The Aircraft MCQ Correction

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1. An airplane is a …………….

A. Heavier-than-air craft propelled by an engine

B. Uses aerodynamic surfaces (wings) to generate lift
C. Both A and B
2. What is NOT one of the four aerodynamic forces?
A. Lift B. Pressure C. Gravity
3. Which aerodynamic force is known as "the resistance of air"?
A. Thrust B. Drug C. drag
4. What is a "natural" force acting upon the airplane?
A. The pilot B. Weight/gravity C. The propeller
5. The five basic structural components of an airplane are ….
A. Fuselage, Wings, control surfaces, Propulsion system, and Undercarriage
B. Fuselage, Wings, Tail structures, Engines, and Empennage
C. Fuselage, Undercarriage, Wings, Tail structures, and Propulsion system
6. Which principle explains how an airplane flies?
A. Bernoulli's Principal B. Brownian's Principal C. Schroedinger's Principal
7. Which part of the airplane creates the lift?
A. The propeller B. The rudder C. The wings
8. What force must be created by an airplane, in order to overcome drag?
A. Thrust B. Weight/gravity C. Lift
9. Which part of the airplane provides thrust?
A. Wings B. Propellers C. Flaps
10. The empennage ………………….
A. provides the greatest stabilizing influence of all the components of an airplane.
B. Prevents the aircraft from stalling
C. Helps the pilot to move the aircraft around the three exea
11. What are the primary flight controls for an aircraft?
A. Wings, propeller, tail B. Propeller, fuselage, ailerons C. Elevator, rudder, ailerons
12. When a pilot moves the rudder, he affects the …..
A. Lift B. Yaw C. Roll
13. On landing on a water surfaces the airplanes use ………………
A. Wheels or floats B. Floats or pontoons C. Skids or wheels
14. When a pilot moves the aileron, he affects the …..
A. Thrust B. Yaw C. Roll
15. Most planes today use what is called ……………………. arrangement.
A. conventional landing gear B. fixed landing gear C. a tricycle landing gear
16. regarding wings, the main distinguishing features of an aircraft are ...
A. wing position, wing thickness, and camber of wings
B. wing position, wing shape, and number of wings
C. wing form, wing type, and number of wings
17. The amount of drag an airplane creates depends on……………..
A. Size and shape of the wings, speed of the relative wind, and pressure of the air.
B. Size and shape of the plane, speed of the wing, and weight of the plane.
C. Size and shape of the plane, speed of an airplane, and density of the air.
18. When a pilot moves the elevator, he affects the …..
A. Roll B. Pitch C. Lift

19. The lift created by the aircraft is affected by ………………
A. Relative wind, angle of attack, shape of the airfoil, and position of the wings
B. Speed, angle of attack, density of the air, and shape of the wings
C. velocity, angle of incidence, density of the air, and position of the wings
20. The longitudinal axis extends ………………………… through the fuselage from the nose to the tail.
A. Spanwise B. laterally C. Lengthwise
21. Pilot controls the movement of the airplane using …………………………………. inside the cockpit.
A. the throttle and the byoke
B. the control yoke and rudder pedals
C. the control column and flaps lever
22. The area and the thickness of the aircraft wings affect ….
A. Thrust B. Roll C. Lift
23. An aileron …………………………..
A. Relieves control pressure
B. Is a control surface that causes the aircraft to roll
C. Is bolted onto the fuselage
24. The empennage ………………………..
A. Provides power for take off B. Is the tail section of the aircraft C. Moves the aircraft side to side
25. The propeller ……………………..
A. Creates thrust, heat and lift for the aircraft
B. Creates thrust and drives the aircraft through the air
C. Allows the aircraft to move in a straight line
26. The purpose of wing slats is to
A. reduce stalling speed. B. decrease drag. C. increase speed on takeoff.
27. When we raise the aileron, its associated wing will
A- Move downward; B- Move backward; C- Move upward;
28. If the right wing dips, the airplane……
A- Turns to the left; B- climbs; C- Turns to the right;
29. The landing gear is attached to shock-absorbing ………………to cushion the blow of landing :
A- strats; B- strots. C- struts;
30. If a pilot pushes the control stick to the right ……….
A- The right aileron moves up and the left aileron up;
B- The right aileron moves up and the left aileron down;
C- The right aileron moves down and the left aileron up;
31. When a pilot extends the flaps, he …………
A- Increases the camber and decreases the angle of attack;
B- Increases the camber and increases the angle of attack;
C- Decreases the camber and increases the angle of attack.
32. The relative wind is always ………………………… direction to the path of flight:
A- Perpendicular and opposite; B- Parallel and the same; C- Parallel and opposite;
33. If density is kept constant, the dynamic pressure increases proportionally with:
A- The square of the velocity.
B- Velocity.
C- Inversely with the square of the velocity
34. The shaping of an object to reduce the resistance to motion through the air is ………….:
A- Laminar airflow; B- smooth airflow. C- streamlining;

