Exercise Book Level 1 - Update 2023

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in Supply Chain Optimization and Simulation

using anyLogistix

Level 1 Basic

Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov

Berlin School of Economics and Law

Professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management

To be cited as: Ivanov D. (2023). Exercises in Supply Chain Optimization and Simulation
using anyLogistix, Berlin School of Economics and Law, 5th Edition

© Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov, 2023. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2

2. Case study 1 ......................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Description of Case Study ..................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Greenfield Analysis (GFA) for Facility Location Planning: Selecting the Best Warehouse
Location for Polarbear Bicycle .................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Network Optimization (NO) for Facility Location Planning: Comparing Polarbear’s Supply
Chain Design Alternatives ........................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Simulation: Dynamic analysis of the Polarbear’s supply chain design ............................... 14

2.5 Comparison experiment ..................................................................................................... 21

2.6 Validation using Variation .................................................................................................. 23

2.7 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 25

3. Case study 2........................................................................................................................... 26

3.1. Description of Case Study .............................................................................................. 26

3.2 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................ 28

3.3 Greenfield Analysis (GFA) ................................................................................................... 32

3.4 Network Optimization (NO)................................................................................................ 34

3.5 Simulation ........................................................................................................................... 38

3.6. Risk analysis: Two-month disruption at one of the DCs .................................................... 41

3.7 Comparison experiment ..................................................................................................... 45

3.8 Validation using Variation .................................................................................................. 47

3.9 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 49

3.10 References ........................................................................................................................ 51

1. Introduction
Supply chain network design and operational planning decisions can have a drastic impact on
the profitability and success of a company. Whether to have one warehouse or two, close a
factory or rent a new one, or to choose one network path over another are all consequential
decisions a supply chain (SC) manager must make. However, these decisions must be the result
of more than experience or intuition, and, as a result, research in SC management (SCM) is
geared towards providing the data, tools, and models necessary for supporting SC managers’
decisions. One of these decision-supporting tools is anyLogistix, a software which facilitates
Greenfield Analysis, Network Optimization, and Simulation.

anyLogistix has become more and more popular with the provision of the free PLE version, and
because it is an easy-to-use software, includes simulation and optimization, and covers all
standard teaching topics (center-of-gravity, efficient vs responsive SC design, SC design
through network optimization, inventory control simulation with safety stock computations,
sourcing (single vs. multiple) and shipment (LTL vs FTL) policy simulation). This guide has
been developed to support a course in Supply Chain Optimization and Simulation using
anyLogistix software using two sample project reports. The following themes will be consid-

 Facility Location Planning (COG, Trade-off Efficiency vs Responsiveness)

 Supply Chain Design (Network optimization, CPLM)
 Inventory Control Policy (simulation, safety stocks, ordering policies)
 Sourcing Policy (simulation, single vs multiple sourcing)
 Shipment Policy (LTL/FTL, aggregation rules)

This collection of exercises is designed as an application add-on to the main ALX Handbook
which provides technical descriptions of how to build ALX models. The main ALX handbook
is available at www.anylogistix.com.

The ALX exercise book addresses the application of quantitative analysis methods and software
to decision-making in global supply chains and operations. Understanding of optimization and
simulation methods in SCM is the core of the course. Technical skills for using simulation and
optimization software in praxis can be acquired with the help of anyLogistix software. This
course is designed to stimulate and enhance conceptual and analytical decision-making skills
in actual operating situations, and will lean heavily on case studies developed throughout the
course. Class sessions will be spent mainly discussing the cases and software implementation,

where students will be required to evaluate actual business situations and apply their relevant
skills, experience, and judgment to develop viable resolutions to business problems using pro-
fessional software for decision-making support. Cases are drawn from both industry and service
environments, calling for decisions in different facets of supply chain and operations manage-
ment (SCOM). The case method requires you to prepare a decision based on careful evaluation
of case facts and numbers to the extent possible. As with all business situations, there may be
insufficient facts, ambiguous goals, and dynamic environments.

Upon completing the course, students should be able to do the following:

 Develop critical thinking skills, be able to identify, generalize, prioritize, isolate, and
reduce complexity in complex and ambiguous operational situations,
 Understand how strategic considerations influence operational decisions,
 Apply analysis and improvement tools learned in previous courses to actual business
 Strengthen qualitative and quantitative reasoning skills for operational decision-making.

This course seeks to convey the following skills:

Analytical Skills: Students will possess the analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate
issues faced in business and professional careers.

Technical Skills: Students will possess the necessary technological skills to analyze problems,
develop solutions, and convey information using optimization and simulation software.

Along these lines, throughout the course we will examine two case studies:

 Building a new SC from scratch - a case study of the Polarbear Bicycle company, which
must create and optimize its SC in order to maintain profitability and keep its competitive
edge in an increasingly global market where sales prices are driven down while costs re-
main stable and
 Improving the existing SC - a case study of the beer producer BERLIN BREWERY, which
seeks to analyze the performance of their existing SC and optimize its distribution network,
while considering the risks and ripple effect.

Using the models available in anyLogistix, we will conduct analyses to (1) determine an optimal
location using Greenfield Analysis (GFA) for a new warehouse, given the location of their cur-
rent customers and those customers relative demands, (2) compare alternative network designs
using Network Optimization (NO), (3) perform a Simulation of different scenarios, (4) validate

the models using Validation, Comparison experiments, and (5) analyze SC behavior under un-
certainty using the Risk Analysis experiment.

The author thanks The AnyLogic Company for their invaluable feedback, comments and sce-
nario updates to this exercise book. The author also wishes to thank Ms. Meghan Stewart for a
thorough proof-reading. The author thanks students Meghan Stewart, Jannes Zuch, Chantal
Reimann, Moritz Albrecht, Stephanie Paeschke, Julia Dyck, Lily Creed, Christin Kemper,
Ragna Maria Berg in MA Program Global Supply Chain and Operations Management |
GSCOM at Berlin School of Economics and Law for case-study samples used in this exercise
book. Finally, the author thanks Mr. Nurlan Mammadzada, a former student in the GSCOM
master program as well as Mr. Hiran Prathapage, a research associate at HWR Berlin for the
updates of all exercises and educational materials.

2. Case study 1

2.1 Description of Case Study

We consider a company called Polarbear Bicycle. Polarbear Bicycle has been newly founded
as an e-commerce start-up selling bicycles. Polarbear’s portfolio includes four different types
of bicycles: x-cross, urban, all terrain, and tour bicycles. Polarbear needs to find a good location
for a new distribution center (DC). First, they estimate customer demand. Polarbear distributes
their bicycles to four locations throughout Germany: Cologne, Bremen, Frankfurt am Main,
and Stuttgart. Table 1 shows customer demand, which is equal to 245 bicycles per day.

