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Physical Development
Physical Changes in Middle

Physical Changes in Late Adulthood

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Sensory abilities. strength, and
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The Aging Brain

Physical Changes in
Middle Adulthood
After the age of 40, physical decline gradually decreases. During
early and midddle adulthood, physical vigor has less to do with age
than with a person’s health and exercise habits. Aging also brings a
gradual decline in fertuality, especially for women. For a 35- to 39-
year-old woman, the change of getting pregnant after a single act of
intercourse is half that woman 19 to 26. Men experience a fradual
decline in sperm count, testosterone level, and speed of erection and
ejaculation. Women experience menopause as menstrual cycles end,
usually within a few years of age 50. Some may experience distress,
as do some men who experience declining virility and physical
capacities. Also sexual activity remains satisfying, though less
frequent, after middle age.
Physical Changes in Late

From 1950 to 2015 worldwide life expectancy at birth

increased from 50 to 73 years. Throughout the life
span, males are more prone to dying. Althoug 126 male
embryos begin life every 100 females, the sex ratio is
down to 105 males for every 100 females at birth.
Sensory abilities,
strength, and stamina
Physical decline begins in early adulthood. Visual
sharpness diminishes, as does distance perception and
adaptation to light-level changes. Muscle sterngth,
reaction time, and stamina also diminish, as do smell,
hearing, and touch. With age eye’s pupil shrinks and its
lens becomes less transparent, reducing the amount of
light reaching the retina.
Brain regions important to memort begin to atrophy
during aging. The blood-brain berrier also breaks down
beginning in the hippocampus which furthers cognitive
dicline. In early adulthood, a small, gradual net loss of
brain cells begins, constibuting by age 80 to a brain-
weight reduction of 5 percent or so. During memory
tasks, the left frontal lobes are especially active in young
adult brains, while older adult brains use both left and
right frontal lobes.

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