JM Dictionary Skills Activity - Pronunciation Game

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Dictionary Game: Pronunciation ‘Team rules: Cut out each of the pronunciation word cards and shuffle. Divide students into teams. Optional: Provide a chart of phonetic symbols. Display a pronunciation word card. Each team determines what word the pronunciation word card represents, wtites the word on a piece of paper, and holds it up. Fisst team with the correct answer wins a point. Fixst team to win five points wins the game. Timed game cules (for one or two students): Cut out each of the pronunciation word cards and shufile. Optional: Provide a chart of phonetic symbols. Display a pronunciation word card, Bach student determines what word the pronunciation word card represents, writes the word on a piece of paper, and holds it up. Use a stopwatch to time each student’ response. Student with the fastest response time wins, or for a single student, repeat the game at a later date to improve the time, ék’so-lont ‘Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved. Free for educational use at home or mn classrooms. Wiz Reade 16)'1-kal am-bish’os_ nash’o-nal | a-ka’shon ( wun’dar-fal : CCopyrignt © 2015 All Rights Resorvod. Fre for educational uso at ome ori classrooms. F) 11) 1) din’or ............dinner T'va-ré . 6. ee ee ee VOrY kar’é.. 2... 2.0... Carry ék'sa-lont ......... excellent brot ..........-..- brought jOOs............. juice vois.......-.+--. Voice kon-farm’......... .confirm pro-spér’i-té........ . prosperity in'déks............index loj'i-kal . 2.2... eee. logical am-bish’as.......... ambitious nash’a-nal. 2... 2. eee national va-ka’shon......... vacation win’dor-fal ........ . wonderful CCopyrignt © 2015 All Rights Resorvod. Free for educational uso at home ori classrooms. Where read

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