Topic 3 - Geometry and Trigonometry

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Topic 3- Geometry and

trigonometry [249 marks]

The following diagram shows part of a circle with centre O and radius 4 cm.

Chord AB has a length of 5 cm and AOB = θ.

1a. Find the value of θ, giving your answer in radians. [3 marks]

attempt to use the cosine rule (M1)
cos θ = 2×4×4
(or equivalent) A1
θ = 1.35 A1

attempt to split triangle AOB into two congruent right triangles (M1)

sin( θ2 ) = 2.5

θ = 1.35 A1

[3 marks]

1b. Find the area of the shaded region. [3 marks]

attempt to find the area of the shaded region (M1)
2 × 4 × 4 × (2π − 1.35 …) A1
= 39.5 (cm2) A1
[3 marks]

Consider a function f , such that f(x) = 5. 8 sin ( π6 (x + 1)) + b, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10,

b ∈ R.

2a. Find the period of f . [2 marks]

correct approach A1
π 2π
eg 6
= period
(or equivalent)

period = 12 A1
[2 marks]

The function f has a local maximum at the point (2, 21.8) , and a local minimum
at (8, 10.2).

2b. Find the value of b. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
eg 2 b = max − amplitude
2 , or equivalent
b = 16 A1
[2 marks]

2c. Hence, find the value of f (6). [2 marks]

attempt to substitute into their function (M1)
5.8 sin ( π6 (6 + 1)) + 16
f (6) = 13.1 A1
[2 marks]

A second function g is given by g(x) = p sin ( 29π (x − 3.75)) + q, 0 ≤ x ≤ 10; p,

q ∈ R.
The function g passes through the points (3, 2.5) and (6, 15.1).

2d. Find the value of p and the value of q. [5 marks]

valid attempt to set up a system of equations (M1)
two correct equations A1
p sin ( 29π (3 − 3.75)) + q = 2.5, p sin ( 29π (6 − 3.75)) + q = 15.1
valid attempt to solve system (M1)
p = 8.4; q = 6.7 A1A1
[5 marks]

2e. Find the value of x for which the functions have the greatest difference. [2 marks]

attempt to use |f(x) − g(x)| to find maximum difference (M1)
x = 1.64 A1

[2 marks]

The following diagram shows triangle ABC, with AC = 24, BC = 17, and
AB̂C = 113°.

3a. Find BÂC. [3 marks]

attempt to use sine rule (M1)
= 17
OR (sin BÂC =) 0. 652024 … (A1)
40. 6943 …
BÂC = 40. 7° A1

[3 marks]

3b. Find AB. [3 marks]

METHOD 1 (cosine rule with AB̂C or BÂC)
attempt to use the cosine rule (M1)

242 = AB2 + 172 − 2 ⋅ 17 ⋅ AB ⋅ cos 113° (AB2 + 13. 2848 … AB − 287 = 0)


172 = AB2 + 242 − 2 ⋅ 24 ⋅ AB ⋅ cos 40. 6943 … ° (AB2 − 36. 3935 … AB + 287
11. 5543 …
AB = 11. 6 A1

METHOD 2 (cosine rule with BĈA)

attempt to use cosine rule (M1)
correct substitution (A1)
AB2 = 172 + 242 − 2 ⋅ 17 ⋅ 24 ⋅ cos 26. 3056 … ° OR AB2 = 133. 502 …
11. 5543 …
AB = 11. 6 A1

METHOD 3 (sine rule)

attempt to use sine rule (M1)
correct substitution (A1)
AB 24 17 24⋅sin ( 180°−113°−40.6943…° )
= sin113°
= sin40.6943…°
OR AB = sin113°
11. 5543 …
AB = 11. 6 A1

[3 marks]

Consider the functions f(x) = √3 sin x + cos x where 0 ≤ x ≤ π and g(x) = 2x

where x ∈ R.

4a. Find (f ∘ g)(x). [2 marks]

(f ∘ g)(x) = f(2x) (A1)
f(2x)= √3 sin 2x + cos 2x A1

[2 marks]

4b. Solve the equation (f ∘ g)(x) = 2 cos 2x where 0 ≤ x ≤ π. [5 marks]

√3 sin 2x + cos 2x = 2 cos 2x
√3 sin 2x = cos 2x
recognising to use tan or cot M1
tan 2x = OR cot 2x = √3 (values may be seen in right triangle)

(arctan( 1
)=) π6 (seen anywhere) (accept degrees) (A1)

2x = π
, 76π
π 7π
x= 12 , 12 A1A1

Note: Do not award the final A1 if any additional solutions are seen.
Award A1A0 for correct answers in degrees.
Award A0A0 for correct answers in degrees with additional values.

