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MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 |ODULE. MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIO! > Multimedia Commu: Define the term multimedia and give the basic form of representation of each medis (6 Marks) Define the following: i) Text ii) Image Audio iv) Video (4 Marks) The information’data are transferred from source to destination over the network through single or integration of many media such as text, images, audio and video is called multimedia communication, + Types of media: 1. Text; This includes both unformatted text, consisting of strings of characters and formatted text strings as used for structuring, access and presentation of electronic documents, 2. Images: These include computer generated images, comprising lines, curves and circles and digitized images of documents and pictures 3. Audio: This includes both low fidelity speecl as used in telephony and high fidelity stereaphonic music as used with compact dises, 4. Video: This includes short sequence of moving images (video clips) and complete movies/films. +> Types of communication in multimedia communication: > The applications may involve either persan-to-person communication or persor-to- system communication. > Iftwo people communicate with cach other through suitable terminal equipment (TE), Ifa person interacts with a system using either multimedia personal computer (PC) or workstation. + Multimedia Networks: Explain i) Data Network ii) Broadcast multiservice network in detail with suitable figures. (10 Marks) List the five basic types of communication network that are used to provide multimedia services. Explain with a neat diagram i) ‘Telephone network — ii) Integrated services digital network. (10 Marks, 6 Marks) =o Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept af ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 Discuss the different types of communication networks that are used to provide multimedia communication service. (8 Marks) There are five basic types of communication network that are used to provide multimedia communication services: Telephone networks Data networks. Broadcast television networks Integrated Service Digital Networks Broadband Multiservice Networks: ween 1. Telephone networks: Explain with the aid of the diagram, how 2 PSTN can support range of multimedia common applications. (10 Marks) > Telephone networks are designed to provide a bast is known as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS). The term “switched” is used to indicate that a subscriber can make a eall to any other telephone that is connected to the network. > The main components of the network are sho switched telephone service which the below figure 1. Figure 1: Telephone networks: (a) Network components (b) Digital transmission using modems Amutha R, Assistal Professor, Dept af ECE, MYCEM MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 » Telephone located in the home or ina small business is connected directed to their nearest Local Exchange (LE)/end office. > Those located in a medinm or large affice/site are connected to a private switching office known as a private branch exchange or PBX, > The PBx provide a switched service between any two telephones that are connected to it > liv addition to this, the PBX is connected to its nearest local exchange Which enables telephones that are connected to PBx algo make calls through PSTN. > Also we have cellular phones network which provide similar services to mobile subsetibers by means of handsets that are linked: to the celfular phone network infrastructure by radio: The switches used in cellular phone network are known as Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs), International calls are routed to switched by International Gateway Exchange (IGE). Figure 2 shows digital transmission using modems of telephone networks. AS a sheceh signal is an analog signal which varies w.rt amplinide and frequency vatiations of the sound resulting from the speech, A microphone is used to convert speech signal into an analog electrical signal to operate in cirewit mode. The access circuits that link the telephone handsets 1o a PSTN or PRx were designed to-carry the two way analog signals associated witha call. Hence all switches and the transmission circuits that interconnected t operate in a digital mode to carry digital signal over analog access circuits requires a device knows as tiiodem, In the figure at the sending side the modem converts the digital signal output into an analog signal, Another modem is again placed at the receiving end in order to convert analog signal to digital form. v vw v 1 * 2. Data Networks: > Data networks were designed to provide basic data communication services such as elvetroni¢ mail (email) and file transfer, % The user equipment connected to these networks is a computer such as PC, workstation or an email server, > The two most widely deployed networks are X.25 network and Internet, Because of its operational mode X.25 network is restricted to low bit rate data applications and hence unsuitable for most multimedia applications, » The internet is made up of collection of interconnected networks all Uf which operate using same set of communication pratocols.Communication