RRQs 9th Physics

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9th Physics RRQs// Short Questions IV.

Coulomb (C) - the unit of electric charge:

Unit # 01 Base Units: 𝐴𝑠

Q.1 How technology is shaped by Physics? Q.6 Why in physics we need to write in scientific notation?

Ans: Physics plays a crucial role in shaping technology. Many of the Ans: In physics, we often use scientific notation to express large or
modern technological advancements we have today would not be small numbers because it is a more compact and convenient way to
possible without a deep understanding of physics principles. Here are write them. It is a way of expressing numbers as a product of a
a few examples: coefficient and a power of 10.

• Transistors EXAMPLE:
• LEDs
• Lasers The speed of light is 299,792,458 𝑚𝑠 −1 . In scientific notation, this
• Magnetic Storage number can be expressed as 2.99792458 x 108 𝑚𝑠 −1 .
• X-ray Machines
Q.7 What is least count? How least count for vernier caliper and
Q.2 Physics and biology are considered different branches of science. screw gauge are defined?
How physics links with biology?
Ans: Physics and biology are indeed distinct branches of science, but
they are interconnected in many ways. Physics provides the
underlying principles and tools that enable us to understand the Least count is the smallest measurement that can be made with an
behavior of biological systems at various scales, from the molecular instrument. It is determined by the scale and the smallest division
to the organismal level. Here are some examples of how physics links that can be read on the scale.
with biology:
• Biomechanics CALIPER:
• Medical Imaging
• Optics smallest division on the main scale
Least count =
• Molecular Biology number of divisions on the vernier scale


Q.3 Why are measurements important?
pitch of the screw gauge
Ans: Measurements are important for several reasons because they Least count =
number of divisions on the circular scale
provide quantitative and objective information about the physical
world, ensuring accuracy and safety in a variety of contexts, and Q.8 How we can find the volume of a small pebble with the help of
driving scientific progress and innovation. Here are some of the uses measuring cylinder?
of measurements:
Ans: We can find the volume of a small pebble with the help of
• Quantification measuring cylinder by taking following steps:
• Accuracy
• Fill the measuring cylinder with a known amount of
• Monitoring
water. Record the initial water level.
• Safety
• Gently drop the small pebble into the measuring
• Quality Control
Q4. Why area is derived quantity? • Observe the new water level in the measuring cylinder.
• The volume of the pebble is calculated by following
Ans: Formula of Area is: formula:

A = length * width 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 = 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 − 𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥

So, as it is derived from two base quantities (meter * meter), it is a Q.9 What is zero error and zero correction of screw gauge?
derived quantity.
Q.5 Name any four derived units and write them as their base units.
Ans: Here are four examples of derived units and their corresponding
base units: If the zero mark of the circular scale does not coincide with the zero
mark on the base line of the main scale, the instrument is said to
I. Newton (N) - the unit of force: have zero error.


II. Joule (J) - the unit of energy: Subtracting positive zero error or adding negative zero error is called
Zero Error Correction.
Base Units: 𝑘𝑔𝑚2 𝑠 −2
Q.10 Define any four branches of Physics.
III. Watt (W) - the unit of power:
Ans: Lets define some branches of Physics:
Base Units: 𝑘𝑔𝑚2 𝑠 −3

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MECHANICS: If a body is thrown vertically upward with some initial velocity, it
comes to rest after reaching its highest point. At this point its velocity
The branch of Physics which studies objects in motion. For example: is zero and is momentarily at rest, but it possesses some acceleration
Falling objects, moving car etc. due to gravity.

OPTICS: Q.4 Can an object have zero acceleration and non-zero velocity at
the same time? Give example.
The branch of Physics which studies light, lenses, and mirrors.
Ans: Yes, an object can have zero acceleration and non-zero velocity
at the same time if it moves with a constant velocity.
The branch of Physics which studies magnetic phenomena due to
charges. ⃗ =
So, if ⃗⃗⃗⃗
∆𝑣 is zero, i.e velocity is constant, acceleration will be zero.

The branch of Physics which studies waves. For example: Water

waves, sound waves etc.
A body moving along a straight line with constant speed has non-
Unit # 02
zero velocity but zero acceleration.

Q.1 Is it possible that displacement is zero but not the distance?

Q.5 A person standing on a roof of a building throws a rubber ball
Under what condition displacement will be equal to distance?
down with a velocity of 12.0 m/s. What is the acceleration
(magnitude and direction) of the ball?
Ans: Yes, it is possible that displacement may be zero but not the
distance. This happens when an object starts from a point, moves
Ans: When a person throws a ball from the top of building, the ball
away from it, and then comes back to the same point. Displacement
fall towards earth due to the force of gravity. According to Galileo's
in this case is zero, because it has returned to its starting point, but
law of free fall, in the absence of air resistance, all bodies fall with the
distance is nonzero, because it has covered some path.
same acceleration, independent of their mass. So, the rubber ball will
move with an acceleration of 9.8𝑚𝑠 2 towards earth.