[5 marks]

5. Find the least positive value of 1 [5 marks]

x for which cos( x2 + π3 )= .
determines π4 (or 45°) as the first quadrant (reference) angle (A1)
π π
attempts to solve x2 + 3
= 4

π π 7π
Note: Award M1 for attempting to solve x2 + 3
= 4
, 4 (, …)

2 + 3
= π4 ⇒ x < 0 and so π4 is rejected (R1)
2 + π
= 2π − π4 (= 74π ) A1
x= 6
(must be in radians) A1

[5 marks]

6a. Show that 6 2x2−5x−3 [2 marks]

2x − 3 − x−1
= x−1
, x ∈ R, x ≠ 1.

attempt to write all LHS terms with a common denominator of x−1
6 2x ( x−1 ) −3 ( x−1 ) −6 ( 2x−3 ) ( x−1 ) 6
2x − 3 − x−1
= x−1
− x−1
2x2−2x−3x+3−6 2x2−5x+3 6
= x−1
− x−1
= x−1

attempt to use algebraic division on RHS (M1)
correctly obtains quotient of 2x − 3 and remainder −6 A1
= 2x − 3 − x−1
as required. AG

[2 marks]
6b. Hence or otherwise, solve the equation 2 sin 2θ − 3 − sin2θ −1
= 0 for [5 marks]
0 ≤ θ ≤ π, θ ≠ 4

2sin2 2θ −5sin2θ −3
consider the equation sin2θ −1
=0 (M1)

⇒ 2 sin2 2θ − 5 sin 2θ − 3 = 0

attempt to factorise in the form (2 sin 2θ + a)(sin 2θ + b) (M1)

Note: Accept any variable in place of sin 2θ.

(2 sin 2θ + 1)(sin 2θ − 3)= 0

attempt to substitute into quadratic formula (M1)
sin 2θ = 4

sin 2θ = − 12 or sin 2θ = 3 (A1)

Note: Award A1 for sin 2θ = − 12 only.

one of 76π OR 116π (accept 210 or 330) (A1)

7π 11π
θ= 12 , 12 (must be in radians) A1

Note: Award A0 if additional answers given.

[5 marks]

7. Consider a triangleABC, where AC = 12, CB = 7 and BÂC = 25°. [5 marks]

Find the smallest possible perimeter of triangle ABC .

attempt to use cosine rule (M1)
122 + AB2 − 2 × 12 × cos 25° × AB = 72 OR
AB2 − 21. 7513 … AB + 95 = 0 (A1)
at least one correct value for AB (A1)
AB = 6. 05068 … OR AB = 15. 7007 …
using their smaller value for AB to find minimum perimeter (M1)
12 + 7 + 6. 05068 …

attempt to use sine rule (M1)
12 = sin25
OR sin B = 0. 724488 … OR B̂ = 133. 573 … ° OR
B̂ = 46. 4263 … ° (A1)
at least one correct value for C (A1)
Ĉ = 21. 4263 … ° OR Ĉ = 108. 573 … °
using their acute value for Ĉ to find minimum perimeter (M1)
12 + 7 + √122 + 72 − 2 × 12 × 7 cos 21. 4263 … ° OR
12 + 7 + 7sin21.4263…

25. 0506 …
minimum perimeter = 25. 1. A1

[5 marks]
The height of water, in metres, in Dungeness harbour is modelled by the function
H(t) = a sin(b(t − c)) + d, where t is the number of hours after midnight, and
a, b, c and d are constants, where a > 0, b > 0 and c > 0.
The following graph shows the height of the water for 13 hours, starting at

The first high tide occurs at 04 : 30 and the next high tide occurs 12 hours later.
Throughout the day, the height of the water fluctuates between 2. 2 m and 6. 8 m .
All heights are given correct to one decimal place.

8a. Show that b= 6
. [1 mark]

2π 2π
12 = b
OR b= 12 A1
b= 6

[1 mark]

8b. Find the value of a . [2 marks]

a= 2 OR a = max−min
2 (M1)
= 2. 3 (m) A1

[2 marks]
8c. Find the value of d. [2 marks]

d= 2
OR d = max+min
= 4. 5 (m) A1

[2 marks]

8d. Find the smallest possible value of c. [3 marks]

substituting t = 4. 5 and H = 6. 8 for example into their equation for H
6. 8 = 2. 3 sin( π6 (4. 5 − c))+4. 5
attempt to solve their equation (M1)
c = 1. 5 A1

using horizontal translation of 12
4. 5 − c = 3 (A1)
c = 1. 5 A1

H'(t)=(2. 3)( π6 )cos( π6 (t − c)) (A1)

attempts to solve their H'(4. 5)= 0 for c (M1)

(2. 3)( π6 )cos( π6 (4. 5 − c))= 0
c = 1. 5 A1

[3 marks]

12 : 00
8e. Find the height of the water at 12 : 00. [2 marks]

attempt to find H when t = 12 or t = 0, graphically or algebraically
H = 2. 87365 …
H = 2. 87 (m) A1

[2 marks]

8f. Determine the number of hours, over a 24-hour period, for which the [3 marks]
tide is higher than 5 metres.

attempt to solve 5 = 2. 3 sin( π6 (t − 1. 5))+4. 5 (M1)
times are t= 1. 91852 … and
t = 7. 08147 … , (t = 13. 9185 … , t = 19. 0814 …) (A1)
total time is 2 ×(7. 081 … − 1. 919 …)
10. 3258 …
= 10. 3 (hours) A1

Note: Accept 10.

