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When you onboard a client as an SMM, you’ll have to audit your
clients’ Social Media platforms and optimize them in order to
make their handles do better. In this chapter, we’ll discuss You-

In-app users and visitors from search engines can both find your
client’s business channel on YouTube thanks to YouTube optimiza-
tion. YouTube is the second-largest search engine after Google,
therefore improving your clients’ video presence will also improve
their SERP rankings.

Let’s look into every single element that makes for a
good YouTube channel:

• First things first. Your client obviously must have a YouTube channel
and if they don’t then you must create one. You’ll have to use a
Gmail account to log in to the YouTube account where you can
create the channel. You can do so by clicking on the ‘menu’ option
and you’ll see an option to create a channel.
• Think of a unique name for the YouTube channel. YouTube allows
two channels to have the same name and co-exist at the same time
and so it becomes all the more important to have a unique name.
You can use a name generator to get started.
• You must next add a picture to your YouTube channel. So usually
pick a very clear and close-up image with not a lot of things going
on in the background. You could also add a solid colour to the
background. To do that, you can use to
remove any background clutter from your pictures and add a solid
colour using any tool like Canva.
• The next thing you need to do is create a channel art for your cli-
ents’ channel. It is basically the top banner that you see on any
channel and acts as an introduction to the channel as it shows up
really big on the header of the channel. You must add your clients’
pictures as it is very inviting and also add the channel name. Anoth-
er thing you can mention is the frequency at which videos are
posted on the channel or add a CTA asking users to subscribe. You
can create the channel art on Canva!

• The next thing you must focus on is updating the ‘about’ section of
the channel. Some subscribers and more importantly, brands check
this section. It should have all of the relevant information - informa-
tion about the channel and the business email address.
• Add links to other socials to the YouTube channel. The links are usu-
ally clickable and automatically appear on the channel art.
• Create a quick 1-minute channel trailer for people to get an idea of
what the channel is all about. Most people do not do it but this fea-
ture is pure gold if used rightly.
• Ensure that everything is unique and in line with the client’s needs.


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