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1)Who is the founder and CEO of OYO rooms?

-> Ritesh Agarwal.

2)what is the current valuation of the OYO rooms?

-> 360 crores .

3)How does Ritesh look like?

->Ritesh Agarwal with his common man qualities of whitish,tall thin, scurvy look Isn't easy to find in the

4)Where was Ritesh born?

->Ritesh was born in Bissam cuttack,Odisha.

5)What are the fun elements of Ritesh Agarwal?

->Ritesh Agarwal's Fun elements included screwing around with the computer and Trying hard to find
opportunities to find mistake,so that he could learn new stuff.

6)How did Ritesh quench his thirst?

->Ritesh quenched his thirst by borrowing his elders brothers book on programming.

7)Where did Ritesh learn other then books and schools?

->Ritesh Agarwal learned from google other than books and schools.

8)Why did Ritesh go to kota?

->Ritesh Agarwal went to kota to join IIT.

9)Name the book written by Ritesh Agarwal.

->Indian engineering colleges "A complete Encyclopedia of Top 100 Engineering colleges.

10)At what age was Ritesh chosen among 240 children to be part of TIFR?

->Ritesh was chosen among the 240 children to be part of TIFR at the age of 16.

11)what is B&B?

->Bed and Breakfasts is B&B.

12)What is SAT?

->Scholastic aptitude test

13)what is Airbnb?

->Air Bed and Breakfast.

14) Name the university that Ritesh joined.

->University of London's Indian campus.

15)when did Ritesh start his first venture?


16)who funded 30lacks to Ritesh?

->Venture Nursery funded 30lacks to Ritesh.

17)What fellowship Was awarded to Ritesh?

->Thiel fellowship.

18)what does Oyo mean?

->OYO means "On your own" .It is the company that offers accommodation rooms,dining,and fitness
center facilities.

19)who is the former CEO of seventy MM?

->Bhavna Agarwal .

Answer in brief.

Discuss the zeal and passion of Ritesh Agarwal.

->The story of Ritesh Agarwal has changed the age bar scenario.As his 25years old with the net worth
of 3500 Crores . Ritesh Agarwal, the founder and CEO of OYO Rooms, is known for his remarkable zeal
and passion in the hospitality industry. Starting OYO at a young age, his relentless pursuit of
innovation and commitment to providing affordable, quality accommodation has driven the
company's success. Agarwal's passion is evident in his hands-on approach and constant drive to
improve and expand OYO's services globally. His entrepreneurial spirit and dedication have made him
a prominEnt figure in the business world.Starting at a young age, his determination led to the
establishment of OYO, transforming it into one of India's prominent hospitality chains. Agarwal's
relentless pursuit of innovation and his commitment to providing affordable and quality
accommodation showcase his entrepreneurial fervor. His journey reflects a remarkable blend of
vision, resilience, and an indomitable spirit.Agarwal's innovative mindset and determination
showcase a remarkable commitment to realizing his dreams.

2)Bring out the entrepreneurnal Qualities In Ritesh Agarwal.

->Ritesh Agarwal demonstrates several entrepreneurial qualities, including visionary leadership,

resilience, and innovation. His ability to identify opportunities in the hospitality industry and create a
disruptive business model with OYO reflects a keen entrepreneurial insight. Agarwal's resilience is
evident in his journey from a college dropout to the founder of a unicorn startup, showcasing his
determination to overcome challenges. Additionally, his continuous efforts to innovate within the
business realm highlight his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to staying ahead in a competitive
market.Ritesh Agarwal exemplifies key entrepreneurial qualities such as vision, resilience, and
innovation. His ability to envision and create a disruptive business model with OYO reflects a strong
entrepreneurial vision. Agarwal's resilience is evident in his journey, overcoming challenges and
adapting to changing landscapes in the hospitality industry. Additionally, his innovative approach to
solving problems and and addressing market needs underscores his entrepreneurial spirit, driving OYO's

3)State Ritesh journey from Oravel to OYO.

->Ritesh Agarwal's journey began with Oravel Stays, which later evolved into OYO. In 2012, at the age of
18, he founded Oravel, an online platform for budget accommodations. Recognizing the need for quality
and standardized budget hotels, Agarwal pivoted Oravel into OYO in 2013. The rebranded venture
focused on transforming budget hotels into well-managed, affordable spaces. With innovative
technology and a franchise model, OYO rapidly expanded, both in India and internationally, becoming
one of the world's largest hotel chains under Agarwal's leadership.Ritesh Agarwal's entrepreneurial
journey began with "Oravel," a platform he initially conceived to connect travelers with budget
accommodations. Recognizing the potential, Agarwal pivoted his business model, eventually founding
OYO Rooms in 2013. Under his leadership, OYO evolved into a global hospitality brand, offering
standardized and affordable accommodations. Agarwal's strategic vision and perseverance played
pivotal roles inthe transformation of Oravel into the widely recognized and expansive OYO network..

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IS APPROPRIATE. And in 300 words.

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