[3 marks]

8g. A fisherman notes that the water height at nearby Folkestone harbour [2 marks]
follows the same sinusoidal pattern as that of Dungeness harbour, with
the exception that high tides (and low tides) occur 50 minutes earlier than at
Find a suitable equation that may be used to model the tidal height of water
at Folkestone harbour.
substitutes t= 3
and H = 6. 8 into their equation for H and attempts to
solve for c (M1)
6. 8 = 2. 3 sin( π6 ( 11
− c))+4. 5 ⇒ c = 2

H(t)= 2. 3 sin( π6 (t − 23 ))+4. 5 A1

uses their horizontal translation ( 12
= 3) (M1)
11 2
−c=3⇒c= 3

H(t)= 2. 3 sin( π6 (t − 23 ))+4. 5 A1

[2 marks]

9a. Show that sin 2x + cos 2x − 1 = 2 sin x(cos x − sin x). [2 marks]
Note: Do not award the final A1 for proofs which work from both sides to find
a common expression other than 2 sin x cos x − 2 sin 2 x.
attempt to use double angle formula for sin 2x or cos 2x M1
LHS = 2 sin x cos x + cos 2x − 1 OR
sin 2x + 1 − 2 sin2 x − 1 OR
2 sin x cos x + 1 − 2 sin2 x − 1
= 2 sin x cos x − 2 sin2 x A1
sin 2x + cos 2x − 1 = 2 sin x(cos x − sin x)= RHS AG
RHS = 2 sin x cos x − 2 sin2 x
attempt to use double angle formula for sin 2x or cos 2x M1
= sin 2x + 1 − 2 sin2 x − 1 A1
= sin 2x + cos 2x − 1 = LHS AG
[2 marks]

9b. Hence or otherwise, solve sin 2x + cos 2x − 1 + cos x − sin x = 0 for [6 marks]
0 < x < 2π.
attempt to factorise M1
(cos x − sin x)(2 sin x + 1)= 0 A1
sin x
recognition of cos x = sin x ⇒ cos x = tan x = 1 OR sin x = − 12 (M1)
one correct reference angle seen anywhere, accept degrees (A1)
π 7π
OR π6 (accept − π6 , 6

Note: This (M1)(A1) is independent of the previous M1A1 .

7π 11π
x= 6
, 6 , π4 , 54π A2
Note: Award A1 for any two correct (radian) answers.
Award A1A0 if additional values given with the four correct (radian) answers.
Award A1A0 for four correct answers given in degrees.
[6 marks]

10a. Show that the equation 2 cos2 x + 5 sin x = 4 may be written in the [1 mark]
form 2 sin 2 x − 5 sin x + 2 = 0.

correct substitution of cos2 x = 1− sin2 x A1
2(1 − sin2 x)+5 sin x = 4
2 sin2 x − 5 sin x + 2 = 0 AG
correct substitution using double-angle identities A1
(2 cos2 x − 1)+5 sin x = 3
1 − 2 sin2 x − 5 sin x = 3
2 sin2 x − 5 sin x + 2 = 0 AG
[1 mark]

10b. Hence, solve the equation 2 cos2 x + 5 sin x = 4, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π. [5 marks]

attempting to factorise M1
(2 sin x − 1)(sin x − 2) A1
attempting to use the quadratic formula M1
sin x = 4
(= 5±3
) A1
sin x = 2 (A1)
π 5π
x= 6
, 6
[5 marks]

11. The following diagram shows triangle ABC, with AB = 10, BC = x and [7 marks]
AC = 2x.

Given that cos Ĉ = 34 , find the area of the triangle.

p√ q
Give your answer in the form 2 where p, q ∈ Z+ .
attempt to use the cosine rule to find the value of x (M1)
100 = x2 + 4x2 − 2(x)(2x)( 34 ) A1
2x2 = 100
x2 = 50 OR x = √50(= 5√2) A1

attempt to find sin Ĉ (seen anywhere) (M1)

sin2 Ĉ + ( 34 ) = 1 OR x2 + 32 = 42 or right triangle with side 3 and
hypotenuse 4
sin Ĉ = 4

Note: The marks for finding sin Ĉ may be awarded independently of the first
three marks for finding x.

correct substitution into the area formula using their value of x (or x2 ) and
their value of sin Ĉ (M1)
1 √7 1 √7
A= 2 × 5√2 × 10√2 × 4
or A= 2 × √50 × 2√50 × 4
A= 2 A1
attempt to find the height, h , of the triangle in terms of x (M1)
2 2 √7
h2 + ( 34 x) = x2 OR h2 + ( 54 x) = 102 OR h = 4
x A1
equating their expressions for either h 2 or h (M1)

x2 − ( 34 x) = 102 − ( 54 x) OR √100 −
2 2 25 2 √7
x = 4
x (or equivalent) A1

x2 = 50 OR x = √50(= 5√2) A1

correct substitution into the area formula using their value of x (or x2 ) (M1)
A = 12 (2 × 5√2)(
1 √7 √7
A= 2 × 2√50 × 4
√50 OR 4
A= 2 A1
[7 marks]
12. Solve the equation 2 cos2 x + 5 sin x = 4, 0 ≤ x ≤ 2π. [7 marks]

attempt to use cos2 x = 1 − sin2 x M1
2 sin2 x − 5 sin x + 2 = 0 A1
attempting to factorise M1
(2 sin x − 1)(sin x − 2) A1
attempting to use the quadratic formula M1
sin x = 4
(= 5±3
) A1
sin x = 2 (A1)
π 5π
x= 6
, 6
[7 marks]

13. A Ferris wheel with diameter 110 metres rotates at a constant speed. [5 marks]
The lowest point on the wheel is 10 metres above the ground, as shown
on the following diagram. P is a point on the wheel. The wheel starts moving with
P at the lowest point and completes one revolution in 20 minutes.

