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“War is our homeland, our hauberk is our house.

Scenarıos for Liber Militum: Tercios, Volume 1 (DRAFT)
By Konstantinos Travlos

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
General Rules Adaption ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Nieuwpoort 1600 ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Fleurus 1622 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Lutter am Barenberge 1626 ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Honingfelde /Trzciano 1629 ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Dunes 1658 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Nyborg 1659......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
St. Gotthard 1664 ................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Leva 1664 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Peta 1822 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Suggested Virtues and Traits ............................................................................................................................................. 33

Konstantinos Travlos @2020


In this volume I present nine historical scenarios to be used with the Liber Militum: Tercios rules. The
scenarios, cover the gamut of the period covered by the rules, from the dawn of “modern” warfare at
Niewupoort in 1600, to the close of the era of the classical pike and shotte in the late 17th century. As an
experiment I add a scenario from the Greek War of Independence, as I am looking for rules for this period. The
fact that south of the Danube, Balkan infantry tactics based on guerilla mountaineer warfare had not changed
much since the 17th century, makes Tercios perhaps a useful set for this conflict. Conflicts cover the gamut of
opponents in this era. You have Spanish vs. Dutch, Swedes vs. Poles, Ottomans vs. Imperials, and Catholics vs.
Protestants in the Thirty Years War. You have cavalry dominated battles, and infantry scrums. Something for
everyone. Battles range from rather small actions like Honingfelde/Trzciano and Peta, to large affairs like Lutter
am Barenberge. I aimed to make all scenarios playable with moderate collections. These are all draft scenarios
and I am sharing them with you for free for playtesting. Send any remarks/ comments/ suggestions you have to . You should not have paid anything for this scenario book. Again these are DRAFT
Design Philosophy
I do not believe in re-inventing the wheel. All of the scenarios barring the one of Peta, are based on existing
war-game scenarios created for other rules or systems. I mainly worked in adapting their maps, army lists and
conditions to the Liber Militum: Tercios format. The main sources are the excellent GMT, Musket & Pike
Battle Series, with the exceptional work done by the designers. Read the playbooks of this series in order to
understand warfare in the 17th century, as well as the specific scenarios. For the two Ottoman-Imperial scenarios
I adapted two scenarios created I believe by Greg Savvinos. The Nieuwpoort scenario is based on the Vae-
Victis board game, itself based on an adaption of the GMT system. As a result all of these scenarios are second
hand, in the science that unlike in mine and Chris Pringle’s Big Bloody Balkan Battles scenario book, I did not
conduct primary research. This is one more reason for making this free of charge.

General Rules Adaption

Command Rules
Unlike in normal Tercios rules, regimental commanders are not used in these scenarios (you may use them if
you wish, but it would probably just complicate the matter). Instead the Wing/Force commanders act as
regimental commanders for all units within that force/wing. Essentially all units in Wing or Force are
considered the regiment of the commander.
Some of the armies lacked Army Commanders, either because they were absent, or busy commanding a
Wing/Force of the army. In that case each Wing/Force commander can only provide command for the units in
his Wing/Force and not beyond it.
Traits and Virtues: Suggested traits and virtues for all commanders appearing in a scenario are included after
the scenarios. Feel free to use them or change them as you wish.

Army Lists
The organization in the Scenario Army Lists takes precedence over the organization rules in the Tercios and
Kingdoms rulebooks. How to read the Army Lists? Each Column represents one of the two sides. The first row
notes the Army Commanders and their (Rank). Subsequent Rows begin by noting a Wing/ Force designation,
then the sub-commander in that Wing/Force, then the units under their command, then any other sub-
commanders, then the units under their commands, then a new Wing/Force designation etc. The last row totals
the number of units needed for each side in the scenario.

How to read the scenario specific information?

Terrain Rules
Maps are all in a 6x4 square grid system. After each map is a table with the terrain information and rules. Maps
note for which scenario they are in the lower right corner.

Final reminder. These scenarios are not simulations. They are inspired by history, and try to convey something
of what happened in those battles, but they are not researched with the goal of maximizing simulation value.
Second, the interpretations of the battles are based on those of the original source material, themselves based on
interpretations of events and primary sources by those designers. If you are unhappy with them, make an effort
to make your own scenarios.
Read the source material, to get an idea of why these battles were fought and how they were fought.

Nieuwpoort 1600
“The Count Maurice liked it well”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
This battle is hailed by some as the first “modern” battle. It is true that it is one of the last clear cases of the use
of the Field Square formation by the Tercios. But it cannot be claimed that the “reformed” Dutch infantry
defeated the Tercios directly. That said it is seminal moment in modern military history and gained important
prestige for the Protestant cause. What Maurice failed to do, making an infantry that could beat the Tercios,
other Protestant captains would succeed in. Once more Dunkirk was the apple of discord, with the Dutch aiming
to take it, and the Spanish to protect it. The two armies met on the sandy beaches around Nieuwpoort, and
history was made.
Nieuport 1600, 2012, Vae Victis, Wargame
Steve Thomas, Battle of Nieuport 2 July 1600, 2020, Blog Post at
Bouko de Groot, Nieuwpoort 1600, 2019, Osprey Publishing

Army List
Dutch Spanish
Maurice of Nassau (Rank 3) Army Commander Albert of Austria (Rank 2) Army Commander
Vanguard Vanguard
Fracnis Vere (Rank 2) Mendoza (Rank 1)
Infantry Regiment: Infantry Regiment:
3 Modernized Classic Squadrons 1 Tercio Field Square, Depleted Unit (Mutineers)
Horse Regiment: Horse Regiment:
2 Cuirassier Unit 1 Mounted Arguebusier Unit
Horse Regiment:
1 Mounted Arguebusier Unit
2 Field Artillery Units 1 Field Artillery Unit
Center Center
Everart van Solms (Rank 1) Zapena (Rank 2)
Infantry Regiment: Infantry Regiment:
1 Modernized Classic Squadron 2 Viejos Tercios Field Square Units
1 Mercenary Classic Squadron
Horse Regiment: Horse Regiment:
1 Large Cuirassier Unit 1 Cuirassier Unit
Rearguard Rearguard
Olivier van der Tempel (Rank 1) Bucquoy (Rank 1)
Infantry Regiment: Infantry Regiment:
1 Modernized Classic Squadron 1 Viejos Tercio Field Square Unit
1 Mercenary Classic Squadron
Horse Regiment: Horse Regiment:
1 Cuirassier Unit 1 Large Cuirassier, Lances, Unit
Horse Regiment:
1 Mounted Arguebusier Unit
Velasco (Rank 1)
Infantry Regiment:
2 Classic Squadron Units
Totals: 7 Infantry, 4 Cavalry, 2 Artillery Totals: 6 Infantry, 4 Cavalry,1 Artillery

