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Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES

Telefax: 563-7527

ELng 108n (Teaching and Assesment of the Macro Skills)

2nd Semester, AY 2022-2023

Name: Erica Barro, Joan Flores Noyra Course & Year: BSED Major: English
Glenn Cueva

Schedule: _TTh (7:00-8:30) Date: 09-29-2022

Innovative Teaching Strategy for Reading

Reciprocal Teaching

A novel and influential instruction method “Reciprocal Teaching” has a positive

impact on reading comprehension. This approach was developed by Sullivan
Palincsar and Ann L Brown whereby students are expected to predict, clarify,
summarize as well as question the text. This plan works especially well for students
with reading difficulties.

In the teaching process, reciprocal teaching usually takes a small group of students
who are introduced to the strategy first and then their responsibilities are handed
over by the teacher as they advance. In this way, collaborative and interactive
approach increases students’ awareness about how well they comprehend and
understand text.

The process involves the following four key activities:

1. Prediction: Prediction by students as they anticipate what is in a given text to

read. It therefore motivates them to use their knowledge in reading as well as set an
objective for reading.

2. Clarification: The students therefore pause a number of times in between their

readings to get clarity on some confusions about the text. This may entail
questioning, re-reading and seeking clarification on particular topics or terms.

3. Summarization: To supplement the above, students write down the most

significant points covered after each section of the texts in their own words. This aids
in strengthening learning and the ability to pick out important details.

4. Questioning: They ask questions based on the text, both literal and inferential
question. This activity develops the critical thinking and makes them dig into issues
more deeply.

Palincsar, Ann S., and Brown, Adrian L (1984).
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

Assessment Tool for Reading Comprehension

Degrees of Reading Power (DRP)

A reading comprehension DRP test in which the passages are followed by multiple
choice questions is another example. These passages are strategically chosen from
several literary genres and texts of varying difficulty. This helps ensure that the test
is representative of a student’s comprehension skills for diverse types of narrative.

This is an adaptive test in which the passages and questions are adjusted depending
on how a student responds to them. This also makes it possible for one to design an
assessment that can be used to gauge the comprehension abilities based on the
reading strength of an individual.

It gives a numerical value known as the Degrees of Reading Power score that shows
what reading level an individual attains. The score helps educators as well as
administrators, in following up on students’ performance over time, and identifying
aspects that need improving.

It should be mentioned though that despite the popularity of DRP tests, teachers can
benefit from complementing them with additional evaluations which would allow one
more complete comprehension on readability at certain areas like vocabulary
comprehension, critical thinking plus reasoning or inference ability to mention at least
several of many

References: (Questar Assessment, Inc.,)

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

ELng 108n (Teaching and Assesment of the Macro Skills)

2nd Semester, AY 2022-2023

Name: Erica Barro, Joan Flores Noyra Course & Year: BSED Major: English
Glenn Cueva

Schedule: _TTh (7:00-8:30) Date: 09-29-2022

Innovative Teaching Strategy for Writing

Step-by-Step Implementation:

1. Choose a Model Text: Identify a good text in line with the key skills you wish
students to acquire. This can be any form of writing ranging from an article, essay or
anything related in your curriculum.

2. Initial Reading: Make sure students carefully read through the chosen text,
paying attention to its general organization, central ideas, and the way evidence
supports them.

3. Identify the Structure: Students should be asked to name and mark out the
various sections in a text including Introduction, paragraphs and the conclusion. Ask
them also to point out important aspects such as topic sentences, supporting
evidence, and thesis statements.

4. Create an Outline: Ask them to develop an elaborate scheme of this text. This
should be a hierarchical overview that outlines the main messages and their backing

5. Compare with Original: Have students compare their outlines with the original
text after they create them. At this stage they can evaluate the extent of their
comprehension of the author’s sequence of ideas and the structure of the plot.

6. Discussion and Reflection: Conduct a classroom exercise that allows students

present their outlines, thoughts, or opinions on the selected topic. Provide reasons
for the choice and justification of the chosen options, the functionality of the system
applied, and how the evidence was integrated. Get kids to consider what influenced
the author’s choices.

7. Apply to Own Writing: Lastly, get students to write based on their understanding
of what has been taught. Ask them to apply the reverse outlining method on their
drafts in order to evaluate if their own structuring and reasoning sequence is clearly
presented by themselves.

This approach fosters critical analysis of the components of good writing and
engagement with the reader. When they deconstruct a written model, students learn
why they need to present their ideas to an audience in a clear, coherent, and
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

persuasive manner. Metacognition is further promoted when students consider their

own writing decisions in relation to the analyzed model of text.

Moreover, the cooperative conversation creates an opportunity where students can

learn from the opinions of their fellow scholars. As such, this method can be used
across the board in different writing skills by students at varying grade levels.

Reference: Brandeis University

Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527

Assessment Tool for Writing Proficiency

TOEFL iBT Writing Section (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

The TOEFL iBT Writing Section is a strong evaluation instrument for assessing the
proficiency of the written word in academics, especially those who require English
skills for academic purposes.

1. Integrated Writing Task:

- Format: Passage one (an academic text) Passage two (a lecture or a discussion).
- Task: Relate the main ideas from the reading and listening sections before writing
the essay.

In this case, it involves how well an individual is able to analyze information from
multiple sources including proper articulation of his or her thoughts using relevant

2. Independent Writing Task:

- Format: Essay prompt
- Task: To write an essay in which they state their opinions about a topic of their

In the independent task, one is required to demonstrate their ability of reasoning as it

relates to ideation, generation, organization of thoughts, clear articulation of ideas in
logical sentences. Additionally, it measures fluency in the use of language, grammar,
vocabulary and general writing ability.

Both of these tasks are scored at a scale of zero to five each and they sum up to
thirty points in the total scaled score for the writing section.

Educational Testing Service (ETS). (2022). TOEFL iBT Test Content. Retrieved from
https: //

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