The height, h metres, of P above the ground after t minutes is given by

h(t) = a cos(bt) + c, where a, b, c ∈ R.
Find the values of a , b and c.

amplitude is 110
2 = 55 (A1)
a = −55 A1
c = 65 A1

= 20 OR −55 cos(20b)+65 = 10 (M1)
b= 10
(= 0. 314) A1
[5 marks]

The following diagram shows a triangle ABC.

AC = 15 cm, BC = 10 cm , and AB̂C = θ.

Let sin CÂB = 3

14a. Given that AB̂C is acute, find sin θ. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
METHOD 1 – (sine rule)
evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)
sin  sin B̂
eg a
= b
correct substitution (A1)
3 sin θ √3 sin θ √3 sinB
eg 10
= 15
, 30
= 15
, 30
= 15
sin θ = 2 A1 N2

METHOD 2 – (perpendicular from vertex C)

valid approach to find perpendicular length (may be seen on diagram)

h √3
eg , 15 = 3

correct perpendicular length (A1)

eg 3
, 5√3
sin θ = 2 A1 N2

Note: Do not award the final A mark if candidate goes on to state sin θ= 3
as this demonstrates a lack of understanding.

[3 marks]

Find cos (2 × CÂB). [3 marks]
attempt to substitute into double-angle formula for cosine (M1)
√3 2 √6 2 √6 2 √3 2 √3 2
1 − 2( 3
) , 2( 3
) − 1, ( 3
) −( 3
) , cos (2θ)= 1 − 2( 2 ) , 1 − 2 sin
correct working (A1)
eg 1 − 2 × 39 , 2 × 69 − 1, 6
− 3
cos(2 × CÂB)= 9
(= 13 ) A1 N2

[3 marks]

The following diagram shows a circle with centre O and radius 1 cm . Points A and
B lie on the circumference of the circle and AÔB = 2θ, where 0 < θ < π2 .
The tangents to the circle at A and B intersect at point C.

15a. Show that AC = tan θ. [1 mark]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
correct working for AC (seen anywhere) A1
eg tan θ = OA
, tan θ = 1
AC = tan θ AG N0
[1 mark]
15b. Find the value of θ when the area of the shaded region is equal to the [6 marks]
area of sector OADB.

METHOD 1 (working with half the areas)
area of triangle OAC or triangle OBC (A1)
eg 2 × 1 × tan θ
correct sector area (A1)
eg 2 × θ ×(12 ) , 1

correct approach using their areas to find the shaded area (seen anywhere)
1 1
eg Atheir triangle − Atheir sector , 2 θ − 2 tan θ
correct equation A1
eg 2 tan θ − 12 θ = 12 θ , tan θ = 2θ
1. 16556
1. 17 A2 N4

METHOD 2 (working with entire kite and entire sector)

area of kite OACB (A1)
1 1 1
eg 2× 2 × 1 × tan θ , 2 × cos θ
× 2 sin θ
correct sector area (A1)
eg 2 × 2θ ×(12 ) , θ
correct approach using their areas to find the shaded area (seen anywhere)
eg Akite OACB − Asector OADB , θ − tan θ
correct equation A1
eg tan θ − θ = θ , tan θ = 2θ
1. 16556
1. 17 A2 N4

[6 marks]

ABCD AB = 8 cm
Using geometry software, Pedro draws a quadrilateral ABCD. AB = 8 cm and
CD = 9 cm . Angle BAD = 51. 5° and angle ADB = 52. 5°. This information is
shown in the diagram.

16a. Calculate the length of BD. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
BD 8
= sin52.5°

Note: Award (M1) for substituted sine rule, (A1) for correct substitution.

(BD =) 7. 89 (cm) (7. 89164 …) (A1)(G2)

Note: If radians are used the answer is 9. 58723 … award at most


[3 marks]

CE = 7 cm , where point E is the midpoint of BD.

16b. Show that angle EDC = 48. 0°, correct to three significant figures. [4 marks]
cos EDC = 2×9×3.94582…

Note: Award (A1) for 3. 94582 … or 7.89164… 2 seen, (M1) for substituted
cosine rule, (A1)(ft) for correct substitutions.

(EDC =) 47. 9515 … ° (A1)

48. 0° (3 sig figures) (AG)

Note: Both an unrounded answer that rounds to the given answer and the
rounded value must be seen for the final (M1) to be awarded.
Award at most (A1)(ft)(M1)(A1)(ft)(A0) if the known angle 48. 0° is used to
validate the result. Follow through from their BD in part (a).

[4 marks]

16c. Calculate the area of triangle BDC. [3 marks]

Units are required in this question.

