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On 86z y Oxuculara teqdim olunan bu kitab Ingilis dill fenn kurikulumuna uygun olarag, buraxilig imtahaniarina hazirlagan gagirdlor (11-ci sinifior) vo ingilis dilini musteqi 6yrenenier Ugun Diniame, Oxu ve Qramatika testlerini ehate ederok hazirlanmigdir. Kitabda aktual oxu ve dinleme mévzularini dzunde ehate eden materiallar yer almaqdadir, Umid edirik ki, bu materiallar kitabin istifadecilerine xarici dill dyretmakle yanagi, onlarin diinyagorUiguntin inkigafina, yeni biliklerin dyrenilmasine ve melumat bazasini formalagmasina dastok gésterecekdir. Vesait yeni imatahan modeline uygun tartib olunarag, kurikulum asasinda hazirlanmis ingilis dili dersliklerinde olan getinliklorin vo deyisiklerin 6yranilmesinde size kimek edecakdir PREFACE - The book introduced for readers is designed for students who are preparing for the final exams (Grade 11) and for the independent learners of English, according to the English Subject Curriculum and includes listening and reading tests. The book contains materials covering authentic reading and listening themes. We hope that these materials will not only help the users of the book learn the foreign language, but also help them develop their world outlook, learn new knowledge and build a database. Designed to adequate for the new exam model, you will be able to explore the challenges and changes that are faced in the curriculum-based English textbooks. NPEAUCHOBME Ans unratened npeactasnennaa sta KHura NoAXOAAWAA NO Teme KypukynymMa AxmiucKoro sabika, npuroTosneHbi TecTb! Mpocnywimaanus n UTeHus ANA y4eHHKOB FOTOBHIOW\HECA K BbINYCKHOMY SkaaMeHy (11 KNacchI), a Tak 2e ANA CaMOCTOATeNLHOFO yueHIMA aHrnuckoro abika. B KHiIre 3aHaNO MeCTO akTYanbHBIe TEMbI NO npocneusanuio w uTenvic, Hapeamcs “To, nonbsoBatenaM KHVIrH oTA MaTepnansi Hapapy ¢ O6y¥eHieM UHOCTpaHHoro s3bIKa, NOMOXxeT PasaNTHIO MUpOBOSspeHuE, YHEHINIO HOBLIx aHaHMii v chopMMpOBAHMio 6aabl RaKHBIX, locoSue npuroToBneHa MO HOBO MOReNU sK3aMeHa, NOMOxeT BAM YYEHUIO NPMFOTOBNEHHEIX TPYAHbIX U vaMeHHex y4eGHVKOB aHrnlckoro AabIKa Ha OcHOBe kypikynyMa 4, Which statement is not true according to the passage? A) Soldiers were kept in the Great wall B) The Great wall can be seen from satellites ©) The top of the Great wall was used as a road D) Invaders from Mongolia lost to China E) The Great Wall was made to protect China 2. Complete the sentence according to the passage. in the ... invaders from Mongolia crossed the wall. A) 10th century B) 4th century _C) 13th century D) 14th century E) 3th century 3. What is the passage mainly about? A) The China B) Chinese soldiers C) The Great Wall D) The Mongolia E) History of stone 4. Write the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What was the height of The Great Wall 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. The length of Great wall is __ 6. Write one adjective from the passage that describes the word "border". a ean fence with the noun in the 2, Choose the correct variant. 