Biodiversity and Conservation

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Biodiversity and

Å Since life on earth evolved around 3.8 billion years ago, there How Many Species are There on
have been diversification of all kinds of organisms in their
effort to survive. Eventhough, there must be more than Earth and How Many in India?
7 million types of species, only 1.5 million have been recorded. Å According to the IUCN 2004, more than 1.5 million species
have been recorded in the world, but we have no idea of
Biodiversity how many species are yet to be discovered and described. A
sound estimate of global species diversity of about 7 million
Å Biodiversity is the term popularised by Edward Wilson to
was given by Robert May.
describe the sum total of the diversity of biological
organisation at all the levels. The three most important levels Å More than 70% of all the species recorded are animals, while
of biodiversity are, genetic diversity, species diversity and plants comprise no more than 22%. Out of total animals
ecological diversity. recorded, 70% are insects (i.e. out of every 10 animals on this
planet, 7 are insects).
Å Genetic diversity shows high diversity at gene (and
chromosomal) level. Invertebrates Vertebrates
The genetic variation (in terms of allelic forms of the same Other animal groups Mammals
Crustaceans Fishes
gene) expressed by the medicinal plant Rauwolfia vomitoria (50%)
growing in different Himalayan ranges is in terms of the Molluscs Birds
potency and concentration of the active chemical
(reserpine) that the plant produces.
India has more than 50000 genetically different strains of Insects
rice and 1000 varieties of mango. (70%) Reptiles
Plants Amphibians
Å Species diversity is the measure of the varieties of species
and their abundant presence within a region, e.g. Western Ferns and allies
Ghats have more amphibians than Eastern Ghats.
Species richness and species evenness are the two
important measures of species diversity. Fungi Angiosperms
Å Ecological diversity refers to the diversity at ecosystem (45%)
level. It makes communities more productive and stable,
e.g. India has a greater ecosystem diversity (in terms of Algae Lichens
variety of habitats in deserts, rainforests, mangroves, coral
reefs, wetlands, estuaries and alpine meadows) than a Representing global biodiversity : proportionate number of
species of major taxa of plants, invertebrates and vertebrates
Scandinavian country like Norway.
Å The number of fungi species is more than all the 2. Species-Area Relationships
vertebrate species of fishes, amphibians, reptiles and Å German naturalist and geographer Alexander von Humboldt
mammals combined in the world and it is interesting observed that within a region, species richness increased with
to know that the diversity of microbial species alone the increasing available area, but only up to a limit.
might run into millions. Å The relation between species richness and area, for a wide
Å Indian biodiversity India is one of the 12 variety of taxa (angiosperm plants, birds, bats, freshwater
megadiverse countries of the world. Though India has fishes) turns out to be a rectangular hyperbola.
only 2.4% of the world’s land are but it shares an Å On a logarithmic scale, the relationship is a straight line
impressive 8.1% of the world’s species diversity. described by the equation;
Å There are about 45,000 species of plants and twice as log S = log C + Z log A.
many of animals have been recorded in India.
S=CA z
Å India probably has more than 1,00,000 species of plants
and 3,00,000 species of animals yet to be discovered
and described. If we apply Robert May’s global
estimate then only 22% of species of the world have
been recorded.

Patterns of Bioidiversity
Å The diversity of plants and animals, throughout the Where, S = Species richness, A = Area, Z = Slope of the line
world, is not evenly distributed and shows some (regression coefficient) and C = y-Intercept.
interesting patterns of distribution. Å Ecologists have discovered that the value of Z lies in the range
Å The patterns of biodiversity are, latitudinal gradients of 0.1 to 0.2, when analysis is done in small areas regardless of
and species-area relationships. the taxonomic group or area. But the species-area
relationships among very large areas (continents), will give a
1. Latitudinal Gradients much steeper slope and Z values in the range of 0.6 to 1.2, e.g.
Å It means that species diversity decreases as we move for frugivorous birds and mammals in the tropical forests, the
away from the equator and towards the poles (low to slope is found to be 1.15. Thus, it can be said that the larger the
high latitude). area, the steeper is the slope.
Å Generally, tropics (latitudinal range of 23.5°N to Importance of Species Diversity
23.5°S) have more species than temperate or polar to the Ecosystem
areas, e.g. Colombia near the equator has nearly 1, 400 Å Stability Communities with more species diversity, generally,
species of birds. India has more than 1,200 speices, tend to be more stable than those with less species. This is
while New York at 91°N has 105 species and because such communities are more resistant or resilient to
Greenland at 71°C has 56 species. occasional distrubances (natural or man-made) and invasions
Å The largely tropical Amazonian rainforest in South by alien species.
America has the greatest biodiversity on the earth Å These communities do not show much variation in
using more than 40,000 species of plants, 3,000 of productivity from year to year.
fishes, 1,300 of birds, 427 of mammals, 427 of Å David Tilman discovered that increased diversity
amphibians, 378 of reptiles and of more than 1,25,000 contributed to higher productivity and also proved that
invertebrates. species richness is the key to the well-being of any ecosystem.
Å Some hypothesis proposed by scientists to explain the It is also essential for the survival of man on this planet earth.
rich biodiversity in tropical regions are Å Ecosystem health Ecologist Paul Ehrlich gave an analogy,
Rivet Popper hypothesis, to help understand the effect of loss
The temperate regions were subjected to frequent
of species biodiversity. He compared each species with a rivet
glaciations in the past, whereas tropical latitudes
in the body of an airplane.
have remained relatively undisturbed for millions
of years.
This hypothesis explain that ecosystem is an airplane and
the species are the rivets joining all the parts together.
Tropical environments are less seasonal, relatively n
If every passenger travelling in the airplane starts taking
more constant and predictable. This promotes
rivets home (causing a species to become extinct), initially
niche specialisation and leads to a greater species
it may not affect flight safety but as more and more rivets
diversity. are removed, over a period of time the plane becomes
Availability of more solar energy in the tropics, weak and poses threat to flight safety. However, if rivets
contributes to higher productivity, this in turn on wings (keystone) species are removed, it would pose a
might contribute indirectly to greater diversity. more serious threat to flight safety.


Loss of Biodiversity loss of habitat for lots of species and has put tremendous
pressure on the ecosystem.
Å International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
documents Red List (2004), which lists extinct and
Å Overexploitation Uncontrolled or overuse of resources by
endangered species of the earth in the Red Data Book. humans leads to overexploitation of natural resources.
Many species extinctions in the last 500 years such as that of
Å Red list has the following categories of species,
Steller’s sea cow, passenger pigeon, etc., were due to the
Extinct (no living member; extinct in the wild known overexploitation by humans.
to survive only in cultivation) Currently, many marine fish populations are being over
Critically endangered (extremely high risk) harvested, endangering the continued existence of some
Endangered (very high risk of extinction) commercially important species.
Vulnerable (high risk of extinction in medium term Å Alien species invasions When alien species are introduced
future) unintentionally or deliberately in a habitat, some of them
Threatened (liable to become extinct in the absence turn invasive and can cause decline or extinction of
of protective measures) indigenous species, e.g. the Nile perch introduced into lake
Low Risk, Data deficient and not evaluated. Victoria (East Africa) cause extinction of cichlid fishes,
invasive weed species like carrot grass (Parthenium), Lantana
Å It documents the extinction of 784 species (including 338
and water hyacinth (Eichhornia) also can cause environment
vertebrates, 359 invertebrates and 87 plants) in the last
damage threaten the existence of native species. African
500 years.
catfish called, Clarias gariepinus is posing a threat to the
Å Some examples of recent extinctions include Dodo indigenous catfishes in our rivers.
(Mauritius), Quagga (Africa), Thylacine (Australia),
Å Coextinctions When a species becomes extinct, the plant
Steller’s Sea Cow (Russia) and three subspecies of tiger
and animal species associated with it, in an obligatory way,
(Bali, Javan, Caspian). The last 20 years alone have
also become extinct, e.g. when a host fish species becomes
witnessed the disappearance of 27 species.
extinct, its parasites also vanish.
Å Presently, 12.1% of all birds species, 23% of all mammal
species, 32% of all amphibian species and 31% of all
gymnosperms (more than 15,500 species world-wide)
Biodiversity Conservation
are facing the threat of extinction. Å Biodiversity needs to be conserved and maintained because
humans derive lots of benefits from nature and are
Å There have been five episodes of natural mass
dependent on it for survival.
extinction (due to natural calamities) of species since the
origin of life on the earth. The anthropogenic (man Å They directly or indirectly derive economic benefits from
made) cause of mass extinction, i.e. sixth extinction is nature like food products, firewood, fibre, construction
far more serious than the natural one. Ecologists warn material, industrial products and products of medicinal
that if present trends continue, nearly half of the species importance (about 2,500 plants used in traditional
on earth might be wiped out within the next 100 years. medicines).
Å The loss of biodiversity in a region may lead to Å They also explore molecular, genetic and species level
Decline in plant production. diversity (bioprospecting) for products of economic
importance. These are called narrowly utilitarian aspects of
Lowered resistance to environmental perturbations conserving biodiversity.
like drought, etc.
Å Ecosystem services (atmosphere’s O2 , pollination, water
Negative impact on ecosystem processes such as cycles, aesthetic pleasures) are broadly utilitarian aspects of
plant productivity, water use pest and disease cycles. biodiversity conservation.
Causes of Biodiversity Loss Å The Amazon forest is estimated to produce, through
Habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation, alien photosynthesis, 20% of the total oxygen in the earth’s
species invasion, coextinction are the four (Evil Quartet) atmosphere.
major causes of loss of biodiversity. Å The ethical aspect of conserving biodiversity relates to our
Å Habitat loss and fragmentation occurs due to moral obligation to conserve the planet that we share with
population explosion, that has destroyed forest land, millions of plants, animals and microbial species.
which leads to the loss of habitat of several species, e.g. n
We need to realise that every species has an intrinsic
once covering more than 14 % of the earth’s land value, even if it may not be of current or any economic
surface, the Amazonian rainforests (‘lungs of the value to us.
planet’) now cover less than 6 % as they are being cut n
We have a moral duty to care for their well-being and
and cleared for cultivation of soybeans or conversion pass on our biological legacy in good order to future
into grasslands for raising beef cattle. This has caused generations.