Customer Bicycle Type Demand per day

Cologne x-cross 2
Cologne urban 50
Cologne all terrain 15
Cologne tour 10
Bremen x-cross 7
Bremen urban 30
Bremen all terrain 20
Bremen tour 20
Frankfurt am Main x-cross 6
Frankfurt am Main urban 5
Frankfurt am Main all terrain 4
Frankfurt am Main tour 5
Stuttgart x-cross 15
Stuttgart urban 15
Stuttgart all terrain 1
Stuttgart tour 40
Table 1. Customer demand

Polarbear Bicycle has hired a consulting firm to analyze supply and distribution network alter-
natives and to develop a best-case scenario for Polarbear Bicycle. They are charged with con-
ducting a GFA to determine the possible location of a new DC in Germany, as well as a network
optimization to compare several options for network paths. The consulting firm was also asked
to run a simulation to validate several KPIs and plan inventory, and to conduct a sensitivity
analysis to verify all results as well.

2.2 Greenfield Analysis (GFA) for Facility Location Planning: Selecting the Best
Warehouse Location for Polarbear Bicycle

Now we conduct a GFA for the outbound network of Polarbear Bicycle considering the four
customers located in Cologne, Bremen, Frankfurt am Main, and Stuttgart. The aim of this GFA
is to determine the optimal location of one new DC in Germany subject to total minimum trans-
portation costs.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario PB GFA Level 1.

Step 2. Check the tables Customers, Demand, and Products. The data in these tables should
correspond to Table 1.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to GFA Experiment and run it for “Number of sites = 1” and the period of one
year (select “all periods”). In order to activate the experiment settings, the settings button
should be clicked.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Flows” and “New Sites”:

a) What are the optimal coordinates of the DC?

b) What is the maximum distance from the optimal DC location to a customer?
c) What is the minimum distance from the optimal DC location to a customer?
d) What are the total costs of the SC? (Note: to compute the sum of costs or flows in GFA
Results, just slightly drag the heading of the column “Period” or “From” in table “Prod-
uct flows” in the space over the table).
e) Compare the data in statistics “Flows” and Table “Demand”. Do we satisfy all customer
demand from the optimal DC location?
f) What other costs were not considered in selecting the optimal facility location in the


Step 1. Go to GFA Experiment and run it for “Number of sites = 1” and the period of one

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Flows” and “New Sites”:

a) What are the optimal coordinates of the DC?

50.82; 7.47
b) What is the maximum distance from the optimal DC location to a customer?
266.11 km to Bremen
c) What is the minimum distance from the optimal DC location to a customer?
43.55 km to Cologne
d) What are the total costs of the SC?
e) Compare the data in statistics “Flows” and table “Demand”. Do we satisfy all customer
demand from the optimal DC location?
Yes, total flows equal total demand. (we compare data in Table “Demand” and flows in
the statistics “Flows”).
g) What other costs were not considered in selecting the optimal facility location in the
Fixed facility costs, inventory holding costs, processing costs.

2.3 Network Optimization (NO) for Facility Location Planning: Comparing Po-
larbear’s Supply Chain Design Alternatives

After selling the bicycles from the newly established DC according to the GFA results, Polar-
bear decided to produce their own bicycles. Their production facility has now been established
in Nuremberg and 250 bikes are produced each day. Recently, they have received an offer from
a Polish production factory to rent a DC in the Czech Republic at a reasonable price. The same
company also wants to offer them rental of a factory in Warsaw, Poland, even though they
already have one factory in Germany. Polarbear must now decide which SC design is more

 Option 1: DC in Germany and Factory in Germany

 Option 2: DC in Germany and Factory in Poland
 Option 3: DC in Czech Republic and Factory in Poland
 Option 4: DC in Czech Republic and Factory in Germany

In Fig. 1, the different possibilities for the path networks are shown. The dotted lines show
possible alternatives and the solid lines the existing structure of Polarbear’s SC.

Figure 1. Network optimization alternatives

The aim of the NO is to determine which network design is optimal based on Polarbear’s se-
lected KPIs, e.g., profit.

Therefore, the factory in Warsaw, Poland, the DC in the Czech Republic, and the DC in Steim-
elhagen were added as inputs to the model along with the Nuremburg factory. To enable the
model’s calculation, the reality of the case must be simplified: all demand is assumed to be
deterministic without any uncertain fluctuations. To define the two-stage NO problem
(transport between factories and DCs and between DCs and customers) from a mathematical
perspective, several parameters must be input as data. These are shown in Table 2.

Costs Value in USD
Factory Nuremberg: fixed (other) costs, per day 15,000
Factory Poland: fixed (other) costs, per day 5,000
DC Germany: fixed (other) costs, per day 15,000
DC Germany: carrying costs (per bicycle) 3.00
DC Czech Republic: fixed (other) costs, per day 5,000
DC Czech Republic: carrying costs 2.00
DC Germany: processing costs (inbound and outbound ship- 2.00
ping per pcs)
DC Czech Republic: processing costs (inbound and outbound 1.00
shipping per pcs)
Factory Nuremberg: production costs (per bicycle) 250
Factory Poland: production (per bicycle) 150
All bicycles: product purchasing costs 30
Transportation costs; Paths: from factory - to DCs 0.01 * product(pcs) * distance
Transportation costs; Paths: from DCs - to customers 0.01 * product(pcs) * distance
Unit revenue 499
Table 2. Cost inputs to optimization model

The costs of the rent for the factory in Poland and the DC in Czech Republic are included in
“other costs”. For transport, it is always assumed that each truckload fits 80 bicycles, and trucks
travel at a speed of 80 km/h.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario PB NO Level 1.

Step 2. Check data from Table 2 and Fig. 1 in tables “DCs and Factories”, “Facility Expenses”,
“Paths”, “Processing Costs”, “Product Flows”, “Product Storages”, “Production”, “Products”,
and “Vehicle Types”. Explain the data in the aforementioned tables. The data in these tables
should correspond to Fig. 1 and Table 2.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to NO Experiment and run it with the Demand variation type “95-100%”.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Optimization Results”, “Flow Details”, “Produc-
tion Flows”, “Demand”, and “Overall Stats”:

a) What is the most profitable SC design?

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied?
c) What is the total revenue of the most profitable SC?
d) What is total profit of the most profitable SC?
e) Compare the data in statistics “Production Flows” and Table “Demand”. Does the
production quantity correspond to the total demand?
f) Compare the optimal SC design as computed in the NO and the initial SC design
(factory and DC in Germany) in terms of profit.
g) What other costs should be considered when redesigning the SC according to NO
h) What other factors, apart from costs, should be considered when re-designing the
SC according to the results of the NO?


Step 1. Go to NO Experiment and run it.

NOTE! In order to run the NO experiment, you need to change the units in experiment
settings from m3 to pcs to align it with product data.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Optimization Results”, “Flow Details”, “Produc-
tion Flows”, “Demand”, and “Overall Stats”:

a) What is the most profitable SC design?

See statistics “Optimization Results”: Factory Poland, DC in Czech Republic.

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied?

Yes. See statistics “Demand” and columns “Satisfied” and “Percentage”.

c) What is the total revenue of the most profitable SC?
$44,623,075.0; see statistics “Overall Stats”.
d) What is total profit of the most profitable SC?
$26,338,905.352; see statistics “Overall Stats”.
e) Compare the data in statistics “Production Flows” and table “Demand”. Does the
production quantity correspond to the total demand?
Yes. See statistics “Production Flows”.
f) Compare the optimal SC design as computed in the NO and the initial SC design
(factory and DC in Germany) in terms of profit.