10. Choose the correct variant, omusiea’ istrument that played yesterday is | Life... immensely since Tim Berners-Lee my... favorite one. | can also play... piano the World Wide Web in 1989. A)—, the, the B)a, the, the ‘A) is changing/was inventing he D)the, —-, the 8) has changed/invented ©) has been changing/has invented O) changed/nas been inventing $. Choose the line of noun-forming suffixes. | €) was changing/invents A) -able, -ment, -ous, -hood B) -teen,- ness, -ful, -al ©)-ing, -ly, -ful, -ty D)-ish, -en, -sion, -tion E) -ness, -ment, -ship, -tion Oa, E) the, the, 11. Choose the correct variant. Modern means .. A)container 8B) contemporary _C) old D)ancient —E) competition 4. Choose the correct variant. 12. Find out the correct sentence in the Passive For me my father is.... man in the world, Voice. A) the best strong —_B) most strong A) The dog is being chased by the ball C)the strongest) strong_E) more strong |B) The ball is being chased by the dog G) The ball is chasing by the dog. 7 D) The ball is been chased by the dog, 5. Choose the correct pronouns. E) The dog is chasing the ball Jane washed the dishes... .... helped. A) herself, I, her B) herself, |, him 13. Choose the correct variants. C) herself, he, anybody Did you find the toys... ? D) by herself, nobody, her 1) which you looking for E) himself, she, nobody 2) that you were looking for 3) what you were looking for 6. Find out the correct variant. 4) you were locking for 1) afew day's leave 2) several months’ work —_| 5) you were looking like 3)aweek’s leave 4) six hours’ trip A12 824 61,5 034 F114 5) some moment's silence A124 “H)1s,.5 | (024.4 14, Choose the correct variant. D)2,4,5 6) 1,3,4 Jack asked his dad... A) to let him to buy the dog B) let him buy the dog 7. Complete the sentence. C) to let him buy the dog - Jack needs... money. Can you lend... to him? 1) let him buying the dog - Yes, I can. E) to let him bought the dog A)any, them By it, it ©) every, they D) some, it E) any, they 15. Choose the correct conjunction, He was talking loudly... he was very angry. 8. Choose the correct modal verb. A)though B) whereas C) because I'm ina hurry. I've got lots of work to do. |.. walt. } 0) but E)although A) haven't to 8)could CG) can't 16. Choose the correct antonym to the word. D) should £) can interesting” A) intellectual B)smart —_C) ignorant D) boring E) foolish 1 UM nays M's ysixe 1M 2 dour 109'9 Oy "S uy OM (G 10S (0 OM (8 DOM IY 29 "P Ou (2 su10 (d foul (9 doed (8 DOU AUN E ney | Fou (A | hous (9 > Aout (2 n KOUL Oo wooay “Z S[eWIUE JOUNXE |iy (3 sjueydeje ueoyy (G SJEWLWEW JOUNX® IY ( Jo\seoue s,jueydej|a Aep-usepo| (g @HUYO a}! (Vy éjnoge Ajulew eBessed oyy s! 724M “Lb “wey JO SOW Pi pue syjouew payuny ajdoad si suo puodes ey aBueYO ayew!|o S| SUO jsil4 ‘suoluido sejndod om} ee e19y} Ing "JOUNXe JUEM SYJOWWLUBL Ajjoon Aum Ajyoexe mouy },UOp s}suelos “oBe sueed QQ0'p Paseeddesip Ajjenjuene YOWLUE|\) AJOOM BULL *suo} g UBY) aow yBiem pinoo Aay} pue sazjew g 0} dn mosH pinos sysny s,yjoWeY) AION 4.8 ‘SNUlU! 