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Grade 5 Islamiyat

Multiple choice questions. (15 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.The migration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from Mecca to Medina is known as:
a) Hijrah
b) Aqaba
c) Shahada
d) Hajj

2.Who were the key parties involved in the signing of the Charter of Medina?
a) Meccans and Medinans
b) Muslims and Jews
c) Persians and Arabs
d) Romans and Abyssinians
Purpose of Hijrah:

3.What was the primary reason for the migration (Hijrah) to Medina?
a) Escape from persecution
b) Economic opportunities
c) Pilgrimage
d) Religious festivals

4.The Pledges of Aqaba involved representatives from which major tribe?

a) Banu Hashim
b) Banu Quraysh
c) Banu Aws
d) Banu Khazraj
Charter of Medina:

5.The Charter of Medina is considered one of the earliest:

a) Treaties of diplomacy
b) Constitutions
c) Declarations of war
d) Religious scriptures

6.The Charter of Medina included provisions for the rights and duties of:
a) Muslims only
b) Jews and Muslims
c) Christians and Muslims
d) Meccans and Medinans

7.How did the Hijrah affect the Muslim community in terms of unity and strength?
a) It weakened the community
b) It had no impact
c) It strengthened the community
d) It led to divisions

8.Which pledge during the Second Pledge of Aqaba included women?

a) First Pledge
b) Second Pledge
c) Third Pledge
d) Fourth Pledge

9.The Charter of Medina included provisions for the protection of the rights of the:
a) Muslims
b) Christians
c) Jews
d) Polytheists
Hijrah Destination:

10.In which city did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) arrive after the migration (Hijrah)?
a) Mecca
b) Jerusalem
c) Medina
d) Damascus

11.How many pledges were made at Aqaba in total?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

12. What was the original name of the city to which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) migrated?
a) Yathrib
b) Mecca
c) Damascus
d) Ta'if

13. The Pledges of Aqaba were instrumental in building support for the Muslim community in:
a) Mecca
b) (Medina)
c) Ta'if
d) Damascus

14.Who led the Muslims in the Pledges of Aqaba?

a) Abu Bakr (RA)
b) Umar ibn al-Khattab (RA)
c) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
d) Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)

15.During the Pledges of Aqaba, the participants pledged allegiance to:

a) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the Messenger of Allah
b) The leaders of Mecca
c) The leaders of Yathrib (Medina)
d) The Kaaba in Mecca

Short questions (15 marks)

1.When and where did the first pledge of Aqaba take place?





2.How many people were present during the first pledge?






3.Which is said to be the first ever built mosque in Islam, for how many days did Prophet Muham-
mad stayed in that mosque?





4.Who offered to donate half of his wealth to the Muhajireen?






5.Who were Muhajireen?






6.Why were the Quraish not able to see the Prophet in the cave of Saur?





7.Who was Asma Bint e Abu Bakar?






8.What do you mean by migration?






Long questions (20 marks)

Each question carries 5 marks
1.Describe any 4 key elements of the Charter of Medina.










2.Discuss any 4 outcomes/ effects for the Muslim community resulting from the Pledges of Aqaba.










3.Discuss any 5 conditions of the pledges of Aqaba.










4.Explain the incident of Migration to Medina?











Grade 7 history

Multiple choice questions. (10 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.Which technological innovation played a crucial role in powering machinery and revolutionizing
transportation during the Industrial Revolution?
a) Printing press
b) Spinning jenny
c) Telegraph
d) Steam engine

2.The Enlightenment emphasized:

a) Absolute monarchy
b) Superstition and tradition
c) Reason, science, and individual rights
d) Military conquests

3.The French Revolution occurred during which period?

a) Age of Enlightenment
b) Age of Revolt
c) Nationalist era
d) Ottoman Decline

4.What social changes occurred in Britain as a result of industrialization?

a) Increased reliance on agriculture
b) Decline of urban centers
c) Emergence of a factory-based workforce
d) Preservation of traditional craftsmanship

5.Which technological advancement transformed the textile industry during the Industrial Revolu-
a) Telegraph
b) Power loom
c) Spinning jenny
d) Printing press

6.Nationalism in Europe during this period was characterized by:

a) Emphasis on absolute monarchy
b) Desire for self-determination and shared identity
c) Opposition to technological progress
d) Isolationist policies

