ProDev TP

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Name: Cubillo, Althea Nicole

Section: BSHM 502

1. What is my vision about? (purpose)

My personal vision is to live my life to the fullest with work and balance, pursuing my passions
while also putting my physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health first. I'll strive to lead a life that
enables me to prosper in every corner of my life.

2. What does my vision stand for? (values)

My vision serves as a representation of my long-term objectives and offers my life direction.

Having a clear vision of our life is necessary to understand where we want to be in it. So life will become
easier and more meaningful once you realize that vision defines purpose.

3. What actions do take to manifest my visions and values? (mission) (what are you gonna do?)

I'll step outside of my comfort zone, work hard consistently, know who I am, know what I want,
and have faith in my ability to succeed in order to fulfill my vision.

4. What objectives am I going to set for myself to start my vision into reality?

I will first think about the goals I want to achieve in order to bring my vision to life. These goals
include improving my growth mindset, becoming more proactive, learning to accept your limitations,
remaining persistent in the face of challenges, and developing the ability to make wise judgments.

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