The initial SC profit is shown in Iteration 8, and optimal SC profit is shown in Iteration 1. The

profit can be increased from $10,394,880.062 to $26,338,905.352 (see answer “a”) by changing
the SC design as follows:

Choosing the highest net profit path would mean closing the factory in Nuremberg and not
considering opening the DC in Steimelhagen.

This would mean an increase in net profit for Polarbear which is almost three times higher than
the approximation of the as-is scenario. This huge increase is primarily the result of the cost
savings possible by renting facilities in Poland and Czech Republic, which have much lower
fixed operating costs than is possible in Germany (see Table 2).

g) What other costs should be considered when redesigning the SC according to NO

Opening/closure costs.
h) What other factors, apart from costs, should be considered when redesigning the SC
according to NO results?
Workforce qualification and know-how, disruption risks, future market trends,
changes in supplier structures, risks of outsourcing.

The optimization results show that the highest profit can be achieved in the SC design with a
DC in Czech Republic and a factory in Poland. However, the negotiations with the factory in
Poland revealed another constraint: the Polish factory would only consider annual quantities of
each bicycle type within the range of 10,000 units (minimum capacity utilization) and 25,000
units (maximum capacity utilization). Polarbear must now conduction another NO to include
this additional capacity constraint.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario PB NO Level 1 Constrained.

Step 2. Check data in table “Production” in the columns “Min Throughput” and “Max

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to NO Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Optimization Results”, “Flow Details”, “Produc-
tion Flows”, “Demand”, and “Overall Stats”:

a) What is the most profitable SC design considering the capacity constraint of the
factory in Poland?
b) What is the total profit of the most profitable SC?
c) Compare the optimal SC design with the capacity constraint, as computed in the
second NO, and the optimal SC design without the capacity constraint, as computed
in the first NO experiment, in terms of profit.
d) Which differences between solutions in incapacitated and capacitated scenarios can
be observed? Explain.


a) What is the most profitable SC design considering the capacity constraint of the factory
in Poland?

The optimal SC design now is to have a DC in the Czech Republic and two factories in
Germany and Poland.
b) What is total profit of the most profitable SC?


c) Compare the optimal SC design with the capacity constraint, as computed in the
second NO, and the optimal SC design without the capacity constraint, as computed
in the first NO experiment, in terms of profit.

The profit is reduced from $ 26,338,905.352 to $19,487,446.413. The optimal SC design

now is now to have a DC in the Czech Republic and two factories in Germany and

d) What differences between solutions in incapacitated and capacitated scenarios can

be observed? Explain.

As the “Flow Details” statistics show, the capacity of the factory in Nuremberg will be used to
produce the “tour” and “urban” bicycles for which the total demand is higher than the maximum
capacity of the factory in Poland. This increases costs.

2.4 Simulation: Dynamic analysis of the Polarbear’s supply chain design

In simulation, we extend our analysis by adding the following features:

- We transit from flows (as in NO) to orders, i.e., the customer demand is no longer con-
sidered an aggregated flow during a period, but it is now generated as orders at certain
intervals, e.g., 10 bicycles every day.
- We introduce inventory control to manage ordering processes.
- We introduce sourcing policies (e.g., single vs. multiple sourcing) to manage replenish-
ment processes.
- We introduce shipment control (LTL/FTL) to manage shipment processes.

First, we simulate the SC with two factories in Poland and Germany and a DC in the Czech
Republic subject to customer demand from Table 1 (see GFA exercise) and the following data
(Table 3).

Object Inventory Po- Expected Trans- Production Sourcing Trans-

licy Lead portation Time per Policy portation
Time Time, Unit, days Policy
Min Max
(ELT), days
Factory Ger- 50 100 2 0.1 LTL
Factory Poland 50 100 2 0.07 LTL
DC Czech Re- 50 100 2 Closest LTL
public dynamic
Customers 5
Table 3. Parameters for simulation model

For the DC and the factory, three inventory policies have to be developed. We assign the DC
and factories a “min-max policy” for all products, where the minimum stock is 50, the maxi-
mum stock is 100, and the initial stock is 50 bicycles.

To evaluate the simulation results, we consider six KPIs according to the needs of Polarbear:

(1) Financial KPIs, such as profit, revenue and costs

(2) ELT service level by product, which is the ratio of products delivered within the ex-
pected lead time to the total ordered quantity
(3) Demand fulfillment (product backlog)
(4) Available inventory
(5) Production capacity utilization and
(6) Lead time.

With all of the parameters described, we now run the simulation for a period of one year.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1.

Step 2. Check data from Table 3 in tables “DCs and Factories”, “Inventory”, “Production”,
“Sourcing”, and “Unit Conversions”. Explain the data in the aforementioned tables. The data
in these tables should correspond to Table 3.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Lead Time”,
“ELT Service Level”, “Production Utilization”, “Demand (Product Backlog)”, and “Average
Available Inventory”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC?

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.
c) What is the production utilization of factories in Poland and Germany? Explain why
the German factory is utilized to 100% and the factory in Poland is utilized only to
75% even if we clearly see insufficient production quantities and the backlog?
d) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC?
e) What is your judgment on the lead time?
f) What suggestions for improvement do you have which could increase profit and
customer satisfaction?


Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Lead Time”,
“ELT Service Level”, “Production Utilization”, “Demand (Product Backlog)”, and “Average
Available Inventory”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC?

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.

Not at all. We have a very high backlog and a decreasing service level.

c) What is the production utilization of factories in Poland and Germany? Explain why
the German factory is utilized to 100% and the factory in Poland is utilized only to
75% even if we clearly see insufficient production quantities and the backlog?
100% for the factory in Germany and 75% for the factory in Poland result from the
constraints on production quantities and design capacity defined in Tables “Inven-
tory” and “Production”, respectively:

Production time in Table “Production” determines the design capacity of a factory. E.g., a
production time of 0.1 (day) means that we need 0.1 day to product one bicycle, and so our
daily maximum possible production rate is 10 bicycles. The real production rate is deter-
mined by the production control policy in Table “Inventory” saying in our example that we
should produce as many bicycles to satisfy the min=50 and max=100 constraints.

d) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC?

Fluctuations with a high amplitude are visible in the diagram.
e) What is your judgment on the lead time?
It is very long and unequally distributed (e.g., high lead time fluctuations).
f) What suggestions for improvement do you have which could increase profit and
customer satisfaction?
Revenue is very low because customer demand is not fulfilled (see backlog and ELT
service level diagrams). Inventory control policy parameters (i.e., reorder point and
target inventory) might need to be adjusted. Production capacity utilization is very
high, which indicates a bottleneck. Capacity must be increased and aligned with
demand, order frequency, and inventory control policy parameters.

Polarbear’s SC managers suggest the following changes to the input parameters (Table 4).