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Aepijoy seus (g syed juasayig (y enoge Ajujew ebessed ou} S| ey MA “Lb ‘yon| poob jo joqWAS B pasapisuCd os|e jng ‘diyspueLy pue aro] jo UO equi B Aju JOU S| eojelIsIW ‘YBNOIUy Bulssed euoAUe 0} 49N| poob peaids 0} Aemsoop 4S B JAA SPWW}SUYD BuLNp yuRId au} BueY 0} aAgj |I11s ajdoad s}oRj sey} {fe aydseq "8 “984) 84} JO YIEEP By) UI S}INsaJ SIL} SEUUNEWOS “een ewes 8UQ UO SAy] PUB MOB |IIM SjURId BOjAI|SILU [eJAAaS ‘UEC “eO}e/}SILU MOU JO) S}UBUINU dn yans $]004 BU, “MIE S,88,] BY] OJU! S}OOI puas spees 44} SWI) YIM “S8az} Jo Se4OUEIG Oo! BU} 0} HONS BOJATISIW B JO Spaas ay! “SURI JBYIO WO, POO} SIEAIS }! ‘POO} UMO Si! AL Suyew jo peaysu| “|nWUEY SI eoje]|SIW YEU} S| MOUX 1,UOp ejdoad AueW JeYM Ing “aAHsay Aud S| uid siuy ‘seueg pei pue seneej uees6 Yep SH UM. “Ayyeya pue ‘souewos squaseidas Ti ‘AIPOUOISIY “Bolaysiw Bueu ajdoed Auew ‘aun Aepyoy yy ‘Pus you Sse0p JEU) ezOquAS Senea] USSJBJaNe S$} “BO}AIISILW S! SBLUISHYD JO sjoquiAs ayy jo BUD ESPWISUYD UO Aemioop B Jeno eojeyjsi Buey ejdoed op AYA re6essed au} 0} Bulpsooze esnjonsjs gaueques pue (s) piom yuosayip (e) Buysn Aq uonsenb ey} 0} JeMsUe Ue OI “8 Ng 40 Wood - gsneoag (njuey Si eojeysity :eBessed ey? OF Bulpioooe einjonays pue (s) paom jusseyip (2) Buisn Aq eouaquas ay} eje/dw0D “9 (e0ja/}s}w) 0} $1944 , I, UNOUOJd pauljsepuN ouy eBessed 94} 0} Bulps0o0y “Ss -gen) SeU|SUYO eu) JepunN yi Suey Aout (3 *g\qe] & sano | Buey Ady (Gd yoop eu) pulyeg 7! Buey Jeu (O “mopuIM & JaA0 yt Buey Asy| (g ‘Kemoop e 18a0 1) Buey AauL (Y ESBUNISHYD UO BO},o]]SIW Suey ejdoed op eseym ‘eBessed ay} 0} Sulpsoooy “Py “Ayyewa sezyoquics y ‘diyspuely sezjoquids 1] (G “yyeap sezijoquifs 3| (0 “@no} sezjoquuds 1! (@ yon] poob sezijoquiAs yf (Vv gezijoquiks eojajysiwi seop 1eUM 1puoooe YOMSUE aS|E OU} PUL “E -ebessed ou} 0} 422, MON Jo [OquiAs B Si eoTeNSIN (3 s8Ae6| pes pue sej1ieq Used6 yp SPY eOre|ISIN (C “wopeasj jo joquiAs e s} e0}aRSIW (O "S802 10) peg S| EO}2NSIN (B 901) ates oy} UO enl| puE moJ6 BO jUBId EO}eNSILU BuO AIUG (Vv -eBessed ey} 0) Buypsoode ‘ons S| JUELUOIEIS YOIUM 4. The passage is mainly about ... A) A popular type of dance B) Buenos Aires and its people C) The fame of football in Argentina D) A captivating South American country £) Spending time with farnily 2. Which statement is false according to the passage? A) Tango is originated in Argentina B) Tango is popular globally C) The Argentinians are friendly and welcoming D) Argentina has a poor history £) It is a fascinating country to learn about 3. Complete the sentence according to the passage. Football ... A) is a small part of the country culture B) is also called “asado” in Argentina C) has a big part in Argentina culture D) is loved by a few people there E) is not improved in country 4. Write the correct answer to the question according to the passage. What makes Argentina a special destination for travelers? 5. Complete the sentence according to the passage. The country is home to many ... 4. Choose the correct uncountable nouns. A) snow, phonetics, truck, wind ” B) impression, hair, jam, house | G)housework, snowman, cloud, country D) flour, milk, soup, grass &) voice, traffic, peace, bag | 2. Choose the correct variant. My friends arrived... Moscow... April, 20th 1 A)on, in B)in, in )at, on ) D)in, on E)at, in _ 3. Choose the correct tense form, | Itis eight o'clock now. You... late for work. Your alarm clock... you up. A) are, wakes C)are, are waking E) are, is waking B) do, wakes D) being, is waking 4. Choose the correct article. .