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Unit-4, Lesson-3
Kindness is good

I: Memorize the Hadith with translation:

‫ "إن الرفق ال يكون في شئ إال‬:‫رضي الله عنها أن النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم قال‬-‫وعن عائشة‬
.))‫ وال ينزع من شئ إال شانه" ((رواه مسلم‬،‫زانه‬
Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrates:
The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Whenever Kindness is added to something, it adorns it; and
whenever it is withdrawn from something, it leaves it defective." (Reported by Muslim)

II : Memorize Word meanings Vice Versa :

1) ‫ = الرفق‬Kindness

2) ‫ = شئ‬Thing
3) ‫ = زانه‬Adorned
4) ‫ = ال ينزع‬Not with drawn
5) ‫ = شانه‬Defected
III : Questions and Answers:

1. What is kindness?
Ans: Kindness is tenderness of speech and behavior, benevolence to people by
compliance with their mentality and emotions, releasing all of their hurdles and to
show a complete softness and to treat them very gentle in a good manner is called

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2. What is the concept of kindness in Islam?
Ans: Islam teaches us to be kind and to be tender in all our affairs to establish a
peaceful community, kindness is an aspect of a mercy and softness which is enjoined
by Islam, it shows a positive effect of strengthens towards peace, happiness and
3. Mention the types of kindness?
Ans: Kindness has several types which are instructed by Holy Qur’an and Hadith, and
they are: a) Kindness towards family, b) Kindness towards those who serve us, c)
Kindness in dealing with the people etc..,

4. Mention any one Hadith which is related to Kindness?

Ans: Almighty Allah (S.W.T.) is gentle and He loves kindness in all activities, this
Hadith is narrated by Al – Bukhari and Muslim.

5. Explain the benefits of Kindness?

Ans: Benefits of Kindness are: a) Rewards from Almighty Allah, b) Love of Allah, c)
Love from the people, d) It built the positive community, e) It shows that you follow
the path of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and f) and a very great thing is, success in this
world and on the Day of Judgment.

6. How to deal with unkind people?

Ans: These are some of the aspects to follow: they are: a) Deal the evil activity in a
good manner, b) Be patient always, c) Make dua’a for them, d) Gently advise them, e)
Be soft and don’t be angry, f) Control your tongue, and g) Don’t judge them etc..,

IV . Fill the suitable sentence in the blanks given below:

a) How did Mu’awiya bin Al – Hakam As – Sulami (R.A) act when one of the
worshippers sneezed during prayer? He said: May Allah grant you mercy
b) Compare the behavior of Prophet (PBUH) with that the people toward Muwaviya Bin Al
– Hakam As – Sulami (R) The Prophet (pbuh) told him very nicely so that let him
understand while others didn’t.
c) What is the moral attribute of prophet (pbuh) while teaching people the principles of
Islam? Kindness and Mercy.
d) What is the effect of the Prophet’s (pbuh) attitude on Mu’waviya bin Al – Hakam As –

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Sulami (R)? He accepted his advise happily.
e) How you treat with your parents especially in their old age period? I treat them
always with complete kindness, humbleness, I make du’aa for them, and never ever
hurt them.
V: Comment the following acts, explaining their effects on the relations among
i) He cares for his old father in his house and provides all his needs. Good deed, Allah
loves him.
ii) The Parents allocate time, for example, to sit with their children and read a useful
book. Good deed, and a strong relationship between them.
iii) He helps his younger brothers and sisters in their school home work. Good deed and
a very strong relation between them.
iv) He mistreated his brothers and sisters, so his father beat him very severely and
rebuked him. Bad deed, His lose his brothers and sisters love.
v) He is very much interested to meet his grand pa and grand ma and to sit with them.
Good deed, Allah will loves him.
VI: Mention the effects of Kindness towards family, individuals and society:

On Family and Individuals On Society

Gain Allah’s Love and happiness Social Cohesion

Will enter into the grand Paradise Positive Social Community Progress

Love and respect from the entire Happiness

family, parents and from the people
Becomes closer to family and Positive and Effective bond will appear
among all.

VII: Observe the following Hadith and answer in short the questions given below:
Prophet (pbuh) said: “Your servants are your brothers, whom Allah has put under your
authority, so whoever has his brother under his authority should feed him from what he eats

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and wear clothes do not charge them too much work that will be too much for them, and
always assist them” (Al – Bukhari).

A) What word Prophet (pbuh) used for servants?

Ans: Brothers
B) Who are our servants?
Ans: Indeed they are our brothers and Allah has put them under our authority
C) How we have to treat them in the light of Hadith?
Ans: As Prophet (pbuh) said they are our brothers, Allah has put them under our
authority; it’s our responsibility to take care of them.
VIII : Name a few organizations in the UAE that help the needy people around the
There are many charitable organizations in UAE which helps needy people, I am
mentioning some of them and they are:
1. Emirates Charity portal, Dubai
2. Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation, Abu Dhabi
3. Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation, Abu
4. Emirates Red Crescent Authority, Abu Dhabi
5. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's foundations, Dubai
IX : Compare and fill the blanks given below:

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Generous Intended to hurt, damage
or to kill

Verbal, physical violence etc..,

Be kind to all

The whole principles of Allah It’s against to Islam because sharia

teaches kindness and generosity teaches peace and kindness

It spreads peace and positive It spread fear, dis-respect, and

community wars

X: Write ‘Yes’ on right option and write ‘No’ on wrong option in the brackets given
1. Violence destroys the society (yes)
2. Kindness shows softness, humbleness and love (yes)
3. Islam never teaches violence (yes)
4. I will beat my classmates in the classroom (No)
5. I will never spread kindness among all (No)
XI : Indicate the correct one given below:

√ Act of violence

√ Act of Kindness

√ Act of Kindness

√ Act of Kindness

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