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This is a narrative Mordheim event. It is set in Lustria.

Campaign games being played in the Warhammer Old World.
Lustria is a deadly tropical paradise with unbearable conditions. The jungle will try to make its
next meal of your warriors! Hunt or be hunted by native species camouflaged beneath the
rainforest canopy. Evade predators or finish them first, then scavenge treasures of the Old Ones.
Set sail across the Sea of Claws from Marienburg's Wasteland Coast, seeking fabled Cities of
Gold. Warbands make landfall on the Isthmus. Hire provisions before scouting the green hell of
Lustria. Raiding the Temple of the Lost Park.

What to bring
- Your warband list filled out on a printed paper roster sheet (see link in Reference Guide) plus
pencil and eraser to record updates.
- Miniatures for your starting warband and reinforcements to represent warriors hired in later
rounds. Painted models counts towards achievements.
- Dice, measuring tape, counters etc.
- Mordheim rulebook (either the book, a print off or PDF) plus any rules explaining your warband
to be referenced by all players.
- Players are invited to exhibit their terrain. If you are willing to support this event by setting up a
tabletop we would love to hear from you!

Event details
Players may optionally attend on Friday evening to exhibit terrain and play 1 or 2 games.
The main event day comprises of 4 games on the Saturday. If their Heroes survive the jungle,
players are welcome to attend on Sunday for the finals round and survivor's team event.
Each battle is followed by a post-battle sequence to resolve income, injuries, exploration and
trading. Heroes are invited to enjoy the hospitality of Skeggi, where the Norscans carouse, gamble
and provide entertainment opportunities. Players cashing in any completed warband objectives
may claim rewards.
This campaign is being packed with special scenarios keyed to the table setups.
There will be a multi-player scenario battle on Sunday featuring special team conditions.
All players are expected to be familiar with some of the Mordheim rules or have some
understanding of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. This event was developed to be inclusive for
intermediate and expert level fans. Since the event organisers are on hand to introduce new
content and explain processes, then it is suitable for eager Warhammer fans who are beginners.

Mordheim games use rules from the core rulebook. Players are encouraged to reference errata and
guidelines where relevant from Town Cryer [TC], Empire in Flames [EiF], Nemesis Crown [NC]
Mutiny in Marienburg [MiM] and Border Town Burning [BTB] supplements to enrich the shared
narrative experience. Please keep things simple when playing against inexperienced players.

For this narrative event, please select any of the official or unofficial warband lists on Broheim
categorised as 1a/1b/1c/2a (except for MIC & KAZ). Your starting warband will be 500 gold crowns.
Warband Leaders begin the campaign with one skill chosen from the available skill lists.
Every warband begins the campaign with one Rabbit's Foot.
Rabbit's Foot allows the Hero wearing it to reroll one die during the battle. If not used in the battle
it can be used to reroll one of the dice during the exploration phase providing the Hero is able to
search through the ruins.

Entoyment Wargaming – Unit 2, Fleetsbridge Business Centre, Upton Rd, Poole BH17 7AF
There is free parking at the venue. Use available spaces at the front of the business park.
Please avoid parking in space in front of other premises as they belong to the industrial units.
Drinks and snacks are available in the gaming centre and hot food is also being served.
Please support the venue by making use of this service unless you have special dietary conditions.
The event will be ran flexibly so as not to rush players. The venue opening times are as follows:
Friday – 10am open / 6pm start / 10pm close
Saturday – 10am open / 6pm close
Sunday – 10am open / 2pm finish
Evening hospitality will be arranged Saturday near central Bournemouth. Anyone travelling to the
event is recommended to book far enough ahead to find accommodation somewhere in the town.

Survival Tips (House Rules)