~ living room is... biggest room in... apartment. A) the, the, the B)-, the, the C)an, -, the D) the, the, - £)-, the, the 5. Choose the correct variant. | The man over there is... brother, but those men near us are... friend's cousins, A) him, my 8) his, my G) her, him D) our, ours ~ Ejhis, its 6. Choose the correct variant. You have an exam tomorrow, Ajisn'tit B) don't you _ C) does it D) haven't you E) won't we | 7, Choose the correct variant. 4) Three week's hard work 2) Some day's leave 3) A month's little baby | 4) Only a few year's driving 5) Several hours’ swimming A)1,3 B)1,5 ©)25 03.4 3,5 8. Choose the correct variant. Ann didn't... the movie... this quickly. _A\think, finishing B) expect, to finish ©) want, finish D) see, to finish ~ E) hear, to finish 9. Choose the correct variant. Fortunately, we... all of our photos before the . computer. i A) have, saved / breaks down B) saved / had broken down C) hadn't saved / broke down D) had saved / broke down E) had saved / breaks down | 10. Choose the correct variant. Matilde lost her ring... the Beach.... California. A) in, at 8) at, in C)at, on D) of, on E) in, on 41. Choose the correct variant. Yesterday |... the piano for 3 hours. A) am playing B) played ©) had played D) has played E) play 42, Choose the correct variant. Tomorrow is a weekend, so children. to go to school. Ay have B) haven't ©) don't have D) needed E)had 13. Choose the correct variant. books is interesting. A) Each one of the 8) Very few ©) Every D) All of &) None 14. Choose the best answer. Sam doesn't know... the black car is. A) whom B) whose ) who D) that E) which 15. Find the correct word for the definition. Look for; explore A) search ©) affect E) encourage 8) move D) find 416, Choose the antonym of the underlined word. The rich people invest in themselves a lot. A) the poor B) the young C)the wounded —D) the rich E) the old VG Sayojelw jeuoibay (3 8919J8/ seq ay! (G eweb |jeqiooy y (9 BUBojOg Jo Ayisseniup euL (a yoeg-aljuae ys9q AY (vy éinoge Ajuiew aBessed ayy si yey “+ “9a} WOO seelejal W4l4 8u} JO UBWUTEUD PUR ae}TILUWIOD sealaj9y ¥43N eu} Jo Jequiew e ‘OL0Z eouls QUIEJNA JO UOIEJAPS+ |J2q}OOY 8U} JO} Sealajey Jo peay oy} ‘(yiy) UOEIDOSsy Sealajoy [feqjoo4 UeI}2} a4} 0} JUeYNSUOD PleduN Ue S| eB} *//2q}00} UI PeAJOALI |IN1S SI BUIOD “sayoyeul j2uo|BeJ Jo jeg] jsausiy ayy ye Buyedioied sem ay sueak daly) Jay'¥ “GO! SIU} Ul JUB|e} B PerAODSIp Pue asiNOd S,9e19}9) & 400} OY LL6L Ul ‘We9} }e90] & 10) yORq-e.}Ua0 B se peed oy soeuaa} & SBM ay UdYM ‘SiAAE|d Bt} JO SeWeU 94) Psa] PUB PRE] PINOM ay SUBS} 94} jO sueAejd eu) pue seb 2u} paipnis ay ‘sweb yore aiojag ‘seBenbue| ysi|Sug pue uel|e} “Uy jueds 'youal4 eam AOU ‘Piel au} uo sebenbur| p ul a}eolUNWWOD PINCD es18}e4 SIUL “PEEL Ul SO!WOU0DE UI salbep 2 WIM payenpes6 pue euBojog jo Ayisianiuy eu) PEPUEHE BUIIIOD “O96 Ul Aenigas EL uo (Aje})) BUBOJOg Ul WIG SEM BUI||OD IGINjeig “SEWN XIS BBA OU} JO 222)9Y 1889, p S\4l4 PEweU SEM 9} ‘IJEq}00} JO. Auosty ay} Ul 8/8J24 Jseq SU} S! BUIN|OD 16in|seig 2. Find the false answer, according to the passage. What positions does Pierluigi Collina hold now? A) He is a Chairman of the FIFA referees committee 4 B) He is a member of the UEFA Referees Committee fl C) He is the Head of Referees for the Football Federation of Ukraine since 2010 D) He is a centre-back of a local team. €) He Is an unpaid consultant to the Italian Football Referees Association (AIA). 