Q.6 Describe a situation in which speed of an object is constant while

velocity is not.

Ans: As we know, difference between speed and velocity is only on

dependency of direction. So, if an object is moving with constant
speed but with changing direction, we will get variable velocity.


An object moving in a circle with constant speed has continuously

changing velocity.
Here displacement = 0m and distance = 20m
Q.7 Can an object have a northward velocity and a southward
The displacement will be equal to the distance only when the motion acceleration? Explain.
of the object is along a straight line.
Ans: Yes, it is possible for an object to have northward velocity and a
EXAMPLE: southward acceleration.

⃗⃗⃗⃗ − 𝑣𝑖
𝑣𝑓 ⃗⃗⃗

If the object moves with decreasing speed towards north, its velocity
Here distance = displacement = 5m will be northward, but acceleration will be opposite in direction to
velocity i.e. it will be southward.
Q2. Does a speedometer measure a car speed or velocity?
Q.8 As a freely falling object speeds up, what is happening to its
Ans: A speedometer measures the speed of a car, not its velocity. A acceleration. Does it increase, decrease, or stays the same?
speedometer only indicates the speed of a car by measuring the
rotation of the car's wheels. The speedometer does not consider the Ans: As a freely falling object speeds up, the acceleration remains
direction of the car's motion or any changes in direction which are constant at a value of approximately 9.8 m/s² in the absence of air
necessary to calculate the car's velocity. resistance.

Q.3 Is it possible for an object to be accelerating and at rest at same ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

⃗𝒂 =
time? Explain with examples. 𝒕

The speed of object increases such that ∆𝑣

⃗⃗⃗⃗ is constant, because
Ans: Yes, it is possible for an object to be accelerating and at rest at
throughout the motion of object, the only force acting is
the same time.
gravitational force, so changes occur at constant rate.
Q.9 A ball is thrown upward with an initial speed of 15 m/s. What will
be its speed when it returns to starting point?

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Ans: Assuming that air resistance is negligible, the speed of the ball Additional weight on the trunk increases the normal force acting on
when it returns to the starting point will be the same as its initial the tires, which in turn increases the frictional force between the tires
speed of 15 m/s, but in the opposite direction. It’s because the speed and the ground.
changes occur due to forces and in this case the force is only the
force of gravitation. Q.6 How does friction help you walk? Is it static friction or kinetic?

Unit # 03 Ans: Friction plays a crucial role in allowing us to walk, and it is the
static friction which helps a lot. When we take a step, our foot pushes
Q.1 Why does dust fly off when a hanging carpet is beaten with a against the ground, creating a force of static friction. This force acts
stick? in the opposite direction to our intended motion, preventing our foot
from slipping backwards as we push off. This static friction allows us
Ans: to maintain our balance and move forward.

USE OF INERTIA: Q.7 The parking brake on a car causes the rear wheels to lockup.
What would be the likely consequence of applying the parking brake
Dust fly off when a hanging carpet is beaten with a stick because of
in a car that is in rapid motion?
the inertia of dust particles. On beating hanging carpet with a stick, it
is set into motion but the dust particles tends to remain at their Ans: If the parking brake is applied in a car that is in rapid motion,
position, so they are separated from carpet. the likely consequence is that the car will skid and lose control. This is
because the parking brake applies force to rear wheels whereas front
Q.2 If your hands are wet and no towel is handy, you can remove
wheels due to inertia continue their motion so car skids.
some of the excess water by shaking them. Why does this work?
Q.8 Why is the surface of a conveyor belt made rough?
Yes, it works because on shaking hands gently, they are set into
sudden motion whereas water particles due to inertia tend to remain The surface of a conveyor belt is made rough to increase the
at their own position. So, water particles are separated and hands coefficient of friction between the belt and the material being
dry quickly. conveyed. The roughness helps the belt to grip and hold the
material, preventing it from slipping or sliding off the belt as it
Q3. Why a balloon filled with air move forward when its air is
Q.9 Why does a boatman tie his boat to a pillar before allowing the
passengers to step?
Ans: In order to jump from the boat and to step on the riverbank,
When a balloon filled with air is released, it moves forward due to the passenger applies force on the boat with his leg in the direction
principle of action and reaction, also known as Newton's third law of opposite to that of his motion. As a result, the boat moves backward.
motion. When the air is released from the balloon, it escapes out of That's why a boatman always tie his boat to a pillar, before allowing
the opening in one direction. This escaping air exerts a force on the the passengers to step on the riverbank.
balloon in the opposite direction due to Newton's third law.
Q.10 In uniform circular motion, is the velocity constant? is the
Q.4 Why does a hosepipe tend to move backward when the fire man acceleration constant? Explain.
directs a powerful stream of water towards fire?
Uniform circular motion means an object moving with constant
A hosepipe tends to move backward when a fire man directs a speed in a circle. So, as stated that direction of motion changes
powerful stream of water towards a fire due to the principle of action constantly, its velocity is also changes. Therefore, the velocity is not
and reaction, also known as Newton's third law of motion. The water constant.
coming out of the nozzle of the hosepipe moves in one direction,
On the other hand, the acceleration of an object in uniform circular
exerting a force on the hosepipe, causing it to move in the opposite
motion is constant because the speed of object is constant and
changes in direction are uniform which mean changes in velocity are
Q.5 Your car is stuck in wet mud. Some students on their way to class constant and hence acceleration is constant with direction towards
see your predicament and help by sitting on the trunk of your car to center of the circle.
increase its traction. Why does this help?
Q.11 You tie a brick to the end of the rope and whirl the brick around
Ans: you in a horizontal circle. Describe the path of the brick after you
suddenly let go of the rope.
Ans: If you whirl a brick around you in a horizontal circle and then
If your car is stuck in wet mud, adding weight to the trunk of the car suddenly let go of the rope, the brick will continue to move in a
can help increase its traction and improve its ability to move forward. straight-line tangent to the circle at the point where it was released.
This is known as the law of inertia, which states that an object in
𝑓 = µ 𝐹𝑛
motion will continue to move in a straight line with constant speed
𝑓 =µ𝑊 unless acted upon by an external force.