(area =) 2 × 7. 89164 … × 9 × sin 48. 0° (M1)(A1)(ft)

Note: Award (M1) for substituted area formula. Award (A1) for correct

(area =) 26. 4 cm 2 (26. 3908 …) (A1)(ft)(G3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

[3 marks]

16d. Pedro draws a circle, with centre at point E , passing through point C. [5 marks]
Part of the circle is shown in the diagram.

Show that point A lies outside this circle. Justify your reasoning.
AE2 = 82 + (3. 94582 …)2 − 2 × 8 × 3. 94582 … cos (76°) (A1)(M1)

Note: Award (A1) for 76° seen. Award (M1) for substituted cosine rule to find
AE, (A1)(ft) for correct substitutions.

(AE =) 8. 02 (cm) (8. 01849 …) (A1)(ft)(G3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).


AE2 = 9. 78424 …2 + (3. 94582 …)2 − 2 × 9. 78424 … × 3. 94582 … cos (52. 5°


Note: Award (A1) for AD (9. 78424 …) or 76° seen. Award (M1) for
substituted cosine rule to find AE (do not award (M1) for cosine or sine rule to
find AD), (A1)(ft) for correct substitutions.

(AE =) 8. 02 (cm) (8. 01849 …) (A1)(ft)(G3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

8. 02 > 7. (A1)(ft)
point A is outside the circle. (AG)

Note: Award (A1) for a numerical comparison of AE and CE. Follow through
for the final (A1)(ft) within the part for their 8. 02. The final (A1)(ft) is
contingent on a valid method to find the value of AE .
Do not award the final (A1)(ft) if the (AG) line is not stated.
Do not award the final (A1)(ft) if their point A is inside the circle.

[5 marks]

ABC AC = 10 cm
The following diagram shows a right-angled triangle, ABC, with AC = 10 cm ,
AB = 6 cm and BC = 8 cm .
The points D and F lie on [AC].
[BD] is perpendicular to [AC].
BEF is the arc of a circle, centred at A.
The region R is bounded by [BD] , [DF] and arc BEF.

17a. Find BÂC. [2 marks]

correct working (A1)
8 6 62+102−82
eg sin α = 10
, cos θ = 10
, cos BÂC = 2×6×10
BÂC = 0.927 (= 53.1∘ ) (A1) N2
[2 marks]

17b. Find the area of R. [5 marks]

Note: There may be slight differences in the final answer, depending on the
approach the candidate uses in part (b). Accept a final answer that is
consistent with their working.
correct area of sector ABF (seen anywhere) (A1)
1 53.1301∘
eg 2 × 62 × 0.927, 360∘
× π × 62 , 16.6913
correct expression (or value) for either [AD] or [BD] (seen anywhere)

eg AD = 6 cos (BÂC) (= 3.6)

BD = 6 sin (53.1∘ ) (= 4.8)
correct area of triangle ABD (seen anywhere) (A1)

eg 1
2 × 6 cos BÂD × 6 sin BÂD, 9 sin (2 BÂC), 8.64 (exact)
appropriate approach (seen anywhere) (M1)
eg Atriangle ABD − Asector , their sector − their triangle ABD
area of shaded region = 8.05 (cm2) A1 N2
[5 marks]

The following shape consists of three arcs of a circle, each with centre at the
opposite vertex of an equilateral triangle as shown in the diagram.

For this shape, calculate

18a. the perimeter. [2 marks]

each arc has length rθ = 6 × 3
= 2π (= 6.283 …) (M1)

perimeter is therefore 6π (= 18.8) (cm) A1

[2 marks]

18b. the area. [5 marks]

area of sector, s, is 12 r2 θ = 18 × π
= 6π (= 18.84 …) (A1)

area of triangle, t, is 12 × 6 × 3√3 = 9√3 (= 15.58 …) (M1)(A1)

Note: area of segment, k, is 3.261… implies area of triangle
finding3s − 2t or 3k + t or similar
area = 3s − 2t = 18π − 18√3 (= 25.4) (cm2) (M1)A1
[5 marks]

19. A sector of a circle with radius r cm , where r > 0, is shown on the [4 marks]
following diagram.
The sector has an angle of 1 radian at the centre.

Let the area of the sector be A cm2 and the perimeter be P cm. Given that A = P,
find the value of r.
* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
use of the correct formula for area and arc length (M1)
perimeter is rθ + 2r (A1)
Note: A1 independent of previous M1.
1 2
2 r (1) = r (1) + 2r A1

r2 − 6r=0
r = 6 (as r > 0) A1
Note: Do not award final A1 if r = 0 is included.
[4 marks]

The lengths of two of the sides in a triangle are 4 cm and 5 cm. Let θ be the angle
5√15 2
between the two given sides. The triangle has an area of 2 cm .

20a. √15 [1 mark]

Show that sin θ = 4

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
5√15 1
2 = 2 × 4 × 5 sin θ A1
height of triangle is 4
if using 4 as the base or √15 if using 5 as the base
sin θ = 4
[1 mark]
20b. Find the two possible values for the length of the third side. [6 marks]

let the third side be x
x2 = 42 + 52 − 2 × 4 × 5 × cos θ M1
valid attempt to find cos θ (M1)

Note: Do not accept writing cos (arcsin ( 4 )) as a valid method.


cos θ = ±√1 − 16

= 14 , − 1

x2 = 16 + 25 − 2 × 4 × 5 × ± 14
x = √31 or √51 A1A1
[6 marks]

Let f (x) = 2 sin (3x) + 4 for x ∈ R.

