Ramalakshmi Chennai Complaint

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From 14.07.2023
Ramalakshmi.K (aged 26/2023 ),
W/o Kasirajan,
24 Pillayar Kovil Street,
Phone: 8300448609

The Commissioner of Police
Tirunelveli District

1. Robinson
Santhosh Super Market
Tiruvallur Road
Ambatur …………. Accused No.1
2. Geetha
Inspector of Police
Avadi City Crime Branch
Avadi City
Chennai ..……… Accused No.2
3. Unknown Accused (3 persons)

Sub: Complaint filed under sections 294(b), 321, 339 and 360, 506(2) of
Indian Penal Code read with section 154 of Code of Criminal
Code, 1973 against the accused persons

Dear Sir,

The present complaint is being filed by Ramalakshmi.K, aged 26 years, W/o

Kasirajan residing at 24, Pillayar Kovil Street, Vellore, Srivaikundam,
My husband was working as a supervisor in Santosh Super Market situated at
Tiruvalluvar Road, Padi, Ambathur for nearly 15 years. As my husband was
innocent in nature, accused 1, Robinson, the owner of the above supermarket
threatened and persuaded my husband to sign in one agreement forcibly. Later
my husband came to know that as per agreement he has to give Rs.25,00,000 to
the owner. When my husband decided to quit his job, the owner falsely
demanded the above amount to which my husband denied. The owner with his
false claims went onto made a frivolous police station against my husband with
fabricated false facts.

Today when me and my husband along with my Mother in law went to meet our
lawyer regarding the false agreement at 02.45 pm, adjacent to Bharani Hotel,
opposite to Mahindra Showroom, VM Chatram, Tirunelveli, my husband was
unlawfully and forcibly restrained by accused 2. The accused 2, colluded with
accused 1 said that the owner of the Santosh super market lodged a complaint to
us against Kasirajan for cheating Rs,25,00,000. When my husband tried to
explain the falsity of the case, he was immediately attacked and pushed down in
the road forcibly and kidnapped by the accused infront of me. When my mother
in law intervened, she was threatened with filthy languages and thrown into the
road by the 3 unknown accused. The accused 2 further said that the owner is a
big wealthy man and never attempt to file a case against him and threatened us
with dire consequences.
Under the given circumstances, the complainant most humbly request you to take
immediate action against the unlawful and criminal acts being committed by the
accused persons for committing offences under the Penal laws including that for
Voluntary Causing Hurt, Wrongful Restraint and Kidnaping. The complainant
will be grateful if you could urgently look into the same and take appropriate
action to bring back my husband from the accused persons unlawful custody.
It is most humbly requested that your good office may be pleased to take
cognizance of this matter and register an FIR on the above mentioned provisions
and that which are otherwise deemed appropriate by your good office.

Thanking You Yours Sincerely

Place: Tirunelveli Ramalakshmi

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