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Name Roel John M.

Natingga BSHM 4-1A

1. What are the essential information you are thankful of learning and understanding?

The fundamental knowledge that I'm grateful to have acquired and comprehended is how
society functions. This knowledge is crucial since it provides a foundation for collaborative
efforts. It gives you a platform on which to launch group initiatives to enhance social conditions.
Above all, a society provides a solid foundation for support throughout life. Social networks are
characteristics of a society. They are an essential component of it. The patterns of interpersonal
relationships are known as social networks. Social interactions within a society are a result of
relationships. Societies allow people of diverse ethnic backgrounds to come together. Strong
social ties that lead to enduring partnerships are created by their encounters. An the foundation
of any social group is the structure of connections and the family system that are produced by

2. As a student, how will you apply your leanings from the topics “Global Media Culture” and
“Globalization of Religion”?

As a student, I put what I've learned about "Global Media Culture" and "Globalization of
Religion" to use by educating those who don't know about it. I also take responsibility for
learning about the differences between religion and culture because, in some societies, cultural
beliefs and religious beliefs are the same. Religion is a belief system aimed at the ultimate deity,
which may or may not be accepted by every member of a culture. Culture, on the other hand, is
the body of knowledge that people have accumulated over years of living together in one

3. If you are going to share an important idea you have learned, to whom you will share it? Why

If there is something significant that I have learned, I will share it with others who are unaware
of it, regardless of whether they are boys or girls. Possessing an idea on anything or other makes
you quite pleased in life. What if that thought is important? Then you should be even happier.
Additionally, I'll forward it to anyone who are interested in learning more because, as I see it,
there is mutual benefit on both sides.

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