1. Warband rating is only used as the means of recording statuses to measure handicaps for
underdog benefits. Focus on more important goals like completing scenario objectives.
2. Fancy suits of armour are a waste of Karls. Heroes probably can't afford the protection anyway!
Instead of spending your hard-won crowns try peeling one off from mud-caked corpses instead.
3. The original rule book should be referred to whenever possible, not edited versions online.
Spears: Almost strike first before chargers, when a warrior is being charged.
Whips: They have 4" Reach as described in the original rules (not Whipcrack).
Bulwark: The saving throw for hand weapon and shield is always 5+.
4. Missile weapons are restricted by an embargo on ballistics. Warbands must have less than 50%
of their warriors armed with missile weapons. If at any point this is exceeded, any excess weapons
must be stored, until reinforcements can be hired.
5. Roll for random happenings in Lustria using the recommended table. There will only be one
random event in a battle, unless a scenario prompts you to roll for special encounters.
6. Special equipment and rare items available to search for will be made available. If you are
unsure what is available to buy in Lustria then ask to see the merchant’s charter. Heroes may be
invited to visit special locations, instead of searching for items in the post-battle sequence.
Refer to your campaign organiser when Heroes visit ‘Marketplace’ or ‘Infamous Haunts’.
7. Refer to your campaign organiser for help with ‘Corrupted Characters’ when Heroes carry
tainted items or if a Wizard miscasts a spell.
8. Refer to Town Cryer #7 for Academic skills: Mind Focus, Hunch, Magical Aptitude, Tactician and
Scribe. Refer to Border Town Burning for Strength skills: Beastmaster and Handyman.
9. Miscasting could kill your wizard. If a result of double 1 is rolled when attempting to cast a spell
something has gone horribly wrong! Roll 2D6 on the Miscasting Table. Rerolls from a Familiar,
Rabbit's Foot, Mind Focus skill or other effects cannot be used to avoid a miscast. Dice results from
the Miscasting Table may be rerolled as normal. Wizards and Priests are all susceptible.
10. ‘Swords of the Empire’ is a compilation of the finest mercenary retainers and opportunistic
pay-swords for hire. The collection reflects on the behaviour of hired bravos who find themselves
drawn in to arduous campaigns and how that experience might impact on their contractual
obligations as blood is being spilled!
The following optional rules apply when using Hired Swords in epic Mordheim campaigns:
Blood Pacts, Trade Deals, Prisoners of War, I Need A Priest!
11. Roll 2D6 for each Hired Sword in the post battle sequence, after their upkeep is paid. On a roll
of 12, the Hired Sword swears an oath of allegiance in blood and becomes tied in a pact with
warriors from the warband. For each skill or characteristic increase the Hired Sword gains, add 1
to the rolled result for the Hired Sword to form a Blood Pact with the warband.
Further conditions can be referenced in ‘Swords of the Empire’ compendium.
12. Any warband that includes humans can hire a human Priest and in doing so the Priest replaces
one of the warbands Heroes. Only one Priest can ever be included in a warband. Unless specified
elsewhere Priests may not be hired by followers of Chaos, Orcs & Goblins, Dark Elves, Skaven and
Undead warbands. A Priest counts as a Hero and no warband may ever include more than 6.
Details on Priests are found in ‘Miracle Workers’ from the Mutiny in Marienburg supplement.
Presenting Conspiracies
Before each round, players will draft a new Challenge from a pool of cards. Conspiracies present
opponents with an open challenge to complete by the end of your battle. Whether their objective
is performed or not, these Challenge cards will be returned to the ‘Conspiracy Pool’.
Each player must select a new Challenge from those currently available before returning the pair
used in their last battle to the Conspiracy Pool. It is possible for players to complete the same
objective twice if more than one opponent presents them with the same Challenge.
If one of the warbands routs, then that player counts as having no models on the table for the
purpose of completing a challenge when the battle ends.

1. Burn the witch! Take an enemy Wizard or Priest out of action.

2. Cut the head from the snake! Take the enemy warband Leader out of action.
3. Head taker! Take more than five enemy warband members out of action.
4. Pit fight! Have a Hero take an enemy model out of action in close combat inside a building.
5. Hunt the beast! Take any model with at least 2 Wounds out of action.
6. Dominate centre! At least three models from your warband are standing within 6" of the centre
point of table when battle ends.
7. Have the high ground! A warrior from your warband is positioned higher than any warriors of
enemy warband when battle ends.
8. Lead by example! Have your Leader take an enemy Hero out of action.
9. Learn on the job! Have the Hero with least experience points take an enemy model out of
10. Ranged warfare! Take more models from enemy warband out of action carrying missile
weapons, than they do of yours.
11. Gold rush! Warband carries most Treasures when the battle ends. If no Treasure is used in
scenario, assign a chest (cargo objective marker) to be carried by your warband.
12. Give no quarter! Occupy a structure with your models, in all four quarters when battle ends.
13. Setting up camp! Have the most models occupying densest area of trees (or longest wall if no
trees) when battle ends.
14. Take the bait! Have moved two or more warriors to within 2" of the opponent’s table edge.
15. Fish in a barrel! Take more models from enemy warband out of action using missile
weapons, than casualties sustained from missile fire. Includes thrown items.
16. Squatters rights! Have the most models occupying the largest building when the battle ends.
17. Masters of magic! Take two or more enemy warband members of out of action using Wizards
or Priests.
18. Collect the bounty! Take two or more enemy warband members of out of action using Hired
19. Pincer movement! Take an enemy model already in combat out of action, after charging in
with a Henchman.
20. Conflict of interest! Both players must compete to complete the same challenge.
21. Guilty of arson! Set on fire a building or appropriate terrain feature agreed by opponent. If
no fire weapons are available then D3 torches are equipped to your warband.
Torch: Torches act exactly as lanterns, adding +4" to the range the model may spot hidden
enemies, but has a few other special rules as well. A torch will only last one game. A model
armed with a torch counts as causing fear in animals (Hunting Dogs, all riding steeds, Bears,
Wolves, etc), and may use a torch as a makeshift club. When used in combat, a torch is treated
as a normal club, though with a -1 to hit modifier. Any models that have a Regeneration
special rule (like Trolls) will not be able to regenerate wounds caused by a torch during a
battle. Torches may cause buildings or models to be set on fire.
Completing Challenges
The Conspiracy Pool requires one deck of Challenges. An alternative process to playing with open
Challenges should be tried if each player can be allocated a deck of their own cards to use.
Instead of being presented with an open Challenge, each player selects three cards before battle.
Opponents roll a D6 to determine which one of the face down cards will be used. Challenges
remain secret during gameplay. Players declare if their hidden objective was met when battle ends.