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Q.12 Why the posted speed for a turn is lower than the speed limit Ans: Roads are banked or curved to make it easier and safer for
on most highway? vehicles to negotiate turns at high speeds and to reduce the effect of
wear and tear of tyres. Banking a road provides an additional
Ans: The posted speed for a turn is lower than the speed limit on component of the gravitational force to act as a centripetal force and
most highways because the speed limit is set based on the maximum helps counteract the centrifugal force acting on the vehicle during
safe speed for straight and level sections of the road, not for curves the turn. This reduces the risk of skidding or sliding and increases the
or turns. When it comes to curves or turns, the safe speed is much safety of drivers and passengers on the road.
lower than the speed limit. This is because turning involves a lateral
force that can cause a vehicle to lose traction and skid if the speed is UNIT # 04
too high.
Q.1 Explain why door handles are not put near hinges?
Q.13 Why it is not easy to whirl a hammer by longer chain?
Ans: Door handles are not put near the hinges and are fixed at a
Ans maximum distance from the hinges to increase the moment arm.


It is not easy to whirl a hammer by a longer chain because the So, a small amount of force produces a large amount of torque if
moment of inertia is greater. moment arm is large. And the door can be opened easily.

𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒂 = (𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔)(𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏)𝟐 Q.2 Can a small force ever exert a greater torque than a larger force?
So, greater the chain, greater will be moment of inertia i.e. more
energy and force will be required to whirl it. Yes, a small force can exert a greater torque than a larger force if the
small force has large enough momentum arm.
Q.14 Write the difference between mass and weight.
Mass Vs Weight:
Consider see-saw with a kid sitting on one end and an adult sitting
• Mass is the amount of matter, while weight is the measure on the other end. If the child sits at maximum distance from the pivot
of force of gravity. point and the adult sits near to the pivot point, we may see the see
• Mass can never be zero, while weight will be zero if gravity saw tip toward kid’s side.
becomes zero.
• Mass is scalar while weight is vector quantity. Q.3 How can you determine center of gravity of an irregular shape?
• Unit of mass is kilogram while unit of weight is Newton.
• Mass does not depends upon location while weight

Q.15 Differentiate between static friction and kinetic friction with We can find the center of gravity or center of mass of an irregular
examples. shape by following steps:

Ans: • Hang up the object.

• Suspend a plumb line from the same place.
• Mark the position of the thread.
• Static friction exists when we apply force, and the body • The center of gravity is along the line of thread.
has not started movement. When the body starts • Repeat the above steps with object suspended from
motion friction is called kinetic friction. different places.
• Kinetic friction is less than static friction. • The center of gravity is the point where these lines cross.
• Pulling a box when it has not started movement is static
Q.4 Why it is better to use a long spanner than a short one to loosen
friction while friction when box starts movement is
rusty nut?
called kinetic friction.
Ans: It is better to use a long spanner to loosen a rusty nut because it
Q.16 Write two advantages and disadvantages of friction.
has greater momentum arm as compared to a short spanner.
So, greater the moment arm, greater will be the torque produced
• Due to friction, we can walk easily. and easier it will be to loosen a rusty nut.
• Due to friction, the brakes of vehicles work properly.
Q.5 Why do tight rope walkers carry a long narrow rod?
Ans: Tightrope walkers carry a long narrow rod, also called a balance
• Friction causes wear and tear. pole or a balance bar, to help them maintain their balance while
• Friction wastes energy. walking on the tightrope. The pole works as a counterbalance,
allowing the tightrope walker to shift their weight and adjust their
Q.17 Write significance of banking of roads. Why are roads banked? center of gravity as they move along the rope. By holding the pole
out to the side, the performer can increase their moment of inertia
and make it more difficult for their body to rotate and lose balance.

