TEST 1 - 5 - Plan and Conduct A Passage - Meteorology.

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TEST 1 – Plan and conduct a passage - Meteorology.

1 Which of these is the correct pressure sequence associated with a weather " In advance – fall, during the passage sudden
cold front "? rise, in the rear – rise con6nues more slowly
2 Tropical revolving storms are accompanied by Heavy rain sometimes with thunder and
3 Which of these is the correct weather sequence associated with a "warm In advance – con6nuous rain, during
front"? passage – rain almost or completely stops,
in the rear – mainly cloudy
4 Frontal depressions move in families, each depression following its
A slightly lower la6tude
predecessor but in......
5 The cause of ice accumulaDon on a ship is due to freezing of sea spray at
-5 C
temperature below
6 On the Beaufort scale, hurricane force corresponds to wind Force 12
7 On the Beaufort scale, storm force corresponds to wind Force 10 and above.
8 Wind force 10 correspond to wind speed of.... 48 -55 knots.
9 An occluded depression tends to move Slowly and irregularly.
10 In what laDtude do tropical revolving storms generally originate? O ot 25 degrees.
11 If a meteorological depression has large warm sector, it has a tendency to. Deepen
12 Which of these isi the correct sequence of visibility associated with a weather In advance – usually poor during passage,
"cold front"? first bad then good, in the rear usually very
good except in showers
13 What is the common name for hurricanes, typhoons or cyclones? Tropical revolving storms
14 Which of these si the correct pressure sequence associated with a weather In advance -steady fall; During the passage –
"warm front"? fall ceases; in the rear -liOle change or slow
15 In a tropical revolving storm, "the eye" si asmal central region of Compara6vely light winds and liOle clouds
16 he eye of a tropical revolving storm is an area with light wind but with seas
very high and confused.
that are....
17 Wind force 5 corresponds to a wind speed of . 7-12knots.
18 South Westerlies are the general surface wind in which for the following
40 - 60 degrees.
19 Fast moving high clouds are na indicaDon of bad weather ot come.
20 Failing barometer is an indicaDon of.... bad weather ot come.
21 Which of these is the corect sequence fo weather asociated with a "cold In advance – usually some rain and perhaps
front"? thunder
During passage – Rain, o9en heavy
In the rear – heavy rain for a short period, then
22 Which of these are "high clouds"? Cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus
23 The direcDon of the center of a storm may be found by Buys Ballot's law, In the northern hemisphere, the center of
namely face the wind and. the storm will bear 8 to 12 points to the
24 In meteorology, isotherms ear lines joining places having the same. Temperature
25 You are 10 to 60 nauDcal miles away from the center of a tropical revolving
Rapid fall
storm. What barometric changes would you expect?
26 Which of these are “low clouds"? Nimbostratus, stratus, stratocumulus
27 What weather phenomenon can cause a reducDon of radar range due to
Rain and snow
28 In meteorology, isobars are lines joining places having the same. Pressure
29 Steaming South at 10 knots, you esDmate the wind speed from the surface as
15knots. Smoke from the funnel is going away to port directly to abeam. WNW
What is the approximate true direcDon of the wind?
30 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4 “ if you were at posiDon ,5 you
would expect.

Light SW winds good visibility

31 Referring to the weather map “MetMap 2. For 1200 May 15th, the pressure
system affecDng posiDon C is a

Frontal trough.

32 At what temperatures can ICE start to form on a vessel's superstructure? -2 C

33 Which type of cloud, from those listed, has low base but great verDcal height? Cumulonimbus.
34 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4", the line at posiDon 1 is called

the warm front.

35 What speed could gusts of wind reach in a Force 8 gale? Over 43 knots
36 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3", esDmate the pressure gradient
between posiDons A and B. Use the distance scale on the map.

4mb in 100 miles

37 Referring to the weather map "Metmap"2 for 1200 May 15th, Westerly winds
ear being experienced in which of the following?

Posi6on C
38 With which type of cloud is conDnuous rain usually associated? Nimbostratus
39 During which month do most tropical storms form in the northern
40 In the northern hemisphere, which direcDon will the wind be from just before
awarm front arrives?
41 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4", a typical value for the low
pressure would be.
42 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4", a typical value for the high
pressure would be.
43 Cumulus clouds are. Flat based clouds which grow upwards and
frequently have “cauliflower tops”
44 What wind speeds are likely when a weather forecast predicts an imminent
Over 34 knots
Force 8 gale?
45 On a synopDc weather chart, what level of air pressure would be represented
by the figure 113?
46 In which direcDon does the Coriolis force deflect winds in the southern
To the le^
47 A typical value for a high pressure center in the north AtlanDc is 1030mb
48 What is the name given to an elongated area of low pressure extending
A trough
outwards from a depression?
49 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3," esDmate the pressure ta posiDon


50 Which one of these is most characterisDc of cold air? Its lightness

51 When a marine thermometer is used to take air temperatures, it should be
In a screen sited to Winward
52 At what alDtude do altostratus clouds generally form? 4500 – 1100 m
53 In the northern hemisphere, which direcDon will the wind normally be from
just before a cold front arrives?
54 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3", in which of het following posiDons
will the wind be lightest?