Army List Notes

1. The Spanish reinforcement wing, under Velasco historically did not arrive in the battle until later. Starting from
Turn 2, roll a D6+1. On a result of 6 the Reinforcement Wing for the Spanish arrives with Ready orders in the
outer age of Map Area Row 6. If this does not happen, roll every turn, adding a cumulative +1 for each passed
turn the reinforcements did not arrive.
2. The Spanish had the sun and sand in their face, which made it hard for them to aim. Any unit firing towards the
direction of Map Area Row 1, suffers a (-) penalty to their firing.
Scenario Info
Turns: 5
First Turn: Spanish
Deployment: Spanish Deploy first. The Dutch Vanguard Deploys in Map Area Row 3, the Dutch Center in Map Area
Row 2, the Dutch Rearguard in Map Area Row 1. The Spanish Vanguard deploys in Map Area Row 4, the Spanish center
in Map Area Row 5, and the Spanish Rearguard in Map Area Row 6.
Victory Conditions: Use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario, and normal victory conditions. If the Dutch
destroy all Viejos Tercios they automatically win the battle.

Terrain Rules
Level 0, Difficult: Difficult for all Dunes: Height, Difficult for Infantry, Very Difficult
for Cavalry, Protected for Infantry
Level 0, terrain: Difficult for Cavalry

Fleurus 1622
“Altera Restat”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
The 1618-1622 period of the Thirty Years War gave little cause for celebration for the Protestant cause in
Germany. Frederick V gave up, dismissing his two many warlords Graf von Mansfeld, and Duke Christian the
Younger of Brunswick, also known as Der Tolle (the Mad). The two though had raised and army, and now had
to find some way to pay it. The solution was to have the army hired by the States General of the United
Provinces (the Dutch Republic) which needed troops to fight the Spanish. The battle resulted when the Spanish
dispatched part of the Army of Flanders to stop them from reaching their new employers. The Spanish tercios
(not fighting in field squares any more) defeated the demoralized Protestant Army. However, they failed to
destroy it totally, and part of the army made it to Breda were it played a role in forcing Ambrogio Spinola to lift
the siege of Breda.
Saints in Armor Playbook, 2012, GMT Publishing, Wargame. Can be reached here https://s3-us-west-
Tercios 1617 website (

Army List
Protestant Spanish/Imperial
Nominally Graf von Mansfeld, but he was busy Don Gonzalo Fernándezde Córdoba y Figuera,
with commanding the Center. Duke of Sesa (Rank 2) Army Commander
Right Wing Left Wing
GenLt. Johann Streiff von Lauenstein (Rank 2) Don Felipe De Sylva (Rank 1)
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran Heavy Cuirassiers Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran Cuirassiers Horse
Horse Units Units
Cavalry Regiment : 2 Pistol Armed Mounted Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran Pistols Mounted
Harquebusiers Horse Units Harquebusiers Horse Units
Center (Commanded by Graf von Mansfeld) Center
Graf Earnest von Mansfeld (Rank 3) Army Don Tommaso Caracciolo (Rank 2)
1st Line Forces: Infantry Regiment: 3 Hesitant Infantry Regiment: 2 Field Square, Viejo Tercio
Reformed Battalions Units
2nd Line Forces: Infantry Regiment : 2 Hesitant Infantry Regiment: 3 Modernized Classic
Reformed Battalions Squadron Foot Unit , 1 Mercenary Modernized
Medium Artillery Battery Classic Squadron Foot Unit
Left Wing Infantry Regiment: 2 Veteran Modernized Classic
Squadron Foot Unit.
Duke Christian of Brunswick (Rank 1) Medium Artillery Battery
Cavalry Regiment :2 Heavy Cuirassier Horse Wagon Laeger *
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Cuirassier Horse Units Right Wing
Cavalry Regiment : 2 Pistols Mounted General Jean Barodt de Gaucher, Herr auf
Harquebusiers Horse Units Marchau (Rank 2)
Verdugo Tercio Commanded Musketeers: 1
Veteran Shot Company (Ferme Chassart Garrison)
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran Cuirassiers Heavy
Horse Units
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran, Pistols Mounted
Harquebusiers Horse Units
Totals: 10 Horse bases, 5 Infantry Bases , 1 Totals: 8 Horse Units, 9 Infantry bases, 1 Artillery
Artillery Base Base

Army List Notes

1. The Protestant Cavalry had mutinied before the battle, and large numbers had deserted. Those that stayed to fight
were unwilling to attack. They start the battle Disordered.
2. Spanish Wagon Laeger. In order to cover their flank (historically in the C3 region) the Spanish set up their supply
wagons as an obstacle. After deployment, but before the 1st Turn, the Spanish player can place a liner obstacle
(the length should be about the length of a map square side). This counts as a Wall, and is immobile.
3. The Spanish controlled the Ferme Chassart, which anchored their other flank. The Veteran Shot Company of the
Right Wing must be deployed there.
Scenario Info
Turns: 8
First Turn: Protestants

Deployment: Spanish deploy anywhere in Map Row D-C on the Upper Level Terrain. Protestant Deploy anywhere in
Map Row A. Spanish Deploy first.
Victory Conditions: The Protestants win if by the end of Turn 8, they have cleared Map areas C4,D4,C5,D5 of all enemy
units thus opening the road for escape to the Netherlands. The Spanish win if by the end of Turn 8 not Protestant units are
in row D squares. If both Graf von Mansfeld and Duke Christian become casualties in the battle, the Spanish
automatically win (as two powerful leaders of the Protestant cause are taken out of the picture, and their armies would
melt away without them).