How do We Conserve Biodiversity? Ex Situ (off-site) Conservation
Å Conservation of biodiversity means offering protection, Å It is the approach in which threatened animals and plants are
implementing judicious and minimal use and rebuilding taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special
the damaged units. There are two basic approaches in settings, where they can be protected and given special care.
the conservation of biodiveristy, i.e. in situ conservation Zoological parks, botanical gardens and wildlife safari parks are
and ex situ conservation. used for ex situ conservation.
Å Scientific technology has enabled advancement of ex situ
In Situ (on-site) Conservation conservation in following ways
Å It involves protection of threatened or endangered n
Cryopreservation of gametes of threatened species involves
species of animals or plants in their natural habitat. preserving them in viable and fertile conditions for long
Å For maximum protection, certain regions like hotspots, periods at very low temperatures (–196°C in liquid nitrogen).
have been identified. These are the regions of high levels
In vitro fertilisation to propagate endangered species.
of species richness and high degree of endemism, i.e. Offspring can be produced by using preserved sperm to
contain species are confined only to particular region fertilise the eggs in in vitro and then implanting in female
and not found anywhere else.
Tissue culture can be used to propagate endangered plants
Å There are 34 hotspots in the world. Three of these species.
hotspots are in India and are Western Ghats and Sri n
In seed banks, seeds of different genetic strains of
Lanka Indo-Burma and Eastern Himalaya cover our
commercially important plants can be kept for long periods,
country’s exceptionally high biodiversity regions.
under specific conditions.
Å In situ method includes biosphere reserves, national
Å The historic Convention on Biological Diversity (The Earth
parks and sanctuaries. India has 14 biosphere reserves,
Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, called upon all the
90 national parks, 448 wildlife sanctuaries and many
nations to take appropriate measures for conservation of
sacred groves (forest patches of religious importance). biodiversity and sustainable utilisation of its benefits.
Å Sacred groves are found in Khasi and Jaintia Hills in Å The World Summit on Sustainable Development held in 2002 in
Meghalaya, Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan, Western Ghat Johannesburg, Sourth Africa, saw 190 countries pledge their
regions of Karnataka, Maharashtra. The Sarguja, commitment to achieve by 2010, a significant reduction in the
Chanda and Bastar areas of Madhya Pradesh. current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regional and local levels.

Mastering NCERT
TOPIC 1 ~ Biodiversity : Levels and Patterns
1 Three levels of biodiversity are 3 The medicinal plant, Rauwolfia vomitoria, growing in
(a) genetic diversity, species diversity and ecological Himalayan ranges shows variation in terms of the
diversity potency and concentration of the chemical
(b) species diversity, ecological diversity and habitat (reserpine), that it produces. It is an example of
diversity (a) species diversity
(c) geographical diversity, genetic diversity and habitat (b) ecological diversity
(c) genetic diversity
(d) ecological diversity, species diversity and community
diversity (d) None of the above

2 Genetic diversity is the measure of 4 The Western Ghats have a greater amphibians
(a) varieties of the species and their relative abundance diversity than the Eastern Ghats. It is an
present within a region example of
(b) variation in the genetic information contained in the (a) species diversity
organisms (b) genetic diversity
(c) diversity of the genes at community and ecosystem levels (c) ecological diversity
(d) All of the above (d) None of the above
5 Ecological diversity exists at community level and is (a) A–Molluscs, B–Amphibians, C–Angiosperms,
of three types. Select the correctly matched option for D–Gymnosperms
ecological diversity. (b) A–Molluscs, B–Amphibians, C–Fungi, D–Angiosperms
(a) Alpha diversity – Diversity between communities (c) A–Turtles, B– Amphibians, C–Fungi, D–Angiosperms
(b) Beta diversity – Diversity of organisms within (d) A–Hexapoda, B–Amphibians, C–Fungi,
same community D–Angiosperms
(c) Gamma diversity – Diversity of organisms over the
10 Which of the following represents maximum number
entire geographical area
(d) None of the above
of species among global biodiversity? NEET 2013
(a) Algae (b) Lichens
6 As estimated by Robert May, what is the total number (c) Fungi (d) Mosses and ferns
of species present on earth?
(a) 3 million (b) 5 million (c) 7 million (d) 9 million 11 India is one of the ‘twelve’ megadiversity countries
with ……… of genetic resources of the world.
7 Which one of the following has the highest number of (a) 12.1% (b) 18.1%
species in nature? (c) 38.1% (d) 8.1%
(a) Angiosperms (b) Fungi
(c) Insects (d) Birds 12 Biodiversity is affected by
(a) latitudinal gradients and species-area relationship
8 Given below is the representation of the extent of
(b) species-area relationship and longitudinal gradients
global diversity of invertebrates. What groups the
(c) Both (a) and (b)
four portions (A-D) represent, respectively?
(d) latitudinal and longitudinal gradients
13 From equator towards the poles biodiversity
C (a) decreases (b) increases
A (c) remains same (d) first decreases then increases
14 Biodiversity increases
I. Higher latitude → Lower latitude
(Poles) (Equator)
Biodiversity decreases
(a) Insects Crustaceans Other animal Molluscs II. Higher latitude → Lower latitude
groups (Poles) (Equator)
(b) Crustaceans Insects Molluscs Other animal Biodiversity increases
groups III. Higher altitude → Lower altitude
Other animal Crustaceans Insects (Mountain top) (Sea level)
(c) Molluscs
groups Biodiversity decreases
(d) Insects Molluscs Crustaceans Other animal IV. Higher altitude → Lower altitude
(Mountain top) (Sea level)
9 Given below are pie diagrams I, II and III related to Which of the matches above is/are correct?
the proportionate number of species of major taxa of (a) I and III (b) I and II
invertebrates, vertebrates and plants, respectively. (c) II and III (d) III and IV
Critically study and fill in the blanks A, B, C and D. 15 Tropics (23.5°N to 23.5°S) have ....... species as
Other animal groups compared to temperate or polar regions. The most
Fishes Mammals
Crustaceans appropriate word to fill the blank is
Birds (a) less (b) equal
(c) more (d) None of these
16 Arrange the following places in increasing order of
Insects biodiversities of species of birds and select the right
B option.
I. Invertebrates II. Vertebrates
(a) Colombia →New York → Greenland → India
Mosses Ferns and allies (b) Greenland→ New York → India → Colombia
(c) New York → India → Colombia → Greenland
(d) India → Colombia → Greenland → New York
17 How many times the tropical areas have vascular
plants than the temperate areas have?
(a) 10 (b) 50
Algae Lichens
III. Plants
(c) 3 (d) 65
18 The country, whose tropical rainforests possess the fishes) turns out to be rectangular hyperbola. Now
greatest biodiversity on earth is find out correct equations shown in the graph.
(a) New York Eq-I
(b) South America
(c) India Eq-II
(d) England