21a. The range of f is k ≤ f (x) ≤ m. Find k and m. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
valid attempt to find range (M1)

eg , max = 6 min = 2,

2 sin (3 × π6 ) + 4 and 2 sin (3 × π2 ) + 4 , 2 (1) + 4 and 2 (−1) + 4,

k = 2, m = 6 A1A1 N3
[3 marks]

( ) = 5 (2 )
Let g (x) = 5f (2x).

21b. Find the range of g . [2 marks]

10 ≤ y ≤ 30 A2 N2
[2 marks]

The function g can be written in the form g (x) = 10 sin (bx) + c.

21c. Find the value of b and of c. [3 marks]

evidence of substitution (may be seen in part (b)) (M1)
eg 5 (2 sin (3 (2x)) + 4) , 3 (2x)
b = 6, c = 20 (accept 10 sin (6x) + 20 ) A1A1 N3
Note: If no working shown, award N2 for one correct value.
[3 marks]

21d. Find the period of g . [2 marks]

correct working (A1)

2π π
(= 3
), 1.05 A1 N2
[2 marks]

21e. The equation g (x) = 12 has two solutions where π ≤ x ≤ 3
. Find both [3 marks]
valid approach (M1)

eg ,

sin−1 (− 10 ) , 6x = −0.927, − 0.154549, x = 0.678147
Note: Award M1 for any correct value for x or 6x which lies outside the
domain of f .
3.81974, 4.03424
x = 3.82, x = 4.03 (do not accept answers in degrees) A1A1 N3
[3 marks]

The following diagram shows the quadrilateral ABCD.

AB = 6.73 cm, BC = 4.83 cm, BCD = 78.2° and CD = 3.80 cm.

22a. Find BD. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
choosing cosine rule (M1)
eg c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos C
correct substitution into RHS (A1)
eg 4.83 2 + 3.80 2 − 2 × 4.83 × 3.80 × cos 78.2 , 30.2622,
4.832 + 3.802 − 2 (4.83) (3.80) × cos 1.36
5.50 (cm) A1 N2
[3 marks]

22b. The area of triangle ABD is 18.5 cm2. Find the possible values of θ. [4 marks]

correct substitution for area of triangle ABD (A1)
eg 2 × 6.73 × 5.50111 sin θ
correct equation A1
eg 2 × 6.73 × 5.50111 sin θ = 18.5 , sin θ = 0.999393
88.0023, 91.9976, 1.53593, 1.60566
θ = 88.0 (degrees) or 1.54 (radians)
θ = 92.0 (degrees) or 1.61 (radians) A1A1 N2
[4 marks]
OAB is a sector of the circle with centre O and radius r, as shown in the following

The angle AOB is θ radians, where 0 < θ < 2.
The point C lies on OA and OA is perpendicular to BC.

23a. Show that OC = r cos θ. [1 mark]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
cos θ = OC A1
OC = r cos θ AG N0
[1 mark]

23b. Find the area of triangle OBC in terms of r and θ. [2 marks]

valid approach (M1)
1 1 1
eg 2 OC × OB sin θ , BC = r sin θ, 2 r cos θ × BC , 2 r sin θ × OC

area = 12 r2 sin θ cos θ (= 14 r2 sin (2θ)) (must be in terms of r and θ) A1

[2 marks]

23c. Given that the area of triangle OBC is 3 of the area of sector OAB, find [4 marks]

valid attempt to express the relationship between the areas (seen anywhere)
eg OCB = 35 OBA , 12 r2 sin θ cos θ = 35 × 12 r2 θ , 14 r2 sin 2θ = 10
3 2
r θ
correct equation in terms of θ only A1
eg sin θ cos θ = 35 θ , 14 sin 2θ = 10
valid attempt to solve their equation (M1)
eg sketch, −0.830017, 0
θ = 0.830 A1 N2
Note: Do not award final A1 if additional answers given.
[4 marks]

24. In triangle ABC, AB = 5, BC = 14 and AC = 11. [5 marks]

Find all the interior angles of the triangle. Give your answers in degrees to one
decimal place.
* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
attempt to apply cosine rule M1
cos A = 2×5×11
= −0.4545 …
⇒ A = 117.03569 …∘
⇒ A = 117.0∘ A1
attempt to apply sine rule or cosine rule: M1
sin 117.03569…∘ sin B
= 11
⇒B= 44.4153 …∘
⇒ B = 44.4∘ A1
C = 180∘ − A − B
C = 18.5∘ A1
Note: Candidates may attempt to find angles in any order of their choosing.
[5 marks]

25. Given that sin x = 1 , where 0 <x< π [6 marks]

3 2 , find the value of cos 4x.