Terrain Rules
Upper Level Terrain: Hill Rules Road: Road Rules
Village/Farm: Small Building Rules Forest: Forest Rules

Lutter am Barenberge 1626
“Fought with the enemy and lost the battle. On the same day I went to Wolfenbüttel.”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
Christian IV King of Denmark, and Duke of Holstein did not have any better luck than previous Protestant
commanders. Denied the use of the Danish state treasury by his nobility (that had no interest in the war among
Germans) he used his own personal funds to raise a mostly mercenary army, and used his position as Duke of
Holstein, and thus a prince of the Holy Roman Empire, to mobilize the Lower Saxon circle forces. The battle
resulted from Christian’s failed attempt to attack Vienna by attempting to defeat in detail Tilly and Wallenstein.
Failing to do so, he begun a retreat to his base of operations in Germany, as his army was running out of
supplies. Tilly pursued. Feeling pressured and worried that the withdrawal would become a rout, Christian
decide to make a stand at Lutter am Barenberge. In the ensuing battle, his army was soundly defeated by Father
Tilly. While the battle did not end his intervention, it proved terminal for his ability to campaign.
Saints in Armor Playbook, 2012, GMT Publishing, Wargame. Can be reached here https://s3-us-west-

Army List
Danish-Lower Saxons Catholic League
Nominally Christian IV, but he was busy command Johann Tserclaes, Graf von Tilly (Rank 4)
in the 2nd Echelon
1st Echelon Right Wing
Johan Phillip Freiherr Fuchs von Bimbach (Rank Nicolás Desfours de Móns at Athienville (Rank 2)*
Forlorn Hope: 1 Medium Artillery and 1 Shot Cavalry Regiment: 1 Light Horse (Croats) Unit
Cavalry Regiment: 1 Veteran Cuirassier Units , 2 Cavalry Regiment: 1 Large Cuirassier Unit
Cuirassier Units
Foot Regiment: 1 Large Hesitant Mercenary Cavalry Regiment:1 Large Formation Pistols
Modernized, Musket Only Classic Squadrons, 1 Mounted Harquebusiers Horse Units
Large Modernized, Musket Only Classic Squadron
2nd Echelon (Commanded by Christian IV*) Gronsfeld’s Detachment
Christian IV, Army Commander (Rank 2) Jost Maximilian Graf von Bronckhorst-Gronsfeld
Cavalry Regiment:1 Fearless Cuirassier Unit (Rank 1)
Mounted Harquebusiers: 1 Large Veteran Pistol Cavalry Regiment: 2 Veteran Cuirassier Units
Horse Unit
Foot Regiment: 1 Veteran Mercenary Modernized Infantry Regiment: 1 Modernized Musket Only
Reform Battalion, 1 Reformed Modernized Veteran Elite Classic Squadron
Foot Regiment: 1 Large Veteran Mercenary Center
Modernized Musket Only Classic Squadron, 1 Raw Field Marshal Johann Jakob Anholt, Graf von
Large Mercenary Modernized Musket Only Classic Bronckhorst-Batenburg (Rank 3)
Infantry Regiment: 3 Large Modernized Musket
Only Classic Squadrons
3rd Echelon Infantry Regiment:, 3 Large Mercenary Modernized
Musket Only Squadron
Otto Ludwig Graf von Salm, Wild- und Rheingraf 1 Medium Artillery
zu Kyrburg und Mörchingen (Rank 1) 1 Heavy Artillery
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Cuirassier Units Left Wing
Foot Regiment: 1 Raw Mercenary Modernized Oberst Dietrich Othmar von Erwitte (Rank 2)
Reformed Battalions, 1 Hesitant Modernized Cavalry Regiment: 1 Pistols Mounted Harquebusiers
Reformed Battalion Horse Units
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Large Cuirassier Units
Totals:7 Horse Units, 9 Foot Units, 1 Artillery Totals: 8 Horse, 87Foot Units, 2 Artillery

Army List Notes

1. Flank March. Tilly sent the Right Wing on a flank march around the Danish position. Starting from Turn 4 roll a
D6 and add the Rank of Desfours. On a roll of 6 it enters the map from the outer edges of Map Area A1 on
“Ready” Orders for all its units. If it does not enter, roll again every turn until it enters, adding a cumulative +1
per turn passed since the first turn.
2. Christian IV arrives late. Busy sorting the traffic jams created by his retreating army, Christian arrived on the field
of battle after it started. Until his arrival the 2nd Echelon is commanded by a generic Rank 0 officer. In the first
turn roll a d6, on a roll of 1-4, Christian arrives in Turn 2. On 5-6 he arrives on Turn 3.
Scenario Info
Turns: 8
First Turn: Catholic League
Deployment: The Danish-Lower Saxon Army deploys in echelon. The Vanguard must deploy in Map Area B2 and B3.
The 1st Echelon can deploy in Map Row B, but no unit can be closer to the enemy than the Vanguard. Echelon 2 can
deploy in Row B or A with no unit being closer to the enemy than those of Echelon 1. Echelon 3 deploys in Row A. No
unit of Echelon 3 can be closer to the enemy than units of Echelon 2. The Catholic League units can deploy anywhere in
Row D, but Gronsfelds Detachment must the closet unit to the Danish-Lower Saxons.The Danish-Lower Saxons deploy
Victory Conditions: Use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario. However, if at the end of the game, there are
twice as many Catholic League Units are Danish-Lower Saxon ones in map area A2 or if King Christian IV becomes a
casualty, the game is won by the Catholic League (as either result would undo the Danish intervention in the Thirty Years

Terrain Rules
Woods: Forest Rules Level 1 terrain: Steep Hill Rules
Level 2 terrain: Steep Hill Rules Cliff: Impassable
Bridge: Bridge Rules Stream: Difficult River Rules
Road: Road Rules Marsh: Very Difficult

Honingfelde /Trzciano 1629
“I have never had a hotter bath”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
Before his fateful campaign in Germany, Swedish King Gustav II Adolf waged war against the Polish-Lithuania
Commonwealth over the key commercial city of Danzig/Gdansk. This battle was a series of encounters between
the Swedish forces trying to subjugate Danzig/Gdansk and Poles trying to lift the Swedish blockade of the city.
The battle resulted from attempts by the Poles and their Imperial allies trying to surround the Swedish positions.
What followed was a sharp cavalry battle, with the Poles getting the better of the Swedes. That said, the
political differences between the Imperials and Poles, did not permit them to use the victory to gain an
advantageous peace.
Gustav Adolf: With God & Victorious Arms Playbook, 2006, GMT Publishing, Wargame. Can be reached here

Army List
Swedes Polish-Imperials
No Army Commander No Army Commander
Left Cavalry Wing Right Cavalry Wing
Rheingraf Otto Ludwig (Rank 1) Stanislaw Koniecpolski, Royal Field Hetman (Rank 4)
Horse Regiment: Polish Cavalry Regiment:
2 Cuirassier Units 1 Husarska Hussar Unit
1 Shot Company 1 Large Pancerna Hussar Unit
1 Light Artillery , Leather Gun , Large Battery Center Cavalry Wing
Center Cavalry Wing Hans Georg von Arnim (Rank 1)
Gustav II Adolf , King of Sweden (Rank 4) Horse Regiment:
Horse Regiment: 2 Cuirassier Units
1 Veteran Cuirassier Unit Horse Regiment:
1 Mounted Arguebusier, Pistol Unit
Right Cavalry Wing Left Cavalry Wing
Fältmarskalk Herman Wrangel (Rank 1) Marcin Kazanowski (Rank 2)
Horse Regiment: Eastern Cavalry Regiment:
2 Cuirassier Units 2 Cossack Zaporozchian Host , Archers
Totals: 5 Horse Units, 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry Unit Totals: 7 Horse Units

Army List Notes

1. Neither Army has an army commander, as both Gustav II and Koniecpolski were busy commanding
their wings in this confused cavalry action.
2. This action began as a small skirmish, and escalated as wings came into the field as reinforcements. The
Swedish Left Cavalry Wing and Polish Left Cavalry Wing are present on the map from the start of the
game. On Turn 2 the Polish Right Cavalry Wing arrives. On Turn 3 the Swedish Center Cavalry Wing
arrives. On Turn 4 the Polish Center Cavalry Wing, and on Turn 5 the Swedish Right Cavalry Wing
arrives. Swedish reinforcements enter from the outer edges of Map Area Row A, Polish from the outer
edges of Map Area Row D.