Species richness
19 Given below are three statements (I-III) each with one
or two blanks. Select the option, which correctly fill
up to blanks.
Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have proposed
various hypotheses; some important ones are
I. Speciation is generally a function of time, unlike ...A...
Species-area relationship
regions subjected to frequent glaciations in the past.
...B... have remained relatively undisturbed for (a) I - S = CA Z ; II- log S = log C + Z log A
millions of years and thus, had a long evolutionary (b) I - log S = log C + Z log A; II - S- CA Z
time for species diversification. (c) I-S = CA Z + log C; II- log S = log C + Z log A
II. ...C... environments, unlike temperate ones, are less (d) I - S = CA Z + log A; II - log S = log C + Z log A
seasonal, relatively more constant and predictable.
23 The relationship between the species richness and the
Such constant environments promote niche
area for a wide variety of taxa appears as
specialisation and lead to a greater species diversity.
(a) straight line (b) sigmoid curve
III. There is more solar energy available in the ...D..., (c) rectangular hyperbola (d) None of these
which contributes to higher productivity; this in turn
24 On a logarithmic scale, the species-area relationship
might contribute indirectly to greater diversity.
is a straight line described by the equation
Choose the correct option for A, B, C and D. log C log C
(a) A–tropics, B–Tropical latitudes, C–Temperate, (a) log S = (b) Z log A =
log A log S
D–Arctic tundra
(b) A–temperate, B–Tropical latitudes, C–Tropics, (c) log S = log C + Z log A (d) log S = log C − Z log A
D–chapparral 25 In the species-area relationship, ‘S’ represents
(c) A–tropical, B–Tropical latitudes, C–Tropics, (a) species richness (b) slope of the line
D–chapparral (c) specific area (d) special species
(d) A–temperate, B–Tropical latitudes, C–Tropical,
D–tropics 26 In the species-area relationship, ‘Z’ represents
(a) regression coefficient
20 Alexander von Humboldt described for the first time
(b) enzymatic coefficient
(a) ecological biodiveristy NEET 2017
(c) multiplication coefficient
(b) law of limiting factor
(d) None of the above
(c) species-area relationships
(d) population growth equation 27 The value of ‘Z’ lies in the range of ...... regardless of
the taxonomic group or the region. The most
21 Alexander von Humboldt observed that, within a
appropriate value to fill the blank is
region species richness……… with increasing explored (a) 0.5 to 0.7 (b) 0.3 to 0.7
area. The most appropriate word to fill the blank is (c) 0.2 to 0.3 (d) 0.1 to 0.2
(a) increased
(b) decreased 28 For frugivorous birds and mammals in the tropical
(c) increased up to a limit forests of different continents, Z(slope of the
(d) decreased up to a limit line/regression coefficient) is found to be
(a) 1.15 (b) 0.1
22 The great German naturalist and geographer
(c) 0.5 (d) 0
Alexander von Humboldt observed that within a
region species richness increased with increasing 29 If log A = 4, Z = 0.3 and log C = 0.8, find the value of
explored area, but only up to a limit. In fact, relation log ‘S’?
between species richness and area for a wide variety (a) 3.76 (b) 100
of taxa (angiosperm plants, birds, bats, freshwater (c) 4.24 (d) 2
CHAPTER 15 > Biodiversity and Conservation 371

TOPIC 2 ~ Importance and Loss of Biodiversity

30 Communities with more species tend to be more 38 Which of the following is responsible for biodiversity
stable than those with less species. This was loss?
confirmed by (a) Habitat loss and fragmentation
(a) Alexander von Humboldt (b) Alien species invasions
(b) David Tilman (c) Coextinctions
(c) Paul Ehrlich (d) All of the above
(d) Edward Wilson
39 Which of the following is the most important cause
31 Which of the following hypothesis suggests that for animals and plants being driven to extinction?
ecosystems are like aeroplanes where flight safety (a) Drought and floods NEET 2019, 16
(ecosystem functioning) may or may not be
(b) Economic exploitation
compromised, depending upon which species are
(c) Alien species invasion
being lost?
(a) Gaia hypothesis (d) Habitat loss and fragmentation
(b) Gause-exclusion hypothesis 40 Many species like Steller’s sea cow and passenger
(c) Qudum’s hypothesis pigeon have been driven to the brink of extinction.
(d) Rivet popper hypothesis Which of the following describes this situation?
32 The organisation, which publishes the Red List of (a) Overexploitation by humans
species is CBSE-AIPMT 2014 (b) Pollution
(a) ICFRE (b) IUCN (c) UNEP (d) WWF (c) Habitat loss
(d) Competition from introduced species
33 Antilope cervicapra (blackbuck) is categorised by
IUCN as 41 Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) was
(a) critically endangered (b) endangered introduced in Indian water to reduce pollution. It is an
(c) vulnerable (d) extinct in the wild example of
(a) disturbance and degradation
34 A species facing extremely high risk of extinction in
(b) coextinctions
the immediate future is called CBSE-AIPMT 2014
(c) alien species invasions
(a) vulnerable (b) endemic
(d) overexploitation
(c) critically endangered (d) extinct
35 In natural extinction of species 42 Decline in the population of Indian native fishes due
(a) gradual replacement of existing species takes place
to introduction of Clarias gariepinus in river Yamuna
(b) human activities play an active part
can be categoriesd as NEET (Odisha) 2019
(c) catastrophes, earthquakes and other natural calamities (a) coextinction
are involved (b) habitat fragmentation
(d) None of the above (c) overexploitation
36 Anthropogenic extinction is called (d) alien species invasion
(a) fifth mass extinction (b) fourth mass extinction 43 If any extinction of a mutualistic pollinator takes
(c) sixth mass extinction (d) seventh mass extinction place, what would be its effect on the plants where it
37 The term ‘The Evil Quartet’ is related with pollinates?
(a) Four major causes of forest loss (a) Decreased pollination
(b) Four major causes of population explosion (b) No effect because substitute pollinator is available
(c) Four major causes of air pollution (c) The plant would not be pollinated
(d) Four major causes of biodiversity losses (d) None of the above
372 Master The NCERT > BIOLOGY (Vol-II)

