Goonswarm Recruitment Office

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Recruitment Office
Solodrakban is literally hitler
Joining 101
Before, recruitment was exclusive to those actively
participating in the Something Awful community.
However, one can only recruit so many people
from a single internet forum, this is why from this day
forth; recruitment will be fully open to the general
public of New Eden.

Perks of becoming a Goon:

- Full access to all CFC regions: Deklein,
Fountain, Branch & Tenal
- 100% reimbursement on ships lost during fleet
- Fully upgraded systems, including full access
to ABC ores. Ratting included!
- Are you a Capital pilot? We’ll build you a
titan at 75% standard cost. Details on internal
- Full access to the Goonwaffe WIKI – the most
detailed EVE online wiki!
- Free Frigates, Skillbooks, PI Kits & implants for
newer players (under 6m SP)
Getting a sponsor
Recruitment is now public, however that doesn’t
mean instant access to all of our intel, cap hangars
and what-not for all you spies. We require you to
hang out in our recruitment channel:
Once you’re in the channel, get talking to existing
members – inquire about getting a sponsorship into
the corporation. Once you’ve found a Goon willing
to be your sponsor, head over to Hit the [APPLY] button
on the navigation bar, then following the guide on
the next page!
Making an API

Well done, you clicked it!

You’re getting closer!

Next step….
The Application
The hardest part is over; the rest is up to our lovely
auth directors to process your application.
Remember, just because you have an application
on the site, doesn’t mean you should apply in
game – only apply ingame once your application tells you to do so.
When you first check your application, it should be
in the processing stage.

At this point you need send the deposit to your recruiter

Within 24 hours, a director will push a button on your
application! Wait patiently, and try not to fuck anything

Now you must apply ingame and wait up to 24 hours for a

director to push another button which puts you right into
our honourable spaceship guild.

After 19 days of being in the corporation, please contact

your recruiter to receive your deposit back. If you
decided to give intel to our enemies or shoot blues, then
you’ll be kicked out of the corporation and will NOT be
given your deposit back. Kill yourself spy faggot.

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