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Single Point Lesson

Silverton Vehicle Operations - Framing

Author: Duncan Britton Approved: Anrich Basson TASEZ-P703
ROBOT – Wire trim programming changes

ROBOT – Wire trim programming changes............................................................................................ 0

Document purpose ................................................................................................................................. 0
Correct setup of Wire Trimmer on Reaming unit.................................................................................... 1
Robot Program selection for modification .............................................................................................. 2
Pre-trim program position ...................................................................................................................... 3
At Trim Position ....................................................................................................................................... 3

Document purpose
The purpose of this document is to learn how to correctly modify the Wire Trim robot program to
improve stability of arc start faults after reaming.

0 Rev. 1 2023/10/12
Correct setup of Wire Trimmer on Reaming unit

• Ensure that the Wire Trim cut-off chute is hanging on the designated screws inside the
hanging slots. The top of the cut-off chute should be approximately level with the cutter
mounting block.

• The thumb screw on the side should be securely tightened to maintain a consistent position
of the cut-off chute.

1 Rev. 1 2023/10/12
• The cut-off chute should hang vertically such that opening at the bottom end is aimed into
the catchment/drip tray so that the trimmed wire pieces may fall into the tray and maintain a
clean work area.

Robot Program selection for modification

• On the robot pendant select from the directory menu the program name “torch_trim”

2 Rev. 1 2023/10/12
Pre-trim program position

• Ensure the welding torch is perpendicular to the cutter. The robot has a built-in function to
assist with setting perpendicularity. This function can be accessed by setting the motion
reference to “base” mode. Then while holding the blue “A” button, press the JT7 “+” button.
The robot will then adjust the TCP until the TCP is perpendicular to the robot base.
• Ensure that motion towards the pre-position does not have the welding wire interfering with
or touching anything.

At Trim Position

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• Position the robot so that the welding wire is at the center of the cutter, approximately 2mm
from the back end. (The welding wire should not be touching the cutter)
• The height of the welding tip should be approximately level with the top of the cutter
mounting plate.

• After trimming the welding wire should have a neat square edge, should not be bent and
should measure approximately 10mm in length.

4 Rev. 1 2023/10/12

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