TOPIC 3 ~ Conservation of Biodiversity

44 The reasons behind conserving biodiversity can be 52 Conservation of hotspots are best described as
grouped into categories, which include (a) conserving islands that are experiencing high rates of
I. broadly utilitarian extinction
II. narrowly utilitarian (b) conserving areas where native species are being
replaced with introduced species
III. no utilitarian (c) conserving areas where the people are active supporters
IV. ethical utilitarian of the biological diversity
Choose the correct option. (d) conserving areas with the large members of endemic
(a) I, II, III and IV (b) II, III and IV species that are disappearing rapidly
(c) I, II and IV (d) I, III and IV 53 What is the approximate percentage of the earth
45 More than 25% of the drugs are derive from the covered by terrestrial hotspots?
plants. What benefit does this describe? (a) 1.5% (less than 2%) (b) 2.5%
(a) Aesthetic value (c) 3.5% (d) 4.5%
(b) Ethical value 54 In situ strategies include
(c) Indirect economic value I. national parks II. wildlife sanctuaries
(d) Direct economic value III. biosphere reserves IV. sacred groves
46 Exploration of molecular, genetic and species level Choose the correct option.
diversity for novel products of economic importance (a) I and II (b) II, III and IV
is known as NEET (Odisha) 2019 (c) I, II and III (d) I, II, III and IV
(a) biopiracy (b) bioenergetics
55 The numbers of national parks, biosphere and wildlife
(c) bioremediation (d) bioprospecting
sanctuaries of India, respectively are
47 What is the sustainable use of resources? (a) 90, 14, 448 (b) 158, 62, 10
(a) Protected strips of the land that allows organisms to (c) 58, 412, 10 (d) 96, 412, 10
migrate from one wilderness area to another
56 Which one of the following is not a method of in situ
(b) A law that makes it illegal to do harm to the species that
are listed as endangered or threatened conservation of biodiversity?
(c) The ability to use natural resources in a way that helps (a) Wildlife sanctuary
people to protect the ecosystem (b) Botanical garden
(d) The study of the methods which help to protect (c) Sacred grove
biodiversity (d) Biosphere reserve
48 Conservation in the natural habitat is 57 Which of the following national parks is home to the
(a) in situ (b) ex situ famous musk deer or hangul? NEET 2016
(c) zoo (d) botanical garden (a) Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur
49 Western Ghats have a large number of plant and (b) Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh
animal species that are not found anywhere else. (c) Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh
Which of the following terms will you use to notify (d) Dachigam National Park, Jammu and Kashmir
such species? NEET (Odisha) 2019 58 Biosphere reserves differ from the national parks and
(a) Endemic (b) Vulnerable wildlife sanctuaries because in the former
(c) Threatened (d) Keystone (a) human beings are not allowed to enter
(b) people are an integral part of the ecosystem
50 How many hotspots of biodiversity in the world have
(c) plants are paid greater attention than the animals
been identified till date by Norman Myers?
(d) living organisms are brought from all over the world
NEET 2016
and preserved for posterity
(a) 17 (b) 25
(c) 34 (d) 43 59 In your opinion, which is the most effective way to
conserve genetic diversity of the plant of an area?
51 Which one of the following areas in India, is a (a) By tissue culture method
hotspot of biodiversity? CBSE-AIPMT 2012
(b) By creating biosphere reserve
(a) Eastern Ghats (b) Gangetic plain (c) By creating botanical garden
(c) Sunderbans (d) Western Ghats (d) By developing seed bank
60 Core zone, buffer zone and manipulation zone are 67 Which one of the following is related to ex situ
found in conservation of threatened animals and plants ?
(a) national park (b) sanctuary NEET 2019
(c) tiger reserve (d) biosphere reserve (a) Wildflife safari parks (b) Biodiversity hotspots
61 The region of biosphere reserve, which is legally (c) Amazon rainforest (d) Himalayan region
protected and where no human activity is allowed is 68 One of the most important function of botanical
known as NEET 2019 gardens is that
(a) core zone (b) buffer zone (a) one can observe tropical plants there
(c) transition zone (d) restoration zone (b) they allow ex situ conservation of the germplasm
62 Sacred groves in India are related with (c) they provide the natural habitat for wildlife
(a) aesthetic pleasure (d) they provide a beautiful area for recreation
(b) the place where threatened species are protected 69 Cryopreservation of gametes of threatened species in
(c) the place where only artificial plant breeding is allowed viable and fertile condition can be referred to as
(d) forest patches around the places of worship CBSE-AIPMT 2015
(a) in situ conservation of biodiversity
63 Sacred groves in India are found in
(b) advanced ex situ conservation of biodiversity
(a) Jaintia hills of Karnataka
(c) in situ conservation by sacred groves
(b) Western Ghat regions of Tamil Nadu (d) in situ cryopreservation of biodiversity
(c) Aravalli hills of Meghalaya
(d) Bastar areas of Madhya Pradesh 70 In which one of the following, both pairs have
correct combination? CBSE-AIPMT 2015
64 Ex situ strategies include (a) In situ conservation/National park
I. zoological parks Ex situ conservation/Botanical garden
II. seed/pollen banks (b) In situ conservation/Cryopreservation
III. gene bank and tissue cultures Ex situ conservation/Wildlife sanctuary
(c) In situ conservation/Seed bank
IV. botanical garden
Ex situ conservation/National park
Choose the correct option. (d) In situ conservation/Tissue culture
(a) II, III and IV (b) I, II and III Ex situ conservation/Sacred groves
(c) I, II and IV (d) I, II, III and IV 71 The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 was
65 Which one of the following is not used for ex situ called NEET 2019
plant conservation? NEET 2013 (a) for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable
(a) Field gene banks utilisation of its benefits
(b) Seed banks (b) to assess threat posed to native species by invasive
(c) Shifting cultivation weed species
(d) Botanical gardens (c) for immediate steps to discontinue the use of CFCs that
were damaging the ozone layer
66 All of the following are included in ex situ
(d) to reduce CO2 emissions and global warming
conservation except NEET 2019
(a) botanical gardens 72 Where was the World Summit on Sustainable
(b) sacred groves development held ?
(c) wildilfe safari parks (a) South Africa (b) USA
(d) seed banks (c) South Korea (d) UK
374 Master The NCERT > BIOLOGY (Vol-II)