7.The Ottoman Empire experienced a decline due to:

a) Economic prosperity
b) Internal stability
c) Geopolitical pressures and internal strife
d) Technological advancements

8.What philosophical movement laid the groundwork for the Industrial Revolution by promoting
reason and scientific inquiry?
a) Romanticism
b) Realism
c) Enlightenment
d) Impressionism

9.What role did the steam engine play in the Industrial Revolution?
a) Powering factories
b) Revolutionizing agriculture
c) Enhancing communication
d) Enabling faster horse-drawn carriages

10.The concept of "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" is closely associated with which historical event?
a) The Industrial Revolution
b) The Enlightenment
c) The French Revolution
d) The Age of Exploration

Section B: Short Answer Questions (15 marks)

Instructions: Answer each question concisely. Each question carries 3 marks.

1.Explain how steam engine fueled the Industrial Revolution.








2.Discuss the social changes in Britain resulting from industrialization.








3.How did Enlightenment ideas contribute to the mindset that fueled the Industrial Revolution?







4.Briefly outline the main causes and consequences of the French Revolution.







Section C: Definitions
Briefly define the following terms:( Each question carries 2 marks)












Cottage industry











Long questions

1.Draw a comparison between the traditional way of thinking and 18th century enlightenment ideas.
(5 marks)















2.’Liberty, equality, fraternity’, explain what do these term mean with regard to the French Revolu-
tion. (5 marks)
















3.Explain how globalisation, and westernisation effected the rule of the Ottomans.(3 marks)



















Multiple choice questions. (12 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.What percentage of the Earth's water is freshwater available for human use?
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%

2.The largest source of freshwater on Earth is found in:

a) Glaciers and ice caps
b) Lakes
c) Underground aquifers
d) Rivers

3.Which process involves the conversion of water vapor into liquid water?
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Precipitation
d) Transpiration

4.What is the term for the process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere?
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Transpiration
d) Precipitation

5.In the water cycle, what is the term for the movement of water from the atmosphere to the Earth's
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Transpiration
d) Precipitation

6.Which of the following is a form of precipitation?

a) Dew
b) Frost
c) Hail
d) All of the above

7.What is the process by which water seeps into the ground and becomes part of the ground-
a) Infiltration
b) Runoff
c) Percolation
d) Erosion

8.What is the term for the collective movement of water within the Earth's atmosphere?
a) Hydrological cycle
b) Atmospheric circulation
c) Hydrosphere
d) Water vapor transport

9.Which body of water is a direct result of melting ice and snow, contributing to the water cycle?
a) Lake
b) River
c) Glacier
d) Ocean

10.Which of the following is a form of precipitation?

a) Dew
b) Frost
c) Hail
d) All of the above

11.What is the process by which water seeps into the ground and becomes part of the
a) Infiltration
b) Runoff
c) Percolation
d) Erosion

12.What role do clouds play in the water cycle?

a) They absorb water vapor
b) They release water vapor
c) They transport water vapor
d) They store water vapor

Section B: Short Answer Questions (18 marks)

Instructions: Answer each question concisely. Each question carries 3 marks.
1.Explain the process of condensation in the water cycle and provide an example.








2.Describe the role of plants in the water cycle, emphasizing the process of transpiration.








3.What is runoff, and how does it contribute to the movement of water in the water cycle?







4.Discuss the significance of infiltration in the context of the water cycle.









5.Explain how human activities, such as deforestation or urbanization, can impact the water cycle.








6.Define desalination. How is the process helpful in maintaining water balance in the world.







Long questions 15 marks

Each question carries 5 marks

1.Explain the reasons for rising demand for water

















2.Explain in detail the hydrological cycle for maintaining water balance in the world.