protéicols are an agreed set of rues that aire applied fr the exchange of information Incase ofa user at home or in-a small business, avcess to intemet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) network, * The user devices are connected to ISP network either through a PSTN with modems or through an ISDN. wt ooo Amvutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM 3 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 > Business users obtain access either through a site/ campus network, If the business consists only single site or multiple sites the access is done through an enterprise wide private network. Figure 2: A selection of the network types connected te the Internet » Incase of single site/ campus, the network is known as Local Area Network (LAN). Enterprise wide networks consisting multiple sites are interconnected together using aan interesite backbone network. > ‘The different types of network are all connected to the Internet backbone network through an interworking unit called a gateway. 3. Broadcast Televisior pworks: Broadcast television networks were designed to support the diffusion of analog television programs throughout wide geographical arcas. > Inease ofa large town or city, the broadcast medium is normally a eable distribution networkwhile for larger areas broadcast medium is a satellite network or terrestrial broadcast network is used. > Digital Television services have become available with these networks with a low bit rate channel far interaction purpose to provide additional services such as games Amrutia R, Assistal Professor, Dept of ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] » The general architecture of a cable distribution network and a satellite terrestrial broadcast network are shown in the below figure 3 (a) and (b). Figure 3: Broadcast tclevision networks: (a) cable networks (b) Satellite/ terrestrial broadcast networks > In figure 3(a}, the set top up bax attached to the cable distribution network provides not only control of the television channels but also access to other services. » For example, when cable modem is integrated into the STB provides both a low bit rate channel and a high bit rate channel from the subscriber back to the eable head end. » The low bit rate channel is used to connect the subscriber to a PSTN and the high bit rate channel to connect the subscriber to the internet. > In figure 3 (b), in case of satellite and terrestrial broadcast networks, when a high speed PSTN modem is integrated into the STB which provides the subscriber with an interaction channel, This is the origin of the term “interactive television”. 4. Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN! & ISDN is designed to provide PSTN users with the eapubility of having additional services, > This was achieved firstly by converting the converting the access circuits that connect user equipment to the network. Secondly by providing two separate communication channels over these circuits. These allows user to have two different calls such as a telephone call and a data call This access circuit is known as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). > The subscriber telephone can be either a digital phone or analog phone. In case of a digital phone, the electronics convert the analog voice and call setup signals into a Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] digital form are integrated into the phone handset, Analog phone uses same electronics are located in the network termination equipment to make the digital mode of operation Single 1.3/2:0Rae¢m chanel Figure 4: Alternative services provided by an ISDN. > The digitization of a telephone quality analog speech signal produces a constant bit rate referred to a bitstreamof 64kbps. Hence the basic DSL of the ISDN is known as the basic rate access (BRA)which supports two 64kbps channels, > To combine two separate 64kbps bitstreams into a single 128kbps stream requires an additional electronics known as aggregation. > A higher bit rate channel of either 1.5 of 2Mbps is supported to ISDN known as primary rate access (PRA), 5. Broadcast multiservice network > Broadband multiservice networks are designed to support a wide range of multimedia communication application > The term “broadband” used to indicate that the circuits associated with a call could have bits rates of maximum of 2Mbps which is provided by an ISDN. Hence it is also known as Broadband integrated services digital networks or B-ISDN. Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] Figure $: ATM brosdband multiservice network > ISDN is also referred to as Narrowband ISDN or N-ISDN, » B-ISDN is associated with the digitization ofa video signal. > The switching and transmission methods used within these networks are more flexible than PSTN or ISDN. > To achieve this Nexibility, all the different multimedia applications are first converted into digital form, The multimedia generates multiple fixed sized packets known as cells, The rate of transfer of cells through the network is also varies and henee this mode is known as Asynchronous Transfer Made (AT! se ‘+ Multimedia Applications 1. Interpersonal communications 2. Interactive applications over the internet 3. Entertainment applications 1. Interpersonal communications Explain with a neat sketch how voice mail and teleconferencing is supported in relation To Speech only interpersonal communication, (10 Marks) ® Interpersonal communications may involve speech, image, text or video. > In some cases just a single type of medium is involved while in others two or more media types are integrated together. Speech only Interpersonal communications involving speech ic. telephone have been provided using (elephones that are connected either to a PSTN or PBx. Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 Figure 6: Speceh diy interpersonal communication network; publie and private switehed telephone networks > ‘The general scheme is shovn in the above figure. By using a multimedia PC equipped with a microphone and speakers, the user can take part in telephone calls through the PC. This requires a telephone interface card and assaciated software which is known as computer telepbony integration (CTL). ® In addition to telephony, many public and private networks support additional services, Two examples are voice mail and teleconferencing. > Voice mail is used when the called party is being unavailable. A spoken message can then left in the voice mailbox of the called party, This is locaied in a central respiratory known as voice mail server. This message can be read by the owner of the mailbox the next time he or she contacts the server. } Teleconferencing calls involve multiple interconnected telephones/PCs, Each persan can hear and talk to all the others involved in the call, This type df call is known as a conference call or teleconferencing call or audio conferencing call. It requires a central unit is known as an audio bridge which provides the support to set up a conference call automatically. Telephony over the internet is also known as packet voice or the network protocol associated with the internet is called Internet Protocol (IP) or Voice Over IP (VOIP). Amutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION 18EC743 erat son rid is ae, et aoe 2S 3 4 ‘ a. Le swam «= LEI rw = gaeay Figure 7; Telephony over the Internet Image only > Amalternative form of interpersonal communications over a PSTN or an ISDN is by exchange of electronic images of documents which is known as fuesimile or fax which is shown in the below figure 8. PST or ISON Figure 8: Image only interpersonal communication; Facsimile (Fax) This involves the use of a pair of fax machines, one at each network termination po > The two fax machines communicate with each other to establish operational parameters after which the sending machine starts to scan and digitize each page of the document ¥ » Both fax machines have an essential modem within them as each page is scanned. Its digitized image is continuously transmitted over the network and this is received at the caller side and a printed version of the document is produced > Finally afler the last page of the dacument has been sent and received, the connection through the network, Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 » PC is also used instead normal fax machine to send an electronic version of a document that is stored directly within the PC's memory which is known as PC fax. > ‘The digital image of each page of the document is sent in the same way as the scanned image produced by normal fax machine, This requires a telephone interface card and associated software. Text only > Example of interpersonal communication invol mail). 2 just text is Electronic mail (E [ ] a} ‘Contol: Bin. eaphy. Forward. Send etc From Name and ackdess of senor To: Nome and address of recipient Ce: Uist of cther recipients foptonot Pecan fs Subyeet Tae of men! (optional Dote: Day, dose and ame maul sent Body, ponsibly with @ file attachment Body/Messoge content Figure 9: Text only electronic mail: (a) email transfer (b) email message format The user terminal is normally workstation or computer. The most widespread network used is the Intemet, I case of user at home can access to the internet is through a PSTN/SDN and an Internet Service Provider (ISP) network » Business user obtains access either through an enterprise network oF site/eampus network. Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM 10 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 > Each network is a set of one or more server computers. Each known as emaill server, Mail server contains a mailbox for each user connected to that network. ‘A user can both create and deposit mail into his or her mailbox and read mail from i. Bothe email server and internet gateway operate using standard Internet communication protocols. Text and images Amrutia R, Assistal Anexample of an application that involves both text and images integrated together is Comiputer supported Cooperative Working (CSCW). The network used is an enterprise network, a LAN or the Internet, The general scheme is shown in the below figure 10. Shared whiteboard progam Eniorprisariie pene neha, 7 AR or the Iniernet — Shared whiteboord /workspace Figure 10: Text and image computer supported cooperative working (CSCW) A distributed group af people in his or her place.of work in where all are working on the same project, The user terminal is cither a PC or a workstation and window on each person's display is used as a shared workspace