I. Assertion and Reason Reason (R) Larger is the explored area more is the
■ Direction (Q. No. 73-81) In each of the following
steepness of slope of line.
questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given 80 Assertion (A) Keystone species are not relevant to
followed by corresponding statement of Reason (R). biodiversity conservation.
Of the statements, mark the correct answer as Reason (R) Keystone species have a significant
(a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct impact on community structure and characteristics.
explanation of A 81 Assertion (A) IUCN prepares and maintains a Red
(b) If both A and R are true, but R is not the correct Data Book since 1963.
explanation of A Reason (R) It is catalogue which provides an
(c) If A is true, but R is false awareness about the degree of threat to the
(d) If A is false, but R is true biodiversity.
73 Assertion (A) Community with more species tends
to be more stable than those with less species. II. Statement Based Questions
Reason (R) More the number of species, less will be 82 Select the correct statement about biodiversity.
year to year variation in total biomass. CBSE-AIPMT 2012
74 Assertion (A) Species with low genetic variability (a) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very
high level of desert animal species as well as numerous
are usually at a great risk of extinction.
rare animals
Reason (R) Low genetic variability increases (b) Large scale planting of Bt cotton has no adverse effect on
vulnerability to diseases, environmental changes and biodiversity
predators. (c) Western Ghats have a very high degree of species
75 Assertion (A) Tropical latitudes have greater richness and endemism
biological diversity than temperate latitudes. (d) Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued by the
developed countries
Reason (R) Tropical regions remain relatively
undisturbed for millions of years. 83 Which of the following statements is false?
(a) Species diversity provides stability to the ecosystem
76 Assertion (A) The great Indian bustard is a critically (b) Communities with more species tend to be more stable
endangered bird found in India. than those with less species
Reason (R) It is vulnerable to extinction in the future. (c) Ecosystems with higher biodiversity are more productive
77 Assertion (A) The presently occurring species than the ecosystems with lower biodiversity
extinction is different from the earlier mass (d) Biodiversity is not essential for the maintenance and
health of ecosystems
Reason (R) Present species extinction is due to 84 Which of the following statement is the incorrect
natural causes, whereas the earlier extinction was explanations about higher diversity in tropical areas in
due to the man-made causes. comparison to the temperate areas?
(a) There are less seasonal variations in tropics
78 Assertion (A) In case, a species becomes extinct, the (b) Less solar energy is available in tropics
plant and animal species associated within an (c) Rate of extinction is low in tropics
obligatory way also become extinct. (d) Resource availability is higher in tropics
Reason (R) When a host fish species becomes 85 Which of the following statements shows an example
extinct, its unique assemblage of parasites also of alien species invading a new ecosystem resulting in
become extinct. biodiversity losses?
79 Assertion (A) If the species-area relationships are (a) Introduction of Nile perch into lake Victoria in East
analysed among very large areas like the entire Africa
continents, the value of Z, i.e. slope of line lies in the (b) Introduction of water hyacinth into India
range of 0.1 to 0.2. (c) Introduction of African catfish into Indian rivers
(d) All of the above
86 Which of the following statements is true ? 91 The impacts of loss of biodiversity may lead to
(a) The IUCN Red list (2004) documents the extinction of I. lowered resistance to environmental perturbation.
784 species (including 338 vertebrates, 359 II. decrease in plant production.
invertebrates and 87 plants) in last 500 years
(b) There are more than 20,000 species of ants, 3,00,000 III. increased variability in ecosystem processes like water
species of beetles, 28, 000 species of fishes and nearly use, pest/disease cycle, plants productivity.
20,000 species of orchids IV. increase in plant production.
(c) More than 70% of all the species recorded are animals, Select the option containing correct statements.
while plants comprise no more than 22% of the total (a) I and II
(d) All of the above (b) I and IV
87 Select the statement that is in support of ethical (c) I and III
arguments for biodiversity conservation. (d) I, II and III
(a) Every species has an intrinsic value even though 92 Which of the following statements are correct about
economically it is not valuable
narrowly utilitarian arguments for conserving
(b) Several benefits are derived from biodiversity such as
food, furniture, medicines, etc.
(c) Pollination, photosynthesis, carbon cycle, etc., are the I. Ecosystem services like photosynthesis.
ecological processes which maintains the balance of II. Industrial products like dyes and lubricants.
nature III. Watching spring flowers in full bloom.
(d) All of the above IV. The aesthetic pleasure of walking through thick
88 Identify the incorrect statement. woods.
(a) In wildlife sanctuaries protection is only given to V. Fibre, firewood and construction material.
animal life VI. Products of medicinal importance.
(b) National parks protects both the flora and fauna
Choose the correct option.
(c) MAB programme of UNESCO protects the sacred
groves as a site of biodiversity conservation (a) I, II and III
(d) Ramsar sites are integral part of watersheds are very (b) II, V and VI
rich in biodiversity and a component of in situ (c) IV, V and VI
conservation (d) I, III and VI
89 Which of the following statements are correct? 93 Select the correct statement (s).
I. Alpha diversity represents number of species in a I. India has more than 50,000 genetically different
given habitat. strains of rice.
II. Genetic diversity are the variation of the genes within II. India has 1000 varieties of mango.
species. III. At ecosystem level, India, with its deserts, rainforests
III. Beta diversity is the diversity of the habitat in the mangroves, etc., has a greater diversity than a
whole region. Scandinavian country like Norway.
IV. Species diversity is the product of the species richness IV. The tropical rainforest initially covered 14% of the
and evenness. land surface of earth, but now they cover only 6% of
Choose the correct option. the land area.
(a) I, II and III (b) I and II (a) I and II
(c) I, II, III and IV (d) I, II and IV (b) I, II and III
(c) II, III and IV
90 Which of the following statements are correct about
(d) I, II, III and IV
Amazon rainforest?
I. It is called lungs of the planet. 94 Wildlife conservation aims at
II. It harbours probably millions of the species. I. maintaining the ecological process.
II. to enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species.
III. It is the largest tropical rainforest in South America and
has greatest biodiversity on earth. III. preventing migration of the species.
IV. maintaining the diversity of life.
IV. They are being cut and cleared for cultivating
soybeans or for the conversion to grasslands for raising Select the option containing correct statements.
beef cattle. (a) I and II
Choose the correct option. (b) II and III
(a) II, III and IV (b) I, II and III (c) III and IV
(c) I and II (d) I, II, III and IV (d) I and IV
95 Read the following statements. 98 Match the following columns.
I. Species diversity increases as we move away from the Column I Column II
equator towards the poles. (Organisms) (Estimations)
II. Stellar’s sea cow and passenger pigeon got extinct due A. Plants 1. 1,25,000
to overexploitation by man.
B. Fish 2. 427
III. Lantana and Eichhornia are invasive weed in India.
IV. The historic convention on biological diversity was C. Birds 3. 1,300
held in 1992. D. Mammals 4. 378
Choose the option containing correct statements. E. Reptiles 5. 40,000
AIIMS 2018
F. Invertebrates 6. 3,000
(a) I and II (b) I, II and IV
(c) I, III and IV (d) II, III and IV Codes
III. Matching Type Questions (a) 5 6 3 2 4 1
96 Match the following columns. (b) 6 3 4 1 2 5
(c) 3 4 2 1 6 5
Column I Column II
(d) 6 5 4 2 1 3
A. Species diversity 1. influences biotic interactions and
stability of the community. 99 Match the following columns.
B. Genetic diversity 2. is the variety of forms in the Column I Column II
A. Dodo 1. Rauwolfia
C. Ecological 3. influences adaptability and
diversity distribution of a species in diverse B. Reserpine 2. Mauritius
habitats. C. Nile Perch in lake Victoria 3. Habitat destruction
D. Biodiversity 4. is the occurrence of different types in D. Main cause for biodiversity 4. Alien species
different ecosystems, species of loss
organism with the whole range of
their variants and genes. Codes
A B C D (a) 4 2 1 3
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 2 1 4 3
(b) 2 1 4 3 (c) 2 4 3 1
(c) 4 2 3 1 (d) 3 2 1 4
(d) 3 4 2 1
100 Match the following columns.
97 Match the following columns.
Column I Column II
Column I Column II
A. Hotspots 1. Areas maintained by government
A. Rivet popper hypothesis 1. Paul Ehrlich for the betterment of wildlife.
B. Communities with more 2. Edward Wilson B. Protected areas 2. Areas of high endemism and high
species level of species richness.
C. Communities with less 3. Less stable C. National parks 3. Biogeographical areas where
species biological diversity along with
D. Term biodiversity 4. More stable natural and cultural resources is
protected, maintained and
Codes managed.
A B C D D. Biosphere reserves 4. Multipurpose protected areas,
(a) 2 4 3 1 which are meant for preserving
(b) 1 4 3 2 genetic diversity in the ecosystem
(c) 1 3 4 2 of various natural biomass and
unique biological communities.
(d) 1 4 2 3
Codes 102 Match the Column I (terms of IUCN’s Red list) and
A B C D A B C D Column II (description).
(a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 4 2 3 1 Column I Column II
A. Threatened species 1. Thinly scaltered or localised
101 Match the following columns. population with less number of
Column I Column II individuals, highly sensitive to
pests/pathogens/alien invasion.
A. Rhinoceros 1. Bharatpur
B. Endangered 2. Species facing very high risk of
B. Tiger project in Karnataka 2. Tropical evergreen forest extinction in the wild
C. Assemblage protection 3. Kaziranga C. Extinct 3. Moving towards extinction if not
allowed to realise their biotic
D. Silent valley 4. National park potential and protection against
5. Bandipur human exploitation, alien species,
scarcity of food, etc.
Codes D. Rare 4. No living individual exists.
(a) 5 3 1 4 Codes
(b) 2 4 3 1 A B C D A B C D
(c) 4 3 1 2 (a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 1 2 3 4
(d) 3 5 1 2 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 2 1 4 3

NCERT & NCERT Exemplar

NCERT 108 Where among the following will you find pitcher
103 The important levels of biodiversity are plant?
(a) genetic biodiversity (b) species biodiversity (a) Rainforest of North-East India
(c) ecological biodiversity (d) All of these (b) Sunderbans
(c) Thar desert
104 Which among the following hypothesis explains (d) Western Ghats
richness of tropical forests in terms of species
biodiversity? 109 Which one of the following is not a major
(a) David Tilman’s hypothesis characteristic feature of biodiversity hotspots?
(b) Species-area relationship by Alexander von Humboldt (a) Large number of species
(c) Rivet popper hypothesis (b) Abundance of endemic species
(d) None of the above (c) Mostly located in the tropics
(d) Mostly located in the polar regions
NCERT Exemplar 110 Match the animals given in Column I with their
location in Column II.
105 Which of the following countries has the highest
biodiversity? Column I Column II
(a) South America (b) South Africa A. Dodo 1. Africa
(c) Russia (d) India
B. Quagga 2. Russia
106 Which of the following is not a cause for loss of
biodiversity? C. Thylacine 3. Mauritius
(a) Destruction of habitat D. Stellar’s sea cow 4. Australia
(b) Invasion by alien species
(c) Keeping animals in zoological parks Codes
(d) Overexploitation of natural resources A B C D
107 Which of the following is not an invasive alien (a) 1 3 2 4
species in the Indian context? (b) 4 3 1 2
(a) Lantana (b) Cynodon (c) 3 1 2 4
(c) Parthenium (d) Eichhornia (d) 3 1 4 2
111 What is common to the following plants Nepenthes, (c) Steller’s sea cow is an extinct animal
Psilotum, Rauwolfia and Aconitum? (d) Lantana is popularly known as carrot grass
(a) All are ornamental plants 118 Among the ecosystems mentioned below, where can
(b) All are phylogenic link species one find maximum biodiversity?
(c) All are prone to overexploitation (a) Mangroves (b) Desert
(d) All are exclusively present in the Eastern Himalayas (c) Coral reefs (d) Alpine meadows
112 The one-horned rhinoceros is specific to which of the 119 Which of the following forests is known as the
following sanctuary? ‘Lungs of the planet earth’?
(a) Bhitar Kanika (b) Bandipur (a) Taiga forest
(c) Kaziranga (d) Corbett park (b) Tundra forest
113 Amongst the animal groups given below, which one (c) Amazon rainforest
appears to be more vulnerable to extinction? (d) Rainforests of North-East India
(a) Insects (b) Mammals 120 The active chemical drug reserpine is obtained from
(c) Amphibians (d) Reptiles (a) Datura (b) Rauwolfia
114 Which one of the following is an endangered plant (c) Atropa (d) Papaver
species of India? 121 Which of the following groups exhibits more species
(a) Rauwolfia serpentina diversity?
(b) Santalum album (sandal wood) (a) Gymnosperms (b) Algae
(c) Cycas beddomei (c) Bryophytes (d) Fungi
(d) All of the above
122 Which of the below mentioned regions exhibit less
115 What is common to Lantana, Eichhornia and African seasonal variations?
catfish? (a) Tropics (b) Temperates
(a) All are endangered species of India (c) Alpines (d) Both (a) and (b)
(b) All are key stone species
(c) All mammals are found in India 123 The historic convention on biological diversity held
(d) All the species are neither threatened nor indigenous in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is known as
species of India (a) CITES Convention (b) The Earth Summit
116 The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to (c) G-16 Summit (d) MAB Programme
(a) increased number of predatory birds 124 What is common to the techniques given below?
(b) overexploitation by humans I. In vitro fertilisation. II. Cryopreservation.
(c) non-availability of the food III. Tissue culture.
(d) bird flu virus infection (a) All are in situ conservation methods
117 Which one of the following statements is correct? (b) All are ex situ conservation methods
(a) Parthenium is an endemic species of our country (c) All require ultra modern equipment and large space
(b) African catfish is not a threat to indigenous catfishes (d) All methods are of conservation of extinct organisms

