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What is Thermal Imaging?

Infrared thermography (IRT) is a technique that uses a special camera to capture images using heat
instead of light. This camera takes pictures by detecting the heat that objects give off, which is called
infrared radiation. These images are known as thermograms. Thermographic cameras are designed to pick
up the long-infrared radiation, which is a type of heat radiation, from objects. This technology can
measure temperatures from about -50 to 2,000 degrees Celsius. Since all objects with some heat above
absolute zero emit infrared radiation, infrared thermography lets us see our surroundings even in the dark.
The more something is heated, the more heat radiation it gives off, and this helps us notice temperature
differences. When we look at these images using a thermal camera, things that are warm show up clearly
against cooler backgrounds. This helps us easily see warm-blooded creatures like humans and animals,
whether it's daytime or nighttime.

Principles of Operation
Thermal images, known as thermograms, display the infrared energy emitted, transmitted, and reflected
by an object. Since there are various sources of this energy, accurately measuring an object's temperature
using this method is challenging. A thermal camera uses algorithms to interpret the data and create an
image. While the image gives an idea of the object's temperature, the camera uses data from surrounding
areas to estimate this value, rather than directly measuring the temperature. This becomes clearer when
considering the formula:
Incident Radiant Power = Emitted Radiant Power + Transmitted Radiant Power + Reflected Radiant

• Incident radiant power: the radiant power profile when viewed through a thermal imaging
• Emitted radiant power: generally what is intended to be measured.
• Transmitted radiant power: the radiant power that passes through the subject from a remote
thermal source.
• Reflected radiant power: the amount of radiant power that reflects off the surface of the object
from a remote thermal source.
This phenomenon happens all around us, continuously. It's called radiant heat exchange, where radiant
power multiplied by time equals radiant energy. In infrared thermography, this equation is used to explain
the radiant power in the specific wavelength range that the thermal camera can detect. This principle
works for all wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
When an object radiates at a higher temperature than its surroundings, power is transferred, following the
second law of thermodynamics, from warm to cold areas. So, in a thermogram, if you see a cooler spot,
it's because that object is absorbing the radiation emitted by the warmer object.The ability of objects to
emit is called emissivity, to absorb radiation is called absorptivity. Under outdoor environments,
convective cooling from wind may also need to be considered when trying to get an accurate temperature
Afterwards, the thermal imaging camera uses various mathematical algorithms. Because the camera
detects electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye, it assembles an image that can be seen
by people and records this image, often in JPG format.
To act as a non-contact temperature recorder, the camera adjusts the object's temperature it's observing
using its emissivity setting. Additional algorithms can be applied to influence the measurement, including
the ability of the transmitting medium (typically air) to transmit heat and the temperature of that medium.
All these settings collectively impact the final temperature measurement of the object being observed.
Thermal imagers work in two specific ranges of infrared light. The first range is (3–5 micrometers),
known as MWIR, and the second range is (8–12 micrometers), known as LWIR. Typically, if a system
responds in the LWIR range, it's called an LWIR system, and similarly for MWIR. When images are
captured using either system, they're using only a small part of all the heat radiation emitted, shown in
Figure 5.1. These two spectral bands were chosen for thermal imaging because they are the main
windows in the atmosphere where thermal imaging works best. The amount of water vapor, gases, and
aerosols in the air affects how much infrared light can pass through the atmosphere.

Modern thermographic cameras often resemble camcorders in appearance and function. The real-time
thermal image is often so clear in showing temperature differences that capturing a photo isn't always
needed for analysis, leading to some models not having a built-in recording module. Specialized thermal
cameras use focal plane arrays (FPAs) sensitive to longer wavelengths (mid- and long-wavelength
infrared). Common types are InSb, InGaAs, HgCdTe, and QWIP FPAs. Newer technologies use low-cost,
uncooled microbolometers as FPA sensors. Their resolution is lower, often around 160x120 or 320x240
pixels, up to 1280x1024 pixels for premium models. Thermal cameras are pricier than regular cameras,
and high-end versions might have restrictions on export due to military applications. Older models or
more sensitive ones like InSb need cooling, often by a mini fridge or liquid nitrogen.
Applications of Thermal Imaging
• Allergy detection

- Allergy detection using thermal imaging involves using thermal cameras to capture skin
temperature changes caused by allergic reactions. Increased blood flow and inflammation
lead to elevated temperatures in affected areas, which can be detected and analyzed using
specialized software. This non-invasive and real-time approach offers objective monitoring of
allergic responses.