Object Inventory Po- Expected Trans- Produc- Sourc- Trans-

licy Lead portation tion Time ing portation
Time Time, per Unit, Policy Policy
Min Max
(ELT), days days
Factory Germany 5 2 LTL
x-cross 30 60 0.05

urban 100 200 0.015
all terrain 40 80 0.04
tour 75 150 0.02
Factory Poland 5 2 LTL
x-cross 30 60 0.05
urban 100 200 0.015
all terrain 40 80 0.04
tour 75 150 0.02
DC Czech Republic 2 Closest LTL
x-cross 60 120
urban 200 400
all terrain 80 160
tour 150 300
Customers 5 Closest
Table 4. Parameters for simulation model

Having changed all parameters, we now run new simulation.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1_Improved.

Step 2. Check data from Table 4 in tables “Inventory” and “Production”. The data in these
tables should correspond to Table 4.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Lead Time”,
“ELT Service Level”, “Production Utilization”, “Demand (Product Backlog)”, and “Average
Available Inventory”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC? Did we improve?
b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.
c) What is the production utilization of factories in Poland and Germany? Explain.

d) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC?
e) Explain how MIN (reorder point) and MAX (target inventory) values have been
f) What is your judgment on the lead time?
g) Explain why the changes made improved SC performance.
h) How can you validate the simulation modelling results using the previous network
optimization experiments?


Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Lead Time”,
“ELT Service Level”, “Production Utilization”, “Demand (Products Backlog)”, and “Average
Available Inventory”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC? Did we improve?

Yes, we significantly improved revenues and profits.
b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.

Yes. The service level is 100% and there is no backlog.
c) What is the production utilization of factories in Poland and Germany? Explain.
78%. There is no longer production backlog in the SC.
d) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC?
Stable inventory dynamics.
e) Explain how MIN (reorder point) and MAX (target inventory) values were com-
s=demand per day * transportation time; S=2*s
f) What is your judgment on the lead time?
It became constant at a value of two days because there was no backlog or product
g) Explain why the changes made improved SC performance.
The adjustment of inventory policy parameters along with increasing production ca-
pacity and aligning it with demand, ordering frequency, and inventory policy im-
proved the performance of the SC.
h) How can you validate the simulation modelling results using the network optimiza-
tion (NO) experiments?
Profit in the simulation experiment is close to the profit obtained in the network
optimization for the same SC design and experimental dataset.

2.5 Comparison experiment

In order to simplify a comparison of two considered simulation scenarios, we run a comparison


Creating a Comparison Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1 and go to Comparison Experiment.

Step 2. Select scenarios PB SIM Level 1_Improved and PB SIM Level 1 to compare.

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a comparative analysis of two scenarios should
be “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Comparison experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT service

a) What are the profit, ELT service level, and order backlog for the two scenarios? Did
we improve in the second scenario?
b) How can you explain the relationship between the Simulation and Comparison ex-


Creating a Comparison Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1 and go to Comparison Experiment.

Step 2. Select scenarios PB SIM Level 1_Improved and PB SIM Level 1.

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a comparative analysis of the two scenarios
should be “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Comparison experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT service

a) What is the profit, ELT service level, and order backlog in the two scenarios? Did
we improve in the second scenario?

Yes, we improved all KPIs.

b) How can you explain the relationship between the Simulation and Comparison ex-

The Comparison experiment simultaneously runs multiple simulation scenarios. When
only the overall KPIs are important for decision-making support, this is much faster than
running multiple simulations separately. However, in a Comparison experiment, the
process and dynamics of each scenario cannot be observed.

2.6 Validation using Variation

Rather than running the same simulation multiple times with different parameter values or com-
binations, the variation experiment allows multiple variations of the same simulation to be run
simultaneously. A variation experiment highlights how KPIs change depending on different
parameter values. This kind of sensitivity analysis can also be used to verify the validity of the
results of the simulation model.

A variation analysis must be performed to check Polarbear’s simulation model and the results.
The daily demand for “urban” bicycles in Cologne can be varied with a minimum demand of
50 and a maximum demand of 170 in steps of 40. The variation should be performed for a
period of one year.

Creating a Variation Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1_Improved and go to Variation Experiment.

Step 2. Check the parameter we will vary (i.e., DemandData: bicycle “urban”, Cologne;

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a variation analysis should be “Demand (back-
log)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Variation experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service

a) What is the profit, ELT service level, and order backlog for different demands?
b) Why and how do the KPIs change as demand changes?
c) Is the simulation model sensitive?


Creating a Variation Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario PB SIM Level 1_Improved and go to Variation Experiment.

Step 2. Check the parameter we will vary (i.e., DemandData: bicycle “urban”, Cologne;

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a comparative analysis of the two scenarios
should be “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Variation experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Demand (backlog)”, “Profit”, and “ELT Service

a) What is the profit, ELT service level, and order backlog for different demands?

b) Why and how do the KPIs change as demand changes?

Our SC is not well prepared for an increase in demand in Cologne. Due to limited
production capacity and selected reorder points and target inventories, the demand
increase in Cologne would result in backlog, and significant decreases in service
level and profit.
c) Is the simulation model sensitive?
Yes, it is. Changes in demand have direct impact on service level, profit, and back-

2.7 Recommendations

Develop recommendations for Polarbear Bicycle’s management. Consider GFA, NO, SIM,
Comparison and Variation results. What SC design would you recommend? Consider the im-
pact of inventory control and production capacities. Are there any other factors that should be
taken besides the results of the experiments performed?

Given the results of all the analyses, several recommendations can be made concerning the how
Polarbear Bicycle can improve their SC. First, managing the inventory is key to keeping costs
low, and thereby increasing profit. By varying inventory control policy parameters, we could
achieve significant improvements in profit and service level.
Second, if net profit is the most important KPI for Polarbear, the results of the NO indicate that
the best network design is to take the opportunity to rent the factory in Poland and the DC in
the Czech Republic while maintaining production capacity in Nuremberg. Along the same lines,
this would also mean not opening the DC in Germany. However, other factors should be taken
into account concerning this option since the closing costs for the DC in Germany were not
considered in the software model. In addition, a second DC could be useful as backup in case
severe disruptions occur in the SC.
Third, the variation analysis showed that profit and service level are highly sensitive to demand
changes. As such, capacity flexibility in production and adjustment of inventory control policies
should be considered in order to cope with unexpected demand fluctuations.

3. Case study 2

3.1. Description of Case Study

BERLIN BREWERY is a Berlin beer brand well-known for its small, traditional, handmade
beer. Currently, they have one brewery (factory) and one DC in Berlin. Although they have
been in business a short time, they already have 50 customers in eight countries. Nevertheless,
they face several problems which need to be solved. On the one hand, the German beer market,
which is the primary market with the highest sales for BERLIN BREWERY, can be character-
ized as a mature market with strong prices and pressure from competition. A sales crisis has
been going on for years and competition is intensifying as a result of consolidation processes
implemented by international brewing companies. To expand their distribution network and
reduce costs by inventory management improvements, a simulation and optimization analysis
must be performed to evaluate their current SC performance and develop suggestions for its

To provide context, an overview of the German and international beer market will be explained,
and the relevant technical details of the BERLIN BREWERY and its SC presented. Next the
current problem will be described, followed by developments of the GFA, NO, and Simulation
alongside the respective results. Finally, recommendations for management need is given based
on the computational results.