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Q.6 Explain rectangular components of a vector / force. Q.10 Why does wearing high heeled shoes sometimes cause lower
back pain?
Ans: Wearing high-heeled shoes shifts the body's weight and center
RECTANGULAR COMPONENTS OF A VECTOR/FORCE: of gravity forward, reducing stability. To compensate for this
imbalance, the body's muscles, including those in the lower back,
If a vector or force is decomposed into components which are
have to work harder to maintain balance and posture that can lead to
perpendicular to each other, we call it rectangular components.
discomfort and lower back pain.

Q.11 Why it is difficult to lean backwards?

Leaning backward is difficult because it shifts the body's weight and

center of gravity, reducing stability. To compensate for this
imbalance, the body's muscles, including those in the lower back,
have to work harder to maintain balance.

• 𝑅𝑥 = 𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 Q.12 Can a single force applied to a body change both its
• 𝑅𝑦 = 𝑅𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 translational and rotational motion?

Q.7 Can rectangular components of a vector be greater than the Yes, a single force applied to a body can change both its translational
vector itself? Explain. and rotational motion if the force is applied at point other than the
center of mass of the body.
Ans: No, the rectangular components of a vector cannot be greater
than the magnitude of the vector itself. Let Rx and Ry be the Example: When you kick a football, your foot applies a single force
rectangular components of vector R. that causes the ball to move in a straight line (translation) and also
gives it a spinning motion (rotation).

Q.13 Two forces produce the same torque. Does it follow that they
(forces) have the same magnitude?

Ans: We know that Torque is the cross product of “r” and “F” i.e.:

𝑇 =𝑟×𝐹

• 𝑅𝑥 = 𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 𝑇 = 𝑟𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛩
• 𝑅𝑦 = 𝑅𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
So, by adjusting values of “r” and “Θ”, we can have same torque for
We know that maximum value of cos and sin is 1. So, at maximum,
forces having different magnitudes.
the components may be equal to the vector but can never be greater
than it. Q.14 Describe the path of the brick if you suddenly let go of the rope.

Q.8 The gravitational force acting on a satellite is always directed Ans: If you suddenly let go of the rope while swinging a brick around
towards the center of earth. Does this force exert torque on satellite? in a circular motion, the brick will follow a path known as a tangent
or a straight-line path. In other words, it will continue in the direction
Ans: As the gravitational force acting on a satellite is always directed
it was moving at the moment you released the rope. This behavior is
towards the center of earth, so both “r” and “F” have same line of
the result of the brick’s inertia.
action (Θ =180°) and the result of cross product is zero for vectors
acting at same line of action. Therefore, gravitational force exerts no Unit # 05
torque on satellites.
Q.1 If there is an attractive force between all objects, why don’t we
𝑇 =𝑟×𝐹 feel ourselves gravitating towards nearby massive buildings?

 𝑇 = 𝑟𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛩 Ans: Obviously there is an attractive force of gravity between all

 𝑇 = 𝑟𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛180°
objects, yet we don’t feel ourselves gravitating towards nearby
 𝑇 = 𝑟𝐹(0)
massive buildings because the gravitational forces between everyday
 𝑇 = 0 𝑁. 𝑚
objects are extremely weak as compared to the gravitational force of
Q.9 Can we have a situation in which an object is not in equilibrium the Earth.
even though net force on it is zero? Give two examples.
Q.2 Does the sun exert a larger force on the earth than that exerted
Ans: Yes, it's possible for an object not to be in equilibrium even on the sun by the earth? Explain.
when the net force on it is zero. This occurs when the forces acting
on the object form a couple, causing it to rotate. Here are two Ans: No, the sun does not exert a larger force on the earth than that

examples: exerted on the sun by the earth because they are action and reaction
pair and so by Newton third law, they are equal in magnitude.
Steering a Car: Net force here is zero i.e., one hand pushes the
Q.3 What is the importance of gravitational constant “G” why is it
wheel in one direction, and the other hand pulls it in the opposite
direction, but net torque is not zero. difficult to calculate?

