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The bedroom is very tidy, the curtains are closed, and

we can see the morning light shining through the room.
The room is brightly lit. We can see neatly folded
clothes on all the shelves, and everything on the desk
is well organized.

LORNA and NEIL are lying in bed, LORNA’s side is as

neat as the rest of the room yet NEIL’s bedside table
and half of the duvet stand out as they are messy in
comparison to the rest of the room. They are lying on
their sides facing away from each other with space
between them.

An alarm starts ringing from LORNA’s phone. The alarm

notification reads 6am.

LORNA wakes up and squints her eyes as they open to the

bright light shining through the curtain. NEIL looks
over, annoyed as the alarm is still ringing and turns
back over annoyed. LORNA continues lying there and does
not turn off the alarm. She continues looking up at the
ceiling as it rings over and over.


4, 5, 6, 7, 8...

(groggy and annoyed) Can you turn that fucking thing

12, 13, 14, 15.

LORNA picks up her phone and turns off her alarm


NEIL sighs, clearly annoyed, rolls onto his front and

goes back to sleep.
LORNA sits up and gets out of bed, she leaves her phone
plugged in on her bedside table and starts to walk out
of the room.

The wire is dodgy, you sure you want to leave that
plugged in?

LORNA stops and sighs, she turns back around and

starts walking towards the phone

(without opening his eyes or moving) Lorna there is
nothing wrong with the wire, go wake up Piper.

LORNA ignores NEIL and continues walking over to the

phone and unplugs it. She turns back and walks out as
NEIL sighs.


PIPER is asleep in her bed. Around the room there are

toys thrown everywhere and there are teddies all over
her bed.

LORNA walks in and crouches by her bed.

Time to get up Pipes.

PIPER slightly opens her eyes and groans; she rolls

back over. LORNA laughs and stands up and walks out of
the room. PIPER doesn’t get up.


LORNA walks into the kitchen and walks to the counter

where there is a medication organizer. She opens them
one at a time as she takes them. she then opens them
all and closes them all. She gets a banana out of the
fridge and gets a knife out of the drawer and begins
cutting up the banana.

Your not safe. What if you lost control. what if you
hurt yourself with it. what if you hurt your family.

LORNA drops the knife on the counter and shakes her

head in frustration then heads to the sink and starts
washing her hands vigorously.

PIPER enters the room, she looks tired and is still in

her pajamas with messy hair. She is rubbing her eyes
and looks half asleep

Mummy I want breakfast.

Two seconds Pipes.

LORNA continues washing her hands as PIPER sits down at

the table. She rests her head on her hand leaning on
the table. LORNA puts the half cut up banana in a bowl
and grabs a yogurt out of the fridge. She walks over to
the table and puts the food in front of PIPER. PIPER
looks at the bowl and pulls a face, she pushes the bowl
of banana away from her.

I want it all cut up how I like it.

Piper just eat it please.

PIPER pulls an annoyed face and picks at her banana.

LORNA walks away back into the kitchen. She opens a
notebook that was sitting on the counter. The notebook
has a list of electronics and light switches in the
kitchen. LORNA starts turning off the switches to all
the switches to the electronics in the kitchen and puts
a tally mark next to each of the things she turns off.
She then goes back and turns each switch off and on and
off again and keeps adding to the tally until she has
repeated it five times.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

As she is doing this NEIL enters the room. He goes

into the kitchen and clearly gets in the way of LORNA
trying to get to each switch. LORNA looks frustrated
but carries on. NEIL rolls his eyes at LORNA and opens
the fridge.

Can you please give me a second I don’t need you under
my feet every second. And don’t even think about
turning any of them on you have run out of time now its

I need to get food Lorna, what am I not allowed to eat

This is why the alarm is set at the time it is set.
That way you have time to get down here before me and I
can do what I need to do when I need to do it. You know
this Neil you know I need to check these things before
we leave the house otherwise we can't leave and then
well be late and then everything in the day will be
pushed back all because you couldn’t follow simple

NEIL (muttering under his breath)

Every fucking morning Jesus Christ.
NEIL slams the fridge and storms out of the kitchen.
LORNA shakes her head and looks frustrated. We hear the
front door slam as NEIL leaves the house.

Where’s Daddy gone? I thought he was taking me to
school today.

I don’t know baby.
Check them all again. He’s not coming home if you don’t
check them all again.

LORNA looks clearly stressed and starts checking every

switch again five times. She is rushing this time.
Piper looks upset at the table as she is finishing her
breakfast. She looks at the time.

Mummy its 10 past 7 I’m gonna be late for school.


LORNA turns around and looks at PIPER, who is still not

dressed, and her hair is still messy.

LORNA (shouting)
Piper! Go get dressed now!

PIPER looks upset and walks out of the room sniffling.

LORNA finishes her checks and takes a deep breath. She
rests her hands on the counter and closes her eyes. She
walks out of the room.


PIPER is dressed and is sat on her bed brushing her

hair. She looks upset.
LORNA enters the room.

Piper baby I’m sorry.

LORNA sits next to PIPER and gives her a hug. She takes
the brush from her and takes over doing her hair. LORNA
checks her phone and sees the time.

Don’t be late. Whatever you do, do not be late.
LORNA looks panicked and starts rushing doing PIPER’s
hair. When she is done, she quickly gets up and starts
putting books in PIPER’s bag

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