Beer is an alcoholic and carbonated beverage which is made by fermenting water, malt, and
hops. The production of beer can be traced back to the farmers who lived in the 4th millennium
BC during the Babylonian and pharaonic times. In Europe, the addition of hop to water only
became generally valid in the 14th century. In the early Middle Ages, beer was brewed primar-
ily in monasteries. Particularly in northern Germany, the top-fermented brewing industry flour-
ished. After the Thirty Years’ War, Bavaria gradually came to the fore as a beer country. To
save the purity and tradition of beer, the Bavarian dukes Albrecht IV and William IV regulated
the raw materials with strict purity laws. According to these laws, only barley, hops and water
could be used to make beer. The purity requirement of 1516 is the oldest, still valid food legis-
lation in the world (o.V.2017).

The German brewing tradition enjoys a prestigious reputation worldwide. According to the
German Brewers’ Federation (o.V.2017), there were around 5,000 beer brands in Germany at

the beginning of 2015 and over 6,000 in 2017. The trend is rising, although consumption is

The market for beer products and the German brewing industry are characterized by strong
prices and competition. As mentioned, a sales crisis has been going on for years and the com-
petition is intensifying because of consolidation processes implemented by international brew-
ing companies.

The SC of a brewery is highly complex. First, essential ingredients (hops, malt, yeast, and wa-
ter) and extra ingredients have to be shipped to the brewery. Shipping hops is particularly com-
plex as the product is very sensitive: moisture, heat, and oxygen reduce its brewing value over
time. As a result, hops must be stored between -2° and +3° Celsius. After the brewing process,
the young beer is stored in tanks at a temperature of 1° to 2° Celsius for a length of time between
three weeks and three months. In this time, the beer ferments and gets its characteristic colour.
In the final steps, the beer is filtered, bottled, and labelled (Plank, 2013). Figure 1 summarizes
the logistics process of the craft beer industry.

Figure 1: Logistics process of the craft beer industry

Warehousing, picking, and loading are carried usually out by company employees, but this
depends on size and internal factors for each company. Some companies set up their own ser-
vice companies for in-house logistics, but most breweries engage external companies for sorting
empties, cleaning empties, and the cleaning of the plant. Compared to other industries, the dis-
tribution of beer is diversified as many different channels have to be covered. These include the
classic food retail trade, beverage disposal markets, food discounters, petrol stations, and gas-
tronomy. However, the importance of different distribution channels has changed in recent
years. Food retailers (especially discounters) have gained more importance in the brewing in-
dustry, while the importance of gastronomy has declined. In general, all channels receive the
beer either directly from the breweries (it’s possible that a third-party-logistics provider takes
care of transportation) or through a beverage wholesaler.

3.2 Problem Statement

Currently, the BERLIN BREWERY’s Brewhouse consists of 5 tanks which have a total capac-
ity of 20hl. Assuming that demand for its beer is rising, the BERLIN BREWERY has the option
to expand its Brewhouse with more tanks. The whole process from the original brewing to the
finished product requires between four to six weeks depending on how long each type of beer
must be stored. As the location of production in Berlin is small, all beer produced is stored in
the only DC in Berlin. An external service provider takes care of all logistical requirements.
Currently, most of the beer BERLIN BREWERY sells is sold in Berlin, though the craft beer
is also sold to wholesalers all over Germany. Since 2018, customer locations include Switzer-
land, Austria, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy, and Spain. BERLIN BREWERY collaborates
with three suppliers in Germany who deliver empty beer bottles in crates, as well as the hops
and malt. Empty bottles in crates are delivered from a location close to Nuremberg, the hops
come from Koblenz, and malt is delivered by a supplier from a location close to Dresden. BER-
LIN BREWERY’s current sales’ figures and further financial figures, which are important for
the analysis, are summarized in the next step. One-off acquisition costs for the brewing equip-
ment is $300,000. Moreover, maintenance costs (including energy and electricity) for the loca-
tion of the factory are $80,000 per month or $2,630 per day.

Assuming that one beer crate consists of 20 bottles, the whole cost for one crate is $10. Note
that in the anyLogistix model, we consider a product “Beer” which is equivalent to one beer
crate. The costs of the product “Beer” can be broken down as follows in Table 1.

Usage per beer Measure used in

BOM Costs per beer crate, $
crate anyLogistix
Hops 7.92 gr. 1 piece 0.32
Malt 1390 gr. 1 piece 2.22
Crate 20 bottles 1 piece 6.00
Production pro-
cessing costs
Total 20 bottles 10.00
Table 1: Bill of materials (BOM), based on information of BERLIN BREWERY

Table 1 depicts the BOM (Bill-of-Materials) for the product “Beer” which consists of 1 piece
of Hops, 1 piece of Malt and 1 piece of Crate.

Carrying costs, which include warehousing costs, handling inside inventory, and inventory
costs, are estimated to be $0.005 per beer crate ($0.2 per pallet) per day. The transportation
from the BERLIN BREWERY factory to the DCs are calculated as volume-distance based
transport and costs are $0.00175 per km/beer crate ($0.07 per pallet). The transport from the
three suppliers to the BERLIN BREWERY factory is paid by suppliers. Inbound and outbound
costs are shipment processing costs. Outbound costs at factory are assumed to be $0.66 per beer
pallet and inbound costs are $40 per pallet. Hops and malt are delivered in a one-kilogram
packaging unit: one pallet of malt or hops equals 40 packaging units.

BERLIN BREWERY wishes to expand its sales and work as efficiently as possible to increase
profit. To reach these goals, several problems must be overcome: as mentioned in the first chap-
ter, beer consumption in Germany, BERLIN BREWERY’s main market, is decreasing and the
market as a whole is highly competitive. The German beer market is a mature, nearly saturated
market. Two potential solutions exist: expansion into other countries or increased sales to ex-
isting customers. These options instigate further challenges as BERLIN BREWERY has only
one DC in Berlin. Long routes and long delivery times to individual customers are the main
problems. Because of the long routes, BERLIN BREWERY can respond only relatively inflex-
ible to spontaneous requests and a high number of unnecessary routes might be taken. There is
also the risk of manmade or natural disruptions which can influence service quality (e.g. a storm
destroys DC).

In sum, the goal of BERLIN BREWERY is to expand their distribution network, serve their
customers as efficiently and satisfyingly as possible, raise their sales numbers, and increase
profit. This is possible by optimizing their SC: an optimal number of DCs as well as good
locations for these DCs must be found to save as much logistics costs as possible. Loss of
quality and delivery problems should be avoided.

Fig. 2 depicts the current situation. Production is in the centre of Berlin and the raw ingredients
are shipped by truck directly from Dresden, Nuremberg, and Koblenz. To store as little as pos-
sible, raw materials are delivered on demand and used directly (JIT- just-in-time) for the pro-
duction. The beer is delivered to 50 customers all over Europe.

