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Submitted by :
( Name of Student )
Group No.

Submitted to:
( Name of Instructors )

Date of Submission
Subject Date
College Day

• Objectives
1. To discuss the definition of medical terminology
2. To discuss the basic rules
3. To define the medical words

• Learning Experience
I enjoyed learning about the different medical terminologies. This lesson gave me
knowledge that will be very useful when in my future duties. This lesson is discuss
onsite, even though it discuss onsite i'll still struggled to memorize all of the
terminologies so i decided to familiarize it first. Every terminology has a different
use. I am so glad that our instructor is very reliable when i need to ask some
terminology and i always get a quick respond.

• Insights from the Experience

I learned that medical terminology is a language that is specialized for the field of
medicine only. I have a hard time memorizing all of these terminologies because
they consist of abbreviations that have precise meanings to ensure clear
communication among all healthcare professionals.

I struggled at first to understand this lesson because it was too confusing, which is
why I have a hard time understanding it. But since our instructor gave me reading
materials about medical terminology, I started to read and memorize their purposes
and meanings to gain new knowledge that will be very useful to the field of medicine

• Evaluation
For me, all of the objectives were met. We discussed the different terminologies, the
basic rules, and the medical words that are very important to understand.
• Documentation ( Photos )

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Page size : 8.5 x 13
Margins : 1 inch all sides

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