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Jean Sharmaine R.


BSOA 1-7

Research on 5 Ways to Conserve Natural Resources, Help/Improve the Environment, and

Biodiversity; Include explanation, of how to implement the action

The five Ways to Conserve Natural Resources are

1. Practice Recycling

Recycling is essential, as is reducing the quantity of waste we release into the environment. By
doing this, we can help preserve the environment, conserve energy, and cut down on landfill
garbage. Recycling helps people collect money for hospitals, schools, colleges, and other
organizations while also fostering community cohesion.

2. Conserve Energy At Home

Your monthly power bill can be greatly decreased by conserving energy. Preserving natural
resources is aided by energy conservation. Lower carbon emissions can enhance the general
health and well-being of the community.

3. Walk Short Distances, Bike, or Carpool

Walking and running is also a great option for short-distance commuting. Not only it helps
reduce carbon footprint but also it is a great form of exercise

4. Use Renewable Energy

Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include: Generating energy that
produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution.
Diversifying energy supply and reducing dependence on imported fuels

5. Initiate Waste Segregation Programs

Waste segregation facilitates the process of reuse, recycling, and recovery of waste. Segregating
waste can improve the recycling process. For example, separating wet waste from dry waste is a
simple way to help recycling companies. It will help to recycle non-biodegradable waste and
treat biodegradable waste directly.

Five ways to Preserve Biodiversity

1. Support local farms.

● purchasing goods on a regular basis from small local farmers at markets or stands supports
agricultural initiatives to preserve biodiversity and keeps money in the local economy.

2. Respect local habitats.

● the local environment is frequently preserved in large part by the plants that thrive in the parks
and nature preserves close to you. When you're outside, follow the hiking or walking trails to
preserve the biodiversity of the area. Encourage kids and pets to follow in suit!

3. Plant local flowers, fruits and vegetables.

● do some research on the natural plants, fruits, and vegetables in your area and grow a variety in
your hanging garden or backyard. Encourage local nurseries that specialize in native plants to
help with this endeavor. Nurseries are excellent resources for knowledge on the upkeep and
treatment of plants. Additionally, they ought to be able to tell you where they get their plants; the
closer to home, the better. You can conserve the biodiversity and local ecosystem of your area by
providing support to the local wildlife.

4. Save the bees!

● Bees are important to preserving biodiversity – and they are increasingly under attack from
varroa mites. You can help save them by planting nectar-producing wildflowers in your
backyard, or even building bee boxes for local bees to call home. When embarking on DIY home
projects, be mindful about the products you use, as standard backyard pesticides can be harmful
or deadly to bees

5. Take shorter showers

● the quantity of fresh water in the area is essential for biodiversity. Water conservation can be
achieved easily by turning off the water when brushing your teeth, cleaning the dishes, or taking
five-minute showers.

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