Figure 4: Current network of BERLIN BREWERY

To provide a better understanding of the circumstances, a few assumptions are made:

 All prices and costs are shown and calculated in $.
 All processes are considered in terms of (beer) crates or pallet specifications, rather than
bottles. This is because BERLIN BREWERY sells their beer only in whole crates, and
these terms help to simplify the model. In one beer crate there are always 20 bottles of
beer, which have 0.33 liters of content per bottle (6.6 liters per crate).
 1 pallet = 40 beer crates = 800 beer bottles
 The recycling deposit on bottles is not considered.
 Transportation costs from the factory to all DCs are the same.
 Transportation-/ handling costs from the DCs to the customers are adapted to the price
level of the actual country.
 One year consists of two periods:
o Summer period: 01.05.2021 - 31.10.2021
Demand coefficient: 1.2 (meaning 1.2 times higher demand as in winter due to
higher demand during warm months)
o Winter period: 01.11.2021 - 30.04.2022
Demand coefficient: 1.
 Orders are received every seven days (static demand).

 Transportation speed is 80km/h, the capacity of a truck is 1,320 crates, which equals 33
pallets which are single stocked.
 Price per crate for customer: $60.00.

We assume that BERLIN BREWERY will sell 260,405 beer crates within the coming summer
period (151,035 crates) and winter period (109,370 crates). Fig. 5 below shows the customers,
according to the summer and winter periods. Substantial sales are made in Germany, especially
in Berlin (32,807 beer crates per year) and the least sales are achieved in Basel, Switzerland
(871 beer crates per year).

Figure 5: Distribution of sales by country and period, own illustration

The main customers are beverage retailers, which purvey to smaller retailers or restaurants.
Therefore, it is considered that only one wholesaler is supplied per city. This wholesaler makes
resales independently. As a result, no further storage costs are incurred as no further DC is
required. Transportation to the wholesalers and handling is currently being handled entirely by
a logistics service provider as BERLIN BREWERY does not yet have the necessary capacity
and occupancy rate for profitable shipment. This service provider picks up the goods in the
brewery, stores them in their own warehouse, and launches directly to the distributor as needed.
The current financial performance is presented in Table 2.

Transportation cost
Other cost
Inbound processing cost

Outbound processing cost
Inventory purchases

Revenue 15,684,866

Table 2: Current cost structure

3.3 Greenfield Analysis (GFA)

Now we conduct a GFA. The aim of this GFA is to determine optimal DC locations in the SC
subject to minimum total transportation costs.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario BR GFA Level 1.

Step 2. Check the tables Customers, DCs and Factories, Demand, Unit Conversions, and

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to GFA Experiment and run it for “Number of sites = 7”.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Flows” and “New Sites”:

a) What are the optimal coordinates of the new DCs?

b) What is the maximum distance from an optimal DC location to a customer?
c) What are the total costs of the SC?
d) Compare the data in statistics “Flows” and table “Demand”. Do we satisfy all customer
demand from the optimal DC locations?
e) Which costs, relevant for choosing an optimal DC location, were not considered in this
GFA analysis?


Step 1. Go to GFA Experiment and run it for “Number of sites = 7”.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Product Flows” and “New Sites”:

a) What are the optimal coordinates of the new DCs?

b) What is the maximum distance from an optimal DC location to a customer?

533.82 km to Bergen in Norway.
c) What are the total costs of the SC?
Note: To compute the sum of costs and flows, slightly drag the heading of the column
“Product” in table “Product Flows” in the space over the table.
d) Compare the data in statistics “Flows” and table “Demand”. Do we satisfy all cus-
tomer demand from the optimal DC locations?
Yes, total flows equal total demand.
e) Which costs, relevant for choosing an optimal DC location, were not considered in
this GFA?
Fixed facility costs, inventory holding costs, processing costs.

3.4 Network Optimization (NO)

The NO offers the possibility of optimizing an existing SC according to maximum possible

profit. In this case, the solutions of the GFA will be taken into account to optimize the SC.
Having checked the suggested GFA sites for DCs, the SC manager of BERLIN BREWERY
analysed those locations further regarding additional factors such as availability of warehouses
to rent, construction costs for building new warehouses, fixed costs, infrastructure, future de-
mand forecasts, etc. As a result, some of the GFA suggested locations are moved (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Alternative DCs locations

The NO goal is to find the SC design with the highest possible profit. To define the NO problem
from a mathematical perspective, several parameters must be input as data. Each of the DCs
has an inventory capacity of min. 5,800 beer crates and max. 11,600 beer crates as well as a
one-week inventory range. The brewery can stock 10,000 crates at maximum and should carry
an inventory of at least 5,000 crates. Customers and their demands remain the same as in the
GFA. To avoid confusion, the DCs are now marked as red icons. Green icons are added to
symbolize the suppliers of beer ingredients. These suppliers are located in Nuremberg, Koblenz,
and Dresden.

Table 3 contains the costs of the sites. These numbers have been adjusted to the income ratios
of each country. Two of them, Berlin and Bochum, are in Germany, and the overall prices in
Berlin are cheaper than in western Germany.

Other costs Carrying Outbound Inbound ship- Transporta-
Sites / costs in ($)
per day costs per day shipment pro- ment pro- tion costs per
beer pallet,
per beer pallet cessing costs cessing costs from DCs to
per beer pallet per beer pallet customers and
from Brewery
to DCs
120 1.00 0.07
DC Austria 0.20 0.66
70 0.5 0.035
DC Spain 0.10 0.33
310 1.55 0.108
DC Sweden 0.40 1.02
120 1.07 0.07
DC Bochum 0.20 0.68
146 1.46 0.102
DC Switzerland 0.20 0.96
90 0.5 0.05
DC Italy 0.20 0.33
100 1.00 0.07
DC Berlin 0.20 0.66
2,630 40.00 (ingre- 0.07
Factory Berlin 0.005 0.66 (beer)
Table 3: Cost structure per site

Production costs at the brewery are $1.46. Revenue is $60.00.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario BR NO Level 1.

Step 2. Check data in tables “DCs and Factories”, “Facility Expenses”, “Paths”, “Processing
Costs”, “Product Flows”, “Product Storages”, “Production”, “Products”, and “Vehicle Types”.
Explain the data in the aforementioned tables. The data in these tables should correspond to
Table 3.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to NO Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Optimization Results”, “Flow Details”, “Produc-
tion Flows”, “Demand”, and “Overall Stats”:

a) What is the most profitable SC design?

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied?
c) What is total profit of the most profitable SC?

d) Compare the optimal SC design as computed in the NO and the initial SC design
(factory and DC in Germany) in terms of profit.
e) What other costs should be considered when redesigning the SC according to NO
f) What other factors, apart from costs, should be considered when redesigning the SC
according to the results of the NO?


Step 1. Go to NO Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using statistics “Optimization Results”, “Flow Details”, “Produc-
tion Flows”, “Demand”, and “Overall Stats”:

a) What is the most profitable SC design?

See statistics “Optimization Results”: a single DC in Berlin is the most profitable option.

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied?

Yes, see statistics “Demand” and columns “Satisfied” and “Percentage”.

c) What is total profit of the most profitable SC?
$12,277,202.35; see statistics “Overall Stats”.
d) Compare the optimal SC design as computed in the NO and the initial SC design (fac-
tory and DC in Germany) in terms of profit.