‡ Mastering NCERT with MCQs
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12 (a) 13 (a) 14 (a) 15 (c)
16 (b) 17 (a) 18 (b) 19 (d) 20 (c) 21 (a) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (c) 25 (a) 26 (a) 27 (d) 28 (a) 29 (d) 30 (b)
31 (d) 32 (b) 33 (c) 34 (c) 35 (a) 36 (c) 37 (d) 38 (d) 39 (d) 40 (a) 41 (c) 42 (d) 43 (c) 44 (c) 45 (c)
46 (d) 47 (c) 48 (a) 49 (a) 50 (c) 51 (d) 52 (d) 53 (a) 54 (d) 55 (a) 56 (b) 57 (d) 58 (b) 59 (b) 60 (d)
61 (a) 62 (d) 63 (d) 64 (d) 65 (c) 66 (b) 67 (a) 68 (b) 69 (b) 70 (a) 71 (a) 72 (a)

‡ NEET Special Types Questions

73 (a) 74 (a) 75 (a) 76 (c) 77 (c) 78 (a) 79 (d) 80 (d) 81 (a) 82 (c) 83 (d) 84 (b) 85 (d) 86 (d) 87 (a)
88 (c) 89 (d) 90 (d) 91 (d) 92 (b) 93 (d) 94 (d) 95 (d) 96 (d) 97 (b) 98 (a) 99 (b) 100 (c) 101 (d) 102 (a)
‡ NCERT & NCERT Exemplar Questions
103 (d) 104 (b) 105 (a) 106 (c) 107 (b) 108 (a) 109 (d) 110 (d) 111 (c) 112 (c) 113 (c) 114 (d) 115 (d) 116 (b) 117 (c)
118 (c) 119 (c) 120 (b) 121 (d) 122 (a) 123 (b) 124 (b)
CHAPTER 15 > Biodiversity and Conservation 379

Answers & Explanations

2 (b) Genetic diversity is the variation in genetic birds, bats, freshwater fishes) appears as a rectangular
information present in the organisms. It is the diversity hyperbola.
in number and types of genes as well as the 24 (c) On a logarithmic scale, the species-area relationship
chromosomes present in different species, their is a straight line described by the equation
variation in the organism and their alleles in the same log S = log C + Z log A
species. It helps in speciation through evolution of the
existing species.
4 (a) The Western Ghats have a greater amphibian
species diversity than the Eastern Ghats. Thus, it is an
Log S = log C + Z log A

Species richness
example of species diversity which is defined as the
diversity at the species level and is indicated by the e
variety and richness of the species of a region. sc
5 (c) Option (c) contains the correctly matched pair for g–
ecological diversity. Rest of the options are incorrectly lo
matched and can be corrected as
Alpha diversity occurs within the same community. Area
Beta diversity exists between different communities. 27 (d) Ecologists have discovered that the value of Z lies
7 (c) Insects have the highest number of species in
in the range of 0.1 to 0.2, regardless of the taxonomic
nature, making up more than 70% of the total. That group or the region whether it is the plants in Britain,
means out of every 10 animals on this planet, 7 are birds in California or molluscs in New York state, the
insects. slopes of the regression line are amazingly similar.
29 (d) Given, log A = 4, Z = 0.3 and log C = 0.8
10 (c) From the fungi, mosses, ferns, algae and lichens, the
maximum number of species among the global Putting these values in equation, log S = log C + Z log
biodiversity is represented by fungi. A, i.e. species-area relationship equation, we will get the
value of log S.
14 (a) Option (a) shows the correct match.
Thus, log S = 0.8 + 0.3 × 4 = 0.8 + 1.2 = 2.0
Biodiversity is not uniform throughout the world
because it is affected by many factors. 31 (d) Rivet popper hypothesis suggests that the
It increases from poles to equator, i.e. from higher to ecosystems are like aeroplanes, where flight safety
lower latitude and vice-versa. (ecosystem fuctioning) may or may not be
It also increases from higher altitude to lower altitude,
i.e. from mountain top to sea level and vice-versa. This hypothesis assumes the ecosystem to be an
aeroplane and the species to be rivets joining all the
16 (b) Colombia, India, New York and Greenland have parts together.
1400, 1200, 105 and 56 species of birds, respectively.
If every passenger starts popping a rivet to take home
Thus, places with increasing order of biodiversities of
(resulting in species extinction), it may not affect flight
species of birds would be
safety initially (proper ecosystem functioning), but with
Greenland → New York → India → Colombia time as more and more rivets are removed, the plane
17 (a) A forest in a tropical region like Ecuador has up to will become dangerously weak over a period of time
10 times as many species of vascular plants as a forest specially if key rivets (keystone species) are removed.
of equal area in a temperate region like the midwest of
32 (b) IUCN, i.e. the International Union for Conservation
the USA.
Answers & Explanations

