Half Yearly Examination Xii

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Class - XII

Physics Ch. 1 –Electric Charges & Fields
Ch. 2 –Electrostatic potential & capacitance
Ch. 3 –Current electricity
Ch. 4 –Moving charges & magnetism
Ch. 5 –Magnetism & Matter
Ch. 6 –Electromagnetic induction
Ch. 7 –Alternating current

Chemistry Ch. 1 –Solutions

Ch. 2 –Electrochemistry
Ch. 3 –Chemical kinetics
Ch. 4 –Coordination chemistry
Ch. 5 –Halo alkanes and haloarenes (Basics of organic chemistry)

Maths Ch. 1–Relations and functions

Ch. 2–Inverse trigonometric function
Ch. 3–Matrices
Ch. 4–Determinants
Ch. 5–Continuity and differentiability
Ch. 6–Applications of Derivatives

Biology Ch. 1 –Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants

Ch. 2 –Human Reproduction
Ch. 3 –Reproductive health
Ch. 4 –Principles of inheritance and variation
Ch. 5 –Molecular basis of inheritance (upto packing of DNA)

Accountancy Chap-1 Fundamental of Partnership

Chap-2 Goodwill: Meaning & Valuation Chap 30
Chap-3 Change in Proht Shaving Ratio
Chap-4 Admission of Partner
Chap-5 Retirement of Panther
Chap-6 Death of a Partner
Chap-7 Dissolution of Panther ship firm
Business Chap-1 Management: Meaning, Objective, Nature
Studies Importance
Chap-2 Principles of Management
Chap-3 Business Environment
Chap-4 Planning
Chap-5 Organising
Chap-6 Staffing
Chap-7 Directing
Chap-8 Controlling

Economic A- Micro Economic

Unit-1: National Income
Unit-2 : Determination of Income & Employment
B- Indian Economic Development
Unit-1 Development Experience (1947-1990)
& Economic Reforms since 1991
Unit-2 Development Experience of India –
A Comparison with Neighbours

English Flamingo
1. The last lesson

2. Lost spring

3. Deep Water


1. My mother at 66

2. keeping Quiet

3. A Thing of Beauty


1. The Third Level

2. The Tiger King

Writing section

1. Letter to Editor

2. Notice writing

3. Article writing

IP - Unit I Data Handling Using Pandas -I

Unit 2- Database Query using SQL

Unit 3 Introduction to Computer Networks

Unit 4 - Social Impact

Physical 1-Management of sporting events

Education 2- Children and women in sports
3- Yoga as preventive measure for lifestyle disease
4-Physical Education and sports for CWSN
5- Sport and Nutrition
6- Test and measurement in sports
Hindi गघ भाग
1. भक्तिन
2. बाजार दर्शन

3. काले मेघा पानी दे

4. पहलवान की ढोलक

काव्य भाग
1. आत्मपररचय ददन जल्दी जल्दी ढलता है
2. कदवता के बहाने बात दिधी थी पर
3. कमरे में बंद अपादहज
4. ऊष्मा
5. बादल राग

1. दिल्वर वेदिग
2. जूझ

अवभव्यक्ति और माध्यम
1. दवदभन्न माध्यमो के दलए लेखन
2. अपदित गद्ां र् एक पद्ां र्
3. पत्रकाररय लेखन के दवदभन्न रूप और लेखन प्रदिया
4. दवर्ेष लेखन स्वरूप और प्रकार

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