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Email: PH: 4694980157



 Over 10+ years software application development experience based on Object Oriented
Programming (OOP), Client/Server, N - tier architecture, Web based and Internet Technologies.
 Proficient in Microsoft technologies, such as C#, ASP.NET Framework, ADO.NET/Entity
Framework, LINQ, MVC, WCF, Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Server.
 Experience in creating interactive web application using AngularJS, Angular 2/4, HTML5, CSS,
Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX.
 Have working experience on Banking &Financial, Travel, Logistic, Manufacture, Health Care
 Proficient in PHP development, with a strong understanding of PHP syntax and best practices.
 Excellent knowledge in Object-Oriented Design (OOD) concept such as Abstraction, Polymorphism,
Inheritance and Encapsulation, with programming skills such as Java, C#.
 Have hands on project experience followed on SOLID principles and Lazy Loading, Factory and
Dependency injection design patterns.
 Knowledge of using ASP.NET WEB API, Web Service and WCF. Used ASP.NET WEB API for the
CRUD operation for data. And applied Oauth 2.0 in the ASP.NET Web API for security
 Excellent knowledge in dealing with Delegates, Events, MVC Filters, Identity, Active Directory in
 Extensive experience in designing database schema in SQL Server and wrote SQL Queries, Stored
Procedures, Joins, Triggers and Views in SQL Server using T-SQL.
 Proficient in Data Analysis, Design and ORM Data Modeling, using LINQ (LINQ to SQL, LINQ to
XML), Entity Framework, ADO.NET.
 Generate database reports using SQL Server Report Service (SSRS), integrated different data
resources using SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) and Data analysis using SQL Server Analysis
Services (SSAS).
 Built Single Page Applications (SPA) in Angular 2 using Typescript and modelled Responsive Web
design (RWD) using CSS 3 Media Queries and Bootstrap.
 Work on Unit Test Cases like Positive Test Cases, Negative Test Cases and Exception Test Cases
using NUnit frameworks.
 Good knowledge with using Team Foundation Server, Visual Studio Team Service, GitHub to
manage the source repository.
 Have experience on Microsoft the server IIS and have good knowledge of application deployments
over cloud services on Azure and AWS, using VS and PowerShell.
 Have outstanding problem solving, strategic thinking and data analysis skills, relationship
management, result oriented and excellent communication skills.


Web Technologies\ Programming Languages\: HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, AJAX, \ C#, C++, SQL, Java
JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 2/4, Bootstrap, AngularJS

Architectural Patterns\ Databases\: MVC, Factory, Layer Pattern, Singleton\ Microsoft SQL Server,
MySQL, Oracle

Web Servers\ Source Control Tools\: Microsoft IIS Server \ Team Foundation Server (TFS), VSS, Git

Cloud Servers\ Data Access Technologies\: Microsoft Azure, AWS \ ADO.NET, Entity Framework, LINQ

Development Environments\ Reporting Tools\: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Visio\ SSRS, SSIS

Web Protocols\ Operation System\: HTTP, SMTP, SOAP, FTP, TCP/IP \ Windows 7/8/10/2000//Vista/XP


Client: Hilton, Nashville, TN March 2022 to Present

.Net Full Stack Developer


 Implemented forms authentication in ASP.NET Web API forms like Login, password and User
 Designed and developed UI using Asp.Net, MVC 5, AngularJS, JavaScript, jQuery, C#.Net, LINQ,
AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3.
 Developed the landing pages of the application with HTML and CSS along with jQuery for custom
 Proficient in using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 as an integrated development environment (IDE)
 Responsible for developing reusable Partial Views which can be used across multiple pages for
having common layout and look and feel to all the controls.
 Implemented CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), sorting, filtering and paging functionality using
Entity Framework in ASP.NET, MVC 5.
 Proficient in utilizing various Azure cloud services such as Azure App Service, Azure Functions,
and Azure Logic Apps for building scalable and reliable cloud-based solutions.
 Experience in setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using
Azure DevOps for automated application deployment and testing.