35. When we lower an aileron, we …………
A- Increase the lift of its associated wing;
B- Decrease the lift of its associated wing;
C- Increase the drag.
36. The four forces acting on an aircraft are:
A. Left – drag – thirst - weight; B. Lift – drug – thrust - weight; C. Lift – drag – thrust - weight.
37. Flaps are …………………….. parts of the leading edge of the wings:
A. hinged; B. hanged; C. turning;
38. …………………are devices used to disrupt airflow over the wing :
A. Elevators; B. Slats. C. spoilers;
39. At the rear of both the ailerons and the flaps are small moving parts called:
A. trim tabs; B. trimmer; C. trim surfaces.
40. An increase in the speed at which an airfoil passes through the air increases lift because …………
A- the increased speed of the airflow creates a lesser pressure differential between The upper and lower
airfoil surfaces.
B- The increased speed of air passing over the airfoil's upper surface decreases the pressure, thus
creating a greater pressure differential between upper and lower surface.
C- The increased velocity of the relative wind increases the angle of attack.
41. The part of the wing where the airflow over the upper surface wing meets the airflow over the lower surface of
the wing is called the ………
A. Training edge; B. Leading edge; C. Trailing edge;
42. ………………are used at take off and landing to produce additional lift:
A. elevators; B. flaps; C. rudders.
43. The curve of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is the :
A. Chord line; B. camber; C. chamber;
44. It reduces the amount of resistance and increases lift:
A. flaps; B. drag. C. streamlining;
45. If indicated air speed and angle of attack are kept constant and density decreases, the lift …………..
A- remains constant B- increases. C- decreases.
46. The lower part pf the fuselage where we put cargo is called
A. Cargo holds. B. Freight storehouse. C. Shipment stock.
47. The angle of attack is the angle formed by :
A- The direction of the relative wind and the chord line;
B- The chord line and the flight path;
C- A and B;
48. The angle of attack which results in a loss of lift is the :
A. Lifting angle; B. Resistance angle. C. Stalling angle;
49. The lateral axis extends ……………………….. from wing tip to wing tip
A- Spanwise B- Vertically C- longitudinally
50. If we push down the right rudder pedals
A- The rudder moves to the right and the airplane turns to the left
B- The rudder moves to the right and the airplane turns to the right;
C- The rudder moves to the left and the airplane turns to the left;
51. The angle of incidence is the angle between :
A- The path of flight and the longitudinal axis;
B- The relative wind and the path of flight.
C- The chord of the airfoil and the longitudinal axis;

52. The large planes usually used to transport passengers :
A- Airliners; B- General aviation aircraft; C- Airlines.
53. Thrust is provided by :
A- Powerplant. B- Control surfaces; C- Resistance of the air;
54. If drag is greater than thrust, the aircraft will ………:
A- Lose speed and eventually descend.
B- Gain speed and eventually climb;
C- lose speed and eventually climb;
55. The vertical stabilizer ………………….……..
A- Prevents the airplane from swinging from side to side
B- Keeps the aircraft flying at a uniform speed
C- Prevent an up and down motion of the aircraft
56. If lift is less than weight, the aircraft will ………:
A. Climb; B. Descend ; C. Be in a state of equilibrium;
57. Roll of the aircraft to the right is caused by……….
A- Increased lift of the left wing and increased lift on the right wing;
B- Increased lift of the left wing and decreased lift on the right wing;
C- Decreased lift of the left wing and decreased lift on the right wing.
58. Movements of the rudder produce changes in ………….
A. pitch; B. roll; C. yaw;
59. The lateral axis of the aircraft is the axis that extends …….
A- From the nose to the tail;
B- From wing tip to wing tip.
C- Through the fuselage to the empennage;
60. When a pilot extends the flaps, he …………
A- Increases the camber and decreases the angle of attack;
B- Increases the camber and increases the angle of attack;
C- Decreases the camber and increases the angle of attack.
61. The main common components of airplanes are
A- Powerplant, fuselage, cockpit, control surfaces, wings, and landing gear
B- Fuselage, landing gear, cockpit, instrument panel, wings, and tail assembly
C- Fuselage, landing gear, wings, tail assembly, and powerplant
62. When we increase the angle of attack and the camber we …….
A- Increase the lift and decrease the drag;
B- Increase the lift and increase the drag;
C- Decrease the lift and decrease the drag.
63. Movements of the elevators produce changes in ………….
A. pitch; B. yaw; C. roll;
64. When we move the elevator up
A- The tail moves up and the nose moves down;
B- The tail moves down and the nose moves down;
C- The tail moves down and the nose moves up;
65. When we move the elevator down
A. The aircraft will climb; B. The tail moves down. C. The aircraft will descend;
66. When we raise the aileron, its associated wing will
A. Move downward; B. Move upward; C. Move forward.

