Lección 102 - Present Continuous - Affirmative Sentences - Eetv

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We use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS to describe an action that is going on at this moment.


Subject Pronoun Verb to be Verb (ing)

Singular I am going
You are doing
He is walking
She is playing
It is working
Plural We are reading
You are listening
They are dancing


Complete form Contraction

I am teaching English I’m teaching English now
You are learning the grammar You’re learning the gramar right now
He is playing soccer He’s playing soccer at this moment
She is washing the dishes She’s washing the dishes
It is raining It’s raining
We are talking We’re talking
You are working You’re working
They are singing They’re singing

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Stative verbs do not usually have the “ing” ending.

Emotional or mental states

creer believe

disgustar dislike

dudar doubt

imaginar imagine

saber know

gustar like

amar love

odiar hate

preferir prefer

notar / darse cuenta realize

reconocer recognize

recordar remember

suponer suppose

entender understand

querer want

desear wish

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But there are special cases whose conjugation in the present continuous depends on the

STATIVE VERBS: casos especiales

Verbo Significado sin Ejemplo Significado con Ejemplo

terminación - terminación -
ing ing

Appear Parecer / It appears Presentarse (en My band is

Asemejar to be a bear un escenario) / appearing at
Actuar his party

Feel Opinar I feel you Sentir She is feeling

deserve pain in her
more chest

Look Parecer It looks too Ver They are

weird to me looking at the

See Entender He can’t see Visitar She is seeing

your point her boyfriend

Think Opinar She thinks Pensar I am thinking

you are her about your
best teacher offer

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Complete the following sentences with a form of the verb to be and a verb (ing)

1. The cat ________________________ on the sofa.

2. The children ________________________ in the park.

3. We ________________________ dinner in the kitchen.

4. Lucia ________________________ coffee.

5. He ________________________ a letter to his friend.

6. Tomas ________________________ tv.

7. The dog ________________________ loudly.

8. She ________________________ a book in bed.

9. I ________________________ to music on my phone.

10. You ________________________ the dishes in the sink.

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