known as a shared whiteboard and normally display consists of text aid images integrated together. The sofiware assaciated with CSCW consists of a central program is known as the whiteboard program and it is linked set of supported programs one in each workstation, Ivis made up of two parts: Change notification part and an update control part. Whenever a member of the group updates the contents of his/her whiteboard, the change notification part sends details of the changes to the whiteboard program. This ive the changes to the update control in each of the other PCs and these in turn update the contents of their copy of the whiteboard, Professor, Dept of ECE, MY MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 Speech and video > An example application that uses speech and video integrated together is video telephony which is now supported by all the network types, The general scheme is shown in the below figure 11 > Incase of the home, the terminals used to provide the videophone service, while in an office, a single multimedia PChworkstation is used to provide the videophone service. > In both the cases, the terminals/PCs consist of a video camera in addition to the microphone and speaker used for telephony. > A separate screen is used for the display to display a window of the PC/workstation screen, ® Desktop videoconferencing call is the integration of video with speech which requires higher bandwidth to support this type of service through PCs. > Large corporations have an enterprise wide network to link the sites together and in order to support videoconferencing a central unit is called multipoint control (MCU) or videoconferencing server is used (figure 10.6), Multicasting is group communication where data transmission is addressed toa group of destination computers. Multicast can be one to many or many o many distribution, ‘Thus the networks which support multicasting are possible to hold a conferencing session without an MCU which is shown in figure 10(c). the image of the called party in ee e b) Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCE! 2 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] IAN /iesocnat Riley ihenpset boa specchortivgien iiormatn® wrecna Tovlrom ol paces Figure 10: Speech and video interpersonal communication (a) two party video telephone call; (b) videoeonferencing using MCU; (e) Videoeonferencing using a broadcast network 2. Interactive applications over the Internet The most widely used for interactions over the internet is World Wide Web (WWW) or Web server. > This consists of linked set of multimedia information servers that ate geographically distributed around the internet Each document consists of a linked set of pages and the linkage bewtween the pages are known as hyperlinks,Dacuments consisting of only text are created using hypertextand consisting of multimedia information are created using hypermedia. ich document has a unique address known as Uniform Resource Locator (URL), The first page of the document is known as home page. & A standard format is used for writing documentsis known as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), The client function is called browser, World Wide Web servers emacs elormaon seve some wih horsacton capabsites ‘arrbcted t a LANL om kaa, oF a8 SP nao Figure 11; Schematic of interaction with a World Wide Web server Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYC MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 3. Entertainment applications Explain in brief interactive applications over internet, (10 Marks) Explain with neat diagrams, the interactive television application for both cable and satellite network. (6 Marks) Explain with meat diagrams the entertainment applications of multimedia. (10 Marks) Discuss any ane entertainment application of multimedia, (4 Marks) Entertainment applications can be one of two types: |. Movievideo on demand 2. Interactive television 1. Movie/vieeo on demand > In-general, the video and audio associated with these applications must be a higher quality /resolution sinee wide sereen televisions and stereophonic sound are often used. A digitized movie! video with sound require « minimum channel bit rate of 1.5 Mbps. > The network used support this type of application must be either PSTN with a high bit tate modem is used, The general operational scheme in both cases is shown in below figure 12 (a). Settop box with PSTN/cable access network integral high bit fate modern Figure 12: Interactions with a video server- networking schematic The information stored on the server is a collection of digitized moview'videos. > By means of suitable menu, the subseriber is able t browse through the set of mavies/videos available and initiate the showing of a selected movie, This type of application is known as movie on demand (MOD) or video on demand (VOD). cD Amvutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept af ECE, MYCEM 14 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION 18EC743 > Akey feature of MOD js that a subscriber ean initiate the showing ofa movie selected froma large library of movies at any time of the day or night. 