Pedal of a Bicycle: Net force here is zero i.e., one foot pushes the Ans: The gravitational constant, often denoted as "G," is a

wheel in one direction, and the other foot pulls it in the opposite fundamental constant in physics, and it plays a crucial role in our

direction, but net torque is not zero. understanding of gravity and the behavior of massive objects in the
universe. Its importance lies in several key aspects:

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• Universal Gravitation continuous free fall around Earth, allowing it to circle our planet
• Planetary Motion without crashing into it.
• Determination of Mass
Q.9 Why for same height, larger and smaller satellites must have
The calculation of “G” is difficult because gravity is exceptionally same orbital speeds?
weak, requiring delicate experiments and precise measurements.
Ans: Satellites at the same height, regardless of their size, must have
Q.4 If earth somehow expanded to a larger radius with no change in the same orbital speeds because their orbital speed is determined by
mass, how would your weight be effected? How would it be affected their height, gravitational constant and mass of earth.
if earth instead shrunk?
The orbital speed (v) of a satellite can be expressed as:
Ans: We know that weight of an object is equal to the gravitational
force between object and earth. So, GMe
Re + h
Q.10 Why the water does not fall out of a bucket when it is whirled in
Now if M (Mass of earth) remains same and r (center to center a vertical circle?
distance between object and earth) increases due to expenditure of
Ans: The water does not fall out of a bucket when it is whirled in a
earth to a larger radius, weight of object will decrease.
vertical circle because the centripetal force becomes greater than the
Similar observation applies to shrinking of earth and object will have gravitational force.
increased weight.
Unit # 06
Q.5 What would happen to your weight on earth if the mass of earth
Q.1 Can a centripetal force do work on an object?
is doubled but its radius stayed the same?
Ans: No, a centripetal force can not do work on an object because it
Ans: We know that weight of an object is equal to the gravitational
is always perpendicular to the direction of motion. Putting θ = 90° in
force between object and earth. So,
work formula:
W= W = F.S cosθ

Now if M (Mass of earth) is doubled and r (center to center distance  W = F.S cos(90°)
between object and earth) remains same, weight of object will also  W = F.S × 0
double.  W=0N

Q.6 Why lighter and heavier objects fall at the same rate toward the Q.2 What happen to the kinetic energy of a bullet when it penetrates
earth? into a sand bag?

Ans: Ans: When the bullet penetrates into a sandbag, its kinetic energy
decreases and eventually becomes zero. This decrease in kinetic
GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION: energy is due to the work done against the resistance. During this
process, some of the kinetic energy of the bullet is also converted
If you neglect air resistance, objects falling near Earth's surface fall
into deformation energy and heat.
with the same approximate acceleration (g = 9.8 m/s2 ) due to
Earth's gravity. Q.3 A meteor enters earth’s atmosphere and burns. What happens to
𝐺𝑀𝑒 its kinetic energy?
(𝑅𝑒 + h)2
Value of this acceleration does not depend upon mass of the falling
object. So, the acceleration is the same for lighter and heavier
objects, and consequently they fall at same rate. Meteors travel at great speed having large amount of kinetic energy.
As they enter the Earth's atmosphere, they transfer kinetic energy
Q.7 The value of g (gravitational acceleration) changes with location
into some other forms of energy such as heat energy due to friction.
on earth however we take same value of “g” as 9.8 m/s2 for ordinary
As they heat up, some of the energy is also converted into light
calculations. Why?
energy, forming the appearance of a shooting star.
Ans: Although the value of “g” depends upon location because:
Q.4 Two bullets are fired at the same time with the same kinetic
𝐺𝑀𝑒 energy. If one bullet has half the mass of the other, which has the
(𝑅𝑒 + h)2 greater speed and by what factor? Which can do the most work?

But we take same value of “g” as 9.8 m/s2 for ordinary calculations Ans: From given data:
because the change in “g” is very small for even large changes in “h”.
• ma = mb …....(i)
Q.8 Moon is attracted by the earth. Why does it not fall on earth? • K.Ea = K.Eb ……(ii)

Ans: The Moon is attracted by Earth due to gravity but doesn't fall Equation (ii) can be written as:
onto it because of its initial forward motion/velocity. This forward
motion creates a balance between Earth's gravitational pull and the •
1 1
mava2 = mbvb2 ..…..(iii)
2 2
Moon's movement, resulting in a stable orbit. The Moon is in
Putting equation (i) in equation (iii) and simplifying, we get:

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1 1 1
( mb)va2 = mbvb2 Q.8 If the velocity of a particle quadruples, by what factor does its
2 2 2
kinetic energy changes?
1 2 2
 va = vb
Ans: We know that:
 va2 = 2vb2
 va = √2 vb 1
K. E = mv 2
So, velocity of bullet A (va) is √2 times velocity of bullet B (vb) i.e the
speed of bullet A is greater. Putting the given scenario:

Work done by both bullets will be equal because their kinetic 𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 =
energies are equal. 2

Q.5 Can an object have different amounts of gravitational potential 𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 16 ( 𝑚v 2 )
energy at same elevation?
𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = 16 K. E𝑜𝑙𝑑
So, quadrupling velocity increased K.E by 16 times.
Q.9 The motor of a crane uses power P to lift a steal beam. By what
Yes, it is possible, because the amount of gravitational potential factor must the motor’s power increases to lift the beam thrice as
energy an object has depends on its height and mass along with high in half time?
gravitational acceleration at that point.
Ans: We know that:
𝐺. 𝑃. 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ
• P= …(i)
So, for same height/elevation, objects having different masses will
have different gravitational potential energy. And