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
correct substitution into formula for cos (2x) or sin (2x) (A1)
√8 2 √8 2
2( 3 ) 1, 2 ( 13 ) ( 3 ), ( 3 )
2 √8 2
eg 1 − 2( 13 ) , − − ( 13 )

(= ) (may be seen in
7 2√8 √32 4√2
cos (2x) = 9
or sin (2x) = 9 9
= 9
substitution) A2
recognizing 4x is double angle of 2x (seen anywhere) (M1)
eg cos (2 (2x)), 2 cos2 (2θ) − 1, 1 − 2 sin2 (2θ), cos2 (2θ) − sin2 (2θ)
correct substitution of their value of cos (2x) and/or sin (2x) into formula for
cos (4x) (A1)

2 2
2 2
) ( ) , 49
2 2√8 7 2 2√8
eg 2( 79 ) − 1, 98
− 1 , 1 − 2( 9
, 1 − 64
, ( 9
) − 9 81
− 32
cos (4x) = 81
A1 N2

recognizing 4x is double angle of 2x (seen anywhere) (M1)
eg cos (2 (2x))
double angle identity for 2x (M1)
eg 2 cos2 (2θ) − 1, 1 − 2 sin2 (2x), cos2 (2θ) − sin2 (2θ)
correct expression for cos (4x) in terms of sin x and/or cos x (A1)
2 2
eg 2(1 − 2 sin2 θ) − 1, 1 − 2(2 sin x cos x) ,
(1 − 2 sin2 θ) − (2 sin θ cos θ)2
correct substitution for sin x and/or cos x A1
2 2
eg 2(1 − 2( 13 ) ) − 1, 2 (1 − 4( 13 ) + 4( 13 ) ) − 1, 1 − 2(2 × 13 × 3 )
2 2 4 √8

correct working (A1)

eg 2 ( 49
) − 1, 1 − 2 ( 32
), 49
− 32
cos (4x) = 81
A1 N2

[6 marks]

A flat horizontal area, ABC, is such that AB = 100 m , BC = 50 m and angle ACB =
43.7° as shown in the diagram.

26a. Show that the size of angle BAC is 20.2°, correct to 3 significant figures. [3 marks]
* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
sin 43.7∘ sin BAC
= 50
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into sine rule formula, (A1) for correct

BAC = 20.2087… = 20.2° (A1)(AG)

Note: Award (A1) only if both the correct unrounded and rounded answers
are seen.

[3 marks]

26b. Calculate the area of triangle ABC. [4 marks]

units are required in part (b)

2 (100) (50) sin (116.1) (A1)(M1)(A1)
Note: Award (A1) for 116.1 or unrounded value or 116 seen, (M1) for
substitution into area of triangle formula, (A1) for correct substitution.

= 2250 m2 (2245.06… m 2) (A1)(G3)

Note: The answer is 2250 m 2; the units are required. Use of 20.2087… gives

[4 marks]

26c. Find the length of AC. [3 marks]

100 AC
sin 43.7
= sin (116.1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into sine rule formula, (A1)(ft) for their
correct substitution. Follow through from their 116.1.

AC = 130 (m) (129.982… (m)) (A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Use of 20.2087… gives 129.992….

AC2 = 1002 + 502 −2(100)(50) cos (116.1) (M1)(A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into cosine rule formula, (A1)(ft) for their
correct substitution. Follow through from their 116.1.

AC = 130 (m) (129.997… (m)) (A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into cosine rule formula, (A1)(ft) for their
correct substitution.

[3 marks]

26d. A vertical pole, TB, is constructed at point B and has height 25 m. [5 marks]
Calculate the angle of elevation of T from, M, the midpoint of the side AC.
BM2 = 1002 + 652 − 2(100)(65) cos (20.2°) (M1)(A1)(ft)
BM2 = 502 + 652 − 2(50)(65) cos (43.7°) (M1)(A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into cosine rule formula, (A1)(ft) for
correct substitution, including half their AC.

BM = 45.0 (44.9954… OR 45.0079…) (A1)(ft)

Note: Use of 20.2052… gives 45. Award (G2) for 45.0 seen without working.

tan (TMB) = their BM
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into tangent formula.

TMB = 29.1° (29.0546…°) (A1)(ft)(G4)
Note: Follow through within part (d) provided their BM is seen. Use of
44.9954 gives 29.0570… and use of 45.0079… gives 29.0503…. Follow
through from their AC in part (c).

[5 marks]

The following diagram shows quadrilateral ABCD.

∧ ∧
AB = 11 cm, BC = 6 cm, B A D = 100∘ , and C B D = 82∘

27a. Find DB. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)
eg a
sin A
= sin B
= c
sin C
correct substitution (A1)
DB 11
eg ∘ =
sin 59 sin 100∘
DB = 9.57 (cm) A1 N2
[3 marks]

27b. Find DC. [3 marks]

evidence of choosing cosine rule (M1)

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos (A) , DC2 = DB2 + BC2 − 2DB × BC × cos (D B C

correct substitution into RHS (A1)

2 2
eg 9.57 + 6 − 2 × 9.57 × 6 × cos 82∘ , 111.677
DC = 10.6 (cm) A1 N2
[3 marks]
Consider the following diagram.

The sides of the equilateral triangle ABC have lengths 1 m. The midpoint of [AB] is
denoted by P. The circular arc AB has centre, M, the midpoint of [CP].