2. Interactive televisis » Broadcast television networks include cable, satellite and terrestrial nevworks, > The basic service pravided by these networks is the diffusion of both analog and Figure 13: Interactive television: (a) cable distribution network; (b) satellite/terrestrial broadcast network » The set top box (STB) associated with these networks also has a modem within it. > Incase of cable network as shown in the figure 13 (a), the STB provides both a low bit rate connection to the PSTN and high bit rate connection to the Internet. » Hence by connecting appropriate terminal equipment to the STB, telephone and so ‘on; the subscriber is able to gain access to all the services provided through PSTN and the Internet, a Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM 15 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] > In addition, through the connection to the PSTN, the subscriber is able ( actively respond to the information being broadcast. This is the origin of the term “interactive television”. As shown in the figure 13 (b) a similar set of services are available through satellite and terrestrial broadcast networks, except that the STB associated with these networks requires a high speed modem to provide the conneetions to the PSTN and the Internet. y “> Application and Networking terminology Multimedia terminology ——_ 41, sauearoeeh pa Simplex Halfduplex Duplex Broadcast Continuous: Block mode = cle be rate bit rate Communication channels ——, Synchronous Asynchronous ! I Constant bit rate Variable bit rote I | Circuitswitched nenworks — Packetswatched networks -——_ Connechononemed — Conneconiass Media Types > ‘The information flow associated with the different applications can be either uous or block made. Continuous media > In the case of continuous media the information stream is generated by the source continuously in a time dependent way. > Therefore continuous media is passed directly to the destina is generated and at the destination the information stream is played out directly as it is received. This mode of operation is called streamingand since continuous media is generated in time dependent way, itis also known as real time media, > Two examples of media types that generate continuous streams of information in real time are audio and video. > In terms of the bit rate at which the source information strean cither a constant bit rate (CBR) or a variable bit rate (VBR). —_———_—_—— Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYC 16 is generated eum be MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] v 7 Block mode medi In block mode media, the source information consists of a single block of information that is created in a time independent way Example, a block of text representing an email or computer program, A two dimensional matrix of pixel values that represents an image and so on, Block mode media is created in time independent way and is often stored and displayed at a time determined by the requesting application program. This mode of operation is known as down loading. When a block is requested, the delay between the request being made and the contents of the block being displayed at the destination within an acceptable time interval. This is known as raund trip delay (RTD). Communication modes Explain the communica in modes available to transfer the information stream (10 Marks) Briefly explain the communication modes with a simple sketch, (4 Marks) 2 3 4 5. ‘Simplex: This means the information associated with the application flow in one direction only. An example is the transmission of photographic images involves just a unidirectional flow of information. Half duplex: This means the information flows in both direction but alternatively. This mode fs also known as two ways alternate. An example is a user making a request for some information from a server and returning the requested information, Duplex: This means the information flows in both directions simultaneously. It is also known as two way simultaneous, Example is the two way flow of digitized speech and video associated with a video telephony applications, Broadcast: This means that the information displayed by a single source node is received by all the other nodes or computers that are connected to the same network. Anexample is the broadcast ofa television program over the cable network. Multicast: This is similar to broadcast except that the information displayed by the source is received by only specific subsets of the nodes that are connected to the network, An example of this mode is videoconferencing which involves a predefined group of terminals/computers connected to a network exchanging integrated speech and video streams. Communcotiont choral 2) t -— @—+—_® —o | — o—P— Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYC W MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] (by Broadcast: ro 8) — ve Soest @ Figure 14; Communication mode: (a) unicast (b) broadcast (c) multicast Network Types Explain the working principle of circuit mode and packet mode of operation of multimedia networks with a beat diagram. List out salient features of each type of network, (8 Marks) > There are two types of communication channels associated with the various network types, one that operates in a time dependent way known as cireuit mode and the other that operates in a time varying way known as packet mode. » The circuit mode is also known as synehronous communications channels since it provides a constant bil rate service at a specified rate, The packet mode is known as an asynchronous communications channel since it provides a variable bit rate service. Circuit mode > A circuit mode is shown in the below figure 15 consists of an interconnected set of switching offices/exchanges to which the subscriber terminals’ computers are connected, This type of network is known a circuit switched network. Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYC 18 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] Circuit through the network Circvinswitched Bir rate of the connection determined by the On pate ol te cocconee ccs CD —orcicer eminatreompunr — [I = msening atten mrchange Figure 18: Circuit switched network schematic > In this network before sending any information, the source must first set up a connection through the network. > Each subscriber terminaVeomputer has a unique network wide number/address associated with it and to make eall; the source first enters the number/address of the intended communication partner. > The local switching office/exchange then uses this to set up a connection through the network to the switching office/exchange to which the destination is connected. » Assume the destination is free and ready to receive a call, a message is returned to the source indicating that it can now start to transfer/exchange information > Finally after all the information has been transferred/exchanges, either the source or the destination requests for the connection to be cleared. > The message associated with the setting up and clearing of a connection are known as signaling messages. > There is a time delay while a connection is being established known as the call/connection setup delay » Networks that operate in this way are PSTN and an ISDN. Packet mode > There are two types of packet mode network: connection oriented (CO) and connectionless (CL). > Connection oriented network consists of an interconnected set of packet switehing exchanges (PSEs). This type of network is known as a packet switehed network, > Incircuit switched network, cach terminal/computer is connected to the network that has a unique network wide number/address associated with it. ————— Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYC 19 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] PSE] ‘Our routing table: YO ink) —e VOIR/ink2 VOI Mink2 —e WOH! /link | PSI routing able: YCT2/link —e VOIS/ink3 VOI3/tink3 ee VOH2/ink | rs ‘eating able: VO3/lik —e VOMY/ink? VOU? ee VOB lik CO cormecfoncranied ——_VCl= vena cic enter = vine cat PSE pacietrwthing eharge (b) ‘Cl pocketewitching natok Cl = connectioniess = pocket A. B = full network wide addresses tahomlon exenant source address destination address Figure (6: Packet switching principles: (a) Connection oriented (by Connectionless > In Connection oriented network, as the name implies, prior to sending any infortnation a connection is first set up through the network using the address of the wurce and destination terminals. Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM 20 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] > In packet switched network, the connection is set up which utilizes only a variable portion of the bandwidth of each link and the connection is known as virtual connection or virtual cireuit (VC). » To set up VC, the source terminal/computer sends a call request control packet 10 its local PSE which contains in addition to the address of the source and destination terminal/computer, a short identifier known as virtual cireuit identifier (VCD) > Each PSE maintains a table that specifies the outgoing link that should be used to reach each network and on receipt of the call request packet, the PSE uses the destination address within the packet to determine the outgoing link to be used, ® ‘The next fice identifier (VC1) for this link is then selected and two entries are made in a routing table. > The first specifies the incoming link/VCI and the corresponding outgoing link/VCI and the second is used to route packets in the reverse direction as shown in the figure 64a). > The eall request packet is then forwarded on the selected outgoing link and the same procedure is followed at cach PSE until the destination terminal is reached. > ‘The destination assuming that the call is accepted and a call aecepted packet is returned to the source over the same VC. » Each PSEs uses the incoming link/VCI to determine the outgoing link/VCI from the routing table, % When all the information has been transferred/exchanged from source to destination, the VC is cleared and VCls are released by passing 4 call clear packet along the VC. >» Multipoint conferencing What is multipoint conferencing? Explain the various types with diagrams. (6 Marks) Explain the operational modes of multipoint conferencing with meat diagrams. (6 Marks) Explain with neat diagram multipoint conferencing modes and type of conferencing. (6 Marks) © Multipoint conferencing includes audio and video conferencing. data sharing and Computer Supported Cooperative Working (CSCW), » These involve the exchange of information between three or more terminals/computers. > Because of different modes of operation of the two network types (circuit