of Nature, publishes the Red List of threatened species

18 (b) The tropical Amazonian rainforests in South or Red Data list and assesses the status of conservation
America possess the greatest biodiversity on earth with of species.
more than 40,000 species of plants, 3,000 of fishes, It is an international organisation founded in October,
1300 birds, 427 of mammals, 427 of amphibians, 378 of 1948. Its headquarter is in Switzerland.
reptiles and more than 1, 25,000 invertebrates.
34 (c) According to IUCN’s Red List for wild species,
21 (a) Alexander von Humboldt was a German naturalist
critically endangered are those species that are facing a
and geographer who described species-area relationship
very high risk of extinction in the world in near future.
for the first time. He did extensive explorations in the
wilderness of South American forests and observed that There are currently 2,129 animals and 1,821 plants,
within a region, species richness increases with which have been recorded in this category.
increasing explored area, but up to a certain limit. 35 (a) In natural extinction, the existing species are
23 (c) The relationship between the species richness and gradually replaced with better, adapted species due to
the area for a wide variety of taxa (angiosperm plants, the evolutionary progress, changes in environment,
predators, etc.
For other options, human activities play an important Western Ghats/Sri Lanka, the Indo-Burma region and
part in anthropogenic extinction, while natural the Himalayas.
calamities are involved in mass extinctions. 52 (d) Conservation of hotspots are best defined as
39 (d) Habitat loss and fragmentation serves as the most conserving areas with the large members of endemic
important cause for animals and plants being driven to species which are disappearing rapidly. Eminent
extinction. Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, conservationists identified these areas (regions) with
tropical rainforests which cover 14% of the earth’s land very high levels of species richness and high degree of
surface, rainforest has shrunk to 6% in the last few endemism (i.e. species confined to that region and not
years. found anywhere else) for maximum protection. Initially,
On the other hand, droughts and floods, economic the number of biodiversity hotspots were 25, but now it
exploitation and alien species invasion affect only a has increased up to 34.
small part of a population at a time. 54 (d) In situ strategy is the conservation and the protection
40 (a) Many species like Steller’s sea cow and passenger of living resources in their natural habitat, where they
pigeon have been driven to the brink of extinction. This occur. It includes, national parks, biosphere reserves,
is due to overexploitation of a species by humans, wildlife sanctuaries and sacred groves, etc.
which reduces the size of its population and it becomes 56 (b) Botonical garden is not a method of in situ
vulnerable to extinction. Many marine fishes like conservation of biodiversity. It is a type of ex situ or off
whales population is also declining around the world site conservation in which rare plants are conserved in
because of overharvesting. places outside their natural habitat.
42 (d) Decline in the population of Indian native fishes Rest all are methods of in situ conservation of
due to introduction of Clarias gariepinus in river biodiversity.
Yamuna can be categorised as alien species invasions. It 57 (d) Dachigam National Park, situated at Jammu and
is posing a threat to the indigenous catfishes in our Kashmir is home to the famous musk deer or hangul.
rivers and is causing a loss of biodiversity.
For other options
43 (c) If a pollinator in mutualistic relationship becomes l
At Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur, brown deer
extinct, the pollen grains of the associated plant would
(Sangai) is protected.
not be pollinated and gradually it will also become
At Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh, tiger
is protected.
44 (c) The reasons behind conserving biodiversity are
correctly indicated by option (c). These can be grouped
Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh,
into three categories, i.e. narrowly utilitarian, due to protects elephants and red panda.
direct economic benefits from nature, broadly utilitarian 58 (b) Biosphere reserves differ from the national parks
provides many ecosystem services like pure air, and wildlife sanctuaries in that people are an integral
pollination, etc., and ethical utilitarian argues that every part. But it is not the case in national parks and wildlife
living being (plant, animal or microbes) has a right to sanctuaries, where flora and fauna are separately
exist. conserved.
46 (d) Exploration of molecular, genetic and species level 59 (b) Biosphere reserve comes under in situ conservation
diversity for novel products of economic importance is method. Hence, it is the most effective way among the
known as bioprospecting. four, for preserving genetic diversity of the plants by
As for the other options, protecting wild population, traditional and domesticated
Biopiracy refers to the illegal use of bioresources. plant genetic resources.
Bioremediation is the use of living organisms to clean up 60 (d) Core zone, buffer zone and manipulation zone are
any contamination or pollution from the environment.
found in biosphere reserves. Biosphere reserves are the
Answers & Explanations

special category of protected areas of land and/or

Bioenergetic deals with energy metabolism in living coastal environments wherein people are an integral
organisms. component of the ecosystem. These zones represent
47 (c) Sustainable use of resources is the ability to use specified areas which have been zoned for particular
natural resources such as forests and wildlife, water, activities.
soil, etc., in a way that helps people to protect the 61 (a) The core zone of biosphere reserves comprises an
ecosystem. These resources are for future generations. undisturbed and legally protected ecosystem, where no
49 (a) Endemic species are those species which are human activity is allowed.
confined to a particular region and are not found For other options,
anywhere else, e.g. species of Western Ghats. l
Buffer zone surrounds the core area where limited
51 (d) Western Ghats is a hotspot of biodiversity in India. human activities are allowed.
Hotspots are areas that are extremely rich in species l
Transition or manipulation zone is the outermost area
diversity in its natural habitat, have high endemism and of the biosphere reserve, where active cooperation
are under constant threat. In India, three hotspots are between reserve management and the local people
found extending into neighbouring countries. The
62 (d) Sacred groves are forest patches around the places In this summit, more than 130 nations signed a
of worship, which are held in high esteem by tribal convention on biodiversity and climatic change. Canada
communities. These are found in several parts of India, was the key player in the development of this
e.g. Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan (Aravalli), convention.
Madhya Pradesh (Sarguja, Chanda and Bastar), Kerala, 72 (a) The world summit on sustainable development was
Meghalaya. In Meghalaya, sacred groves are found in held in 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Jaintia and Khasi hills.
73 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is
64 (d) Ex situ strategy is the conservation of selected the correct explanation of Assertion.
threatened plant and animal species in places outside of Communities with more Species tends to be more stable
their natural habitat, where the population is conserved than those with less species. Such communities are able
under simulated conditions that closely resemble their to resist occasional disturbances. A stable community
natural habitats. It includes botanical gardens, does not show too much variation in productivity from
zoological parks, seed / pollen banks, tissue cultures and year to year and is resistant to invasions by alien
gene banks, etc. species.
65 (c) Shifting cultivation is not used for ex situ plant David Tilman’s long term experiments showed that with
conservation. It results into deforestation. more species, less will be year to year variation in total
On the other hand, botanical gardnes, seed banks and biomass.
field gene banks are used as ex situ methods for
74 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason
conservation of plants.
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
66 (b) Sacred groves is not an ex situ, but a mode of in situ Species which lack genetic variability are more prone to
conservation in which forest fragments of varying size extinction. This is because they are not equipped with
are protected by religious communities. These help to traits, which help them to adapt and evolve in changing
protect the biota of that area on-site. conditions of environment. Thus, occurrence of new
On the other hand, botanical gardens, seed banks and disease or change in climate, new predators or any other
wildlife safari parks are the examples of ex situ change can easily threaten their numbers.
conservation in which the biota is protected outside its
75 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is
natural habitat.
the correct explanation of Assertion.
67 (a) Wildlife safari parks are used for ex situ Tropical latitudes have greater biological diversity than
conservation of threatened animals and plants. In such temperate latitudes, because unlike temperate regions
conservation method, organisms taken out from their which were subjected to frequent glaciations in the past,
natural habitat and placed in special settings (wildlife tropical regions remained undisturbed for millions of
safari park, zoo). Here, they are protected and given years, where species continued to flourish. Also tropical
special care. environments are more constant and there is more solar
68 (b) A botanical garden is the collection of various types energy available in tropics which contributes to high
of living plants. Ex situ conservation means the productivity.
conservation of plants or animals in the artificial 76 (c) Assertion is true and Reason is false. Reason can be
habitats, which are quite similar to the normal habitats corrected as
of these organisms. In this way, botanical gardens
The species which are facing, extremely high risk of
provide ex situ conservation of the germplasm.
extinction in the future are referred to as critically
69 (b) Cryopreservation of gametes of thereatened species endangered species.
in viable and fertile condition is done by preservation at The great Indian bustard is a well-known bird which is
–196°C in liquid nitrogen and it is an advanced method categorised into critically endangered species.
for ex situ conservation of biodiversity for indefinite Threatened species are vulnerable to extinction in the
period of time. In situ conservation occurs at ecosystem
Answers & Explanations

future not, critically endangered species.