3. Write down any 5 major uses of fresh water in our daily life















Match with the correct definition:(5 marks)

Grade 5 social studies

Multiple choice questions. (10 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.The world’s smallest and shallowest ocean is
a. Pacific ocean
b. Arctic Ocean
c. Atlantic ocean
d. Antarctic ocean

2.The number of continents in the world is

a. 7
b. 9
c. 10
d. 11

3.The World’s deepest ocean is

Pacific ocean
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic ocean
Antarctic ocean

4.World’s largest continent is

South America

5.What does a country engage in when it brings in goods or services from another country?
a) Export
b) Import
c) Domestic trade
d) Internal trade
Goods and Services:

6.Which of the following represents tangible items that can be touched or held?
a) Services
b) Goods
c) Export
d) Import

7.Which type of tax is based on a person's income

a) Sales tax
b) Property tax
c) Income tax
d) Excise tax

8.The Equator is an imaginary line that is located at:

a) 0 degrees latitude
b) 0 degrees longitude
c) 90 degrees latitude
d) 180 degrees longitude

9.The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each roughly equivalent to:
a) 10 degrees of longitude
b) 15 degrees of longitude
c) 30 degrees of longitude
d) 45 degrees of longitude

10.How many degrees of longitude does the Earth rotate in one hour, leading to the concept of time
a) 10 degrees
b) 15 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 45 degrees

Section B: Short Answer Questions (19 marks)

Instructions: Answer each question concisely.

1.Write the following characteristics of people living in the following landforms(6 marks)
Plains,Desert, Mountains
Source of income:
Food habits:















2.What is the relation of exports and imports to economy?(3 marks)
















3.Define the following terms

(Each term carries 2 marks)









4.Write the names of the 7 continents of the world( 2 marks)







5.Why is scale used in a map? (2 marks)




Calculate the time difference with the following degrees (each carries 3 marks)








Match with the correct currency (5 marks)

BOLTS identification (6 marks)

Locating an item on the grid (10 marks)
Grade 4 islamiyat
Multiple choice questions. (16 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.The first migration to Abyssinia took place in the ____________ year of Prophet Muhammad's
(PBUH) mission.
a) Fifth
b) Seventh
c) Tenth
d) Twelfth

2.In the Year of Sorrow, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced the loss of his beloved wife
a) Aisha (RA)
b) Khadijah (RA)
c) Fatimah (RA)
d) Sauda (RA)
3.The Banu Hashim were boycotted in the Shi'b Abi Talib for ____________ years.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Five

4.In the Year of Sorrow, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced the death of his uncle ____________.
a) Abu Talib (RA)
b) Hamza (RA)
c) Abbas (RA)
d) Zubair (RA)

5.Ramadan is the month in which the first verses of the Quran were revealed at the Cave of
a) Hira
b) Thawr
c) Uhud
d) Safa

6.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution in
a) Medina
b) Mecca
c) Jerusalem
d) Damascus

7.Muslims fast during the month of ___________ as one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
a) Rajab
b) Ramadan
c) Dhul-Hijjah
d) Muharram

8.The celebration that marks the end of Ramadan is called ___________.

a) Eid ul-Fitr
b) Eid ul-Adha
c) Milad-un-Nabi
d) Laylat al-Qadr

9.The Quran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed during the month of ___________.
a) Muharram
b) Rajab
c) Ramadan
d) Shawwal

10.Najashi is a title referring to the ruler of ___________.

a) Abyssinia
b) Mecca
c) Medina
d) Yemen
11.How did Najashi react upon hearing the Muslims' case in Abyssinia?
a) He rejected their plea and ordered their return to Mecca.
b) He was indifferent and did not offer any help.
c) He welcomed them and granted them protection.
d) He ordered their arrest and deportation.

12.Najashi decided to protect the Muslims and allowed them to ___________.

a) Settle in Abyssinia permanently
b) Return to Mecca
c) Practice their religion freely
d) Join the Abyssinian army

13.When the Muslims arrived in Abyssinia and were presented to Najashi, who spoke on behalf of
the Muslim community?
a) Abu Bakr (RA)
b) Khadijah (RA)
c) Jafar ibn Abi Talib (RA)
d) Uthman ibn Affan (RA)

14.During the presentation to Najashi, Jafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) recited verses from the Quran, high-
lighting the story of ___________.
a) Prophet Musa (Moses)
b) Prophet Isa (Jesus)
c) Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
d) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

15.Jafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) eloquently explained the reasons for seeking asylum, emphasizing the
Muslims' commitment to ___________.
a) Political power
b) Religious freedom
c) Economic prosperity
d) Cultural assimilation

16.How did the people of Makkah, who were sent to bring back the Muslims, react to Najashi's de-
a) They accepted Najashi's decision peacefully.
b) They were angered and demanded immediate return of the muslims
c) They embraced Islam and joined the Muslims.
d) They left Abyssinia and returned to Mecca.
Najashi's Respect for the Quran

Section B: Short Answer Questions (18 marks)

Instructions: Answer each question concisely.