and packet switching networks) multipoint conferencing is implemenied in one of three ways Centralized, Decentralized and Hybrid mode. a Amvutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept af ECE, MYCEM a MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743] fe) Circuitswitched network (PSTNASON) {b) Packetswitched network supporting multicasting [AN/intemet/Intranet) Circuitswitched Pocketswitched network network with mulicasting Figure 17; Multipoint conferencing modes: (a) Centralized (b) Decentralized (c) Hybrid Centralized mode: » This mode is used with circuit switehed networks such as a PSTN or ISDN as shown in the above figure L7(a), with this mode a central conference server is used. > Before sending any information, each terminaV/computer to be involved in the conference must first set up a connection to the server. » Each terminal/computer then sends its own media stream consisting of audio, video and data integrated together to the server using established connection. > The server then distributed either the media streams reecived from a selected terminal/computer_or_a_mix of the media streams received from several a a a a ct tr ne cement Arutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM 22 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 terminals/computers back to all the other terminals‘computers that are involved in the conference. Decentralized mode se: This mode is used with packet switched networks that support multicast communications, Examples include Local Area Networks (LANs), Intemet and the Intranet. As shown in the above figure 17(b), the output of each terminaV/computer is received by all the other members af the conférence/multicast group. Hence conference server is not used and instead it is the responsibility of each terminaV’computer to manage the information streams that it received from the other members, vv . Hybrid mode ® As shown in the above figure 17(c), this mode is used when the various terminals/computers that make up the conference are attached to differemt network types. » The conference consisting of four terminalscomputers, two attached to a circuit switched network and (wo to a packet switched network that support multicasting, As in the centralized mode, a conference server is used and the output of each terminal/computer és sent to the server either individual circuits as terminal A and B orusing multicasting as terminal C and D, Types of conference 1. Data conferencing: Involves data only and examples include data sharing and computer supported cooperative working: 2. Audiogonferencing: Involves audio (speech) only. 3. Videoconferencing: Involves speech and video integrated together. 4. Multimedia conferencing: Involves speech, video and data imegrated together. + Network QoS Explain briefly about the network QoS Parameters. (5 Marks) > The operational parameters associated with a communications channel through a network are known as network Quality of Service (QoS). Circuit switched network The QoS parameters associated with a cireuit switched network are: 1. Bit rate 2. Mean bit error rate 3. Transmission delay a Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept af ECE, MY 23 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 1. Bit rate: Bit rate is defined as the number of bits transmitted per second, It is also referred to as Bits Per Second (BPS). 2. Mean bit error rate: It is the probability of a bits being corrupted during. its transmission across the channel in a defined time interval. 3. Transmission delay: The time taken to transmit a information from host to the transmission medium is ealled transmission delay. Packet switched network Explain the QoS parameter associated with a packet switched network. (6 Marks) ‘The QoS parameters associated with a packet switched network are: 1, Maximum packet size 2. Mean packet transfer rate: It is a measure of the average number of packets that are transferred across the network per second. 3. Mean packet error rate: Il is the probability of a received packet containing an or more bit errors. 4. Mean packet transfer delay: It is the summation of the mean store and forward delay that experiences in each PSE 5. Worst jitter: It is the variation associated in store and forward delay. 6. Transmission delay: The time taken to transmit a packet ftom host to the transmission medium is called transmission delay.2 Application QoS Define the key application parameters that relate to the networks, (5 Marks) The application QoS parameters that a network include: «The required bit rate or mean packet transfer rate © Maximum startup delay © Maximum end to end delay + Maximum delay variation’ jitter © Maximum round trip deay rs Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept af ECE, MY 24 MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION [18EC743 hich ing an the prob is ta be 10°. (2 2. Determine the prop: annels: of tkm. i) A conn ugh a private telephone networ ii) A connection through PSTN of 200km. of 50,000km. iii) A connection over a satel in case of i) and i the velocity of propagation of a si Assume 2x10%ms" and in case iii) 3x10" (4 Marks, 6 Ma a Amrutha R, Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, MYCEM a

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