67. When we lower an aileron, we …………
A- Decrease the lift of its associated wing;
B- Increase the thrust;
C- Increase the lift of its associated wing;
68. If a pilot pushes the control stick to the right ……….
A- The right aileron moves down and the left aileron up;
B- The right aileron moves up and the left aileron down;
C- The right aileron moves down and the left aileron down.
69. Movements of the ailerons produce changes in ………….
A. pitch; B. yaw; C. roll;
70. If the right wing dips, the airplane……
A. Turns to the right; B. Turns to the left; C. descends.
71. When the thrust and drag are equal and opposite, the aircraft is in a state of equilibrium and it will……
A- Continue to move backward at the same uniform speed;
B- Continue to move forward at the same uniform speed;
C- Continue to move forward at a different speed;
72. If we push down the left rudder pedals
A- The rudder moves to the right and the airplane turns to the left
B- The rudder moves to the right and the airplane turns to the right;
C- The rudder moves to the left and the airplane turns to the left;
73. To yaw the aircraft to the right
A- The right rudder pedal is pushed forward and the rudder moves to the left
B- The right rudder pedal is pushed forward and the rudder moves to the right
C- The left rudder pedal is pushed forward and the rudder moves to the right
74. To roll the aircraft to the right
A- The aileron control is moved to the left, the right aileron moves up and the left down
B- The aileron control is moved to the right, the right elevator goes up and the left one goes down
C- The aileron control is moved to the right, the right aileron goes up and the left one down
75. Action of the elevators moves the plane on its
A- lateral axis. B- longitudinal axis. C- vertical axis.
76. Aileron deflection moves the airplane about its
A- lateral axis. B- longitudinal axis. C- vertical axis.
77. Longitudinal stability involves the motion of the aircraft about its:
A- Lateral axis B- Vertical axis C- Longitudinal axis
78. The four forces acting on an aircraft are:
A- Left – drag – thirst - weight; B- Lift – drug – thrust - weight; C- Lift – drag – thrust - weight.
79. The empennage consists of the:
A- Vertical stabilizer only B- Horizontal stabilizer only C- Horizontal and vertical stabilizer
80. Thrust is provided by :
A- Control surfaces; B- Speed ; C- Powerplant.
81. The primary control surfaces of the aircraft are:
A- Elevator, flaps, rudder, ailerons;
B- Elevator, vertical stabilizer, rudder, spoilers;
C- Elevator, wings, fin, ailerons.
82. The landing gear is attached to shock-absorbing …………to cushion the blow of landing :
A- stratus; B- struts; C- strats;

83. The part of the wing where the airflow over the upper surface wing meets the airflow over the lower surface of
the wing is called the ………
A- Training edge; B- Leading edge; C- Trailing edge;
84. The relative wind is always ………………………… direction to the path of flight:
A- Perpendicular and opposite; B- Parallel and the same; C- Parallel and opposite;
85. The curve of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is:
A- Chord line; B- chamber; C- camber;
86. The angle of attack is the angle formed by :
A- The direction of the relative wind and the chord line;
B- The chord line and the flight path;
C- A and B;
87. The angle of incidence is the angle between :
A- The path of flight and the longitudinal axis;
B- The chord of the airfoil and the longitudinal axis;
C- The relative wind and the path of flight.
88. An aircraft is in a state of equilibrium when:
A- The lift and the drag are equal;
B- The drag and the weight are equal;
C- The thrust and the drag are equal;
89. The chord line of a wing is a line that runs from
A. the centre of the leading edge of the wing to the trailing edge
B. half way between the upper and lower surface of the wing
C. one wing tip to the other wing tip
90. The angle of incidence of a wing is an angle formed by lines
A. parallel to the chord line and longitudinal axis
B. parallel to the chord line and the lateral axis
C. parallel to the chord line and the vertical axis
91. What is the definition of Angle of Incidence?
A. The angle the underside of the mainplane or tailplane makes with the horizontal
B. The angle the underside of the mainplane or tailplane makes with the longitudinal datum line
C. The angle the chord of the mainplane or tailplane makes with the horizontal
92. The normal axis of an aircraft passes through
A. the centre of gravity B. a point at the centre of the wings C. at the centre of pressure
93. When does the angle of incidence change?
A. When the aircraft attitude changes
B. When the aircraft is ascending or descending
C. It never changes
94. As the angle of attack decreases, what happens to the centre of pressure?
A. It moves forward
B. It moves rearwards
C. Centre of pressure is not affected by angle of attack decrease
95. The upper part of the wing in comparison to the lower
A- develops more lift B- develops the same lift C- develops less lift

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