Q.6 Why do roads leading to the top of mountain wind back and • W = mgh …(ii)
From equation (i) and equation (ii), we can use following formula for
Ans: The mountain roads are generally constructed in a winding our analysis:
fashion to increase friction and thereby reduce skidding of vehicles.
• P=
𝑓 = μN
Putting given conditions:
=> 𝑓 = (μ)(mg)cosθ
 Pnew = t⁄
• Going straight up means θ is larger, so friction will be less.  Pnew = mg(3h) ×
• Going winding fashion means θ is smaller, so friction will be mgh
 Pnew = 6 ×
greater. t
 Pnew = 6 × (Pold)
Q.7 Which would have a greater effect on kinetic energy of an object,
So, the motor power must increase by 6 times to achieve the given
halving the mass or halving the velocity?
Ans: We know that:
Q.10 Define Work and its unit Joule.
K. E = mv 2 Ans:

Case I (Halving the mass): WORK:

1 m Work is said to be done if force acts on a body and the body covers
𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = ( ) v 2
2 2 some distance in the direction of force.
1 1
𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = ( 𝑚v 2 ) JOULE:
2 2

1 Work will be one Joule if one Newton force displaces an object by

𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = K. E𝑜𝑙𝑑
2 one Meter.

Case II (Halving the velocity): Q.11 Define Kinetic energy and Potential energy?

1 v Ans:
𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = m( )2
2 2

𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = ( 𝑚v 2 )
4 2
The energy possessed by a body due to its motion.
𝐾. 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑤 = K. E𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑣 2
4 𝐾. 𝐸 =
Result: Halving mass reduced K.E to half while halving velocity
reduced K.E to one fourth. So, velocity has a greater effect on K.E of POTENTIAL ENERGY:
an object.
The energy possessed by a body due to its position.

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𝐺. 𝑃. 𝐸 = 𝑚. 𝑔. ℎ Storage tank of a building is kept at the top to increase its
gravitational potential energy.
Q.12 Define power and watt.
𝐺. 𝑃. 𝐸 = 𝑚. 𝑔. ℎ
So, higher the tank, more gravitational potential energy water will
Power: have. As a result, water will reach easily to every point in the building.

Rate of doing work is called Power. Its unit is Watt. Q.5 Why does an iron nail sinks in water but an iron ship float on
𝑾 water?
Power will be one watt if one joule of work is done in one second.
The weight of the water displaced by the ship is equal to its weight,
Unit # 07 so it floats. Whereas the weight of the water displaced by the iron
nail is less than its weight so the iron nail sinks.
Q1. If you climbed a mountain carrying a mercury barometer, would
the level of mercury column in the glass tube of barometer increase Q.6 Explain how and why camels have adapted to allow them to walk
or decrease as you climb the mountain? Explain. easily in desert condition?

Ans: Ans: Camels can walk easily in desert because of their wide feet. Their
wide feet allow the weight of their body to act on a larger surface of
Effect of Altitude on Mercury Barometer Reading: land reducing the pressure exerted on the land by the camel.

The level of the mercury column in the glass tube will decrease in the 𝑃=
given scenario. This happens because atmospheric pressure
decreases with increasing altitude. As you go higher, there is less air => 𝑃=
(W=F in this case)
above you, leading to reduced pressure on the mercury, causing it to
drop in the barometer. So, greater the area, less well be the pressure exerted.

Q2. Walnut can be broken in the hand by squeezing two together Q.7 You would have probably experienced your ears ‘popping’ while
but not one. Why? driving in the mountains. Why ears ‘pop’?

Ans: Ans:


We know that: Ears pop in the mountains due to changes in altitude. As you ascend
or descend, the air pressure around you changes. Your inner ear must
𝑃= adjust to this pressure change, and if it doesn't, it can cause
discomfort and the sensation of "popping."
So, when you squeeze two walnuts head-to-head, they touch each
other at a tiny point where their shells meet. The force from your Q.8 If you filled an airtight balloon at the top of mountain, would the
hand is concentrated at this small point, creating high pressure, and balloon expand or contract as you descend the mountain? Explain.
making it easier to break the shells.
Ans: When you fill an airtight balloon at the top of a mountain and
However, when you try to squeeze a single walnut, the force is then descend to lower altitudes, the balloon will contract. This
spread over a larger area, so the pressure on the walnut's surface is happens because the atmospheric pressure increases as you go
lower. This lower pressure makes it harder to break the shell. down the mountain, and the external pressure becomes greater than
the pressure inside the balloon, causing it to shrink or contract to
Q.3 Why is the cutting edge of a knife made very thin? match the higher external pressure.