• Peripheral vascular disease screening.

- Employs infrared cameras to visualize temperature differences in the skin caused by

variations in blood flow and vascular health. This technique relies on the principle that
compromised circulation, often seen in peripheral vascular disease, can lead to temperature
irregularities in affected regions. By detecting these temperature variations, thermal imaging
assists in identifying potential areas of concern for further medical evaluation, offering a non-
invasive and efficient screening method.

• Breast Screening

- Breast screening using thermal imaging utilizes infrared cameras to capture temperature
variations on the surface of breast tissue. Tumors and abnormal cellular activity can cause
increased blood flow and metabolic changes, resulting in temperature differences. By
mapping these thermal patterns, the technique aims to identify potential areas of concern for
further medical assessment, offering a radiation-free and adjunctive method for breast health
• Neuromusculoskeletal disorders.

- Neuromusculoskeletal disorder assessment through thermal imaging involves the use of

infrared cameras to detect temperature fluctuations in areas affected by nerve, muscle, or
skeletal issues. Dysfunctional tissues often exhibit distinct temperature patterns due to altered
blood flow and metabolic activity. By analyzing these thermal signatures, the technique
assists in identifying regions of potential concern, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of
such disorders in a non-invasive and real-time manner.

• Thyroid gland abnormalities.

- Thyroid gland abnormality detection using thermal imaging employs infrared cameras to
capture temperature variations in the neck region associated with potential thyroid issues.
Altered blood flow and metabolic activity in the thyroid can lead to distinctive temperature
patterns. By analyzing these thermal signatures, the technique aims to identify areas of
interest for further medical evaluation, offering a non-invasive and complementary approach
to thyroid health assessment.
Quality Assurance
SNR is a fundamental and critical metric when assessing the quality of thermal images. SNR compares
the strength of the desired thermal signal emitted by objects in the scene to the background noise inherent
in the image. In thermal imaging, the "signal" corresponds to the infrared radiation emitted by objects,
while "noise" refers to undesired fluctuations that obscure the signal. An elevated SNR value indicates a
thermal image that is clearer, more distinct, and easier to interpret. Achieving a high SNR involves
targeted reduction of noise from both the camera's internal electronics and the scene itself.
Noise can stem from various sources in thermal imaging. Electronic noise emerges from the camera's
components and readout circuitry, introducing random variations in the captured signal. Thermal noise
arises due to inherent temperature fluctuations within the sensor. Quantum noise results from the discrete
nature of light and becomes relevant in low-light conditions. Effective measures to improve SNR
encompass meticulous camera design, efficient cooling systems, and advanced image processing
techniques. By minimizing noise components like electronic noise through optimized sensor design and
employing signal processing algorithms to mitigate noise, a higher SNR can be achieved. This, in turn,
enhances the overall quality and interpretability of thermal images for various applications, including
medical diagnostics, industrial monitoring, and research.

Thermal Sensitivity (NETD)

Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference): Thermal sensitivity, often quantified by NETD, is a crucial
parameter in thermal imaging. NETD quantifies the smallest temperature difference that a thermal
imaging system can reliably detect. This factor is essential for discerning subtle temperature variations
across a scene. A lower NETD value indicates higher sensitivity, allowing the system to detect even the
slightest temperature differences with confidence.
NETD is influenced by several factors. The quality of the system's optics plays a substantial role in
focusing thermal radiation onto the sensor with minimal distortion. Additionally, the characteristics of the
sensor itself significantly impact NETD; sensors with lower inherent noise contribute to better sensitivity.
Moreover, internal components of the camera, such as readout circuitry, affect the overall noise level and
consequently influence NETD. By improving the quality of these components, optimizing optics design,
and implementing advanced noise reduction techniques, a thermal imaging system can achieve an
enhanced NETD value. This enables the system to effectively visualize and quantify subtle temperature
variations, expanding its applicability in diverse fields including industrial predictive maintenance,
security, and scientific research.