Following the NO analysis and with all given costs, the results show that having one DC in
Berlin is the most profitable SC design (i.e., the optimal SC design is the same as we currently

e) What other costs should be considered when redesigning the SC according to NO re-
Opening/closure costs.
f) What other factors, apart from costs, should be considered when redesigning the SC
according to NO results?
Workforce qualification and know-how, facility disruption risks, future market
trends, changes in supplier structures; risks of outsourcing.

Given the threat of DC disruptions and the expansion plans with new customers, BERLIN
BREWERY decides to redesign the SC by adding a second DC in Spain, which means that the
fifth-best alternative is chosen out of 10 best SC designs displayed in “Optimization results”.
The difference in profit between the best and the fifth-best SC design is very small but the SC
design with 2 DCs offers more flexibility and resilience.

3.5 Simulation

Simulation can be used in many ways. It promotes understanding of how the SC will react in
the event of disruptions, such as outages and/or external influences. To run different simula-
tions, the outcome of the NO has been used. In the case of BERLIN BREWERY, a two-month
disruption has been simulated to see what happens if only one DC is kept or if a second is rented
in Spain. Differences in, for example, the service level and profit could be decisive. For the
simulation, assumptions must be made to make the model more realistic. The sourcing policies
are defined as follow: for the DCs, the program should choose the closest dynamic source. In
this case, there is only one factory and the customers should choose the fastest dynamic source
to receive orders as soon as possible.

In simulation, we extend our analysis by adding the following features:

- We transit from flows (as in NO) to orders. i.e., the customer demand is no more con-
sidered as an aggregated flow during a period but it is now generated as orders in certain
intervals, e.g., 10 crates per day.
- We introduce inventory control to manage ordering processes.
- We introduce sourcing policy (e.g., single vs. multiple sourcing) to manage replenish-
ment processes
- We introduce shipment control (LTL/FTL) to manage shipment processes.

First, we simulate the SC with two DCs in Germany and Spain subject to the following data
(Table 4).

Object Inventory Policy Sourcing Policy Transportation

Min Max
Factory Germany (beer) 2000 5000 Closest dynamic LTL
Factory Germany (ingredients) On demand LTL
DC Germany 1800 11600 Closest dynamic LTL
DC Spain 1800 11600 Closest dynamic LTL
Customers Closest dynamic LTL
Table 4. Parameters for simulation model

To evaluate the simulation results, we consider six KPIs according to the needs of BERLIN

(1) Financial KPIs, such as profit, revenue and costs

(2) Service level by products, which is calculated as (number of outgoing orders / number
of placed orders), where an outgoing order is an order that is not dropped
(3) Available inventory including backlog at DCs.

With all of the parameters described, we now run the simulations for a period of one year from
May 1, 2021 until April 30, 2022.

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenario BR SIM Level 1.

Step 2. Check data from Table 4 in tables “DCs and Factories”, “Inventory”, “Sourcing”, and
“Paths”. Explain the data in the aforementioned tables. The data in these tables should corre-
spond to Table 4.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Service
Level”, “Average Inventory including Backlog”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC? Does this result match with the
NO results? Explain.
b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.
c) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC? Explain the change in
inventory dynamics in the second part of the simulation period.


Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “ELT Service Level”, “Average Inventory
including Backlog”.

a) What are the profit, revenue and costs of the SC? Does this result match with
the NO results? Explain.

The results of simulation and NO are very close to each other. This confirms the
correctness of the simulation model. However, since some parameters have been
added in the simulation, e.g., the aggregate flows have been replaced by orders, and
aggregate inventory by inventory control policy, the NO and simulation results do
have some differences. These differences are caused by differences in methodology:
NO is a static method while simulation is a dynamic method and simulates the sce-
nario from the beginning of a period until the end of a period. Sometimes an order
is already placed and the delivery inroute, but the customer has not yet paid for their
order. As a result, less revenue is accrued in the simulation. The simulation calcu-
lates the routes exactly and counts them on a daily basis. Despite this, the differences
between the two methods are very small. This means that the results are valid and
further simulations can be run.

b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.

The service level is nearly 100%; however, in the summer period we can see a lower
service level. This indicates that our SC is not capable to totally cope with an in-
creased demand in summer. However, the service level in general is very good.

c) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC? Explain the
change in inventory dynamics in the second part of the simulation period.

The inventory behavior is stable: there is no backlog. The second part of the simu-
lation period corresponds to a lower demand resulting in less frequent replenish-
ments from DCs to factories. The DCs should probably adjust their MIN-MAX pa-
rameters in inventory policy in winter according to the lower demand.
Note: the inventory diagram in our example displays inventory at both DCs. You
can adjust presentation to a single DC or the total SC inventory (2 DCs + factory)
in the settings:

3.6. Risk analysis: Two-month disruption at one of the DCs

This analysis simulates a two-month disruption of the DC in Berlin from August1st to Septem-
ber 30th for two different network design scenarios, i.e., with two DCs and with a single DC in

Creating an ALX model

Step 1. Open scenarios BR SIM Level 1 Disruption Risk 2 DC and BR SIM Level 1 Dis-
ruption Risk 1 DC.

Step 2. Check data about the disruption in table “Events”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard “Revenue, Profit, Costs”, “Service
Level”, “Average Inventory including Backlog”.

a) What are the profit, revenue, and costs of the SC for the two different network design
b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.
c) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC? Explain the change in
inventory dynamics in the disruption period.


Step 1. Go to Simulation Experiment and run it.

Scenario with 2 DCs:

Scenario with 1 DC:

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPI Dashboard.

a) What are the profit, revenue and costs of the SC for the two different network design
Scenario with 2 DCs:

Scenario with 1 DC:

We can see that the SC with two DCs is more profitable. In the event of a DC dis-
ruption in Berlin, the second DC in Spain can be used as a backup to serve the cus-
tomers. As such, the SC with 2 DCs is more resilient.
b) Is demand for all customers satisfied? Explain.
In the scenario with two DCs, there is a slight decrease in service level. In the sce-
nario with a single DC, service level decreases drastically during the disruption.
Scenario with two DCs:

Scenario with one DC:

c) What is your judgment on the inventory dynamics in the SC? Explain the change in
inventory dynamics in the disruption period.
We have backlogs.
Scenario with two DCs:

Scenario with one DC:

3.7 Comparison experiment

In order to simplify comparison of the two simulation scenarios subject to disruption with each
other and with the “ideal” scenario (no disruption), we run a Comparison experiment.

Creating a Comparison Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario BR SIM Level 1 and go to Comparison Experiment.

Step 2. Select scenarios BR SIM Level 1, BR SIM Level 1 Disruption Risk 1 DC and BR
Level 1 Disruption Risk 2 DC.

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a comparative analysis of the three scenarios
should be “Available Inventory”, “Profit”, “Total Costs” and “Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Comparison experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Available Inventory”, “Profit”, “Total Costs” and
“Service Level”.

a) What are the profit, service level, average inventory and total costs in each of the
three scenarios? Explain.
b) What’s the relationship between the Simulation and Comparison experiments?


