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Academic year 2023/2024

DTUE301 Principles of Economic Management

7am Monday 4th December 20231
Lecturer: Pham Thanh Dung
You are required to complete 3 tasks in group (5/6 members each
group and cannot be changed without notice):
1. A learning log presenting all in-class assignments you have worked
together during the course, including discussion questions, cases’
analysis, short presentations, homework, etc.
2. A detailed report on the topic below:
Based on your knowledge from Principles of Economic Management,
choose a listed company and review a specific product/project/market
that the company has existing/future operating activities. You should use
the principles, methods, tools, and techniques introduced in the lectures to
support your analysis. The groups have complete discretion in picking the
companies (each 2 groups will choose the companies in the same industry
sector) and will make a detailed report on how to arrive at the selections.
3. A presentation briefing what will be analysed in the report above, or
only some remarkable points attracting the audience’s interest.

General guideline:
- Format:
The report should be up to 5,000 words long for task 1 and between 6,500 and 8,000
words long, excluding references. It must be typed, using an 12 point font and 1.5 line
spacing. Essays which are not in the specified format may be penalised.
- Submission:

There is a 2% penalty per day imposed on late submissions.
Academic year 2023/2024

The essay must be submitted online through Teams Assignments by 7am on 4th
December 2023 (Week 7). Late submissions will be penalised.
- Reading:
You are encouraged to read widely and to research beyond the module’s slides and
provided materials.
- Notes:
1. You are strongly advised only to use material published in English. If you,
nevertheless, feel the need to use material not published in English you must contact
me before you submit your assignment and you will be required to provide a copy of
the original and a full translation no later than one week prior to the assignment
submission deadline.
2. Wikipedia and similar sites are not acceptable sources of information and should
not be used for this assignment. If you are in doubt as to the suitability of an online
source you must check with me before you submit your assignment. Failure to comply
with this advice will result in the assignment automatically being a fail.
3. The coursework will be evaluated based on quality of analysis, clarity,
organisation, and persuasiveness.
4. You may include tables, charts and graphs but your text should provide an
interpretation of each. State the source of any table/chart not created by yourselves.
5. Marking allocation: learning log (10%), report (10%) and presentation (10%).
6. Maximum time for presentation is 30 minutes excluding Q&A session.
7. Submit an assessment form (you can use the form below), along with your group
work. The other members of your group will also have an opportunity to evaluate
your contribution to the project. Please be faithful in evaluating your teammates’
contribution, otherwise you will be penalised.
Member 1 2 3 …


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