Scenario Info
Turns: 6
First Turn: Swedes
Deployment: Swedes deploy in Map Area Row A, Row B. Poles deploy in map are D3,D4,C3,C4. Swedes
Deploy first.
Victory Conditions: Use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario, and normal victory conditions. The
only change is this. If Gustav II becomes a casualty the battle is automatically won by the Polish side.

Terrain Rules
Bog: Impassable Village: Small Building Rules
Level 1 Terrain: Hill Rules Stream: Difficult River Rules
Road: Road Rules

Dunes 1658
“Sir, today you will see how to lose a battle.”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
This battle took place during the Franco-Spanish War (which started with the French intervention in the Thirty
Years War in 1635-though we must note previous Franco-Spanish wars centered on Italy during the period of
the Thirty Years War). The battle came out of a Spanish attempt to lift the siege of Dunkirk by a combined
French- Commonwealth army (since 1654 the Protectorate Government of Oliver Cromwell had also gone to
war with Spain). The French were commanded by Henri De La Tour, more known by his title of Victome of
Turrene. The opposing Spanish also featured Englishmen, this time exiled Royalists as well as French exiles
from the Fronde. The battle thus was not just a battle between two states, but also between people who were
divided by domestic political conflict. After a two-hour battle on the sandy beaches and around dunes Turrene
won a victory, that Napoleon called his most brilliant. The battle has strategic importance as his victory paved
the wave for the Treaty of the Pyrenees and the end of the long period of warfare in Europe inaugurated in
Avec Honneur et Panache: Volume 1 – Turenne, 2018, Vae Victis, Wargame
La Battaile Des Dunes (1658),2020, Blog,
Greg Savvinos(?) Scenario, The Battle of the Dunes
Inglis-Jones, James. “The Battle of the Dunes, 1658: Condé, War and Power Politics.” War in History, vol. 1,
no. 3, 1994, pp. 249–277. JSTOR, Accessed 16 Sept. 2020.

Army List
Franco-English Spanish
Vicomte De Turrene Army Commander (Rank 4) Don Juan of Austria Army Commander (Rank 3)
Left Wing Right Wing
Le Marquis de Castelnau (Rank 2) Don Estevan Gamarra, Prince de Ligne (Rank 2)
Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Horse Foot Regiment: 3 Modernized Tercio Squadrons
Center Le Prince de Risbourg-d’Espinoy (Rank 2)
Commonwealth Contingent-General Lockhart Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Horse
(Rank 2) Troops
Three Kingdoms Foot Regiment: 3 Pike and Shot Left Wing
Squadrons (New Model Army)
French Contingent -Lt General, Le M de Louis II de Condé (Rank 2)
Gadagne (Rank 2)
Foot Regiment: 3 Reformed Battalions Three Kingdoms Infantry Regiment (Veterans): 1
Pike and Shot Squadron
Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Gendarmes Cavalry Regiment: 1 Modern Cavalry Horse
Horse Troops Troop
1 Medium Artillery Battery
Right Wing Spanish Foragers*
Lt General Le Marquis de Créqui (Rank 2) Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Horse
Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Horse Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Horse
Troops Troops
English Fleet: Immobile Light Large Artillery
Totals: 9 Horse bases, 6 infantry bases, 1 artillery Totals:4 infantry bases, 6 horse bases (potentially
base 6 more)

Army List Notes

1. The Sloops, and Frigates from the Commonwealth Fleet kept the Spanish Cavalry from deploying in the tidal
beach when the water receded. All map areas in Map Column 1 are within the range of the fleet guns. Treat them
as a large light artillery battery.
2. Turrene attacked while a big part of the Spanish cavalry was conducting the most important task of cavalry in the
17th century, foraging. Don Juan recalled them as fast as possible. Starting from Turn 3, roll a 1d5, on a roll of 5-6
the Spanish cavalry returns. If it did not, roll every subsequent turn, adding a cumulative +1 for each turn passed
from the first roll.
Scenario Info
Turns: 6
First Turn: Franco-English
Deployment: Franco-English Deploy in Map Row D, Spanish Deploy in Map Rows C,B,A but not on Column 1. One
Spanish Modernized Tercio Squadron must be deployed on the dunes in Map Region C3. Spanish Deploy first.
Victory Conditions: The French-English must break all Tercio Squadrons by the end of Turn 8 in order to win. Any other
result is a Spanish Victory

Terrain Rules

Meadows, Wetlands: Difficult Dry Sand: Easy

Beach, Soft Sands: Difficult for Infantry Dunes: Height, Difficult for Infantry, Very Difficult for
Cavalry, Protected for Infantry

Nyborg 1659
“If the Devil took all the sheep, he might as well have taken the rams, too.”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
While a lot of the mythos of the prowess of the Swedish army of the 17th-18th century is based on the campaigns
of Gustavus II and Karl XII, it can be fairly noted that the image of the all-conquering Swede was built during
the campaigns of Karl X. The man who devastated Poland-Lithuania also almost ended Denmark as a state. The
battle resulted from Karl reneging on a peace treaty in his favor, as he decided defeating Denmark was not
enough. His attempt at a quick victory by a direct invasion of Zealand and storm of Copenhagen failed to work,
and a coalition was quickly formed against the fightaholic King (this is an actual term). After the Coalition
defeated his attempt to take Copenhagen, the Danes (with little Coalition interest) sought to expel the Swedes
from Zealand, by liberating the island of Funen as a first step. The invasion was not easy, as the Swedish
commander von Sulzbach showed the customary aggressiveness expected from the commanders of Karl. With
both armies running out of supplies aggressive commanders on both sides sought battle. The resulting battle
gave the Coalition a rare victory over the Swedes. The result was the capturing of the Swedish army (and quick
incorporation in the Coalition forces). Despite this victory the Danes were not able to win back key territories
lost in 1658.
Nothing Gained but Glory Playbook II, 2010, GMT Publishing, Wargame. Can be reached here https://s3-us-