Creating a Comparison Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario BR SIM Level 1 and go to Comparison Experiment.

Step 2. Select scenarios BR SIM Level 1, BR SIM Level 1 Disruption Risk 1 DC and BR
Level 1 Disruption Risk 2 DC.

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a comparative analysis of the three scenarios
should be “Available Inventory”, “Profit”, “Total Costs” and “Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Comparison experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Available Inventory”, “Profit”, “Total Costs” and
“Service Level”.

a) What are the profit, service level, average inventory and total costs in each of the
three scenarios? Explain.

The highest profit is achieved in the “ideal” scenario and the lowest one in the disruption sce-
nario with single DC. The supply design with two DCs is quite robust. The total profit decreases,
but not significantly. The total costs increase in the scenario with two DCs. When disruption
occurs, the DC in Spain takes on the order deliveries from Berlin. There is a slight decrease in
service level, but a significant increase in costs, because of the longer transportation routes,
e.g., from Spain to northern Europe, and higher inventory in the SC. The goods now flow only
from Spain to all customers, even those in Scandinavian countries. In case of a disruption or
outage, having two DCs is a great advantage.

Now we show the comparison of the costs and service level of having one DC in Berlin versus
two DCs in Berlin and Spain. The differences are explained in percentages. Next to this, the
numbers concerning costs and service level are compared for the two-month disruption. The
decrease in profit and service level represents the greatest difference between the possible SC
structures. The comparison shows that the savings which could be achieved with one DC are

very marginal. If a disruption occurs, then the company operating with one DC will lose ap-
proximately 20% of their profit instead of only 2% if they would operate with two DCs. As a
result, it is recommended to invest in the second DC. Therefore, the next simulation analysis
will include two DCs.

b) What’s the relationship between the Simulation and Comparison experiments?

The Comparison experiment simultaneously runs multiple simulation scenarios. When only the
overall KPIs are important for decision-making support, this is much faster than running mul-
tiple simulations separately. However, in a Comparison experiment, the process and dynamics
of each scenario cannot be observed

3.8 Validation using Variation

Rather than running the same simulation multiple times with different parameter values or com-
binations, the variation experiment allows multiple variations of the same simulation to be run
simultaneously. A variation experiment highlights how KPIs change depending on different
parameter values. This kind of sensitivity analysis can also be used to verify the validity of the
results of the simulation model.

A variation analysis will be now performed. The MIN parameter for the DCs will be varied
with a minimum reorder point of 900 and a maximum reorder point of 2300 in steps of 200.
The variation should be performed for a period of one year.

Creating a Variation Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario BR SIM Level 1 and go to Variation Experiment.

Step 2. Check the parameter we will vary (i.e., Inventory Policy: DC for product beer:

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for a variation analysis should be “Available inven-
tory including Backlog”, “Profit”, and “Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Variation experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results using the KPIs “Available Inventory including Backlog”, “Profit”,
and “Service Level”.

a) What are the profit, service levels and inventory for different reorder points?
b) Why do the KPIs change as the reorder point changes?
c) Is the simulation model sensitive?


Creating a Variation Experiment

Step 1. Open scenario BR SIM Level 1 and go to Variation Experiment.

Step 2. Check the parameter we will vary (i.e., Inventory Policy: DC for product beer:

Step 3. Check KPI dashboard. The KPIs for comparative analysis of two scenarios should be
“Available Inventory including Backlog”, “Profit”, and “Service Level”.

Performing experiments

Step 1. Run Variation experiment.

Step 2. Analyze the results.

a) What are the profit, service level, and inventory for different reorder points?

b) Why do the KPIs change as the reorder point changes?
Our SC performance is influenced by the reorder point. The reorder point of 1,300
units results in the highest profit. This is because of the synergy between the order
intervals, demand, reorder point (MIN), and target inventory level (MAX). As such,
further analysis of different combinations of order interval, demand, reorder point
(MIN), and target inventory level (MAX) could be useful.
c) Is the simulation model sensitive?
Yes, it is. Changes in reorder point have direct impact on profit and inventory level.

3.9 Recommendations

Develop recommendations for BERLIN BREWERY management. Consider GFA, NO, Simu-
lation, Comparison, and Variation results. Which SC design would you recommend? Consider
the impact of inventory control and disruptions. Are there any other relevant factors that should
be taken into account besides the experiments performed?

Due to high acquisition costs and the status symbol of the brand, it is reasonable to keep the
brewery in Berlin. In addition, the handling of logistical tasks by an external service provider
is recommended even with higher purchase quantities.

Because BERLIN BREWERY has only 50 customers, which are distributed throughout Europe
and do not have very high purchase quantities, it does not make sense for BERLIN BREWERY
to deliver their product with their own trucking fleet. As a result, instead of widespread indi-
vidual customers, BERLIN BREWERY should target more customers on a small scale through
marketing campaigns or targeted acquisitions and try to increase the volume of purchases per
customer. Thus, the company would reduce average costs and increase sales.

Given the results of the analyses made with anyLogistix, further recommendations can be made.
BERLIN BREWERY could avoid the severe consequences of potential disruptions by having
a second DC. In addition, operating with a second DC also decreases the high costs of delivering
to customers located far away, reduces long lead times, and increases flexibility to accommo-
date spontaneous inquiries. Since this service is carried out by an external provider (and costs
are calculated per pallet), no further storage costs are incurred. In addition, lowering the stock
and inventory range can also provide cost savings. Due to lower costs, a higher profit can be

All in all, it is recommended that BERLIN BREWERY operates a second DC; this does not
necessarily mean opening a new DC, but renting space in an already existing DC. By increasing
their proximity to the customer and decreasing the required transport distances, BERLIN
BREWERY could minimize the risk of deliveries stops and increase reliability.

3.10 References

Ivanov, D. (2021): Supply chain simulation and optimization with anyLogistix: Teaching notes.
Berlin School of Economics and Law, 5th Edition
Ivanov, D., Tsipoulanidis, A., Schönberger, J. (2021): Global Supply Chain and Operations
Management - A Decision-Oriented Introduction to the Creation of Value, Springer In-
ternational Publishing Switzerland, 3rd Edition
Maak, K., Haves, J., Stracke, S. (2011) Entwicklung und Zukunft der Brauwirtschaft in
Deutschland https://www.boeckler.de/pdf/p_edition_hbs_260.pdf (Dec 12, 2017)
o.V .(2017) Unser Reinheitsgebot - Brauer Bund. http://www.brauer-bund.de/ (Nov 22, 2017)
o.V. (2015) From Grains to Growlers: A Look at the Craft Beer Industry Supply Chain Mate-
rial Handling and Logistics http://www.mhlnews.com/global-supply-chain/grains-growl-
ers-look-craft-beer-industry-supply-chain-infographic (Dec 12, 2017)
o.V. (2016) Bierkonsum in Deutschland bis 2016 Statista. https://de.statista.com/statistik/da-
2000/ (Nov 12,2017)
Plank, R. (2013) Die Anwendung der Kälte in der Lebensmittelindustrie. Springer-Verlag,


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