Ketsela CV

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Curriculum Vitae

I Personal Details
 Name:- Ketsela Negussie Hailu
 Sex:- Male
 Date of Birth:- 29/12/1989 E.C.
 Place of Birth:- Debre-Sina
 Nationality:- Ethiopian
 Marital Status:- Single
 Address:- Mobile: +251946339133; E-mail:
II. Educational Background
1. Higher Education:
 Diploma in Manufacturing Sector Specialized in Metal Engineering
Production Management: Debre Berhan Polytechnic College 2010 –
2013 E.C. (National Qualification Certificate – Level I – IV);
 Attending Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (3rd year)
at Debrre Berhan University (DBU) 2010 E.C. – to date.
2. Preparatory Education (grades 11 - 12): Haile Mariam Mamo Preparatory
School, Debre Berhan  2008 – 2009 E.C. (The Ethiopian University Entrance
Examination Certificate)
3. General Secondary Education (grades 9 - 10): Asko Secondary School,
Addis Ababa  2006 – 2007 E.C.(The Ethiopian General Secondary Education
4. Primary Education (Grades 1 - 8): Asko Selam Schoo, Addis Ababa  199 –
2005 E.C. Primary School Leaving Examination Certificate)
III. Qualification
 Diploma (level IV) in Metal Engineering Production Management
IV. Career History
1. Graphics Designer and Printing Officer at Robel Printing and Advertisement
Enterprise, 2010 – 2012 E.C.
2. Managing own Mobile and other electronics maintenance shop, 20013 – 2014 E.C.
V. Language proficiency:
Good at speaking, listening, reading and writing Amharic and English languages
VI. Training/Workshop(s)/Seminar(s) Attended:
 Computer Maintenance (both hardware and software) and Networking, 2010 E.C
at Bios Information Technology Institution
 Scout Training by Ethiopian Scout Association, 2001 E.C.
VII. Personal Skills
 Computer literate (MS Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, photo editing,
video editing, network installation, etc.);
 Computer maintenance, Mobile and other electronics maintenance, and similar
 Graphics designer and related tasks;
 3rd grade live driving license with no any criminal record.
VIII. References
 Ato Belisty Gashaye, former Trainer at Debre Berhan Polytechnic College, Phone:
 Ato Robel Bertu, the then Managing Director of Robel Printing and Advertisement
Enterprise, phone: +251913757154.

Curriculum Vitae
N.B.: All the information given above is genuine and correct. Necessary documents can be
presented upon request.

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