1.Why is the year of sorrow called, the year of sorrow?




2.What do you call fasting in Arabic?




3.What do you call year of sorrow in Arabic?





4.Who was leading the convoy of migration to Abyssinia?





5.Who was Najashi?





6.Which verses of the Quran were recited in the court of Najashi?





7.What do you mean by migration?




8.How did the people of Makkah boycott the muslims?





9.Who did not go to the valley of Abu Talib with the muslims?




10.Write any 3 effects of keeping fasts? (3 marks)









Fill in the blanks (10 marks)

1.The first migration to Abyssinia took place due to the increasing persecution faced by Muslims in

2.During the Year of Sorrow, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced the loss of his beloved wife
___________ and his uncle ___________.

3.The Boycott of Banu Hashim, lasted for ___________ years.

4.Muslims fast during the month of ___________ as a fundamental practice and one of the Five Pil-
lars of Islam.

5.The meal to break the fast during Ramadan is known as ___________.

6.The Muslims sought refuge in Abyssinia, presenting their case to the ruler known as
___________, who granted them protection.

7.The meal before sunrise during the month of fasting is called ___________.

8.The first migration to Abyssinia was led by Prophet Muhammad's close companion,

9.The Boycott of Banu Hashim resulted in the Muslims seeking refuge in a valley called

True/false 3 marks

Circle the correct options.

True or False: In the Year of Sorrow, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced the loss of his wife Aisha
and his uncle Hamza.

True or False: The Boycott of Banu Hashim lasted for three years and involved both economic and
social isolation of the Muslims.

True or False: Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and serves as
a means of developing physical strength.

Grade 4(social studies)

Short questions (10 marks)
What are longitudes?




What is 0 degree latitude called?





What do you mean by geography?





Who are producers?





What do you mean by Imports?





Part B: (10 marks)

List any 4 imports and exports of Pakistan (4 marks)








List names of any 4 services that you avail? (2 marks)





Name 4 fruit crops of Pakistan?( 4 marks)









Fill in the blanks (8 marks)

1.There are ___________ continents on Earth.
2.The largest continent is ___________.
3.The smallest continent is ___________.
4.The world's largest ocean is the ___________ Ocean.
5.The ___________ Ocean is the smallest of the world's oceans
6.The Pacific Ocean is the ___________ ocean on Earth.
7.Bermuda Triangle is in the —————- ocean.
8.There are ___________ oceans on Earth.

Multiple choice questions. (13 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.What season is known for the cultivation of Rabi crops?

a) Summer
b) Winter
c) Monsoon
d) Spring

2.Which of the following is a Rabi crop?

a) Rice
b) Wheat
c) Sugarcane
d) Cotton
3.Kharif crops are sown during which season?
a) Winter
b) Summer
c) Monsoon
d) Autumn

4.Which of the following is a Kharif crop?

a) Mustard
b) Barley
c) Maize
d) Chickpea

5.Lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole are called ___________.
a) Latitudes
b) Longitudes
c) Equator
d) Prime Meridian

6.The Prime Meridian is located at ___________ degrees longitude.

a) 0
b) 90
c) 180
d) 360

7.What term is used for goods or services brought into a country?

a) Imports
b) Exports
c) Domestic
d) Local

8.When a country sells goods or services to another country, it is known as ___________.

a) Imports
b) Exports
c) Trade deficit
d) Domestic consumption

9.A payment to the government is called ___________.

a) Profit
b) Tax
c) Salary
d) Bonus

10.Which of the following is an example of a service?

a) Car
b) Haircut
c) Television
d) Book

11.Producers are individuals or businesses that ___________ goods and services.

a) Consume
b) Import
c) Produce
d) Export

12.Consumers are individuals or businesses that ___________ goods and services.

a) Consume
b) Produce
c) Import
d) Export

13.Which fruit is known as the "King of Fruits" in Pakistan?

a) Mango
b) Apple
c) Banana
d) Grapes

Match the

Write di-

Grade 6 (history)
Multiple choice questions. (20 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.Who was the founder of the Umayyad Caliphate?

a) Prophet Muhammad
b) Abu Bakr
c) Umar ibn al-Khattab
d) Muawiya

2.Which city served as the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate?