Ans: Q.9 A rowboat is floating in a swimming pool when the anchor is

dropped over the side. When the anchor is dropped, will the water
level in the swimming pool increase, decrease or remain the same?
The cutting edge of a knife is made very thin to increase the
Ans: Dropping the anchor from a rowboat reduces the rowboat's
𝐹 overall weight, leading to less water displacement and hence water
𝐴 level in swimming pool decreases. The anchor, being denser,
displaces less water when dropped into water compared to when it
So, force from our hand is applied to a very small area of the object
was in the boat.
producing a large pressure and this large pressure helps cut the
object easily. Q.10 Which material is more elastic, steel or rubber?

Q.4 Why water tanks are constructed at the highest level? Ans:



KARAMAT BILAL SST (G) 03365737212 8

Steel is more elastic, because a body is said to be more elastic Furthermore, tightly sealed jars can experience pressure build-up as
depending on how fast it gains its original shape after removal of their contents heat and expand, potentially resulting in an explosive
deforming force. When a force is applied to steel it is deformed but it release of glass and contents.
immediately regains its original shape within a fraction of seconds,
which is not in the case of rubber. Q.4 Explain why it is advisable to add water to an overheated
automobile engine only slowly, and only with the engine running?
Q.11 State kinetic molecular model of matter.
Running the engine while slowly adding water to an overheated
KINETIC MOLECULAR MODEL: automobile engine serves a dual purpose. It prevents immediate
steam and boiling, reducing the risk of burns, and it enhances
The Kinetic Molecular Model is based on three theories about matter: cooling efficiency by facilitating effective water circulation, ensuring
more efficient heat dissipation and air bubble removal from the
• Matter is composed of small particles (atoms, molecules,
cooling system.
and ions).
• The volume depends on the space between the molecules. Q.5 Explain why burns caused by steam at 100 °C are severe than
• The molecules are in constant motion. burns caused by water at 100 °C?

Q.12 Write properties of solid. Ans:


Properties of solid: Steam will produce more severe burns than boiling water because
steam has more heat energy than water due to its latent heat of
• Solid has a fixed shape and a fixed volume.
vaporization i.e. at 100 °C, it contains extra 540 calorie/gm energy as
• Solid cannot be compressed.
compared to water at 100 °C. So it's more dangerous to burn with
• Solids have high densities.
steam than water
• The forces of attraction between the particles in a solid is
very strong. Q.6 Explain why cities like Karachi situated at the ocean tends to have
• The space between the particles of solids is negligible. less extreme temperatures than inland cities at same altitude?

Unit # 08 Ans:

Q.1 Ordinary electric fan increases the kinetic energy of the air HIGH SPECIFIC HEAT OF WATER:
molecules caused by the fan blades pushing them means the air
temperature increases slightly rather than the cool air. Why use it? Water heats and cools more slowly than landmasses due to high
specific heat of water. Therefore, the coastal regions like Karachi will
Ans: An ordinary electric fan increases the kinetic energy of the air stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter, thus creating a more
molecules by pushing them, but it does not actually increase the air moderate climate with a narrower temperature range.
temperature that much. In fact, it often feels cooler when you use a
fan. Here's why: Q.7 An iron rim which is fixed around a wooden wheel is heated
before its fixture. Explain why?
• Cooling Effect: Fans create a breeze that can make you feel
cooler by evaporating sweat from your skin. Ans: Heating the iron rim before fixing it around a wooden wheel is
• Improved Air Circulation: Fans help distribute air more to temporarily expand the iron. This makes it easier to fit the iron rim
evenly in a room, preventing hot spots and stagnant air. onto the wooden wheel. When the heated iron rim expands, it
becomes slightly larger than the wooden wheel, ensuring a secure fit.
Q.2 Why gaps are left between the roof girders mounted in walls and As it cools and contracts, it tightly grips the wooden wheel, creating a
steel bridges? durable connection.

Ans: Q.8 Why is ice at 0 °C a better coolant than water at 0 °C?

Thermal Expansion and Contraction: Ans:

Materials, including steel, expand and contract with changes in LATENT HEAT OF FUSION:
temperature. Leaving gaps allows the structural elements to expand
in summer without exerting excessive force on each other. This Ice on melting absorbs Latent heat of fusion which water at 0oC does
prevents structural damages that could occur if the materials were not. Ice has a large value of latent heat. So, ice absorbs a large
constrained. amount of heat on melting from the surroundings & hence is a
better cooling agent.
Q.3 Why you should not put a closed glass jar into a campfire? What
could happen if you tossed an empty glass jar, with the lid on tight Q.9 Why do we feel cool after perspiration? Or Why do we feel cold
into a fire? when our body sweats?

Ans: Putting a closed glass jar into a campfire is unsafe because the Ans:
intense heat can cause thermal stress, leading to the glass shattering
suddenly. This poses a risk of sharp glass fragments being ejected, EVAPORATION CAUSES COOLING:
creating a hazard for anyone nearby.
It takes energy to evaporate sweat from your skin, and that energy is
heat. As your excess body heat is used to convert beads of sweat into
vapor, you start to cool down.