level of threatened or endangered species.
77 (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false. Reason can be
70 (a) The option with correct combination is (a) corrected as
In situ conservation–National park The currently occurring species extinction is different
Ex situ conservation–Botanical garden from the earlier mass extinction as the present species
Rest of the options are incorrect and can be corrected as extinction is due to man-made causes, whereas the
Wildlife sanctuary, national park and sacred groves are earlier extinction was due to the natural causes.
in situ method of biodiversity conservation. 78 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is
the correct explanation of Assertion.
Cryopreservation, seed bank and tissue culture are ex
The correct explanation can be given as
situ methods of biodiversity conservation.
When a species become extinct, the plant and animal
71 (a) The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 species associated with it in an obligatory way also
was called for the conservation of biodiversity and become extinct.
sustainable utilisation of its benefits.
This phenomenon is known as coextinction. This occurs We have a moral duty to care for their well-being and
because all species are interconnected to each other, i.e. pass on our biological legacy in good order to the future
species coextinction is a manifestation of the generation. Other options, although correct, do not
interconnectivity of organisms in complex ecosystems. support ethical view on biodiversity conservation.
For example, when a host species becomes extinct, its 88 (c) The statement in option (c) is incorrect and can be
unique assemblage of parasites also meets the same fate, corrected as
i.e. become extinct due to non-availability of food.
MAB (Man and Biosphere) programme of UNESCO
79 (d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true. Assertion can was initiated in 1975 for creation of biosphere reserves.
be corrected as Rest of the statements are correct.
If the species-area relationship is for very large areas 89 (d) Statements I, II and IV are correct, while statement
like the entire continent the slope of the line is much III is incorrect and can be corrected as
steeper with value of Z in the range of 0.6-1.2. The Beta diversity is the biodiversity, which appears in a
value of Z, i.e. slope of line (regression coefficient) of range of communities due to replacement of species
species-area relationship is similar and lies in the range with the change in community/habitat because of the
of 0.1-0.2 when analysis is done among small areas. presence of different microhabitats, niches, etc.,
80 (d) Assertion is false, but Reason is true. Assertion can whereas gamma diversity is the diversity of the habitat
be corrected as in the whole region.
Keystone species are the important and relevant 91 (d) Statements I, II and III are correct and statement IV
component of ecosystem balance and biodiversity is incorrect. It can be corrected as
conservation. These are species which have a significant Loss of biodiversity will lead to loss of genes of crops.
and disproportionately large influence on community Therefore, plant production will decrease.
structure and characteristics.
92 (b) Statements II, V and VI are correct about narrowly
81 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is utilitarian arguments for conserving biodiversity.
the correct explanation of Assertion. Statements I, III and IV are incorrect and can be
The IUCN created the Red Data Book since 1963, so as corrected as
to create awareness about the endangered species. The Ecosystem services like photosynthesis, watching
Red Data Book is a catalogue which provides a record spring flowers in full bloom and the aesthetic pleasure
of all endangered plants and animals. It provides of walking through thick woods comes under broadly
information on the population status of various species, utilitarian arguments.
i.e. the degree of threat to the biodiversity.
94 (d) Statements I and IV show the correct answer
82 (c) The statement in option (c) is correct about regarding wildlife conservation.
biodiversity. Rest of the statements are incorrect and Ecologically managed wildlife provides food, shelter
can be corrected as and some commercially useful products. One step
The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat do not have towards the wildlife conservation is to preserve the
high level of desert animal species or numerous rare earth’s genetic diversity by protecting all threatened
animals. species of the plants and animals.
Large scale planting of Bt cotton has adverse effects on On the other hand, enriching the wildlife with exotic
biodiversity. species may endanger the native species. Further,
Conservation of biodiversity is a practise being pursued preventing migration of species may hinder the life
by the developed countries for a long time. cycle of such organisms. Thus, statements II and III are
not the aims of wildlife conservation.
83 (d) The statement in option (d) is false. It can be
corrected as 95 (d) Statements II, III and IV are correct, while
statement I is incorrect and can be corrected as
Biodiversity is very essential for the maintenance and
Answers & Explanations

Species diversity decreases as we move away from the

health of ecosystems.
equator towards the poles.
Rest of the statements are true.
104 (b) Species-area relationship byAlexander von
84 (b) The statement in option (b) is incorrect explanation Humboldt, explains richness of tropical forests in terms
about higher diversity in tropical areas in comparison to of species biodiversity. On analysing, species-area
the temperate areas. It can be corrected as relationships among very large areas like an entire
More solar energy is available in tropics. This promotes continent, Humboldt observed that within a region,
higher productivity and increased biodiversity. species richness increases with increasing explored area.
Rest of the statements are correct. 105 (a) Climate of countries at tropical latitude like South
87 (a) Option (a) is in support of ethical arguments for America, relatively remained undisturbed, for millions
biodiversity conservation. It relates to fact that we share of years, leading to species diversity. Further, tropical
our planet with millions of plants, animals and environments are less seasonal and are more constant
microbes. Philosophically or spiritually, we need to and predictable with greater availability of sunlight.
realise that every species has an intrinsic value, even if These factors contribute to high species diversification.
it may not be of current or any economic value to us. Therefore, South America has the highest biodiversity.
106 (c) Keeping animals in zoological parks is not a cause l
African catfish is also an alien species, which
for loss of biodiversity. It is a strategy of conservation. adversely affects the growth of indigenous catfishes
Some of the major causes of biodiversity loss are our local species.
Destruction of natural habitat (primary cause). l
Lantana camara, another alien species, also strongly
Introduction of exotic (alien species) with indigenous competes with native species. Parthenium is
species. popularly known as carrot grass, not Lantana.
Overexploitation of natural resources. 118 (c) Coral reefs are the most productive ecosystem
Coextinction of species. (2000 - 6000 kcal/m 2 /y) and form the most diverse
107 (b) Cynodon (doob grass) is not an invasive alien species part of coastal region, providing a home to fish,
(in Indian context). molluscs, crustaceans, sponges, cnidarians, etc.
Rest of the three species Parthenium (congress or carrot 119 (c) Amazon rainforest is popularly called the ‘lungs of
grass), Eichhornia (water hyacinth) and Lantana are the planet earth’ because its diversified vegetation
alien species, which are threats to the native species. continuously recycles carbon dioxide into oxygen,
108 (a) Pitcher plant (Nepenthes), an insectivorous plant is contributing about 20% of the earth’s oxygen.
found in rainforest of North-East India. These types of 120 (b) Rauwolfia vomitoria is the source of the active
plants generally grow in nitrogen deficient soil. For other chemical drug reserpine, which is prescribed in
options, hypertension and acts as a tranquiliser.
Sunderbans is rich in fauna and flora. Mangrove plants For other options.
are the characteristic of Sunderbans. l
Datura is a plant with hallucinogenic properties.
Western Ghats is rich in biodiversity. l
The compound belladonna is obtained from Atropa
Xerophytes are more common in Thar deserts. belladonna.
109 (d) Option (d) does not represent a major characteristic l
The compound opium is obtained from Papaver
feature of biodiversity hotspots. There are no biodiversity somniferum.
hotspots in polar regions. Biodiversity hotspots are 121 (d) Fungi refers to the group of eukaryotic
characterised by large number of flora and fauna, heteromorphic organisms with diverse forms, sizes,
abundance of endemic species. They are mostly found in physiology and mode of reproduction. They exhibit
tropical and temperate regions. more species diversity. In terms of species diversity,
111 (c) All of the given plants are prone to overexploitation fungi is followed by algae, bryophytes and then ferns
due to their respective properties. Nepenthes (pitcher and allies.
plant) is an insectivorous plant, Psilotum is a 122 (a) The tropical region exhibits less seasonal
pteridophyte and Aconitum is a medicinal plant. variations, i.e. remain undisturbed and hence exhibits
112 (c) Kaziranga National Park is situated in Golaghat and high species diversity.
Nagaon districts of (Assam). One-horned rhinoceros is As for the other options
specific to this park. l
The temperate regions are more seasonal, but less
For rest of the other options, constant and exhibit less species diversity.
Corbett National Park is situated in Nainital district l
Also, alpines show low temperature and high altitudes
(Uttarakhand) and is specific for tiger. It is the first and thus exhibit less diversity.
National Park of India, which is famous for tigers. 123 (b) The historic convention on biological diversity
Bandipur National Park located in Karnataka is also held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1992 is known as the
specific for tigers. Earth Summit (Ist).
Bhitar Kanika National Park is located in Odisha and is The explanation for other options is
specific for salt water crocodiles. l
CITES (Convention on International Trade in
114 (d) All of mentioned plants are endangered plant species Endangered Species of wild flora and fauna) has
of India. Rauwolfia serpentina (sarpgandha), Santalum helped in restricting poaching, i.e. illegal capturing of
album (sandal wood) and Cycas beddomei, all are facing wild animals and loss of rare species.
the threat of extinction as these are being overexploited l
MAB stands for Man and Biosphere Programme,
due to their medicinal and commercial importance. which undertakes the establishment and maintenance
115 (d) All the three mentioned species are neither of biosphere reserves.
threatened nor indigenous species of India. Lantana,
124 (b) All the three mentioned techniques are ex situ
Eichhornia (water hyacinth) and African catfish (Clarias
conservation methods. At present, gametes of
gariepinus) are all alien (exotic) species, which are
threatened species can be preserved under viable
invasive and have a harmful impact resulting in the
conditions for longer duration by cryopreservation, i.e.
extinction of the indigenous species.
storage at very low temperature −196°C in liquid
117 (c) The statement in option (c) is correct. nitrogen.
Rest of the statements are incorrect and can be corrected as Fertilisation can be achieved in laboratory in vitro and
Parthenium is an exotic weed, which grows rapidly and various plant species can be improved or propagated
adversely affects the native species. by tissue culture method, a plant breeding principle.

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