28a. Find AM. [3 marks]

PC = 2 or 0.8660 (M1)
PM = 12 PC = 4
or 0.4330 (A1)

AM = √ 14 + 3
= 4
or 0.661 (m) A1

using the cosine rule
√3 2
= 12 + ( )
AM2 4
−2× 4
× cos (30∘ ) M1A1

AM = 4
or 0.661 (m) A1
[3 marks]

28b. ∧ [2 marks]
Find A M P in radians.

tan (A M P) = or equivalent (M1)
= 0.857 A1
[2 marks]

28c. Find the area of the shaded region. [3 marks]


(2 − sin (2 A M P))
∧ ∧
1 2
2 AM A M P (M1)A1

∧ √3
1 2
2 AM × 2 A M P− = 8
= 0.158(m2) A1
Note: Award M1 for attempting to calculate area of a sector minus area of a
[3 marks]

The following diagram shows triangle ABC, with AB = 3cm , BC = 8cm , and
AB^C = π .

29a. Show that AC = 7 cm . [4 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
evidence of choosing the cosine rule (M1)
egc2 = a2 + b2 − ab cos C
correct substitution into RHS of cosine rule (A1)
eg32 + 82 − 2 × 3 × 8 × cos π3
evidence of correct value for cos 3
(may be seen anywhere, including in
cosine rule) A1
egcos π3 = 12 , AC = 9 + 64 − (48 × 12 ) , 9 + 64 − 24
correct working clearly leading to answer A1
egAC = 49, b = √49
AC = 7 (cm) AG N0

Note: Award no marks if the only working seen is AC = 49 or AC = √49
(or similar).

[4 marks]

29b. The shape in the following diagram is formed by adding a semicircle [3 marks]
with diameter [AC] to the triangle.

Find the exact perimeter of this shape.

correct substitution for semicircle (A1)
egsemicircle = 12 (2π × 3.5), 12 × π × 7, 3.5π
valid approach (seen anywhere) (M1)
perimeter = AB + BC + semicircle, 3 + 8 + ( 12 × 2 × π × 72 ) , 8 + 3 + 3.5π
11 + 72 π (= 3.5π + 11) (cm) A1 N2
[3 marks]

The following diagram shows a triangle ABC.

^ = 50° and ACB

AB = 5cm, CAB ^ = 112°

30a. Find BC. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
evidence of choosing sine rule (M1)
sin A sin B
eg a
= b
correct substitution (A1)
BC 5
eg sin 50
= sin 112
BC = 4.13 (cm) A1 N2
[3 marks]

30b. Find the area of triangle ABC. [3 marks]

correct working (A1)
^ = 180 − 50 − 112, 18°, AC = 1.66642
eg B
correct substitution into area formula (A1)
1 1
eg 2 × 5 × 4.13 × sin 18, 0.5(5)(1.66642) sin 50, 2 (4.13)(1.66642) sin 112
area = 3.19 (cm2 ) A1 N2
[3 marks]

A triangular postage stamp, ABC, is shown in the diagram below, such that
AB = 5cm, BAC ^ = 34∘ , AB^ C = 26∘ and ACB^ = 120∘ .

31a. Find the length of BC. [3 marks]

* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain
minor differences in marking or structure.
BC 5
sin 34∘
= sin 120∘

Note: Award (M1) for substituted sine rule formula, (A1) for correct

BC = 3.23 (cm) (3.22850 … (cm)) (A1) (C3)

[3 marks]
31b. Find the area of the postage stamp. [3 marks]

1 ∘
2 (5)(3.22850) sin 26 (M1)(A1)(ft)

Note: Award (M1) for substituted area of a triangle formula, (A1) for
correct substitutions.

= 3.54 (cm2 ) (3.53820 … (cm2 )) (A1)(ft) (C3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

[3 marks]

The following diagram shows triangle ABC, with AB = 6 and AC = 8.

32a. Given that cos A = 5 ^.
find the value of sin A [3 marks]

valid approach using Pythagorean identity (M1)
sin2 A + ( 56 ) = 1 (or equivalent) (A1)
sin A = 6
[3 marks]

32b. Find the area of triangle ABC. [2 marks]

1 √11
2 ×8×6× 6
(or equivalent) (A1)

area = 4√11 A1
[2 marks]

33a. Show that log9 (cos 2x + 2) = log3 √cos 2x + 2. [3 marks]

attempting to use the change of base rule M1
log3(cos 2x+2)
log9 (cos 2x + 2) = log39

= 12 log3 (cos 2x + 2) A1
= log3 √cos 2x + 2 AG
[3 marks]

33b. Hence or otherwise solve log3 (2 sin x) = log9 (cos 2x + 2) for [5 marks]
0 < x < π2 .

log3 (2 sin x) = log3 √cos 2x + 2
2 sin x = √cos 2x + 2 M1
4 sin2 x = cos 2x + 2 (or equivalent) A1
use of cos 2x = 1 − 2 sin2 x (M1)
6 sin2 x = 3
sin x = (±) A1
x= 4
Note: Award A0 if solutions other than x= 4
are included.

[5 marks]
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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®


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