 Competent in deploying, configuring, and managing Azure Virtual Machines to host .NET
applications and services.
 Developed and deployed ASP.NET web applications on Azure Web Apps, ensuring high
availability and scalability.
 Proficiency in working with Azure SQL Database for managing relational data and optimizing
database performance in .NET applications.
 Created serverless applications using Azure Functions to handle event-driven tasks and
 Experience with Azure Blob Storage, Table Storage, and Queue Storage for managing and storing
data efficiently within .NET applications.
 Extensive experience in building dynamic and interactive web applications using PHP
 Used Controller actions to implement Get and Post and return Razor HTML to View through Action
 Created REST Web API web services to post and consume data between SQL database using C#
MVC 5 application.
 Implemented Entity Framework with Code First Approach to retrieve and manipulate the data from
the database using LINQ queries.
 Implemented Data Access layer using ADO.NET Entity Framework by using ADO.NET objects such
as Data Reader, Data Set, Data Adapter and Data View to communicate with the SQL Server
Database and to access, update the data in the database.
 Involved in writing database scripts, stored procedures, triggers, views and functions in Microsoft
SQL Server 2017.
 Used LINQ to retrieve information from the data files and various data sources.
 Implemented Unit Testing at each level of application development. Performed unit testing using
tool NUnit and system testing.
 Developed custom charts for Credit Analytics module using PhantomJS and High Charts to generate
reports in different formats
 Applied Oauth 2.0 in the ASP.NET Web API for security authentication.
 Developed modules by applying Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques using
Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Inheritance.
 Responsible to maintain and track versions of source code using Team Foundation Server (TFS).
 Developed module in Report Builder to export reports into various formats in SSRS.

Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2019, .NET Framework 4.5, .NET Core, Visual Studio 2022,MVC 5, C#,
Java Script, jQuery, SQL Server 2017, Team Foundation Server, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3.3.7, Oauth 2.0,
JIRA, Unity, Postman, ADO.NET Entity Framework, Angular JS, SSRS

Client: Albertsons Safeway, CA January 2019 to December 2021

.Net Full Stack Developer


 Developed front-end project using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Angular2, TypeScript and
Ajax. Supported with C#, ASP.NET Web API.
 Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API’s using component-
based architecture provided by Angular.
 Experience in C# and .NET development within Visual Studio, including Windows Forms,
ASP.NET, and Xamarin
 Applied Angular modules lazy loading, create decoupled custom modules to hold its specific
modules and applied keyword Load Children in the routing paths.
 Skilled in working with popular PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, or CodeIgniter.
 Applied Angular2 Form Validation to do input form validation and using Form Builder, Form
Group, Form Control and Validator, using NgIf and NgClass to display the errors or hints.
 Applied different kinds of custom filters using Angular Pipe Module in the project for filtering the
dataset and provide the data format that user wants.
 Applied Single Page Application (SPA) to develop the project applying the Angular2 Router and
Injectable Data Service.
 Worked on the ASP.NET Web API to create Restful service and consuming it to return managed
JSON response/result. Consumed Restful web service for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, the CRUD
 Developed Business logic layer by implementing Object Oriented Programming languages concepts,
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism in C#.
 Established communication between different applications running on same/different platforms
using WCF.
 Skilled in developing applications for various platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile, using
Visual Studio
 Applied server-side Authentication Oauth 2.0 in ASP.NET Web API by using the nugget package
 Used Entity Framework Database first to generate models from the database, and used T-SQL to
create triggers, stored procedures and Functions in the database.
 Used LINQ to retrieve information from the data files and various data sources.
 Implemented Unit Testing at each level of application development. Performed unit testing using
tool NUnit and system testing.
 Used Web API to interact with data layer to access data from the database.
 Used GIT for version control, and tested ASP.NET WEB API web services data by using Postman.

Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019, SQL Server 2015, ASP.NET Web API 2.1,
HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, C#, JavaScript, ADO.NET Entity Framework 6.0, Object Oriented Design, Unity,
JSON, AJAX concepts, Angular 2, Bootstrap3.3.7, Jasmine, Git, SSRS

Client: GULF BANK, NJ June 2016 to December 2018

.Net Full Stack Developer

 Developed applications using ASP.NET, HTML, XML, Angular JS, JavaScript, C#, LINQ to SQL,
ADO.Net Entity Framework.
 Developed Web pages in ASP.NET with jQuery UI Controls for improved presentation and
 Experienced in Front End and Back End designing using MVC Scaffolding Pattern.
 Implemented .NET Web Services that retrieves data and stores them into SQL Server.
 Worked extensively in managing security features in the .NET framework like authorizing and
authenticating users using Forms based authentication, creating Membership, Profiles and Role
 Implemented system enhancements and bug fixes in Web and Database.
 Used LINQ to query against strongly typed collections of object and various data source, XML
documents, Web services, ADO.Net Objects and Entity Framework 4.5.
 Used jQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the
 Used SQL Server Database 2008 as back-end along with ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ to
access the database tables.
 Interacted with the users to analyze the changes for improvement they need in existing reports and
developed the reports to satisfy their needs and requirements.
 Used Test Driven Development (TDD) approach.

Technology Stack: .Net Framework 4.0, C#, XML, MVC, Visual Studio 2008R2, AngularJS, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, SQL, Git, Postman, LINQ

Client: First Republic bank - San Francisco, CA January 2015 to April 2016

.Net Full Stack Developer


 Worked on Expense Management Application with modern web technologies like Bootstrap, HTML,
Angular2, Asp.Net Web API, MS DAL Framework, WCF Service.
 Created Responsive UI design using Bootstrap and angular material design.
 Designed Web Application, Web Role, Worker Role and in Windows Azure environment using
 Used Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL to query the Business and Data objects.
 Designed and implemented stored procedures, triggers, views in SQL Server 2008R2.
 Performed querying to database using LINQ to SQL and querying to XML files using LINQ to XML.
 Experienced in Front End and Back End designing using MVC Scaffolding Pattern.
 Worked extensively on Creating Custom Directives, components, Injectable services, shared
services, parent app module and routed feature modules using Angular 2.
 Created parent and child components and services to consume REST API's using Component based
architecture provided by Angular2.
 Troubleshooted SSMS setting up/connection issues for other team members.
 Used List, Trees, Toolbars, Menus and Context Menus for navigating between windows in WPF.
 Used SSRS for reporting in SQL and SSIS for transferring data.
 Used TFS for version Control and source code maintenance needs.
 Involved in the Unit and Integration testing.

Technology Stack: .NET Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2010, MVC4, C#, JavaScript, jQuery, Web Forms,

Client: JP Morgan Chase, Richmond VA July 2013 to December 2014

.Net Full Stack Developer


 Used C#, data grids and XML to pull the data from the database and display it on the UI.
 Deployed the 3-Tier Architecture Application with UI, Business Layer and Data Access layers using
 Designed and developed various abstract classes, interfaces, classes to construct the business logic
using C#.
 Developed WCF Service to interact with business logic and Database to provide required response
to Presentation Layer.
 Extensively worked with ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool to create Roles, Login Controls,
Authentication and Authorization for Site Security.
 Actively participated in application development using C#, Java Script, XML, jQuery and SQL
Server 2005/2008.
 Worked with User controls, Web controls, List controls, Wizard controls, Master Pages, Data
controls in ASP.NET for the front-end forms.
 Used SQL Server as backend and implemented ADO.NET data objects such as Data Adapter, Data
Reader, Dataset, Data table.
 Implemented the Custom Binding and Binary Message Encoding in WCF Service.
 Designed Web Forms, User Controls, and AJAX Web forms using ASP.NET 4.0.
 Involved in Hosting the WCF service Website in IIS 6.0.

Technology Stack: Visual Studio 2010, C# .Net 3.5, Web Services, jQuery, IIS6, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,
AJAX toolkit, Oracle Developer, HTML, CSS, TFS

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