Army List
Coalition Swedes
Feltmarskal Hans Schack Fältmarskalk Pfalzgraf Phillip Florinus von Pfalz-
(Rank 2) Army Commander Sulzbach (Rank 4) Army Commander
Eberstein’s Corps: Quast’s Infantry Wing Right Cavalry Wing
General-Wachtmeister Albrecht Christoph von Generalmajor Hans Bötticher (Rank 2)
Quast (Rank 2)
Horse Regiment: Horse Regiment:
1 Modern Cavalry, Veteran, Demi-Cuirassiers Unit 4 Veteran Determined Modern Cavalry Units
(Queen’s Lifeguard), (German Öffener, Weimar, Bötticher, Taube,
1 Modern Cavalry, Veteran Unit (Poles of Livregem, Konigsmark)
Piaseczynski), 1 Shot Company (Weidenbach Dragoons,
2 Modern Cavalry, Mercenary Unit (Imperial Dismounted)
Matthei, Schutlz, Caraffa,Nath)
Infantry Regiment: Center Infantry Wing
1 Musketeer Corps (Danish), Fältmarskalk Gustav Otto von Stenbock (Rank 3)
2 Veteran Modernized Reformed Battalion Unit
Infantry Regiment:
(King’s Lifeguard)
4 Veteran Reinforced Modern Squadrons (Swedish
Eberstein’s Corps: Eberstein’s Infantry Wing Kruse, Skytte, Taube & German Schmidt)
Feltmarskal Friherre Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein 2 Shot Companies (Swedish)
(Rank 2)
Infantry Regiment: 1 Medium Artillery Battery
1 Musketeer Corps (Danish Ahlefeldt & Eberstein) Left Cavalry Wing
2 Veteran Modernized Reformed Mercenary Generallöjtnant Baron Henrik Horn (Rank 2)
Battalion (Dutch Killigrew & Metern)
Cavalry Regiment:
Horse Regiment: 4 Veteran Determined Modern Cavalry Units
2 Veteran Modern Cavalry Unit (German Waldeck, Horn, Peter, Schönleben, Tauer,
(Danish Eberstein & Brandenburger Kanitz, Engels)
1 Modern Cavalry Unit
(Branderburger Goeben & Quast),
1 Shot Company
1 Medium Artillery Battery
1 Light Artillery Battery
Schack’s Corps: Right Cavalry Wing
Generalløjtnant Hans Ahlefeldt (Rank 2)
Horse Regiment:
2 Modern Cavalry Units (Danish Gyldenløve, Schack
& 2. N. Jydske)
1 Shot Company (Danish)
Schack’s Corps: Center Infantry Wing
Generalløjtnant Claus Ahlefeldt (Rank 1)
Infantry Regiment:
2 Veteran Modernized Reformed Mercenary
Battalion (Dutch Killigrew, Aloa & Metern)
Schack’s Corps: Left Cavalry Wing
Generalmajor Joachim Frans Trampe (Rank 1)
Horse Regiment:
2 Modern Cavalry Units (Danish 1. N. Jydske, 3. N.
1 Modern Cavalry Mercenary Unit (German Trampe)
Totals: 12 Horse, 9 Foot, 2 Artillery Units Totals: 8 Horse, 7 Foot, 1 Artillery Unit

Army List Notes
1. Coalition Command Mess. Feltmarskal Friherre Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein and Feltmarskal Hans Schack were
rivals and not willing to serve under each other. They had devised a compromise by which each would have
overall command of the army on different days. On the day of battle, Schack has overall command, but Eberstein
held his own counsel. Schack does not act as Army Commander for the units in Eberstein’s Corps, and the
reverse. If either becomes a casualty, then the other commands both corps as overall army commander.
2. Eberstein aggression. Eberstein sought to cause a battle by attacking the Swedes, even though Schack preferred
not to start battle. To represent this, no Unit of Schack may voluntarily enter into melee with any Swedish unit
before any unit of Eberstein’s Corps has engaged in melee with any Swedish unit.
Scenario Info
Turns: 8
First Turn: Coalition
Deployment: The two Eberstein Corps deploy in row B. The units of the Corps under Schack deploy in Map Area Row A,
and B5, B6. The Swedish Army deploys in Map Areas D and C, with C south of the line of hedges running west-east.
Swedes deploy first.
Victory Conditions: Use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario, and normal victory conditions. Both sides
sought to wreck the other in this battle.

Terrain Rules
Hedge: Fence Rules Road: Road Rules
Woods: Forest Rules Stream: Difficult River Rules
Bridge: Bridge Rules Level 1 Terrain: Hill Rules
Level 2 Terrain: Hill Rules Village: Small Building Rules
Marsh: Very Difficult

St. Gotthard 1664
“The Crescent torn asunder”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
The War between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire of 1663-1664 was the result of regional
politics. The Transylvanian Prince George Rákóczy II, an Ottoman vassal, invaded the Polish-Lithuanian
Commonwealth, during the Russo-Polish War. The Ottomans, angry at their wayward vassal went to war
against him and conquered Transylvania, threatening its autonomy. Worried, Emperor Leopold I sent a small
army under Raimondo, Count of Montecúccoli at Hungary to observe the situation. Meanwhile there were
rising tensions in the Croatian military boarder. This and the presence of the Austrian army led the Grand Vizier
Fazıl Ahmed Köprülü Pasha to lunch a punitive expedition against the Hapsburgs. This triggered a major war,
as the Leopold requested help from the Reich. After successes in 1663, the Grand Vizier led his army towards
Vienna and the Raab. Montecúccoli took advantage of his superior command and control, and the terrain and
defeated the best part of the Ottoman Army in detail. The defeat led to the decision of the Ottomans to make
peace, though they gained Transylvania, and obtained their main objectives, due to Hapsburg fear of a two-front
war with Louis XIV.
Kolçak, Özgür. "The composition, tactics and strategy of the Ottoman field army at Zrinyi-Ujvar and St.
Gotthard (1663–1664)." La bataille de Saint-Gotthard et la paix de Vasvar: Expansion ottomane–coopération
européenne (2017): 73-92.
Greg Savvinos (?) Battle of St. Gotthard 1664, Wargame Scenario

