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Saving water Emile

Water is a precious resource that we use every day for various activities like drinking, cooking,
bathing, and playing. It is essential for all living things on Earth, including plants, animals, and
humans. But did you know that water is not an unlimited supply? We need to be mindful of
how we use water and take steps to conserve it. In this text, we will explore why saving water
is important and discover some simple ways we can all help protect this valuable resource.
1. Why is Saving Water Important?
Water is essential for life, and it’s important to make sure we have enough for everyone. Here
are a few reasons why saving water is so important:
•Preserving the Environment: Conserving water helps protect rivers, lakes, and oceans. It
ensures that plants and animals have enough water to survive in their natural habitats.
•Ensuring Future Generations: By using water wisely today, we are making sure that there will
be enough for the generations that come after us.
•Reducing Energy Consumption: Did you know that it takes a lot of energy to treat and
transport water to our homes? By using less water, we also help save energy and reduce our
impact on the environment.
2. Simple Ways to Conserve Water:
•Turn off the Tap: When you're brushing your teeth or washing your hands, make sure to turn
off the tap when you're not using the water. This simple act can save a lot of water over time.
•Fix Leaks: If you notice a leaky faucet or a dripping pipe, ask an adult to fix it as soon as
possible. A small drip might not seem like much, but it can waste a surprising amount of water.
•Collect Rainwater: Instead of using a hose to water plants, consider collecting rainwater in
buckets. You can use this water for your garden, and it's a great way to make the most of
nature's gift.
•Shorter Showers: Try to take shorter showers. You can use a timer or your favorite song to
help you keep track of time. This not only saves water but also helps reduce the energy used
to heat the water.
•Watering Wisely: When you're helping with the garden, water the plants in the early morning
or late afternoon. This reduces water loss due to evaporation.
1. What is one reason why saving water is important?
a. It helps to waste energy.
b. It ensures there is enough for future generations.
c. It doesn't have any impact on the environment.
d. It's not really important.
2. How does conserving water help protect the environment?
a. It has no impact on the environment.
b. It ensures that plants and animals have enough water.
c. It doesn't make any difference.
d. It only affects humans.
3. What is one simple way to conserve water mentioned in the text?
a. Leave the tap running while brushing teeth.
b. Ignore leaky faucets.
c. Take long showers.
d. Collect rainwater for watering plants.
4. Why is it important to fix leaks as soon as possible?
a. Leaks don't waste much water.
B. Leaks can waste a surprising amount of water.
c. Leaks are not a big deal.
d Leaks don't affect water conservation.
5. When is the best time to water plants to reduce water loss due to evaporation?
a. midday
b. early morning or late afternoon
c. evening
d. it doesn't matter
6. What does taking shorter showers help to save?
a. energy
b. time
c. money
d. all of the above
7. What can be used to water plants instead of using a hose?
a. tap water
b. bottled water
c. rainwater collected in buckets
d. soda
8. What does conserving water help protect?
a. cars
b. rivers, lakes, and oceans
c. buildings
d) roads
9. What does using water wisely today ensure for future generations?
a. There won't be enough water for them.
b. There will be enough water for them.
c. It doesn't make a difference.
d. They won't need water.
10. What does conserving water help reduce?
a. pollution
b. energy consumption
c. water waste
d. all of the above

Design a small poster in which you ask people to save water.

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