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**Class Notes: World War II Overview**

- Occurred from 1939 to 1945.
- Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) vs. Allies (mainly U.S., U.K., Soviet Union).

- Treaty of Versailles, economic depression, aggressive expansion by Axis Powers.

**Key Events:**
- 1939: Germany invades Poland, sparking the war.
- 1941: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, U.S. enters the war.
- 1944: D-Day, Allied forces invade Normandy.
- 1945: Allies defeat Axis Powers, atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

- Holocaust, significant loss of life.
- Formation of United Nations.
- Cold War tensions between U.S. and Soviet Union.

- World War II reshaped global politics and led to the establishment of new
international institutions aimed at preventing future conflicts.

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