Posi6on 1

55 Tropical mariDme arisi usualy: Cold, wet and stable

56 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3," esDmate the pressure gradient
between posiDons C and De. Us the distance scale on the map

3mb in 100 miles

57 What is normally the safest angle for a vessel to steer into steep waves? 60 °
58 In the northern hemisphere, which is the most dangerous part pf a storm in
Its right-hand side
relaDon to the direcDon in which it is moving
59 A barograph is an instrument which records conDnuous. Pressure and pressure tendency
60 What correcDons must be applied ot amercury barometer? Temperature, height, and la6tude
61 What is the most important way of using air pressure measurements to
No6cing a steady, rapid fall in air pressure
predict bad weather is coming?
62 An anDcyclone is an area of… High pressure, descending air, and light
63 The visual range corresponding to the term "moderate visibility" used in
2 to 5 NM
weather bulleDns is…
64 Which of the following is NOT true with regard to a summer anDcyclone? Winds circulate an6clockwise in the norther
65 If you see the term falling quickly in a weather forecast, what does this mean It has fallen by between 3.6 – 6 mb in the
the air pressure has done? last 3 hours
66 Above what speed does a tropical depression have to travel to become
74 kph
classed as a tropical storm?
67 Which of those listed is NOT classified as precipitaDon? ICE
68 From those listed, which is the highest cloud? Cirrus
69 If you are facing into the wind in the southern hemisphere, where would an
To your le^
area of low pressure lie?
70 Which type of cloud is associated with thunderstorms? Cumulonimbus
71 The three forms ni which water can exist in the atmosphere are as a solid, a
liquid and.
72 Which of these is NOT a meteorological classificaDon of an air mass? Tropical Mari6me
73 Referring to the weather map "Metmap "2 for 1200 May 15th, winds ta
posiDon A will be forecast as.

Light, Variable

74 In a weather forecast what wave height is indicated by the term 'moderate

1.25 - 2.5m
75 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4", the area at posiDon 3 is called

The warm sector

76 You observe a strong breeze of 25 knots accompanied by large waves

with white foam crests and some spray. What Force on the Beaufort. scale 4.9
would this be rated at?
77 Which is the peak month for hurricanes in the northern hemisphere September
78 What does it mean when the barometer shows air pressure to be rising ? Good weather is on the way
79 Referring to the weather map "Metmap "2 for 1200 May 15th, what the
predominant weather system over the UK at 120 June 26th?

An an6cyclone

80 What is normally the air pressure at sea level? 1013mb

81 In temperate laDtudes an air temperature of 25 C represents A hot summer day
82 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3", esDmate the wind direcDon at
posiDon 3


83 The temperature of the wet bulb thermometer falls according to the rate of evapora6on
84 What is the minimum sea water temperature necessary for a hurricane to
26 C
85 Referring to the weather map "Metmap ,3" the forecast states the low
pressure system to the WN of the BriDsh Isles is moving slowly SE". How
would you expect the wind to change ta posiDon X?

To WSW increase to 35 knts

86 What distance must visibility be reduced to before water vapor is classed as

2 km (2000m)
87 In which direcDon do jet streams normally travel? North to South
88 What is ICE blink? A glare in the horizon indica6ng ice ahead
89 Which of these pressures would be described as "average" in
temperate laDtudes?
90 Referring ot the weather map "Metmap "2 for 1200 May 15th, on passage up
the English Channel, a vessel will probably experience.

Fog or poor visibility

91 Referring to the weather map "Metmap ,3" what sihte forecast wind direcDon
and strength at posiDon Z?

SW 35 knots

92 What si a growler? A small iceberg

93 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4",if you were at posiDon 1, you
would expect..

Low clouds and rain but improving over the

next feew hours

94 In the Beaufort weather notaDon, what is the meaning of the symbol RR? Con6nuous heavy rain
95 An isobar is A line on a weather map though posi6ons
haven the same pressure
96 ArDc air is Freezing and sharp
97 The most accurate sea surface temperature would be obtained from a Water sample obtained in an insulated
98 What do Dghtly spaced isobars indicate? Strong winds
99 Referring to the weather map "Metmap"1orf 070 July 4ht, idenDfy the
predominant pressure system over the UK.