a) Medina
b) Jerusalem
c) Damascus
d) Mecca

3.Who established the Abbasid Caliphate, succeeding the Umayyads?

a) Ali
b) Muawiya
c) Abu Bakr
d) Abu al-Abbas

4.Which city became the new capital of the Abbasid Caliphate?

a) Medina
b) Jerusalem
c) Baghdad
d) Mecca

5.Who was the first person to accept Islam in the Indian subcontinent?
a) Muhammad bin Qasim
b) Mahmud of Ghazni
c) Muhammad bin Qasim
d) Hazrat Bilal

6.The Delhi Sultanate was established in the 13th century by:

a) Sher Shah Suri
b) Babur
c) Alauddin Khilji
d) Qutb-ud-din Aibak

7.After the conquest of Sindh, Muhammad bin Qasim proceeded to capture the region of:
a) Bengal
b) Punjab
c) Gujarat
d) Balochistan

8.After the conquest of Sindh, Muhammad bin Qasim appointed a governor to administer the re-
gion. Who was the appointed governor?
a) Hajjaj bin Yusuf
b) Al-Hajjaj bin Malik
c) Umar bin Abdul Aziz
d) Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik

9.Who established the city of Baghdad as the capital of the Abbasid

a) Prophet Muhammad
b) Umar ibn al-Khattab
c) Al-Mansur
d) Muawiya

10.Muhammad bin Qasim was appointed by Hajjaj bin Yusuf to lead the military expedition to:
a) Iraq
b) Spain
c) Sindh
d) Egypt

11.Muhammad bin Qasim is known for his adherence to a policy of:

a) Forced conversions
b) Religious tolerance
c) Cultural assimilation
d) Military aggression

12.After the conquest of Sindh, Muhammad bin Qasim proceeded to capture the region of:
a) Bengal
b) Punjab
c) Gujarat
d) Balochistan

13.What is the significance of Baghdad’s location for trade and cultural

a) It was a landlocked city with limited trade opportunities.
b) It was situated near the Mediterranean Sea, facilitating trade with
c) It was strategically located along major trade routes, connecting
Asia, Africa, and Europe.
d) It was isolated from other regions, making trade difficult.

14.What river flows through Baghdad, contributing to its historical

a) Nile River
b) Tigris River
c) Euphrates River
d) Jordan River

15.What was the old name of Lahore during the Mughal period?
a) Lahori
b) Mahmudabad
c) Shehriyar
d) Lavapuri

16.The lost city of Debal was an ancient port town located in present-day:
a) Iraq
b) Pakistan
c) Iran
d) Afghanistan

17.The founder of the Ghurid dynasty was:

a) Mahmud of Ghazni
b) Alauddin Ghazi
c) Muhammad Ghuri
d) Shahabuddin

18.The Ghurid dynasty played a significant role in the history of:

a) Persia
b) India
c) Afghanistan
d) Arabia

19.The Ghurid ruler who established his rule in Delhi after the conquest of Prithviraj Chauhan was:
a) Mahmud of Ghazni
b) Alauddin Ghazi
c) Muhammad Ghuri
d) Shahabuddin

20.The Ghurid dynasty originated in the region of:

a) Central Asia
b) South Asia
c) Middle East
d) North Africa

Short questions (22 marks)

1. Explain how Baghdad’s location along major trade routes contributed to its prosperity during
the Abbasid era.







2. What were some of the major challenges or conflicts faced by the Umayyad Caliphate during its







3.Who was the last ruler of the Umayyad’s, who was the first ruler of the Abbasids?







4.Why was Makah important in the spread of Islam?








5.Write a note on the people of sindh?








6.Why is Debal called the lost city?








7.What were the 4 major administrative steps were taken during the time of Muhammad Bin qasim?
(4 marks)














8.Who were Ghuris, from where did they enter the subcontinent?(mention the cities)







9.Who was qutubudin Aibek?








10.where did the muslims first settle when they came in the subcontinent?







True/false (8marks)
Circle the correct options

T/F: The Umayyad Caliphate established Baghdad as its capital city.

T/F: Baghdad’s strategic location along major trade routes contributed to its prosperity during the
Abbasid era.