Scenario Pack
Geographical scenarios are keyed to locations in Lustria. The "Skeggi Town Cryer" includes:
Coastal Encounters, Tropical Hazards, Jungle Exploration, Skeggi Settlements and more.
Copies are available before the event, with supporting material available on campaign weekend.

The Tradesrat
New equipment cannot be purchased until doors open on Saturday morning. Before the first
battle, players will be asked to jot down which Rare items they will be rolling to search for and
which Common items they most likely need to buy after round one.
The Tradesrat uses this information to update the ‘Lustria Manifest’. Before buying or selling any
equipment, refer to the prices recorded on the Manifest. It works like a dynamic market.
Trade goods in the New World become scarce! After buying and selling any equipment, report all
transactions completed to the Tradesrat. This information is used after each post-battle sequence
to update the price and rarity of all equipment being traded.

Special Equipment
Most of your needs will be met through referring to the Lustria Manifest. The Tradesrat has got
you covered! Scenarios refer to charts with contraband being brought to Lustria from Marienburg.

D6 Result
1 Crest! A wave crashes against the cargo smashing its contents to smithereens!
2 Crate. 2D6 gold crowns worth of light goods.
3 Chest. Two models are required to move a chest. Roll a D6 for its contents: 1-3 Treasure
4-5 D3 Treasures 6. Medicine Chest.
4 Barrel. Two models are required to move kegs. Roll a D6 to prize the barrel open to reveal its
contents: 1. Hostage 2. Powder Keg 3. Superior Blackpowder 4. Alcoholic Spirits
5. Elven Wine 6. Bugman's Ale
5 Coffin! Two models are required to move coffins. Roll a D6 for what the casket holds:
1-3 Waterlogged Corpse 4. Blunderbuss 5. D3 Handguns 6. Hochland Long Rifle
6 Booty Sack! Carefully packed in a grain sack is an exquisite commodity of rich value!
Roll on the Booty Chart for the looted article.
Powder Kegs: A powder keg is treated as a chest with one exception: it can be caused to explode!
Warriors may shoot at a powder keg with blackpowder weapons, fire bombs and fire arrows and they
may attack the keg in close combat using torches and brazier irons. Of course, they may also use all
similar weapons and items that can ignite the powder inside. The model must hit and wound as usual
(Toughness 4). Then roll a D6: on a 4+ the keg explodes (remove the keg from the game). If the model
rolled a critical hit the keg automatically explodes. An exploding powder keg causes an automatic
Strength 6 hit to all models within a range of D6+3".
Medicine Chest: A Medicine Chest can be used as D6 doses of Healing Herbs or as a one-off
to allow a Hero to re-roll on Serious Injury Chart, unless the result was 'Captured' or 'Sold to the Pits'.
Victuals: Victuals may be used after a battle. If the warband sells Treasures, the warband is considered
to be one size lower (so a warband with 10-12 members is considered to be comprised of 7-9 members
instead). A warband may use as many victuals as they wish, but note that the warband size cannot be
considered lower than 1-3 models.
Blowpipe: Range: 8"; Strength: 1; Special Rules: Save +1 / Poison
Save +1: This weapon has a positive armour save modifier, so a model that normally has
a save of 5+ will get a save of 4+ against a blowpipe dart. Even models that normally do not have an
armour save will get a 6+ save to take into account protection offered by clothes, fur or the like.
Blowpipes cannot cause critical hits.
Poison: The needles fired by a blowpipe are coated in a venom very similar in its effects to the
Black Lotus (6 on the roll to hit, the victim is automatically wounded).
Tripwire: A Hero may set a trap if he spends a turn doing nothing else (he may not set traps if he’s just
recovered from being knocked down). Place a marker in base contact with the Hero. When a model,
friend or foe, moves within 2" of the marker he risks setting off the trap – roll a D6. On a score of 3+ he
has triggered the trap and suffers a Strength 4 hit (note that the Hero won't trigger his own traps). If the
trap did not wound the model or it didn’t trigger, the victim may finish his move otherwise he is placed
knocked down or stunned 2" from the marker. The marker is removed whether the trap was triggered
or not.