A secondary depression

100 Referring to the weather map "Metmap "2 for 120 May 15th, at posiDon D,
the winds can be expected to....

Be affected by sea breezes

101 What does 'soon' mean in a weather forecast? 6 -12 hours

102 How does current flowing in the same direcDon as the wind affect the sea
It increases wave length and decreases
wavelength and height?
wave height
103 In the northern hemisphere, the wind at sea level rotates around a depression An an6clockwise direc6on at a small angle
in to the isobars inwards towards the center
104 What is the biggest cause of high waves forming Wind
105 Buys Ballot´s Law says that if a seafarer faces the wind in the southern
Directly ahead
hemisphere, the area of low pressure will be
106 An ISOBAR A line on a weather map through posi6ons
having same atmospheric pressure
107 Ajer allowing for laDtude dayDme variaDon, what sort of fall in air pressure
3mb in 3 hours
might indicate an approaching storm?
108 Referring to the weather map "Metmap "2 for 1200 May 15th, the
predominant weather system at posiDon G is.

A weak low

109 Referring to the weather map "Metap"1 for 070 July 4th, what is the pressure
system over the UK most likely do over the next 12 hours?

Move eastwards

110 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4"t, the line at posiDon 2 is called

The Cold front

111 Referring to the weather map Metmap 1 for 0700 July 4th, if you ae on
passage though the Dover Straits

Veer SW

112 Referring to the weather map Metmap 2 for 1200 may 15th, the pressure
system over the UK will probably, in the next 12 hours

Remain sta6onary

113 Showery precipitaDon is most likely to be produced by Cumulus or Cumulonimbus clouds

114 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 3," in which of the following posiDons
will the wind be strongest?

Posi6on 5

115 Sea fog is likely to form when the wind changes direcDon to bring air from a Warm land over a cold area of sea
116 With which type of cloud is HAIL usually associated? Cumulonimbus
117 Referring to the weather map "Metmap,"4 if you were ta posiDon 2, you
would expect.

The wind to veer to the west, visibility to


118 What level of visibility does 'poor' indicate in a weather forecast 1000 – 2000m
119 How reliable are official wave forecasts considered ot be? 70%
120 ISOBAR Contour line of constant air pressure
121 Referring to the weather map "Metmap 4", the line at posiDon 4 is probably.

The trailing part of the cold front of a

previous low

122 Where, in a warm sector depression, are fog patches and light drizzle most
In the warm sector of the depression
likely to occur?
123 Which of these ciDes is one of the three key weather informaDon collecDng
124 If the atmosphere contains less water vapor than it is capable of holding at.
that temperature, it is said to be
125 Sea waves will increase in height in certain condiDons. From those listed,
When they travel with a current
which is NOT one of those condiDons?
126 A depression is formed when: Warm, damp air meets cold, dry air
127 On this weather rouDng chart, what does the upper figure indicate?

The number of observa6ons

128 On this weather rouDng chart, what is the wind speed indicated by the arrow?

4 kts

129 On this weather rouDng chart, what si indicated? Radio calling in point, way or repor6ng
point showing direc6on of vessels
130 What is rain accompanied by snow called? Sleet
131 On this weather rouDng chart, what does this figure indicate?


132 What is the quanDty of water vapor present in the atmosphere called? Humidity
133 On weather rouDng charts how are iceberg limits presented?

LeOer A

134 On this weather rouDng chart, what does this figure indicate?
Single occul6ng

135 Assuming a forecast wind of say, 30 kts, with the maximum wind duraDon and
maximum fetch, what would be the value for the significant wave height?


136 What weather condiDons are likely to result from the movement of warm air
mas over a relaDvely colder sea surface?
137 On this weather rouDng chart, what does this figure indicate?

Overfalls and 6de-rips

138 A sudden rising strong wind or sudden increase of wind usually followed
immediately by a shower of rain or snow is called a
139 Meteorology - what does the figure indicate?

Warm occlusion

140 In which area will the isobars be spaced closest, given hte wind speeds
141 A Squall line of sharp changes of wind, is very ojen associated with Cold front
142 Which of these atmospheric layers is closest to the earth Troposphere
143 What is water content of the atmosphere (usually expressed as a %) Humidity
144 In what direcDon does the wind blow around a cyclonic storm in the norther
145 If the distance between two consecuDve isobars (drawn at intervals of 4mb is
found to be 100NM, and the laDtude is 50°. What is the geostrophic wind

30 kts

146 If an observer is facing the wind in the northern hemisphere, where does the
To the right
low pressure lie
147 On this weather rouDng chart, what does the lower figure represent?

The % frequency of currents having a rate of

less than ½ knot.

148 What is the instrument used for measuring humidity of the atmosphere

Cold front

What does this indicate on a weather map?

150 When visibility is 1km or less, it is known as FOG
151 What instrument is used for measuring the velocity of the wind? Anemometer
152 What type of clouds are shown in the picture


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