taken.
verse from memory. Check for accuracy using the Bible
Memory Verse Passages List in Appendix A. Grade each Grading
verse quiz using the following scale. When grading student work, please remember the
Student knows verse / passage.
• Grade quizzes, tests, and exams using the
No errors or hesitation……. . A+ / 100
guidelines given in the front of this manual or
Slight error or hesitation……A / 95 teacher keys.
Student needs help. • Graded original exams (not copies) must be
Couple of small errors………B / 85 sent to the Abeka Academy office with the
Several errors or hesitation…C / 75 Progress Report.
Student is struggling. • Write the numerical grade on the top of the
exam page and on the Progress Report before
Not sufficiently prepared……D / 65
sending it to Abeka Academy.
Student doesn’t know verse / passage.
• If you have a question on one of your stu-
Not prepared at all………….F / 59 dent’s answers, put a question mark instead of
Be sure to administer all pages of a test or exam, a grade on the Progress Report. On the exam,
front and back. When your student has finished a test or make a note of your question.
exam, check for incomplete sections. It is the student’s
responsibility to complete all pages of each test and • Subtract 1 point for each spelling error, up to
exam. 5 points for all exams.

Handling Graded Materials Grading Scale

Tests, exams, and answer keys are to be opened, A+ 98–100 B 83–86 C– 70–72
administered, and stored only by you. They should not A 93–97 B– 80–82 D+ 67–69
be left where your student will have access to them.
Your student may not use the video manuals to A– 90–92 C+ 77–79 D 60–66
plan his work. Keep all tests and exams in a locked B+ 87–89 C 73–76 F 0–59
A student who cheats robs himself of a good edu- Progress Reports
cation, and a home teacher who allows tests, exams, Two sets of Progress Reports are included in this
or answer keys to be available to a student does great appendix. They provide a convenient way for you to
harm to the student’s character. organize the grades and material that you must send
to our office. The Progress Report must be sent to
Because it is of the utmost importance to teach Abeka Academy as soon as the grading period is com-
your student to be absolutely honest, follow these pleted. (See Academic Calendar at
guidelines in giving a quiz, test, or an exam. for expected schedule.)
• Completely read the instructions for Giving / The Home Teacher’s Progress Reports are included
Grading Quizzes, Tests, and Exams in the front for your records. If for some reason Abeka Academy
of this manual. does not receive the Progress Report, your copies will
• Remove the tests and exams from the book be the only record of the student’s work. It is imperative
before the student takes them. that you take the following ­precautions:
• Closely supervise all assessment periods. Do • Enter all grades on both sets of Progress
not leave your student alone with his materi- Reports before mailing the report.
als. • Promptly mail Progress Reports at the end
• Be sure all course materials are out of sight of each grading period.
while the student takes the quiz, test, or exam. • Keep all Home Teacher’s Progress Reports
Open-book quizzes / tests and exams are permanently.
not allowed. If these guidelines are not followed and work is
• Do not help your student with answers or not received, no grades or transcripts will be issued,
procedures on any quiz, test, or exam. If he and the student will be required to repeat the course.
B4 Bible 7
Progress Reports should include the following items: Digital Assessments
• Progress Report sheet with all information Students using digital assessments will complete all
entered quizzes, tests, and exams online. These assessments are
accessible by logging into the student dashboard when
• All original graded verses and content exams
an assessment is assigned in the Daily Guides. When
for the course logging in the first time, your student will notice on the
Please note the following: “To-Do List” there is a practice test designed to familiar-
• Send a Progress Report only when all items ize him with the features and functions of digital assess-
on the Progress Report have been completed. ments. Make sure he is comfortable with the practice
Do not include student work with DVD returns. test before taking the first quiz. All missed short answer
and essay questions are double-checked by the Abeka
• Include all items requested on each Progress Academy office before grades are finalized. Graded
Report sheet, or the grade will be lowered ac- assessments may be viewed on the parent dashboard at
cordingly. any time.
• Return DVDs (if applicable) as soon as all items For those using digital assessments, the progress
on the final Progress Report have been com­ reports are also completed and submitted online. These
pleted. Full-year courses have three sets of DVDs. progress reports are accessible to you by logging into
Contact our office if a report card is not received your home teacher’s dashboard. Digital assessment
within six weeks. Final report cards and transcripts scores will be automatically filled in as grades are vali-
cannot be completed until all work and all DVDs (if dated by the Abeka Academy office. For items graded
applicable) are received. by the home teacher, enter numeric grades in the boxes
provided on the online progress reports. For courses
that require uploading documents, forms, videos, or
sound recordings, these uploads are required before the
progress report can be submitted.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. Not to be reproduced. Home Teacher Materials Overview B5
How Can We Help You?
Contact Information

We are interested in helping your student successfully complete his work. Please
let us know early if any problems are encountered. Enrollment, customer service,
and grading agents are available to help with all your questions.