2D6 Result
2 Roll on the Arcane Items Chart (see Magician's Workshop in the Marketplace)
3 Roll on the Herbs & Potions Chart (see Herbalist in the Marketplace)
4 Telescope
5 Compass
6 Holy (or Unholy) Relic
7 Roll on the Tainted Items Chart
8 Duelling Pistol
9 Mordheim Map
10 Elven Boots
11 Roll on the Custom Weapons Chart (see Pit of Blood scenario from Mutiny in Marienburg)
12 Roll on the Profane Books Chart (see Bazaar of Books in the Infamous Haunts)
Telescope: Any Hero using a telescope may increase the range of any missile weapon he is using by D6"
each turn. Furthermore, he triples the distance at which he can spot hidden enemies.
Compass: In scenarios where players roll to determine which side deploys first, a warband with a
compass may re-roll their result. If the Hero with the compass is missing the battle it cannot be used. If
both sides have a compass then no re-rolls are allowed.

D6 Result
1 Wyrdstone Shard! Carry wyrdstone shard.
2 Wyrdstone Pendulum. Wear necklace. Refer to Mordheim Annual page 16.
3 Wyrdstone Poultice. Carries sealed poultice. Wyrdstone ink is poured to create a poultice
that heretics apply as a salve to promote fortitude and fertility! A Hero with wyrdstone
poultice can use it once only at the beginning of the recovery phases as long as he is not
engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Roll a D6. On a 1-3 the Hero receives a mutation. Roll on
the Random Mutation Chart and apply the result. On a 4-6 restore all wounds he has
previously lost during the game instead. (see Corrupted Characters player aid).
4 Wyrdstone Tattoo Ink. Carries sealed vial of ink. Wyrdstone ink is used by the northern
tribes and other cultists in applying tattoos. Tattoo ink has one use only. Roll on the
Random Mutation Chart and apply the result. Whenever a double is rolled on an Advance
roll for a Hero with a wyrdstone tattoo roll for a new mutation (see Corrupted Characters).
5 Wyrdstone Spyglass. Carry a wyrdstone-lensed telescope! Wyrdstone spyglass can help a
Hero spot Hidden enemies from twice as far away as other warriors (i.e. twice their Initiative
in inches).
6 Power in the Stones! Carries magic stone. Roll 2D6 on the Evaluation Chart to determine a
power (see Alchemist in Corrupted Characters player aid).

Reference Guide
List of warbands:
Core rules including errata:
Warband roster:
Digital editable warband roster:

Empire in Flames
Border Town Burning
Mutiny in Marienburg
Nemesis Crown
Magical Mishaps: Controlling the Winds of Magic presents a challenge to any spellcaster. If a result of double 1 is
rolled when attempting to cast a spell something has gone horribly wrong! Roll 2D6 on the Miscasting Table.
Rerolls from a Familiar, Rabbit's Foot, Mind Focus skill or other effects cannot be used to avoid a miscast.
Dice results from the Miscasting Table may be rerolled as normal. Wizards and Priests are all susceptible.
D12 Result