Army List
Imperial Ottoman
GL, Raimondo, Count of Montecúccoli (Rank 3) Grand Vizier Fazıl Ahmed Köprülü Pasha, Army
Commnader (Rank 2)
Left Wing Right Wing
Lt General,Comte Jean de Coligny-Saligny Sarosh Ibrahim Pasha (Rank 1)
(Rank 3)
Cavalry Regiment: 1 Demi-Cuirassiers Modern Ottoman Cavalry Regiment: 2 Garip Sipahi Units,
Cavalry Troop 2 Modernized Akinci Cavalry Units (Anatolians)
Dragoon Regiment: 1 Modernized Dragoon 1 Bashi Bazouk Modernized Infantry Unit (Kurds)
Center Center
FzM Baron Sparr (Rank 2) Aga Khan (Rank 2)
Cavalry Regiment: 3 Modern Cavalry Troops Ottoman Infantry Regiment: 2 Modernized
Janissary Units, 1 Elite Modernized Janissary
Infantry Regiment : 3 Modernized Reformed Unit, 1 Bashi Bazouk Modernized Infantry Unit
Battalions (Arabs)
1 Light Artillery Unit Ismael Pasha (Rank 2)
FM Markgraf Leopold von Baden (Rank2) Ottoman Cavalry Regiment: 1 Kapikulu Sipahi
Unit, 1 Silahtar Sipahi Unit, 1 Timariot Sipahi
Cavalry Regiment: 1 Modern Cavalry Troop Ottoman Cavalry Regiment: 2 Garip Sipahi Units
(Bosnians), 1 Deliler Akinci Unit
Infantry Regiment: 3 Modernized Raw Reformed 1 Large Heavy Artillery Battery
1 Light Artillery
Right Wing Left Wing
FML Spork (Rank 3) Aliheder Pasha (Rank 2)
Infantry Regiment: 2 Modernized Reformed Ottoman Cavalry Regiment: 2 Garip Sipahi Units,
Battalions 2 Modernized Akinci Cavalry Units (Albanians)
Cavalry Regiment: 2 Modern Cavalry Troop 1 Bashi Bazouk Modernized Infantry Unit
Totals: 7 Horse Bases, 1 Dragoon Base, 8 Totals: 14 Horse Bases, 6 Infantry Bases, 1
Infantry bases, 2 Artillery bases. Artillery Base

Army List Notes

1. None
Scenario Info
Turns: 8
First Turn: Ottomans
Deployment: Imperials deploy in Row A and B. Ottomans Deploy in Rows C and D. Only the Janissary Units in the
Command of Aga Khan, and the Ottoman Cavalry Regiment with the Kapikulu, Silahtar and Timariot units can deploy
north of the Raab river. Ottoman’s deploy first.
Victory Conditions: The Ottomans win if by the end of the game they have at least seven non-Akinci Units north of the
Raab. Any other result is an Imperial victory.


Terrain Rules
Road: Road Rules River: Impassable River
Stream: Difficult River Ford: Ford Rules
Village/Monastery: Large Building Rules Forest: Forest Rules
Hilly Terrain: Hill Rules

Leva 1664
“Prelude to Destruction”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
For the strategic context see the description for St. Gotthard 1664. The battle was a result of a secondary
Ottoamn force, made up mostly of Wallachian and Moldavian vassals, dispatched to stop the victorious
campaigns of de Souches small Hapsburg corps. De Souches lured the Ottomans into attacking and then
defeated them thanks to the superior fighting tactics of his troops.
Kolçak, Özgür. "The composition, tactics and strategy of the Ottoman field army at Zrinyi-Ujvar and St.
Gotthard (1663–1664)." La bataille de Saint-Gotthard et la paix de Vasvar: Expansion ottomane–coopération
européenne (2017): 73-92.
Greg Savvinos (?) Battle of Leva1664, Wargame Scenario

Army List
Imperial Ottoman
FML Jean Louis Raduit de Souches (Rank 2) Nominally Ali the Pasha of Buda commanded
the army, but he was commanding the center
Left Wing Right Wing
GWM Knigge (Rank 1) Grigore I Ghica, Prince de Wallachia (Rank 1)
Cavalry Regiment: 4 Modern Cavalry Units, Balkan Battle Group: 4 Shot Companies
1 Shot Company
1 Veteran Medium Artillery Balkan Cavalry Regiment: 3 Hussar Boyars
1 Medium Gun
Center Center
Duke August of Holstein-Plön (Rank 1) Ali the Pasha of Buda (Rank 2)
Infantry Regiment: 3 Modernized Reformed Ottoman Infantry Regiment: 1 Modernized
Battalion Janissary
Cavalry Regiment:1 Modern Cavalry Unit
Balkan Cavalry Regiment:1 Regular Light Hussar 1 Veteran Medium Artillery
1 Light Artillery
Right Wing Left Wing
FML Heister (Rank 1) Mursu Ismael (Tartars) (Rank 1)
Cavalry Regiment: 4 Modern Cavalry Units Eastern Cavalry Regiment : 6 Tatar Units
Infantry Regiment: 1 Modernized Reformed Eustatie Dabija, Prince de Moldavia (Rank 1)
1 Veteran Medium Gun Balkan Battle Group: 4 Shot Companies
1 Medium Gun
Totals: 5 infantry bases, 10 Cavalry Bases , 3 Totals: 9 Infantry Bases, 9 Cavalry Bases, 3
Artillery Bases. Artillery Bases

Army List Notes

1. The Ottomans were lured into attacking the flanks of the Imperial position, not seeing the Imperial center situated
behind the hill in Map Areas C3 and C4. To reproduce this role a D6 for each ottoman wing in the first turn,
adding the rank of the wing commanders. On a roll of 5-6 the Ottoman player controls the units of the wing and
can normally act. On any other result, the all units of a wing must advance in a straight line towards the Imperials
map edge acting as under Run orders.
2. Mursu Ismael cannot command any of the units under the Prince of Moldavia, and the reverse.
Scenario Info
Turns: 6
First Turn: Ottoman
Deployment: The Ottomans deploy in Row A. The Imperials deploy in Row D. The Imperials deploy first.
Victory Conditions: Use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario, and normal victory conditions.