You may contact Abeka Academy by one of the following methods:



PHONE U.S. and Canadian Inquiries 1-800-874-3592

International Inquiries (850) 479-6585

FAX 24-Hour Fax 1-800-874-3593

International Fax (850) 479-6549

MAIL Abeka Academy

P.O. Box 17600
Pensacola, FL 32522-7750

Physical Address (for Progress Reports and office correspondence only)

240 Waveland St.
Suite A
Pensacola, FL 32503

B6 Bible 7
Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

First Grading Period

Lessons 1– 44
Bible 7 201I
Progress Report Account No.

Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 4 Revelation 3:20; 43 Nine-Weeks
of Abeka Academy and is not returned John 1:10–12 _____ (Quarter)
to you. Verses Exam* _____
9 Romans 10:9–11 _____
Did you remember to: 44 Exodus Test 1
14 Titus 2:11–14 _____
• Subtract the number of wrong (Nine-Weeks /
points from 100? 19 John 14:1–3 _____ Quarter
• Record numerical grades on lines? 24 John 14:4–6 _____ Content Exam) _____
• Attach all graded content and 29 Books of the Bible _____
verses exams to this report? *The Verses Exam is a written exam
and should be sent in with the
• Sign the video statement if you are Content Exam.


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Home Teacher’s Copy First Grading Period

Lessons 1– 44
Bible 7 Account No.
Progress Report
Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 4 Revelation 3:20; 43 Nine-Weeks
of Abeka Academy and is not returned John 1:10–12 _____ (Quarter)
to you. Verses Exam* _____
9 Romans 10:9–11 _____
Did you remember to: 44 Exodus Test 1
14 Titus 2:11–14 _____
• Subtract the number of wrong (Nine-Weeks /
points from 100? 19 John 14:1–3 _____ Quarter
• Record numerical grades on lines? 24 John 14:4–6 _____ Content Exam) _____
• Attach all graded content and 29 Books of the Bible _____
verses exams to this report? *The Verses Exam is a written
exam and should be sent in
• Sign the video statement if you are with the Content Exam.


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Second Grading Period

Lessons 45 – 84
Bible 7 202I
Progress Report Account No.

Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 49 1 Corinthians 3:1–3 _____ 83 Final Verses
of Abeka Academy and is not returned Exam* _____
54 John 5:39–41 _____
to you.
59 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 _____ 84 Exodus Test 2
Did you remember to: (Final Content
64 Psalm 19:1–3 _____ Exam) _____
• Subtract the number of wrong
points from 100? 69 Psalm 19:4–6 _____
• Record numerical grades on lines? 74 Psalm 19:7–9 _____ *The Verses Exam is a written
exam and should be sent in
• Attach all graded content and with the Content Exam.
verses exams to this report?
• Sign the video statement if you are


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Home Teacher’s Copy Second Grading Period

Lessons 45 – 84
Bible 7 Account No.
Progress Report
Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 49 1 Corinthians 3:1–3 _____ 83 Final Verses
of Abeka Academy and is not returned Exam* _____
54 John 5:39–41 _____
to you.
59 1 Corinthians 10:12–13 _____ 84 Exodus Test 2
Did you remember to: (Final Content
64 Psalm 19:1–3 _____ Exam) _____
• Subtract the number of wrong
points from 100? 69 Psalm 19:4–6 _____
• Record numerical grades on lines? 74 Psalm 19:7–9 _____ *The Verses Exam is a written
exam and should be sent in
• Attach all graded content and with the Content Exam.
verses exams to this report?
• Sign the video statement if you are


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Third Grading Period

Lessons 85 – 129
Bible 7 203I
Progress Report Account No.

Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 89 Matthew 6:31–33 _____ 128 Nine-Weeks
of Abeka Academy and is not returned (Quarter)
94 1 Peter 5:5–7 _____
to you. Verses Exam* _____
99 1 Peter 5:8–9 _____
Did you remember to:
104 Luke 16:10–13 _____ 129 Life of Christ
• Subtract the number of wrong Test 3
points from 100? 109 Matthew 11:28–30 _____ (Nine-Weeks /
• Record numerical grades on lines? 114 Hebrews 12:1–2 _____ Quarter
• Attach all graded content and 119 Jude 21–23 _____ Content Exam) _____
verses exams to this report?
(It is not necessary to send content *The Verses Exam is a written
tests.) CONTENT TESTS exam and should be sent in
with the Content Exam.
• Sign the video statement if you are LESSON TEST GRADE
able? 99 Life of Christ Test 1 _____
114 Life of Christ Test 2 _____


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Home Teacher’s Copy Third Grading Period

Lessons 85 – 129
Bible 7 Account No.
Progress Report
Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 89 Matthew 6:31–33 _____ 128 Nine-Weeks
of Abeka Academy and is not returned (Quarter)
94 1 Peter 5:5–7 _____
to you. Verses Exam* _____
99 1 Peter 5:8–9 _____
Did you remember to:
104 Luke 16:10–13 _____ 129 Life of Christ
• Subtract the number of wrong Test 3
points from 100? 109 Matthew 11:28–30 _____ (Nine-Weeks /
• Record numerical grades on lines? 114 Hebrews 12:1–2 _____ Quarter
• Attach all graded content and 119 Jude 21–23 _____ Content Exam) _____
verses exams to this report?
(It is not necessary to send content *The Verses Exam is a written
CONTENT TESTS exam and should be sent in
tests.) with the Content Exam.
• Sign the video statement if you are LESSON TEST GRADE
able? 99 Life of Christ Test 1 _____
114 Life of Christ Test 2 _____


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Fourth Grading Period

Lessons 130 – 170
Bible 7 204I
Progress Report Account No.

Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 134 Philippians 2:5–7 _____ 168 Final Verses
of Abeka Academy and is not returned Exam* _____
139 Philippians 2:8–11 _____
to you.
144 Proverbs 3:5–7 _____ 169 Life of Christ
Did you remember to: Test 6
149 Philippians 4:6–7 _____
• Subtract the number of wrong (Final Content
points from 100? 154 Philippians 4:8 _____ Exam) _____
• Record numerical grades on lines? 159 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 _____
• Attach all graded content and *The Verses Exam is a written
exam and should be sent in
verses exams to this report?
CONTENT TESTS with the Content Exam.
(It is not necessary to send content
• Sign the video statement if you are 144 Life of Christ Test 4 _____
able? 159 Life of Christ Test 5 _____


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

Accredited students send progress reports to the address below. Do not send with any DVD or book returns.
Independent Study students should keep these reports for their own records.

Home Teacher’s Copy Fourth Grading Period

Lessons 130 – 170
Bible 7 Account No.
Progress Report
Student ID No.

Student Name 
Last First Middle
Home Teacher  Abeka Academy
P.O. Box 17600
Mailing Address  Pensacola, Florida 32522-7750

City State  Date 

Country / ZIP Code  Phone Number 

Check if the above is a change for Shipping Mailing Billing Phone


All student work sent to our office LESSON QUIZ GRADE LESSON EXAM GRADE
becomes the unconditional property 134 Philippians 2:5–7 _____ 168 Final Verses
of Abeka Academy and is not returned Exam* _____
to you. 139 Philippians 2:8–11 _____
144 Proverbs 3:5–7 _____ 169 Life of Christ
Did you remember to: Test 6
• Subtract the number of wrong 149 Philippians 4:6–7 _____
(Final Content
points from 100? 154 Philippians 4:8 _____ Exam) _____
• Record numerical grades on lines? 159 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 _____
• Attach all graded content and *The Verses Exam is a written
verses exams to this report? exam and should be sent in
CONTENT TESTS with the Content Exam.
(It is not necessary to send content
• Sign the video statement if you are 144 Life of Christ Test 4 _____
able? 159 Life of Christ Test 5 _____


The student has watched the videos for the lessons covered by this Progress Report.

Student’s signature 

Home Teacher’s signature 

You may check your student’s grades online at

Official grades are on the report card mailed to the student.

© mmxix Pensacola Christian College, Inc. May be reproduced.

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