3. According to the passage, which language Pierluigi Collina can't speak? A) English B) Italian C) French D) German E) Spanish 4. According to the passage, what is false about Pierluigi Collina? A) He didn't graduate a university B) He speaks french language C) He played as a centre-back when he was young D) He has a degree in economics E) He took a referee's course in 1977 5. According to the passage the underlined pronoun “they” refers to... 6. Complete the sentence by using (a) different word(s) and structure according to the passage: Before each game ... 7. Which word from the passage has the following definition: to complete an academic degree 8. Write an answer to the question by using (a) different word(s) and sentence structure according to the passage: How did Pierluigi Collina discover talent in his job? »,20e)d,, psom By} Sequosep yey) aBessed 34} Woy anlje[pe UO B14 “9 pure Ajpeqo|6 48a yseBuo] e42 S! JeA}y SIIN SUL ‘aBessed ayy 0} Bulpsooor souayUes el} BJa/dWOD "S £1AB3 ul ajdoad ey} diay @|IN 84} seop MoH ‘aBessed oy} 0} Buipi099e ualysenb 34} 0} JOMSUB 3991109 BY} SIUM “p ; ysed pue Alojsiy ajqipesoul (5 5 sjewiue pue spasep oY (q : xulydg ou} pue spiwesAd queue (9 ; ABo|OUYDe} PUe SUONBAOUUT OyUBIOS (g 3 ajdoad ayjod pue ejqeyidsoy (y a ++» gyi soy snowy Ss} 30453 . -aBessed oy} 0} Bulps099e aduayuas oy} eyajdwog qd AB3 u! ujojo Aneay pure YOIU) JEaM uayo adoed (3 6 Aujunoo ayy 40 18 6U} 0} S] BAS PeH SUL (A v poLyy jo Wed Uie}SeayHOU 4} U! S| 1463 (9 = Aup pure joy Ajjensn s! 1dABq ul sayyeem eu! (G SJBUIPUB] OSEU} ISIA SISUNOY Auew (vo | zaBbessed 043 0} Bulps099e asies S! qUaWA}EYS YOIUM “S 's “ ydA63 Jo SeujUNOD 48p10g © pliom a4) Ul J8AL ysabuo} eur (a | ‘Auoysiy uo} & yA AUN tw ynoge Ajusewu s} eBessed oul *L hha 1. Choose the sentence with the noun in the | Possessive case. A) Three day's visit to Italy was great. 8B) Our friend’s cut all the flowers in his garden yesterday. ©) Yesterday's news made me upset. D) Jane has been at this hospitals’ two times. E) She's reading a new book at the library right now. 2. Choose the correct pronouns. The red dress is... but the blue one is. A) you, she ©) your, mine E) mine, his B) mine, her D) yourselt, hers 3. Choose the correct variant. Jack, I've never met... as intelligent as you are. A) anybody C) somebody E) nobody B) everything D) anything 4. Choose the correct variant, Polly can't understand how her friend plays the guitar so... A) good ©) worse E) worst B) badly D) goodly 5. Choose the correct variant. The city... Ann lives has lots of parks and shopping malls. A) whose ©) when E) who 8) which D) where — 6. Choose the correct variant. We hardly play tennis in such bad weather. A) had we? 0) do we? — §)did we? B) don't we? D) have we? 7. Choose the correct variant. |... songs since the age of four. A) sang ©) sing £) was singing B) am singing D) have sung 8. Choose the correct variant. There're... cakes on the menu, we should find a different place and order... | A)some/ any C)no/some E)none/it B) any / none D) any / them pe 9. Choose the