Terrain Table
Forest: Forest Rules Monastery: Small Building Rules
Town: Large Building Rules Elevated Ground: Hill Rules
Stream: Difficult River Rules

Peta 1822
“My Prince, we have lost all but honor”

Source : Wikipedia

Short Introduction
A battle in 1822 may seem a bit out of the temporal domain of Liber Militum: Tercios. However the way of war
in the Balkans changed little between the 17th and 19th centuries. The Greek War of Independence in many ways
was a 17th century conflict. From the religious underpinnings of the conflict, to the character of the war as one
of blockades, ambushes, and strong-point assaults. Peta was one of the rare field battles, and this is because it
was one of the rare battles featuring regular troops. By 1822 the Greeks revolutionaries had dominated the
Peloponnese. However, the Revolution seemed to lose steam, as the warlords leading the irregular forces of the
Morea became more focused on re-organizing the territory from which Ottoman power was expelled. Seeking
to place a stake of leadership against both Demetrius Ypsilantis (impotent but nominal leader of the Revolution)
and the warlords like Kolokotronis, the politician Prince Alexandros Mavrokordatos sought to use the small
regular force of Philhellenes, Ionian Sea Islanders, and Greek regulars in order to take the initiative and make an
aggressive campaign. He decided to campaign towards Epirus with the goal of helping the warlike Souliotes
communities resist the Ottoman forces, which freed from the subjugation of Ali Pasha Tepeleni of Ioannina,
were now focused on them. Mavrokordatos took a mixed force of regulars and irregulars. But he arrived to late
to help the Souliotes, that by agreement were transferred to the Ionian Sea Islands. When trying to extricate his
force, his inability to control his nominal subordinates, led to stand at Peta (close to Arta) were his small force
held good ground, and faced a numerically, and as it proved to be, command superior Ottoman force. The defeat
of the Greeks destroyed the nascent regular army (not to be reformed until 1825) and ruined Mavrokordatos
St Clair, William. That Greece Might Still Be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence. 1st ed., Open
Book Publishers, 2008. JSTOR, Accessed 16 Sept. 2020. Available open
access at
Μεγάλη Στρατιωτική και Ναυτική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Τόμος 5Ος

For war-gaming this battle, I suggest the Steve Barber Models range which is custom made for this battle. See it

Army List
Greeks-Phillelenes Ottomans
Alexandrons Mavrokordatos CnC* Mehmet Reshit Kutahya Pasha (Rank 3) CnC
Regular Wing Ismael Pliasa Pasha (Rank 2)
General Karl von Normann-Ehrenfels (Rank 2) Omer Vrioni (Rank 2)
Infantry Regiment: 3 Reinforced Musketeers Ottoman Right Flank
Corps (Philhellenes Battalion, Tarella Regiment,
Ionian Islanders Battalion)
1 Light Artillery Battery Ottoman Cavalry Regiment : Four Modernized
Akinci Units
Greek Irregulars Ottoman Battle Group: 4 Bashi-Bazouks, Pistols,
Modernized Units
Gogos Bakolas (Rank 1) Ottoman Center
Bakolas Band: 2 Armatoles, Pistol, Scarce Ottoman Battle Group : 4 Bashi-Bazouks, Pistols,
Klephtopolemos Units Modernized Units
Vlachopoulos (Rank 1) Ottoman Battle Group : 4 Bashi-Bazouks, Pistols,
Modernized Units
Vlachopoulos Band: 2 Armatoles, Pistol, Ottoman Left Flank
Klephtopolemos Units
Markos Botsaris (Rank 2) Ottoman Battle Group (Albanians): 4 Armatoles,
Pistol, Klephtopolemos Units
Markos Botsaris Band: 2 Armatoles, Pistol, Ottoman Battle Group : 4 Bashi-Bazouks, Pistols,
Klephtopolemos Units Modernized Units
Totals:9 Infantry Bases, 1 Artillery Totals: 4 Cavalry Bases, 20 Infantry Bases

Army List Notes

1. Prince Mavrokordatos could not order around a kindergarten let alone an army. While he was nominally in
command, Normann-Ehrenfels was the actual commander. That said no irregular Balkan leader would willingly
obey some European disciplinarian. Normann-Ehrenfels can only command the Regular forces. He can also give
commands to any Irregular band with whose leader he is in base to base contact.
2. Greek Irregulars. Each leader can only command his own band.
3. Balkan Irregular tactics. Balkan warfare in the era was dominated by sieges conducted by blockade, ambushes,
and long range skirmishing. Most set battles saw a force defending a terrain objective and attacked by the enemy
who usually tried to overturn it by long flank marches, then any direct assault. Very rarely did the two sides close
in for the cold-steel. Both the Greeks and their Ottoman opponents fought by seeking good ground, fortifying it,
and engaging in intermittent shooting and hurling of abuse, trying to provoke an attack. All the Greek Irregulars
and all the Turkish Bashi-Bazouk and Armatoles units have the trait Protected due to the field works they build.
They lose this if they assault an enemy, but not if they are assaulted. This represents their ability to find the best
ground for defense and quickly fortify it.
4. Bakola’s “treason”. The battle was lost when the band of Gogos Bakolas either left, or deserted its position
without notifying the other forces. There is a controversy about why this happened. To represent this possibility in
the scenario, after the turn in which Bakola’s band is engaged in hand to hand combat by an Ottoman unit, make a
command test. If failed then remove Gogo Bakola and his group from the game, as they slither away to escape.
5. You can distribute the Ottoman commanders as you see fit among the Ottoman wings. Each wing must have a

Scenario Info
Turns: 6
First Turn: Ottomans
Deployment: The Greek Regular Wing deploy in C5 and B5. The Irregulars deploy anywhere on level 1 or level 2 terrain
rows A and B. The Ottoman army deploys anywhere in Map Areas Row D and in C1,C2,C3.
Victory Conditions: The goal of the Ottomans is to destroy the Greek Regular Wing. If they attain that goal they win the
battle automatically. Otherwise use scoring rules from “The Fields of Glory” Scenario, and normal victory conditions

Terrain Rules
Level 1: Steep Hill Rules Stream: Difficult River Rules
Level 2: Steep Hill Rules Woods: Forest Rules
Level 3: Steep Hill Rules Village: Small Building Rules

Suggested Virtues and Traits
Nieuwpoort 1600
Dutch Spanish
Maurice of Nassau (Rank 3) Army Commander Albert of Austria (Rank 2) Army Commander
Fame, Initiative, Comrade in Arms Dedication, Pious
Vanguard Vanguard
Fracnis Vere (Rank 2) Mendoza (Rank 1)
Loyalty, Coordinator Energetic
Center Center
Everart van Solms (Rank 1) Zapena (Rank 2)
Energetic Dexterity, Aggressive
Rearguard Rearguard
Olivier van der Tempel (Rank 1) Bucquoy (Rank 1)
Honorable Alert
Velasco (Rank 1)

Fleurus 1622
Protestant Spanish/Imperial
Nominally Graf von Mansfeld, but he was busy with Don Gonzalo Fernándezde Córdoba y Figuera, Duke
commanding the Center. of Sesa (Rank 2) Army Commander
Drill, Accomplice
Right Wing Left Wing
GenLt. Johann Streiff von Lauenstein (Rank 2) Don Felipe De Sylva (Rank 1)
Elan, Aggressive Alert
Center (Commanded by Graf von Mansfeld) Center
Graf Earnest von Mansfeld (Rank 3) Army Don Tommaso Caracciolo (Rank 2)
Fame, Wealthy, Schemer Will, Cold
Left Wing Right Wing
Duke Christian of Brunswick (Rank 1) General Jean Barodt de Gaucher, Herr auf
Marchau (Rank 2)
Passionate Dedication, Energetic