T/F: Debal is often referred to as the lost city because it was an ancient port town located near
Karachi, and its exact location was lost over time due to geographical changes and shifting river

T/F: The Ghurids were a South Asian dynasty, and they entered the Indian subcontinent through the
Khyber Pass

T/F: Qutb-ud-din Aibak established the Mughal Dynasty in the Indian subcontinent.

T/F: Qutb-ud-din Aibak's rule as the Sultan of Delhi marked the beginning of the Gupta Empire.

T/F: The Tigris River played a significant role in the development of

the Umayyad Caliphate.

T/F: The Umayyad Caliphate is primarily associated with the city of Medina.

Grade 6( geography)
Multiple choice questions. (20 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.What is the Earth’s outermost layer called?

a) Mantle
b) Core
c) Crust
d) Lithosphere

2.What is the significance of plate tectonics in understanding Earth’s geology and natural pro-
a) It explains the formation of sedimentary rocks.
b) It helps predict weather patterns.
c) It provides insights into earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain
d) It is unrelated to the study of Earth’s structure.

3.What is the middle layer of the Earth, located between the crust and the core, known as?
a) Mantle
b) Lithosphere
c) Asthenosphere
d) Outer core

4.Which type of valley is often formed by the down-faulting of the Earth's crust?
a) Rift Valley
b) Glacial Valley
c) Hanging Valley
d) V-Shaped Valley

5.A U-shaped valley is primarily associated with:

a) River erosion
b) Glacier erosion
c) Wind erosion
d) Tectonic activity

6.Fold mountains are primarily formed by:

a) Tectonic plate collision
b) Volcanic activity
c) Erosion
d) Glacial movement

7.Which type of mountain is characterized by steep slopes and a pointed summit due to volcanic ac-
a) Dome Mountain
b) Volcanic Mountain
c) Block Mountain
d) Fold Mountain

8.Block mountains are formed due to:

a) Tectonic plate collision
b) Upward movement of the Earth's crust
c) Volcanic eruptions
d) Erosion by rivers

9.Which type of valley is formed by the melting of glaciers and often has a flat valley floor?
a) V-Shaped Valley
b) Hanging Valley
c) U-Shaped Valley
d) Alluvial Valley

10.Which province in Pakistan is primarily characterized by the Balochistan Plateau?

a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

11.Which major river flows along the edge of the Balochistan Plateau?
a) Indus River
b) sindh River
c) Chenab River
d) Ravi River

12.The Potohar Plateau is located in which province of Pakistan?

a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
13.Which city, the capital of Pakistan, is located on the Potohar Plateau?
a) Lahore
b) Islamabad
c) Karachi
d) Quetta

14.The Salt Range, a prominent feature of the Potohar Plateau, is named for its deposits of:
a) Gold
b) Rock Salt
c) Iron Ore
d) Petroleum

15.The Himalayas are an example of which type of mountain range?

a) Fold Mountains
b) Block Mountains
c) Volcanic Mountains
d) Dome Mountains

16.Which mountain type is characterized by large, tilted blocks of rock separated by steep faults?
a) Fold Mountain
b) Block Mountain
c) Volcanic Mountain
d) Dome Mountain

17.Block mountains are primarily formed by:

a) Tectonic plate collision
b) Upward movement of the Earth's crust
c) Volcanic eruptions
d) Erosion by rivers

18.Which of the following landforms is NOT typically associated with the process of erosion by
rivers in mountainous regions?
a) V-Shaped Valley
b) Hanging Valley
c) Cirque
d) Rift Valley

19.What is the approximate thickness of the Earth's crust?

a) 10 kilometers
b) 50 kilometers
c) 100 kilometers
d) 500 kilometers

20.Which layer of the Earth is composed of semi-fluid rock that flows over geological timescales?
a) Crust
b) Mantle
c) Outer Core
d) Inner Core

Short questions (18 marks)

1.How do V shaped valleys are formed?







2.Explain the formation of block mountains?







Define the following terms: (6 marks)







Tensional force





Fault lines/ Faults






Explain how compression and tensional forces come into act during the formation of block moun-












Between which two rivers is the Balochistan plateau located?






What are plateaus?






How are volcanic mountains formed?







True/ false ( 5 marks)

True/False: Volcanic mountains are primarily formed by the accumulation of lava and volcanic ma-

True/False: Fold mountains are characterized by large, tilted blocks of rock separated by steep

True/False: A U-shaped valley is associated with river erosion and is common in regions with
strong tectonic activity.