 
Raw metaphysical energy engulfs the mage, melting Consuming a portion of power required causes a
mind and mutating body into the spawn of Chaos! hazardous awakening or dangerous detonation.
Remove the Wizard from your warband roster and The Wizard is thrown D6" in a random direction and
replace it on table in this battle with a Chaos Spawn then lands knocked down. Roll a scatter die to
if you have an appropriate model to represent it. determine which way the blast goes.
Refer to Border Town Burning supplement page 129.
Any models in base contact suffer a Strength 10 hit, 
as the Wizard's flesh warps and their soul is stripped!
As the fibres of reality begin to tear a passage to the
Followers of Chaos may add a Spawn to their roster.
Realm of Chaos, the sorcerer’s mind is ravaged by
the attention of a hideous Daemon.
 The Wizard suffers a Strength 8 hit (no armour saves
Wracked by a relentless discharge of dark sorcery, allowed) and will flee 2D6" in a random direction.
a flood of magical energy burns everything within The Wizard continues to flee using own movement
close proximity. at the start of each Recovery phase unless a
Leadership test is passed.
The Wizard and all any models within 2" suffer a
Strength 6 hit with no armour saves allowed.
 Mumbling incomprehensibly, the wizard mutters
phrases from the Book of the Dead by mistake!
Ogre tribes have wizards. Even notoriously stupid
Trolls are capable of magic with their Troll hags. The Wizard forgets how to cast the spell for the rest
Miscalculations made manipulating energy might of this battle. Roll a D6 on the Necromancy spell list
mutilate a mage’s mind. and cast that spell automatically this turn instead.
The Wizard is now stupid. Roll a D6 after the battle:
on a 2+ the effect ends otherwise it is permanent. 
Vortex conditions remove eldritch energy from the
 landscape, negating all forms of sorcery by
becalming the Winds of Magic. Few spellcasters
Mystical fields overwhelm mages with complications possess the talent to summon a maelstrom unless it
- unexpectedly soaking away energy through a was achieved by accident.
dampening barrier, leaving the wizard barren.
The Wizard suffers a Strength 4 hit. No armour saves
The Wizard cannot cast any spells for the duration of allowed. All spells currently in play are dispelled and
this battle. no magic spells can be cast for the rest of the battle.
Any daemons in play must pass a Leadership test in
 each Recovery phase or be taken out of action.

The spell has been cast successfully – upon the

wizard itself! 
Any additional decisions (e.g. Flight of Zimmeran The caster believes they had divine magical contact
from the Lesser Magic) are made by the opponent of with a patron deity. Sigmarites hear the holy voice
the Wizard's controller. of the Heldenhammer! Shamans receive prophetic
visions. Necromancers learn Nagash’s secrets of
undeath, through ancient whispers on the wind!
 In actuality all listen to Tzeentch’s susurrations.
Struggling to keep the casting under control, the As power flows through the Wizard uncontrollably
spell fizzles. the spell succeeds. It cannot be dispelled.
The Wizard suffers a Strength 2 hit from exhaustion. The Wizard mutates! Roll on the Random Mutations
No armour saves are allowed. Chart from 'Corrupted Characters' or determine a
mutation from page 76 of the Mordheim Rulebook.
Fighting on the Isthmus
Rivers and Fighting in Water are on page 14 of the Empire in Flames supplement and the rules for
boats are on page 34.

Hostage Objective Markers

Represent hostages using objective markers. A Hero with a hostage cannot be charged. The Hero
can safely pass through any enemy models blocking his path if an Initiative test can be passed.
The best way to tackle the hostage taker is magic spells and missile weapons. Unfortunately any
spell or missile targeting the Hero will hit the hostage instead by accident on a D6 roll of 4+.
If the hostage taker is knocked down, stunned or taken out of action the hostage is released. If the
hostage is released remove the hostage marker from play. If the hostage is taken out of action
replace the hostage marker with a corpse marker.

Scoring Campaign Points

+1 CP: Winning a battle
+1 CP: Completing a challenge
+1 CP: Best dressed warbands
+1 CP: Voted most sportsmanlike warband leader
Each player will be asked to vote for their most sporting opponents. The organisers will award
Campaign Points to the best painted warbands. We do have prizes to be won on Sunday.

Scenario Pack
Players are free to choose which table to play their battles on. Scenarios are keyed to the battlefield
terrain set ups. They are based on deepwater, shoreside and wilderness locations found in Lustria.
1. The Sea of Claws [MiM scenario 15: All Hands On Deck!]
2. The Spear Reef [MiM scenario 8: The Sting]
3. The Fortress of Dawn [MiM scenario 21: Bilespit's Folly]
4. The Isthmus [Cities of Gold scenario: Island Hopping]
5. The Vampire Coast* ['Dread Freight' – reimplementation of MiM scenario 10: Dead Freight]
6. The Jungle Trek [Mordheim Annual – Blazing Saddles scenario: Mule Train]
7. The Blood Swamps [EiF scenario: Lost In The Bogs!]
8. The Rainforest* [Mordheim Annual – Chaos on the Streets scenario 7: Monster Hunt]
Team Finale – The Temple* [MiM scenario 9: Burrow Town Collapsing]
*multiplayer battles

Campaign pack assembled by

Stu ‘Werekin’ Cresswell

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