Lutter am Barenberge 1626
Danish-Lower Saxons Catholic League
Nominally Christian IV, but he was busy command in the Johann Tserclaes, Graf von Tilly (Rank 4)
2nd Echelon
Fame, Initiative, Pious, Inspiring
1st Echelon Right Wing
Johan Phillip Freiherr Fuchs von Bimbach (Rank 2) Nicolás Desfours de Móns at Athienville (Rank 2)*
Sacrifice, Selfless Dedication, Fast
2nd Echelon (Commanded by Christian IV*) Gronsfeld’s Detachment
Christian IV, Army Commander (Rank 2) Jost Maximilian Graf von Bronckhorst-Gronsfeld (Rank 1)
Fame, Calm Galant
3rd Echelon Center
Otto Ludwig Graf von Salm, Wild- und Rheingraf zu Field Marshal Johann Jakob Anholt, Graf von
Kyrburg und Mörchingen (Rank 1) Bronckhorst-Batenburg (Rank 3)
Brave Drill, Guarded, Imperturbable
Left Wing
Oberst Dietrich Othmar von Erwitte (Rank 2)
Will, Cautious

Honingfelde /Trzciano 1629

Swedes Polish-Imperials
No Army Commander No Army Commander
Left Cavalry Wing Right Cavalry Wing
Rheingraf Otto Ludwig (Rank 1) Stanislaw Koniecpolski, Royal Field Hetman (Rank 4)

Protector Fame, Initiative, Coordinator, Eagle-Eyed

Center Cavalry Wing Center Cavalry Wing
Gustav II Adolf , King of Sweden (Rank 4) Hans Georg von Arnim (Rank 1)
Fame, Elan, Lucky, Bold Phlegamtic
Right Cavalry Wing Left Cavalry Wing
Fältmarskalk Herman Wrangel (Rank 1) Marcin Kazanowski (Rank 2)
Selfless Dedication, Energetic

Dunes 1658

Franco-English Spanish
Vicomte De Turrene Army Commander (Rank 4) Don Juan of Austria Army Commander (Rank 3)
Initiative, Fame, Coordinator, Patient Loyalty,Notable, Cautious
Left Wing Right Wing
Le Marquis de Castelnau (Rank 2) Don Estevan Gamarra, Prince de Ligne (Rank 2)
Elan,Sharp Sacrifice, Indefatigable
Center Le Prince de Risbourg-d’Espinoy (Rank 2)
Commonwealth Contingent-General Lockhart Will, Protector
(Rank 2)
Dexterity, Relentless Left Wing
French Contingent -Lt General, Le M de Louis II de Condé (Rank 2)
Gadagne (Rank 2)
Dedication, Alert Elan, Elegant
Right Wing
Lt General Le Marquis de Créqui (Rank 2)
Loyalty, Meticulous

Nyborg 1659
Coalition Swedes
Feltmarskal Hans Schack Fältmarskalk Pfalzgraf Phillip Florinus von Pfalz-
(Rank 2) Army Commander Sulzbach (Rank 4) Army Commander
Loyalty, Cautıous Dexterity, Will, Brave, Galant
Eberstein’s Corps: Quast’s Infantry Wing Right Cavalry Wing
General-Wachtmeister Albrecht Christoph von Generalmajor Hans Bötticher (Rank 2)
Quast (Rank 2)
Dexterıty, Swift Dedication, Sharp
Eberstein’s Corps: Infantry Wing Center Infantry Wing
Feltmarskal Friherre Ernst Albrecht von Eberstein Fältmarskalk Gustav Otto von Stenbock (Rank 3)
(Rank 2)
Elan, Provoker Will, Authoritarian, Diligent
Schack’s Corps: Right Cavalry Wing Left Cavalry Wing
Generalløjtnant Hans Ahlefeldt (Rank 2) Generallöjtnant Baron Henrik Horn (Rank 2)
Dexterity, Determined Elan, Smart
Schack’s Corps: Center Infantry Wing
Generalløjtnant Claus Ahlefeldt (Rank 1)
Schack’s Corps: Left Cavalry Wing
Generalmajor Joachim Frans Trampe (Rank 1)

St. Gotthard 1664

Imperial Ottoman
GL, Raimondo, Count of Montecúccoli (Rank 3) Grand Vizier Fazıl Ahmed Köprülü Pasha, Army
Commnader (Rank 2)
Initiative, Accomplice, Comrade in Arms Loyalty, Notable
Left Wing Right Wing
Lt General,Comte Jean de Coligny-Saligny Sarosh Ibrahim Pasha (Rank 1)
(Rank 3)
Elan, Smart, Sharp Pious
Center Center
FzM Baron Sparr (Rank 2) Aga Khan (Rank 2)
Drill, Schemer Sacrifice, Engineer
FM Markgraf Leopold von Baden (Rank2) Ismael Pasha (Rank 2)
Loyalty, Ruthless Will, Undaunted
Right Wing Left Wing
FML Spork (Rank 3) Aliheder Pasha (Rank 2)
Dexterity, Provoker, Patient Dexterity, Passionate

Leva 1664
Imperial Ottoman
FML Jean Louis Raduit de Souches (Rank 2) Nominally Ali the Pasha of Buda commanded
the army, but he was commanding the center
Initiative, Provoker
Left Wing Right Wing
GWM Knigge (Rank 1) Grigore I Ghica, Prince de Wallachia (Rank 1)
Eagle Eyed Protector
Center Center
Duke August of Holstein-Plön (Rank 1) Ali the Pasha of Buda (Rank 2)
Erudite Elan, Selfless
Right Wing Left Wing
FML Heister (Rank 1) Mursu Ismael (Tartars) (Rank 1)
Eagle-Eyed Tenacious
Eustatie Dabija, Prince de Moldavia (Rank 1)
Peta 1822
Greeks-Phillelenes Ottomans
Alexandrons Mavrokordatos CnC* Mehmet Reshit Kutahya Pasha (Rank 3) CnC
None Initiative, Ruthless, Accomplice
Regular Wing Ismael Pliasa Pasha (Rank 2)
General Karl von Normann-Ehrenfels (Rank 2) Sacrifice, Brave
Loyalty, Stoic Omer Vrioni (Rank 2)
Greek Irregulars Dexterity, Terrible
Gogos Bakolas (Rank 1)
Vlachopoulos (Rank 1)
Markos Botsaris (Rank 2)


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