True/False: A rift valley is formed by the splitting or separating of tectonic plates.

True/False: The Salt Range is a prominent feature of the Balochistan Plateau and is named for its
significant deposits of rock salt.

1.Write the following characteristics of people living in the following landforms(7 marks)
Plains, Mountains, Deserts.
Source of income:
Food habits:

















Grade 6 (Islamiyat)
Multiple choice questions. (15 marks)

Circle the correct option.

1.When did the Battle of Badr take place?

a) 1 AH (After Hijra)
b) 2 AH
c) 3 AH
d) 4 AH

2.How many Muslims participated in the Battle of Badr?

a) 313
b) 500
c) 700
d) 1000
3.Who was the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) uncle and a key figure in the Battle of Badr?
a) Abu Bakr
b) Ali ibn Abi Talib
c) Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib
d) Umar ibn al-Khattab

4.Which angel assisted the Muslims in the Battle of Badr?

a) Angel Jibreel
b) Angel Israfil
c) Angel Mikail
d) Angel Ridwan

5.What did the Muslims achieve in the Battle of Badr?

a) Victory
b) Truce
c) Defeat
d) Withdrawal

6.How many archers did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) place on the hill during the Battle of Uhud?
a) 50
b) 100
c) 200
d) 300

7.Who was the leader of the Quraysh army in the Battle of Uhud?
a) Abu Lahab
b) Abu Sufyan
c) Abu Jahl
d) Abu Bakr

8.What mistake did some archers make during the Battle of Uhud?
a) They left their positions
b) They refused to fight
c) They attacked too early
d) They shot at the Prophet (PBUH)

9.In which Hijri year did the Battle of Uhud occur?

a) 2 AH
b) 3 AH
c) 4 AH
d) 5 AH

10.What was the result of the Battle of Uhud?

a) Victory for Muslims
b) Victory for Quraysh
c) Truce
d) Draw

11.Who was the first Muslim martyr in the Battle of Badr?

a) Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib
b) Mus'ab ibn Umair
c) Ali ibn Abi Talib
d) Umar ibn al-Khattab

12.Which mountain did the Prophet (PBUH) advise the archers to guard during the Battle of Uhud?
a) Mount Uhud
b) Mount Safa
c) Mount Hira
d) Mount Jabal al-Noor

13.What was the main reason behind the Battle of Badr?

a) Religious disputes
b) Economic reasons
c) Tribal conflicts
d) Self-defense

14.How many camels did the Quraysh bring to the Battle of Badr?
a) 700
b) 800
c) 900
d) 1000

15.How many camels did the Muslims have at the Battle of Badr?
a) 70
b) 80
c) 90
d) 100

Section B: True/False Statements (10 marks)

True/False: The Battle of Badr was the first major battle between the Muslims and the

True/False: The Battle of Uhud took place in the 3rd year after the Hijra.

True/False: Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib was a key figure in both the Battle of Badr and the
Battle of Uhud.

True/False: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was injured in the Battle of Uhud.

True/False: The archers' mistake on the hill played a significant role in the outcome of the
Battle of Uhud.

True/False: The Battle of Badr resulted in a clear victory for the Muslims.

True/False: Abdullah ibn Ubayy, a hypocrite, played a positive role in the Battle of Badr.

True/False: The Muslims learned the importance of following the Prophet's (PBUH) instruc-
tions from the Battle of Uhud.

True/False: The Battle of Uhud had a lasting impact on the relationship between the Mus-
lims and the Quraysh.

True/False: The Battle of Badr was initially a caravan raid but turned into a full-scale battle.
Short questions (15 marks)

1.Name any 3 important figures associated with the Battle of Badr?(3 marks)









2.What were the 2 major reasons of the Battle of Badr?









3.What were the reasons for Battle of Uhud?








4.How many quraish were killed in the battle of Badr?









5.Who was the leader of the Quraysh army in the Battle of Badr?








6.What role did Abdullah ibn Ubayy play in the Battle of Uhud?









7.Why did the archers leave their assigned positions on the hill during the Battle of Uhud?









Long questions (10 marks)

Write down any 4 reasons, as to why muslims were successful in the Battle of Badr?(5 marks)
















Explain the reaons of failure of the muslims in the battle of Uhud?( 5 marks)















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