Spatial Resolution
In technical terms, spatial resolution is influenced by the pixel pitch, which is the physical distance
between the centers of two adjacent pixels on the sensor. A smaller pixel pitch allows for a higher density
of pixels, leading to finer details being captured in the thermal image. However, increasing the pixel
density can also introduce challenges such as higher noise levels due to the smaller size of each pixel. The
optical quality of the system's lenses also plays a role; if the lenses cannot accurately focus the infrared
radiation onto the detector elements, it can degrade the spatial resolution.
Seeing through adverse atmospheric conditions using thermal imaging depends on the interaction between
infrared radiation and atmospheric elements. Conditions like fog, haze, aerosols, rain, and dust can hinder
visibility due to scattering and absorption of thermal radiation. The effective range of thermal imagers is
constrained by these factors. Fog and haze scatter thermal radiation, reducing contrast and visibility.
Aerosols, particulates, rain, and dust also attenuate and scatter radiation, degrading image quality and
limiting range. The camera's attributes, such as sensitivity and optics, play a role, but adverse conditions
introduce noise and background radiation, challenging long-range performance.
Range estimates consider the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and atmospheric attenuation. Scattered forward
radiation (path radiance) from the atmosphere contributes to background radiation and affects the
camera's ability to detect the desired signal. MWIR infrared is affected by CO2 and H2O vapor, limiting
range. Achieving longer ranges in challenging conditions necessitates advanced camera design, signal
processing, and a comprehensive understanding of the atmosphere. Balancing camera capabilities with
atmospheric factors is crucial for effective thermal imaging in adverse conditions.

Thermal Resolution
The minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD) serves as a vital metric in thermal imaging,
determined by factors such as thermal sensitivity (NETD), spatial resolution, and background
temperature. Similar to NETD, MRTD is influenced by the background temperature: a higher background
temperature leads to a lower MRTD, indicating better performance. This makes MRTD a valuable
parameter for comparing the image quality of different thermal imagers. Notably, MRTD holds
significant importance in gauging an infrared system's capability to detect and differentiate thermal
anomalies within a scene.
MRTD is a relative measure, not an absolute value, as it considers the visual acuity of the observer and
the characteristics of the display device used, often a TV monitor. Consequently, MRTD represents a
discernible temperature difference relative to a given background, rather than being solely dictated by
optics and electronics. This nuanced perspective underscores the human perceptual element in thermal
imaging, emphasizing the practicality of MRTD as a means to assess an infrared system's performance in
detecting and identifying thermal variations.

Emissivity plays a crucial role in ensuring quality assurance in thermal imaging for temperature
measurement accuracy. When using an infrared imager to measure an object's temperature, accurately
estimating or determining the object's emissivity is essential. Thermographers often refer to emissivity
tables for specific object types to input values into the imager. This enables the imager to calculate the
object's contact temperature based on the entered value and the detected infrared radiation emission.
To achieve higher accuracy, thermographers can apply materials of known and high emissivity to the
object's surface. This calibration material might be specialized industrial emissivity spray or standard
black insulation tape with an emissivity of approximately 0.97. By measuring the known temperature
using the standard emissivity material, the actual emissivity of the object can be determined for parts not
covered by the material. This calibration process ensures more precise temperature measurements and
contributes to quality assurance by minimizing errors associated with emissivity variations.
Camera Quality:

The quality of thermal imaging cameras plays a pivotal role in ensuring effective quality assurance. Camera
options vary widely in terms of cost and capabilities, ranging from high-end models exceeding $3,000 with
advanced features like a 1280 x 1024 pixel array, to more budget-friendly options with smaller arrays like
40x40 to 160x120 pixels. The number of pixels directly influences the clarity of captured images, with fewer
pixels diminishing the ability to distinguish closely positioned objects within the same field of view.
Additionally, the refresh rate of a camera, which dictates how quickly the displayed image is updated, is a
crucial consideration. While some cameras offer refresh rates of 5 to 15 Hz, more advanced models can
achieve refresh rates of up to 180 Hz or more, ensuring real-time image updates.

- Havens, K. J., & Sharp, E. J. (2016). Thermal Imagers and System Considerations. Thermal
Imaging Techniques to Survey and Monitor Animals in the Wild, 101–119. doi:10.1016/b978-0-

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