correct variant. In my childhood | alvays... chess with my grandfather. A) played B) was playing ©) play D) have play ©) had play 10. Choose the correct variant. ‘Teenagers {oday like reading news on the internet so newspapers aren't... anymore, A)as popular than 8) as popular as ©) more popular as D) popular E) as popular that In the US, all schools... during the past 10 years. the newest equipment. A) build / had B) built / have got ©) build /have got _D) were build / to have qot E) were bullt / was having 12. Choose the correct variant. If you are... in buying my new book, please let me know as soon as possible, A) concerned B) pleased ©) sure D) interested 5) afraid 13. Find the synonym of the underlined word. The roads should be repaired gradually, A) regullarly B) at once ©) lately D) rapidly &) currently 14, Choose the correct variant. “Are there any cookies left?” “Very... you'd better hurry up if you want one!” Aya few B) little ©) few D) alittle E)much 11. Choose the correct variant. ; 15. Choose the correct modal verbs. Everybody... love his or her parents and... be ready to help them A) must/ought 8) must/must ©) had to/can D) have to/has to. E) had to/ought 46. Choose the correct variant. 1... you a salad as soon as | ... home. A) will make / am getting B) was making / will be getting ©) have made / will get D) will make / get E) will make / got sewseqyorig (4 spoyjow Bunseney (q sausequesg (9 soluaqmedys (g sauagen|g (v gjnoge Ajujew abessed oy) Ss! JeYM “BPRUED PUP YN) EY} U! JOUUIP SBLUISUYO PUR BdVJeLUy YON Ul 49 BuiniGsyUeUL YIM USIP Epis B JO JUSLIPUOD B SB PaAses Ajuowwwoo | eones Ausequesy “eones Auequeso eye 0} puke sulo|pew U! pesn ee SeLueqUeo shepemon sequierdes uMmolb ese SauJeqUues ul paysansey ue Seleg ey] “asNyeU Uy!M UO! e1ad009 “ulsuoosi pue Aasiaf MEN JO Se}e}S 94} U! douo jueyodu! ue ose si Aueq a4) POD adeo uo umoi6 aie Aepo} Sf 2u} Ul uaTee SOLJEQUEIO BU} JO JJBY UBL) BOW "UBIO B JO yoau pue pray 4} paiquiasai Ways PUP WOssolq eH1UM at asnegeg ,'Sauieq eues9, Saluieg eu} paleo Sia}jes Aes BY, ssueipul ayy Aq SUB! 24} 0} paonpoxut Ajeaqoeye gam Kau} ‘saueques ynoqe PSwWwOju! e1em a|doed pue/6uz u) yBnoyyy “e2In{ pue poo} Se |J]eM Se S8Ap pue aUlD|PEU! JO} se1seq au} pesn AeuL ‘AsJ@QUEIO A} JO uonesedaid pue Buysansey ay} Ul PSWJOJUI- OM Apeasje 28m yUeUUOo ayy jo squeyqeyu! uedveWY SAIEN Su} ‘!os URQUSWiy YON uo 100} au} e1ojeg ‘ySBO9 ISE3 Out 6uoje yes sugedoin3 omni ues moi Kau) eovewy Ul punoi6 jam ul Moll quel) 6 Aus ‘Selueq pau ‘puNos e1e SoU ZumoiB seliequeso ore Mo} aBessed ey} 0} Bulpsoooe osnjonss eoueques pue (s)piom yuasayip (e) Buisn Aq uosenb oy} 0} Jemsue Ue O14) “8 ,Pue| JO SSB agneoaq saliieq aueso se paljeo alam salaq pueyslojeg :eBessed 9y} 02 Buipioo9e aanyonajs pue (s) prom uasayip (e) Bulsn Aq eouajyuas 94} 933; WOD “9 ~-o saaje. Ady), unoUosd poulLepun ay} aBessed ayy 0} Bulpsoooy “Ss 38809 JSEM-UON (3 yseog yse3 (G yse09 1seM (O yseo9 yinos (g 3SE09 WON (v ~moaB sayequeso op eoewy jo aoe)d yorym ul ‘abessed oy} 0} Bulpsoo0y *p “SUP sxe Oo] pasn alam ABUL (3 “euloipew se pasn siem Ady (GQ poo} se pasn asam Aay| (0 “saAp se pasn aiam Ady! (@ “SeMO|y Se pasn asm ABU! 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