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Q.10 Define and briefly explain latent heat of fusion of solid. Q.6 In certain places birds can fly for hours without flapping their
wings. Explain.
Latent heat of fusion is the heat required to change 1 kg of solid
substance into the liquid state at the melting point of the substance. Many large birds such as eagles and storks have long, broad wings,
with a big surface area. This helps them catch rising currents of warm
EXAMPLE: air, called thermals, which lift the bird up without any need for
flapping. Once up high, they can position their wings so that they can
The amount of heat required to change ice at 0 °C into water at 0 °C,
will be known as the latent heat of fusion of ice.
Q.7 How are heat losses are reduced in a thermos flask?
Unit # 09
Ans: A thermos flask achieves reduction in heat loss through a
Q.1 Why white clothes are preferred wearing in summer? Explain.
double-walled construction, incorporating insulating materials or a
Ans: vacuum between the walls. This design significantly reduces the
transfer of heat through conduction and convection. In addition, the
White Color Effective Sunlight Reflector: inner surface of the flask is coated with a reflective material which
helps minimize heat loss through radiation.
White clothes are the preferred choice in summer due to their high
reflectivity, which bounces back sunlight and reduces heat Q.8 A piece of wood lying in the sun absorbs more heat than a piece
absorption. This reflective property keeps the body cooler in hot of shiny metal. Yet, the metal feels hotter than the wood when you
weather. pick it up. Explain.

Q.2 Why is the freezer compartment in a refrigerator placed at the Ans:

Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity:
Ans: Freezer is the source for the refrigerator's coldness. When the
freezer is placed on top, the cold air produced from it is denser than Metal feels hotter than wood because metal is a better conductor of
the warmer air at the bottom. So cold air being dense sinks down heat than wood. This means that it quickly transfers heat to your skin
and the warm air is forced to rise. The warm air being now in freezer upon contact, creating a strong sensation of heat. Although wood
compartment cools down and the process repeats continuously. And absorbs more heat due higher heat capacity, its lower thermal
consequently, whole refrigerator cools down. conductivity result in a less intense feeling of heat when touched.

Q.3 A black car standing in the sun warms up more than any other. Q.9 Some pot handles remain cool during cooking while others
Why? become unpleasantly hot. What determines which handles will
remain cool and which become hot?
Black Color Poor Sunlight Reflector:
Thermal Conductivity:
A black car heats up more than other cars in the sun because black
surfaces efficiently absorb sunlight and convert it into heat, while Pot handle temperature during cooking depends on the handle
their low reflectivity prevents energy from being reflected. This leads material's thermal conductivity. Materials like wood or heat-resistant
to a substantial increase in the car's temperature compared to cars plastics with low thermal conductivity stay cool. In contrast, metal
with lighter colors. handles, with high thermal conductivity, can become hot quickly.

Q.4 Why does a tile floor feels colder to bare feet than a carpeted Q.10 When the sun light warms the land beside a cool body of water,
floor? a breeze begin to blow from the water toward the land. Explain.

Ans: Ans:


Tile is a better conductor of heat, which means that it feels cooler When the sun warms a land beside a cool body of water, the warm
than carpet or wood does. When you touch the floor, and it feels air over the land rises, creating a region of low pressure. In contrast,
cold on your foot, that is not because the tile is cooler – it is the fact the cool air over the water remains denser, leading to higher
that heat is being pulled from our feet much faster because the tile is pressure. Air naturally moves from high-pressure areas to low-
an excellent heat conductor. pressure areas, resulting in a breeze that flows from the water toward
the land, offering a cooling effect to the coastal areas.
Q.5 Why woolen clothes keep us warm in winter?
Q.11 Why the efficiency of an engine cannot be 100 %?
Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Wool is a bad conductor of heat. It traps air between its fibers. This
trapped air does not allow heat to pass from our body into the It is impossible for engines to achieve 100% efficiency because
surrounding thereby keeping us warm. Hence, we should wear according to the second law of thermodynamics some waste heat is
woolen clothes in winter. always produced in an engine.

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Q.12 Good quality thermos bottle is double walled and evacuated
between these walls, and the internal surfaces are like mirrors with a
silver coating. How does this configuration combats heat loss from all
these three methods, and keep the bottle contents hot?

Ans: A good quality thermos bottle with a double-walled and

evacuated design, along with mirrored internal surfaces and a silver
coating, combats heat loss through three main methods: conduction,
convection, and radiation.

Conduction: The double-walled design minimizes heat transfer

through conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat through
direct contact between materials. In this case, the spacing prevents

Convection: Convection involves the transfer of heat through the

movement of a fluid, such as air or liquid. The vacuum between the
double walls eliminates the presence of air, which would otherwise
carry heat away through convection.

Radiation: Radiation is the emission of heat in the form of

electromagnetic waves. The mirrored internal surfaces and silver
coating of the thermos bottle reflect and absorb a significant portion
of the radiant heat, preventing it from escaping. This effectively
reduces radiation heat loss.

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